Supernatural 101

By Mark Thompson

Published on Mar 23, 2009


I hope you'll like this one... Lots is going on so I hope that you're not lost or anything. Drop me a line if you have any questions. It's all coming to a close soon so I hope that you're enjoying the ride! Still love the comments, keep them coming so I have something to do when I'm bored! Hehe. And I still try and respond to them all. =0)

CHANCES ARE this will take place in the same world create by Eric Kripke's "Supernatural" while there will most likely be no cross over in storyline or characters. This world was not created by me nor do I claim to have done so. I however do not like some of the creature features of said world. They will most likely be changed. Deal with it.

~~ Supernatural 101 Part 9 ~~

Ironside hung in the circular torture device allowing the blood to drip from his nose onto the ground. His whole body ached and he could feel his wounds begin to fester. His breathing was short and shallow after the lengthy torture session with his master. The room was abnormally quiet, his screaming, his master's laughter and the sounds associated with flesh ripping torture had all stopped.

He stared at one singular point on the ground for what seemed like ages until his master returned.

"I've just been topside slave." He demeaned him, a way of showing who was the boss. Although in his compromised position, it was fairly obvious. "The Lich has done more that I could have hoped for. He raised a dead lover of Timothy's friend and now he's dead. How sad for you." The news cut him deeply. He gathered the strength to lift his head to stare at his master silently. "Too bad."

Ironside lost it. "I'll fucking kill you!" he struggled against the straps holding his limbs in place and the meat hooks that were still deeply embedded in his back. "You're dead! I'll fucking kill you you mother fucker!!" Followed by thrashing and screams of pain, Ironside's master stood there rather calmly watching the man tear his own back off.

"Are you quite finished?" his master walked behind him to an altar. Ironside's chest heaved and sticky blood went down his back in rivers.

A tear fell, carving a skin coloured trail down his cheek through the blood. "I'll kill you." He sniffed.

"Oh hush! I promise that I'll resurrect him and after each time I feel you deserve it you can sodomize the brat all you want."

"I'll fucking kill you!!" the struggling and pain started again as his master laughed.

I awoke in the car outside of an abandoned shack in the middle of the woods. Desmond's coat was my pillow and some discarded rags were bundled around my neck. The front of my shirt was covered in blood and my head hurt.

I moaned and looked around, pressing the rags to my neck as I moved just in case. Not seeing Desmond, I assumed that he was inside. I opened the door and stepped on a salt line. How thoughtful of him. I stumbled from the car, legs weak and still half-conscious. I was probably white as a ghost. I moved towards the house and in the open door.

It was an old creepy house, the fact that there were symbols drawn on the walls in blood didn't do justice for the creepy factor. I walked into the main living area, everything was pushed to the walls and a large pentagram was drawn on the floor boards. But this was different... It looked almost like the Hell Order but a bit different.

"T?" I turned around and into Desmond's chest as he snuck up and hugged me. "Are you alright? Should you be up? Here... Sit down." He ushered me to a couch that was up against the wall.

"I'm fine." I said as I stumbled over my feet making that statement more than false.

Desmond laughed. "Ya I'm sure you are." He sat down beside me and played with my hair casually.

"Where are we?" I asked as I leaned into him, resting my head on his chest.

"The Fellowship of Dark Magicians' place. I got a lead on who the Lich might be. I was just looking through some stuff when I heard you come in and came down to shoot you." We laughed. "I wouldn't kill you."

"Then why did you try?" His hand stopped and I lifted my head off of his chest to look at him. His eyes spelt confusion. "Luke was going to kill me and you didn't do anything until it was too late. Why did you hesitate?"

"Wull..." he stumbled. "Luke was..."

"A ghost Desmond. And that's what you do. You kill spirits and evil things."

"He was real though... He felt real..."

"He what?" I got up a little woozey. "Don't tell me. I don't want to know if what I'm thinking is what really happened but... Agh." I turned around and went off through the house. Desmond's loud footsteps followed me.

"I loved that guy." He turned me around.

"Ya, but he died. And the second he comes back you're willing to let me die until you have a sudden attack of conscience? How is that fair? I'm a person too Desmond and I have emotions too and that hurts Desmond. It hurts a lot."

"I have nothing of him left T. Nothing! I let him go, that necklace was all that I had of him. And ya I hesitated but you know what? I destroyed it because he was hurting YOU. Because YOU were in danger and because YOU mean more to me! So fuck you and your stupid assumptions about how I'm feeling. Fuck you!" And he stormed off up the stairs.

I punched the wall and a fraction of a second later I heard the same from upstairs, except Desmond was much stronger than me so his sounded like it went through the wall.

"You ok?" I called up.

"Ya." Came back down.

I wandered through the halls of the house. Much like Winnie's they were filled with pictures of people. I saw a copy of the same picture Winnie showed me of the League of Magicians along with a very young Winnie and Richard with their arms around a third man. He was very stereotypically European, not very attractive though and he wore a bird skull around his neck which made him look creepier. I took the picture out and read the back: `Winifred, Richard and Erin.' In a frame close by was Erin and Ironside standing back to back outside the house. Ironside wore a white scarf and Erin, that ugly bird skull.

"Des..." I called out but stopped. We're fighting. Erin Rocturn was the name on that grave we saw earlier with the dead grass around it. I bet this was our Lich... I pocketed the pictures and went towards the stairs, slowly walking up them to see where Desmond was.

I found him in a room, sitting at a desk and reading a book. "Hey." I said and he continued to read.

"I found a picture of Erin Rocturn."

"Ya a picture isn't a Lich is it?"

"You don't have to be an ass."

"You're an ass..." He mocked quietly and childishly under his breath.

I sighed and put the picture on top of the book he was reading. He slowly moved it off the desk so it fell to the floor. "I'm reading." He said.

"But just look at it." I picked it up and put it back on the book in front of him.

"I'm reading." He moved it off again.

"You're ridiculous!" I left the room in a huff.

Across the hall was another room, a bedroom with a sizable bookshelf and small bed. The old tomes were all apparently manuals of necromancy and other dark magiks. I pulled one down and opened it. Raising golems or something like that. I gave it a quick flip through and threw it to the ground. I did the same a number of times but each book was as useless as the next. I laid down on the bed and looked up at the symbols on the ceiling wondering what they meant. Maybe to stop someone from dream walking in the person's head who slept here? Maybe they were to communicate through dreams? Who knew. I could look it up, but it would waste too much time.

"Get up. We're done here." Desmond stuck his head in the room then proceeded down the stairs.

"What were you reading?" I asked as I followed him.

"Just stuff on evil things. It's not important."


"It's what I do. I kill evil things. Get in the car." He ordered and got in himself.

"No. I'm not getting in until we settle this." He got out.

"Fine. Bitch away." He threw his hands out to the side. I threw the rags at him. It didn't bleed so I guessed that the holes had clotted properly. The rags landed on the hood of the car, shy of their target.

"You don't think I have a right to be angry at all?"

"It's a free country. I'm not telling you to do anything."

"You're so fucking petty! You fucked your ex and expect me to not be mad?"

"Are we fucking?" I stared at him. "Then shut your mouth. What I do is my business." He put his hands on his hips. "And besides, Ironside looooves to ride you."

I walked around the car and punched him in the face. He barely moved. "Feel better?"

"No." I punched him a few more times, each blow shifting his body slightly. He didn't try and stop me at all. "Pussy. If you're gonna hit me, hit me." He punched me, sending me soaring backwards and landing on my back. He leaned against the car. "Like that."

I stood up. "Pulsus!" I shouted and he did back flips over the car, hitting his head and landing in a heap on the other side. My hand ached as arthritis set in again. Walking around to the other side of the car, Desmond was just pulling himself up and wiping blood from his eye brow. "How's that?" I asked.

"I've had better." He smirked at me with anger, provoking me more. "Common, let's see how old you can make yourself. Betcha I can take more than you can dish out." He lunged forward and grabbed my hand, squeezing it making me scream. I fell to my knees and he laughed. Until I punched him in the balls.

We wreathed on the ground in pain. Me holding my hand and him holding his groin. When we stopped moaning we were both on our backs gasping for breath.

"I love you." He said.

"Ya... I love you too." He helped me up and we got into the car.

After a long silence, he started the car. "We've gotta get to the cemetery and dig up ol' Rocturn. See if he's still around." He put his hand on my thigh as he pushed down on the gas. "If not, then we gotta find the sucker."

"Just follow the undead." I picked his hand up and moved it further up my thigh.

He looked over to me as if he was about to say something then shrugged slightly and drove on.

"Nothin..." Desmond said as he tore open the coffin. "Not even dust. This thing may just as well have been buried empty." I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the pit. He dusted himself off. "It's him. Gotta be."

"How are you so sure?" I asked, wiping some sweat from his eyebrow. The salt might hurt the wound I'd given him... Shut up...

"I was reading his diary. Some really dark stuff and it mentioned experimenting with living forever. Liches, demons... There weren't many options to choose from. Also said something about voluntary possession... Whatever the hell that is. But Daniel Leavens apparently did it. Those guys were fucked." He picked up his coat and gun and started towards the car.

"Like, demon possession? That would account for the devil's trap in the living room."

"Good eye T." He patted me on the shoulder. "Ya, maybe that's where they did it. I don't get why they would want to voluntarily possess themselves... I mean, possession must suck. All the head spinning..."

"And crab walking down stairs and pea soup."

"Ah I hate pea soup." We left the cemetery and came upon the car which was swarming with undead. "Ah shit."

There were zombies, skeletons and the odd twitching person slamming their hands on the car, trying to disable it. "Get the fuck away!" Desmond shot a skeleton and it shattered to a pile of bones.

I took out my sword and ran at the zombies, hacking their heads off easily enough. Rocksalt blasts took care of the ghosts. We made quick work of the unwelcomed guests but the real battle had just begun.

"Kiiill them!" came a harsh voice from behind us. We turned around to see a glowing blue corpse. It hovered slightly off the ground and wore tattered clothing. It's jaw was attached only slightly by a few pieces of flesh still visible. It had one eye and a few long, thin strands of hair that still clung to its skinless skull. It wore the ugly bird headed necklace and pointed at us menacingly. At his command, ghosts swarmed around us and a few corpses raised from the ground just inside the cemetery gates.

"There it is." Desmond said as he shot at it. The shotgun blast didn't penetrate the blue aura. "Shit."

"Get the ghosts!" I shouted back to him as I ran up to the Lich. Its hand lazily shifted to me and I tripped, slamming my head into the pavement. I heard blasts of rocksalt whiz by me as I got up and made another run. Decapitating a zombie, I jumped at the Lich and swung the sword. I was the one that ended up swinging though, right into the decrepit gates.

"You alright?" Desmond called up to me.

"You..." The Lich stared at me with its one eye and I thrust the sword forward to stab out its eye. It didn't work too well. But I managed to get up while it was distracted. "You die." It said and reached forward to touch me.

I swung my sword and cut its arm off at the elbow. It didn't seem to mind and reached for me again with the other one. I quickly did the same thing to its other arm. It shifted away from me and began to float to Desmond.

I ran after it and stabbed it through the chest. "Ha!" It turned around and looked down at the sword hilt. It twisted its body and knocked me over with it.

"Kiiiill them..." It repeated to the hoards of undead now converging on the car.

I stood up and Desmond began shooting wildly at the approaching Lich. Pieces of bone went flying but nothing stopped the it. I ran to the car, past the two of them to find another weapon. Then it dawned on me.

"T... Hurry up and get something!"

"Duck!" I shouted. Desmond complied instantly, getting onto one knee. I jumped off his back and while passing the glowing corpse, reached out and grabbed the bird skull that hung from the Lich's neck. Landing on the ground I pushed it into the ground. It shattered and the pieces stuck into my palm. "Kick it's ass!"

"With pleasure." Desmond pulled out his pistol and shot at the Lich. Each bullet took more bone off than the one before. Unloading an entire clip into the Lich, Desmond grabbed the sword out of its chest and hacked what remained of the Lich to pieces.

I got up and looked at the pile of bones beneath a sweaty, tired Desmond. We stared at each other as the zombies dropped all around us, making a loud, collective `thud.'

I ran up and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his back and kissing him. The sword fell and he supported me, grabbing my ass to fondle and hold me up.

"Mmm... You know..." I kissed him in a mad frenzy. "What if that wasn't its phylactery?" He set me down on the hood of his car and pushed me down, letting his hands wander.

"I was willing to take that chance." I said, rubbing my leg on his crotch.

"Mmmh... You didn't hesitate."

"Take a lesson."

He laughed and pinned my arms over my head, kissing my neck and moving down towards my chest and stomach. "You're hot." He whispered to my belt.

"Well ya know." I said sitting up. I grabbed his chin and pulled it close to mine, sticking my tongue deep into his mouth. Our tongues twisted together playfully until I noticed he was pretty hard. "Hello there." I said grabbing his groin through his jeans. He was rock hard and well endowed. Even though I'd felt it before, feeling him through his pants made it hotter. It's just one of those things...

"I need you... Now." He said between kisses.

"Oh god the smell of corpses makes me so hot." We laughed out of the kiss and pressed out foreheads together.

"Ya, we've gotta get home... Now..." We got in the car and I continued to kiss his neck and rub his hard cock through his pants as we drove towards Winnie's house.

Desmond growled at me as he picked me up and carried me towards the house, kissing me the whole way.

"Stop it you two." Winnie said as we came in. "Put him down." He complied. Fuck... "Who was the Lich? Was it Daniel?"

"No it was Erin Rocturn" Desmond said with confidence.

"I see." She looked at me then to my hand. "You're been casting?"

"I didn't mean to. I just sorta... did it."

"Hmh... Natural if you're born with it." She studied me. "I'll fix your hand. Come."

"Aw common!" I protested. But she grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. Desmond slapped my ass playfully as I went.

In Winnie's work room, she told me to sit down in a chair and went to work pouring liquids and herbs into a small bowl. "What did you cast? How many times?"

"Pulsus. Twice I think?"

"That's a lot of damage. Your body isn't use to flinging energy around. Luck you didn't launch any fire or I'd have to amputate." She was different. Angrier. Was she still mad from before?

"Will you teach me more?"

She put the bowl on my lap and dunked my hand in it. "I could. Desmond would be quite angry though. I taught a few things to Luke." Hmh... "He doesn't understand because he's a brute. But for those of us who aren't built of muscle and sinew, magik helps in hunting." She got me a towel and by the time she got back and handed it to me, my hand was normal and pain free.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"I'll teach you some things, yes. But only if you don't tell Desmond. We're on shaky ground as it is." I agreed. "Alright then... First of all..."

Within the hour, I was able to cast Pulsus without aging my hand. She also taught me a sort of summoning command: Volo. It was strange. It let me grab things from across the room and fling them towards me. Sort of the reverse of Pulsus... This was strange territory and I felt really weird doing it all. Then I remembered something else I should be doing... Namely Desmond.

"I gotta go." I said suddenly. "No offense!" I shouted as I ran out of the room and down the hall to our bedroom. It was dark outside now. Probably 9:00. I opened the door to find Desmond fast asleep on our bed. I sighed softly. He was gorgeous. With one arm up over his head, his naked chest raised and lowered with his deep breathing.

I took off my clothes and climbed into bed beside him. He was naked so I took off my underwear as well. But I couldn't wake him. He had killed a Lich today. And I was dead tired too. I curled up close to him and used his peck as a pillow. His arm instinctively hugged me close to him as I fell asleep hating myself for leaving him too long.

As the morning light forced its way through the curtains of our room, I awoke with Desmond's body pressed firmly against mine. Little spoon is the best.

I played with the light hair on Desmond's arm until he woke up. "Hey you." He said in my ear as he grinded closer to me. "You didn't come back last night."

"Ya. Winnie and I went out. I got picked up and ended up in a crazy orgy with like 30 other guys. It was so hot. I dunno how many holes I ravaged."

He chuckled, using the movement as an excuse to squeeze me. "Hang on, you're totally the bitch." He wiped a finger between my cheeks and I jumped. "It's ok." He said as he gently rubbed my ass with a big finger. He circled it and pushed slightly, trying to get in. Lack of lube made this impossible. I wanted him to continue, but I kinda got a little freaked out. He'd never touched me that way before. I wanted him and he wanted me. And it was too new.

"I'm kinda hungry." I lied. He slowly withdrew his finger and rolled me over onto my stomach. He thrust his hard dick over my ass.

"Ya me too." He chuckled. "I'm sorry." He got up. I watched his big dick bounce with each step he took towards his clothes. He took his time, knowing I was watching him. "See you downstairs." He flipped and tucked and thumped down the stairs.

"Fuck!" I said quietly, pounding the bed with my fists. I sat up and looked at my pants. "Volo" I said to them. They leapt through the air to my hand. "Wicked." This whole spell thing was going to make me really... REALLY lazy. I laughed and followed Desmond down the stairs.

"Your necklace is gone." Winnie said as I came into the kitchen.

"Ya..." Desmond hugged me from the chair he was sitting in. "I thought it was time... you know?"

"Mhm... He came back. I told you you should have gotten rid of that thing. Nothing but trouble. And look, it caused nothing but trouble." She put a cup of tea in front of me. Desmond nodded that I could drink it. He took a long sip of his coffee.

"Well it's done now. Nothing we can do." Under the table he put his hand on my thigh, stretching just a bit. He really loved bodily contact at all times. I was fine with that.

"Well, now that this Lich is taken care of, I suggest that you hunt down whatever sicked it on you in the first place." Winnie said. "If it knows Necromancy, then you'll have a good lot of other Liches, zombies, ghosts, skeletons whatever, to deal with. Erin was a tough one. He couldn't be controlled by just any one."

"Could you have?" I asked innocently taking a sip of tea.

"I don't do black magic Timothy. How dare you even suggest." Desmond squeezed my thigh. "No. I'm thinking another member of the Fellowship of Dark Magicians did. They'd be very old now, but just like me, magik keeps them alive." She fixed her hair. "I'll make a list of the Magicians and you two will check them out alright? The closest one I know of is in Sudbury so you've got quite a ways to go. I'll keep in touch with an astral projection." She got up to leave. "But right now I've got some things to take care of." She left the house in a hurry.

"What's got her knickers in a knot?" I asked. Desmond kissed me in response.

Changing took a long time considering all the making out we did and the nudity that changing involves. But still, each time Desmond went to finger me, it hurt with nothing to ease the process so we stopped trying, just as happy to roll around naked kissing.

I teased him by working my hand around his shaft and this drove him crazy. He pushed me onto my stomach and hopped on top of me, kissing my neck, tracing my spine all the way down to my ass. He spread it open and spit madly at it. I laughed because it tickled.

"Ah shut up, we need to get this done." After a sufficient amount of saliva coated my hole, his mouth returned to my neck and he worked a finger inside me.

"Ow, fuck!" It still kinda hurt and I arched my back. He grabbed the front of my throat and aimed my mouth at his and ate me up. His finger slid in and out in a smooth rhythm that got easier to handle. I pushed against his hand with each drive inwards to get it deeper inside me. He wiggled it slightly and I moaned through his lips. The room was quiet except for my soft moans of pleasure.

"Is that good?"

"You couldn't make it bad." I managed to get out before moaning more. Kinda sounded like a porno...

I reached down and started to jerk him off. His precum was dribbling down his shaft by the time I got there. He seemed to like it, moaning just as much as I was, if not more. But once he slid that extra finger inside me, stretching my ass further, I totally out moaned him.

I started to get really into it, he stopped thrusting into me and I just bounced back and forth along his fingers. I pulled harder on Desmond's dick and the head became really hard.

"Fuck..." He said over and over again. He rolled onto his back, letting out a huge moan and he started cumming. It landed on his chest, his chin... His huge cock pumped out enormous amounts of cum. Though I wanted it inside me, I smiled at what I had made Desmond do.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry... It's never happened this fast... I promise..." He turned an embarrassed red trying to defend himself but I didn't care either way. It was so hot.

"Don't worry about it." I climbed on top of him and started licking the cum off his face. It was an interesting taste. It was thick, it took a few licks to get all of it out of his chest hair... Even more licks and sucks to get it out of his pubes. As I sucked down his cum, I got too aroused for words to describe. Somehow, Desmond sensed this and while I was straddling him, he put his fingers back into my ass hole.

"Well you've gotta finish off too." He laughed as he flipped me onto my back. His mouth trailed down to my cock and he took it all into his mouth. So talented... With his fingers fucking me, and his mouth sucking me off, it took no time at all for me to start screaming in ecstasy as I shot my load into his mouth.

As he swallowed every drop, I pulled him off of my dick and kissed him, tasting my own spunk. His fingers fucked me slowly for awhile longer, I just kept begging for more. When he stopped, I got a little angry.

"Hey, be greatful I gave you that." He laughed and winked at me. "I need to fuck you soon T... Or I'll go crazy." His words echoed in my head until I escaped my ecstasy and got back to reality. But by then, Desmond's nude body was pressed against mine, hard cock resting against my ass cheeks. I fell asleep wanting more of him.

Though it was mid afternoon, I was spent from the sex. It was a quick nap, but never the less a good one. In a sort of awkward silence, we got dressed and went down stairs. Waiting for us on the table was the list that Winnie had promised us. She had apparently come and gone again while we were... Ya, hot.

"Ok then." Desmond said as he walked back upstairs. "Let's go pack I guess."

"Where do you think she went?" I asked folding a shirt into a duffle bag.

"I don't know. She's always secretive about that. I just assume she's either tending her herbs or casting something in the forest." He placed some jeans in the bag. "She doesn't really have friends."

"That's unfortunate. But I guess neither do you huh?" I teased.

"Nope. But my social network is huge."

"Oh it's huge alright." He threw a shoe at me. "Ow! Common, a shoe? Who throws a shoe when there's plenty of softer things around?"

"I thought you liked it hard." He smiled at me.

"Don't you dare turn our relationship into one giant sexual innuendo." I threw the shoe back at him. He had a big stupid grin on his face. He mouthed the word `relationship' at me with a sarcastic expression and I chose to ignore it. "You sure that Winnie won't mind if I take these clothes?"

"T, look around. So many kids have lived here over the years and left their shit that no one is gonna mind."

"Unless Justin comes back and beats me up for taking his Cookie Monster pajamas."

"Are you really taking those? They wouldn't ever fit."

"Hells yes I'm taking them. Mostly for shock value." I laughed and put them in the duffle bag.

Desmond put a few pairs of socks in the bag. "Well that should do us for awhile. Lemme just grab some stuff from the basement and we're good to go."

"This place has a basement?" I slung the bag over my shoulder and carried it to the front foor, letting it fall into a heap.

"It's an old farm house. Of course it does. Where would Auntie Em go when the tornados come?"

"Dude this is Ontario, not Kansas."

"Scrub scrub here, scrub scrub there whether your tin or bronze!" he sang with a skip in his step. "Oh common T, it's a classic!"

"Nothing like the book you know." He opened a door that was sort of hidden amongst all the pictures, there were a bunch hanging on it that clinked together as it swung open. We descended the stairs and Desmond pulled a small cord. It was a weapons vault. Everything you could imagine. There were books, guns, knives, bows, arrows made of basically everything, all in various shapes and sizes and all hung up on the wall in a very OCD fashion.

"Holy shit." I said. "Why didn't you show me this before?"

"I didn't really like you that much."

"You're a prick." I said grabbing his junk. He jumped a little, then reached behind him and grabbed a gun, placing it to my head.

"Relinquish the penis."

"You need a magazine for that." I stuck my finger in the hole in the hilt of the gun. "You loser."

"There's something not quite right about calling a man with a gun a loser. Can't quite put my finger on it though." I released him and he walked around examining the guns.

"What are we looking for?" I asked, running my hands across the blades.

"Anything that might be useful." He picked up a shotgun and pumped it before he checked to see if the barrel was clean. "Who knows what we might be going in to with these Dark Magician guys. They've probably got all sorts of crazy necromancy shit going on. Or demons..." He put the gun back onto the wall. "What we really need is a good specialist knife..."

"What's that?" I withdrew my hand from the knives expecting one to suddenly attack.

"Well, anything can have a curse or an enchantment put onto it. Depending on your abilities, you can make them take out a boogeyman in one swift slice or have them personalized. You know, Winnie once made this knife that forced the undead to stay dead." He reminisced for awhile.

"That would have been helpful... Where is it?" I said in a `what the hell' way.

"Justin stole it. Then he ran away. Never saw it since then and Winnie never made another one." He picked a knife off the wall with a glass handle and handed it to me. "Cut me with this."

"What? No." I pushed it against his chest but he refused to take it back. "That's stupid."

"Ah common, do it. Wimp." He taunted.

"You're not going to convince me to stab you Diz!" I put the knife on the ledge that encircled the room. "Especially when you still owe me."

"Oh? What pray tell do I owe you." He stepped forward and put his hands on my hips.

"I think you have a pretty good idea." I cozied into him and he picked up the knife again.

"Tell you what, you stab me with this and I'll fuck you right here, right now." He leaned closer to my ear and placed the knife in my hands. "And I promise," he whispered, "that if you don't cum at least 5 times, I'll let that Ironside fellow have a go at my ass."

"Done." I said and grabbed his wrist, slamming his hand down on the ledge. "Sorry if this hurts." I stabbed down with everything I had and the knife embedded itself in the ledge. "What the fuck?" The knife sat between his fingers. I tried again with the same result. "I don't get it..." I tried another 4 or 5 times before Desmond began to laugh and walked away. I stepped forward to cut his jacket but tripped over my own feet.

"Sucker!" He grabbed a duffle bag and began to pile it full of weapons and ammunition.

I took aim and threw the knife at his leg. It missed and pierced a bag of salt. Desmond laughed again. "Ok for serious?"

"It's a personalized knife T. If anyone besides the owner uses it, they'll miss." He picked the knife up and lunged towards my chest with it. He twisted around and fell onto his back. "And Richard's dead."

"So no one can use it?" I helped Desmond off the ground with a firm hand.

"Nope. Never again." He handed it to me and continued gathering things.

"Do you have a knife?" I asked examining the knife. It looked as though it had something in the handle, but I couldn't make it out in the darkness.

"Nah." He smiled at me doing up the bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "I'm not special enough to have one made for me." He winked.

"Why not?" I followed him up the stairs.

"Cause that requires a lot of magik, and a lot of love. Winnie made that for him so her love would protect him. See, it's suppose to be an enchantment so that no one would be able to use it against the owner. But it's got a little more kick to it that just that." He picked up the other duffle bag at the front door and proceeded to the car. Those bags were really heavy... Hot...

"I'm sure it's nothing personal. Here lemme carry one of those." I tugged at the clothing bag.

"Nah T it's fine, I got it." He kissed my forehead and kept walking. "And I know it's nothing personal. It's not like she made one for anyone else. Just him." He opened the back door and threw the duffle bags in. "So whatever, I don't need one with my cat-like reflexes." He grabbed me and before I knew what was happening, flung me around so that my body closed the back door and I leaned against the car with him pressed close to me. "See?" He kissed me softly on the lips and opened the passenger door for me. "Monsieur." He bowed to me grandiosely until I got in the car. He closed it and hopped over the hood and got in the driver's seat. "So where to?"

I put the knife in the pocket of the door and pulled the list from my pocket. "Fellowship of Dark Magicians" I read. "How ominous!" I giggled. "Well like Wnnie said, the closest would be Ida Bersekoff in Sudbury."

"Then off we go." He put his hand on my thigh and pulled a three point turn until we were headed away from Winnie's house. Not for the last time mind you.

"Wuss." I said to him. He smiled and moved his hand higher up my leg. I put my hand on top of his and we drove on.

Next: Chapter 10

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