Superman Sucks

By if.tenep.nona@307271na

Published on Jul 30, 2007


The following story is the thirteenth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright of DC Comics.

Superman Suck Slave (Ch.13) (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb)

As the Man of Steel slowly walked back towards his bedroom after sucking off Luthor's newest henchman ^Ö the hairy chested, Irish American stud, Michael, the confused Man of Steel desperately tried to make sense of what had just transpired in Lex's laboratory. For the first time in his life Superman had been jerked off by one of Lex's henchmen whose sole purpose appeared to have been to give Superman pleasure. While it was true that Superman had blown the hairy chested stud; his new overseer Michael had shot his load the instant Superman had wrapped his lips around Michael's cock. It was probably the quickest blowjob Superman had performed since falling into the clutches of Lex Luthor.

As he vividly recalled the evening's events, the Man of Steel began to realize that the majority of his time with Michael had been focused Superman's orgasm and not that of the very demanding hunk of maleness who had dragged him into the shower. It was almost as if Michael's ejaculating into Superman's mouth had been merely a ruse, and that Michael's real purpose had been to get his hands around Superman's cock and masturbate the Man of Steel.

This made no sense at all to the Man of Steel, who had been so carefully, systematically and ruthlessly outwitted, subjugated and then debauched by Luthor and his men. The former icon of purity and morality had been totally debased and successfully converted into a complete and eager sexual submissive by the men of the Luthor organization. The Man of Steel had long ago accepted Lex Luthor's brilliantly crafted fabrication that Superman's only purpose in life was to spend the rest of it on his knees, in complete subjugation, defiling himself on the cocks of real men. Each time the Man of Steel looked into upwards into the face of one of Luthor's grinning henchmen as his penis spewed a load of vile jizz into Superman's mouth, it reaffirmed that purpose. Superman was just a lowly cocksucker; and would always be just that.

"What was it that Dr. Naguib had called me?" thought Superman as he entered his bedroom. "Ah yes, `our in-house cum dump.'" Pleasing men by fellating them had been the guiding principle of his life for the past six years. Oh sure, he was periodically sent on highly visible crime busting missions into crime ridden areas at Lex's orders, but Superman knew it was all for show; the real purpose his father Jor-El had sent him to Earth was to suck cock. At least Michael had finished their session by blowing a load of hot goo down his throat, but the beginning part of his encounter with his newest master was absolutely unprecedented and very disturbing. Something just wasn't right.

As the handsome Superhero continued to try to make sense of what had happened with Michael, three pairs of powerful male hands appeared out of nowhere; grabbed his shoulders and pushed downwards. In the past Superman would have barely reacted to such an event because no mere mortal had the physical power to even move him, let alone get him onto his knees; however, the years of conditioning by Lex Luthor's doctors and henchmen immediately intervened and instantly sent Kryptonian cocksucker to his knees.

As the Man of Steel's knees felt the all to familiar floor of his bedroom, Superman found himself staring at the crotches of Jorge, Efrain, and Vinicio ^Ö three stocky members of the Luthor organization from Guatemala, whose height ( Efrain was tallest at 5 feet, one inch) was often the source of good natured ribbing by Luthor's other henchmen. These otherwise fearsome males got a particular delight in venting their frustration over the endless short jokes by sexually dominating the much taller and more powerful Man of Steel. Nothing gave Vinicio, Jorge, or Efrain as much pleasure as shoving the physically imposing Superhero to his knees; sticking their dicks into his mouth; grabbing a hold of his ears; and gleefully facefucking the formidable Kyrptonian hunk.

They really got off watching this epitome of masculinity shamefully debasing himself on their cocks. Cumming in his mouth and ordering the Man of Steel to show them their loads before swallowing, amused the three Guatemalan males to no end. Jizz swallowing was something done by the cheap whores who lurked in the back alleys of Guatemala's cities. Watching their loads of cum disappear down the disgustingly eager throat of the much taller and infinitely more powerful Man of Steel ^Ö a man who was revered all over Guatemala ^Ö never ceased to amaze them, and more than reaffirmed their self image of masculinity, notwithstanding the short jokes of their fellow criminals.

"Open your mouth! It's dinner time, cabron! Time to eat the chorizo," laughed Jorge as he pulled down the zipper of his trousers, grabbed Superman's head, and shoved the Man of Steel's face against the stiff rod trapped in Jorge's underwear. As the Man of Steel's nose slammed into the open fly of his Guatemalan master, the perpetually cock hungry Kryptonian hunk could hear the sounds of Vinicio's and Efrain's zippers being lowered along with the hearty laughter of the three central American hunks.

Before Jorge could say another word, the powerful tongue of Luthor's skilled cocksucker leapt from Superman's mouth; penetrated the fly of the Guatemalan's cock bulging underwear; and began eagerly lapping away at the hair enshrouded base of the dark central American fuckpump. All the confused thoughts about the evening's encounter with the hairy hunk Michael were shoved aside as the Man of Steel's brain's cum-addicted pleasure center detected the presence of cock.At that moment, doubts about Michael O'Bannion didn't exist; obedience to Lex Luthor didn't exist; nor did anything else in Superman's life. The only thing that mattered to the vanquished Man of Steel was sucking that dick.

A delighted growl escaped from the Guatemalan male as he felt the Man of Steel's tongue hungrily caressing his turgid organ. "She's got my dick!" laughed Jorge as he shoved his groin into the face of the tall cocksucker below, while Jorge hands started to fumble with his belt. Encouraged by Jorge's groan of pleasure, the Luthor organization's trained cum dump grabbed the sides of Jorge's now unbelted trousers, and pulled downward; removing the horny Guatemalan's trousers and shorts and giving the Kryptonian cocksucker full access to Jorge's rigid cock. Seconds later the entire dick was encased in Superman's throat while the Man of Steel's nose was buried in the dense pubic jungle at the base of the cock.

Peals of laughter bombarded the cocksucking Superhero's ears as the handsome son of Krypton shamelessly impaled himself on the Central American's hard cock. "There's more where that came from," bellowed Vinicio has he stripped off his trousers; ripped away his shorts, and began stroking his anxious to ejaculate cock. "Me too! Me too!" chortled Efrain as he removed all of his clothes, closed in on the cock-impaled cum pig from Krypton; and stuck the head of his cock into Superman's ear.

"Hey Superman, can you hear me cumming?" asked Efrain mockingly as he poked and prodded the Superhero's ear with his rigid penis.

While the lust-crazed Man of Steel voraciously consumed Jorge's hard as rock dick, the assault on his ear by another proud male's reproductive organ only spurred him on. Soon a third Guatemalan dick entered the fray as Vinicio began clubbing the other side of Superman's face with his own hard Guatemalan baby maker.

The Great Whore of Krypton (a title recently bestowed upon the Man of Steel by Gunnar after an all-night fellatio session where Superman blew 37 guys) was in faggot heaven as the three lusty men assaulted his mouth, face, and head with their hard rods. While the Man of Steel been totally conditioned over the past six years to enjoy a sucking a stiff dick, he got a particular thrill whenever he was fed cock by the three Guatemalans. Being used and dominated by these three diminutive human males dramatically reinforced the belief Luthor had drummed into him that Superman truly was the lowest male on the planet. His height; his strength; his muscles; his stature; his good looks; and his incredible superpowers meant nothing when stacked up against those three rigid Guatemalan penises. They were an unholy trinity of cock which had to be worshiped unquestioningly by the faggotized Superhero. He was powerless to resist them!

In a way Superman was like Gulliver in the land of Lilliput; only this Superhuman Gulliver was shackled by his irresistible need to debase himself on the reproductive organs of real men. The size and muscular difference between him and the three short men who now controlled him with their cocks was a reaffirmation of his core belief that in the end Superman was nothing more, nor nothing less, than a lowly, submissive cocksucker who had been sent to Earth by his father to fellate men. Each time one of those Guatemalan cocks pushed past his lips, Superman believed in his heart that if he were able to see his son at that moment, the Man of Steel's father, Jor-El, would be bursting with fatherly pride. Such was the depth of utter depravity to which the formerly chaste and virtuous Superman had been dragged by Lex and his minions.

Luthor's skilled and indefatigable cocksucker could have enthusiastically serviced those stiff rods all night, but there was no way on Earth that the three panting Guatemalans could hold out against Superman's oral assault on their cocks. Their dicks were being serviced by the most higly trained, skilled, and dedicated cock aficionado to have ever trod on the planet. They had to blow their loads, and they did so with gusto!

Jorge was the first to go over the edge; grabbing a hold of Superman's ears; jamming his cock down the Man of Steel's throat ^Ö in the process dislodging Vinicio's stiff rod from a Kryptonian lip lock; and then ejaculating his sperm rich chorizo sauce into the gullet of the semen addicted Man of Steel.

Just as he was beginning to greedily swallow the third shot of Jorge's ejaculate, the Guatemalan's spewing cock was abruptly yanked out of Superman's mouth, as Vinicio pushed Jorge aside in order to empty his nuts into the mouth of the cocksucker from Krypton. Before the miffed Man of Steel could object to the interruption, his protest was abruptly muzzled by Vinicio's eager to ejaculate cock.. While the two final two blasts of Jorge's displaced dick ended up in Superman's left eye and on his forehead, Vinicio's proud Latin reproductive organ pumped its entire load inside the Superhero's mouth; coating his tongue with goo and trigger a cock-muffled moan of pleasure.

Efrain, who had been gleefully poking away with his dick at the Man of Steel's ear while his fellow criminals fed their favorite Gringo whore, chose to spray paint the flying faggot instead of feeding him. While keeping his cockhead firmly wedged inside of Superman's ear, the laughing Guatemalan thug began to rapidly run his fist up and down the length of his cock while ordering the conquered Superhero to remain motionless.

After two more minutes of furious stroking, the smirking Efrain shot a warm, sticky load of cum deep inside of Superman's ear while yelling "Can you hear me now?"

His second wad of goo splattered across Superman's right eye while his third and fourth shots hit Luthor's pet whore right between the eyes. It wasn't until the fifth and final shot that the hapless Kryptonian cum addict savored the flavor that ruled his life. That shot hit the flying cumdump right in the mouth.

While Vincio and Jorge laughed their assess off at what Efrain had done to the most powerful male on the planet, the smiling Efrain strutted up to his cum stained target; slipped his now detumescent cock into Superman's still gaping mouth; looked down at the Man of Steel and said "I want to feel those lips. It's time to quench your thirst with some recycled Guatemalan beer."

The eager to please Man of Steel instantly encased the Guatemalan cock in a tight lip lock; positioned his tongue like a trough directly beneath the gaping hole at the end of Efrain's dick; looked upwards into the Guatemalan hunk's eye in reverence and awe; and anxiously awaited his special treat from his diminutive dominator. A few moments later Superman's ultra sensitive tastebuds were inundated by a flood of warm, beer flavored, Guatemalan man piss.

As the torrent of piss poured into Superman's mouth, the voracious Kryptonian cocksucker began making loud gulping noises hoping to further please the real man who was so dramatically demonstrating his masculine superiority over the Man of Steel.

"My. My!" exclaimed Efrain. "It sounds like we have a very happy piss piggy."

A swift series of dick-muffled, gurgling grunts of pleasure came from the living Kryptonian urinal kneeling below.

"That's a good piss piggy," said Efrain, as looked down at his cock proudly stuffed in Superman's mouth while continuing to drain his bladder into former icon of masculinity and purity. "The little piggy was thirsty after you fed her all that sausage," he continued as he looked at his two friends and smiled. "She needed a drink! You fed her to much chorizo. You should be more considerate."

"Did my little piggy enjoy his drink?" asked Efrain when he finally withdrew his dick from Superman's mouth.

"Yes I did, Efrain," replied the smiling Man of Steel. "It was delicious. It is always an honor to serve you," continued Superman as he bent forward and reverently kissed the tip of the Guatemalan's cock. "Everything that comes out of this magnificent organ should be swallowed with gratitude. I hope that you will allow me to do this again. Perhaps you can convince Jorge and Vinicio to feed me some recycled beer as well."

Turning his head towards Efrain's two astonished comrades, the Man of Steel lewdly stuck his tongue at them; wagged it from side to side; grinned lewdly, winked and said "How about it guys? Does anyone else have to take a piss? This urinal is now available, and you won't even have to flush when you're done."

At that the three Guatemalans burst into fits of uncontrollable, side splitting laughter; and then staggered out of Superman's doorless bedroom babbling in Spanish.

"Maybe next time," shouted Superman as the three howling males disappeared from view down the hall.

The Man of Steel remained on his knees, knowing that it wouldn't be long before other members of the Luthor organization would show up for their nightly blowjobs. While he anxiously awaited the next stiff cock that would dump its baby makers into his mouth, the Man of Steel occupied himself by digging Efrain's congealed goo out of his ear with his pinky and transferring the cold jizz to his mouth; and by scraping Jorge's and Efrain's cum off his face and eating that as well. He was almost finished getting the last trace of jizz out of his ear, when he heard the sounds of footsteps and zippers being lowered.

For the rest of the evening the handsome son of Krypton ardently serviced the men who showed up for blowjobs with unusual alacrity. The debased Man of Steel profusely thanked each of Luthor's men for the privilege of sucking them off; repeatedly interrupted his cocksucking to ask them if they wanted him to concentrate on any specific aspect of fellatio as he feasted upon their cocks; gulped loudly; smacked his lips after each one of them ejaculated into his mouth; and then surprised them by asking them if they needed to take a piss.. Several of Luthor's henchmen also noticed that the organization's flying Superfaggot was reluctant to release their cocks after ejaculation and did his best to coax their dicks back into turgidity in the hopes of getting a second cumload.

A number of the gang members did respond to the urgent lingual ministrations by the Man of Steel on their cocks and gave the powerful Kryptonian hunk a second load of balljuice, and a few of them even agreed to feed the Man of Steel a load of piss.. Even Ryan, the Irish cop on Luthor's payroll, who had lost his enthusiasm for sexually debasing Superman once the Man of Steel had been completely broken and had embraced cocksucking with a zeal, let the disgraced Superhero have a second load that night.

"I don't have much to do with faggots, Superman," said the hunky cop as he stared down at the greedy Kryptonian cumpig who had just swallowed his second load of semen and was now carefully lapping rivulets of cum from the cop's urethra, "but you sure know how to suck cock. It still blows my mind that the rest of the world looks at you like you're some kind of paragon of virtue and righteousness, when all you really are is a lowly cocksucker. During the day you're flying around the world acting like Mr. Goody two-shoes, but at night you're down on your knees sucking dick like some of these whores I've arrested. Hell, you're lower than a common whore. They suck cock to make a living; but you suck cock `cause you like to."

"You really like the slime that I just shot down your throat, don't you Superman?" observed the cop as he watched the incredibly powerful male below him, fastidiously cleansing the last vestiges of semen from his cock.

Pulling back slightly, but still keeping the head of the cop's dick in the grip of his powerful lips, the semen befouled Superhunk looked blissfully upwards into the face of the macho policeman and nodded `yes.'

"Yuk!" exclaimed the disgusted heterosexual male as a shudder went through his body. "Since you have no shame, you might as well keep your lips wrapped around my dick," continued the sneering henchman, "`cause I gotta take a leak. Yeah, I heard about what you've been offering the other guys."

A broad smile broke out on Superman's face. He was going to get a load of Ryan's piss without even asking. This was turning out to be a great night indeed.

"Go for it," replied the Man of Steel as he quickly wrapped his lips around the hot cop's cock and waited for his special treat. A few seconds later the last remnants of Ryan's semen were swept off of the Man of Steel's tongue as a torrent of warm urine blasted out of the hot cop's piss hole and poured down the disgraced Superhero's throat.

The cravenly submissive Man of Steel, who had been totally stripped of his last bit of male self-respect years ago, swallowed the copious volume of human male liquid waste with joyful enthusiasm. To the depth of his soul, Superman had truly come to believe that his sole purpose on Earth was to satisfy the carnal lusts of human males. It was obvious to the urine gulping Kryptonian cockhound that if real men like Ryan and Efrain liked pissing down Superman's throat, then gratefully swallowing that piss was nothing less than the fulfillment of the Man of Steel's life purpose.

After Ryan's bladder was empty and the contemptuous cop had flicked the last droplets of urine onto Superman's face, the totally debauched Superhero sat back on his haunches, looked upwards into the cop's face, lewdly licked around his lips, smiled and said "Thank's stud," before extending his hand, cupping the hunky cop's heavy testicles and hopefully asking "Got any more in there for me?"

"What a fuckin' faggot!" exclaimed Ryan as he shoved Superman's hand aside, stuffed his cock back into his pants and turned to leave Superman's doorless bedroom. The spent Irish cop nearly collided with the proud owner of the first dick to rape the Man of Steel's mouth, the hot Latino hunk, Tony.

"Better be careful tonight Tony," said Ryan as he exited the Man of Steel's bedroom. "Something's gotten into that cocksucker tonight. He can't get enough cock. I gave him two loads and a quart of piss, yet the faggot's tongue is hanging out like a goddamn dog's! He might suck your dick off!"

"Thanks for the warning, Ryan," chuckled the grinning Hispanic hunk as he stood in front of the lip licking Man of Steel and began to unzip his pants.

"If our little maricon here gets too frisky, I may just have to make him choke on it!

As the dick-obsessed Man of Steel excitedly awaited his next meal of manmeat, he heard Tony's distinctive voice saying the words he craved to hear: "Open up that pretty little mouth. Daddy's home."

Although the hot looking Hispanic hunk's fuckpump had dumped over nine hundred loads of thick, gooey mansauce down Superman's throat over the past six years, Luthor's cocky henchman never viewed his blowjobs from the Kryptonian cocksucker as routine. Each time he watched the staggeringly powerful Man of Steel eagerly open his mouth and wrap his lips around his cock, Tony would beam triumphantly knowing that his cock was the one that had stolen Superman's virginity; his cock was the first one to defile the icon of heterosexual masculinity; and that his cock was the one that started the Man of Steel on his unstoppable downward spiral from chaste innocence into the dark and inescapable world of wanton lust; homosexual perversion; and depravity on an unfathomable scale. It was a heady power trip for someone with the humble background of a man like Tony.

As the grinning Latino stud folded his arms across his chest and watched the handsome Kryptonian hunk suckle his cock like a hungry piglet nurses on its mother's teat, he couldn't resist the temptation to bust the chops of the lowly cocksucker. "Hey puta! I was talking to Dr. Naguib the other day, and do you know what he told me?"

"Uh-uh," mumbled the cock slobbering Superhero as he began lapping away at the head of Tony's stiff cock and concentrating on the piss slit of the proud Latino's reproductive organ as he had been taught to do by Luthor's henchman in the cave those many years ago. "Wah di e tell u?"came the dick muted reply of the Man of Steel as he tried to answer his Hispanic dominator without interrupting his cocksucking.

"Dr. Naguibe told me that you've eaten almost 3 quarts of my jizz over the past six years. Yup, he told me that these guys," continued Tony as he hefted his balls with his left hand, "have dumped 3 fucking quarts of cum down that faggot throat of yours. You've swallowed three quarts of my stuff, maricon! You are one lucky faggot. I've dumped more loads of my dicksauce down your throat then I've shot into my beloved Louisa's pussy. I hope you appreciate the favor I'm doing for you tonight by letting you suck my dick. Do you realize that you're the luckiest faggot in the whole world?" asked the beaming Latino stud as he watched the Man of Steel's lips slam into the hairy base of his turgid organ.

A barely audible "ah-huh"of agreement managed to get past the fully erect Latino fuckpump that was now totally lodged deep in the throat of the Luthor organization's resident cumdump.

"That's right cocksucker!" gasped the horny dark haired hunk as his body gave in to the expert oral ministrations Luthor's sex slave was performing on his penis. "I have to admit puta, that you are the best cocksucker who's ever gone down on me. It's just a damn shame that you didn't start sucking dick earlier in life ..." groaned the sweating hunk as he began to thrust cock in and out of Superman's throat.

The rutting Hispanic stud never did finish his sentence as a forceful orgasm shook his body and his proud cock began spewing its load of hot dick lava into the eagerly swallowing Man of Steel.

"Oh, take it faggot! It's all yours!" groaned Tony as he felt his cum spewing dick gripped in the lust driven vacuum of the Superhero's mouth.

"It is all mine!" thought the cock impaled Krptonian hunk as he expertly extracted and ingested every drop of precious semen from Tony's dick. "This dick that I'm sucking is the one that started me on the path to enlightenment and self-awareness: and helped give me the asnwer as to why I was sent to Earth," Superman recalled as he unquestioningly obeyed the mantra that had been so relentlessly driven into his head during his subjugation; debasement; and pyschological transmogrification by the diabolical Lex Luthor. "I owe this man so much; I can never repay him," thought the Man of Steel as he cast his eyes in gratitude upwards towards the smiling face of the Latino hunk while his tongue scoured the last traces of cum from the head of Tony's cock.

When he finally let the thoroughly sucked Latin organ escape from his mouth, the Kryptonian degenerate thanked the satiated Hispanic stud; kissed his hair flecked scrotumnal sack; returned the revered phallus to its home in Tony's shorts; lewdly licked his lips; and said with a wicked smile on his face "Let's start working on that fourth quart!"

At that last remark, the grinning Hispanic hunk lost it and began to laugh uncontrollably like his Guatemalan colleagues had done earlier in the evening. "You are absolutely disgusting!" Tony exclaimed when he finally caught his breath. Bending over the kneeling Superhero, Luthor's swarthy henchman looked Superman right in the face; and said "We can start on the fourth quart tomorrow. I'll bring a couple of friends to help, and if you do a good job, they may even piss in your mouth. Yes, the word is going around that you'll swallow anything that comes out of this,"said the smirking stud as he grabbed his crotch.

"Thanks, Tony!" replied the Man of Steel as he smacked his lips. "Bring as many friends as you want. I'll try to make me proud of you. Whatever they want."

As the amused Latin stud turned to leave Superman's bedroom, he ran into Gunnar, who had stopped by the headquarters for a quick blowjob.

"She's really hungry tonight, Gunnar. We just can't seem to be able to fill her up!"

"I'll see what I can do to help," chuckled the Daily Planet's star reporter as he began to unzip his trousers. "Hey pussyface, I've got a bone to pick with you," continued the Swedish hunk as he pulled out his stiffening Scandinavian rod and presented to the Man of Steel.

"And what an awesome bone it is!" Superman exclaimed as he opened his mouth for defilement by yet another cock. "Shove it down my throat!"

And so it went for the next several hours as the vanquished Superhunk shamelessly and enthusiastically disgraced himself on the cocks of Luthor's thugs. When his bacchanal of cocksucking finally ended just before dawn, the world's symbolof purity lay sprawled out naked on the floor of his bedroom, enjoying the blissful sleep of a satisfied cumpig.

Over the next several months the thirty year old, hairy chested, Irish American stud intermittently dragged the initially disconcerted Man of Steel into isolated rooms in the Luthor organization's headquarters where he once again thoroughly and erotically explored every square inch of Superman's magnificent body before jerking off the Kryptonian hunk; surreptitiously eating the Superhero's ejaculate, and then face fucking the Man of Steel. During each of these "jerk off the Man of Steel" sessions, Michael took great pains to insure that the Man of Steel never saw him eating the Kryptonian's semen; and he constantly reinforced the message that what was occurring between the two of them could never be disclosed.

The hairy chested Irish hunk was also a bit discombobulated when Superman asked him to piss in his mouth. This bizarre and unexpected request blind sided Michael. He really wasn't into pissing in a guy's mouth, and was turned off whenever he met someone who was into that reprehensible practice.

But since the request came from the one male he desired more than any other, he reluctantly agreed to urinate in the mouth of the handsome Kryptonian hunk. He hoped that eventually he'd be able to break Superman of this vile practice, but he decided to go along with it the interim.

It took quite a few sessions before the Luthor organization's in-house cocksucker finally stopped objecting to Michael O'Bannion's sensuous exploration of his body; and began to accept the idea that it was alright to be masturbated by the hot Irish stud. Having Michael piss down his throat at the end of some of the sessions helped Superman accept this forbidden attention for it reinforced the Luthor dictum that the Superhero's purpose was to service males.

Allowing the Man of Steel to be the recipient of sexual pleasure, other than the pleasure associated with swallowing a load of jizz, was in direct contravention of everything Luthor's men had done when they overthrew and enslaved the great icon of truth, justice and the American way. Michael knew he was playing with fire; and that getting caught might prove fatal.

In order to further protect himself from being discovered, and to make sure that he always remained above suspicion, Michael began to hang around with some of the more sadistic members of the Luthor organization, such as Wu, Gunnar and Dr. Reinhardt. When Wu or Gunnar would discuss some new way of debasing the Man of Steel, Michael would usually jump on the idea and often offer suggestions as to how to increase the level of degradation for the Man of Steel. Associating with the likes of Wu, Gunnar and Dr. Reinhardt helped create a certain image for the hot Irish hunk and (he hoped) would shield him if suspicions were ever aroused. It also created an odd camaraderie between Michael and Wu.

Around the seventh month of Michael's becoming aware of the Luthor organization's dark secret, he received a call from Wu Chao, the former Chinese gymnast, with whom he had become quite friendly.

"Hey Michael. It's Wu. A couple of us are planning something special for our flying faggot, and thought you'd like to be in on it. Meet me in the lab around eleven o'clock tonight. Don't tell anyone where you're going and make absolutely sure that no one sees you headed towards the lab. Are you in?"

"Sure!" replied the hot Irish-American stud enthusiastically, although in the back of his mind he was plagued by trepidation.

"I don't like the sound of this," thought Michael as he paced around his apartment thinking about what might happen to him if his jerk off sessions with Superman were discovered. "I hope I haven't fucked this up. I'll just have to grit my teeth and hope for the best. I'll find out in a couple of hours."

Four and half hours later, an outwardly calm, but extremely anxious, Michael O'Bannion found himself in the darkened corridor outside of Luthor's infamous lab ^Ö the very lab where Michael had first tasted the forbidden reproductive fluid of the Man of Steel.

"Oh well," he thought; "Here's goes nothing," as he grabbed the door; pushed it; and walked into the dark laboratory.

He had expected to walk into a brightly lit room, but the room was in total darkness, that is except for a dull flashing beam of light off to his left. He could also hear a low humming sound.

As Michael's eyes attempted to adjust to the darkness while focusing on the odd flashing beam, the curious Irish stud realized that the beam was not flashing, but was pulsating. A red pulse lasting approximately five seconds was immediately followed by a green pulse lasting under a second, which was then followed by another five second red pulse, which then turned into another short green one. The beam originated approximately seven feet off the floor of the lab; traveled downward at a 45 degree angle; and abruptly ended three feet above the floor.

As the puzzled henchman continued to stare at the odd light show, the familiar voice of Wu Chao boomed out in the darkness. "Glad you could make it Michael. We've been working on trying to improve our faggot's sex life, and thought you might want to be in on it."

Before the startled Irish hunk could respond the lab was bathed in light as Dr. Reinhardt flipped on the light switch. In the center of the room was one of the examining tables which Luthor's doctors and henchmen had so often used when they had examined; probed; defiled; and finally broken Superman with a brutal fisting by Wu. There on the table, with his chin resting on the edge of table, and his magnificent bubblebutt held high in the air with its cheeks held apart by his powerful hands, was the stark naked Man of Steel. Several feet about the epicenter of Superman's spectacular alabaster ass was what appeared to be a state of the art orthopedic x-ray machine. As he stared at the piece of equipment Michael realized that the focusing head of the device was at roughly the same level as the source of the odd pulsing beam he had seen when he first entered the room. The highly polished piece of equipment was also the apparent source of the humming sound Michael had heard when he entered the room.

Turning his focus towards the naked Man of Steel, Michael noticed that Superman was grimacing as he held his ass cheeks as far apart as possible. He could also detect a low grunting noise coming from the formidable Kryptonian hunk at regular intervals, and he saw that beads of sweat had formed on Superman's brow.

"I'm going to turn off the lights again Michael," announced Dr. Reinhardt as he moved his hands towards the light switch. "Please come over and stand next to pussyboy's ass. You will get a better view of the favor we are doing for our little faggot here."

As the room once again plunged into darkness, Michael rapidly moved towards the naked, grunting Man of Steel. With the lights extinguished, the hairy chested Irish stud could once again see the pulsating red and green flashing beam he had first spotted when he entered the lab. Now that he was much closer, he could see that the pulsating beam originated from the focusing head of the electronic machine and terminated as a fine, sharply concentrated spot of light on the inner edge of Superman's sphincter.

As he tried to make sense of what he was seeking, Michael noticed that the beam was slowly encircling the powerful guardian to Superman's nether regions. After every second red fluctuation in the beam, the focusing head shifted slightly and targeted the next beam-width sized area of sphincter. Michael also observed that the Man of Steel's grunts were in exact cadence with the appearance of the green pulsating portion of the beam.

"As you already have discovered Michael, Superman is the most voracious cocksucker on our planet," observed Dr. Reinhardt. "Isn't that correct, faggot?" asked Reinhardt as he looked into the face of the Man of Steel with his cold, piercing, ice blue eyes.

"Yes it is," gasped Superman in between grunts as the mysterious red and green pulsating beam continued its march around the Kyrptonian hunk's sphincter.

"Unfortunately because of the nature of his origins, our little he-whore here has not been able to fully enjoy the complete spectrum of homosexual sex. While he can swallow cock better than anyone else, he hasn't been able to fully enjoy the feel of a man's hard cock burrowing into his pansy ass. We've been able to get into that tight little pussy of his in past, but it has taken a lot of effort and involved the use of Kryptonite, which we all know could kill our precious little semen swallower here if we are not careful," Reinhardt observed.

"After much thought and research, I came up with a procedure which should allow our flying faggot here to be fucked up the ass for a sustained period of time, without fear of killing him with Kryptonite," continued the physician as he looked down on the grunting Man of Steel with the cold dispassion of a research scientist experimenting on a lab rat.

"The pulsating red and green beam you see working its way around Superman's asshole is not a single beam, but is composed of two individual beams of Kryptonite radiation. The longer duration red beam is generated by running a high voltage electrical charge through Red Kryptonite, while the shorter green colored bursts are produced by running the current through Green Kryptonite," Reinhardt explained as he nodded towards the focus point of the machine that loomed ominously above Superman's raised and spread-open buttocks.

Stepping closer to the flawless male cheeks splayed open before him, Michael could now see the formidable guardian to Superman's ass under the sustained bombardment by the alternating red and green light pulses. The horny Irish male watched in utter fascination and a growing anticipatory lust as the usually impenetrable extraterrestrial sphincter reacted to the precision assault Dr. Reinhardt had launched against it.

As the beam moved slowly and inexorably around the rim of the protector of Superman's sacred portal, Michael began to understand Dr. Reinhardt's reasoning behind the procedure. Each second long green blast triggered a clearly visible spasm of the targeted sphinctoral flesh, while each red blast appeared to have no visible effect on the sphincter at all. Each segment of Kryptonian butthole flesh was hit with a green blast followed by a red blast, followed by a another green blast, followed by a second red blast before the machine shifted its focus to the next targeted sector of Superman's sphincter. Just watching the alternating green and red beams illuminating the Man of Steel's ass ring was enough to give the hairy chested Irish hunk a raging hardon as he contemplated what it would be like to fuck the Man of Steel.

While Michael continued to fantasize about sodomizing Superman, he was interrupted by the voice of Dr. Reinhardt saying "It's taken a lot of time and effort, but a treatment like this lasting for fifteen minutes should weaken our little fairy's ass muscle enough to make it pliable, and thus able to be penetrated by erect penises, for nearly six hours, more than enough time to allow our bitch here to become the complete bottom boy he so craves to be. My studies indicate that we can safely give our fairy queen here three of these treatments a week, without damaging his health. Eighteen hours a week of cock up his ass should go along way towards making him finally feel like a complete homo," said the doctor.

"You want to be a complete homo don't you Superman?" asked the malevolent physician as he stood in front of the grimacing Man of Steel; grasped the Superman's chin, and looked directly into his eyes.

"Yes, yes I do," gasped the Superhero as the re-engineered orthopedic x-ray machine continued its relentless bombardment of his sphincter.

"I know you do," reply Dr. Reinhardt as he released the Man of Steel's chin.

"The treatment should be complete in about six more minutes. We will then be able to give your pussy a real workout."

As he knelt ass up and face down on the examining table holding his butt cheeks apart, the handsome hunk from Krypton could feel an unusual warm and tingling sensation in his sphincter. That sensation intermittently shifted to one of a sharp pain whenever the Green Kryptonite beam hit his sphincter and triggered an involuntary grunt from the normally immune from pain Superhero.

"I wonder how many of Lex's guys will be willing to fuck me?" the Man of Steel speculated as he fantasized about being a `complete homo' while enduring the sphincter weakening procedure. "It's one thing for a straight guy to let me go down on him; it is another thing altogether to get one to stick his cock up a faggot's ass. I wonder if I will get as much joy out of getting fucked as I do from sucking dick? It's almost like I'm addicted to cocksucking. I wonder if I will crave getting buttfucked as well? I vaguely remember enjoying getting fucked by Lieutenant Bombata and several other Nigerian soldiers when I was gang raped in Nigeria; but my memory of that whole day is somewhat blurred. I understand that I actually had an orgasm when Bombata fucked me. I wonder if that will happen again?"

Superman's thoughts and speculation about getting fucked were suddenly interrupted by the voice of the only man in the world to have actually fisted Superman ^Ö the ruthless former gymnast, Wu Chao, who reveled in dominating and humiliating Superman.

"Hey faggot. Snap out of it! Is anyone home in homoland?" barked the merciless Chinese thug. "Your treatment is over. It's time to test out your cunt. Get your pussy off the table and get it up on that one." Wu snapped as he pointed towards a second examining table across the room.

Yanked out of his fantasy world by Wu's sharp command, the startled Man of Steel, who was still obediently holding his flawless butt cheeks wide apart for Dr. Reinhardt's sphincter weakening procedure, momentarily lost his bearings and toppled sideways off of the examining table. After he landed on the floor with a loud thud, the naked and momentarily disoriented Krptonian hunk scrambled desperately to obey his Chinese master, crashing into the examining table and reducing it to splinters in the process.

Crying out "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" the panic stricken Man of Steel swiftly got onto the second examining table, put his chin onto the surface of table; hoisted his awesome buttocks up in the air; and cried out "My ass is yours! Please take it! Fuck me, Daddy Wu, please fuck me!"

After chuckling at the spectacle of seeing this once dominant male scurrying naked across the lab and begging to be fucked, Wu looked at Michael and said

"Turn on the lights, Michael. I want to look my bitch in the eyes while I'm fucking her."

As Wu watched the naked Kryptonian cocksucker submissively offering his ass to the alpha males in the room, a malevolent smile spread across the ex-gymnast's face. "Your ass is mine, Superman. All mine! Daddy Wu's gonna fuck his bitch real nice tonight. This Chinese cock is going to bone your pasty white, faggot ass. I'm going to give your pussy a hunger for cock that will never be satisfied. You want that, don't you?" observed Wu.

"Yes, I do, Wu. I really need it. I really want you to fuck me," replied the desperate to please Man of Steel as the hunk of Kryptonian maleness automatically gave the answer his shattered psyche slavishly hoped Wu wanted to hear.

"I know you do, faggot"snapped Wu, his voice dripping with scorn. "You faggots are all alike."

As the Chinese thug's cutting words reverberated throughout the lab, the Luthor organization's obsequious, naked male whore glanced backwards while anxiously watching Wu Chao approach the end of the table and begin to strip.

As the ruthless Asian male disrobed, the Man of Steel felt that all too familiar stirring in his own Kryptonian cock, especially after Wu had removed his shirt and pants and was starting to lower his shorts. The cock-hungry Man of Steels' eyes were sharply focused on the elastic band of his Chinese dominator's cock-bulging underwear as Superman eagerly awaited the re-emergence of the Asian phallus which had ravaged his mouth and throat countless times in the past.

"Check out the bitch, Michael" said Wu as he noticed the lust-filled look on Superman's face. "The faggot's throwing a bone, just thinking about how good it's going to feel to get fucked by me."

And as the horny Irish hunk looked over at the formidable Kryptonian male on the examining table, he could see that the Man of Steel's impressive cock had indeed risen to its full and awesome glory. "Yeah, Wu," chuckled the hairy chested Irish stud forcibly turning his gaze away from the hot body of the naked Superhero and towards Wu's face, "He definitely looks like he wants it bad."

"Oh yes she does, my friend," snickered the ex-gymnast as he snapped his rigid boner downward and watched it spring back and slam into his abdomen. "Yes she does," repeated Wu, placing a very heavy emphasis on the word `she.'

"On your back, cunt, and spread those legs," commanded the fully erect and totally naked Chinese henchman as he closed in on the magnificent body of the naked Man of Steel. "I want to watch the joy on your faggot face while I'm boning that pretty little pussy of yours."

In the blink of an eye the Man of Steel obeyed Wu's order. The sexual fantasy of hundreds of millions of women around the world now lay on his back; legs spread wide; his fully erect cock twitching in the air; and an expression of lust on his face, as he watched the advancing Chinese male and his turgid phallus.

When Wu reached the juncture of Superman's powerful thighs, the cruel thug brutally thrust his index finger without warning deep inside the now penetrable ass of the Man of Steel. The maneuver was both reckless and dangerous, for if Dr. Reinhardt's treatment hadn't worked, Wu's finger would have been broken. But luckily for the brash Asian hunk, the guardian to Superman's ass was no longer impenetrable. The Chinese digit broke through the barrier and entered the Man of Steel.

A loud gasp escaped from the Man of Steel as the cruel Chinese hunk's finger completely buried itself inside his ass. As the awesome body of the vulnerable Kyrptonian hunk shuddered in response to the ruthless anal assault, Wu quickly began an intense finger massage of the conquered Superhero's prostate.

While the Man of Steel tried to catch his breath after the sudden and unexpected assault on his rectum, his body began to react to Wu's calculated stimulation of his prostate. It wasn't too long before the gasps escaping from Superman's often ravished mouth were supplanted by low moans of lust as the prostate massage did its nefarious work.

"If that feels good now, Superman, can you just image how good its gonna feel when I stick my cock into you?" asked Wu as a wicked look of triumph swept over his face.

"Oh yes, Wu. Oh yes," groaned the debased Man of Steel as the malevolent Chinese stud continued to diddle Superman's twat.

Glancing over at the transfixed Irish-American hunk, Wu winked; smiled quietly; and silently mouthed the words "take out your cock" and then slowly withdrew his finger from the anus of the defiled Superhero.

Surprised by Wu's suggestion, Michael nevertheless scrambled to comply with the suggestion of his colleague. He wasn't sure what the scheming Chinese thug had in mind, but the Irish hunk wasn't about to miss an opportunity to get his dick near or into the Man of Steel.

While Michael struggled to entangle his rigid fuckpump from his shorts, the swaggering ex- gymnast strode proudly up to the other end of the examining table; grabbed Superman's head; twisted it to the right; jammed his cockhead in between Superman's lips, and with one savage thrust, brutally shoved his cock deep into the throat of the Man of Steel.

"Lube me up, bitch!" barked the strutting Asian male as he looked down contemptuously at the debauched Superhero.

The cock-impaled stud from Krypton began to frantically suck and slobber all over the rigid phallus lodged in his mouth and throat as he eagerly obeyed the command of his Chinese master. While he slavishly serviced the thug's cock, the Man of Steel was once again betrayed by his own body, as the cum addicted pleasure centers of his brain reacted to the taste of human cock and began exhorting the Man of Steel to extract a load of semen. Superman's awesome dick, already at full mast, began to drip precum as the conquered Superhero totally succumbed to pure, raw lust.

Watching Luthor's cocksucking whore from above, Wu could tell by the all too familiar look of desperation sweeping across the face of the Man of Steel, that Superman's cravings for cum were kicking in. Activating those cravings was why he had stuck his dick in Superman's mouth, and asking Michael to pull out his hard Irish dick was how he intended to satisfy those cravings while he ravished Superman's ass.

The hot looking Asian stud stood there for several minutes with his arms across his chest smugly enjoying the spectacle of watching the Luthor organization's formerly invincible archnemesis eagerly using his mouth, tongue and lips to service the cock Wu had shoved in his mouth. From Wu's perspective there was nothing lower in the world than a cocksucker. And no matter how many times Wu was sucked off by the Man of Steel, he never got over the thrill of watching the powerful Superhero demasculinize himself on Wu's dick.

Although he would not have minded shooting a load of dick snot down Superman's throat, Wu knew that his load was destined for another one of the Man of Steel's orifices. "It's wet enough, faggot!" snapped Wu as he abruptly pulled his saliva coated cock out of Superman's mouth, half regretting interrupting the skilled blowjob he was getting.

"Oh, yeah. One more thing before I fuck you. Clean this off," barked Wu as he stuck the finger he had just taken out of Superman's ass into the open mouth of the Man of Steel. Even though the conquered Superhero knew where that finger had been only seconds ago, and could distinctly detect the odor of his own rectum; he had no reservations about debasing himself by suckling it like hungry piglet. A few seconds later the finger was clean.

"Thanks a lot, ass breath," laughed Wu as he moved towards the far end of the table were Superman's pussy lay open, accessible, and eagerly awaiting his cock.

As the nervously excited Man of Steel felt Wu's finger leave his mouth, he watched his Asian overlord once again position himself in between Superman's obediently splayed thighs. "I hope I do this right," fretted the anxious Kryptonian hunk as he tired to recall the thousands of homosexual stories; and the myriad gay videos and the many gay sex manual he had studied during his six years of sexual enslavement. Although most of the materials he had been immersed in dealt with the passive role in oral sex, there was a decent amount dedicated to bottoming. He just hoped that he would remember enough to make Wu happy.

When the cocky Chinese stud finally placed his wet cock just outside of the portal to Superman's nether regions, Wu caught Michael's eye and silently formed the words "not yet. I'll let you know when."

After Michael grinned sinisterly and nodded an acknowledgment, the smug Chinese hunk inched forward until the tip of his phallic battering ram came into contact with the center of the Kryptonian sphincter. When he felt the stiff Chinese phallus hit the center of his hole, the Man of Steel once again released an involuntary gasp. This was followed in rapid succession by several more gasps as the diabolical Asian thug launched a series of quick cock probes against Superman's sphincter. None of these thrusts were enough to achieve full penetration of the Man of Steel; however each one was enough to allow nearly half of the Chinese cockhead to briefly punch through Superman's outer defenses.

Beads of lust-driven sweat began to break out on the forehead of the Man of Steel as the sex crazed whore reacted at an almost animalistic level to the tantalizing stab of Wu Chao's proud reproductive organ. Unlike the first time he had been fucked by General Azikiwe's Nigerian troops on the outskirts of Lagos, the Man of Steel was not in any kind of cum triggered stupor. This time he was hungry for cum and anxious to please any male who would provide him with some. It was almost on an instinctual level that the depraved Superhero's spectacular body began thrusting itself backwards in an effort to encourage the pending phallic impalement.

Watching the pathetic Superhero desperately attempting to impale himself on Wu's cock brought a smile to the normally expressionless face of Dr.Reinhardt. If he ever needed additional proof of how effectively they had morally bankrupted and psychologically castrated the formerly chaste and noble Man of Steel, this was it. The great icon of incorruptibility, virtuousness and selflessness had been transformed into a cock-craving, loathsome degenerate; completely devoid of any self-respect, who would eagerly submit to any sexual demand by another male in hopes of being rewarded with a blast of semen from that other male. The most formidable being on the planet was powerless when in the presence of a hard cock.. Even Dr. Reinhardt was surprised at the depth of depravity to which the Man of Steel had sunk.

While the cold, piercing, ice blue eyes of Dr. Reinhardt watched the Man of Steel try to hoist his magnificent ass onto Wu's phallic spear, Michael was also mesmerized by the scene unfolding before him. Watching from the side with his hard cock sticking out of his pants, the hairy chested Irish hunk was almost beside himself as he watched the lurid scene of debauchery unfolding in front of him. His straining Irish boner was already leaking fuck juice as Michael watched Wu's cock stab at the ass of the man for whom he lusted, while the Man of Steel shamefully tried to back into the Chinese cock in order to hasten penetration.

"Are you ready to become my bitch. Superman? Are you ready to take a real man's bone up your faggot ass?" asked Wu as he probed away with his rigid cock at the Man of Steel's eager to be fucked ass while looking contemptuously into the face of the Superhero he had mercilessly helped transform into a craven slut.

"Please," gasped the Man of Steel as he continued to try to skewer himself on Wu's cock. "Yes. Please! Make me your bitch. Please! Do it. Take me!"

"Yes!" howled Wu as he reveled in the power he had over the planet's once dominant male; a male who now lay before him like a common trollop; legs obediently spread apart, begging to be fucked. With that, the arrogant thug slowly began sliding his turgid organ triumphantly into the tight, hot ass of the conquered Kryptonian hunk.

A loud gasp escaped from the panting Man of Steel as he felt the bullet shaped head of his Chinese conqueror's penis begins its triumphant entry into his ass. A second loud gasp followed when the corona of Wu's cock successfully breached his rectal barrier and the Man of Steel felt his sphincter pieced by the shaft itself.

As more and more of the sleek Chinese shaft passed inexorably through the Kryptonite beamed sphincter of the Luthor organization's prized cum pig; the cock skewered former icon of incorruptible morality clenched his fists; shuddered; and emitted a series of low groans as the defiled Man of Steel eagerly embraced being transformed into Wu Chao's obedient bitch.

"Oh, fuck me, daddy; please fuck me," Superman begged, as he stared in awe at the sneering face of the Chinese male whose dick was turning his asshole into a pussy.

"Whatever you say, cunt; whatever you say," chortled Wu as he watched more and more of his proud dick relentlessly disappearing inside of Superman's hole.

While he slowly and inexorably fed more and more of his cock into the vanquished Superhero's tight ass, the grinning Chinese thug was amused to see the Man of Steel's cock twitching at full erection, as if it had been raised in celebration to being taken by Wu.

Unlike most of the other males in Luthor's organization, Wu Chao was quite experienced in the art of man fucking. Although he was a heterosexual male, Wu clearly understood that a cock could also be used as a weapon of domination and subjugation. Before joining Luthor's organization, Wu Chao had done freelance work for some of the same Far East criminal organizations with whom he now served as liaison for Luthor. One of his skills he honed while working in Asia, was breaking the will of tough heterosexual males rivals captured by the Asian crime syndicates.

While some males where broken by torture and drugs, Wu had an uncanny ability to spot those straight males who were most vulnerable to breaking using sexual means. Wu orchestrated a number of brutal gang rapes of males, and had an incredibly high success rate in shattering their self-image and making them submit to those who had hired Wu. It was during these sessions that he learned of the power of the cock in the breaking of men; and it was during these rape sessions that he totally mastered the skill of fucking a hot, straight male ass. Many a tough, brutal thug was reduced to a broken, submissive shadow of his former self as a result of Wu's gang rapes, and Wu's fucking techniques in particular.

When the last inch of Wu's proud cock disappeared into the hungry hole of the debased Man of Steel, the ex-gymnast threw his head back; raised his arms in triumphant; and bellowed out at the top of his lungs "The bitch is mine!"

The only sound that came from cock-skewered Superhero, was a series of sustained groans.

Off to the side with his fist firmly clenching his hard Irish fuckpump, the hairy chested Michael gaped in awe at the lurid scene unfolding before him. The magnificent alabaster body of the powerful male he lusted after was laid out naked before him; Superman's muscular legs spread apart; his flawless cock quivering in the air at full mast, straining for release; and low groans of animalistic pleasure escaping from his mouth as the golden body of his gloating Chinese conqueror began to slowly move forwards and backwards as Wu's experienced ass breaker took its pleasure from the Man of Steel's cock-defiled hole.

As he slowly fucked the Luthor organization's prized whore, Wu made sure that his stiff rod paid particular attention to the Man of Steel's prostate, fully aware of the vital role this gland had played when he had broken other straight men. As his stiff Chinese battering ram pounded against the Kryptonian hunk's prostate, triggering groans of pleasure from the cock-impaled Man of Steel, Wu repeatedly ask the debauched Superhero if he liked having his pussy fucked.

"Does that feel good, faggot? Do you like having my dick in your ass? Aren't you grateful that doctor Reinhardt figured out how to open you up?" asked Wu as he emphasized his questions by forcefully slamming his hard cock deep into the hole of the violated Superhero.

"Ohhhhhh, Yes! Yes. Thank you doctor," groaned the Man of Steel as his body responded to his Chinese sodomist's skilled fucking.

"We've opened up a whole new vista for you Faggotman," said the smirking Chinese hunk as his cock pistoned in and out of Superman's ass. "From now on you'll be able to service two real men at a time. Think of it, pussyboy.

We've just doubled your capacity to take care of the sexual needs of real men. Does that make you happy, faggot?" demanded Wu forcefully as he once again rammed his cockhead against Superman's prostate, while gesturing to Michael to close the distance between the hairy Irish hunk and the Man of Steel's face.

"Yes! Yes" panted the cock-skewered Superhero. "Oh, this feels so good," replied the writhing Man of Steel as he shamelessly ground his ass on the deeply embedded Chinese organ.

While Superman was enthusiastically assisting in his transformation into a total bottom, Michael responded to Wu Chao's gesture. Within seconds the boner sprouting hairy hunk was standing next to the head of the supine Man of Steel. Although the hot Irish stud preferred to be naked whenever he fed the Man of Steel cock, he was too turned on to strip. He had to have those warm Kryptonian lips wrapped around his dick, and he had to have it now. Without waiting for a signal from the rutting Chinese ex-gymnast, Michael grabbed Superman's head; twisted it towards his dripping Celtic fuckpump; and shoved his cock into the Man of Steel's mouth.

The dick impaled Superhero had not seen his secret masturbator advance upon the examining table and was taken by complete surprise as the slab of Irish meat once again pierced through his lips; penetrated his mouth; slammed past his epiglottis; and plunged deeply into his throat.

A series of "mfffs," "umfs," and "ughs" escaped from the cock muffled Man of Steel as the thick rod took its rightful place inside of the throat of Lex Luthor's lowly cocksucker. Momentarily confused by the presence of a zipper and trouser material, the cum-addicted Kryptonian cock whore hesitated for only a moment before slavishly attending to the needs of the demanding penis with his tongue and lips.

Once again a smile broke out on the face of the usually emotionless Dr. Reinhardt as he watched his Kryptonian lab rat enthusiastically use his throat and rectum to service the two henchmen. "This is working out really well," thought Reinhardt. "It's a shame I hadn't thought of it earlier. Oh, well; live and learn. I think that Lex will be pleased at the deeper level of depravity we've been able to drag his old adversary to. Superman, the total bottom slut. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought seven years ago that I'd live to see the day when this self-righteous do-gooder would have been reduced to such a stage of wanton depravity. How the mighty hath fallen!"

Meanwhile as Wu steadily and rhythmically deep dicked Superman's Kryptonite activated pussy, he caught Michael's eye and grinned as he watched the hairy hunk feed Superman cock. Although Wu was generally a suspicious man, Michael's enthusiastic participation in the various debasement and humiliation sessions that Wu, Gunnar and Dr. Reinhardt dreamed up for the Man of Steel helped form a bond between Wu and the horny Irish stud. Wu genuinely liked Michael, which is why he had invited Michael to be present when he and doctor Reinhardt tested out Superman's new pussy that night. It was kind of like those male bonding times when really good buddies get together and share the same woman, only in this case the "woman" was none other than Superman himself!

Michael nodded in acknowledgment to Wu as he reveled in the attention which Superman's tongue was paying to his turgid organ. These were the kinds of signals the conniving Irish hunk needed as reassurance that his secret sexual sessions with the Man of Steel were undiscovered. Being invited to the first trial of Superman's new pussy by Wu, plus the unspoken male bonding signs he was getting from his Chinese associate as Wu plowed the Man of Steel's ass, were clear signals that the hairy chested hunk's elaborate game of deception was working. It was a very high stakes game Michael O'Bannion was playing; a miscalculation could be fatal.

In the meantime the cock impaled Superhero was beside himself with raw, carnal, animalistic joy. The long inaccessible second hole of the voracious cocksucker had been successfully opened to allow for his defilement at a whole new level. As the subjugated and debauched Man of Steel felt the turgid Chinese organ invade his rectum, Superman knew that he was entering a new chapter in his life of servitude. From now on the men of the Luthor organization who came each night to ejaculate into his mouth would have a second option. Superman finally had a pussy he could offer to them. As he sucked away on Michael's hair enshrouded boner, while counter thrusting his ass to enhance Wu's pleasure, the Man of Steel fantasized about servicing Luthor's men two at a time. He finally could become the total bottom slut he had read about in the homo literature he had been confined to reading ever since he had fallen into Luthor's clutches.

As the nearly delirious son of Krypton formed vivid mental images of being impaled simultaneously by Gunnar and Ryan, or Collin and Tony, or all three Guatemalans at the same time, he lost control of himself and went into sensory overload. The physical stimulation of the two cocks that were invading his orifices, coupled with the erotic fantasies he was having, was just to much. His magnificent cock, which had been at full mast, dripping pre-cum ever since Wu's dick had begun slamming into Superman's prostate, hit maximum rigidity, quivered, twitched and then started blasting Kryptonian dicksauce out of its gaping urethra and into the air.

Long white streamers of the precious gooey Kryptonian juice flew over Superman's abdomen and splashed on his chest and neck, while his whole body shook and spasmed in response to the incredible orgasm he was experiencing. A few of the streams escaped the Kryptonian's semen tube with such force that they actually landed on the side of the rigid Irish cock which was tightly encased by the Man of Steel's lips. Superman's entire body heaved and shuddered as his spewing cock essentially took control of it.

The effect on Wu and Michael was rapid and predictable.

The rutting Wu was the first to go the edge when the spasms which wracked the orgasming Superhero's body hit the Chinese stud's sphincter encased penis. The flood of incredible sensations were simply to pleasurable for the normally in control henchman to resist; his cock immediately began pumping wads of Chinese jizz deep into the bowels of Krytonian whore.

"Ah, shit! Fuck! Damn!" cried Wu as he lost control and ejaculated into the newly activated pussy of the ravaged Superhero. Wu had planned to fuck the Man of Steel for at least another half an hour, but the orgasm induced spasms which engulfed his cock were just too much for him. His dick took over and there was nothing he could do but enjoy his own orgasm.

Michael too proved unable to avoid joining Superman and Wu in losing his load. At the moment Superman blew his wad, the Man of Steel unleashed an incredible tongue and lip assault of the Irish stud's dick. The battering Michael's cockhead received from the master cocksucker was so intense that the hairy chested Irish hunk immediately joined his Chinese colleague in injecting the Man of Steel with cum.

"Suck me, faggot! Suck me!" Michael yelled as his shoved his cock down Superman's throat and began dumping load after load of his sticky cum in the Man of Steel. He jammed his cock so far into Superman's mouth that it even carried those droplets of Superman's own semen on its side with it.

The Man of Steel was totally lost in a haze of lust as he felt Wu unload in his ass and Michael shoot down his throat, while his own Kryptonian cock continued to jettison its load of semen. It was a the most incredible orgasm for the Man of Steel had ever experienced; one he would not forget and one he would strive to experience again in the future.

When the two rutting henchmen finally stopped ejaculating, they collapsed in a heap on top of the wet, jizz splattered body of the equally spent Man of Steel. Wu's abdomen was actually on top of the Man of Steel's spent cock, while the hairy Irish hunk was draped over Superman's head, chest and shoulders.

Looking over at his spent Irish colleague, Wu Chao caught Michael's eye and silently mouthed the words "That was awesome! We did it! Good job!"

The blissful Irish hunk, his softening dick still wedged inside of Superman's mouth, smiled broadly and whispered "Thanks for the invitation. I owe you one."

Wu returned the smile, slowly extracted his deflating cock from the Man of Steel's new thoroughly fucked pussy, and said with a laugh, "Let's hit the showers. The bitch wore me out!

A few minutes later the two henchmen were joking and washing off in the very shower Michael had so often used when he secretly masturbated the Man of Steel. When they were done showering, the two hardened criminals threw their arms over each other's shoulders; marched out of the shower; dried off; dressed; and went out for a beer; leaving the Great Whore of Krypton asleep on the table, splattered in semen; with a load of Irish cum in his stomach and a wad of Chinese jizz up his ass.

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