Summer Sucks

By Daniel Gre

Published on Jan 1, 2000


WARNING: This story contains sexual situations including males having sex with each other. Do not read this story if you are under 18.

NOTE: This is my second attempt at an erotic story. Please take a moment to send me your comments after you read the story. I promise to reply. My e-mail address is

Summer Sucks-1 Danny (t/t) (Oral) (Humil)

By Daniel

It all started yesterday, the day I saw Matt's dick for the first time. By the way, Matt's my best friend, or at least he was my best friend until yesterday afternoon. Now I'm not so sure. He's straight and I'm gay, which is just one of the facts of life I just figured out.

Now I realize that I had a crush on Matt. He's German or Scandinavian or something. I think that's really cool for some reason. I've always been fascinated by his little quirks, like the way he can't sit still because he's kind of hyper and the habit he has of brushing his dark brown hair out of his eyes every two seconds. He has dreamy brown eyes and a perfectly rounded ass. At least as far back as the sixth grade I remember checking out his cute ass when he wasn't looking and wishing I could see him naked. Don't ask me how it's possible to scope out my best friend's body and fantasize about how he looks naked and not realize I'm gay. I can't explain it.

Matt's older brother Rudy was with us that day, along with Rudy's best friend, Tim. Rudy and Tim are really hot looking. Now I know why I always feel so uncomfortable hanging with them. I used to think it was because they like to goof around and act weird, sometimes at my expense. Tim is at least six feet tall and thin but muscular, with short strawberry blonde hair. Rudy is a little shorter, with dark brown hair and brown eyes and nice ass like his brother, and cute, rosy cheeks. Their favorite way to harass us younger dudes is to play with our minds by telling us horror stories about what we're in for when they initiate the freshmen. They like to scare us with all the horrible things that the upper classmen are going to do to us when Matt and I start Hoover High School in the fall. They told us that as freshmen we have to do whatever we're told to do, like put dirty jock straps around our necks and wear girl's panties to school.

Anyway, the four of us were waiting our turn to tee off at this golf course called Skylinks. Matt was sitting on a bench between Rudy and Tim. The three of them took up all the room on the bench, which was fine with me. I sat on the grass across from them, trying to keep my mouth shut so I wouldn't say anything stupid and be the butt of one Tim's jokes. That's when I saw Matt's dick. His shorts were pooched out from his body, giving a perfect view of his soft cock and low-hanging balls. His cock looked much bigger than mine which was kind of depressing since we're both the same age.

His dick was just out there, plain as day, and I had to keep looking at it even though I was scared that someone would notice me which would be totally embarrassing. My own dick was now straining against my jockeys and I just kept looking and not paying attention to the other guys at all. That was a big mistake, because somehow Tim, who can be king of the assholes when he wants to be, must have noticed what I was looking at.

The next thing I knew Tim was sitting next to me on the grass. He leaned over and whispered into my ear, "Whatcha looking at, Danny?" He looked at me with a slight smirk on his face and looked at Matt's crotch and then he looked back at me again. Matt and Rudy were too busy bullshitting with each other to notice us.

I turned so red my ears burned. "Uh, nothing," I said.

He smirked and whispered, "Faggot." I thought I'd die of embarrassment.

The rest of the afternoon was intense. Being called a faggot by a buff sixteen-year-old was pretty intense in a bad way, but thinking about Matt's dick kept me hard for the whole round. That was pretty intense in a good way. Tim basically left me alone, except for occasionally grabbing his crotch and mouthing the word "faggot" or just acting disgusted and shaking his head or spreading his legs real wide and tempting me to look. I was afraid Matt or Rudy would notice one of Tim's obnoxious taunts, yet, as scared as I was, I had a hard-on all day long.

It wasn't as if Tim taunted me constantly. For most of the afternoon, he was too busy bragging about his sexual conquests to bother with me. To be honest, his bragging only contributed to my permanent erection. "She'll suck my cock," said Tim, talking about his slutty girlfriend, "but it's so big she can't take it all the way down her throat."

"Does she swallow it when you cum?" asked Matt.

"Hell, yes," said Tim. "I tell her she better take care of me. She knows I'll dump her ass if she doesn't swallow it." Tim grabbed his crotch for emphasis.

The older guys were still talking about blow jobs and girlfriends when we got to the eighteenth hole. "My girlfriend won't suck me off," said Rudy, as he lined up a putt, "so sometimes I let Jason do me."

"You mean Jason who plays the flute in the school band?" asked Matt.

"You got it," said Tim. "He also plays the trouser flute."

"You mean he sucks your dick just like your girlfriend?" asked Matt.

"Just like my girlfriend, only better," said Tim. "I have to admit he's one helluva cocksucker."

"You can tell he really likes it," Rudy added. "He deep-throats it."

I wasn't sure what he meant by deep-throating, but all this talk about cock sucking was making me super horny. I imagined myself sucking the three of them off, one at a time, despite the fact that I'd never thought about performing that sexual act before and the idea of putting another guy's dick in my mouth kind of disgusted me.

Finally we finished the round and headed home. Rudy drove, so he dropped off Tim before we got to Matt and Rudy's house. Rudy rushed into the house to take a shower before a date with his girlfriend, Mona, who Rudy talked about to no end while we were golfing. Matt invited me in for a drink while we waited for his brother to give me a ride home on his way to pick up Mona, so we grabbed a couple of sodas and crashed in Matt's bedroom, side-by-side on his bed.

"God, I wish I had a girlfriend like Tim does, ya know, to suck my dick," said Matt.

"Yeah, me too," I lied. Just sitting next to Matt on that bed sent waves of excitement throughout my body like little jolts of electricity. We were so close together I could smell his body odor. I could feel his body heat.

Matt asked, "Remember when you went to take a piss after we finished the front nine? While you were gone Tim told us you threw a rod staring at my dick." I was totally shocked when he shucked his shirt and kicked his shorts off. Out came his dick when he peeled down his underwear. He crossed his legs and his dick flopped to one side. I've known the guy most of my life and I've never seen him naked. He paused for a moment to give me a chance to defend myself, but nothing came out of my mouth. I think my jaws came unhinged.

"I'm glad you didn't try to deny it." Matt's tone of voice was pretty casual. "Just between you and me I noticed you staring at my dick too, but it didn't bother me. It was pretty obvious. You were practically drooling; kind of like you are now."

"You mean you're not pissed at me?"

"Why should I be pissed? You're a fag. So what? It's all good. If it turns you on, go for it."

He jumped off the bed and walked around to my side, dick flopping between his tan-lined thighs. He stood above me. His half-hard dick bowed downward, inches from my lips. "Danny, my brother's going to finish his shower pretty soon, so let's not waste any time. I know you want to suck my dick and Tim's stories got me really worked up."

I was getting dizzy. "But I've never done that before."

"It's all right, Danny. Just put it in your mouth."

The next thing I knew, his dick was in my mouth. At that moment I officially became a cocksucker.

"That feels good," he said. He was trying to be relaxed about the whole thing at first, slowly rubbing his dick around my lips and letting it rest on my tongue which was sticking out. It didn't take me long to get into sucking Matt's dick. I was supposed to be disgusted by what I was doing and at first the taste of his dick kind of grossed me out, but I got used to it and even started to like it. I was really into it by the time Matt guided me onto the floor without pulling his dick out of my mouth.

"Suck it," he said. In the heat of the moment I completely forgot about how much I was degrading myself by putting a guy's dick in my mouth. The smell, the taste, the feel of Matt's dick in my mouth made my own dick rock hard. I couldn't believe I was actually sucking my best friend's cock.

I could tell he was already about to shoot. It doesn't take much for a fourteen-year-old to get off, luckily for me, because I don't think my technique was very good. He thrust into my throat, causing me to gag. I rubbed myself through my shorts. That made me cum.

"I'm going to shoot," warned Matt. I kept sucking shamelessly. "I'm going to cum in your mouth." He pulled back so only his cock head was in my mouth as I tasted my first spurt of cum, then another. He pulled out of my mouth.

Cum was still oozing out of his piss slit as he pulled out, and I had a mouthful of cum. Some of it dribbled out of the corner of my mouth.

"Did you swallow it?"

I nodded and wiped off the cum streaking my face.

"That felt so good," said Matt. "You are a really good, uh, cocksucker." It was really embarrassing being called that, but at the same time, I really liked it.

When it was over I regretted what I'd just done. What if Matt tells on me? What if everybody at school finds out I'm a faggot. What if my mom and dad find out? "I don't understand what happened," I said. "I've never even thought about doing that with a guy before today." Was that supposed to make Matt think I was less of a fag, as if there are degrees of fagginess?

That's when we noticed Matt's brother standing in the doorway.

Summer Sucks-2 Rudy (t/t) (Oral) (Humil)

When I finished my shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed for my room to dress, passing the door to my brother Matt's room on the way. His door was ajar, so I stuck my head in to make a rude comment about his shitty golf swing, just to bust his balls. Was I ever surprised when I looked inside. There was innocent little Danny on his knees swinging on my little brother's dick. His cock-sucking lips were tightly clamped around my brother's boy-dick. That boy was sucking like a Hoover.

I guess those two little asswipes got some ideas, what with all the talk about blow jobs while we were out on the golf course. I already knew Matt was a horny little pecker. What fourteen-year-old isn't? Ever since he reached puberty last year he's been pestering me with questions about girls and sex. As his big brother I try to explain what I know about things like oral sex, figuring at his age he's probably fantasizing about tits and pussy and spanking the monkey behind closed doors. It never occurred to me that my little brother was getting a blow job behind those doors.

There was my little brother getting his very first blow job from his best friend and future freshman-faggot-of-the-year, Danny. I was surprised to hear Danny say he'd never done that before because he really looked like he knew what he was doing. He knew what he wanted anyway. Maybe it comes naturally to gay dudes, like they're born with this desire to suck dick or something. After what I saw, I'm convinced that if anybody has a cock-sucking gene, it's Danny. The sticky mess all over his face reminded me of a little kid sucking on a lollipop that's bigger than his mouth. Slurp, slurp.

It took a lot of self-control to keep from busting out laughing at the whole scene, especially when my brother said, "You're a really good, uh, cocksucker," although I have to admit that I had half a hard-on watching that faggot suck Matt's dick.

"So how was your first blow job, little brother?" I asked once they noticed me in the doorway.

Matt looked back at Danny with a shrug and a devilish smile that said "busted" before answering me. "It was fantastic. I never thought my dick could feel so good."

"There's nothing quite like a good blow job," I said. "Seems you liked sucking my little brother's cock, Danny."

"It was OK, I guess," he said, his hand covering his mouth. He was trying to hide his cum all over his face. There was a wet stain on his white cotton shorts. I actually felt sorry for the pathetic little faggot.

I said, "It's only obvious you enjoyed yourself."

"Yeah, Danny," said Matt. "I sure as hell enjoyed myself."

"I saw the way you sucked Matt's cock," I said, "and I could tell you really liked what you were doing." Danny turned three shades of red. I wanted him to suck my dick because I'm a horny sixteen-year-old and I knew I wasn't going to get anything from my girlfriend later that night. "There's nothing to be ashamed about. In fact, if it would make you feel any better, you can suck my cock, too. That way you won't feel like I caught you and Matt doing something nasty." My boner was causing the towel around my waist to tent up.

"Yeah." said Matt. "If you suck Rudy's dick then he can't say we did anything he didn't do himself."

It took some convincing but we finally talked him into sucking my dick. I didn't want Danny to get nervous and back out on me before I got my dick in his mouth and I thought it might make him uncomfortable if his best friend watched him suck big brother's dick. "Matt, maybe Danny would be more comfortable if you waited in my bedroom."

"Oh, come on, Rudy," said Matt. "You watched us and, besides, I want you to teach me the best way to get my cock sucked."

I said, "Well, it's all right with me, but you can only stay if Danny says it's ok."

My brother and I waited for the word from Danny. "Matt can stay, but you both have to swear you won't tell anybody about this," he finally said, not bothering to cover his crusty mouth anymore.

We both promised and I unwrapped the towel tied around my waist. My dick was almost at its full six inches by this time. I told Danny to relax. Like I said before, I didn't want him to bolt on me. He was sitting on the floor with his back against the bed when I guided my cock to his mouth. "Just slide your lips around my cock head and circle it with your tongue."

It wasn't the best blow job I've ever had. For one thing, my cock is quite a bit thicker than Matt's, so he had trouble taking my cock in his mouth and wrapping his lips around his teeth to avoid scraping me. "No teeth," I kept saying. He could only get about half of my cock in his mouth before he'd start to gag, so I eased up on the kid.

"Stick it all the way in, bro," said Matt. "Make him choke on it."

"Danny's just learning how to suck cock," I told Matt, "so you have to be patient with him. Right now he can't take my dick all the way down his throat, so you have to resist the temptation to stick it all the way down." It felt really wierd telling Matt all this with my dick in his best friend's mouth. "You're not as hung as I am, but you can still make him gag if you're not careful. Danny has to practice sucking your cock so he can learn what really gets a guy's rocks off. In due time he'll be able to deep-throat you, but in the meantime there's still lots of things you can do." I pulled out and rubbed my cock around his lips in a circular motion. "Most cocksuckers want to worship your dick if you let them, so make sure he gets a good look at your cock. Do you like that, Danny?" His wide-open mouth was begging for my cock.

"Look at him," said Matt.

"He wants my cock in his mouth," said Rudy.

"He's hungry for it," said Matt.

"He's a cocksucker, that's for sure," Rudy said.

"Beg for it, Danny," said Matt. He was fondling himself again.

"Please, Rudy. Let me suck your cock."

"A real cocksucker needs that dick in his mouth, so if you tease him with it, he'll give you a great blow job when he finally gets it in his mouth." I stuck my cock head back in Danny's grateful mouth just long enough to give him a taste. "A faggot like Danny will do anything to suck a dick, no matter how much you abuse him."

I plugged his mouth again and he managed to work me to the boiling point. "I'm ready to cum now. Do you want my cum in your mouth?" Danny kept slobbering and sucking so I shot a load in his mouth. What he lacked in technique he made up for with desire. He swallowed my cum like a champ. I pulled my slimy dick from his mouth and wiped off with the towel.

"I still can't believe you sucked our dicks," said Matt. "It's so totally gross and disgusting."

"Looks like your best friend is now your own personal cocksucker," I said.

"Can I go home now?" asked Danny, once he swallowed the cum clogging his throat. He looked pretty frazzled. There were wet stains all over his tank top and shorts and his blonde hair was a tangled disaster.

"Let's go, dick breath," I said. "I'll drop you off on my way to pick up Mona."

Poor Danny was a pathetic mess. I loaded him into the car and told him not to touch anything because I didn't want him to get cum on my upholstery. On the way I was thinking about how much less frustrating my date would be, not to mention the rest of the summer.

To be continued

Don't forget to write me:

Next: Chapter 2: Summer Sucks 3 4

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