Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Apr 5, 2009


You won't like this one. There is no sex, it's too short, but it answers almost every question that you have about everything. Every speculation is ended, but at a price. Hope you can handle it. THIS storyline will be wrapped up by the 1st of April, like I told those of you who e-mailed me. Please voice all spam to my e-mail, I'll post another in probably 2 weeks time. Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest in my story! You're all great! Hope you still like it after this.

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 Part 10 ~~

So when I woke up, I had a Q-Tip in each ear, nostril and a few in my mouth. Freaking out, I ripped them all from my face and stared at Desmond who was laughing hysterically.

"Well I'm glad you find it funny." I emphasized the `you' more than can be put down in text. "Where the hell are we?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"We're not quite in Sudbury yet." He admitted. "But I think we might stop for the night. I'm pretty tired and I wouldn't want to kill us or anything." He winked at me. "It would ruin my master plan."

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "Well if you manage to contain yourself then I'm sure your master plan will work out better than you could imagine."

Desmond looked at me with a half embarrassed, half angry stare. His eyes moved back to the road and we drove on in silence until I bit my lip and mustered up the courage to say something.

"Well, I mean..." Ok harder than I thought. "I've never been more... I dunno... turned on... I guess... Cause... Like..." I stammered.

"It's ok. Performance anxiety happens the first time you do stuff with someone you..." Silence. The only sound was that of the engine and Desmond sucking on his teeth. I huffed a laugh through my nose at the situation hoping that I knew what he was talking about, what the missing word was. But hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's still a lot to tell in this tale.

I squeezed the hand that was on my thigh. "I doubt that there is anything that you could do to make me more turned on." I felt myself blush. The hand squeezed my thigh in a silent response. Nothing else was said for half an hour while the tension grew between us.

We pulled into a small bed and breakfast off of the 144, just past Halfway Lake. Desmond walked as I stumbled into the office to book a room. He held me up as much as he could. How was I so tired when I slept for most of the car ride?

"Hey, can I get a room please?" He smiled at the young boy at the desk.

"Queen or two doubles?" He winked at Desmond. I moved to say something but Desmond cut me off.

"Doubles please. We're not..." He looked to me, "you know, together." He smiled and nodded frantically. The boy smiled back. He was definitely old enough to know what he wanted. And apparently that was Diz. I snapped to attention.

"Here's your key, you're room number five. You let me know if there's anything that hospitality can do for you." He winked again and dragged his hand across Desmond's as he placed the key in his hand. I reached for a weapon but found none. I hadn't yet mastered Desmond's style of hiding weapons.

Desmond walked out of the office with that big, stupid grin of his that knew he could get laid.

"I'm gonna get a drink." I said to him.

"Mkay, see you in the room." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead. Booya clerk.

I walked over to the pop machine that stood in the lobby and pondered the choices.

"He's hot. There's nothing I wouldn't do to him." The kid said. Really he might have been the same age, or even older than I was... But there was no way I was gonna let him even think that he had a chance with Diz.

"Ya... And he's a great fuck." I reached for a toonie from my back pocket and turned my head to look at him over my shoulder. "You have no idea." I put the money into the machine.

The kid laughed. "Ah common, you two would want a bit of fun in the sack? I'm awfully lonely here with only old men to fuck." He visibly grabbed his crotch even though it was behind the desk. "You sure you wouldn't like some company?" he stepped out form behind the desk, exposing his hard dick poking trough the fly of his jeans. "I can be awful cooperative." He stroked it casually.

I rushed up to him in a single motion, latching onto his trachea with my fingers. He choked. "If you think for a second that he would even touch you," my eyes narrowed "then you're a fucking idiot." I clamped down on his throat with my fingers and he tried to cough, but it was impossible with my grip.

"T." Desmond called from the door. "You coming?" He asked.

"Ya." I said releasing the kid. He backed away from me, dick still visible from his fly. Desmond's hand reached out to grab mine and he pulled me through the office door.

"What the fuck was that?" He demanded while dragging me down the walkway to room five. "We need to keep a low profile..."

"He was hitting on you!" I protested.

Desmond stopped and faced me. "What colour is your hand?"

"White?" I guessed.

"Look at it."

I held my hand up in front of my face. It glew a pale green, even in the final brightness of dusk. "Green." I admitted.

"It's not an attractive colour." He said as he released my hand and opened room number five.

"How did you..."

"You're magik sensitive now. You can see things that others can't. You know things, whether through a vision or just plain guessing." He threw the keys onto the table. "She taught you other things didn't she?"

I looked at him and then realized that I couldn't lie to him. "Ya."

"Fuck!" He grabbed his chin and turned his back to me, only to turn towards me a few seconds later. "She taught Luke some things too. And then he died." He took a hesitant step towards me. "I can't lose you too. I just couldn't." his eyebrows turned down and his eyes showed all the sadness in the world.

I hugged him. "You won't."

He squeezed back. "How do you know?" meek voice asked from my shoulder.

"You just said that I have feelings to know things." I patted his back, "I'll be fine." I placed my hands on his shoulders and forced him away from me to look at him in full. "Besides, I've got you to protect me."

"Ya." He said looking to the ground. "I'm great at that."

"You are." I smiled.

He looked at me with those deep green eyes for a few moments. "I've gotta go grab some stuff. I'll be back soon. Call me if you need me." And with that, he fled the room in a blurry form.

"Ok..." I said aloud and walked further into the room. It was much like every other room. There was a partition of sorts that separated the door from the rest of the room. There was a small table off to one side and two beds, positioned on either side of a night stand. The stereotypical home.

I flopped down onto the bed and felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. "What the..." I sat up to face Ironside. The door slammed shut and he kissed me, pushing me back down onto the bed. His tongue raped my mouth, never having enough of it. All the while I tried to push him off of me.

"I've missed you." He muttered between kisses.

"Hey..." More kissing. "Stop..." More. "I said stop!" I threw him off of me. His eyes grew red with rage but quickly died down once he realized who he was looking at. "I can't..."

"You... Can't?" He took a step towards me. "Or you won't?"

"Look, things have happened... Between Desmond and I..." His eyes filled with hurt. "I... Thought you were gone and I..."

"No..." He turned his back to me. "I understand. In my absence, you turned to the one who could love you as I do. It's reasonable." He withdrew his sword from the sheath that did not appear to be attached to anything. "But I do not have to stand for it." I was flung against the wall by a powerful force. I tried to move my limbs, but it only resulted in a painful stabbing sensation. "I am sorry Tim." And he faced the door, sword in attack position, waiting for it to open.

"Ironside." I said. This stirred him, making him weaken his grip, only to be replaced by a stronger one. "No. You don't have to do this."

"But what if it is him?"

"Who?!" I begged.

"The hunter who is killing us!" I froze. Us? "I cannot betray my master again. As much as I would like to..." He looked at me with an intense longing. "This is my last chance for survival. You understand." He was right. He was different. Whatever his master had done to him, changed him towards a much more violent outlook on life.

"Ironside. We can help you." I pleaded. "Don't kill him." Tears began to run down my face. "Please."

"He is a threat to us. To the master and his masters. And you will be quiet." I opened my mouth to speak but the same pain that afflicted my muscles when I tried to move them afflicted my throat. I stared helplessly at my lover who was about to kill... My sort of lover. I wished that something held him up... I wished that the kid at the office desk actually did manage to coax Desmond into bed, just so he wouldn't walk through that door. But he did.

"T, I got some... What the fuck..." He was slammed against the wall perpendicular to the door. Whatever was in his hands scattered across the floor. "You!" His arm quivered as he tried to gain access to a weapon but failed. He was held in the same debilitaingly painful grip I was.

"And it is said," Ironside stepped closer to the pinned Desmond. "that one who might lead to our demise," Pulsus... "will lead an army or mortals against us." Pulsus! "Their magik will put that of the demons to shame," PULSUS!! "yet with their demise, the beginning of the reign of Mara will be nigh..." PULSUS!!!! "and all of humanity will know the wrath of he."

"PULSUS!" I finally screamed out in agony. Whatever Ironside did to me, speaking was the worst pain I had ever felt. Coupled with the hurt of being betrayed by a man I once made love to, it was nearly unbearable. But this screaming yielded only positives. My vision whited out as my eyes went as wide as possible. I felt a pulse emanate from my body, one that I could only have imagined in my wildest dreams. Partly out of pain, and partly out of exhaustion from producing such a monumental amount of energy, I passed out and fell to the floor.

Once I awoke, the world was a blur. I looked around the room. There appeared to be two human shapes conversing, but their words were only a dull sound in my broken ears. I blinked and nothing changed. But the shapes turned towards me and a concerned sound buzzed in my ears.

"I can't see anything... I can't hear anything..." I tried to say out loud. Whether the shapes heard it or not was a mystery to me. Until one of them made a move to contact me, I felt alone.

The shape kissed me on the lips. Infused with passion an electricity, I kissed back. It was Desmond. I could tell from his thin lips and violent tongue. I blinked a few more times and the world became slightly clearer. I could see Ironside standing a fair distance away, and Desmond sitting beside me, soundlessly begging to be kissed again.

A few more blinks and the haziness that I felt faded into normalcy. Though my hearing was still muddled, I could see everything. Ironside stood in a devil's trap... The Hell Order... I could hardly believe it, but it made sense.

"All those voices..." I stood up and walked to the invisible wall. "You're possessed..." I looked at him with tears forming in my eyes. Was I mildly in love with a demon? More than one? What the fuck was this?

His response fell on deaf ears and I tried to pop them by sticking my fingers in them and wiggling around. They popped. "What did you say?" I asked.

"I am... As you call it... Possessed..." I rushed to the duffle bag that laid on the floor, presumably from Desmond sealing him inside the Hell Order circle. Reaching for a vial of holy water. I had to know for sure. I threw it at him and it smashed on his skin. "That does not work on me. I'm almost perfect. This..." He reached through the Hell Order boundary with his hand and a picture on the wall fell off and shattered. "Barely works on me..."

Desmond came up behind me and put his arms around my waist. "It's alright, he's stuck there. He can't hurt you. I won't let him."

"And yet there is nothing I would not do to you!" Ironside spat angrily at Desmond.

He kissed my neck and Ironside pursed his lips. "You've got nothing here now. Otherwise, you'd have done something to me by now." Desmond pushed a chair into the circle and Ironside sat down reluctantly. Desmond and I sat on the bed. "So talk... What do you want with T? ... Uh... Tim?"

Ironside closed his eyes. "I don't have to answer to you." He folded his arms. "I don't have to answer to anyone really. Except my master, and even that is debatable."

Desmond stood up with a start. "You listen to me you demon scum, tell us what we want to know. I can call up Winnie and she can give me some VERY persuasive ideas."

"Winifred... Yes... Of course you would run to her."

"What do you mean?"

"She's playing you for a fool. Both of you." He got off the chair and kneeled down. "Tim, I do love you, but I can see now that my love is nothing compared to this one's." He motioned towards Desmond. "As much as I would love to skin him alive, that would give in to the monster inside. Well... Monsters..." He forced his hand through the invisible barrier and began to scratch at the Hell Order that was drawn on the floor. Desmond moved to stop him but it was too late, he was loose.

A force pinned Desmond against the wall and he screamed in pain.

"Stop!" I ran over to Ironside and pushed him. The force did not waver and Desmond still cried out for help, blood oozing from his mouth.

"I told you that I will not kill him." Ironside brushed my cheek with his hand, then kissed me passionately. Desmond gasped in physical and emotional pain. "I love you too much to make you choose. Please understand that. I will release him... But in return I ask a favour..."

"Anything." I began to sob slightly. I loved Desmond more, but at the same time, I couldn't bare to lose Ironside. "Whatever you need."

"Help me." He pushed a piece of paper into my hand and I fell backwards with the force. When I looked back to him, he was gone, the door was open, and Desmond lay on the floor.

"Desmond!" I ran to him. "Oh no..." He was still bleeding. I threw off his shirt and a large cut, like that of a wild animal, ran the length of his hairy stomach.

"T... You can fix me." He was breathing so quickly. "I know you can." H took my hand and stuck in against the sticky, bloody wound. "Just concentrate. He's testing you... They need you for something..."

"I... I don't know a spell... I don't..."

"Just trust yourself!" Ah fuck... I did love him, but how could that save him? I thought of the knife that Winnie had made for Richard. How did she do that? How did she let her love protect him so intensely? He was going to die... The blood pumped between my hand, coating it in a thick layer of metallic smelling blood.

"I... I can't..."

"Yes you can!"

"How do you know?!"

"Because... Because... Be..." Life slipped from his lips. The light in his eyes faded, he was dying. At the edge of life. And there was nothing I could do to help him. Volo, Pulsus... Nothing could heal him. His face relaxed as his last breath left him.

"No..." I started what little I knew of CPR. 1...2...3...4...5... Breath? No shit it was to 15! "Diz no!" I pumped at his chest, only causing blood to ooze out of the wound. "You can't fucking die! We've only just begun!" I tried the sappy love story attempt. "I love you..." and let a tear fall on his lifeless face. It didn't work. "Fuck!!!"

I pounded on his chest with my fists. "Wake up!" I collapsed into a crying mass on top of him. "Wake up..." With my ear on his chest, I couldn't hear his heart beating. He was gone... And it was Ironside's fault.

I felt my anger and hatred built inside me like a furnace. The door to the hotel room bent to my will and exploded open, wood splinters shattering outward. This was not over. Not by a long shot. If he wanted me to help him then I would, by killing him. That should release him from his suffering.

I stormed out of the hotel room and walked to the car. I felt weak and disoriented. But by the time I reached the trunk, I had regained my composure and blasted it open with a Pulsus. The trunk hood flew through the air and landed in a tree. I grabbed what I could carry, what I figured I would need to kill Ironside. To get my revenge. Once I got into the car, I realized that I didn't know how to drive... The basic right means go, left means stop got me to Winnie's house half a day later. Once again, the door bent to my will, splintering before me.

"WINNIE!" I screamed out. The door recollected itself behind me.

"Timothy? How dare you break down my door!" She walked down the stairs and I threw her against the wall with a Pulsus. "Timothy!"

"Shut up witch! Desmond is dead!" I stared at her while she took in this information. She looked hurt, then composed herself.

"He has served his purpose then I suppose."

"How dare you say that!" I took a step towards her and he grunted in pain as I pushed her further into the stairs. "How could you..." I was flung into the door. She said nothing. "Agh!"

"Stupid boy! Don't you dare think that I would teach you enough to be able to defeat me." She stood and smoothed out her black shirt. "I've lost too much to get this far, and I'll be damned if I'll lose you and have the whole thing for not!"

"What are you talking about?" I tried to send out a Pulsus, but she was stopping me somehow.

"Hmh." She laughed. "Desmond was a tool for Richard and I." She came up to me and caressed my face. "But I assure you that it was in the best of intentions..." Her voice was calm and understanding. "I needed him. We needed him. Richard and I." She closed her eyes in mourning. "Richard and I discovered something long ago." She opened them and moved into the kitchen, leaving me pinned against the wall. "Something that he died for... Justin, Christine, Lucas... They all died for it. And you will be the fifth and final." She reemerged from the kitchen holding a knife and a bowl, both ornately designed. "But you need to be willing to die for this cause Timothy. This is why I let Desmond find you. Why I hunted you down and let Desmond find you." She looked into my eyes. "Are you ready to learn the truth? Why Desmond met you... Why Ironside longs for you?" I stared back in disbelief. "It's alright, it all will make sense in the end, then you'll understand why you need to die. And you will embrace it."

I was scared. "It was bliss" Ironside had told me. But what was special about me? A stupid homo from outside Toronto, that could possibly attract the attention of a possessed guy, the hottest man I've ever met, and a `white' witch from Kapuskasing?

"You know that you have power Timothy." She sat on the stairs with the bowl and knife. "You know that. And you know that you can do amazing things, more than any other mortal. You're like me. You're like Richard, Lucas, Justin... All of you have the same power. The power of light!" She looked through me. "You have the power gifted from... From... God! If you will. I don't truly know where it comes from, but we all have it!" She smiled. "I told you long ago that black magik comes from demons. I can only assume that white magic comes from God, the angels, fairies... The sworn enemies of the things that we fight!"

"So where does that leave me...? Descendent from fairies? Angels?"

"No! Blessed BY them!" She stood and took my face in her hands. "Blessed!" She smiled again. "Richard and I found Justin on our own. But Desmond... He was sent by a higher power! He could sense others like us in a way that we could not. He was draw to you! Draw to your innate power! Don't you see? We were all chosen!" She released me and walked to the stairs to pick up the bowl and knife. "Chosen by God, blessed with his Magik." She moved the knife to my neck. "I'm sorry if this hurts."

"Winnie! No... Stop!" I was going to die... I was going to die...

"Five are needed... Sacrificed... When we found Desmond, we knew that he could find us more of our kind. But no more exist. So Richard gave himself to the cause. As did all the others. As must you. Embrace that you are doing the work of the Gods! To defeat the evil on this earth, we need you and your spirit."

"So I'm some sort of weapon to fight evil? I thought Desmond and I already were fighting!" My heart sank at the mention of his name.

"Yes, but the ultimate weapon can only be created through the sacrifice of White Witches. Like us." She pushed the knife into my neck, not breaking the skin, but close enough to make me sweat. "The Fellowship of Dark Magicians left because they sought a demonic answer to the supernatural problems in our world. Us White Magicians stayed to find a godly answer. And we found it! And it's us! Join with the power of the White Magicians Timothy, and we can rid the world of darkness. Ours is a just cause! Surely you must know this. A world without evil... Without monsters and demons. It will be a utopia. Dying is hard to understand, but know that your death will be for the common good, and it will not be in vain. If what you say is true, then Desmond is gone. You've nothing else to live for. Join us, help me become the perfect weapon."

What sympathy I had for her cause was shattered by her mention of his name. Anger built within me. She shouts of `anger leads to dark magik' fell on deaf ears as I sent out a wave of energy that obliterated the knife, damaged the bowl, and left her unconscious on the stairs. I spread my arms wide and I felt pure power flowing through them. The walls of the house shook and the ceiling began to collapse. I was angry... So very angry at her and at everything. I made short work of the house, its wreckage burying my teacher and mentor. I hoped that she rotted in hell for what she had done.

I cried forever. Laying on my back in front of the rubble, looking at the setting sun, I cried until I couldn't do it anymore. Event the prospect of revenge did not quell the sadness within. What did I have anymore? The ground was my bed, and I had to lay in it. Probably forever. I don't think that I slept from sunset to sun up, but my dry tears were still there when the sun lit the sky once more. My throat hurt from screaming in pain and my eyes burned from lack of sleep mixed with lack of lubrication. Lube... fuck. I cried more.

It was high noon before I pulled myself together enough to stand without falling over. As soon as Ironside was dead, this hollow shell that people would call a man would die as well. Why bother living? I was now officially on a suicide run. I would kill him, and probably myself in the process.

The car was still unfamiliar but it was getting better. I was handling it much easier on turns and obeying the speed limit became manageable. I headed for the Fellowship of Dark Magician's house. There was something that we missed. Once I exhausted necromancy as a possibility, I would find Desmond's body and bury it.

It was then that I began to question myself and Desmond. If he somehow had an innate ability to seek out magik users, was what he felt just the result of some sort of magik? Was what I felt real? The answers were too painful to think about. But never the less, they crossed my mind, clouding my already impaired driving ability.

I stopped at the Magician's house. The door was still open and I let myself in. Everything was just as we had left it... During our fight. I cried as I tore the first floor apart searching for any sign of how to get Desmond back, or how to find Ironside. Paper and pictures flew off the wall as I marched through the house. I didn't even need to say the word anymore... Reality just assumed what I wanted. And it was destruction. It happily complied.

Once the whole first floor was raped of its usefulness, I found myself in the living room with that odd pentagram on the floor. My head began to hurt as I stared at it, so I turned towards the stairs. Frames shattered and flew off the walls as I walked by them.

Upstairs I looked into the paper covered room that Desmond has once been in while ignoring me. The scattered pages leapt into neat piles out of terror. Not finding what I desired, my mind ripped them apart. It was strange, but I could almost hear the pages scream. Maybe I just wanted to hear something in as much pain as I was in. But my pain fed my anger, and my anger fed my magik. It became glorious.

The room with the marking on the ceiling. I stared at the books on the shelves for a long while, studying the titles. Necromancy, Spells of the Dead, Summoning the Damned. I grabbed Spells of the Dead and flipped through it. Nothing about bringing people back from the dead. I began to think it was impossible. I laid down on the bed, defeated. I looked through almost everything in the house. There was still nothing that could save Desmond. I pounded my hand in anger at the wall. It crumbled.

"Huh?" It was the first word I had spoken in hours. Looking back, it seems anti-climactic. But what I found definitely made up for it. I pulled a small red book out of the hole in the wall. It was leather and tied with a string. I untied it and opened it, reading the first lines aloud... "Property of Daniel Leavens... The one who split the White Mages..." I opened the book and read on...

"Alexander shows great promise in resisting demon possession. Whether his power with the White Magik or some inborn ability, we will examine further..." Later, the book read "There appears to be no effect on Meaghan Ironside when possession occurs. While the demon resides within her, she remains fully conscious and only with pain. The demon quickly left the body. A more permanent possession is required." As books pulled themselves off the shelves, I wondered what this meant. Who was Meaghan Ironside?

I read on. "Lily has gained power over her demon, able to use its power without altering her disposition. Her brother shows little promise for the same. Is it a trait passed through the females?" This couldn't be real. The voluntary possession Desmond and I had found out about... Was this their final aim? "Lily and her brother Keith have died due to their possessions. Their child, Ruby, may be able to resist longer." They were breeding people... Selectively... "Charles shows the most promise as of yet. It is not passed through the females, but merely dormant in males. Male is advisable." Later on... "Not only is Vance able to control a demon, he shows promise for multiple possessions."

"What the fuck?!" The journal stopped there. It was infuriating. Vance. Vance Ironside. Was this the Ironside I knew? "Oh my god..." The voices. They weren't voices, they were demons. He was human, but he was a demon. A seemingly impossible idea made possible by the Fellowship. Both sides had their own idea of what a weapon should be. Where did I stand...?

Next: Chapter 11

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