Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Sep 23, 2010


Ah, a long time once more... Busy busy! Except not really. I shall try to update more often. Lemme know what you guys think.

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~Supernatural-101 Part 2.7~

Art had a room close by, and I think that it might have been in the same hotel as mine and Desmond's room but I wasn't sure. I was in fact that drunk. But at the same time, I was very aware, I know that I wanted Art, and without any sort of hesitation I followed him through the dankly lit streets into the shady hotel room. He was a pretty guy, I wouldn't say handsome, but he was attractive. The thing was though that I doubt that I would have found him so attractive if I hadn't been so intoxicated. Well, I would have, but he would have been quite close to a Second Looker. You know those guys you glance at you say Wow that is a fine specimen.' But then after you gain the courage to look again you realize That man is pretty hideous.' This is how I felt about Art. Call me shallow, go ahead. But everyone has their type. He was bordering on my type.

His tall, lanky structure seemed to leap through the shadows of his room. I was so drunk that the moment I felt a soft spot, I crashed down on it hard. It happened to be the bed, which I was happy for. He went into the bathroom, a beeline that I assumed was completely necessary after what he managed to do with that Whisky on the Rocks.

When he returned, he turned the bathroom light off, yet a faint glow still remained. A night light. That would be really good for when I decided to puke later that night from over consumption. Really, I need to get a handle on that.

He laid down in the bed next to me and spoke in that incredibly sexy accent: "Well Timothy, what did you want to do? Go to sleep... Or..." His hand slipped down the front of my pants and grasped my cock. "Something else perhaps?"

I was happy with this decision of his and let his hand continue down, over my balls and poke at my ass... With a few adjustments to my pelvis of course.

"Ah, I see." He whispered. "That's what you be wanting." He leaned in for a kiss. His lips were foreign and the mock beard made it a little strange for me to kiss, but kiss I did anyways. It was refreshing and light, I felt like I was on cloud nine. I shouldn't have drunken sex. But man... I can tell you that it felt amazing. Not just because he did things that Desmond did not, but because I really wanted to. There, I said it. I wanted to do this guy that wasn't Desmond after so long with being just with him. Fuck you I'm not a whore. I'm not like every other gay guy. I was drunk and I was horny and I wanted to feel what it was like to have Art deep inside me.

It wasn't long before I got hat chance. He'd mounted me in a full-mount (for those of you martial artists out there who know what that is), poking at my hole with one hand and stuffing his cock in my mouth with his forward thrusts. It almost made me gag, but Desmond was bigger and I could take all of his. Art was thin, in body and in girth, but there was nothing that he was lacking in style. I barely did anything to siphon the moans from his lips or the sweat from his pores.

Once we were fully naked, I could see the bare skin of his chest glimmering in the light of the open window. Sucks for any neighbours we had. But chances are, with his luck, we'd be totally fine. That is how he managed to land me after all.

He flipped me over, taking full control and demanding in a very physical manner that I accept it. I was more than happy to. His long, thin cock fucked in between my cheeks, adding his pre-cum as lube with each stroke.

"You want me to then ya?" He kind of laughed as he said it, noticing that I was moaning and basically begging for it. "Aye, alright."

"Like you'd complain... Ooh!" I moaned as his rubbered cock slipped inside me. Not much of a stretch, but it still felt amazing. I immediately pounded my fists on the bed in ecstasy as he pumped into me.

A series of ooh's and Ah fuck ya' and any combination of the two escaped our lips as he fed me his cock until it comfortably slammed my prostate. From my end though, it was heaven. Having Art fuck me so hard and deep, making me scream for it. I tried my best to fuck against his thrusts but he was much faster than I was. Every bucking thrust was heaven, making me push out against him, which only made him fuck me faster, loving the tightness that I made.

He grabbed my hip and pulled me into a doggie style while I still moaned in lust for his long cock. Each thrust he amplified with a tug on my hips, pulling me deeper onto his cock. His goal was obviously making this as fast as possible, though I didn't mind. As he started grunting and bucking harder, I felt the condom fill up with his cum, but he didn't stop. Raising a leg, he fucked me with twice the effort as I tried to keep up uselessly by ramming my ass in the awkward angle he forced me into.

Nibbling on my heel as he fucked me, I let out my first scream as his sticky cock slammed that wicked spot that made me itch to cum. "Right there! Oh fuck!!" My breathing crept up on me and I slipped into the moment while he fucked me deep and I willed my body to cum. It didn't take long and my body convulsed, muscles tensing, toes curling and a feeling of euphoria filled me to the core. My cum sprayed out over my chest in a torrent of more cum that I remember.

I think Art began cumming in the condom a second time before he ripped it off and finished on my own dick. He kept the condom in his hand and fed me the drippings as we were still heaving for breath. I pulled at my own cock again, wanting to cum using his as lube, but I couldn't. I gave up as the sticky mess began to hurt a little.

Art flipped me over again and kissed the back of my neck lovingly. His cum soaked cock still gliding over my well used ass.

"How was that?" He asked thrusting against my butt getting hard again. This guy was a machine.

I let out a sigh at its finish. "Fucking amazing." We both laughed.

"Well perhaps we can do it again sometime."

"How's now for ya?" His hard dick still gliding.


I woke up beside her busty chest heaving. Good pillows. My head hurt as I stood up to survey the situation. As far as I could tell, we were in T and my's hotel room... But T wasn't there. Ah fuck. I slept with her didn't I? That's just fucking gross.

Flipping the covers off me, I stood up naked as the day I was born. Though much hairier. T always liked to play in the light hair of my chest, pubes... What was I thinking with this bitch? He liked it like that. The little bit of hair that tickled his face as he fell asleep on me. Fuck. I was totally in love wasn't I? Figures. My heart's on my sleeve.

I went into the shower to wash my cock of the filthy bitch when I ran smack into Cade. Shit he was still there wasn't he? Only in his underwear too. Nice ass.

"Mr. Luengo! That is very irresponsible considering the circumstances of my incapacitation and your inability to bring home the right person to... To do that with." He looked pissed. All the tattoos on his body were glowing again with full force. Maybe a little too much for my liking. I still wasn't sure what the intensity of the glow meant.

"Were you in here the whole time?" I asked, just realizing my hang over. Fuck I drank a lot. Ugh.

"Indeed I was Mr. Luengo. The things I heard were frankly disturbing. A woman is made to be made love to in a consecrated marriage via vaginal intercourse for the purposes of procreation. I'm fairly certain that you ignored all of those guidelines as you ravaged her with me in the next room. You are a disgusting human being Mr. Luengo."

"Well you're not the first to say so Cade. Sorry you feel that way. But you are looking mighty appetizing right now and I need to shower. So either join me, or step aside."

There was a moments pause as if Cade had actually considered what I was asking. That would be hilarious... But at the same time, I already had to tell T about the bitch that he didn't know. Were I to tell him about me doing Cade in the shower... It would ruin him... Me at the same time.

"I must respectfully decline your offer but at the same time I refuse to go out of this room with that harlot." He crossed his arms angrily. "Just... Draw the shower curtain won't you?"

You think too much of me if you think I drew the shower curtain. I didn't want to fuck him. Maybe with T there, but no way right now. One infidelity was enough for the millennia thank you very much. Didn't mean that I didn't want to see if this angel... Erelim had any desire for the flesh, male or female. Hell as far as I know, the guy is a virgin, which is fine. A life running errands for a ghost fighting troupe wouldn't yield that many possibilities, and who knows how many years he's been alive.

Anyways, Cade stood with his back to me the entire shower. I jerked off too, pretty loudly. I only caught him looking once though. I thought it was funny, but he just scoffed, putting it down to the fact that he wasn't sure what I was doing. I think I got a little cum on him, not that he acknowledged or anything.

"Did you have to do that while I was in the room?" he whispered.

"Hell ya, that's why I did." I smiled at him as I left the room, still naked and dripping with my recent shower. The girl was awake... Though honestly, I couldn't remember her name. In my new found sobriety I had at the same time realized T's absence while at the same time acknowledging it multiple times.

"Get out." I said bluntly.

"Mmmh..." She said sexily. "I'd love to have you fuck me again first.

I picked her up by her hair while she screamed and grabbed my knuckles with her claws. I managed to throw her out of the room while saying: "There, now you're fucked." It was awhile before I threw her clothes out to her.

"You realize that you are displacing your anger on this poor woman that you really have for yourself Desmond." Cade came out of the bathroom once she had left and began searching for his clothes that Tim had neatly folded in a pile next to the bed he had been lying on. "This is an entirely inefficient way of dealing with your stressors..."

"I know!" I said forcefully, not angrily.

"Very well." Cade finished putting on his clothes that seemed to slide onto him rather than be placed. "Do you intend to find Timmothy or to simply stand there while the Fellowship has the upper hand in procuring his talents?"

He annoyed me already. Of course I wanted to find T, I told Cade the same. "T won't want to miss your explanation of what happened to the Society's Headquarters."

"Yes..." He seemed to fade into his mind remembering what had occurred. "It was horrible. They came from the shadows... Impossibly fast and powerful."

"Do you know what they were?" I asked while opening the door, allowing the sunlight to trace across the carpet of the hotel room. I looked at the door which had `Cocksucker' scrawled across it in what appeared to be lipstick.

"Indeed. Hantus..."

I chuckled softly as we began to walk down the row of numbered doors. "What kind? There are hundreds."

"Kubor... The defilers of souls and graves. Spreaders of disease and torment. I don't know who would have the power to command them and yet still live. Being around them is poison."

"That would explain the devastation of that place. How were you the only one to survive?"

"They left me for dead. There was a woman... White against the shadowy forms of the Hantus. I think she was a member of the Fellowship. But I... Can't be sure. The memory is muddled and unclear." His hand went to his forehead as if the act of trying to search into his memories itself was physically painful.

I put a hand on his shoulder and stopped walking. "Why don't we focus on finding Tim ok?" Cade showing emotion was a little strange. "Can you find him?"

Cade nodded slowly. "The connection that was forged is still intact. I can sense him... Close... He's with someone, but I cannot make out who he is."

"Where the fuck is he?" I flew into a fury. I'll fucking kill that asshole if he laid a hand on T... If he... No. T wouldn't do that to me. Ah fuck, I did it to him. No, he's a better person than me...

"Mr. Luengo, calm down. They're in there." Cade pointed to room number 7 and I was there in a flash, pounding at the door.

"Aye alright hang on!" I heard from inside. The voice was Irish and course. He must have just woken up. Oh this mother fucker was gonna get it. "Whaddya need by?" I punched him square in the face. He stumbled backwards into the room holding his nose. Broken for sure. I stormed in the room, refusing to take my eyes off of the Irishman.

"What the fuck?!" He shouted as he got to his feet.

"Where is he?"

"Who, you bloody idiot?!" I took another swing at him and missed, just as Cade walked into the room.

"Desmond don't take your eyes-"

"Dizzy?" T came out of the bathroom and I glared at him. Turning around to swing again at the Irishman, he was gone.

"What the...?" I quickly turned my attention to Tim. "Did he fuck you?" I demanded. I felt the heat radiating off of my face, heart pumping and fists clenched.

I was dumbfounded, confused and bewildered. But most of all, I was hung over. Desmond shouting at me never sat well with me, having a headache made it that much worse. My heart cleaved in half as I nodded to him. He stormed out of the room leaving a hole in the wall with a mighty punch. I swear, if we ever had to pay for the holes he's left in hotel walls, we'd be broke.

"Desmond come back here!" I called out after him. I completely disregarded Cade who seemed to be examining the blood spatter on the floor left by what I can only assume was Desmond punching Art.

The gravel hurt my bare feet as I sprinted after Desmond. He had pulled a knife and was shouting for the `Irishman.' I reached him but he pushed me aside and continued shouting. A few people walking along the street stared at him waving the knife.

"Desmond someone's going to call the cops, commere!" He clenched his jaw and saw that I was right. He stomped towards Art's room, once more pushing past Cade who at this point was most certainly feeling like a rag doll. His tattoos were not glowing anymore, instead they looked like regular ink, disguising his supernatural abilities from the public eye.

"Where the fuck is he?" Desmond paced back and forth in front of the bed. His eyes were fixated on it, no doubt imagining what we'd done on it.

"I don't know, but calm down." I put my hand on his shoulder and tried to influence his mind to be calm. It seemed to work slightly. He let out a sigh and then turned to hug me.

"I slept with a girl." He whispered in my ear. The anger welled up in me as well until Cade spoke up closing the door.

"I think I know what's going on here." Cade separated us and kept his hands on our chests for distance. "When I noticed him, I felt the tingle of magikal energy. Specifically fairy energy. I believe that this man is some sort of fairy. It would seem, that perhaps in your intoxication, you did not notice it yourself Timothy." He lowered his hands once the pair of us started to consider what he was saying. "Certain types of fairies like to cause mischief. So depending upon the type of fairy, he might be the cause of both of your indiscretions."

"D-Do you remember anything about him? The non-personal stuff..." Desmond looked me in the eye.

"Well, he was Irish... Kind of tall... Lanky..."

"What was he wearing?" Cade cradled his chin on his thumb.

"I dunno, a red coat. Nothing overly spectacular about him."

Desmond snorted. "There must have been something." He muttered under his breath.

"Wasn't as good Desmond, trust me. You're much better in bed. Is that what you want to hear?"

"Only if it's true..."

"In any event, fairies are incredibly quick, but only when no one is looking at them. If we see him again, we cannot take our eyes off of him. If we can catch him, then any magik that he worked will be undone. That is, if he has done anything malicious."

"Sounds like a hunt to me." Desmond put his knife into his boot. "He's fucking dead whatever he is."

"Mr. Luengo I refuse to take part in a hunt that is for your own revenge. Similarly, I am not permitted to participate in a hunt without the expressed consent of my superiors at the Society claiming that the hunt is necessary to prevent the deterioration of human life or the secrecy of the supernatural world." Cade rhymed it off as if it was engrained in his mind as an automatic reaction.

"Fine, stay here." Desmond opened the door and beckoned me to follow. I obliged.

As we got into the car, I was feeling awkward. I was feeling like Desmond and I should talk about this... Though I doubt that he would want to. The engine revved and he turned to me.


"Well what?"

"Well where are we going to find him? Especially if he knows that we're looking for him. That'll be a little rough." His lack of interest in bringing up the previous night was disheartening. I can't imagine that he wanted to just forget about it.

"Can we-"

"No we can't. I don't wanna talk about how you got fucked or how I screwed that bitch or anything. I want to see if this fairy asshole made us do all of it. I can't imagine how in gods name he even could."

I put my hand on his thigh and squeezed it lightly. "Not that long ago I would have said that nothing that I've seen was possible. Things that I've done even. Apparently you just never know what things are capable of."

"True." He grasped my hand, his bigger rougher hands were warm and comforting. I put my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of it. "We need to get some copper. It'll attract fairies. Hell, we should get gold and silver too just in case."

"I sense some credit card fraud afoot." I looked up at him from his shoulder and he kissed me. Such a light peck on the lips that calmly and with mutual understanding opened up and our tongues played between our lips. "To the jewelry shop then?" If you've ever had a fairy of any kind in your home, you'll notice that things tend to start going missing, in particular things that are shiny like jewelry. You can leave pennies around to bribe the fairies to leave. They might leave, or you might have to resort to some serious magikal casting.

"To the jewelry store." Reverse. Drive. His hand was on mine the whole drive over there, casually playing with my fingers, weaving in and out. His calluses scratching against my smooth hands. With his other hand, he steered the car expertly around the winding streets.

We pulled into a mall that Desmond said had a jewelry store in it. We got out and I hopped ahead to catch up to Desmond who had a head start getting out of the car. This was a strange situation for us to be in. We usually don't see more than 10 people during the course of the day and hardly ever at the same time. The mall was a large, open environment with multitudes of people. While I wasn't uncomfortable, I was a little taken back with the number of people. It reminded me of when I was in school still and my friends and I would go to the mall and just hang out. We'd laugh at people who we thought looked funny or were wearing horrid clothing... I kind of missed them to be honest. Though I really didn't have many friends and the ones that I did have I wasn't too close with, I still missed the closeness, the normalcy of it. My life was so abnormal that I truly just don't know what's coming next. It's upsetting. But hey, I got a hot guy and epic powers out of it didn't I? Heh...

The jewelry store was nestled in a small corner of the mall with a travel agency and a Hallmark. It was well lit, as are all jewelry stores and had numerous glass display cases filled with precious gems of all kinds and most importantly, what we were looking for. Lots and lots of gold, silver and copper. We'd done this before to get some cash, because let's face it, having nothing but plastic in your wallet was insufficient at times. The general plan was that Desmond would distract the attendant while I opened the cases and took a few of the rings. But now that I had some magik, this was going to be a lot easier.

We walked up to the counter and a girl in a skirt suit came over to greet us. Perfect, there was only one of them. At least on the floor. With any luck, the other was on break somewhere.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" She smiled sweetly.

"Ya, I need to get an engagement ring for my girl."

"This one is cool." I said pointing to a silver ring that was composed of four thin rings. The rings interwove and formed a knot that was the main focal point of the ring. The lights in the display case made it sparkle. I could see the reflection of myself in its tiny face, distorted by the curvature of it. It was simple, yet elegant.

"That's a puzzle ring. A good, unconventional choice for engagement. We have other ones over here in gold, white gold... We might even have one with a stone in it. Would you like me to check?"

"Hah! Na, she's pretty conventional. I wanna get her a rock, not a puzzle."

"What a lucky girl. What sort of ring did you have in mind then?" They took turns flirting back and forth talking about different rings. I pretended to be bored... Not much of an effort really, and I walked away, browsing as I went. Anything that had a high karat, I would go in for. I noticed one ring that was fairly dense looking and the karat count confirmed it. I didn't really know what my new magikal plan would be, but I guessed that if I put my hand through the glass, it might not work too well with all the shattering and blood. I tapped impatiently on the glass and my finger went through it. The glass hadn't broken, but my finger was indeed through the glass. A strong heat made a ring around my finger.

After a little playing with this power, I was able to move my finger through the glass at a fairly regular pace. Two fingers, three and then my hand. As I removed them, the glass appeared as if nothing had happened. It was wonderful, and something that I could put to great use if I could possibly figure out how to do it one anything besides glass.

"Are you alright over there?" The lady asked. In shock, I removed my hand from the glass and brought it to my chest submissively. I gave a polite wave and a smile. Desmond shot me a stern `hurry the hell up this bitch is annoying' look then turned back to her with a sly smile..

It was now or never. I pressed my hand firmly against the glass and concentrated. It slipped through as easy as before. The ring of heat raised up my arm, sending tingles out the tips of the fine hairs as I went deeper into the display case. I grabbed a few rings and withdrew them. A feeling of guilt suddenly overtook me. I'd done this before, what was the issue? Of course I'd never used magik while stealing. That's what felt wrong...

I pushed through and went to various display cases, removing a few rings and bracelets here and there so long as they looked pure enough. With my hand forearm deep in a display case, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I withdrew it as fast as I could and the Shop attendant walked in front of me behind the display case. Luckily, the hand was Desmond's, but my heart still raced with a guilty look undoubtedly on my face.

"Anything you like?" She smiled at me. Unsuspecting... Perfect...?

"Oh, hah! No I'm good. Are we good?" I turned to look into Desmond's beautiful green eyes. The scruffy sexy smile looked back at me. He raised an eyebrow, eyes focused into mine without lowering his head.

"Oh we're good. Let's go bud."

"Did you not want to show him what you chose? It's always good to get a second opinion. Even if it is too late."

"Nope, this guy doesn't have any sense of taste anyways." He patted a lump above his heart. The worn leather jacket made a weak slapping sound as he tapped it.

"Clearly, not if I'm your friend." I glared at him and he dropped his hand from my shoulder. "Thanks for your help." I smiled and we walked out of the shop side by side.

Desmond wrapped his arm around me in a friendly manner... Well hopefully friendly, there were lots of people and homosexuality didn't fly too well around these parts. "You've got taste, just poor taste. Since you are, after all, friends with me."

"Ya just friends too!" I glared at him then smiled. This resulted in me getting a head of ruffled hair.

"Hey you wanna get drunk?"

"It's like 2pm Dizzy, don't you think that's a little bit early?"

"How does that song go? `It's 5 o'clock somewhere!'" He broke out into the whole song which I was amazed at since I didn't even know the lyrics and I'm usually really good with things like that. It was a bit embarrassing with a grown man singing in the middle of the mall singing about how drunk he wanted to get. "'What would Jimmy Buffet do?!'" It seemed like Desmond was pleading with me to continue.

I let out a sigh. "It's pretty drunk out tonight..."

"That's the spirit my boy!" His arm slapped back on my shoulders, gave me a side hug and we went out towards the car.

Upon returning to the hotel, with a quick stop off at the liquor store, we went to find Cade. He was in our original room levitating crossed legged in a meditative state. His usually fine pressed suit was almost weightless, floating along with him on unseen currents of air. His tattoos produced a faint blue glow all around him as waves of white light passed through the tattoos like uneven ripples on a pond. Once the door closed, one eye opened and regarded us with a piercing gaze. I felt him rummaging through my mind, like the pressure change before a storm might affect you.

When he had finished gathering the information, his weightlessness slowly left him, releasing a leg from their twisted formation to support him. The moment the leg touched, all weightlessness was gone and he landed less than elegantly. "Welcome back." He smoothed out his suit.

"Why thank you good sir." Desmond said far too formally to be taken seriously. "Drink?" He pointed the bottle of vodka at Cade.

"I cannot. I was however just..."

"Suit yourself." He cracked the seal and poured a little in a crappy plastic cup handing it to me.

"As I was saying... I was just searching around for some answers to the little problem of ours in the form of that fairy. After searching the room, I found this pouch here." He retrieved the small leather pouch and tossed it gently at us. I caught it and opened it. "Be careful, there's nothing solid in there." Cade was right, it was filled with a small amount of ash. "I'm not entirely sure what that is, whether it be a hex bag or maybe a bit of goofer dust."

"Can you tell what it use to be?" Desmond took the bag from me, examining it himself.

"As far as I can tell, it is dusty ash. I cannot explain it, but as far as I can tell, Nothing burnt up and created that ash. It is rather perplexing and maybe if I had some sort of reference manual or someone more knowledgeable that I on witchcraft then I could sort it out. However, my extensive knowledge on the subject would be hardly be comparable to any mere mortal." He gave a soft, snobby laugh.

"Celine." Desmond and I said at the same time, staring bluntly at Cade.

"Who is Celine?"

"Desmond's old friend. She's a witch that lives out by Lake Ontario. She helped us find the location of the Society's Headquarters. You kind of owe her a debt."

"One that I shall repay with mutually acquired knowledge of the magikal arts. I'll intrude on your minds but one more time to find the location of this `Celine' and be on my way if you don't mind." Cade seemed as excited as I'd ever seen him. This of course wasn't that big of a deal considering he had the emotional capacity of a cudgel.

"Hang on," I said, "aren't you going to tell us about what happened at the Society?"

"No I'd rather not." He attempted to push past us towards the door and Desmond grabbed his jacket.

"Cade, common. We'd really like to know."

"And you shall know Mr. Luengo. Once of course I sort out the more pressing matter of the mischievous fairy. What happened at the Society is in the past and there is therefore nothing that I can do about it any more. I can however potentially save some people who may fall victim to the same misfortune that the two of you did. Now I realize that this is mildly irritating to the two of you but you will have to... I think the term you use is `suck it up' while I go converse with Celine on this matter. Now if you'll kindly unhand me..."

Desmond closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath that just screamed `you've got a point but I'm still irritated about it.' He released Cade, who bade us a fond farewell before taking off into the afternoon light, the same light that seemed to swell around him as he disappeared without a trace. I had to learn that trick...

"Well, shall we get crackin on this then?" He pointed the bottle at me. I clinked it with my own cup... Which really was more of a dull thud since my glass was more plastic than anything else.

I emptied my pockets on the bed which consisted of a total of 7 gold rings, 4 silver rings, 3 copper bracelets and a silver one. Desmond wrapped the hand his vodka was in around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Nice haul. I didn't see you open any of the cases though, you're getting good."

"I know." I leaned my head against his. He took a swig of the bottle then fed me some. I turned around in his arm and kissed him, pushing the vodka into his mouth and swirling it around our mouths with my tongue. It burned but it tasted so good at the same time.

He opened his mouth and let the vodka run down his neck and onto his shirt. His tongue flicked into my mouth, letting the left over booze splash around. Our lips became locked as Desmond picked me up with both hands, dropping the bottle on the bed. I wrapped my legs around his waist, squeezing my hard on towards his abdomen.

"Rarin to go huh?" He whispered between my sucking his face off. I moaned through a kiss in agreement. He threw me on the bed. "Well you know me." He dropped his jacket in a leathery pile on the floor, he then stretched his arms backwards, showing off his pectorals and flexing his arms. "I'm always ready." He said cracking his neck back and forth.

"Then why aren't you on top of me?" Faster than humanly possible, he was, one arm behind my head forcing it closer to his. He kissed down my neck, licking up my artery and nibbling on my ear. Licking all around it, his hands wandered down into my pants stroking my hard cock. "Mmm... That feels great..."

Desmond's arm came out from under my neck and slowly unzipped my fly. My cock and balls came out with a tug and he took a break from making out with my neck and ear to spit on his hand, only to start massaging my dick. I laid back and enjoyed the treatment Desmond was giving me, moaning softly every now and then. Pausing to remove my shirt and pants, he returned to his work with renewed vigor.

At the height of my pleasure, I grabbed his shirt. "Ah fuck commere..." I said pulling his mouth to my lips. I could taste the cock on his tongue and it was so sexy to me. His spit covered hand slipped down towards my ass, pushing in with a high pitched intake of air from me. Two fingers inside me and Desmond's mouth covering my intense moans of pleasure, I gripped into his back very nearly tearing his shirt off.

Which I did next. Pulling at the base of his shirt, I hurriedly tried to pull it over his shoulders. My hands traced up his smooth sides that outlined his hairy abs. My hands passed over his rippled laterals and stopped as the shirt crumpled below his arms that wouldn't release my cock or ass. Instead I placed my hands on his pecs, playing with his nipples and chest hair. My breathing sped up while I molested his chest, unable to deal with the pleasure I was receiving without anything to play with myself. I reached to unleash his cock from his pants. The zipper got stuck at the bulge I'd given him but was open soon enough. With his hefty dick out, I stroked it with one hand as I felt up his body with my other hand. My back arched against the bed in lust.

After only a few stroked of my hand over his cock, he flipped me over forcefully. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard." He placed one hand over mine, interlacing our fingers. With the other, he guided his cock up my ass in one thrust. With the entire thing inside me, I screamed in pleasure and pain and surprise. Each thrust was deep... Intense... It was a strange sensation to feel denim grinding against my butt instead of Desmond's tight thighs, but I took it anyways.

"Oh god... Oh god Desmond that's so fucking good." I said in a gaspy tone.

"Ah fuck ya!" His cock was sticky with pre cum that slid in and out with a grunt. Sweat began to bead up on Desmond's chest as he fucked. With my free hand I pounded the bed in ecstasy. It felt like he was taking my virginity, my ass stretching to its limits and more pain than usually when he banged me. Seemed like Desmond was enjoying his rough attack on my hole. I fucking loved it. I screamed that and for more and more. His body collapsed onto my back, kissing it, nibbling a little. He straightened back up and put one hand on my ass, squeezing it, spreading it open to get as much of his cock into me as possible. His free hand felt down my spine, slick with sweat it jumped up my spine then slid further down in time with Desmond's thrusts.

"Ah fuck." He seemed to whine. His thrusts sped up, his breath, his heart rate, his desire to cum. Everything. The running of his thick shaft over the tightness of my hole was orgasmic as he withdrew. Shoving it in grazed my prostate and made me grunt. I thought I could feel the veins in his cock pulsing against the walls of my ass as he attacked it. Both hands now moved to my butt, opening it up, spreading it out as his cock moved in and out of me, still furiously.

But I'd had enough, my dick couldn't take the pleasure and exploded underneath me. The spasms echoing through my ass making it tense up with each shot I gave off.

"Fucking hell!" Somehow he fucked me faster, loving the tiny spasms of my ass. That time I knew I could feel the thick veins of his cock pulsing. With a slap of my ass to tense it further, he let out a guttural grunt and started cumming too. I loved the feeling of cum being shot up inside me. I loved it more when he went to pull out of me and it was sticky, hot and reeked of the scent of Desmond's spunk. He backed off of me, staring at his work. "Shit T, you're open wide." He gasped for breath. I moved to get up, feeling the cum run out of my hole and begin to make its way to my balls. Desmond pushed me back down and fingered the cum back into me. "Fuuuuck..." He wouldn't let any out, driving any that attempted to escape back into me. When taking his cum soaked fingers out, it released more, which had to be driven back inside.

He eventually flipped me over. His limp cock lying on the denim jeans he still wore. Hairy chest heaving and stubbled jaw gaping open to keep up with it, his whole appearance justified the sweat that poured down him. I got up on all fours and crawled towards him into a kiss. It was a short kiss, as we were both still out of breath. So we head butted each other and stayed in this position, sweet breath landing only millimeters away on each others lips.

"We should shower." He whispered, puckering his lips so they met mine in a thin kiss.

The night sky hung above us in a great ocean of stars. It was a cloudless eve, the type that showed more stars than you thought the galaxy held. But who knows how many there are out there? Would we ever reach them? These are the thoughts that crossed my mind as my head rested on Desmond's abs, one arm resting on my chest and one in Desmond's heavy hands. His other hand held his head off the grass. We were in a graveyard finishing that bottle of vodka and waiting for the fire we had started to heat up enough to be able to melt the gold, silver and copper in three cast iron bowls we placed in an iron tripod that suspended it over the fire. I was helping the heat along a little, realizing that the size of our fire wasn't nearly big enough to create the heat necessary.

We'd been quiet for some time before Desmond spoke up: "Ever thought about how many stars there are out there?"

I chuckled. "Ya I have." His thumb gently stroked the back of my hand.

"Think it's hot enough?" He asked taking a swig from the bottle and passing it to my free hand.

I took a small sip, my tolerance not nearly as seasoned as Desmond's. He wasn't too sober and I was pretty buzzed myself. "Probably." I sat up and Desmond kneeled behind me, wrapping his arms around me as I sorted the gold from the rest and plopped the lot of it in the bowl. The waves of heat danced upwards with the smoke, distorting the background of grave stones. So many names, how many of them had died because a hunter wasn't able to save them?

"I dunno T. But I wonder what their families think really happened." He hugged me tightly.

I leaned forward, breaking his hold of me while I took the bowl off the fire and poured the melted gold into the small coin molds that we had found in the back of the trunk. It didn't make all that many coins, but we most likely didn't need too many. I repeated the process with the copper in the bowl then settled back into Desmond's arms.

Despite the heat of the fire, it was a chilly night and we huddled together close. When I shivered, Desmond took his coat off and draped it over my shoulders then hugged me again. His bare arms instantly broke into hives but when I tried to wiggle to give him back the jacket, he grunted like a stubborn child and squeezed me.

But I felt him shift slightly and removed an arm from me only to place it back a moment later and grabbed my hand. Somehow his nimble fingers, the same that can produce knives from any article of clothing had placed an object in my hand without my noticing. I looked down at it. It was the silver puzzle ring from the jewelry shop.

I went to toss it to the pile of silver objects but he pulled me back to him and placed the ring on my left middle finger. I turned my head to look at him and his eyes sparkled in the mixture of light from the fire and from the stars, then he kissed me ever so gently on the lips.

"You know I love you right?"

Next: Chapter 19: Supernatural 101 II 8

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