Summer of Sex with Cowboy

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Mar 4, 2022



Chapter 43

By Donny Mumford

With my heart in my throat and my balls shrinking to marbles, I go up the boardwalk ramp and head for the locker rooms. It makes no fucking sense that I'm feeling nervously intimidated by Jon, but I am just the same. He dominates the shit out of me. Thinking about him giving me that pussy boy haircut makes me rub back against my short hair. Huh, it's already lost the bristly feel it had when Jon cut it over a week ago, but damn, it was so dominant of him to do that. I felt like a submissive child. Yes, I know... that's 'effing weird, but there it is!

The lure of feeling that intense submissiveness again, the inexplicable sexiness of it, has me walking quickly to the locker room so as not to be late. Intellectually, I know my reaction to this encounter with Jon is insane as I'm the paying client, and, therefore, I should feel at least partially in charge of the situation. But, no, Jon's a well-trained pussy boy, and he knows how to dominate the likes of me.

At the locker room's front entrance, my heart is beating like a drum, my hand reaching for the doorknob is sweaty, and I can't catch my breath. Opening the door, I see Jon talking with another pussy boy behind the counter. Jon looks up and sternly says, "Goddammit, wait outside as you were told!" I croak out, "Yes, Jon," and turn around immediately to do that. Gasping for breath, I go over to the beach-side railing and stand here feeling shaky. I don't remember him telling me to meet him outside.

Fidgety and feeling like I need to pee, I stare hard at the front door, my hand pressing against my crotch, my face hot from the humiliation of being talked to like that. And the smirking expression on that other pussy boy's face made it worse! Jon must have told him about me. With my head clearing a little, I think... huh, the other pussy boy had all the attributes that appeal to me. He's almost as short as Jon and cuter, just as slim and just as youthful-looking too. Hmm, I wonder if Jon finally has a recruit, and it's that kid?

Jon comes out the front door and motions for me to get over to him. Hurrying across the boardwalk, sidestepping people along the way, I get to Jon, and he grips the back of my neck tightly, then quickly walks me to the ramp, pushing me and saying, "I'm not supposed to be doing tricks on my lunch hour. Plus, obviously, I haven't been giving Richard, who's my main man, his percentage of my earnings. That pussy boy I was talking to, Derick Summers, would squeal on me in a second if he knew, so you almost blew it for me by going inside, dummy!" I'm like, "What's he doing here?" He says, "Not that it's any of your business, Richard is his main man. He hired him but had two other recruits, so he sent Derick to a buddy of his in Delaware. Now Derick's back as a mentor."

Going down the ramp, I mutter, "Sorry," and he snaps at me, "Where's your car?" I point to it in the parking lot and he pushes me to it, then lets go of my neck, saying more calmly, "That prick, Derick, was there to relieve me for lunch. When you came in, I had to make up a bullshit story that you're one of my roommates who's giving me a ride home." Again I mutter, "I'm sorry, Jon." He takes a deep breath, and much calmer now, goes, "Yeah, yeah, forget about it. Here's the deal for today. I've got a recruit who wants to experience what it's like doing this, so I'm only gonna charge you $200 for today because he's gonna be your pussy boy. Give him a blowjob, and you'll get a sub/dom fuck as well. It's a bargain for you." I'm like, "Um, what...?" Exasperated, he goes, "Or, we won't serve you today at all, and my recruit will go with me tonight to see what it's like. What's it gonna be?"

Oh, fuck, I'm all geeked up to get relief from my horniness. I go, "Um, is your recruit that guy you were with at the lockers?" He goes, "No! I just told you he's working the counter while I'm on my hour-and-a-half break." I mutter, "Oh. Ah, I'd rather pay the full price with a big tip to you, Jon. I've been looking forward to this ever since the last time you serviced me. You were so dominantly sexy hot. You know, the haircut and everything. You're the best; I wanna do the..." He slaps the back of my head, saying, "I don't care what you want, and I'm not impressed with your bogus compliments. This past week I've been lucking into some side business, and now I've even got a recruit, so I don't need you. I'm doing you a favor today because you're a previous client."

I'm like, "Well, Goddammit, will you personally service me tomorrow if I do this for you today?" He goes, "You're in no position to bargain, and I'm making no promises, but maybe I can fit you in tomorrow. Now, are you going to do this or not?" I shrug, then mutter, "Yes, Jon." He makes a face like, 'that's what I thought you'd say, then adds, "And we may need to use your apartment later." I'm shaky with horniness, especially being with John Scheyer again. And, what the hell... maybe this recruit of his will be as sexy as that guy, Derick, appeared to be.

Giving me a disgusted shake of his head, he mutters, "Do you have to be such a drama queen?" I go, "I wasn't, I was just..." but he cuts me off,

"That's enough! Just stand here for a second," and then he takes his cell phone out, hits a button, waits a few seconds, then says, "Yeah, Billy, we'll pick you up in five minutes." Turning to me, he says, "Get in the car. We're picking my recruit up." Well, even if this guy, Billie, isn't as sexy as Derick, I need relief from my horniness, and this is the quickest way to get it.

Driving out of the parking lot, feeling even more anxious now that we're on our way, I ask, "Um, that pussy boy you were talking to in the locker room, um, he seems awfully young." Jon mutters, "He's twenty, but looks younger than his age, like me. That's one of the reasons he's been a successful pussy boy." Nodding, I ask, "Where's he from?" Jon's texting, mumbling, "Not that it's any of your business, he just transferred here from Delaware. He's the most recent mentor promotion, and now he and I are sort of in competition for recruits. That's why I want to get Billie fully involved right away." Nodding, I go, "Oh, uh-huh."

Whatever... I'd like a turn with that Derick pussy boy. Hmm...

Jon gives me driving directions, and in five or six minutes, he says, "Pull over here and blow the horn." I pull over at a Dunkin' shop and hit the horn. A tall, husky guy walks out who appears to be about Jon's age. Billie's a cute name, but this guy isn't cute. He's kind of sexy, though... tough-looking with long hair and, um, he has mature looks. I suppose some would say he's good-looking, although he's not my type at all, and he's kind of scruffy from, probably, living on the street.

Jon tells him, "Get in the back." Nodding at me, he tells Billie, "The driver is our client for this afternoon." I nod at Billie, and he says to Jon, not me, "For real? Shit, look at this fucker's car! And, um, he looks like a male model." Jon says, "That's enough! Shut up!" Putting his phone away, Jon turns to look back at Billie, saying, "Listen up; after he sucks you off, you'll be getting the pussy boy haircut, the works... actually." The tough-looking guy doesn't sound tough. He has a high-pitched voice, mumbling, "I know, Jon. You da man." Jon turns to me, "I'll need to use your barber clippers."

I mutter, "Sure, okay, but where do you want me to drive now?" He hits my arm, "Drive to that broken-down garage we stopped at your first time with me." I'm like, "Not to your apartment?" He goes, "What the fuck did I just say?" Submissiveness flows over me deliciously as I grin to myself, then mumble, "Yes, Jon." He adds, "We might be able to use my place after you suck Billie off, but only if my roommate leaves for work on time, and that's iffy."

Pulling into the broken-down garage, Jon says, "Put the top up and then turn the car off." I do that, and he says, "Get completely undressed," then he looks back at Billie, saying, "You too, everything off." We get naked as Jon watches, then he says, "Everybody out of the car."

We scramble to get out; Billie and I as naked as the day we were born. Billie looks at me, mumbling, "Nice hot hairless body, dude." His body is covered with hair, ugh. I'm not used to that. Jon partially closes one of the broken garage doors, saying, "What can we do for you, Zach?" Huh? I look confused, so Jon says, "Pretend this is your first time with a pussy boy." Well, I'm not going to ask for the $25 make-out, not with this scruffy guy, so I stutter, "Um, ah, you know, um, I'd like a hard dominant fucking." He goes, "No! First, ask to blow your hired pussy boy."

I do that, and Jon says, "Okay, pretend you discuss how much it cost, then drop to your knees and suck him off." I glance at Billie's dick. It's a little bigger than John's meaning it's five-and-a-half inches long with a prominent rim at the bottom of the head, then the neck and shaft are much thinner. I get the shivers because it'll feel like a ribbed condom in my ass. Eww, though, his cock is surrounded by thick dark wiry-looking pubic hair. I go, "Ah, but Jon, he's not, ah, pussy-boy-ready. Ya know?"

Jon goes, "No shit. That's why I'm only charging you $200 for today." Billie holds his dick out, but I hesitate until Jon smacks my bare ass, "SMACK!" saying, "Do what you're told." Oh, boy, that intensified my gooey submissiveness, and I quickly got on my knees. Taking Billie's dick from his dirty fingernail fingers, I'm immediately noticing a strong smell of unwashed flesh. Yeah, just as I assumed earlier, he's probably been living on the street for a while.

I'm horny as a rabbit, though, so I lick his cock. He takes hold of my head, saying, "You can do better than that." What an asshole... I just started! I slide his smelly cock into my mouth on my tongue and do some licking, then close my eyes, so I no longer see his thick pubic bush, then suck on the neck below the head. I'm feeling that rim getting hard, and then I get my lips on the thinner neck and bob up and down, the ribbed area getting even harder and I'm again thinking how good that will feel in my ass.

Yeah, not bad. Then, I do many laps over the nice-sized head as I'm getting used to his rather raunchy aroma, and, finally, I'm able to let myself get really into blowing him. It's a man's cock, and I like sucking cock, so soon there's spit drooling down my chin as his cock grows longer and fatter, getting harder and harder. Billie moves his feet, grunting, "Jesus, umm, umm... aah!"

Keeping my eyes closed, I take his boned-up penis out and press it to his hairy belly, the kinky hairs feeling alien against my fingers as I'm doing long licks on his hairy scrotum, remembering back to my college days when no one had shaved pubes. By now, I'm in a delightful submissive trance, not a real deep one, but it'll do. It's like a trance I'd get from sucking and licking any random guy's cock and balls.

It goes on for quite a while, me totally enjoying it now, my cock like a rock against my belly. Billie's precum is drooling down my fingers and into his pubic hair feeling sticky against my forehead as I moan, "Mmm, mmm." Sensing he's ready to blow his load, I put just the hard cock head back in my mouth and suck on it. Ten seconds later, Billie goes, "Ahhh," and my mouth fills with creamy cum. I need to swallow this huge load of cum twice to get most of it down, but cum is also rolling down my chin and out both sides of my mouth. In a submissive trance, I try sucking out some cum droolings as he's pushing my head away, going, "Ahh, ahh, oh... um, fuck...."

Sitting back on my ankles on this dirt floor, cum and spit shiny on my chin, I lick around my mouth as Jon's explaining to Billie, "That was an okay generic blowjob, but there are training videos to teach you how to suck cock more imaginatively. I'll also need to teach you how to recognize ultra-submissives like this guy here, but it's equally important recognizing non-submissive guys who you'll need to deal with quite differently. When I'm done with your training, you'll be an expert at it." Billie's still going from foot to foot, mumbling, "Uh-huh," as he squeezes his cock.

Jon looks at me, saying, "Get up and clean that shit off your face." It's sexy-hot seeing Jon deeply into his dominant Napolian complex routine. Haha, it's kind of fun, so I mutter, "Yes, Jon." Getting up, I try staying in my submissive role. Mostly, though, I'm thinking how I must have been even hornier than I thought to get into sucking that scruffy guy's cock as enthusiastically as I did.

Jon tells Billie, "For Christ's sake, let go of your pecker!" Billie lets go of it, and Jon asks him, "How quick of a turnaround are you capable of. This is important." Billie looks proud, saying, "I'll be fully recharged in half an hour." Jon nods, "Good," then he looks at his cell phone, muttering, "No text from my roommate yet." He sees Billie and me still standing here, so he yells, "Get dressed! Jesus, do I need to tell you to breathe too?"

I smile at that and, as I put on my underpants, Jon's telling me, "We'll go to your apartment now and get that barber set I used on you. If my roommate has finally left, we'll go there and I'll groom Billie into a true pussy boy. Heh-heh, you know all about that, doncha?" I mutter, "Oh, yeah, it's awesome," and he goes, "Wait! Is there anybody at your apartment?" I shake my head and step into my sandals. He's like, "Good! So, why go to my apartment when we're at yours getting the barber shit?"

I shrug, "Ah, I don't know, Jon, you're in charge." He mumbles, "Ain't that lucky for you two numbnuts? Ah, you've still got that full container of MAN creme there, right?" It's disappointing that I'm not exactly sizzling with submission as I nod, "Yes, a full bottle." Even though I'm not into a really hot submissive sense, the unmitigated gall of Jon assuming he'll do his mentoring bullshit in my apartment still rattles my brain a little. I can't even imagine having the balls to be as obnoxiously dominant as he is.

Billie finishes getting dressed as Jon says to us, "You're both probably thinking we could have gone directly to the client's, in this case, Zach's apartment in the first place, but I wanted you, Billie, to experience a random location of the kind you'll be servicing clients at." Both Billie and I are nodding in agreement at Jon's every word, and he mutters, "Yeah, yeah, keep nodding your dick-heads!"

We get in the car with Jon muttering, "Christ, what a fucking day! Do either of you realize I'm working full time at the locker room, and on my lunch hour, I'm supervising a recruit who's servicing a pretend client while I train this clueless recruit, doing it all at the same time." Ignoring or not recognizing he's been insulted, Billie mutters, "How much did I earn letting this guy blow me?" Jon rolls his eyes and says, "Recruits don't ask questions, dumb-ass. Let's go, Zach!"

It's a twenty-minute drive to my apartment; Jon turned in his seat, mentoring Billie, telling him what is expected of him beginning tomorrow at five o'clock. It sounds simple enough, but I know from experience the training gets fucked up. They did revise a lot of the training manual as an offshoot of my action at the funhouse. The New York boss-guys began asking questions and changed training and funhouse procedures, not liking what they heard. It'd be interesting to know what changes they made due to little old me kidnapping Bruce under their noses.

Inside the apartment, Jon tells Billie, "Get completely naked," then to me, "Um, you get naked too because, well, just because I said to." I like that he remembers to do his dominant shit on me too. I mean, I'm paying for it, not Billie.

When I'm naked again, Jon tells me, "Get the barber clippers and a dustpan and brush. He'll need those things to clean up all the disgusting hair I'm gonna cut off his head and body." Billie says in his squeaky high voice, "Why can't he clean up? It's his apartment." Jon goes, "He's the client, ya dumb ass! What don't you understand about that?" Billie, obviously not too bright, goes, "Oh, yeah."

Rolling his eyes again, Jon points to a kitchen chair. Billie sits on it, and Jon uses the clipper with various size guides to cut off the eight-inch hair from Billie's head. Jon does it just as deliberately and quickly as he cut my hair. The finished haircut looks like mine did a week or so ago. Then it's fifteen more minutes of the clippers buzzing before Billie's body is free of hair, and he does look much better now.

Jon tells Billie, "Use the dustpan and brush sweeping up all your smelly hair." Billie frowns, then mumbles something under his breath, but gets on his knees and does what he's told. As Billie's doing that, Jon tells me, "Get me a Coke or something." I do that, and when Billie's done the cleanup, Jon tells him, "Now go stand in that corner while I give our client a haircut," and he points to a corner in the kitchen. Give me a haircut? Jesus, my dick firms up.

Meanwhile, Billie looks like he can't believe his ears, asking, "Whaddaya mean I'm to stand in the corner?" Grabbing the back of his neck, Jon walks him to the corner, saying, "Your nose needs to be touching the corner. Stay like that, don't move an inch until I say you can move." Billie's a tough-looking husky guy, but around much smaller Jon, he does what he's told. Good to know I'm not the only one who does what I'm told.

Shaking his head as if he can't believe the nitwits he needs to deal with, Jon tells me, "Sit down. I'll do your haircut the way Bruce likes it." I could point out that Bruce said 'when I needed a haircut,' and then he said to me that he'd let Jon give me a haircut as soon as pigs learn how to fly. I don't want to say that because I'd like to experience the same extreme submissive sense I felt when Jon did my last haircut. It's so fucking tempting, except how could I explain it to Bruce, who doesn't want to hear about any side sex I need to do to wean myself off my oversexed nature.

So, with that in mind, I take a deep breath and reluctantly say, "No, not now, Jon. Although I really liked this pussy boy haircut you gave me, I don't need a haircut now. I need to wait until I need one, but if it's up to me, I'm like you to do it then." Of course, it won't be up to me...

Fuck, though... I can picture in my head me submissively sitting here feeling my nuts rolling around and my dick growing into a steel shaft, me hunching over with submissiveness as Jon does my unnecessary haircut using the same small clipper guides he used for Billie. There would only be short hair clippings drifting to my shoulders because it's only been seven or eight days since my last haircut, but the process would be humiliating enough to get me groveling with submission to Jon. Then, it would continue feeling deliciously submissive every time I'd run my fingers over the very short bristly hairs left on my head. Oh, fuck, that's an awesome daydream, but I need to pass up this hot sexy opportunity.

Jon goes, "Okay, I won't bother with it now, but then maybe I won't want to do it later." I shrug, "Bruce would be pissed, ya know?" He snickers, "Yeah, but you want me to do it so badly your balls are hurting, right?" Shrugging again and sensing his dominance, my dick firms up and moves to the left as I nod, "You're right again, but I can't." He goes, "Your loss." Holding my head still, I let him rub back through my hair, muttering, "It doesn't even feel bristly now. Too bad..."

My cock feels heavy because it's incredibly sexy how diminutive Jon can get big-bodied Billie and me eating out of his hand. Jesus, I can hardly believe I just said 'no' to him. Jon says to me, "Get the MAN creme. I'll let you cover his body with it." Ugh, I'd like to cover Jon's hot little body with it, but sliding my hands all over Billie's stinky body isn't a sexy thought at all. Glancing at Billie, hmm, he does have a pretty good body, though, and it's hairless now, so I mumble, "Okay."

What the hell, I'd like to get more deeply into my submissive role, so why not do this? It takes me five minutes to quickly cover the parts of his body that need the MAN creme, then Jon, who's still drinking the Coke sitting in a chair, goes, "Billie, you stands in the corner again, so the creme has time to do its magic." He says to me, "As an additional bonus, I'm going to let you give him the pussy boy shower the way I trained you to do it." Swell.

Yeah, well, the MAN creme application didn't do much for me, and I'm having a tough time maintaining the submissive sense I'm paying for, so maybe the shower will help.

When Jon's done his soda, he mutters, "Okay, let's do this." Standing in the corner has affected Billie, and he's now very compliant and docile as Jon grips his neck and walks him to the bathroom, telling him, "Do what your client tells you." In the shower, he moves where, and when I tell him as I bathe the unpleasant aroma off him using a washcloth, not my hands. Instead of gaining a submissive sense, however, I can't even maintain a boner. He has a decent body, but he stinks. Near the end, though, as I'm washing his privates on my knees using my hands, I finally get a fairly hard boner because he doesn't stink now, and I remember having his cock in my mouth, so...

I only got away with using a washcloth because Jon wasn't watching. As soon as we got going with the pussy boy Jon went into the living room to watch something on TV. As I'm stroking a boner on Billie, I hear Jon yell, "Hurry the fuck up in there. I only have a half-hour left of my lunch break."

He comes into the bathroom as Billie and I are drying and gets Billie standing tall for inspection, then Jon tells me to lube up, which I do in the bedroom. Billie watches me do it, pulling on his dick. I quickly suck a boner on Billie, then Jon tells him, "Fuck him as hard and fast as you can with him on his hands and knees. Make it fast as he's only paying bargain basement prices this afternoon."

Omigod, Billie is apparently as horny as I am as he immediately rams in his good-sized boner all the way inside me. That took me a bit by surprise, so I made a girlie screech before trying to embrace the pain. His fucking technique is rough and amateurish, but his boner grows into a sexy size, and after a minute or so, I'm moaning, "Um, um, um," at the hard thrusting with sexual sensations building nicely now, and it goes on for eight or nine minutes. By then, I'm enjoying the hell out of this fuck, although it's basically a generic sex act. If Jon were fucking me, the dominant component would create a much higher degree of sexual arousal and a sharper climax.

There are "Slap, slap, slap" sounds and my moaning sounds along with Billie's gasps for breath. He's slamming his boner back and forth in my ass, the rim at the bottom of the head fatter and harder than the head is giving my prostate a thrill, me swaying on my hands and knees until I don't care who's fucking me, and then I go, "EEiiii, aah!" blowing cum from my nuts up and out my iron boner that's pointing straight down. The hot stream of fast-moving cum flies out my super sensitive rock-hard penis, splashing on the floor, cum spray hitting my legs. My shoulders shudder as I close my eyes, enjoying the zipping after-effects, and then Billie almost knocks me on my face when he humps against my buttocks hard, then partially filling me up with semen. Not a ton of it, though. He had the big load he shot down my throat a half-hour ago, but it's enough of a cum load that I feel sloppy inside.

He pulls out, mumbling, "I thought I went blind when I blew my load," then he chuckles and asks, "So, how much did I make today?" Jon mutters, "Not much. You've got a lot to learn." I'm getting up with a grin on my face because the relief from horniness is obvious. It was a way-below-average fuck, but good enough to take the edge off my horniness. Taking a deep breath, I grab some tissues to hold at my asshole, then head back into the bathroom. After cleaning up, I get dressed and find Billie standing in the living room while Jon explains more things he did wrong. Finally, Jon says, "Okay, Zach, let me have the $200, and then let's get back to AC."

I paid him, and I am calmer now, so it was worth the $200. Yeah, my horniness has temporarily been eliminated, but I'm wicked disappointed it wasn't Jon who eliminated it. Instead of just being content as I am now, I'd be psyched and feeling high as a kite after good sub/dom sex with Jon. With Billie, as I said, it was merely a generic sex act, but worth doing just the same.

During the ride back to the boardwalk, Jon gives Billie forty dollars, saying, "You didn't actually earn this, but I know you're broke, so get something to eat with the money." Then he tries pumping Billie up about the training he'll be getting, then telling him the bullshit story about how much he'll earn once he's out on the street. He goes, "You'll probably be on the street somewhere other than Atlantic City, but I'll be there to see that it goes okay."

I park in the same lot next to the boardwalk ramp. As we get out of the car, I say, "Um, Jon, can I please see you tomorrow?" He says, "Don't nag me, Zach. I've corrected your nagging before. Um, and I can't help but notice the amount of back-sliding you've done since Bruce took over from me. Obviously, he's too lenient with you." I mutter, "No, he's not, he's my...," and Jon goes, "Never mind that. I'll tell you what I'll do for you tomorrow. I'll let Billie do you again because he needs the training, and as your reward, I'll do you the day after, but both days are full price. No more bargains. Be at the railing across from the lockers at noon."

Billie, looking stupid, is rubbing his closely cropped head with one hand and his private parts with his other hand. Glancing at him, I realize I'm not horny enough now to get excited about doing it with Billie again, so I mutter, "Um, I don't know, Jon, um...." He says, "Yeah, well, I know! You'll be standing submissively at the railing as I said. I'll see you then, and don't forget to tip us tomorrow!"

He grabs the back of Billie's neck, muttering, "Get moving," and off they go leaving me standing here. The cockiness of Jon is something that gets me rubbing my privates like Billie was doing. I don't know how Billie acts normally, but Jon's got him acting almost as submissive as I am with him.

After paying for parking, I head back to my chair and umbrella on the beach. I'm feeling pretty good. Yeah, my horniness has been taken care of momentarily, but I know it'll reappear soon because that sex wasn't nearly as good as it would have been with Jon. Smiling at Markie as I walk by. Dealing with a customer, he only grins and nods his head at me. It's one-forty which means I'll be seeing Bruce in less than two hours. Gawd, what a relief it is not being horny!

Cowboy and Lee said they'd meet me on the beach after water skiing, but they're not here. Standing next to my chair, I text Cowboy and get a text right back with a selfie of the two of them on a beach; cowboy much taller than Lee, but's it's Lee who has his arm around Cowboy's waist. He's their man! Haha.

The text from Cowboy says they're on the beach in Ocen City, but they'll be home for dinner tonight. Okay, good, they didn't drown. Sitting under the umbrella, I imagine what it'll be like tonight when Bruce fucks me. It'll last longer than two minutes; I'm pretty sure of that. I'm glancing, from time to time, at the young men walking by, grinning to myself that I'm able to do that without getting all hot and bothered at the few guys who look interesting. I can enjoy looking now that I'm not so horned-up I can't think straight.

Then, walking right by me is the pussy boy, Derick, who I saw in the locker room with Jon. Holy shit! He stops and lays out his beach towel ten feet from where I'm sitting! Is this a setup? No, it couldn't be because Jon doesn't know I'm here on the beach. I could be anywhere as far as he knows. Wow, though, look at that pussy boy! Yeah, but he's a mentor now.

I'm not horny, but this guy is right up my alley. Nice body too! Smallish, but with better definition than Jon or Bruce, and this guy Derick is a cute motherfucker too. He's rubbing sunscreen on his shoulders but can't reach areas on his back. I go, "Hey, dude, could I help you with that?" He turns his cute face to me and says sternly, "Are you talking to me?" Standing up, I smile, saying, "Yes, I'd be glad to give you a hand, and perhaps you could do the same for me."

In a bored tone of voice, he goes, "Sure, why not?" With his blond hair cut in the pussy boy hairstyle and his outstanding looks, he could be the All American boy instead of the prostitute he actually is. Getting on my knees in the sand next to him, I take the sunscreen from him and pour some on his back. Then, spreading it down his back, I go all the way down to the top of his sexy Speedo bathing suit that barely covers his ass crack. Wow, I glance at the bulge in the front and make a quiet gulping sound at the large package on this pussy boy.

He says, "Okay, thanks," but I say, "Let me finish," and pour the sunscreen on his chest, rubbing it over his firm muscles and down his stomach across his mini six-pack to below his belly button. If his pubes weren't shaved, some would show because this is a very minimal Speedo bathing suit. He's sitting up, his hands back on the blanket supporting him. I'm leaning against his side as my hands move across his belly near the top of the Speedo. The palm of my hand spreads lotion across his belly once, then again, and I see the bulge in his Speedo move as his cock begins firming up. He goes, "Um, ahh, um, that's good." I say, "Hell, I may as well do your legs. You've got a sexy body, dude."

He lets out a long exhale as I pour sunscreen near his crotch and rub it down to his knee, then up until my fingers are touching the swimsuit and then down and around under his leg. He lies back but keeps his knees up, as my hand rubs lotion on part of his buttocks. He says, "Keep doing what you're doing, it feels good, but obviously, no straight guy would volunteer to do this. You're hoping to pick me up, which is nothing new for me, but, sorry, I'm a professional, and I charge guys money for sex. I'm letting you do this for free, so consider it a one-time-only experience."

Putting the sunscreen bottle on his blanket, I'm circling his thigh with both my hands moving up his thigh from his knee until I bump into his expanding privates. I go, "Thanks, I'm enjoying your body. And, yes, I know you're a professional. You're a pussy boy mentor. I've paid pussy boys a lot of money this summer, so thanks for this freebie." He lifts his head to look closely at my face, saying, "Hey, you're Scheyer's recruit, aren't you? He yelled at you today, right?"

Finished spreading the sunscreen, I put the cap on the bottle and said, "Yeah, he yelled at me but I'm not his recruit. I'm a client who used to be a pussy boy recruit, but not Jon's." Sitting up, he says, "Well, from what I saw in the locker room, you're what we consider an extremely submissive with no confidence who wants to be spanked, do what you're told, suck our cocks, and be dominantly fucked. So, I ask myself, why don't you seem to be that way now? I mean, you brazenly came on to me like you had all the confidence in the world."

Still kneeling next to him on the sand, I mumble, "I don't care to be spanked, for one thing. So, you can eliminate that, but you're right about the other stuff. That's all the stuff I expect when I'm paying for it. Other times, though, I'm confident enough to pick up guys in bars, although I wasn't trying to pick you up." He goes, "Why not?" Shrugging, I say, "Because I recognized you from the locker room, and Jon told me who you are. You're adorable and sexy, but you're a mentor now, so you probably don't do street work anymore." He snickers, saying, "Not so fast there. Now that I know Scheyer is doing it, I'd be willing to make some extra cash too."

He rubs my shoulder, adding, "I gotta wonder, though. Um, you're hot, sexy, and handsome, so why do you need to hire sex?" I mumble, "I don't, but I've got used to doing it, plus I can afford it, and it's a lot less trouble than bar pick-ups. Plus, there aren't many guys who check all the boxes for what I'm attracted to. You check then all for appearance, and you've got the equipment, obviously, but I don't think you're dominant enough for me." He goes, "HA! You have no idea how dominant I am, especially with super-submissives."

I go, "Okay, would you consider a morning job?" He says, "Yes, of course, but, so you know, you will be getting paddled first, and that's a $50 charge to start with." He's a cheeky sonofabitch, and now his confidence is shining through nicely. I go, "But, I already told you I don't go for the spanking part." Ignoring that, he rubs my head, mumbling, "Why are you keeping the pussy boy haircut even though you're no longer a recruit?" I shrug again, chuckle, then say, "Jon gave me this haircut without asking if I wanted it. Very dominant move on his part." He nods, "You're an exciting client, you know that? Um, and I do paddling, not spanking. As far as I'm concerned, paddling a submissive is a mandatory first step, and I don't make exceptions. It gets me on top of them immediately." Huh, that's what Bruce thinks, too, although, for clients, he spanks with his hand. He paddled me when I was his recruit, though.

He watches me grope myself, so I pull my hand away, and mumble, "Fuck, I don't like being spanked." He mutters, "You'll be paddled, not spanked." Making a face, I mumble, "Right, paddled. Fuck, I guess I need to accept the paddling. Is six-fifteen tomorrow morning okay? Can you do me then?" He nods, "Yeah, O suppose. Um, I'm temporarily staying at the cheap motel on route 30... room 21. Do you know it?" I go, "Yeah, I pass it going back and forth to AC from my place." He says, "Okay, but you need to keep this between you and me strictly, and I'll do the same."

Nodding again, I'm feeling super excited about this... except for the paddling. I ask, "Um, haha, ah, how bad is the paddling?" He says, "I'll decide that. It depends, and it'll hurt, but I won't injure you." I nod for the tenth time, "How about making out? Do you do that?" He goes, "Sure, but it cost $25 a minute with me participating like your long-lost lover if that's what you want."

Jesus, I grope my junk again, nodding again, then mumbling, "I can't wait. You're turning me on, Derick." He raises his eyebrows, "You even know my name! What's yours?" So, I was wrong. Jon didn't tell him about me. I tell him my name, and he says, "Okay, but so we're on the same page... it's $50 for the paddling, then a minimum two-minute make-out is $50, sucking a boner on me is another $50, and then I charge $250 for a full-blown dominant fuck on your ass. You'll be worn out when I'm through with you, and I expect a good tip. In other words, you'll wanna have at least $500 on you, and it's pay upfront before we start, with no refunds."

I'm like, "What if I pay you a hundred bucks not to do the paddling because I've been..." He holds up his hand, "No negotiating, Zach. It's my way or the highway. I'm fat with cash, so I don't need this, but I won't turn $500 down either." If he's fat with cash, why is he staying in that dumpy motel and doing the low-paying job at the locker rooms? But, I go, "Okay, it'll be your way, not the highway for me. Six-fifteen tomorrow morning." He says, "Fine, but leave me alone now. I need to sleep here on the beach because it's been a long two days since I arrived in Atlantic City."

Nodding at him again, I say, "I'm really anxious now. You've rung all my bells and whistles," and I glance at his big crotch that's receded slightly now that his cock is flaccid again. It's still a big package, though. He sees what I'm looking at and mumbles, "You can dream about my cock and balls, but you won't get to see them until you've paid for the privilege. I guarantee that you'll be one satisfied submissive motherfucker driving home after I'm done working you out." I go, "I believe you," and he adds, "Plus, if you want to stay for seconds, I'll let you sleep with me for a few hours, but it'll be another hundred bucks for that, and then after the nap, seconds of everything is fifty percent off. You'll need to show me the money first, though."

Groping my junk again, I murmur, "Oh, yeah? Jesus, I'll probably want to do that." He goes, "Bring at least $750 then. Now, leave me alone."

I pat his shoulder, then stand up and mumble, "Okay, then. I'll see you tomorrow morning on my way back from dropping someone off at the boardwalk." Walking back to my seat, I'm really excited because not only will this be new, it's part of my weaning plans. Yes, I speculated earlier about something turning up for morning sex to go with the afternoon and bedtime sex for maybe the next week or two. Then, I'll cut back to just afternoons and nights. And, having seconds with Derick will surely be better than doing it again with Jon's recruit!

Jeez, I'm back in my chair looking at Derick lying there with his eyes closed, and I need to grope my junk again. Yeah, I'm highly psyched to do it with him and fuck the money. I haven't lost any money gamboling since I've been with Bruce, so $700, or whatever it ends up costing me, is a drop in the bucket compared to losing money at the hundred-dollar blackjack table. I look at his cute face and hot body, fully expecting him to be a little dominant dynamo. And he's got a big cock and balls too. Oh boy!

The problem is, I'm getting horny again from thinking about my plans for tomorrow with Derick. Needing to chill out, I go in for a swim hoping to cool my sex jets down a little. What the hell, it's worth getting horned-up again knowing what I've got to look forward to in the morning.

During the swim, I couldn't get Derick out of my mind. Hell, the make-out alone has me excited. Bruce doesn't like making out, and neither does Jon, and maybe Derick doesn't as well, but everybody needs to make money, right? Well, except for those like me who have a trust fund, or people living on the dole, as they say in England, meaning pensioners and refugees living on government handouts.

Then, all my musings about Derick evaporate when I feel Bruce's hands on my shoulders. He leans down and says in my ear, "How's my boyfriend?" Holy shit, that was almost intimate! Then he opens the beach chair he just rented, asking, "What'd you do today?" I say, "Mostly, I missed you. How did your second day go?" He tells me how busy it was, especially between eight and ten o'clock and blah, blah, blah. I enjoy watching his face and listening to his youthful-sounding voice. His face has that odd cuteness that I like, and his skin is nicely tan, which contrasts with his brilliant white teeth. How'd he keep his teeth so perfect living on the street for over three years? That's a question for ten years from now when those bad days and memories have faded from his mind.

Ha, how about how optimistic I am about the ten years from now remark? Yeah, we'll, I want us to be lovers long before that, and then for the long haul after that. Hell, already Bruce seems different than he was just a week ago. Different in a better way, being calmer now that he's paying his own way.

Making conversation, Bruce asks about Cowboy and Lee, and I show him Cowboy's text and the picture he sent with it. Bruce smiles, saying, "I have this big brother sense for those two, although I'm Lee's size and only three years older than they are. It's a sweet feeling, to like and care about them. Ya know what I mean?" I go, "Sure, I feel the same way. Who wouldn't like those two?"

He nods, murmuring, "It's a new, um, emotion... a new something for me." I say super sincerely, "You're coming along great, Bruce. The guys like and care about you too. When you're not here, that's the first thing they ask me... where's Bruce?" He murmurs, "Thanks for telling me," and he's quiet for a while, maybe thinking about missing out on things like that. I've missed out on things too, but it was self-inflicted from trying for years to be someone I'm not.

After a while, Bruce goes, "Seriously, what'd you do all day?" I tell him I went back to sleep after dropping him off, ate breakfast at his cafe, then came to the beach. At noon, I was away for an hour and a half, then came back to the beach waiting for him. He asks, "What'd you do in that hour and a half?" I look him in the eyes and say, "You don't want to know." He goes, "Ahh... so, how ya feeling now?" Shrugging, I go, "Okay, not great. I'll feel great tonight with you, though." He says, "Good answer."

Bruce was on his feet all day, so we didn't take a walk on the beach, but we swim for a half-hour, and when we get back to our chairs, Cowboy and Lee are lying on a beach blanket like gay lovers, which they are by now I suppose. I'm like, "Surprise! I thought you were staying in Ocean City." The boys let go of one another and sit up with Lee getting between Cowboy's legs, his back against Cowboy's chest, Cowboy's arms around him. Lee says, "We missed you guys so we came here to see you."

Oh, shit, they look so young and beautiful... to me they do. Cowboy goes, "And, we're going to miss you guys the next five or six days as well." Bruce sits in his beach chair, asking, "Why's that?" Cowboy says, "My mom has harassed the hell out of me to come home for a visit. They want me to go with them on a four-day trip to Paris starting Monday. It's a business trip for dad, but mom is tagging along and wants me to keep her company." I glance at Lee, but he seems fine. Cowboy saw me glance at Lee, and mumbles, "Of course Lee's coming with me." Oh, that's why Lee seems fine.

I sit down too and say, "That's nice of your parents to let Lee come too. I've always liked both your mom and dad." Cowboy goers, "Yeah, they're okay. They've known my sexual um, orientation for years, and I told them I'm in love, and I'd only go with them if Lee can come too." He kisses the side of blushing Lee's face, adding, "Mom likes Lee. He charmed the shit out of her that time I took him home with me earlier this summer." Well, ain't that sweet.

Bruce says, "We'll miss you." Lee says, "Thanks. We're leaving for New York tomorrow, Sunday." Hmm, I go, "Um, what do your parents think of all this, Lee?" He goes, "They're getting used to it." Cowboy says, "He means they're getting used to him being gay." Lee goes, "Oh yeah, we didn't tell you guys. Cowboy told my parents at dinner the other night that I was gay, and we were in love." I go, "What? Omigod, just like that?" He goes, "Haha, yes, I almost peed my pants. I didn't know he was going to do it." I'm like, "Holy shit! What'd your parents say?" He shrugs, "It was amazing, actually. My mom just stared at us with her mouth open, and dad didn't even stop eating. He just said... ya gotta be who you are."

Bruce says, "I never told my parents anything. I just got up and left at sixteen. They would not have been as righteous as your parents, Lee. I know that much." Still amazed that Lee's parents were so understanding, I ask Lee, "That was it? They must have had more to say than that." Lee turns his head to look at Cowboy, saying, "Cowboy was wonderful. He kept talking about how and when he realized he was gay, and that I'm the first boy he's ever loved, and stuff like that going on for so long, it just began to be accepted. Dad was great too. It turned out that he really likes Cowboy." Cowboy goes, "Yeah, who knew? I thought that he thought I was a rich spoiled brat, but he likes that I'm, ah... What did he call me Lee?" Lee goes, "He likes that you're forthcoming and almost as intelligent as me."

They both snicker, then Cowboy goes, "Yeah, we're both smart... heh-heh. And, ah, I'm forthcoming as all get out too." Early in the summer, Lee told us he would be openly gay at college, but he'd never tell his parents. Well, technically, he hasn't told them... Cowboy did. Goddamn, that's awesome!

I ask Lee, "How does it feel to be openly gay." He goes, "It's a relief, but I spanked the shit out of Cowboy that night for not telling me ahead of time he was going to out me to my 'effing folks." Cowboy nods his head, "Yeah, I was a bad boy, and my daddy spanked the shit out of me, but then he made it all better. Didn't you, daddy?" I go, "Jesus, gag me with a turtle. Don't tell us shit like that." Bruce laughs as Cowboy grins, Cowboy hugging Lee and murmuring, "Daddy disciplined my ass." I go, "Please, for God's sake, no more!"

We talk about dinner tonight and Bruce insists he'll get it tonight, but he's not sure what it'll be yet. Then, we don't leave the beach until six-twenty, the boys enthralling Bruce and me with trivia about our solar system. I think they were trying to outdo one another. The only thing I remember is Lee saying that Jupiter is bigger than all the other planets combined. Then Cowboy said that if the earth were the size of a nickel, Jupiter would be the size of a basketball. Neither Bruce nor I can be sure if any of that shit is true or if the boys are pulling our chains.

Back at the apartment, the boys go into their bedroom to, um, I'm guessing, screw and shower. Bruce and I have a beer and a smoke on the balcony. He goes, "Man, that Cowboy is a fantastic kid. And, those two together make me think the world just might be okay after all, ya know?" I nod, "They're a pleasure to be around, and I'm going to really miss them when they go to college. I'm having the best summer of my life. This was a summer of sex with Cowboy, but with different sex partners. A summer of sex like I've never come close to having before this one."

Bruce goes, "But, you two were, um, fucking, right? You and Cowboy." I go, "Yeah, regularly until I met you, and he'd already met Lee by then, so..." He goes, "I'm awfully glad you met me, Zach. That's the biggest break, the only break I've ever had in my life." I go, "You've been just as big a help to me as I may have been to you." He snorts, muttering, "Bullshit, but thanks for lying." I go, "I'm not lying!"

He flicks his cigarette butt away and puts his arm across my shoulders. Hugging me against his side, he murmurs, "I'm both proud and grateful to be your boyfriend, Zach. I certainly don't deserve it, but I'm taking this good fortune and running with it. I'm not fucking this up." Wow, that was wicked nice to hear. I lean against him, and he hugs my shoulders again. I like it when he acts as though he's taking care of me, or it's something similar to that.

We're quiet as we sip our beers, Bruce moving his arm to go around the back of my waist now, and he leaves it there. How wonderful it is to be in love! I'm not saying Bruce is in love, not yet. He's making it easy for me to love him, though, easier and easier with each passing day. And, he's a fabulous leader for me, one I admire and look up to. I'd do anything for him.

Bruce squeezes my waist, saying, "How about if I get us KFC for dinner?" I go, "Great idea, let's do it." He says, "You'll need to drive me," and I go, "I'm happy to drive you anywhere, boyfriend, but you can take my car if you want." He says, "I haven't driven much, and I don't trust myself with that bad-ass car of yours." I'm like, "Let's work on you getting used to driving. We'll find some safe roads, and you can familiarize yourself with how easy it is to drive my car." He goes, "Christ, how can you be so friggin' nice? I mean, thanks, thank you, I'd appreciate that a lot!"

That makes me feel good, then he squeezes my waist again, saying, "I constantly need to submerge my instinct to take advantage of you. Omigod, if I didn't like you so much, I could rob you blind." He looks at me and chuckles, adding, "You better keep being nice to me." I look at him and smile, "You couldn't take from me anything I wouldn't give you if you asked for it." He kisses me a quick kiss on the lips, murmuring, "You got me there, boyfriend." Yeah, we're making progress by leaps and bounds lately, and I think it's his goofy waiter job that has made it possible.

Bruce says, "Okay, time to put an end to this awkward conversation. I'm going to take a shower." I'm like, "Can I take it with you?" He takes his arm off my waist and rubs my head, mumbling, "That makes sense, or we'll eat dinner at eight o'clock, and we need to be in bed by nine." From habit, he has his hand on the back of my neck, pushing me inside, then into our bedroom, where we get undressed.

In the bathroom, he goes, "Zach! What the fuck?" Oh, shit. I never cleaned up the bathroom after giving that Billie asshole a pussy boy shower. There are towels on the floor, a washcloth near the toilet, and then I spot tiny hair bits from the MAN creme on the shower stall's floor. Quickly turning the shower on to send the hair bits down the drain, I say, "I'm sorry about this, Bruce." He's dumbfounded, "When did you turn into a slob?" I go, "It won't happen again," and he unnecessarily says, "I'm paying my share for this place, so I expect a certain amount of consideration, and you know I hate mess."

I'm picking up the towels and washcloth, then wiping up the water on the floor with the towels. The shower is cleaning the floor in there, as Bruce goes, "And since when do you need two towels to dry yourself?" After he asked that, I think I see a light go off in his eyes as he adds one and one and realizes I probably had a pussy boy in here in my quest to wean myself of three or four sex acts a day. He says, "Um, never mind the mess, Zach. Sorry that I overreacted. Let's do our shower."

I'm like, "No, that's okay, Bruce. Chew me out because this is unacceptable." I'm squirting Lysol Bathroom Cleaner on the shower stall floor, then using a big sponge wiping at it. Bruce goes, "Jesus, Zach, you don't need to do that." I go, "It'll only take a minute."

We finally get into the stall and under the flow from the showerhead, Bruce says, "Bathe yourself, so we'll get done quicker." I go, "Yes, Bruce." It takes only five minutes to wash, and when we're standing together under the water flow rinsing off, I put my arms around him and murmur, "I love you so much, Bruce." He nods, "I know you do. I believe I can actually feel your love, Zach. Thank you for that. It's one more new wonderful thing for me to experience."

We drive to a KFC place, and Bruce buys two buckets of fried chicken, a big container of artificial mashed potatoes with artificial gravy, a quart of coleslaw, six of their lard biscuits, and a quart of mac and cheese. We stop at our favorite farm stand for tomatoes and corn on the cob. Obviously, it's way more food than we need, but I don't say anything because Bruce wants to do it. The boys are in the living room when we get back. Cowboy is drinking beer, and Lee has a Coke, saying, "Oh yeah! KFC!"

After dinner, Cowboy and Lee clean up as Bruce and I are getting ready for bed. Yes, I'm horny again, but not nearly to the devastating degree as last night. Finished brushing our teeth, Bruce says, "It's a very great thing for me to finally look forward to having sex with you. That is one more thing I need to thank you for," and he kisses me again. I'd like to hug and kiss him deeply, but I'm forcing myself to let Bruce arrive at doing that on his schedule. I'm super encouraged by the progress he's making.

In the bedroom, without being told to do it for once, I get the lube and lube my asshole up really well as Bruce nods. Then he nods again, this time at a spot in front of him. I get on my knees, grateful he still has a dominant air about him, although I don't think he realizes he's that way. It just comes naturally to him when he, probably, subconsciously senses my submissiveness to him. I don't know how he could miss it as I've never felt as submissive to anyone as I feel towards him in my life. That and my obvious love for him.

My cock gets hard before I even put Bruce's cock in my mouth. I do it reverently, almost as if it's a religious ceremony. Mmm, he smells good too, and his cock is so perfect-looking. Sliding the head into my mouth, I suck on it gently and then move the head against the warm, moist, soft parts in my mouth; against the inside of my cheeks, back and forth on my tongues, then pull a few inches of his penis's shaft inside my mouth with the head. My tongue licks as much of it as possible, feeling it getting hard as Bruce is rubbing his fingers through my short hair, and I'm so fucking glad I resisted the thrill of Jon giving me another pussy boy haircut. Saying no to him was hard, but thank God I did.

When both our cocks are hard as metal, I take his out of my mouth and hold it out of the way while I lick and suck on his balls and scrotum until he quietly says, "I'm going to cum, Zach. Stop..." Pressing my face to his crotch, I take a deep inhale before reluctantly sitting back on my heels and look up to him while still holding his hard boner, precum drooling down my fingers. He goes, "Oh boy, it was hard to say stop, but I really want to fuck you now." Those are the words I love hearing...

He wants me lying on my back, my ass at the end of the bed, my knees back and spread, an arm around each one pulling them back so hard my back is curved. With a moan that sounded like desire, Bruce pushes his hard cock's head in past my sphincter muscle, the lubricant helping greatly. There's pain, of course, but it's the best pain I've ever felt, and I moan, "Ooh, umm, Bruce..."

He looks serious as he nods and pushes all seven inches of hard penis inside my body, then he leans heavily against my buttocks. With a hand on the bed on either side of me, he bends over until the side of his face is against mine. He murmurs, "This feels so fucking good it's hard to believe," and he humps against my buttocks once, twice, three times, moaning, "Mmm, mmm, mmm." Each hump moved his boner slightly inside my body as the pain faded away faster than ever before.

When he pulls his cock back, shivers of pleasure coming off my prostate make me squirm on the bed, my eyes closed to concentrate on every bit of it. Bruce does three steady but slow penetrations, each one making me moan, Ahhh, Bruce..." and shake and shudder at sexual pleasure that's beyond imagining. Then he begins fucking me with all seven inches, and I'm in ecstasy moaning, "Um, um, um, oh, Bruce..." calling his name. Then letting go of my legs I reach up, getting my hands behind his neck as he thrust, thrust, thrust his engorged penis back and forth in my rectum, my prostate, and anus in a frenzy of pleasure sensations and me shuddering with pleasure seemingly all over my body.

It's a thrill ride of pleasure, but I can't control my climax and blow my load while squealing a screechy squeal and not even being embarrassed about it. Bruce pulled his body up straight as my cum shoots straight up, just missing hitting Bruce in the face. It's a strong cum stream that gets caught by the force of gravity and comes down to land on the floor next to where Bruce is standing. As usually happens with us, Bruce blows his load immediately after I blow mine. I feel it inside me like a rushing flash flood of semen... Bruce's semen.

He does a quiet moan and leans down again, his face flat against mine, both my arms around his neck this time, and we don't move for a few seconds until Bruce says, "Okay, Zach, that's enough," and I let go of him. He pulls out his cock, and we both grunt, "Ahh!" Bruce steps back, mumbling, "That was really good, but it was too quick again. Not as quick as last night, though." Sitting up, I go, "It felt so fantastic I had no idea of the time." He's grabbing Kleenex, murmuring, "Yeah, it was terrific but not much longer than two minutes. That's a guess." He holds his hand out, I take hold of it, and he pulls me off the bed, saying, "Let's get cleaned up. Wow, I'm wicked tired."

Well, he's been up since five o'clock this morning. And I mudt admit there is another good thing about getting involved with the pussy boys. It's how Bruce sleeps with me from habit, meaning with us snuggling together, his arm around me and me lying partially on him. It was worth all those paddlings and stupid fraternity initiation-type training exercises to discover pussy boy whores, who usually don't let me down, and then the very uniquely very, very special pussy boy, Bruce Dunlop, who I fell in love with. The first person I've ever been in love with, and it's a grand feeling.

Like last night, the snuggling tonight feels at a higher level than the weeks we've snuggled before this. There's caring and affection now. I can feel the difference, although I can't describe it any better. So, okay, while I wasn't as horny as last night, we still blew our loads in about two minutes. I'd love for the exquisite sensations of Bruce fucking me to last an hour, but I'll settle for five minutes as a start. Here's hoping my new pussy boy acquaintance, Derick, can help with that tomorrow. Get rid of all my horniness so I can appreciate a long luscious fuck with my boyfriend. I've just been fucked beautifully by him, so, presently I'm not especially excited about the prospect of Derick doing it, although I probably will be nine hours from now when I knock on his motel room door.

To be continued...

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