Summer School

By Mark Reid

Published on Jan 6, 2005


This is a story of gay men performing consensual sex acts with other gay men. If you are underage or if these stories violate the law where you live, then please don't read. Also, if such acts disgust or outrage you, then again, please don't read. Note that in these stories, unsafe sex does occur, but only where all parties involved are HIV negative, and know this because of regular testing (or they're virgins). Every sexually active person, gay or straight, should be tested regularly for HIV. Knowing your's and your partner's status can save your life

My thanks to C.J. and Glynn for their careful editing

Note: The discussion referenced in this chapter appeared in "Lessons Learned" included in "The Adventures of Pete Cordell". While hopefully not necessary, it might be helpful to read the story of Pete's and John's camping trip with John's brother-in-law.

Part 7

I woke up to the phone ringing. Looking at the clock, I realized that it was 9:00. I sat up and answered the phone. "Hello?" I said sleepily.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" my best friend John replied. "What have you done to make you sleep in this morning, you early bird you?"

Looking over, I saw that my lovely boy was still deeply asleep. "John," I said. "I really need to pee. I'll call you back in about 5 minutes."

"Okay," he said. "Talk to you in a few," and hung up. I proceeded to the bathroom, where I had a massive piss, and then moved to the living room and dialed him from the phone there. He answered on the first ring. "So, what's up, stud?" he asked.

"Oh, not much," I replied. "I just fell in love yesterday." I could feel myself stupidly grinning as I told him.

"You did what?" he yelled.

"I fell in love. His name's Mark, he's 22 and he was a student of mine this summer."

"I thought you never sleep with your students," he accused.

"I didn't sleep with him until after the semester was over," I said, and filled him in on the details of our first encounter.

"Damn, that sounds hot," he said. "But how did you get from there to falling in love?"

I proceeded to fill him in on the details of last night.

"It seems awfully fast," he said.

"Do you remember when you met Kathy?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied. "It hit me like a ton of bricks." He continued, "I'm really happy for you, buddy," he said. "Remember that I told you last summer that I wished that you would find somebody to spend the rest of your life with." I could hear a hint of sadness in his voice.

"What's wrong," I asked.

"Nothing's wrong," he replied.

"C'mon, John, talk to me," I said.

"It's just that I never really thought that the day would come when I wouldn't feel you in my arms, your kisses on my lips, or your dick in my ass. I'm happy for you, I really am. I'm just a little sad for me."

"John, my love," I said, "You don't have to contemplate that. Mark and I discussed it last night, and neither of us feels able to commit to monogamy. As long as you're willing to share me with him, we can still be together from time to time as we always have."

"Are you serious?" he said incredulously. "After one night you're already planning your future together. You must be in love!"

"We are. We've already talked about you. He knows how I feel about you. He also has some people that he loves, most especially his coach."

"His coach?" John said. "He's a jock?"

"Yep," I grinned. "Baseball player. First baseman. He's been drafted into the minor leagues. He leaves for training camp in November."

"My god," he said. "What are you going to do then?"

"I don't know," I said. "We haven't gotten that far yet. John, I can't wait for you and Kathy to meet him. He's really together for a 22 year old."

"I can't wait," he said. "Speaking of meeting him, there's something that Kathy and I wanted to talk to you about."

"Shoot," I said.

"Well," he said, "Remember last summer on the camping trip when I told you that Kathy and I had been trying to have a baby and couldn't seem to make it happen? Well, after that, we took your advice and went to see a fertility specialist. It turns out that I'm the reason that we can't have kids. I had mumps as a teenager and apparently it made me sterile. The doctor told me that it happens sometimes."

My heart went out to my old friend. "Oh, John," I said. "I'm so sorry. I know how much you and Kathy wanted children."

"Yeah, we did, and do," he said. "We've spent the better part of the last year exploring our options. We decided against adoption: I want a child of Kathy's, not someone else. We've talked about it," and he hesitated before continuing, "and we decided that we'd like for you to be the father of our child."

I just sat there, speechless. After a few seconds, John said, "Pete, are you still there?"

"Yeah," I said. "I don't know just what to say."

"You don't have to say anything right now," he said. "We've thought long and hard about this. Kathy loves you almost as much as I do. There's no one that we'd rather have contribute half of the genes to our son.

"It could be a daughter, you know," I said, still in shock.

"That'd be great, too," he said. "If so, she'll be spoiled rotten, between Kathy, I and her godfather. That would be you, of course."

"John, I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything. Just think about it. There's no hurry. Kathy's biological clock hasn't run out yet. Take your time. Talk it over with your new boyfriend. If he is going to be a permanent part of your life, he needs to be part of the decision."

"You're right," I said. "Give me some time to think about it. I'll call you soon."

"That's fine. I love you, Pete."

"And I love you. Goodbye." I hung up and went into the kitchen and put on the coffee. After fixing myself a cup, I just sat there, lost in thought. They actually want me to father their child? I had never considered having a child before, given my orientation. It's not that I couldn't perform with women, I had on several occasions: it's just that I knew that I preferred men. I have to admit, I was flattered, but is it a good idea?

Just then, Mark walked into the kitchen, naked as a jaybird, with his curly blond hair tousled with sleep. He fixed a cup of coffee and walked over and kissed the top of my head. "Good morning, lover," he said. "You look like you're a million miles away. What's up?"

I told him about my conversation with John.

"That's incredible," he said. "What are you going to do?"

"I honestly don't know," I replied.

He sat down in the chair next to me. "Well, let me put on my business hat: What are the costs and the benefits?"

"Hmm. Benefits: It would make John and Kathy, two of the people that I love most in this world, happy. There would also be a piece of me carrying on into the next generation. I have never thought about that before."

"Those are good reasons. And the costs?"

"The child would never be a part of my life. I'll never get to see him or her grow up."

"And why not?"

"Well, they would be their son or daughter."

"Well, they're your best friends. Why couldn't you be "Uncle Pete", the one who spoils the kid rotten on a regular basis?"

"There is that, of course. John has already said that I would be the godfather."

"So there you have it. Anything else?"

"God, you are so analytical."

"That's the finance side of me coming out. So?"

"Well, what if it's a boy and he turns out to be gay? They're still not sure whether there is a genetic component to homosexuality. Would they blame me?"

"That's something you'll have to ask them. If they're any kind of parents, they'll want him to be happy and successful, and find someone to love. At least, that's what my mom said, once she got used to the idea of me being a cock-sucker."

"I hope you didn't put it to her that way," I said.

"No, I was very gentle with her," he said. "Are there any other costs?"

"None that I can think of," I said.

"Well, then, it seems that the benefits outweigh the costs. I'd take them up on it, but that's just me. This is a decision that you have to make on your own."

I grinned. "If I'm Uncle Pete, will you be Aunt Mark?"

He grabbed me and started tickling me. "I'll get you for that," he cried. "Aunt Mark indeed! Who was fucking who last night?"

"Whom," I corrected. He stopped tickling and laid a deep kiss on my lips. "Pete, if I can be with you, I'll be anybody you want me to be."

I stared deep into his eyes. "God, I love you," I said. "I can't believe that I feel this way after only one day, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Tears started streaming down my cheeks. He leaned over and licked them off. "And I want to spend it with you, also. Now why don't you call John and arrange a meeting for them and us. I have graduation next weekend, but the weekend after that, we can drive to Atlanta. That is where they live, isn't it?"

"Are you sure that you want to come?" I asked.

"Hell, yes," he said. "I want to meet my competition, and I want to meet the mother of my children."

I grabbed him in my arms. "You're incredible. He's no competition. Speaking of competition, I want to meet your coach."

"I'd like that too. Why don't I call and invite him over for tomorrow afternoon. We can lounge around the pool and you can get to know him."

"Are you going to tell him to bring a suit?" I asked.

"Do you want me to?" he asked in return.

I stopped and thought about that for a few moments. Knowing what a horn dog my lover was, I was fairly certain that if we were all naked, something would happen. For all of my talk the night before, was I ready to see him having sex with someone else? Someone he loved? I guess that I needed to find this out.

"I guess not," I said.

"You know what might happen," he said, feeling me out.

"I know," I said. "I need to see if I am able to share you with someone else."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I don't want to do anything to screw this up."

"You won't screw this up," I replied. "If I get jealous, we'll deal with it. After all, you'll be leaving in November. I'm not going to lock you up in a chastity belt. I need to get used to the fact that we'll have other people in our lives. That's okay, I think, as long as we come first."

"You'll always be first with me," he said. "Now let's go get cleaned up and make some phone calls. I need to go to my apartment and get some things. That will be a good time for you to meet my roommate Dale."

"Who's this Dale person?"

"He's my roommate. He's also on the team. He's an outfielder and a year behind me. You'll like him. People say that we look like brothers. I think it's the hair: his is curly, just like mine, except that it's brown not blonde."

"Let me guess: another fuck-buddy."

"Well, yes, we've fooled around a time or two. Hell, we fool around a lot. He's part of the shaving squad. He and I, along with Coach and a few others, get together weekly to keep ourselves smooth. I'm interested to see if your deep-throating trick you taught me will work on him. He's got the biggest dick I've ever seen."

"Oh, Lord, just what I need: more competition."

He looked deep into my eyes. "Dale is no competition, you moron. I love you as I've never loved anyone else. Dale is just a friend that I have sex with. If you want, I will never have sex with him again."

"I would never ask that of you, you horn dog," I said. "I already told you, I'm not going to fence you in. Just promise me that I'll be there when you test this out."

"Of course. I'll never have sex again without you there, cheering me on," he said.

"Agreed. Now, let's go make those phone calls and get this show on the road."

End of Part 7

Next: Chapter 8

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