Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Dec 6, 2008


I would like to point out that I checked the grammar, spelling etc of the previous story and it was fine... I re-read the one that was posted and it was not... Probably my fault but hey, I'm a grammar fiend... This one will be perfect before I send it as well, but will be fine-tooth-combed... That's another thing, I love ellipses and all of them were gone. GAY! heh heh heh.

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 -- Part 2 ~~

"What the fuck! Who the fuck? I don't fucking get it, what the fuck is going on? And who the fuck are you again? Motherfucker my head hurts... FUCK!" Pacing back and forth in the tiny motel room, I flung my arms around in anger, frustration and general feelings of helplessness.

"Look Tim, I'm sorry ok?" Who ever the hell this guy was put his hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down. He failed.

I spun around and grabbed his hand, continuing the motion I spun him into an arm-bar. "Who the fuck are you?!"

He shifted his body the other way to release himself and returned the favour. "I told you... Desmond Leuengo."

I breathed heavily in his tight hold, getting angrier and angrier. If it's one thing I cannot stand, it's not being able to move. If any part of me is confined to one position for any reason, I start having an anxiety attack. Kind of like right now. "You had a fucking shot gun... Why did you bring a shotgun to my house...?"

"You're in deep kid, so I'll tell you..." He let me go, anxiety releasing instantly. "Might want to sit down." He raised an eyebrow and nudged with his head at the bed.

"I'll stand." As hot as you are sir, I will not get onto that bed with you in the room.

"You know the things that you only thought went bump in the night? Well they do... And they bump back... Real hard." His face was like stone, no emotion, nothing. Just blank.

I laughed at him. A full out hearty laugh. He let out a deep sigh, turned around and put his face in his right hand while placing his left hand on his hips. After a moment, I composed myself. "Ok, so you dragged me out of my bed and brought me to a motel to save me from the boogie man?" I laughed again.

He turned around slowly and put both hands in his tight jean pockets. "I killed a boogie man in your town 2 months ago, there won't be another one here for at least a year." He stared at me sucking his teeth.

I stared straight ahead and sank onto the bed. "You're not lying..." I looked at him, "Are you?"

"'fraid not sport. Everything you can imagine that is bad is out there, and chances are, it wants to kill you, eat you, rip you apart or some nasty combination of the three."

"Fuck me..."

"Nah. Thanks though." He winked at me.

Wait, it was him... It was his fault. "You ass hole!" I threw myself at him. "You brought them to my house! You brought them to my parents, to Mr. Grehy, what the fuck!?" I threw punches at him and he mindlessly pushed them aside, sighing once again.

After a few more feeble attempts at hitting him, he grabbed both my wrists and forced my arms apart, staring into my eyes. "You about done?" I must have been red with anger and hate. He could see it. "Tim, your parents hated you, they wouldn't have cared if anything came to get you. You weren't their son anymore." He let my wrists go.

A wave of depression swept over me. I collapsed onto the ground and he pulled up his jeans and joined me. "Fuck..."

"You know, you've used that word in just about every way since we got back here." He chuckled and it made me laugh with him. Once our eyes met we stopped laughing and there was a long awkward pause. He suddenly stood up. "So I think I know what this thing is."

He walked over to the night stand and opened up a file folder with the seal of the Toronto Police Department on it. "A vengeful spirit."

"Like a ghost?"

"Ya like a ghost." He shook his head. It seemed like he expected me to know these sorts of things. While still freaked out, I thought I was doing remarkably well for myself considering I found out `the truth' not 10 minutes ago. "But it's angry, it kills people in a predictable manner, sometimes echoing what happened to it before it died."

"So before it died it's lover got sushi'd?" I tried to make the most of this situation.

"Common man, you boned him twice and he's your `lover'?" He didn't look up from the file. "This guy..." He passed the folder to me. Behind the coffee rings and yellowness of the pages was a picture of a boy no younger than I was, except he was dead, purple and blue skin, sunken eyes and lifeless. I touched the photo, not sure why, it seemed like the right thing to do. The folder was snatched from my hands. "He was raped by a guy 15 years ago who was on the swim team. Beat him up real good too, enough that he died on the locker room floor from his injuries in a pool of blood."

My mind relapsed to Mr. Grehy puking blood all over me. Shocked at the memory, I stumbled backwards. Desmond lurched forward to catch me. My vision reset itself, going black for a moment then fading in sparkling black lights to the real world. "You ok?" He asked me as he loomed over me.

"Ya... I'm ok. Just... remembering... What do we do now?" I kept looking into his bright green eyes.

"You go to school." He smirked at me.

Walking back into the school was weird. Everyone was looking at me, everyone was judging me, some I'm sure were blaming me. But I couldn't think about all that now. I had been given specific instructions by Desmond.

"Go to school as normal." He told me. "Spirits have a one track mind, it probably doesn't remember you. Just don't top anybody in the locker room ok?"

Deep breaths, it's just going to class. I walked into math with everyone staring at me. Dean Remmy was there, the one that found me with Mr. Grehy. He instantly whispered something to a pal of his, also on the swim team and they glared at me as they noticed I was watching them.

The teacher froze when he entered the classroom, eyes fixating directly on me. "Hi." I waved sarcastically.

At lunch our plan went into action. I was to look through the locker room for anything "suspicious" that a spirit could cling to. Blood was even a possibility Desmond told me. I had 55 minutes (Ya, lunch HOUR, I know.) before the 3rd period class would be coming in.

I held off going into the shower part of the locker room, instead staying with the actual lockers. I searched through all of them but found nothing. I slowly walked towards the showers, the police had it roped off with caution tape. I peered around the corner slowly. My mind flashed to Mr. Grehy hanging in the air, blood gushing out of the cuts and pooling on the floor.

I closed my eyes and stumbled backwards into the locker room.

"Hey homo." My eyes shot open. It was Dean Remmy and Terrence, the other one from math class. He punched me in the face. I fell to my knees, my head ringing, temples beating and breath gasping. My head was not right, too much pain for it to be right... Something was wrong. I began to stumble on my words. I meant to say "What the fuck?" but it came out much more inaudible.

"Just where I want ya." Dean unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor. "I wasn't good enough for coach to fuck, what's so special about you?"

"Aw man we tried," Terrence laughed while holding my shoulders, "but he never wanted us." I felt a hard dick poking me in the back of the head. I didn't know if it was in pants or not.

"This is a bad idea..." I mumbled.

"Shut up." Dean slapped me in the face with his hefty dick and then grabbed the back of my head, forcing it inside my mouth. I instinctively began to suck on it, taking the soft cock all the way into my mouth, twisting different ways, playing with it's flaccidity.

"That's fucking hot man." Terrence said from behind me and I heard his pants fall too, guess that answered my question.

Dean's cock was getting nice and hard inside my mouth as Terrence started stripping me. I only let the cock out of my mouth for the moment that my shirt was coming off. I looked up into Dean's eyes and he had a smug smile on his stubbly face. "Ya, fuck, take that cock."

I inhaled the scent of his pubes and I started playing with his balls as Terrence pulled my pants down. Finding the soft spot under his balls, Dean gasped as I fingered it. "Fuck this kid gives good head..."

"Move over then..." Terrence push the 7.5 inch thick cock out of my mouth and shoved his equally engorged dick in. Both guys were cut, but Terrence had a bigger head and he shaved his pubes into a funny kind of shape. "Oh fuck..." Terrence moaned as he took over the aggressive role by holding the back of my head and face fucking me roughly. His cock hit the back of my throat and I nearly choked on it.

"Get outta here bitch." Dean shoved Terrence out of the way and put his cock back into my mouth. Terrence seemed to have other plans and didn't seem to mind. He walked around to my back and pushed me over onto all fours, making Dean kneel down.

Terrence started spitting at my ass and shoved a finger into it. I let out a surprised moan and he started twisting it around inside me in all sorts of amazing ways. Still spitting at it, he went for two.

Dean took Terrence's advice and was now face fucking me just like his buddy had. " Oh ya you fucking like that huh?" He grunted with each deep thrust that rammed the back of my throat. Not an altogether unpleasant experience... I was rock hard.

Terrence had started with three fingers working out my ass, I could hear his spit working on his cock too. It wasn't long before he pushed the head of his dick at my ass. It opened up for him and he slowly pushed into me moaning the whole time, until his dick was all the way in. "Ya man..." Dean moaned at his friend. I opened my mouth around Dean's dick to let out a moan at the two dicks now inside me.

Terrence bucked at me for a few minutes, going wild. He grabbed my hips and rammed his dick into me forcefully and in all different directions, hitting all sorts of spots inside me. "Ah, commere you sexy fucker..." Dean grabbed Terrence's head and pulled him towards himself. Terrence placed a hand on the back of Dean's head and the made out while fucking me simultaneously. They'd done this before? Or maybe to each other? I was so hot.

"Common babe," Dean moaned, not letting go of Terrence's head, "cum for me... Agh! Cum for me..."

"Fuck!" Terrence thrusted into me and Dean kissed him through his orgasm. His cum shot up inside me and his hands jerked my ass towards him, released and jerked me back towards him until his cock stopped twitching inside me.

"Get outta there." Dean ordered and he moved around to my ass. "Mm... Hot." He said, fingering it and licking the cum off his fingers. Dean flipped me over onto my back and shoved his dick into the ass his friend (lover?) had just spunked in. It went in easily and I moaned deeply. Terrence got ontop of me, face to face and started grinding my cock with his, which never seemed to get soft. He looked down at me with dark brown eyes and kissed my neck, my face, but never my lips. Apparently, that was only for Dean.

Dean pulled out of me, after giving me a fucking twice as hard as Terrence and I saw Terrence wince in pain and then grunt as I assume Dean was now fucking us both. The force of his thrusts pushed me along the floor, it was only Terrence keeping me close to the action. He turned his head and arched his back up so he could kiss Dean while he fucked him.

Terrence returned to me and Dean's cock reentered my eager ass. The grinding of my dick against Terrence's continued. It felt so warm and what cum was left on it lubed us up. When it stopped being useful, Terrence would use more of his spit.

Dean's thrusting became more and more quivering as he pounded my ass, moans growing louder and louder. "Shit man I'm gonna cum... Oh fuck your ass is so tight... Ah fuck..." This qued Terrence into action, he stopped playing with me and showed his skill with a dick. He jerked and rubbed my cock until I started cumming all over my chest. "FUCK!" Dean shouted as my ass contracted and he too unloaded his seed inside me.

He continued to thrust inside me, very slowly and nonchalantly. I could hear the sounds of their cum squishing between my ass and Dean's softening member. Terrence was busy at work licking as much cum as he could off of my chest.

Dean pulled out of me and Terrence got off and they started to pull their pants on. Once they were fully dressed they looked down at me, still incapacitated by such a great fuck. "Tell anyone," Dean looked me straight in the eye, "and we will kill you."

The two walked to the door leading out but before they left the locker room, Dean slammed Terrence against the wall and they made out. Dean unlocked their lips to look at me, still laying on the floor, made a slicing motion across his neck and they left.

I could feel the cum seeping out of my ass. They both had quite a lot to release. I lay there breathing deeply, wondering about why the spirit hadn't acted when my headache came back. The sex had taken it away, but now it was coming back, and trying to make up for lost time.

I heard foot steps coming through the shower room and they sounded like thunder in my head. I didn't know what to do, I was going to get caught again. I was going to be expelled this time, I was...

"Dude!" It was Desmond... "Aw common!" He thrust his arms out in a helpless gesture. "I said look around, not test out the theory." He bent down and helped me up. "Easy does it... Ha! Easy..."

"Shut up... my head..." I moaned.

Desmond led me over to the shower room and turned one on, despite the caution tape. He took off his jacket and began to rub me down with his hands, getting rid of the drying cum on my chest. He laughed "Hey look! You're leaking." His strong hand moved hesitantly down to my asshole and quickly wiped the cum away.

He turned the shower off and ducked under the caution tape to grab his jacket. He threw it at me. "Dry off, you're gonna be ok." I didn't believe him for a moment, but when I looked at his face, I could tell he was being sincere. I think he felt bad for me...

The shirt he was wearing was soaked through from the shower and the thighs of his jeans were too. The water gripped the shirt to his body, revealing impressive pecs and abs. I stared at him until he snapped me back into focus. "Let's go! The bell's going to ring!" I got dressed in record time and we left the shower room for the last time.

"So it's not the dead kid." Desmond said as we zipped back in his blue car. Hey, I'm gay, I dunno what kind of car it was.

"Then what happened to him?" I asked more to myself. I curled up in the seat and placed my head on the window. It slid down since it was still wet.

"I dunno.. Demon? Nah, no sulphur..." He hit the steering wheel with the base of his hand. "Damnit! What the hell are you?"

We went into the motel room and I collapsed on the bed. Desmond sat at the edge of it and turned the TV on in a huff.

"Breaking news this afternoon at a local High School." I shot up from my prone position and sat beside Desmond on the bed. "The entire Gymnasium and the adjoining pool at Bridgemount High School was leveled just moments before Channel 7 News arrived at the School for an unrelated story. Police are saying that it was most likely an attempt to foil the investigation of the murder of a gay teacher in the same locker room earlier this week. The lack of evidence in the explosion and how exactly the explosion was contained to only the gym and pool is leaving investigators baffled..."

Desmond stared blankly at the screen. "What the hell are you?" He said somberly.

I could barely sleep that night. I couldn't go home, that was a crime scene, I couldn't go anywhere. I was now a prime suspect the news said. I was the one who fucked Mr. Grehy, then my parents end up dead and the crime scene Mr. Grehy died in is wiped off the map... It didn't make sense.

Desmond and I shared the double bed in his motel room, far apart from each other. For whatever reason... I felt as though it was because I had just fucked two hung jocks. Or maybe he thought there was something wrong with me... That would be worse. I'd hate for him to feel like he's responsible for me now but at the same time hate me or be completely horrified by me.

I slowly got out of bed at around 2am after 4 hours of just laying in bed tossing and turning, most likely disturbing Desmond. I paced along the floor and grabbed the keys to his car. I'd just go get some fresh air, but I didn't want to be outside and completely vulnerable. At least a car would make a quick get away if I was in trouble. Wow, I'm getting paranoid.

The night air was cool and the cold stung my face. Maybe I should have grabbed a coat... I made my way to the car, not too far away. I opened the driver's door and sat down inside. The cold somehow made my head feel better, making it not quite so hot and heavy feeling. I closed my eyes and drank in the night. I was totally relaxing.

I must have dosed off for a few minutes because when I opened my eyes the car was all fogged up and my head was aching again. With one hand I attempted to hold my brains in my skull and the other I reached for the glove compartment. I needed something for the pain. My meds were in there right? Ya, why wouldn't they be? They weren't...

"Ugh..." I popped the trunk, they had to be in there. Stupid Desmond moving them. Where was he anyways? Jerk.

I got out of the car and stumbled to the trunk. I wouldn't have if the earth didn't move so much. Stupid world... Stabilizing myself on the trunk, I lifted it open. I instantly sobered up. Blades, guns, weapons of every kind and more ammunition than you would need to take down Parliament. I stared in confusion at the trunk until it dawned on me... Desmond was some sort of serial killer.

He told me all that shit about spirits and boogie men to get close to me, then he was going to use these... things on me. Ah fuck.

I picked up a heavy shuriken, it seemed to be silver with golden runes imbued on it. Great, he was a witch too? Am I a sacrifice? Moving some things aside I found a collection of daggers, most of the blades were twisted in some unnatural way. They almost looked like knives used in torture movies, the "maximize pain, minimize damage" ones.

"What are you doing out here?" Desmond called from the doorway to the motel room.

I grabbed at the closest thing. A knife. I pointed it at him. "What are you? Why the arsenal?" I gripped my head in pain. "Don't you dare try anything with me, I'll kill you. You're a liar! You killed my parents didn't you!?"

"A Vorpal Blade?" He shook the idiocy out of his mind. He crossed his arms in front of his bare chest and walked out into the night. He wore only his underwear and a silver chain around his neck with a coin on it. Making his way towards me, I threatened him with the knife and stepped back.

Like someone fed up with a small child, he simply walked up to me, grabbed the knife from my hand and placed in carefully back into the trunk of his car. His back was smooth and muscular, but he had goose bumps all over it from the cold. He turned to me and grabbed me with one hand firmly. His chest was sculpted and had a thin coating of light brown hair covering his pecs and abs and descending below his underwear line to an impressive bulge. His outstretched arm had a well defined bicep and a thick vein running down his forearm.

"Common," he said, "med time." He guided me effortlessly back into the motel. He put me into bed and brought me a pill. "Here, take it." He shoved his hand at me but I stubbornly refused to take anything from him. "Dude, it's 2 fucking 30, take the pill." His face grew stern with his mouth open ever so slightly, ready to snap at me if I protested.

I took the pill and downed it with a mouthful of water. I then laid down and Desmond did too on the other side of the bed. We were shivering uncontrollably and I felt him shift closer to me then stop. He shivered some more and then pushed his body up against mine. I felt the thin hair of his chest tickle my back. He swung an arm over me and I started to warm up. He stopped shivering too.

We laid like that for a long time. I still couldn't sleep. Too much was going on, but on the plus side, my headache was gone for the moment.

"Desmond..." I whispered through the complete darkness. A grunting `what?' was my only response. "What are you?"

"Hunter." He said in a mumbled voice.

"What is that?" I was confused... A hunter of what...? Please don't let it be people, please don't let it be people...

"I hunt the bad things." He grumbled. "Spirits..." He yawned and held me tighter. "Anything that could hurt you. So that nothing can." With that, he fell back asleep, deep breathing against the back of my neck. It was somehow comforting...

I awoke as the sun peeked through the window. The alarm clock in front of me said 5:30. Desmond still held me close and tightly. His morning erection pushed against my back, causing my own to jump. I took a deep breath and wiggled my way out from his big arm. He rolled over in his sleep, pulling the covers off of him, exposing his hard cock through his underwear. It was definitely bigger than either Dean or Terrence. But I didn't wager how big it was. I grabbed what few clothes I wasn't wearing and I slowly and quietly slipped out of the motel.

I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going. I just started walking.

Not that I didn't appreciate what Desmond did for me, but I needed to comprehend what was going on. He was a hunter. He hunted evil things. So what was really out there and classified as `evil'? I went through all the normal Halloween monsters, mummies, vampires, witches, ghosts... Were they all out there? I hoped not. And who was right? Bram Stoker or Anne Rice? It was all a little much.

I stopped walking and found myself standing in front of my house. The grey clouds behind it and the dim orb hanging behind them made it look all the more ominous. I hesitantly approached the front door and pulled out the key still in my pants pocket. Unlocking it, I ducked under the caution tape. The living room was in shambles. Everything that was once on a mantle or hanging on the wall was on the floor in pieces. Even the tables seemed to have deconstructed themselves, screws and pieces of wood lying everywhere.

In the very center of the carpet were two large patches of blood. Between them, the glass of the coffee table had been stabbed into the ground. There were bloody hand prints on either side of it. Whoever it was didn't allow them to touch in their final moments. What a sick fuck...

I had to force myself to turn from the living room and I ran up the stairs to my room to grab some things I thought I would need. Mainly, my stash of money. If I was going to make it on my own, then I needed cash. Throwing open the door I saw him again...

He was standing at my window looking out. As I opened the door he turned to face me. His tattered shirt and well wore cargo pants looked extra dull against the little light coming through the window. The scarf he wore was a long piece of fabric, also tattered, but it covered his mouth. Attached to his back in an unseen way was the katana I had seen before in my desert vision.

"Hello?" I said meekly. He was instantly in front of me. His face was strong and his cheek bones pronounced. The black creeping up his neck and partly engulfing the right side of his chin looked to be ash, but part of him, not on him... His eyes were a deep blue, but as I stared into them, they turned into a very light red, almost pink. I was horrified, but transfixed. His skin seemed thick and battle worn. This man had seen some rough times and survived them.

His eyes studied me as his arm moved to his mouth. The scarf moved from his mouth exposing perfect white teeth that seemed to shift into jagged shark fangs. They pierced his skin and the blood ran down his chin. I tilted my head slightly, still hypnotized. He put his bleeding wrist to my head and pressed hard. I fell over and when I looked back to the doorway, there was nothing.

I ran to the bathroom to look in the mirrorbut there was nothing on my head. The dark red blood simply didn't exist. Was I hallucinating because of my head injury? What was going on? I touched it and shook my head. No headache. Hmh.

I walked hastily into my room, pulled out the loose piece of drywall that hid my stash and grabbed all the money inside, $60... Woohoo... I turned and left my house.

Closing the door, I heard a car door slam. I looked up and it was Desmond. He stared at me a moment then visibly sighed. He began the walk up from the street to my front door and I met him half way.

"You alright?" was all he asked.

I nodded slowly. "I have nothing..."

"You're coming with me. We'll be alright." His face showed immense sympathy and I felt a swelling up of emotional closeness to him. He gave the house a once over with his eyes then said, "You done here?"

I nodded and walked over to him, he put his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the car.

Next: Chapter 3

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