Supernatural to Boot

By Timothy Brown

Published on Jan 6, 2014


Disclaimers: This story is fictional and isn't meant to suggest any true sexualities of any of the actors or characters created originally by the WB or the CW network in which this story centers around. The only rights I own is to the characters I make up, not including Sam, Dean, and Castiel.

~Sorry it's been a while, school has been crazy. I hope I still have some fans out there. To the Supernatural fans out there, I'm trying my best to keep some of the stuff as close to the show as possible. Forgive me if I get some things wrong.~

Supernatural To Boot

Chapter 2

With the stops it took us to get to Bobby's place two days. Even though Deans car was comfortable, I was happy to take a few steps outside. The smell of the air was refreshing as I found myself looking around the area. Bobby's house was a two story colonial style place, large and quite stunning. From my visions I found out that Bobby lives alone and has taken a sort of fatherly place for the Winchesters. He is a tough character, but has a warm heart. I was in my thoughts when Sam came from behind.

"Hey are you ready to go inside?"

"Yeah I just needed some air."

We both turned and walked up the steps to see Dean chatting away with Bobby. I let Sam go first, while I shut the front door behind me. Sam shook Bobby's hand and stepped to the side to let Bobby see me. He rolled towards me with a hard expression,

"Aww so this is Timothy, the one who's stole little Sammy's heart."

I smiled, "Well I don't know if that last parts 100% true, but I am Timothy and it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too kid, and I'm sorry about your parents, they were really good people."

"You knew them?" I was stunned and a little excited.

"Yeah I had the pleasure of meeting them a few years after you were born, before I was put in the chair. You still have your mothers smile."

My eyes started to water, "thank you."

He gently nodded and turned to face Dean,

"So I'm glad you finally showed up, we need to figure out what Lucifer's plan is."

I spoke up deciding to tell them what I figured out. The past two days that I slept, all the answerers were given to me, some that would cost me more than I ever expected.

"I know what his plan is." This caused all three men to turn towards me.

Bobby spoke first, "you do? Well spit it out."

I went and grabbed my sketchbook, revealing some of my new visions.

"In Hell there are 600 seals, important events that vary from large to small and it only takes 66 to be broken and that will release Lucifer, and he will bring the Apocalypse with him on Earth. These seals have binded his power and keeps him under control. Lucifer needs my help to locate and break the seals. His daughter Lilith has been helping him, but her help only goes so far.

"Yeah she's a real piece of work." Bobby said unenthusiastically.

"Little does she know, that if Lucifer is successful, she is the 66th seal...he'll kill her."

Sam spoke, "So what is the first seal?"

I looked down at my book, then back up. "The demons that killed your parents, they intended to use your father, but they'll use someone else."

"Who?" The three said together.

I looked over at Dean, "They will...they'll use Dean."

My sadness came when he looked into my eyes. Sam and Bobby looked over at Dean who was shocked.

"So he needs the both of us." Dean said.

"Yes.", was all I could say.

The four of us sat in the kitchen, looking over books and trying to figure out what some of the other seals might be. It took a large part of the day, but we managed to find many of the seals. It was in the afternoon that Dean was saying he was hungry, which Bobby agreed with.

"Yeah, I was going to order some pizza."

I spoke up, "Hey Bobby how long has it been since you had a home cooked meal?"

"It's been some time, why you feel like cooking?" He said with a smirk.

"Sure, it sounds normal, which is what we need right now. Is there a grocery store nearby?"

"Yeah Dean knows where it's at, but you don't have to."

"No it's fine, it's the least I could do for you guys, for dealing with me."

"You've been great kid", Dean said.

I smiled and had Dean take me to the store. While we were there I got a chance to talk to him one on one. Dean was carrying a bag of potatoes while I was looking for some spices. After getting what I needed in the vegetable section I headed to the dairy and alcohol part of the store. We'd picked up some butter and a six pack of beer. While we headed to the meat section I turned to Dean, "I'm sorry for telling you my vision."

"Hey kid don't beat yourself up, it's not everyday that you get told your going to Hell, but to be honest I figured it would happen this way. I'd always been the bad kid, and Sam the good kid. It's time I pay for my sins."

"Dean you can't look at it like that. You being sent to Hell has nothing to do with anything bad that you did. It's because Lucifer wants his freedom. Hold on a second..."

So he stood there facing me down an empty aisle. I reached out and touched his hand, seeing his love for Sam, his protective nature, his promiscuous ways, and his devotion to his duty. I gently let go and looked into his eyes,

"You have done nothing to deserve Hell. Yes, you've been a little bit of a wild child, but nothing that deserves such a horrible punishment. You are a good man, protective, caring, honest, a little tactless on occasion, but dependable. I can see why Sam looks up to you so much."

Dean started to get a little teary eyed, but quickly disguised it by saying there was something in his eye. So I turned and went to pick up a large piece of meat. After selecting what I needed and paying the cashier, we headed back to Bobby's. We drove up and Sam me us outside to help with the groceries. Dean had the potatoes, while Sam carried the rest, bringing them into the kitchen. Dean grabbed the beer and him and Bobby went into the living room to watch a game on the television. Sam remained in the kitchen with me, asking if I wanted his help.

"Yeah that'd be great, since I have no idea where anything is."

"Not a problem, what do you need."

"A frying pan, a large pot and a baking dish."

Sam gathered what I needed while I prepped the meat. Dinner took about an hour and a half to cook. In the end I'd made a butter-herb encrusted prime-rib, with herb mashed potatoes. When I called dinner time, Bobby and Dean came in a flash. Sam had set the table, while I was finishing up the cooking. Bobby and Dean, even Sam, were surprised at what I `d made, and truth be told I was happy that everything came out. I sat down next to Sam while Dean carved the meat. It wasn't long before the sounds of forks and knifes hitting plates, and the occasional mmm made me smile inside and out.

"Damn I haven't had a prime like this before. This is really good." Bobby said

"Thank you."

I never saw Dean take a breath, so I took that as a compliment. Sam on the other hand gave me his praise. "This is amazing Timothy."

I felt Sam grab my hand under the table,

"Thank you Sam."

Dinner went well, we finished our meals and as I began to start the dishes, Bobby told me to stop,

"I want to talk to Timothy, while you guys clean up."

The two nodded as I followed Bobby into the living room, and sat down on the couch. Bobby came over and placed himself across from me. He stared into my eyes for a few seconds,

"Listen I want you to know again that I'm sorry for what happened to you, and I'm glad you are being looked after by the boys. And I want you to know that Sam has really fallen for you. I haven't seen him like this in years, he's been a little down since he had to leave college and come back into the family business. You have put him under a spell and I can see that he has done the same to you. I am happy for the both of you, but I am scared as well."

This surprised me, "What are you scared of?"

"If something should happen to either of you, I see it ending badly."

"Well...I appreciate you're words and understand where you're coming from, but only time will tell how things go."


Moments later the boys came from the kitchen, dishes cleaned, and extra food put away. They all thanked me again for dinner and headed to different parts of the house. Dean went to a spare room, while Bobby said that Sam and I will hand the top floor spare room. He winked at me as turned and left Sam and I. I shook my head as I followed Sam upstairs to a large room with a king size bed.

"This is a nice room."

"Yeah Bobby doesn't use it, he can't really make it upstairs anymore."

"I understand."

I noticed a bathroom, and realized that I needed to relieve myself. I left the door ajar, did my business, and washed my hands. The bathroom had a nice shower and a large tub. As I dried my hands off the desire to take a bath entered into my mind. I turned on the water and filled the tub. The water was flowing nice and hot, bubbles bloomed as I added in soap. After it filled I got undressed and slid in. My head rested on my shoulder when there was a knock at the door,

"It's open."

Sam popped his head inside, "Hey, you want some company? Now that were alone."


I watched as he came all the way in wearing nothing but his smile. I got to see him in all his glory, in the light. Nice, body, good size junk. He had nothing to be ashamed of. As he stepped in, he scooted towards me and dunking his head under. When he arose I saw the lust in his eyes, it was like a shimmer. He came towards me, smashing his lips into mine, wrapping his arms around me. I could feel his prick grow as he ground into me. The intensity, combined with the heat of the water, made a deadly euphoric mixture of ecstasy. His tongue entered in and out of my mouth. He gently let go and slithered around behind me, holding me in his arms. I rested my head on his chest, soon his hand crawled to my semi hard member. I could feel him close to my bud. His placed his lips on my neck, sucking my jugular hard, soon his sucking became playful biting.

"Mmmm don't stop. Please don't stop."

"I won't."

As he continued to stroke me I felt a light headed sensation. The movements began to hectic.

"I'm close Sam, please...I'm close."

"Cum for me Timothy."

We both were panting, and it happened in a moment, it was as if the stars aligned. I could feel myself letting go, my toes curled and I released into the water.

"Mmmm, that was amazing."

I felt myself come back down from my high and when everything went back to normal I lifted out of the water and grabbed a towel. I covered myself, turned towards Sam, who looked confused.

"Come on, your turn."

He unplugged the tub and began to drain the water, walking up to me dripping wet. As he looked down at me,

"I'm all wet. I need a towel."

"Here have mine."

I pulled mine off and handed it to him as I proudly walked my naked self to the bed. I slid in and watched as Sam padded himself dry. The lights were turned off and I soon felt a body slid in next to me.

"I want you Sam, I want you now."

"You sure?"

As he laid on his back I wormed myself between his legs, licking my way up his leg, past his thigh and began sucking on his balls. His dick was full and as I laid back down I turned to my side.

"Take me Sam. Enter me."

I felt him aim his prick at my exposed bud and felt a little pressure.

"It's going to hurt, with no lube."

"It's fine, I want to feel it."

He pushed in and the was a surge of slicing pain. Only after a few moments did he use some of his spit to ease the sting. It felt like hours before he had his entire girth in me. He gave me another moment before he pulled out and pushed back in. It didn't take long before the pain disappeared and was replaced with pleasure. He had his arms wrapped around me pulling me into him. The sensation I felt as Sam hit my prostate felt like an explosion, I tried to speak through the moans.

"Tell me you want me, tell me I'm yours."

"You're mine Timothy and I'm yours. I want to be inside you at all times. No other man can have you. Can you feel me deep inside?"

"Yes, fill my up, give me your love."

Our moans and grunts mixed, there I was riding his prick like a pro. I hoped in that moment that Sam was my one and only. I didn't need anyone else, just him. His thrusting became more powerful, the bed even began to squeak.

"I...hope...Dean and Bobby...c.can't hear us." I said.

"I want them to hear."

We both lightly giggled,

"I'm close to shooting. You want me to pull out?"

"Don't you dare, give me it all."

"Okay here it comes."

He was truthful to his word, I could feel 8 pulses of cum hit deep within my bowels. When he calmed down, still inside me, he spoke.

"How does it feel to no longer be a virgin?"

"It feels like were not going to get any sleep tonight."

"Hey I'm game if you are."

We made love two more times, once right after, and another in the middle of the night.

It was sometime after we finally feel asleep that a vision came to me. A vision that would change who I was.

~Feel free to email me, more to come

Next: Chapter 3

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