Supernatural Brothers

By moc.liamg@smailliwmotnahp

Published on Dec 25, 2009


Supernatural and all characters related are copyrighted Warner Brothers Studios. Supernatural is owned by the CW network. I do not own the characters involved. This story is for people over 18 and therefore if you are underage, it is probably illegal that you read this.

Supernatural 3

Ruby walked closer to Sam. She was in her old body, the blonde woman. She was smiling a huge smile as she came closer. She was proud of something, maybe herself, maybe just of Sam. She had always approved of the way Sam was coming along, of the drinking of her blood, and of the raising of his powers. That was her ultimate goal: to get him as powerful as possible before the Devil would burrow in Sam's soul. Now it seemed that she had succeeded and she was laughing. There was no sound but Sam could see her laughing, her mouth open and her teeth shining. Sam felt something dripping from his hands and he looked down. Blood was gushing from them, rushing towards the ground below him. As he watched this he caught a glimpse of what he was wearing. It was a white suit with white dress shoes, a white tie, and a white shirt. His hands continued bleeding until he was standing in a pool of blood. He looked up but Ruby was gone. In her place stood Dean, his head

bowed. A book was lying open on the ground at his feet, pages scattered everywhere. Sam tried speaking but no sound came out. He tried moving but he couldn't. The blood that had dripped from his hands had formed an elaborate pentagram with symbols running along the sides. Sam started screaming, but once again nothing came out. Dean finally lifted his head and looked right at Sam. His eyes were red and tears were running down his face. His jaw was clenched. He moved to a nearby table and took a sword that was resting on it. This too was ridden with symbols, except these lit with pure white light. Dean came closer, the sword dragging against the ground. Dean's mouth opened as if to speak but it was closed soon after. He lifted the sword over his head, two hands necessary for this feat. He swung the massive weapon and brought it down against Sam's neck.

Sam woke up, his body tense and sweating. The sheets clung to his naked body as he tried to get up. Dean moaned and shifted his body. Sam sat on the edge of the bed for a couple of minutes. He then got up and went to the bathroom. He turned on the lights and looked at his face in the mirror. His eyes had gone completely black so that none of the whites of his eyes could be seen anymore. Sam panicked. He quickly pulled the door to the bathroom close and turned the faucet on. He began franticly throwing water onto his face and into his eyes, trying desperately to remove the black. The color would not fade.

"Fuck." Sam muttered under his breath. He stood still for a minute, his hands grasping the sink tightly, his fingers going white from the pressure. He stared at his face: sweaty, pale, shaking, his hair matted to his head. And then of course the black eyes. He looked as if he was getting possessed right then and there. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on something happy. He was searching his brain for some happy memory, ransacking the whole place for something even vaguely resembling happiness. That's when he thought of Dean.

He thought of his protective older brother, always with him to take care of him when their father wasn't around and then sticking with him as he grew up. And then picking up where he left off after Sam was done with college. He was always there, especially when things were rough. They always got through things together because that's how they were most powerful. With Dean always watching Sam felt that he could overcome anything. He naively thought he could overcome this as well. Sam thought of the past several nights. They had been the best ones of his life and he wasn't willing to stop continuing what they had because of these stupid nightmares. The Devil would never possess him and Dean would never be forced to kill him. Period. There was no debating it and no fighting it.

Sam opened his eyes again and although afraid of looking into the mirror, he did. His eyes returned to their normal dark blue shade. He drooped his head closer to the mirror to see if all the back was really gone, and it was. He sighed in relief.

He turned off the light and returned to the bed. Dean was breathing heavily. It wasn't a surprise. He must've been exhausted after what they'd done that night.

The next morning Dean woke up with Sam stroking his hair and looking at his face. Dean smiled and muttered "creep". Sam smiled. He was starting to understand Dean's insults. They just seemed to be a reflex now, so as to get past something that he considered awkward or different than what he was used to. Sam hoped that he would get used to the idea of them soon so that he wouldn't react like that every time he showed affection.

Dean stretched, his hands pushing against the top of the bed. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"While you were sleeping I looked up some stuff online and I found a potential case in Sussex, Wyoming...Please don't make a joke."

"Aww, Sammy, you take the fun right out." Dean reached under the covers and pulled at his penis. "I need to take a whizz." Dean started walking towards the bathroom still naked. "I'm still listening." He left the door open and Sam could now hear the steady flow of urine.

"Anyway, I read something about two of the women in the town disappearing."

"So what was it that took them?"

"I don't know yet although there were some sightings of new folks in town."



"Okay, let's check it out then, it's not like we're that far away."

The flush from the toilet could now be heard. The water from the sink now started running.

Sam was still sitting in bed when Dean came out. Dean was smiling.

"What?" Sam asked.

"You really like me, don't you?" Dean leaned on the door frame, his arms folded across his chest.

Sam laughed. "Yeah, I really do." He got up off the bed, never breaking eye contact with Dean. He approached slowly.

When they were several inches away Dean muttered. "We should really get going."

"I know." Sam muttered back.

Dean then went in for a kiss, their lips meeting first. The rest of their bodies followed. They were both thoroughly excited by the time they'd made full contact.

"No time." Sam broke the kiss only enough to say those two words.

"Mmhmm." Dean didn't even have the self restraint to pull away.

There was a knock at the door.

The two let go of each other and went to the bed. They both grabbed the same sheet to pull around each other, but Dean pulled harder, causing it to slip through Sam's fingers.

"Ass." Sam went to one of the chairs and started pulling his jeans on.

There was another knock at the door.

Dean unlocked the door and pulled it open. Castiel was waiting on the other side, his head bowed.

" I came to you for two reasons." He now lifted his head.

"Oh yeah?" Dean tucked part of the sheet back in on itself so that his hands were now free.

"I wanted to apologize for the way I acted before. I was just... surprised is all and I didn't know how to react appropriately. It was inappropriate, and I apologize. It is none of my business." By this time Sam was at the door, still in the process of putting on a shirt.

"It's fine, Cas." Sam spoke, a smile flashing across his face.

"I suppose it's actually better this way. Now you are even closer to each other and ... are obviously more powerful." Castiel cleared his throat, noticing that Dean only had a sheet around his waist. "And I also wanted to tell you that I have a lead on Meg."

"Come in." Dean got out of the doorway and let Castiel go through.

"Tomorrow, at 4:45 in the afternoon, she will be in Mountain Grove, Missouri. There are rumors that there will be hordes of demons with her."

"So why go after her then?" Dean grabbed his jeans and went into the bathroom.

"Because she will know where Satan is, which will make our job significantly easier."

"I'll call Ellen." Sam pulled out his cellphone and stepped outside.

Dean came back out of the bathroom, doing up his zipper. "How do you know all this."

"I went to Chuck. He got some new information via visions that he shared with me. He didn't have many details about what Meg was doing there but he knew that she wasn't alone."

"Is there a chance that he will be there?"

"Are you talking about the Devil?"

"No, Cas. I'm talking about Big Bird."

"I don't understand sarcasm, remember?" Castiel paused and then looked out the window. Sam was still on his cellphone. "You don't want to bring him."

"Not if there's a chance that he will get possessed, I won't."

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to him. I give you my word. And besides, I think Meg was sent on a mission by him. He will not be there. Chuck didn't see him there."


The door opened and Sam walked in. "They can't come. They're in Idaho. They just finished a case."

"So it's just us?"

"I guess so. I told them about the case in Sussex and they're gonna go check that out while we deal with Meg. Jo was pissed they couldn't come. She was cursing all sorts of things." Sam sat on the bed.

"If we leave today we can scope out the place by tonight and figure out where she's likely to go."

"I'll meet you there. I will go ahead and see what I can find out." Castiel was gone as soon as he'd finished his sentence.

The others sat there dumbfounded for a while.

Within the hour they had gotten supplies, packed their bags, and were on their way.

As soon as they exited Ada, the city they had stayed in in Oklahoma, the whole landscape changed as well as the general welfare of the two riding in the car.

Everything around them got this pink, fluffy hue to it, vaguely resembling intense happiness or euphoria. A better explanation would be inhaling a love potion that went seriously wrong and began acting like a hallucinogenic drug.

The car skidded off the road and ran off the road and into the forest on the side.

The car behind them stopped and a woman came out, holding a vase in her hands. It was made out of clay and there were red symbols carved all along the edges. The woman stood next to her car for a second, a smile creeping on her face. She then got back in and drove off.

The car came to a standstill once it crashed into the side of a riverbank. Surprisingly it had missed quite a few trees and they were now quite deep into the forest. The two men in the car sat there looking at each other, the spell obviously not worn off.

Sam unbuckled his seat belt and climbed in the back, undoing his pants as he squeezed though the seats. His penis flopped out, semi-erect as he laid in the back seat. Dean was still smiling dumbly as he followed suit and got on top of Sam. He began grinding into Sam, his covered penis rubbing onto Sam's bared one. Sam moaned. He started pulling at Dean's shirt now, getting it over his head. It got stuck so that Dean's head was now hidden inside it. Sam suddenly pulled really hard once and the shirt ripped, coming off easily now. Dean then proceeded to rip Sam's shirt. By this time both of them were fully erect, grinding against one another. After taking Sam's shirt off Dean began pulling at his jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping. He felt for Sam's penis who started moaning one Dean had found it. Dean got up off Sam and pulled his pants to his knees and Sam's all the way off. He then got back on and positioned his dick right up to Sam's ass

crack. Sam's legs were now against Dean's shoulders, his knees against his chest. His ass was completely uncovered and now it was slowly getting plugged by Dean's massive meat. Dean didn't waste any time. He began thrusting into Sam's ass, groaning as he did so. Sam was so horny by this point that his moans had turned into screams of pure pleasure.

"Oh fuck, Dean! Fuck!"

After several minutes of extremely intense thrusting and jacking both of them were on the verge of cumming. Dean pulled out at the last minute and Sam pushed himself up so that he could take Dean's dick into his mouth. Dean came immediately after feeling Sam's warm mouth around his penis. Dean then pushed Sam so that he now sat up. He then went down on Sam's penis, licking it and taking it into his mouth. Sam came soon after in Dean's mouth. They then began kissing intensely, exchanging the remains of the fluids they had in their mouthes. Dean then proceeded to stick his once again semi-erect penis back inside Sam's ass.

The process would be repeated again and again until they would died of either famine or physical exhaustion, whichever came first. The woman that had driven away had no preference as long as they died, and very soon at that.

Next: Chapter 4

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