Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Mar 16, 2009



Your comments and speculations are awsome. Keep them coming. I enjoy them thuroughly. No one has yet to predict what will happen... But this is a fairy good indicator of what is wrong with many of your theories... Enjoy! More to come for SURE. Cliff hanger what??? You love it.

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 Part 8 ~~

Winnie was fairly upset, partly at us, partly at the world. She outright refused to come out of her room. This was fine by us, we had bigger things to worry about.

"A Lich may be hundreds of years old." I began while already walking down the stairs, holding a book in my good hand. "The soul of the human is trapped within its body even after death, commanded so by black magic. Liches are most commonly under the command of a magik user of some degree but have been know to be commanded by demons and there are at least two documented cases where the Lich was created by itself, owing allegiance to no one. Though immortal, the body continues to decay until it is only a skeleton held together by the dark magik."

"Ya ya, how do we kill it?" Desmond opened the door for me and I passed through without looking up, nor realizing I even passed through the doorway.

"'If the body is destroyed, the spirit will return to its phylactery until the body regenerates.' So we need to find its phylactery... What's that?"

"Anything. Fuck my life." He started the car and slammed on the gas, spraying mud until the tires caught on something. We flew backwards, Desmond steering with his arm on the back of my seat, eyes straight backwards. The car shot out onto the road and skidded 180 to face towards town, running over a zombie.

"Gross..." I said as the body thumped down the hood of the car.

"Aw, it's just a little decomposing flesh, nothing to worry about." He put his hand on my thigh and drove on, clearing the windshield of zombie goo.

The ride towards town was depressing, we could see where the undead had been, pieces of human and animal flesh scattered around the small houses. But we couldn't waste our time defeating all the Lich's creations, if we killed it, its minions died too. We passed the bar from the night before, zombies still wandering around outside. Every once in awhile, a ghost would shift into view but dissipate soon after. We drove to a cemetery just on the outskirts of Kapuskasing, the thick gates had been pushed open and moans could be heard from inside.

Desmond turned off the car and got out, flicking the latch for the truck to open. "Alright..." He said as I came to stand beside him. "I want you to grab a sword, a shotgun and a handgun, plenty of ammo too. How's your hand?"

I looked down at it, it seemed to be that of a 70 year old as opposed to a 90 year old. "Much better I think. It's coming back."

He nodded his head. "Then take this too." He handed me a pouch. "Hex bag, the good kind. Winnie made it for me for my birthday. Just a little strength booster." I grabbed it and felt much more powerful, more physically dominating. My shoulders raised with the new strength. Desmond chuckled, "Ya, like that."

He grabbed a few things for himself and closed the trunk. "We're looking for a grave, it'll be fairly obvious that evil has been there. A Lich could have raised everyone in this place so don't let your guard down and keep your ears open."

I slung the shotgun over my shoulder, letting it hang on its strap. The sword attached to my belt loop and I shoved the gun down the back of my pants. Holding a curved knife in one hand, I ran my fingers through my hair with the other and cracked my neck. "I'm ready."

Desmond looked up from attaching his sword to his belt and paused, letting it fall to the ground. He put both of his hands on my shoulders in a mentor-like way. "You look..."

"Good? Ya I know." I said cockily, striking a pose.

"No... You're downright hot." He moved in closer to me, hip checking the sword hilt that dug into his stomach to one side. He put his cheek to mine and breathed me in, working up the courage to kiss me.

"I've got nothing on you." I said quietly. His scruffy beard scratched mine as he moved his lips to meet mine. Our noses brushed and I pushed forwards with my neck to kiss him. It was returned with another, then another. He moved to my cheek, then down my neck.

The sound of a gun went off and Desmond stopped and turned around. A headless zombie fell to the ground. "I didn't say stop." I smirked.

"Good point." His arm forcefully went to my back and pulled me as close to him as possible without suffocating me. We kissed, tongues intertwining. He let out a small grunt and pulled away. "You ready?"

"You're right, too much restraint." I said, cocking the gun again.

He repeated the process again, arm behind me, pulled close, kissing. "Ya, but I'm loosening up." He released me and picked his sword up, tying it to his belt. He went to the cemetery gates and I stood there beside him.

"Be careful T." the moans had faces now, no less than 50 of them, all noticing us and walking haphazardly towards us.

"Hey, just call me Ash." I gripped the knife tightly and lunged forward, but Desmond grabbed my weak hand which hurt less than I expected. He pulled me into him a third time.

"Be careful, because I'm totally in like with you." He kissed me again. "And I just love doing this." Once more.

"Zombies... Zombies...!"

"Oh shit, ya." A gun shot and we both jumped over the decrepit fence.

There was a flurry of gun shots. I aimed at the heads of zombies, going full out Umbrella Corp. There was no stopping them though, every dead person for the past hundred or so years was up and walking, with the possible exception of those who were cremated, posing their own problem.

"Desmond!" I shouted out when he was too far away from me to see him. A gunshot deafened my right ear as he suddenly appeared beside me to shoot a corpse away from me. We didn't separate again.

"T, it's too much. We can't kill them all." He said to me sadly. "We've gotta find out who the Lich is!"

As if by an act of the gods, I stumbled upon a grave. It was no ordinary one, for a few feet around it, there was no life. The grass had died, the air seemed stale... it was an empty, cursed space. "Diz..." I said after decapitating a zombie with my blade, "This is it." He bolted to my side, covered in blood.

"Perfect... This is it." He looked to me with several lines of blood sliding down his face. "Good job." He nodded a few times before grabbing me close to him. "You're amazing."

I ducked away from his lips to put a few shells into a zombie behind him. Luckily, it seemed to be the last one as far as I could see.

"That's it?" I asked, not expecting an answer.

"I guess." Desmond said. "Erin Rocturn..." He read the name on the grave stone mysteriously. "We need to find out who this guy is... Or girl I guess...?"

"Well you clearly can't be too prejudice." I joked. But before I knew it, we were far away from the graveyard, approaching Winnie's house. I was wiping the blood off of my face... and various other fluids that come from corpses. Unless you're a necrophiliac, you don't know what I'm talking about. Not that I am, cause I'm not... Crap I've convinced you all huh?

"You still look kinda hot." Desmond said while driving through the outskirts of Kap. "Stop playing with your hair!" I stopped, even thought it was pretty gross. "That's better." He totally manipulated my lo... like for him to get him to do what I wanted.

"Look, I'm my own person..."

"A hot person." He laughed.

"I'm trying to be serious here... What the hell Desmond?" I was irritated.

"Well we're here" Desmond said as we pulled into a tiny parking lot. "The archives. I'm assuming that I taught you enough to get access to everything you need?" He looked at me smiling.

"And then some." I said opening the door. "When will you be back for me?"

"In a few hours. Promise." He paused. "Cause you know, shit might happen. So I'll be back. Call me if you need anything. I'm going to go chase some other leads on the Lich."

I nodded. "See ya."

He nodded also. "See ya." And he drove off.

It was a small building almost like a church, but somehow, it worked as the archives for the region. In Canadaland, there's usually an achieve for each district/region. With no one else around, I slowly made my way into the small building, gun at the ready.

"Hello?" I called out once the bell at the door produced no immediate responses. "My name is Tim... Is anyone there?" I rounded the desk and a bloody mass of flesh stared back at me. They had been here. Perhaps they didn't want me to know what they did. I put a few bullets in the corpse's skull for good measure. Never can be too careful.

There was a computer, spattered in blood, on the desk of the ex-archivist. The name Erin Rocturn yielded a few results. Two news clippings: one was an obituary, and one was a link to a newspaper article. I wrote down the name and number of the article and went down into the basement achieves.

With my gun drawn and holy water ready, I searched the basement until I found the shelf that I needed. Sifting through a few files I found the answer I had searched for for so long. It was not only the name of the Lich, but what its phylactery most likely was, and why this particular body had become a Lich in the first place. He was once a...

Desmond pulled into the bar from the previous night. There was something else here and he knew it. Even though the place no longer felt of demonic energy, he knew there was something there, all those years with Winnie didn't count for nothing.

He stepped on the broken glass that scattered the room, making a stealth entry impossible. But stealth from what? This was ridiculous. He picked up the pace and started looking around for clues. The undead had to have left something behind, and he was going to find it.

With a grunt he lifted a table near the bar, hoping for anything to reveal itself. There was nothing. From moving the entire bar, he was a bit sweaty and discouraged until something miraculous happened...

"Desmond?" A hollow voice came from behind him. He spun around and pointed his rock salt-filled shot gun at chest height.

"Who the fuck are you?" As he gazed upon the sight, he was struck by a sense of awe. "No... It can't be." His gun lowered and his mouth dropped open.

"It's me... Luke." A nude figure flickered into existence a few feet away. "Don't you remember me?"

This is cruel. A demonic joke. "You're not real." Desmond said in a strong tone. "No way. I buried you myself." He kept the gun aimed at his past lover. It was difficult. His body had materialized exactly as it should be. Thin stature, lanky build, barely able to build any muscle. Ass to kill for... What he did show was nearly impossible to not pay attention to.

"I came back." He said, walking closer to Desmond. "And I missed you so much."

"No... This is the Lich's doing." Desmond said as he backed away.

"It is..." the naked form nodded in agreement. "But it's still me. He just... facilitated my return." He reached Desmond, having backed him against a wall. "Desmond, it's alright. It's me. I promise."

Desmond started to cry softly. After a few minutes he looked at the specter in the eyes, "On the beach... in June... we..."

"We threw rocks into the river after laughing at a Siren's attempts to seduce us." He put a hand on Desmond's face, caressing him.

"At..." he hesitated, "At Richard and Winnie's... When we came back from hunting the Pooka..."

"It made an oil tycoon stuck on the thirteenth floor of his office building for hours after giving the go ahead for an excavation project." He looked at Desmond with sad eyes. "We... You know... Des, it's me. It's alright."

Desmond grabbed the ghost, surprised only slightly to grasp something solid. "I missed you so much..." He said.

Luke laughed. "Hey, I've missed you too." He flicked the necklace from underneath Desmond's shirt as if able to see it under the fabric. "Not this much but..."

"Shut up." Desmond said as he kissed the boy.

"Des... I've been watching you. With this Timothy character."

"He's nothing, I've missed you so much."

"Ya, you keep saying that. You've missed me. I get it." Lucas' head rested on Desmond's chest. "I can't help but think that you're replaced me." He looked up into Desmond's green eyes. "You haven't? Have you?"

Desmond looked at his lover of many years. Missing the shape of his face, the smoothness of his body. The fact that he was naked was almost too much. But he HAD moved on. But this relapse was frankly a little too much. Even if it was a Lich's magic, the spirit's emotions couldn't be trifled with. That was beyond a Lich. "Never." He lied.

"I love you." Lucas said, holding onto Desmond tightly. "And you have no idea the torture I've been through to get back to you." He laughed. "We always joked about death... but the real thing is..." He withdrew, folding his arms and letting out a deep breath. "It's bad."

"Hey..." Desmond said, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him towards himself, kissing him on the lips. "It's alright. You're here now and that's all that matters."

"I thought you'd forgotten about me. This Timothy guy that they had told me about..." he laughed again. "I thought he was for real. But I know that you couldn't really forget about me. We loved each other too much."

"Ya..." Desmond reminisced.

"All those times that I snuck into your bed in the middle of the night..." They both laughed. "I know... that I'm dead. But I can feel you... And I still love you. You're all I can think about. For years... Only you."

"You have no idea," Desmond said shaking slightly, "what it has been like to live without you." He kissed him. It was as if Luke was whole again, he felt as real as ever.

"I have an idea," Luke grabbed Desmond's crotch, massaging his member, "not getting off for so long... SO long..." he winked. "I know, I get it."

"Luke I..." He stepped back but only into the bar.

"You haven't jerked off since we last fucked have you? I can see it in your eyes." More ocular examination. "You totally haven't!" Lucas pushed Desmond further into the bar. Desmond turned the grunt of pain into a playful laugh. Lucas couldn't take the smile away from his mouth. "You fucking love me." Still with the smile. "Ah..." He shook his head and massaged his lover's groin more in disbelief. "I thought that with so much time, and with Timmy, that you'd have gotten over me so long ago."

"I couldn't."

"That's how I feel." He undid the button in Desmond's pants, followed by the zipper. The hand then moved up his shirt, across his hairy abs and touched the metallic coin that hung from Desmond's neck. Luke smiled. "Such as romantic." He shoved his tongue into Desmond's mouth.

"Mmm... Mhmmm.. No no stop." Desmond pushed away.

"But you always liked it when I did this..." Luke massaged Desmond's hardening cock though his underwear. And Luke was right, he enjoyed this. A little too much. "See?" Desmond was sporting a full hard on.

Before he knew what his ghost lover was doing, Luke dropped to his knees and so did Desmond's pants. "No..." Desmond protested. But his hard cock stood straight out towards Lucas who was licking his lips, not at all being careful to not lick Desmond's dick as well.

With one hand feeling his abs, the other played between his legs, making them open more, giving Luke access to Desmond's ass. He loved playing with it, though never really fucking him, Luke fingered, flicked and pushed his way into the deepest regions of Desmond. Always getting an "Aw fuck..." as he started sucking on his cock. This time was no different.

"Stop man, stop..." Desmond pleaded unconvincingly. Luke's tongue wrapped around his cock and Desmond hoisted himself onto the top of the bar in a poor attempt to get away from the blow job. He just made it easier.

Leaning back on his elbows, Desmond let Luke pull off his shoes and pants, exposing his entire lower torso to the pleasure Luke desperately wanted to give him. Desmond stopped protesting as Luke's slick and thin finger pushed into Desmond's exposed ass.

"Oh god..." He moaned, pushing Luke's head down onto his cock in a soothing rhythm. "Ah that feels so good." Desmond thrusted up ever so slightly each time Luke buried his face into Desmond's pubes, his eight inches easily fitting into the boy's mouth. Practice makes no gag reflex...

A sloppy suction sound and Luke's lips hovered on the head of Desmond's cock but his finger still worked his ass. "You're so fucking sexy..." Desmond just smiled, ever the bashful type while in bed as it were.

"I wanna fuck you." Desmond whispered as Luke's hand ran up and down the thick shaft of Desmond's pulsing cock. Luke smiled and somehow moved his legs up onto the bar without changing the position of his head until it was necessary.

"Then do it." Luke said as his ass hung above Desmond, teasingly plunging down just to retract once hitting skin. "But first, you really need to take that off." Lucas pulled at Desmond's shirt from the bottom, making Desmond put his arms in the air to get the shirt off. Each inch that Luke pulled at the shirt revealed a little more of Desmond's stomach... Rippling with a hairy six pack, and his pecks, sweaty with anticipation of a good fucking. "There." Lucas said as he kissed his chest, taking the medallion into his mouth only to spit it back out onto another point of his chest.

"Ah fuck you..." Desmond said as he threw Luke sideways onto his back. "I gotta have you." Desmond kissed Luke's neck, making his drop his shoulders in longing, stretching his neck out. He graduated to feeling up Luke's sweaty chest with one hand, while the other forced its way into Luke's hole. It gave way to the moisture and some sort of otherworldly desire. What ever it was, Desmond got three fingers deep inside Luke without trying. He moaned and grunted each time Desmond's fist punched Luke's ass, never willing to let more inside, just like when he was alive...

"Oh god that feels good..." Luke pushed down onto Desmond's fingers each time the stud pushed into his ass. Twisting his fingers always made Luke squeal, being dead made no difference. "Oh fuck ya. Uh... Oh god fuck me now..." he demanded.

While turning his face sideways to lick a nipple, Desmond grabbed his cock with his left hand and fed it into Luke's waiting hole. They both moaned as the climax of Desmond's thrust.

Once he was inside Luke, he pulled out so slowly, savoring each contraction of Luke's ass, trying to force him out but at the same time pull him inwards. It was heaven. And so natural...

Desmond stopped kissing and licking and his face moved up to Luke's. Their noses touched as sweat dripped from Desmond's face onto Luke's with each successive thrust and hard slapping sound of skin against skin. Luke tried to close his hole around Desmond, give his a nice tight hole to fuck. Trying only brought out a huge grunt from Desmond as he fucked faster.

It was so right, felt to natural that Desmond couldn't even tell the first time that Luke shot his load. He had aimed it to go onto his chest but also onto Desmond's chin.

"Haha..." Desmond chuckled as he raised his head, letting the cum drip down Luke's gullet. The thrusting made the drop fall. Agitation and all.

Their noses touched as they looked into each other's eyes, kissing infrequently each time their mouths touched. Desmond thrust harder and deeper, making the boy scream with pleasure, his recently expended prostate made the sensations so much more pleasureful. Luke pushed Desmond over so that he was on top with strength unbecoming of the small boy.

Desmond grunted as his back hit the uneven bar. "Ah, I see how it is... I'm not good enough huh?" He grabbed the boy's thighs and gently pushed his cock upwards into his lusting ass hole. It was stretched by now, letting the whole girth of Desmond inside to the familiar opening.

Desmond realized this fatal truth too late. It was so familiar, he had fucked that hole more times that the human brain could recollect. It was so warm, soft and erotic. He wanted more, but his dick wouldn't let his fuck Luke any deeper.

Guiding the boy up and down, Desmond let one hand caress the boys' lower back, feeling between the beginnings of a crack all the way to where his cock was furiously fucking into his lover. The finger retraced this track, occasionally adding his finger to his already big fuck tool. His other hand pulled Luke into a passionate kiss. His tongue flicked and twirled its way around Lukes' mouth. Although Tim was clueless as to what to do when Desmond assaulted his mouth like this, Lucas had the right idea and made Desmond work for the oral domination... Tim...

The thrusting stopped. It was picked up almost immediately after Desmond stopped it by Luke moaning and riding Desmond's cock. Desmond closed his eyes, letting his mouth contort until he started cumming, then he let out a huge grunt. As usual, Luke thrust his hips forward pulling Desmond's cock and as much cum as possible out of it. Desmond lost control and grabbed Luke's hips, forcing him down onto the exploding cock. "Oh fuck I love you..."

"Ah... I know you do..." Luke moaned as the thick liquid made his cum a second time. The strands entangled themselves in Desmond's chest hair and coated the medallion which after the clean up, Desmond suck on until he couldn't taste anything any more. "So you liked that huh?"

Though Desmond's cock was out of Luke's tight ass, his cock stayed hard as Luke ran it between the cheeks of his ass, up and down. Slowly, the cum leaked out, making the whole thing that much more pleasurable. It lubed it up, if only for a moment, but it was enough to slip Desmond's cock back into Luke's ass.

"Woah tiger!" Luke said surprised. "Who said I was ready again?" Not protesting, Luke allowed himself to be fucked by Desmond's cum soaked dick.

"Mmmhmm... But you want it huh?" Desmond rolled over on the bar, pushing glasses onto the floor until Luke was on his back. Desmond stood up and pulled Luke's ass up into the air. "Ya... You fucking love it." Desmond said as he pushed his dick down into Luke. Each thrust earned a gurgle and some white cum being pushed out of Luke's ass just to be forced back in by Desmond's relentless fucking.

Luke closed his eyes and left his mouth hanging open in lust, letting Desmond fuck him faster and faster, drilling down like a jackhammer. "Uh! Fuck!" He grunted as Luke felt a few strong streams force their way into his bowels. The last few of the at least 8 made their way onto Luke's dick which gladly accepted the cum. Without taking his pulsing member out of Luke, Desmond began stroking off his lover with his cum as the only lube.

Before long, Luke started shooting cum all over his face, Desmond's fucking position making it impossible to aim it elsewhere. Plus, it felt too good to move.

As Desmond slowly pulled out of Luke, his dick still had small white, slick patterns of cum among the veins, pubes and downright hotness of Desmond's cock.

"Goddamn..." Desmond collapsed onto Luke, licking whatever cum he found into Luke's open mouth. "I forgot how good you were."

"I'd almost forgotten how big you were... How much you love fucking a tight ass."

"No fair." Desmond said. "You're not tight after me fucking you so many times. Who are you kidding?" The both laughed and Desmond stood up on the floor, finding his pants and pulling them of. "Shit... I just fucked a ghost."

Luke smiled. "Nah... It's me. Just not in the flesh."

"Felt that way though." Desmond smelled Luke all the way to his scalp and continued to breathe in. "I fucking miss you."

"I know you do. But you know what? We can be together again."

"Huh?" Desmond stepped back, running into his discarded shoes.

Luke wiped a few threads of cum from his face and sucked them off his fingers. "I'm alive because of the Lich Desmond." He sat with his knees to his chest, barely showing off his stretched ass, begging to get fucked again. "So let it live."

"Nah, Luke... What?" Desmond stammered. He drew himself up, unconsciously making his muscles bulge out.

"You can nail it back into its coffin. Put wards around it... So long as its alive, so am I. We can be together until the day you die... Then you can have someone kill the bastard." He slid down the bar and onto the floor, sweaty body making it somehow easier for the spirit. "Don't you love me enough?"

"Luke, you know I love you..."

"Then nothing!" he pleaded. "That's just it. You can't kill it. It brought me back, it brought us together again!" The cold hands rested on Desmond's chest, the medallion framed by his fingers. "I know that you haven't forgotten me. I know that you still wake up holding that tramp and thinking about me."

"Don't call him that..."

"That's what he is. He fucks anyone who shakes their dick at him. You know it's the truth. Diz... I wouldn't say this if it weren't. You know that."

Desmond struggled for the right words. "It's not right. You died."

"But I came back. If me being dead makes you think we aren't meant to be together, then what does me coming back mean?"

I was deep in a book when Desmond walked into the archive basement. He carried a big bag with him. He was sad, but why? His forehead always made this strange crunch when he was upset that never really went away until he killed something.

"Hey you..." I said getting up from my chair.

"No..." Desmond said. "Don't get up. It's alright... Everything's going to be alright."

"Ok..." I said. "You're weird... But listen to this. Erin Rocturn was a member of that League of Magicians that Winnie talked about. The one Ironside's Great Grandfather was in. And get this... You known how they had a split over the power of demonology? Well guess who took up Necromancy as a hobby?"

"That's great." Desmond said as he dropped the bag to the ground. He pulled out a small bowl and three candles which he arranged in a triangle with the bowl in the middle.

"What's this?" I asked. "Looks kinda like a banishing ritual." He drew symbols on the floor to confirm my guess. "Is there a ghost following you that you need to banish?" A black candle was lit and placed at the top of the triangle. "Woah... Tough spirit?"

"I'm not sure..." He sniffed a little. "It might be. I don't know yet." He shook the sadness away and lit the remaining candles and removed a lighter, salt and a large hunting knife from the bag, which now laid empty on the floor.

"What do you mean? Is everything ok? I thought you'd be stoked to know that the Lich was in league with the Ironsides... Diz?" He was crying and holding the knife. I started to get a little scared. "Desmond what's wrong?"

"I have to... And I'm sorry..." He looked into my eyes. His beautiful green orbs began to rain tears. They streamed down his face making small puddles on the floor. "But I can't do it anymore. You need to go away..."

I got up from the chair and threw it to the ground between us. Desmond stood up with the knife and stepped towards me, around the altar.

"I'm so sorry."

The figure of a nude boy flickered into the corner of my vision. He was lanky and blonde... It was Lucas...?

"Desmond... What's going on?"

"Shut up." Lucas said to me, shifting directly in front of my face. Desmond was blocked by the boy. "You fucking slut..." His voice was chill and echoed. "He's mine you hear me?" I flew to the right against a wall, pinned.

"Pul..." My mouth slammed shut, biting down on my lip hard enough to make it bleed.

"I know your tricks. You don't think that Winnie didn't teach me the same things? They'll drive you crazy you know." He flung his hand out from his forehead, "Make you see things that aren't there. Make you think that you can do the shit she can do. She's fucking using you man... She used me." He held his arms out parallel to his body, "And look where it got me." Two tiny holes in his neck began to bleed. "Eaten by a fucking vampire."

For the next few moments, all I remembered was pain. My neck was being ripped apart and my vision whited out. When I saw again, Luke's hand was out stretched towards me. It was my neck, it was bleeding, two sprays from my jugular. I could feel the life draining from me as Luke smiled sadistically.

"Diz..." I mouthed with no sound.

Lucas grabbed his chest in pain, sinking down to his knees. "AGH!" He screamed. I dropped to the ground, released from his grip. He turned around to look at Desmond.

"I loved you." Desmond said as he dropped the medallion into the burning bowl. A few sprinkles of salt and Lucas shouted out in protest but disintegrated into nothingness. A faint outline on my retina was all that remained to Lucas, the remains of a brilliant flash of light.

Desmond ran to me and put his shirt to my neck. The wrong time to be turned on, but his topless body got me hard... a terrible misuse of blood at this point.

"You'll be fine..." he reassured me. "We'll be fine..." he corrected himself. I sunk into him and passed out from blood loss.

Next: Chapter 9

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