Supergirl's Girlfriend Lois Lane

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Jun 1, 2001



Title: Supergirl's Girlfriend Lois Lane (Celeb F/F) Author: John O'Connor Email: Rating: NC-17 (slight M/F, some F, & F/F). Pairings: Lois Lane/Supergirl. Category: First time. Date: 1 June 2001 Series: None. Website:

Disclaimer: Superman, Supergirl, Lois Lane, and all related characters are owned by DC Comics and Warner Communications. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.

Summary: While filling in for an absent Superman, Supergirl's responsibilities become more intimate.


  1. Many thanks to Ann Douglas for some great suggestions and beta reading. Thanks also to Tamy (my archivist) for betaing too.

  2. This story takes place before Supergirl met, saved, and merged with Linda Danvers and became the Earth Angel.

  3. Takes place about a year after "Superman's Girlfriends: Lois and Lana" and a year or two before "Birds Of Prey: The Quest" for all you continuity freaks out there.

_______________________________________________________ Supergirl's Girlfriend Lois Lane

The curtains were stirred by the gentle night breezes, the cool air flowing softly into the dimly lit bedroom. A gibbous moon glowed in the sky, it's reflected light filtering into the room as well.

Reclining on the bed, a naked Lois Lane-Kent waited restlessly. She was lonely and the need in her had built again until she was almost aching for release. In fact, her fingers were idly playing with her wet pussy, causing these feelings to swell.

'Come on. Come on. Where are you? I need you now!' These thoughts were punctuated by her index finger sliding along her clitoris.

"Come on!" Lois cried aloud.

"Come on? What's the rush?" a familiar figure in blue and red said after landing noiselessly on the hardwood floor.

Lois opened her eyes and smiled broadly. "At last! I was... Come here!" She grabbed the gold belt and pulled her lover to her. "I need what you've got in there. I need it bad!"

As she said this, Lois opened the belt and yanked the red shorts down. Then she grabbed the blue tights and pulled them off too. There! In all it's turgid glory!

Lois leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the pulsating shaft newly bared to the moonlight. Her tongue slithered along the hardness and washed the crown, dipping into the tiny slit at the head. She was rewarded with a growl of pleasure from the recipient of her oral expertise.

"Oh God, Lois! I want you! I want to bury myself in you!"

Lois pulled off the throbbing cock, holding it by the base, and said, "Oh yeah? Well, come and get it, Big Boy!"

She lay back and watched as the legendary costume seemed to fade away, baring hard muscular flesh. Lois felt the wetness in her building at the sight, knowing what was in store for her.

The bed shifted and Lois slid over to make room for her partner. Grabbing the still moist penis, she tugged it towards her own wet crotch.

As the thick shaft slid inside, Lois moaned loudly. The moans increased as the stronger-than-steel dick began to thrust in and out of her hot hole. As the shaft moved in and out like a living piston, it rubbed against Lois' hard clit.

A mouth fit over her nipple and she ran her fingers through the long hair, pulling the mouth tighter to her. Her other breast was being gently but insistently squeezed, that nipple being pinched by a strong forefinger and thumb.

The famed reporter screamed as the orgasm washed over her. The dim lights faded as she arched her back and pulled the hard body above her tightly to her.

Lois' body relaxed and fell back on the bed. She looked up and smiled into the blue eyes staring down at her longingly. She also felt the softening cock shrink inside of her.

When she was able to speak again, she whispered hoarsely, "Your turn..." She ran her fingers through the long blond hair and pulled the face above down for a heated kiss.

As their tongues glided against each other, Lois shivered with renewed desire as she felt the body above her take on a softer, curvier, more female form.

Breaking the kiss, Lois said, "Oh, Mae... That was fantastic! A dream come true..."

Reaching down, Lois felt the soft yellow fur between Mae's legs and the slippery cavern beneath. Her fingers slipped inside the young woman, eliciting a low moan from the blonde superhero.

The evening's fun had just begun...

Six weeks before...

"Lois, I have to go..." Clark Kent said.

"But, we... I'm afraid," Lois said, looking up at her husband. "The last time you went into space, you almost died!"

"Lois, with the Green Lantern Corps destroyed, someone has to step in. The space-faring heroes of a dozen worlds in this galaxy alone have pledged to help maintain the peace," Clark paused and removed his glasses. "Ever since Hal went berserk..." Taking a deep breath, Clark continued, "The Corps were like intergalactic policemen. Now it's like a universal case of Blue Flu. People need our help."

"What about the people here? On Earth? What do we do in the meantime?" Lois asked. She couldn't believe this was happening. They had been married for barely a year and Clark had gone off into God knows what kind of danger in deep space twice already.

"Not everyone is going. Batman, the Flashes, most of the rest of the Justice Leagues - both here and Europe, dozens other non-aligned heroes will be here to watch over Earth. Even Captain Marvel and his crew," Clark explained again.

"Alright," Lois said, holding up her hand. "Well, what about me? I need you too. Clark, I love you. I want you here beside me. I know it's selfish, but I don't care!"

Taking the lovely brunette in his arms, Clark kissed the only human he could ever love. Then he said, "I love you too, Lois. More than you can know. I will be back. Doomsday couldn't keep me away from my beautiful bride! Do you think anything else out there can?"

Lois shuddered as she recalled the showdown with Doomsday on Apokalips. Clark felt it and held her tighter, whispering in her ear, "I will be back. I promise."

Finally, Lois grudgingly accepted the inevitable. "How long will you be gone?"

"I don't know. I'll be back as soon as I possibly can. Meantime, Mae will be filling in for me here," Clark said.

"Mae? I don't know..." Lois began to say.

"Worried about her and Luthor? Don't. She's finally fully accepted what we already knew. Actually, I think Lex should be more worried about her than me..."

Clark chuckled.

Lois laughed too. "Yeah, a woman scorned... Worse than a thermonuclear blast!"

The next day, a slender figure in a costume similar to Superman's, but with a short red skirt showing long, shapely legs, landed on the balcony of the Kent's condo. "Hi cous!" Supergirl said to the similarly-garbed figure (but with long, blue tights and red shorts) as she stepped inside.

"Mae, thank you for agreeing to this," Clark said as he quickly hugged the young woman. "Just remember you aren't just Superman but me too."

"That is still weird. You ARE Superman!" Mae protested.

"No, Superman is a job. I AM Clark." Clark shook his head in exasperation; he, Lois, and his parents had explained this time and again to Mae but she still refused to accept it. "I'm not Batman," he said finally, quietly.

"Mae, hi. How's Smallville?" Lois said as she came in from the kitchen.

"Bo-oring! I'm glad to be back in the Big Apricot. This will be fun, impersonating my big 'brother' while he's away," Mae said.

Clark took Lois in his arms and kissed her, a long, loving kiss. Her arms wrapped around his back beneath the red cape and held on tightly.

"I love you, Lois!" Clark said with feeling.

"And I love you, Clark. Come back to me soon," Lois said, her voice tight with emotion.

"I will. I promise." With that, Clark flew out into the blue sky over Metropolis.

Lois felt tears slide down her cheeks as Mae came and hugged her friend.

Shortly, Mae was settling into the spare bedroom and preparing to fill in for Clark. She was ready and willing to be Superman for as long as it took. She was more than a little nervous about trying to be Clark Kent, especially at the Daily Planet. She said as much to Lois as they sat down to a hastily ordered Chinese dinner.

"Well, I have an idea. Tomorrow is Sunday, Clark and I rarely have to work on Sunday. We'll sit down and I'll help you learn what you need to do. And who you need to know." Mae looked skeptical and Lois quickly added, "I'll be there too. I'll cover for you."

"Thank you, Lois. I know how hard all of this is," Mae responded.

"At least I'm not home alone..." Lois paused and shivered as she recalled the time when Clark went to face Doomsday again and she could do little but wait and worry here in Metropolis.

"No, you're not," Mae said with a simple smile.

By late Sunday night, Lois was beginning to think Clark's brilliant idea to have Mae fill in for him at the Planet wouldn't work. She could easily look like him, one of the benefits of being a shape-shifter, but she just didn't seem convincing enough to spend any time with Clark's other friends and co-workers.

She sat on the couch trying to decide what to do while Mae was patrolling Metropolis as Superman. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for Mae to act like Clark for an entire day.

Her reverie was interrupted by the rushing sound of air being rapidly displaced. In a split second, Mae landed on the balcony and slipped into the living room.

Lois sucked in her breath, thinking for a moment that Clark had returned. In a moment she realized that he was still gone. As Mae shifted into the more familiar blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty, Lois felt the hollow ache in her heart return. Little more than a day and she was already feeling like this. How much worse would it be if he was gone for a long time?


Mae's voice brought Lois back to that moment. "Yes?"

"I've been thinking. I don't know if I'm ready to fill in for Clark at the newspaper," Mae declared as she sat at the opposite end of the couch.

"I kinda was thinking that too," Lois admitted.

"What do we do?"

Lois sat pensively for a moment. "Well, for tomorrow, you'll call in sick. I'll back that up in the newsroom."

"Okay. What about later?" Mae asked.

"Clark can be sick for a few days. That'll give us time to figure something out," Lois said.

"Too bad he doesn't have some humanoid robots hidden in the Fortress to fill in for him," Mae said.

Lois smiled. Like a robot could fill in for Clark or Superman. 'Then again, I was duped by those glasses and his whole attitude for how long?' Lois admitted to herself.

"Okay, Lois. I can spend the day cruising over the city. Maybe I can find something on that louse..."

"Mae, maybe you should stay away from Lexcorp. You're still pretty..."

"What? Pretty mad? Damn right! Lex charmed and seduced me into being his little superhero love toy! And then to find out how" Mae stopped, her face suffused in anger.

"Mae?" Lois asked, concerned. She had never seen Mae this angry before.

Her face slowly regained it's normal color, "It's okay Lois. I just get..." Mae snorted a laugh, "I guess I see what you mean about... I'll fly way around that bastard's steel and glass tower. I promise."

Lois nodded, hoping Mae would be able to keep her promise. She would never admit it out loud but she was worried about girl and her anger over being duped by the multi-billionaire.

The next day dawned brightly but Lois' mood was unaffected by the blue skies and warm temperatures. She was still feeling the absence of Clark.

She woke up Mae to have the young girl call in using Clark's voice. Her hoarseness that early in the morning helped make the sick call convincing.

After that had been taken care of, Lois set off for the Daily Planet. Once there, she began to delve into reports of insurance fraud down by the docks. Some longshoremen had passed on some rumors to Bibbo, her old friend. Bibbo had in turn passed the rumors on to Lois.

Now, as she began to wade through faxes, photocopies, and computer printouts relating to dockside property, Lois found herself in a comforting, familiar work mode. So engrossed was she that lunch came and went without her even noticing.

About three o'clock, her stomach made is presence known rather loudly. Looking around the bull-pen a little sheepishly, Lois realized she hadn't eaten since the night before. She decided to take her files with her and head home.

Saying good night to her colleagues, Lois made her way out of the building and caught a cab for home. Once there, she dropped the files on the coffee table and checked messages. No word from Clark. Nothing except a call from Lucy. Lois made a mental note to return her sister's call that evening.

Her stomach growling again, and louder, Lois headed for the kitchen. She debated fixing something light when she heard the rushing sound of Mae landing in the living room. Grabbing an apple, she walked out to greet her young guest. She found Mae had already changed into her Supergirl form.

"Hi, Mae. Have fun?"

"Oh Lois, you have no idea how great it is to just soar around up there..." Mae stopped when she remembered how Ma and Pa Kent had always told her that bragging was for people who had a low opinion of themselves.

"Um, sorry, Lois. I didn't mean to brag..."

Lois waved her off, "You didn't, Mae. You were just telling it like it is. Although I have always been a little jealous of Clark, you, and the rest of the heroes who can fly."

Mae smiled and said, "I'd be happy to fly you anywhere you'd like..."

"Thanks but I don't think Clark would be real happy if we followed him wherever the hell he is," Lois replied wistfully, thinking of the one place she wanted to go.

"Are you hungry?" Mae asked. Lois nodded. "Well, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!"

"What do you have a taste for?" Lois asked.

"How about Italian? There was this great place in Wichita that Ma and Pa took me to when I was with them. And I have a hankerin' for spaghetti and meatballs."

Lois smiled at Mae's overdone imitation of her father-in-law. "How about the Garlic Blossom? It's sort of new but one of the Planet's food critics praised it."

Mae nodded her agreement as she morphed out of her red skirt and blue top into red slacks and a blue t-shirt with the Superman S on it. Lois laughed as she grabbed her purse, Mae followed suit. Soon, the two lovely women went out for the evening, laughing.

That night, Lois lay in the big bed feeling lonely for her man. As she thought of Clark, she felt herself becoming aroused. Rolling over, she tried to ignore the feelings coming from between her legs so she could go to sleep.

Tossing and turning, she finally gave in and began to masturbate while picturing her husband. She made a conscious effort to stifle her moans as she brought herself to climax.

In the guest room, Mae could hear the noises Lois made as she tried to get herself off. Superhearing brought the squishing noises of Lois' fingers in her pussy to the young blonde. When Lois got closer to her orgasm, Mae could hear the increased heartbeat respiration followed shortly by a quiet moaning as her hostess came.

It was too much for the young woman. She had never experienced sex before coming to this dimension and since then she had discovered she liked it. And it had been so long...

Mae quietly flew off into the moonlit night to an abandoned building on the North Side. She had never masturbated before but she had learned as much as she could about human sexuality while she was with Luthor that she knew what she needed to know to pleasure herself.

Making the material covering her body vanish, Mae began to explore her body. She ran her fingers lightly over her breasts, pinching the hard erect nipples. As she played with her heavy breasts, she felt moisture building between her legs. Trailing one hand down her body, she began to finger herself slowly.

Mae's fingers were quickly lubricated by her own fluids. She began to finger and pinch her hard clitoris with her thumb and forefinger while slipping the other fingers up inside of her. It took very little of this before she was quivering with the need for release.

Closing her eyes, Mae suddenly pictured Lois. As the mental image of her friend began to strip and play with herself, Mae felt herself come hard.

She began to moan softly at first and then with increasing volume as she reached the crest of her orgasm. Guard dogs around the partially vacant industrial complex all began to howl in unison with Mae's loud groans. Soon, as the Maid of Might fell asleep beneath the stars, the dogs slowly quieted as well.

Lois fell asleep long before the cacophony to the north, her climax finally allowing her to sleep. As she slipped into R.E.M. sleep, her dreams were not solely about her husband.

She was spread eagle on a large bed and as Clark stood over her, just out of her reach. As Lois began to beg her husband to join her, he knelt on the bed next to her. Clark, now also naked, then lay down next to her and reached out to Lois. As Clark slid into her, Lois stared up at all the beautiful flesh above her. She stared at Clark and smiled as his hair grew long and lightened and the hard muscles softened into feminine curves. The cock in her became slender, inquisitive fingers As Lois sighed, Mae leaned in to kiss her...

The days passed. Lois dug deeper into the riddle of the dockside property and Mae continued to patrol Metropolis in the guise of her friend and mentor.

The nights passed as well. Lois finding her dreams increasingly erotic and featuring her house guest and Mae flying off to some secluded place to pleasure herself with visions of her hostess in mind.

In the meantime, Mae read as many of Clark's articles as she could as well as rereading his novels. After the first week, she felt enough confidence to make a brief appearance at the Planet. Making up excuses to be away on assignment, Mae successfully pulled off her deception.

Almost two weeks after Clark's departure, Lois got a tip regarding goings-on at a supposedly abandoned dockside warehouse. Finding Perry in conference with the Planet's publisher, Lois ended up leaving a cryptic note before rushing out of the building.

Mae was flying around the city feeling confused about her emotions and her wants. Mae was female in body and mind if not by birth. She could take on the physical characteristics of just about any creature, barring problems with mass. She could even simulate physical aspects of these copies. But she felt most comfortable as a woman. She enjoyed the sensations of a woman's body.

If this was so, why was she dreaming of Lois? Why was she masturbating to imaged views of Lois' nude body? Being somewhat honest with herself, she recalled a time with Luthor and his driver, Mercy Graves. She ignored the fact that she remembered Mercy and her talented tongue more fondly than anything of Lex' performance afterwards that night.

Remembering her promise to Lois, Mae scanned the Lexcorp Tower from a safe distance. Luthor was in Washington trying to get the Defense Department to invest in some research on laser defense weapons but there were still many clandestine projects, studies, and reports that interested Mae.

While using a combination of telescopic and X-ray vision, Mae found Mercy in Luthor's top floor office. Mercy was lying nude on top of the large desk. The young woman had her fingers buried between her legs as she masturbated vigorously. Mae gasped and felt a tingle in her groin when she saw the open folder of pictures of herself as Supergirl scattered around the horny brunette on the desk.

Feeling an unusual hardness in the suit, Mae looked down in surprise to see a large bulge in the front of her costume. She was taken aback until she recalled her appearance. Deciding to try something new, she sat back on the rooftop and reached under the waistband of the red shorts and into the blue tights, grasping the rock-solid shaft.

Recalling hand jobs she had given Luthor with a grimace, she began to stroke her cock while watching Mercy pleasure herself. As Mae pumped and watched, she felt her orgasm begin to grow. Soon, she was dying for release but...she couldn't come! Mae began to pump with greater speed, the sensations building in herself but she could not achieve her release!

The frustration grew when she saw Mercy climax as the chauffeur's eyes were locked on Mae's picture. Mercy's juices ran down between her legs to puddle on the glossy surface of Luthor's desk. Mae stared, stunned that she couldn't climax.

Damn! Why couldn't she get off? Mae had come to enjoy masturbating and wasn't afraid of doing so in relatively secure locales, so why couldn't she climax?

The worst part was that there was no one she felt she could talk to. As Mae, she had few friends, especially in Metropolis. As Supergirl, most of her acquaintances were male superheroes. She briefly considered talking to Ma but immediately knew she could never talk to Martha Kent about such a thing. Lois? While a good friend, how would Lois view her attempt to masturbate while in her husband's form? And what could she possibly tell Lois about what had gotten her horny in the first place?

While Mae was watching Mercy Graves masturbate in the Lexcorp Tower, Lois was on the waterfront, nosing around for clues. From her anonymous tipster and clues she had unearthed, she felt she was on the verge of uncovering a large insurance fraud operation and was looking for a way into one of the decrepit warehouses.

From records she obtained from contacts in City Hall, Lois knew that almost all of the structures along the Metropolis River were owned by some syndicate called Seacorp. Supposedly the company wanted to rehab the buildings and reopen the old Port of Metropolis to Atlantic shipping, hoping to draw business away from Bludhaven and Gotham.

Something, perhaps her reporter's instinct, told Lois this was nowhere near the truth. For one thing, outside of a statement of intent and some property insurance documents, she had no other solid evidence of Seacorp's existence. For another, most of the buildings were so far gone that demolition was just about the only thing that could be accomplished on the waterfront.

Lois stood in front of an old warehouse that had suffered through years of weathering. It jutted out over the river on a crumbling wharf like dozens of others up and down the riverside. She could barely make out the faded Cunard Lines logo that once proudly declared the ownership of the premises. She found a broken window along the side.

She paused and considered her situation. No door that wasn't padlocked and the only access broken windows she'd have to climb through. Looking down at her new pants suit, she realized she was definitely overdressed for breaking and entering. As she considered going home and changing, an internal voice told her there wasn't time.

Lois had learned long ago to trust her instincts or, as she called it, the little voice. She scanned the area around her for some way to facilitate her entry into the old building.

Moving a dumpster that, from the odor Lois guessed hadn't been emptied in several years, below the gaping window frame, the intrepid reporter prepared to enter the building. Holding her breath against the stench of the rotting trash, Lois crawled onto the dumpster and through the window.

"Damn!" she hissed as her pants leg snagged on a shard of glass embedded in the window frame. Freeing herself, she saw a large tear in the material and swore again. One of these days she'd learn to dress more appropriately, she promised herself.

Once inside, she exhaled loudly and was immediately assailed by the combined smells of mildew and the sea.

Looking around the cavernous interior, she saw it was lit by the daylight streaming through filthy windows, and even filthier skylights. There was a large, closed dock door along the far wall that apparently opened onto the river itself. Scattered around the walls were the remains of packing crates, old cargo netting, and a couple of empty wooden barrels.

The young reporter slowly began to search the warehouse. It took only a few minutes to determine that there really wasn't anything beyond the rubbish she had already seen. The main room was empty.

She moved towards the end that jutted out over the river. Seeing a small room in a corner, she made her way there. The room, once the supervisor's office, was now home to wharf-side vermin, judging from the sounds she heard coming from the old wooden filing cabinet and the ruin of a desk in the middle.

Lois stepped back to the main room, her skin crawling with thoughts of hundreds, if not thousands of rats around her in the old walls. She decided there weren't any clues for her here. She started to make her way back to the window.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and tendrils of flame arced across the middle of the warehouse. Lois stood transfixed for the moment as she watched the small tongues of fire grow. In seconds, the middle of the warehouse was a curtain of flames!

Lois looked around desperately but saw her window was on the other side of the fire. Feeling the beginnings of panic, she whipped her head around looking for a way out. She ran for the dock door.

The door was jammed. She pushed and pushed, curses punctuating the rapidly warming air, but to no avail. The door wouldn't budge.

"Goddamnit!" Lois shouted. She looked around in desperation. There was no way out!

Screaming as a large rat ran over her foot, she kicked out in fear and anger. As she did so, she realized they must have a way out. She forced herself to stand still as the rodents, some as large as a toy poodle, came towards her, away from the fire. They ran past her and many trundled over her feet, their pink,hairless tails dragging across her bare ankles.

Frustration ballooned in her as she realized the rats merely disappeared through small gaps in the walls. There was no opening big enough for her to try to squeeze through!

In anger, she screamed again, "GODDAMNIT!"

At that moment, Mae was over the West Side and flying towards the sound of the explosion. Hearing someone screaming in anger and panic, she quickly made her way through the rapidly building smoke and flame into the abandoned warehouse. Her pulse doubled when she saw Lois in the middle of a sea of brown and grey fur.


"Mae! Oh, thank God!" Lois sobbed as she fell into Mae's strong arms.

"Come on. I'll get you out of here," Mae promised as she picked up Lois in her arms. She began to rise off the floor when she realized Lois could be seriously injured if she went up through the growing firestorm above the building. She directed her eyes to the floor and burned a large hole through the pier and the adjacent pilings to allow them to exit safely below the roaring flames.

Lois glanced down and saw the water covered with small, furry bodies. Normally a strong, courageous woman, Lois had a phobia about rats. "Uh, isn't there some other way?" Lois asked. "The rats..."

Mae looked at her and then over towards the flames, just as a flaming roof joist crashed to the floor. She shook her head, blond hair brushing Lois' face, "I'm afraid this is the best way. Just hold your breath and I'll swim us under the rats. Okay?"

Lois looked into Mae's blue eyes and knew she was safe with this woman. She nodded and took several deep breaths before taking as big a breath as she could.

Mae held Lois tightly and dropped through the smoldering hole in the floor and down into the cold, filthy water of the river. The sudden shock surprised Lois and she expelled the air in her lungs. Mae noted this and forced her mouth against the panicked reporter, forcing air into Lois' lungs as she propelled them out towards the middle of the river.

Rising on a plume of water, Mae flew back towards the docks. The flames from the old Cunard warehouse had spread to surrounding buildings she saw. Landing lightly, Mae released Lois, saying, "Better see what I can do about that?"

"Mae!" Lois called as the young blonde began to elevate off the pavement. She looked at the brunette with a raised eyebrow and Lois said, "Your appearance...?"

Mae looked and realized she had reverted to Supergirl.

Shaking her head with a half-smile, she changed back to Superman before flying out over the river. Using a technique that would've made Clark proud, she created a water vortex by spinning at superspeed in the water.

While still spinning, she flew out of the river, bringing a column of water with her. Halting over the blazing structures, she stopped rotating and the water fell onto the three flaming warehouses.

Using superbreath, she then blew out the remaining flames like a child blowing out birthday candles. By the time she was finished, the Metropolis Fire Department as well as the members of the police force had arrived.

The fire fighters quickly looked through the smoldering wreckage to confirm "Superman's" efforts had been successful. The majority of them then left, leaving the representatives of the inspector's office with the Bomb and Arson Squad to sift through the ashes.

Medics quickly checked Lois for any injuries, and finding none, left after admonishing her to go to her doctor at the first signs of anything amiss. Lois agreed, shivering under the heavy blanket in her wet clothes.

Later, at the local precinct house, Lois gave a statement to the detectives regarding what she had witnessed and what she had discovered regarding the properties along the waterfront. Fortunately they had allowed her to change into a set of MPD sweats, her sodden pants suit in a plastic bag to do with as she pleased.

"Ms. Lane, I want to thank you for the information. It pretty much confirms our findings," Lieutenant Jordan Richmond said.

"So, do you have any ideas about who might be behind this?" Lois asked, ever the inquiring reporter.

"Something we've hoped wouldn't be a factor in Metropolis. You've heard of the Russian Mafia?" Lois nodded to the detective's question. "They have pretty much confined themselves to the New York area but they seem to have branched out into Bludhaven and Gotham. Now, unfortunately, it appears they've got their sights set on Metropolis."

"Lieutenant, how sure are you about this? May I quote you?" Lois asked.

Richmond shook his head, "I'd rather you didn't. I understand from Captain Sawyer and from Bill Henderson that you are one of the better reporters in town, in terms of how you treat the department, so I won't tell you not to write any of this in your story."


"But, I'd appreciate it if you kept any names out of this. Until we have hard, concrete evidence of Russian hands in this insurance scam, it might be better to, uh..."

"Use an unnamed source? And mention only suspicions of mob involvement?" Lois asked. "No Russians?"

"Thank you, Ms. Lane. In return for your cooperation, Henderson gave me the authority to give you exclusive rights to this before the Daily Star, WLEX, or any other local media." Richmond stood and extended his hand, "I'm sure you'd like to file your story and get cleaned up so I won't keep you."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I appreciate this." Lois shook his hand.

"Just be sure you spell my name right when the time comes," Richmond replied as he escorted Lois out of the precinct house.

Three hours later, Lois was finally returning home. She had stopped at the Planet and filed her story, anonymous source and all, in time for the morning edition. Perry, Jimmy, and the rest of the newsroom all shook their heads good naturedly after another life-saving rescue from Superman. She obviously didn't bother to correct them as she wrote her story and headed home.

As she stepped into the apartment, she looked at the black plastic garbage bag in her hand and shook her head. May as well leave the rags in there. However she took it into the kitchen and set it down in the laundry closet. 'May be able to salvage something,' she mused.

Mae landed in the living room as Lois came back from the kitchen. "Mae, I never got a chance to thank you for saving my life earlier," Lois said.

"Hey, that's what us heroes do," Mae said, embarrassed by the situation. In her embarrassment, she let go of the Superman form and reverted to the more shapely, blond Supergirl.

Lois hugged Mae, saying, "Maybe, but when you're on the receiving end, it means a lot."

"Lois, you're welcome...I uh, guess." Mae wrinkled her nose which Lois found very cute. "I think you might want to get cleaned up."

"Why? Do I smell like a dockside fire?" Lois joked as she headed for the bathroom.

"Something like that," Mae laughed.

Hearing the running water, Mae found her eyes dragged to the bathroom door. She felt stirrings in her, stirrings that had bothered her all day. Ever since she spied Mercy Graves masturbating on Luthor's desk. That memory again sent a strong tingle to her loins and she blushed as a result.

Glancing again at the bathroom door, she saw through it and into the shower stall. She gasped as she saw Lois standing under the hot spray. She was gorgeous! Mae knew she shouldn't but couldn't help staring at the lovely woman soaping herself. Mae didn't realize until her fingers touched her lower lips that she had slid her hand below the blue panties under her short red skirt. She was surprised to find herself dripping in her excitement.

Sitting on the couch, Mae continued to look at Lois, her pert breasts, her little triangle of brown fur below, her tight, round ass as Mae began to manipulate herself. Her self-pleasure was driving any thoughts from her brain and Mae's head fell back on the couch, her eyes closed, as she neared her climax. She recalled the feeling of holding Lois close, the pressure of that soft, curvy figure. She remembered the feel of Lois' lips as she shared air with the woman under water.

Though she had her eyes closed, Mae's superhearing detected the change in sound as the shower was shut off. A warning bell sounded in her head and she quickly came back to herself, yanking her hand out of her supersuit.

Frustration sitting heavily on her, Mae thought about just flying off to masturbate on another abandoned rooftop. Before she could act on her plan, Lois came out into the living room in a terry cloth robe drying her hair with a fluffy towel.

"God, I feel so much better..." Lois looked at Mae, taking in her flushed face, and asked, "Hey, honey, are you alright?"

Mae mumbled a yes with a shaky breath and Lois came by her, placing her hand on Mae's forehead. "You are a little warm but then again, that might be natural... Do you really feel well?"

"Lois, uh, I'm...I'm fine," Mae protested.

Lois took her hand gently and said, "There's something bothering you, Mae. You can tell me." Lois felt some moisture on the hand she was holding but thought nothing of it at the time.

"No. No, I can't. You'd think I was a freak! I can't..." Tears slid down Mae's cheeks as she felt her frustration and her anger with herself build. "You'll hate me. I wouldn't blame you..."

"Mae, I could never hate you. Please, let me help," Lois said softly.

Mae looked at Lois, staring into her brown eyes, and knew she could trust this woman. She nodded, her blues eyes still brimming with tears.

"Okay, but..."

"Shh. No buts. Just tell me."

Mae nodded again, "When I was with Luthor, well, that was the first time I had ever had sex... Being an artificial construct, a shapeshifter, it was never... I didn't know who or what I was. When I came here and stayed after Brainiac's attack, I decided to remain as a female and adopted this," she gestured to the form-fitting costume she wore, "as a tribute to Clark.

"I guess I was pretty naive when I got here and then living with Ma and Pa... Well, things are different in Kansas compared with Metropolis. When I came back here and became involved with Lex, I allowed him to seduce me and take me into his bed. We were lovers for the rest of my time with him, until I found out the truth..."

Lois nodded. She had learned as much from Clark when he helped Mae after she left Luthor. The girl was still obviously dealing with the hurt she felt when she discovered just who and what Lex Luthor really was.

"At one point, shortly before I...I learned about Luthor, he had me make love to Mercy Graves, his bodyguard/driver." Mae paused barely glancing at Lois out of the corner of her eye. Seeing no shock or horror but rather interested surprise, she decided to continue.

"It was only the one time and soon after I left Luthor. Today...before the fire and everything, I was flying patrol and looked at the Lexcorp Tower," Mae stopped, ready for Lois to accuse her of breaking her promise. When Lois sat silently listening, Mae took a deep breath. "I know that Luthor's in Washington now but I figured a long-distance scan would be okay. I saw..." Mae stopped. She sat there and wrung her hands in frustration.

"Mae, it's okay. You can tell me," Lois said gently.

Mae took another deep breath and told Lois about seeing Mercy masturbating and how she remembered how good Mercy was. How wonderful the sex with her was. How she became excited and tried to masturbate in Clark's form. How frustrated she felt when she couldn't get off like a male.

"Mae, if you find yourself attracted to women, it's okay. Some people might think there is something wrong with you but I don't. And Clark won't either, I promise." Lois held Mae's hand again,this time picking up the scent from her fingers but saying nothing for the moment.

"It's just that anything from my time with's all so dirty. I feel...soiled by the time I was with him. I don't know of anything that I did that wasn't tainted..." Mae was feeling overcome with self-loathing. She decided to tell Lois everything, maybe then she could start to feel good about herself.

"I... Lois, I saw the shower earlier," Mae paused again, her heart hammering in her chest. When Lois continued to sit quietly, holding her hand, Mae said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have looked but...after this afternoon with you in my arms..." Mae jerked her hand away and headed for the balcony.

As she was poised to fly away, Lois said, "Mae, please don't go. Stay with me."

"Lois, I...I can't! I spied on you, I felt lust for you! It's wrong and I can't stay..."

Lois stepped up and took Mae's hand, holding tight. "If you fly away, you take me with you."

"No, Lois, please..." Mae was crying now, her breath coming in hitches.

"Mae, please come back inside. I have some things to tell you," Lois pleaded. "Please?"

Mae finally gave in and stepped back into the living room. Lois hugged her tightly, saying, "Mae, it's alright. I don't hate you. I'm flattered that you find me so attractive. And I have a confession or two for you." Lois smiled at her friend and led her back to the couch.

"Before Clark and I got married, something happened. Well, long story short, I found myself agreeing to something before I realized what I was getting myself into. You know Cat Grant? On TV?" Mae nodded. "She and I had a brief affair for a few weeks before..."

"Lois, you? With another woman?" Mae asked dumbfounded.

"There's more, Mae. About a year ago, I was in Smallville and had dinner with Lana. That night, one thing led to another and we ended up making love the entire night."

Mae stared at Lois, seeing a side of the intrepid reporter very few people even believed existed. "Lois, you're...?"

"I'm bisexual Mae," Lois said. "My preference is for men, well actually one man. I know there could never be another man to replace Clark." Mae smiled, knowing how much her friends loved each other.

Lois smiled back, "But I finally admitted that first, scary, exciting, eye-opening night with Cat, that I also find women appealing as well."

"Does Clark know?"

"Yes. I told him about Cat before we married. It was the hardest thing I had to do...well, except for dealing with his death. But I didn't want there to be anything hidden between us." Lois stopped, remembering that night when they told each other of their previous sexual relationships. Lois had more experience but Clark definitely had more exciting partners, Wonder Woman and Maxima among them.

"I guess he took it alright?"

"Mae, Clark was raised in a typical Midwestern home. He had the same experiences, hopes, and fantasies of any other teenager. Remember, he didn't really discover his powers until he was in his mid-teens. He has the same fascination with lesbianism that just about every other male in America has." Lois had to hide the grin as she recalled that long-ago night and how excited Clark became. Or the night she told him about making love with Lana, his first love.

Mae looked down at her feet shyly, "Do you... Do you still feel... Um, it's none of my busin..."

Lois interrupted the young woman, "Mae, I do like you.

If that's what you're asking. Hell, even if it isn't! You are a lovely, sexy woman."

"Lois, I..."

Lois again interrupted Mae, this time by kissing her. Lois found Mae's lips to be warm and moist and most inviting. She ran the back of her hand along Mae's cheek as she looked into the blonde's wide blue eyes. Seeing what she had hoped to see there, Lois put her hand on the back of Mae's head, the long, blond hair silky under her fingers, and kissed her again. Parting her lips, Lois ran the tip of her tongue over Mae's lips and Mae shivered.

Lois pulled back, alarmed that she might have misread Mae. When she saw the small smile on that beautiful face, she understood the shiver was one of pleasure. Lois captured Mae's lips with hers once again and felt her own shiver as Mae's tongue licked her lips before slipping into her mouth.

Mae's hands moved under the loose robe and began to slide along Lois' body as the kiss deepened. With one hand, the blonde caressed the woman's back and she tentatively cupped a breast with the other.

Lois felt her heart quicken at the tentative, almost frightened touch on her breast. The soft touch was most welcome and she arched her back to press more firmly into the strong, hesitant fingers. Her nipples stiffened at the contact.

Without breaking the kiss, Lois shrugged the robe off her shoulders. It pooled around her on the sofa, leaving her bare from the waist up. Lois moved her hands across the blue material covering Mae's chest, cupping and kneading the soft flesh.

Finally, reluctantly breaking the kiss, Lois stood and finished loosening the belt, allowing the white terry cloth to fall to the floor. As she stood there nude, she smiled and, in a voice husky with lust, said, "I want to see you naked..."

Mae climbed unsteadily to her feet, taking Lois's proferred hand to help her. "Only two other people have ever seen me..." Mae's voice trailed off as she smiled shyly.

"That's a great pity. You are gorgeous and should be admired," Lois said.

Mae smiled and reddened at the compliment. Then she willed her costume away and stood there as bare as Lois. The cool breeze coming in from the balcony hardened her nipples to points.

Lois looked at the vision before her. Mae stood there looking at Lois from under her lashes, her head downturned. The body was exceptional, to Lois' eyes. The round, full breasts and the tapering waist leading to the soft blonde fur between her long shapely legs. "You're magnificent," Lois breathed.

She reached out and ran a finger through the short, silky curls and felt the moist heat from below. Lois moved that hand around the slender waist and pulled Mae to her, her lips and tongue finding the blonde's again. Mae's hands encircled Lois' body and the lovely duo molded their bodies together as they kissed.

Lois began to trail wet kisses along Mae's throat, feeling the beat of the girl's pulse with her lips. She bent and suckled Mae's breast, running her lips and tongue all around the surface while avoiding the nipple. Lois cupped the other breast in her hand and squeezed it gently, again avoiding the nipple, so the tip of it was pointing into the air.

Mae's head was thrown back, and her eyes closed as she moaned softly. Her hands traced random patterns on Lois' bare back, holding the brown-haired woman close to her. She pressed her thigh between Lois' legs, feeling the woman's hot wetness on her skin. Lois' thigh pressed against Mae and they began to rub against each other.

As the friction between them grew, Lois relinquished Mae's breast and grabbed her head to bring their mouths together in a searing kiss. Their tongues caressed each other as they both reached the first, and smallest, of the night's orgasms.

Lois started to collapse and Mae picked her up, cradling the brunette gently in her arms. She kissed Lois again as she lifted off the floor, bringing both of them into the bedroom to continue the night's pleasures on the king-size bed Lois shared with her husband.

Laying side by side, Lois and Mae stared deeply into each other's eyes. Each woman saw her own lust and passion mirrored in her lover's eyes. They both reached a new level of excitement and anticipation.

Lois reached out and pulled Mae to her, kissing the beautiful blonde deeply. She wanted this innocent young woman so much, it was almost painful. Seeing the same need in Mae's eyes, Lois began to kiss her way down the blonde's lovely body.

She took her time with the girl's nearly perfect breasts, knowing she was touching and tasting something many had fantasized about but almost none had even seen. Lois' tongue swabbed around the hard nub before flicking across the tip. Her mouth wrapped around the top of the heaving breast while she explored the smooth, flat stomach with her free hand.

Mae moaned, arching her back, as Lois licked one of her hard nipples and pinched the other. She sucked in her breath when she felt Lois' long fingers stroking her soft, nether curls, not quite touching the heated flesh below.

"Oh God, Lois," Mae began to moan. "Touch me! I need to feel you inside me! Please...!"

Lois smiled around the mouthful of bouncy flesh and decided to torture her young lover for a while. She moved her mouth to the other peak, lavishing it as much as she had it's twin. Her hand, meanwhile, traced random patterns around Mae's core; touching the smooth skin on the insides of her thighs, tracing the very edge of her pubic tuft, even dragging her index finger along the sensitive crease where thighs joined body.

The heat from the young woman was palpable on Lois' hand. She knew she couldn't keep this up for long. She had to taste Mae!

Matching desire to action, Lois moved down Mae's body.

Her tongue left a cool trail down to the navel, pausing to explore the shallow hollow. 'Mae is so sensitive,' Lois thought as she felt the woman shiver beneath her.

Moving to lay between Mae's legs, Lois stared at the object of her desire directly in front of her. She resisted the impulse to dive straight in and, instead, licked and bit the sensitive skin of Mae's inner thighs while she stroked the soft blond curls just above her face.

Licking the backs of Mae's knees first, Lois moved her mouth up the woman's thighs, licking and nibbling the soft skin again. Reaching her stomach, Lois ran her tongue through the pubic hair, tasting some of Mae's essence lingering in the short curls. It whetted her appetite for more.

Finally giving in to her needs, Lois pulled Mae's lower lips apart. Gazing into the blonde's core, Lois was mesmerized. It was beautiful, perfect. 'What should I expect from a shapeshifter?' Lois thought. 'Now to taste this lovely creature...'

Lois gently blew on the wet sex, causing Mae to groan with desire. Smiling at that, she moved closer and began to lick the hot, swollen flesh. The taste of the girl was unlike either of Lois' previous female lovers. She found it tangy and sweet. She delved deeper into Mae for the woman's honey.

Mae let out a loud groan when Lois finally began to tongue her. The woman was phenomenal! Even Mercy, talented lesbian that she is, was not nearly as exciting as Lois.

Lois sent surges of pleasure through Mae as she danced her tongue around the outer lips before thrusting into her again and again. As Mae's tunnel walls clenched on Lois' tongue, the reporter felt a brief moment of fear that Mae's power could hurt her. Then remembering how gentle Clark always is, coupled with the fact that Mae seemed to sense subconsciously how far she could go, eased her fears. She was again able to enjoy herself.

French-kissing the sodden pussy, Lois found the woman's G-spot. Playing her tongue over the ultrasensititve area, Lois was rewarded for her discovery by Mae's cries of pleasure and joy. Mae again clamped down on Lois' tongue as she climaxed on the reporter's face.

Finally able to draw her tongue out of Mae, Lois lapped up the extra juice from the woman's orgasm. Planting a wet kiss on the fiery pussy, Lois smiled when Mae cringed and whimpered at the contact with her hypersensitive flesh.

Crawling up nest to the lovely blonde, Lois gazed down on the flushed features. Mae opened her blue eyes and smiled up at Lois. "That was incredible! It's never been like that..." Mae's words were stifled when she pulled Lois to her for a passion-filled kiss.

Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Mae began to lick her fluids off of Lois' cheeks and chin, whispering between tastes, "I want to make you feel that way. I want you to scream!"

"Oh, please, Mae," Lois replied. "Please, make me come!"

Mae kissed Lois again, her tongue sliding softly against Lois', before moving between the reporter's legs. Mae wanted to make Lois come badly, and decided to go right to the source.

Looking up the length of Lois' body, she breathed, "Lois, you're beautiful!"

Without wasting any more words, Mae tried to copy Lois' oral actions, thrusting her tongue deep into the brunette. She was rewarded with a flood of honey on her tongue. Definitely enjoying the flavor, Mae continued to tongue-fuck Lois to get as much of her juices as she could.

Lois was amazed by how talented Mae was making love to a woman. Her last coherent thought was that Mercy Graves wasn't so bad after all if she could teach this to a young woman.

Mae felt Lois shudder and remembered that was the signal that Mercy was about to come. Lois' hands grabbed her head and forced Mae into her crotch. She moved her mouth up and wrapped her lips around Lois' clitoris, sucking on it. She gradually increased the suction as Lois cried out, "Maaaaaeeeee!!!"

Lois' body arched up off the mattress as her first climax roared through her. Falling back on the bed, she lay moaning, "Oh, God, Mae..."

Mae floated up next to Lois. She looked down and smiled proudly at how she had brought pleasure to her friend. Letting her body gently settle onto Lois, she gently kissed the woman. Her hair fell around the two, creating golden curtain for the young lovers as they shared deep, loving kisses.

They lay in each other's arms, kissing and caressing each other as they recovered from their passion. Sweetly kissing Mae, Lois thrilled by the girl's soft tongue against hers. It was so much gentler than any man she had ever kissed, even Clark.

Mae, for her part, was also enjoying the slow, tender kisses. She had far less experience than Lois but she knew that this woman was special in so many ways.

After a suitable period of rest, Mae began to kiss her way down Lois' body. She took the time to thoroughly pleasure Lois' breasts; slowly sucking with increasing pressure on each nipple. After making the nipples hard as little pebbles, she moved on down to again lick Lois' pussy.

Before Mae could distract her too much, Lois pulled the blonde over her so she was looking at the golden bit of heaven between Mae's thighs. Lois started to lick the dripping sex above her, feeling Mae moan into her.

Both women achieved a rhythm as they pleasured each other. Each began to slowly gyrate against the other, pressing their pussies against their lover's mouth.

Lois had ignored the blonde's clit the first time. This time she didn't. She also did something she hadn't tried since she had been with Cat Grant. She licked her finger and gently slid it into Mae's tight anus.

Mae cried into Lois as she felt the slender invader move into her. She had never felt anything like this!

Remembering Mercy, she reciprocated Lois' action by running her tongue around the reporter's ass, thrusting steadily into Lois before resuming her actions on the brown-haired pussy.

Before long, both women were on the verge of coming. Lois concentrated on Mae, forcing her own orgasm back.

When she felt the constrictions on her tongue and her finger, she started to suck on Mae's clit hard.

As Mae climaxed again, it triggered a similar reaction in Lois. Both women screamed their joy into the other; their pussies absorbing the sound and vibration, prolonging the orgasms.

Both women lay back, panting as their racing hearts slowed. Lois cradled Mae's head to her chest, stroking the long blond tresses. Mae ran her fingers lightly around Lois' stomach, occasionally tugging playfully at the short, brown curls between her lover's legs.

Mae glanced up at Lois and asked, "Is this okay? I mean, Clark..."

Lois shushed her, "Honey, this is wonderful! And Clark will understand. I'll make sure of that."

"Lois, why couldn't I come this afternoon?" Mae asked.

"Not that I'm complaining since you did a far better job than I could've done to myself." Mae smiled at her lover.

"Clark told me you were made from female DNA. I'm sure that's why you instinctively chose a female body when you decided to stay here on Earth. Maybe why you can only achieve release as a woman," Lois suggested. "But enough of this scientific discussion. I want to play some more..."

The reporter's sure hands slid down Mae's back to squeeze the blonde's round ass before venturing further. Mae moved her fingers in turn from the brown silk into the woman's wet depths. Soon, they were climaxing again.

Before the night was through, Lois and Mae made love several more times. The highlight was when Mae flew Lois up into the warm night sky and made love to her high above the tallest towers of Metropolis.

"This gives new meaning to the Mile-High Club," Lois gasped after their airborne orgasms. Mae simply smiled and kissed her before flying back down to the apartment.

Over the next several weeks, they made love so often they lost count. (Not that they were keeping track.) Mae found that by using her shapeshifting abilities, she could entertain Lois with different lovers.

One night, about a week after they first made love, Lois was seduced by the demon-killing star of a popular teenage/young adult show. It was quite an evening.

"Hello, I'm Lois Lane," the reporter said. "Please make yourself comfortable."

The young blonde TV star smiled and sat on the couch near Lois. "Thank you. You're very kind," she said.

"Not at all. I rarely get to meet such lovely stars as yourself," Lois said, smiling at the girl.

"Did you want to ask me anything?" the young star asked.

"Well, yes I did. Not about the show but about your recent movie love scene." The girl smiled coyly and Lois continued, "Did you feel awkward kissing another girl? Knowing that most, if not all, of your fans would see you?"

Shaking her head, the girl said, "No, not at all. It was... Well, it was fun. Kind of exciting too. We didn't hold back, you know. It was a pretty heavy-duty kiss."

"Yes, I saw it," Lois said.

"How did you feel watching me kiss another girl?"

"To be honest, I found it quite exciting," Lois admitted.

"Would you like to kiss me?" the girl asked.


The young star leaned over and kissed Lois, her tongue snaking into the brunette's mouth. Lois, who was already aroused from the conversation, was definitely enjoying the girl's youthful vigor. She pressed her tongue against the girl's and into her mouth. It was a wet, sloppy, passionate kiss.

A hand covered Lois' breast. Her nipple pressed against the cotton t-shirt she wore. The hand began to massage her and she moaned into the other's mouth.

Breaking the kiss, Lois sighed and said, "Oh God. I want you, Sar..."

"Shh, no names," the girl interrupted, placing her finger on Lois' lips. Lois nibbled at the slender digit as the girl added, "Let's just enjoy the night, shall we?"

Lois acknowledged her idea with another passionate kiss. Her hands drifted over the girl's dress, gently squeezing her ripe breasts unconfined by any bra. Her hand skimmed down and slid beneath the hem. Her hand moved up the girl's thigh lightly touching the skin to discover that she wasn't wearing any undergarments!

Lois had her stand and she pulled the dress off the girl. She was even sexier than on TV! Lois took the opportunity to nuzzle the girl's crotch, her nose in the short curly hair, drinking in the scent of the star's arousal.

The girl moaned lightly then pulled Lois to her feet. Kissing the reporter, she proceeded to strip the garments off Lois until the two women were able to feast on each other's beautiful bodies.

Lois took the girl's hand and led her into the bedroom. They lay together, exchanging soft, wet kisses as their hands explored each other. Lois slipped a finger into the girl's wet heat, then another. She had to taste this.

Crawling between the TV star's legs, Lois began to lick the wetness from her swollen labia. This, of course, produced more of the girl's juices which Lois happily lapped up. With her mouth pressed against the girl's pussy, her nose buried in the pubic thatch, Lois looked up at the girl as she squeezed her breasts and moaned in ecstasy.

The girl shivered and Lois found herself staring at a lovely woman. She recognized her as a minor star from "The Phantom" on HBO the other night. The woman looked to be about Lois' age with long, raven-black hair spread over the pillow. Her pubic hair was jet black as well.

She resumed her oral pleasuring of this Welsh actress.

She applied the flat of her tongue to the woman's clit until the woman was screaming out her orgasm. Lois crawled up alongside of her and looked into beautiful almond-shaped eyes. She leaned down to share the taste on her tongue with her bed partner.

The woman happily accepted Lois' tongue and parried it with her own. The heated kiss soon ended and the woman began to kiss her way down Lois' body until she was poised over the reporter's wet pussy.

As she began to tongue Lois, the brunette looked down and saw the First Lady's blond head bobbing between her legs. Lois' only coherent thoughts were 'I guess the rumors are true, Willy gets the girls after his wife...' After that, Lois gave herself over to the wonderful sensations the politician's tongue was creating.

As the woman's tongue pressed into Lois, the reporter cried out. The older woman then licked down between Lois' ass cheeks, licking the rosebud buried there, before finally applying her tongue to the brunette's clit. As she flicked her tongue across the very tip of Lois' nub, the reporter cried louder as she climaxed.

When she had recovered, Lois opened her eyes and smiled up at Mae. The young superhero was looking quite pleased, and sexy with her golden hair falling alongside her face.

"Mae, that was fantastic!"

"I'm glad I was able to help you act out some fantasies," Mae said kissing Lois lovingly. "Anyway, I enjoyed myself too!"

Another time, Mae, combining her superspeed with her morphing ability, had a bevy of supermodels make love to Lois simultaneously. Lois was thrilled to be seemingly tongued by several beautiful women at once.

And, once a week, Mae would take on Clark's shape to fuck Lois to a powerful orgasm. Then she would resume her female form to allow Lois to reciprocate.

At the same time, "Superman" helped the Metropolis PD close down virtually the entire Russian network in town. The Russian mobsters finally gave up on the Big Apricot and refocused their efforts on New York, Gotham, and Bludhaven. Lois, of course, had the exclusive.

Finally, almost eight weeks after Clark and the other heroes left Earth, Lois saw the ad she had been looking for in the Planet. It meant that her man was coming home.

She had no way of knowing that the ad had been placed in the paper by a lonely woman confined to a wheelchair in dark Gotham. She also had no idea that woman would soon find her heart with her crime-fighting partner. If she had, Lois would've been pleased.

The last night Lois and Mae were together, they made love until the sun rose over the Atlantic. It was a bittersweet night, as Mae was well aware that her time with Lois was soon to be over. They both shed tears and held each other as their last night came to an end.


Lois of course told Clark all about her love-making with Mae. There were no secrets between them. And, as she suspected, he was not upset. He was incredibly aroused. Lois had to force herself to walk steadily when they came to work at the Planet the next day.

Lois arranged for Mae to meet Cat Grant and the two became lovers for the rest of Mae's time in Metropolis. Cat showed her some unusual methods of pleasuring herself and her lover. Mae found it quite exciting and enlightening. Who knew leather could be such a turn-on?

Eventually, Mae merged with Linda Danvers and the once heterosexual teenager in Leesburg, Virginia found herself eying her female classmates as well as several of the women in town. She soon discovered that many of them had similar secret interests.

Lois remained true to her man. She knew she could never love another man like she loved Clark. But she would never forget those glorious nights sharing her bed and her body with Mae.

The End.

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