
By TopLegal

Published on Aug 25, 2002


Superhero: 2 ============

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2002, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Cold Winter -----------

"Victor," Forbes shouted to me from the bathroom, "can you put on

the radio, I want to hear if the police made any progress on that

string of bank robberies?"

I rolled over slowly, Forbes' energy could at times be infectious,

but we had been prowling some of the darkest parts of New York

City for five nights straight without any luck. With a push, I got

the radio turned on and then rolled back into a ball.

"Thanks," he shouted. I was tired but I could hear the reporter:

"Police still say they have no leads in the string of bank

robberies that have left many afraid to visit their local banks.

Assistant District Attorney Forbes March who has been reassigned

from homicide to assist on this case refused to comment on the

status of the investigation. One source in the DA's office is

claiming that the police and DA's investigation is being hampered

by Federal involvement. While another source within the police

department says that the truth about the crime scenes is being

kept secret."

I reached out telepathically to Forbes and reminded him, "I love


I felt him think solidly, "Likewise."

The truth of the situation was that the crimes were unusual. The

burglar was working with a small gang and was blasting holes right

through safe doors as easily as most people might rip a piece of

paper in two. The problem that was baffling police--and the

FBI--was that there was no evidence of explosives.

The radio continued: "...we have Professor Katherine Landis from

New York University on the line with us now to discuss the history

of bank robberies."

Forbes came out of the bathroom and crawled into bed and we

snuggled and I lost myself in a quick orgy of kissing and


I threw on my hero "outfit" and slid my eye mask into the pocket

and headed downtown with Forbes. On the subway we sat across from

each other and practiced talking telepathically to one another.

Which really meant me talking into him and then reading back from


"What if someone with powers like ours used them for evil," I

thought to him, it was something we had discussed before and

discarded four days and four brazen robberies ago.

"It is an old maxim of mine that when you have excluded the

impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the

truth," Forbes thought back.

"Sherlock Holmes," I almost blurted out aloud.

Forbes nodded.

"So you think it could be a hero--villain I mean," I thought back.

Another nod.

"I'll go to the headquarters and see if Cathus has any leads," I


We had reached our stop and parted with a kiss as I headed towards

secret passages that would lead me to the meeting room where other

superheroes could be found.

Meeting Room ------------

When I arrived Cathus was hunched over a computer terminal and

scowled at me on my entrance. She was clearly frustrated, "Even if

the police catch this criminal they will not be able to safely

contain him in any jail."

"We have not done any better."

Cathus turned back to the computer. She and I were alone and I

logged in and looked over her work. She had done a workup of our

criminal's likely super powers. The summary showed something

important: the criminal's powers were limited to metals and

metallized substances. I pulled up one of the crime scene reports

from our (secret) link to the police database.

"What if we pointed something about this out to the police?"

She responded by getting up and turning into cat form and prowling

towards me: "How exactly would we do that?"

"Just suggest a lexan shield or something?"

She pawed at my hand, scratching me gently. I had been scolded. I

got up and paced around the room. Cathus turned back to human form

and said, "Sorry I shouldn't snap at you."

We both left the headquarters, her for her "job" as CEO of a

multi-billion dollar conglomerate and me for my job as a waiter.

I still had a few hours before I had to report for lunch and

decided to head back home. On the machine there was a message from

Forbes saying he would be home late.

Quick Trick -----------

I ended up sitting in my childhood bedroom and staring out the

window. I found myself looking at the empty construction hole

where Paul's house had been before the fire that killed him and

his parents and unlocked my telepathic powers.

I noticed a handsome guy walking across the site. I reached out

telepathically; he was the architect planning a new house.

I gently placed an order in his head: "Come ring my bell."

I could watch him scratch his head from my window and suddenly

head for my door. After the doorbell rang, I answered and let him


The architect was in his late thirties and probably ~not~ gay

based on the wedding band. We looked over the preliminary design

plans and I set out some definite expectations I had which the

architect was receptive to.

Not that the architect had a choice.

"I really need to go," the architect started to say as he stood


"Sit down," I said firmly and reinforced it telepathically.

The architect did.

"What's your name?"


"Roger, I'm Victor, and we are going to have a little bit of fun

here, ok?"

"Sounds good Victor," Roger responded.

I leaned back in my chair and put my feet up.

Roger seemed unclear on what to do and I said politely, "perhaps

you should undress?"

"Of course Victor," he responded as he got completely naked.

"Roger when we finish here today you will only remember that you

came here to show me the blueprints, we talked and that you want

to visit me again during the construction process."

Roger nodded. His naked body was nice. He clearly worked out

regularly to stay in shape. Roger kneeled at my feet and removed

my shoes and socks and began massaging my feet.

It was satisfying to the highly paid architect kneeling, naked at

my feet.

"How much do you make in a year Roger?"


"You married?"

"Yeah, for 10 years and I have three kids."

I let my feet fall to the floor and opened my legs into a V. Roger

turned and faced me with a smile. He was enjoying himself. I had

told him he would. As I slowly unbuckled my belt his cock got


"Ever sucked dick Roger?"

He hesitated and I reinforced the question telepathically.

"Yeah, a few times in the marines."

"Then this will be just like the marines," I finished as I let my

cock fall out for his attention.

He moved up towards my groin, positioned his face in front of my

hard cock and began to suck. He was pretty good at it. Roger was

quite good. He brought me to orgasm in just ten minutes. I

instructed him to swallow which he did. Then I instructed him to

dress and wait for me.

I ran upstairs and got changed for work. When I came downstairs

Roger was dressed and standing relatively at ease.

"Roger," I said, "what do you recall about being here today?"

"Came over to show you blueprints, had fun, will visit again."

"Great," I said, "oh one more thing Roger, when you go home

tonight you will make passionate love to your wife."

With that Roger walked out and headed back to his routine and I

returned to mine.

Prowling --------

After work I went straight onto the prowl and took the subway to

one of the earlier banks that had been robbed. I used a pass

Forbes had given me along with my telepathic skills to weasel my

way to the blown away vault.

I decided to try a technique of feeling the inanimate vault for

telepathic resonances. I had never really tried the technique

because it seemed like a lot of cheap psychic voodoo. But the

smoothly blown away vault edge gave up an image. I could clearly

see a black-clad figure reaching out his hand and simply

manipulating the metal into oblivion.

My reverie was disrupted quickly though by a thoughtless bank

employee, "This is a crime scene."

"I'm with the district attorney's office," I said lifting up my


"Oh, sorry," he said but I found my mind connected with his mind

and trapped him. For a moment I could sense something that seemed

relevant to the case and then the bond snapped and he was in my

face and angry. It was as if he had sensed me digging in his mind.

"GET OUT," the employee screamed at me.

I decided to leave rather than cause a scene but the incident had

aroused my curiosity.

I went back to the superheroes hangout hidden in an underground

area near canal street and quickly started searching for the bank

employee I had encountered in various databases. Our connection to

the FBI databases was slow since September 11, but we still had

one. The match I was looking for was not there, but rather in the

Department of Defense personnel system.

The bank employee was a reject from special forces with an

attitude problem. "No shit," I muttered aloud to the empty room.

The missing link was an accident in Dessert Storm where he had

been trapped near a burning refinery for hours. The trigger.

I flagged the data for Cathus and decided to try and find

Forbes/Electro for help in tackling our robber.

Take Down ---------

Security at the Manhattan District Attorney's Office was tighter

than usual. Even though the guards knew me I got the hand wand.

Forbes was in conference with the District Attorney but I was

invited to sit in his office.

One of the more junior Assistant District Attorney's he worked

with came into the office and introduced herself. "I'm Sarah," she

said sticking out her hand which I reciprocated.

"Victor," I said.

"Forbes just adores you," she said as her eyes moved towards the

picture of the two of us from Paris on Forbes' desk.

"I like the guy ok," I said nonchalantly.

She laughed, "he is in with the detectives and the DA trying to

sort out these bank robberies. Quite different from homicide


"Is he being set up for a fall?"

Sarah gasped but reaching out I knew I had nailed the internal

rumor. Unable to answer me to my face she left the office


I debated storming into the conference room with the DA to Forbes'

rescue but instead shut the door and reached out my mind. If I

could talk to him from close then a couple hundred feet might not

be a problem.

"Forbes, it's Victor, I've got a good lead that will make you look

good," I thought.

"Go," he shot back, I could feel his warm electrical energy.

"There's a bank employee who is ex-special forces and has a record

that might suggest he could be behind it. Get your guys to start

running checks of insiders starting with the first bank."

"LOVE YOU," was what I got back along with an image of him

kneeling, sucking my dick.

It was another half hour before Forbes came in, "you are a life

saver." I stood up and kissed him.

"I thought they liked you," I said aloud in the elevator on our

way down to the street. He looked down at the floor. "What about

the police, I mean why blame an Assistant District Attorney?"

"I've made some enemies on my way to being head of homicides," he


We headed to the superheroes headquarters and there were about six

of us total assembled there: Telag (me; telepathic special

powers), Electro (Forbes; electrical special powers), Cathus (able

to assume the form of most felines), Patronus (able to fly), Mbizi

(water special powers, male), Keezheekoni (fire powers, female).

Of the assembled group, only Patronus could fly, the six of us

piled into a modified Lincoln Navigator that Cathus had equipped

with some high end equipment. Mbizi was driving and we reached the

bank employee's house in Connecticut in about thirty minutes.

Cathus said, "Telag see if anyone is home?"

I reached out, nothing, "nope."

"If more than two of us go we will attract attention, Telag you go

with Patronus since she can always fly you out."

Patronus and I jumped out of the SUV and headed towards the front

door. Nobody was paying any attention to us. There were no alarm

stickers visible and we walked around to the back door and

Patronus picked the lock cleanly and we entered.

The basement was a goldmine: piles of cash were strewn everywhere.

We focused on looking for documentation of the crime sites and hit

pay dirt with a map of Manhattan filled with push pins.

One was on a bank which had yet to have a report of a robbery.

We flew out of the house and back to the SUV. Based on the timing

of the other robberies we had about thirty minutes at most to

intercept him.

In the car, Patronus and Mbizi decided to fly and survey the

target bank. Forbes and I camped at the suspect's house and Forbes

placed some calls to the police and a judge for search warrants.

That left Cathus and Keezheekoni thundering back to the city in

the Navigator. It took about forty minutes for the local

Connecticut police and the NYPD detectives Forbes was working with

to show up. An administrative snafu meant there was no search

warrant yet.

Events turned in our favor as the suspect pulled his car around

the corner and into the cul de sac. Since the police were standing

around he did not immediately suspect that we were there for him

and he pulled up and parked in his driveway.

"What's going on," he shouted out to one of the officers.

The officer shouts back, "The New York DA has some questions for


The suspect darted for the house but one of the police officers

intercepted him. "Sorry, cannot allow you into the house, evidence

tampering and all."

"Why are you picking on me?"

Forbes spoke up, "Mr. Sand, nobody is picking on you, but signs

point to you being the bank robber."

Sand lunged for Forbes and one of the Connecticut police officers

tackled Sand. Cuffs came out and Mr. Sand was placed in the back

of the police car. This was a bad decision and I tried to warn

Forbes. But barely two seconds had passed before the entire back

half of the police car looked suspiciously like the destroyed bank


The police sprang into action but Sand was--like most of the other

superheroes--quite strong and the police were confused by his

escape. Finally one of the officers tried his gun--no effect.

"Shock him," I thought to Forbes who I screened from the officers

and created a telepathic cover as he blasted Sand with a massive

dose of electricity. Sand was only stunned though and quickly got

up as Forbes needed to recharge. The police however were more

successful in shooting a stunned Sand dead.

That chapter was closed and we drove back to New York with the


Philadelphia ------------

The next weekend I talked Forbes into going to Philadelphia to

visit Thomas and John, our two love slaves. They were glad to see

us and were doing a good job of keeping their heads and entire

bodies shaved.

I had picked up some sex toys as well as some tight fitting

spandex singlets for them to wear. I put Thomas in a black Adidas

singlet with blue stripes and John in one with red stripes. Before

putting the singlets on, I inserted a large metal butt plug (about

7 1/2 inches long and 2 1/2 inches in diameter) into each of their


The sight was breathtaking, two young white boys; shaved totally;

clad only in spandex; and with their cocks erect from the plugs in

their asses.

Forbes and I were dressed fairly casually, it was a brisk evening

so I let both boys put on raincoats and then all four of us headed

out for the Bike Stop. From where they lived at about 16th and

Pine it was about eight plus blocks to the bar.

It was fun having the two shaved boys walking ahead of us. When we

reached the Bike Stop, we had the boys check their coats and then

led the boys down to the "Pit Stop" in the basement.

Philadelphia being a bit more conservative than New York, or San

Francisco, things would stay tame. But the boys had rock hard

cocks whose outlines were visible in their tight spandex singlets.

I posed Thomas and John to stand facing sideways, butt against

butt and instructed them to stay still. Forbes and I were a few

feet away but the shaved boys quickly attracted a lot of


Forbes broke the silence, "Victor, can you grab me a vodka

straight up."

I nodded and kissed my lover and then approached the bar. At the

bar the bar tender served me the vodka and I headed back over to

Forbes. A middle-aged man was examining Thomas and John closely

without touching them. I could sense how uncomfortable they were

but I sent reassuring telepathic messages that everything was ok.

Forbes encouraged me to take a sip of the vodka before I handed it

off to him.

The middle aged guy introduced himself to Forbes and I, "hey I'm


"Victor," I said sticking out my hand. He had a firm grip as he

shook and then Forbes followed, "Forbes."

"Nice boys," Jason commented eyeing Thomas and John with an

intense amount of lust. I sized Jason up telepathically: 34, born

in Philadelphia, raised in Philadelphia, worked as an architect,

into kinky sex.

Forbes pitched in, "we've been working on training them since we

met them a few months ago traveling in Europe."

Jason nodded approvingly and then moved his hand close to Thomas'

crotch, "may I?"

Forbes nodded.

Jason placed his hand on Thomas' crotch gently allowing the palm

of his hand to fall on top of the erect cock and then he made a

gentle rubbing motion as if he was rubbing the younger man's

belly. Thomas fidgeted slightly as he clearly responded to the

attentions. Jason laughed approvingly and then stopped.

"I've got a cool private place a block or two from here," he


Forbes nodded and the four us followed Jason out of the Bike Stop.

I grabbed the checked raincoats but Jason insisted that the boys

did not need them since it was, "Not that cold."

We followed Jason up Walnut Street about ten or so blocks. Thomas

and John were getting quite embarrassed by having to walk on the

streets in the singlets. The fact that the butt plug was keeping

their dicks hard undoubtedly contributed to the embarrassment.

We entered a ground floor unit of a much taller high rise through

a private entrance. Jason turned on the lights and we could see a

stunningly appointed apartment. He had Thomas and John stand on

his coffee table and then invited Forbes and I to sit down on the


"Coffee," Jason asked casually?

"Espresso for me," Forbes said, "Victor probably wants an herbal


I nodded and kissed Forbes.

Jason disappeared into the back and I could hear noises in the

kitchen but also I knew using my telepathy that he was changing

into more of a leather top outfit.

When he reappeared about fifteen minutes later Jason was wearing

body hugging leather from head to toe and carrying an espresso cup

in one hand and a tea cup in the other. Forbes took the tea first

and handed it to me, and then he took the espresso for himself.

Jason took John down from the coffee table and stripped him of the

singlet. Jason examined John closely using both his hands and eyes

to do an inspection of the younger man. Upon discovering the butt

plug, Jason looked at Forbes and I and smiled broadly. Then he

took it out.

John was then placed back onto the coffee table and Jason then

repeated the inspection process with Thomas. At the end both of

our slave boys were naked on the coffee table.

"Quite nice," Jason commented, "and extremely well trained since

they have not objected to my handling at all."

Forbes said, "Victor can be quite persuasive for a nineteen year


"Apparently, I've been in this city all my life and traveled quite

widely and cannot recall encountering such well behaved slaves."

"What did you have in mind?"

"I would love to just leave them standing there for a day." We all

laughed and Jason sat down on the couch and wedged himself between

Forbes and me. Jason then turned and kissed me deeply. I

reciprocated eagerly and then Jason and Forbes kissed deeply as


"I was interested in enjoying them for a few days in private,"

Jason explained as he took a check out of his outfit and handed it

to Forbes.

"Deal. You should explain your needs to Victor so he can talk to

the boys before we leave," Forbes said.

Jason turned to me and kissed me. I did not really need it

explained to me verbally, the boys would be tied up, whipped,

fucked, bound, gagged, pissed on, and more. "The most important

thing Victor," Jason explained as he twisted around so he was on

top of me on the couch and his lips were against mine, "is that

your boys enjoy everything about the next few days." As I opened

my mouth to speak Jason dived his tongue into my mouth and kissed

me for over a minute.

"I think you know exactly what I plan to do," he said as we kissed

more passionately than before. I did. The minute we left Thomas

and John would be brought to his bathroom for a series of enemas.

Then they would be placed into sleep sacks for some isolation

treatment over night. In the morning, disoriented, they would be

fucked then spanked over and over again until Jason was spent.

From Jason's mind I could tell that he was taking some chemical

cocktails that would keep him from cumming easily. The result:

hours of fucking and spanking.

By evening they would be given another set of enemas and then

placed back into the sleep sacks. That was his ultimate fantasy:

multiple guys subject to his need to bind them up for long periods

and then fuck and spank them.

The second day would feature more intense corporal punishment. I

had no doubt that the boys would return with some visible whip


Our kiss ended and I realized that part of Jason's payment was

that he was going to let Forbes fuck him. Jason left the room and

I knew that Forbes was giving him a quite electrifying sexual

experience. I telepathically cued Thomas and John to look forward

to their two days with Jason.

When Forbes reappeared we headed off taking the boys' raincoats.

Back at their apartment he showed me that Jason had written each

of us a check for $9,000.

Forbes and I fucked like bunnies with each other for the next two

days at the boys' Pine Street apartment. Jason returned Thomas and

John during the day and they had to walk home in their singlets,

cocks erect.

Within a minute of getting them in the door Jason had them

stripped naked and standing on their own coffee table. Whip marks

were visible on both of their backs and yet both seemed quite


Jason came directly to me and kissed me passionately, "You are the

luckiest man alive Victor. Your husband is amazing and you have

two wonderful slaves at your disposal."

I kissed Jason back and suggested perhaps in a few months he might

want to borrow Thomas and John again. After Jason left, Thomas and

John shared that they had really enjoyed being with Jason and that

they were really enjoying all of the public humiliation of walking

around in the singlets.

Forbes and I had talked about bringing Thomas and John back to New

York with us, but against it. So we left Philly the next morning

leaving behind Thomas and John to keep exploring visits to the

Bike Stop in their "outfits."

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 3

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