Supernatural Brothers

By moc.liamg@smailliwmotnahp

Published on Jan 3, 2010


Supernatural and all characters related are copyrighted Warner Brothers Studios. Supernatural is owned by the CW network. I do not own the characters involved. This story is for people over 18 and therefore if you are underage, it is probably illegal that you read this.

Supernatural 5

Sam woke up first, as usual. His legs were cramped and he couldn't really feel them. He pushed at Dean getting him off. He fell in the crack between the front seats and the back one with a thud.

He woke up with a start and collected himself instantly. A string of curses rushed out of his mouth. He looked down at his penis and petted it gently. It still hurt but not as intensely as it hurt while he was fucking Sam after a couple of hours.

Sam's asshole was also hurting and he felt like he wouldn't be able to walk properly for a while now. He found his underwear on the seat next to him and he pulled them on. "How did this happen?" Sam's tone was almost disappointed, just not understanding how their situation always had a way of exacerbating.

Dean now stepped out of the car, buttoning his pants and zipping up the fly. He was gently massaging his crotch as he answered. "I have no fucking idea." His tone was similar to Sam's.

There was silence for several minutes afterwards while Sam put the rest of his clothes on.

Castiel appeared as they were pulling the car out of the forest. He brought them up to speed on the whole situation with as much as he knew, including that he'd talked to Chuck and Anna and what he'd found out about Selaphiel. He also told them about how it had been for the best.

"I went back to the city this morning, to see what Meg had done...As I went in there I saw hundreds of reapers. I think she killed most of the population. It was a town of more than three thousand. I'm sure she had a lot of help and there was nothing you two could have done. It was for the better that you didn't show up." Castiel put an emphasis on the `was' in the sentence so as to drill it into their heads to get over the events that had occurred the night before.

There was a long silence and then Sam finally asked "What are we supposed to do now?"

Dean shrugged his shoulder and rubbed at his crotch again. He winced and then stopped doing it. Castiel got in the back seat of the car.

"We're going to get everybody together and try to make a stand."

Everyone seemed to agree with this idea since it was both the only one that made any sense and the only one present. They had reached a decision to go to Chuck's house and gather everyone there. Chuck would hopefully have gathered more information by now, maybe not tampered with this time. Castiel would go ahead and get Anna and also attempt to contact Selaphiel and see what he wanted and of course if he was willing to participate in some way. Ellen and Jo would be called and see if they were done with the case and if they could come. Bobby would also be called.

Castiel pulled another one of his disappearing acts again leaving the two alone once again.

Sam called Ellen first.

Ellen and Jo had finished the job in Sussex but they were now headed to another case. Bobby told them of Meg going to another town and they were heading there. They were a couple of hours away but were willing to wait for Sam and Dean to go to them as they were almost the same distance way. They would meet somewhere in the middle. The problem would be that they would not be able to meet at Chuck's place and rendezvous with the rest of the gang.

"Do you think we should go?" Sam asked after he hung up.

"You know how Ellen and Jo are. They'd probably go ahead even if we told them not to."

"You heard what Castiel said. What if we end up having sex for hours again... And even if not, it's going to be dangerous."

"Sammy, when have we not been in danger? And besides...despite some moderate cock burn I'm not feeling too shabby. I could go for another round." Dean grabbed Sam's inner thigh while saying this.

"Dean, he might be there."

"I know Sammy but so will I and nothing will happen to you while I'm there."

Dean's tone was certain and Sam didn't press the subject any further.

Castiel went back to Anna's cabin. As he was within yards of the place he heard a heated discussion coming from inside and he knew that someone else was there.

The door suddenly opened and a voice called him to come inside.

"I know you're out there, Castiel. Come. We must talk."

The woman had come into view now. She was a brunette with bright green eyes. She was so beautiful that she took Castiel's breath away for a second.

Castiel could see Anna leaning against a table inside. She looked as if she was thinking about a million things at once but she looked unharmed.

"This is Selaphiel; the angel I was telling you about."

"Pleased to finally meet you." The woman extended a beautiful, manicured hand.

Castiel shook his hand and then said the obvious. "I was expecting...a man."

"I know, not exactly manly, well, this is one of the reasons I got myself thrown out of Heaven...but not the only one. The reason I took this body is because it is familiar to the Winchesters. I thought it would be easier to relate when they recognize the person inside. She was dying when I found her and she was kind enough to give me her body. She's still around here somewhere." She then looked off to the side for a second, as if listening to something. She then smiled and continued. "Her name was Bela and she was a junior tomb raider, so to speak. At least that's what she secretly referred to herself as. She's silly sometimes..." Selaphiel smiled again. "She was attacked by Hellhounds sent by Lilith...little bitch. I got there just in time. A few seconds longer and her insides would have been on the walls..."

"Why are you helping us?" Castiel cut her off asking the question that had been turning in his brain for the past two days.

"Because I don't want the Apocalypse to come, silly. Daddy made it obvious that I wasn't welcome in Heaven and I prefer it here rather than in Hell. And if this turns into Hell too, well, then I'd be very unhappy and I don't like being unhappy. I heard about Meg in the grape vine and I decided to act. I found out about the boys and their...interests" she winked "and so I decided they should have some fun instead of getting themselves killed." She walked to the window and peered outside. She quickly turned back around and stared at both Castiel and Anna. She then shook her head and started talking again. "Bela says hi. Anyway, my grape vine got cut and now I have no further news of Satan and his dealings."

"I guess this would be as good a time as any to tell you that I can't hear the angels anymore." Anna was now standing and coming closer to the two of them from where she was sitting. Castiel almost forgot that she was in the room.


"It was right after you left yesterday. They just stopped talking. I don't know if they don't want to help anymore or if Satan cut me off somehow, but I think they realized I was still on the line. The last thing I heard was them talking about you going to Chuck's place and him being confused about his visions."

"So what do we do, Castiel? It's time I joined our little rebellion so you can count me in on doing...things around here now." Selaphiel spoke again, this time without any sort of sarcasm or smile on her face.

Castiel thought for a moment. He then made up his mind. "Anna...are you willing to leave hiding?"

"I don't feel safe here anymore considering they know about me now. They're going to find me sooner or later so I'd rather be moving about than stay cooped up in here."

"Then you go to Chuck's house and make sure he is still ok. Selaphiel, you go get Bobby and meet us all at Chuck's house. I'll get Sam and Dean. Hopefully by now they've gotten Ellen and Jo...Hopefully..."

There was little said afterwards. They all sort of teleported their own way, hopefully successfully getting their group together. Castiel felt better knowing that there were now three angels with them rather than just one. He felt that a weight had lifted from his shoulders. He no longer had to care for all of them. There were finally reinforcements.

Sorry there was no sex but there was seriously no way. Thanks for the comments and do continue sending them at

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