Sun comes out and so does the Son

Published on Mar 26, 1999



It had been raining and snowing, windy and even flooding. The only description of the winter was CRAPPY.

He had his chance to escape this mid American pithole town where he grew up, and go to college on the west coast. But for reasons that confused his parents and some of his friends, Todd stayed put.

"Hell we have a great university right in the next town" he would reply. And dutifully he would drive his old corvair everyday to classes then to his part time job and home again. He had no complaints.

But even in this weather it was CRAP!

The reason he didn't want to leave was complicated. Actually there were three reasons, William, Manny and Jose. He had been friends with them since elementary.

In junior high, he and Manny had become jackoff buddies. In high school, he and Jose discovered the fun of sucking each other off at the same time..69ing it was called.

And during his senior high school year, Todd had closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling of Williams cock moving in and out of his butt.

He was gay, queer, a faggot....and he loved it. As for his three friends, each knew about him..and it didn't seem to matter. He never told them about the other. All four went places, worked in the same video store and even attended the State University.

Todd was happy with the way things were for now.

He got even happier on the day the Sun suddenly broke through the clouds and the temperatures rose. It was like Spring, eventhough it was February.

William, Manny and Jose were due to come by and hang out before all three had to go to class in the afternoon.

Todd stood in the doorway looking out, breathing in deeply and enjoying the feeling of the sun baking his near naked body. Wearing on boxer shorts he stood on the front portch enjoying the sun's overdue rays.

"Put your clothes on" the familiar voice yelled. Todd had closed his eyes and hadn't seen his three friends come up.

Jose was wearing shorts and a tee shirt while carrying his coat, William wore his white tank top and nylon warmup pants..the kind that have snaps up and down the legs and Manny was shirtless.....waving his discarded shirt around.

The sun was welcomed by all three.

"Good news..classes are still cancelled" William announced.

"Christ what are we going to do till our shift?" Todd said.

Manny was smiling almost evilly. "actually friend, we were discussing that on the way over here and decided it was time to tell you something"

The three grabbed Todds bare arms and legs and carried him indoors. They knew his parents were at work and his sister at school. There was only the four of them and they had a mission.

Carrying Todd to his bedroom, they yanked until his boxers were ripped off and began to show Todd they all had been talking about doing what they were about to do.

It was a sex fest, Todd's mouth and butt were fair game..and to his further surprise, so were Williams, Manny's and Jose's.

He felt stupid having hid his sexual activities with each of them from the other..when apparently they had known all along. And later, he found out they had played with each other.

The four played hard now...spending the rest of the sunny day naked and enjoying as many orgasms as their bodies allowed.

At their age that was several.

"You four friends?" a customer asked that night after encountering the four boys exchange of quips.

"More then that" Manny chimmed up and all laughed. The confused customer shook his head and left.

As they packed up, Todd asked them the question he didn't have time to earlier.

"Why didn't you guys tell me years ago?"

"Why didn't you?" Jose asked.

"He was waiting for the son to come out" William replied.

"The son was out today!" Manny reminded them.

"We sure were" Todd said...jumping as William grabbed his butt. The four laughed as they locked up the store and went to spend the night together at Manny's house.

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