Supernatural to Boot

By Timothy Brown

Published on Jan 8, 2014


Disclaimers: This story is fictional and isn't meant to suggest any true sexualities of any of the actors or characters created originally by the WB or the CW network in which this story centers around. The only rights I own is to the characters I make up, not including Sam, Dean, and Castiel.

~Sorry it's been a while, school has been crazy. I hope I still have some fans out there. To the Supernatural fans out there, I'm trying my best to keep some of the stuff as close to the show as possible. Forgive me if I get some things wrong.~

Supernatural To Boot

Chapter 4

My eyes were open but there was nothing there, it was as if I was staring into a deep abyss. I felt Lilith still holding my hand, she led the way through the blackness and opened a door that appeared from the darkness. There was a long hallway where hundreds of people were waiting in line with tags in their hand. We went past them in a rush, listening to the shallow groans and tears of those waiting to enter Hell.

"You're not making me stand in line?"

Lilith let out a slight laugh, "Oh no, father wants to see you immediately."

This left a horrible taste in my mouth, my last meeting with Lucifer didn't go over too well. We finally arrived to the end of the hall, which was the doorway to Hell. We entered and found ourselves in another room lined with doors. This room was a cold white and smelt like an old hospital, a mix of harsh cleaner and stagnant water. I could feel my stomach start to wrench from nausea. At the end of the hall was a burnt door that she opened,

"He's waiting for you."

I walked past her without looking her in the eye, yet I could tell she was smiling. After she shut the door I found myself standing in an office, there was a large desk, with a chair in front of it, and there was someone or something sitting in a tall backed arm chair. I took it upon myself to sit down, scared, sick, and alone. The desk was charred and looked hot to the touch. There was a voice that came from the chair,

"It's been a little while since we last talked. Is your answer still the same?"

"The answer will always be the same, no."

There was a "hmmm" sound than a long pause, and finally the chair began to swivel around. The cracking of the chair was nerve wracking, what was I going to see, what was going to look me in the eyes, I wondered. What was revealed made my chest sting, it was Sam. He was wearing a black suit, looking like he was going to a funeral.

"Impossible." I said in a fearful whisper.

"Is it, I could be him for you. I have his memories, his mannerisms, his laugh, his smile. I even smell like him, here."

At this point he stood up and took a few steps to face me, putting his wrist up to my nose. Apart from a hint of smoke, he smelt exactly like Sam. I heard myself moan as he wrapped his arms around me, rocking me back and forth. The growing erection making itself known.

"See you have the same effect."

This brought tears to my eyes,"Why would you do this to me?"

"Why not? It's interesting watching you, your fear is conflicting with your love for this form. I can smell it, I can smell him on you. Think of it, you help me and I will give you everything, you will reign with me, side by side. I will be in this form forever, you will get what you want, as will I."

There was a sudden surge of anger that filled me, I pushed out of his arms, eyes blinded with hateful tears. I turned my head to face him.

"You are not Sam, do what you want to me but I will never help you. We will both stay down here."

His anger mixed with a sinister smile, "You pathetic slab of meat, you're going to be put through so much pain, you'll beg me to stop. I will paint the inside of the office with your blood, do you understand?"

"Fuck you Lucifer, you'll never see Earth."

"Oh no let me correct you, it will be I who fucks you."

He waved his hand and chains sprung from his desk and latched onto my arms and legs, pulling me towards it. The chains lifted me up in the air and slammed me down, causing my lips to split and bleed. Face down, strapped to the table, Lucifer walks up and whispers in my ear.

"This is your last chance, will you join me?"

I spit my blood in his face, watching the Sam-like Lucifer now covered in my bloody saliva with closed eyes. There was a frown that turned up to a smile on his face, he opened his eyes, which were now pools of liquid black, almost like tar.

"I'm going to enjoy this."

He tore off my clothes, his as well. When he walked out of my line of vision the fear began to settle in. I felt him jump up on the table and kneel over my ass, spreading my cheeks. The air on my exposed bud mixed with the fear. There was nothing, then an instant burn of excruciating pain, it was searing hot, like briquettes being crammed deep inside me. I turned my head to the left and right, screaming in pain. I could feel my skin tearing, but couldn't do anything but lay there and take it. The blinding pain made me get sick, dry heaves only added to the anguish.

"Oh here let me show you what we're doing." A mirror presented itself letting me see Lucifer still posing as Sam, his prick wide around as a 2-liter bottle of soda and as long as a average baseball bat, covered in blood, my blood. I could see my anus torn past my ass.

"Now where were we? Aww yes, right here..."

He thrust back in me, my screams were soon clogged by blood that he was forcing through my mouth. At some point he got tired and crawled off me. I saw him wave his hand and he was cleaned up,

"Now my pet, how did you enjoy that?"

I couldn't speak, but my eyes told him enough.

"Well I'd love to stay here with you and continue our fun, but I've got to go, you know running an underworld keeps one busy. But I'll give you some time to think about my offer, here..."

He waved his and all the pain disappeared as did the chains. I managed to stand up, still processing what just happened. Lucifer came and led me out of his office, to another door. It opened, revealing a brown cloudy blankness.

"Welcome to Alastair's wrack"

As he said this more chains connected to meat hooks flew towards me and dug into my shoulder, side and thigh. Lucifer came up to me as the sting of ripped flesh grew once more,

"I wanted to spare you this agony, but now I just want to see you suffer. Enjoy it, we'll be here for very long time."

That was the last thing he said as he leaned forward and kissed me. This was something that wasn't like Sam. Sam's kisses were gentle, even his hectic ones were pleasurable. This kiss was painful, mixed with blood and left a after taste of gasoline. The chains pulled me into the room, if you could call it a room. I found myself suspended in mid air, screaming into the thunderous clouds.

"Sam...Dean...Castiel, anyone, please help me."

There was nothing but thunder. Nothing but me alone.***

(Sam's POV)

I watched as Timothy's soul was ripped from his body by Lilith, leaving only his body. I reached under him and picked him up. He felt weightless, empty, hollow in my hands as I carried him inside. I looked over towards Bobby and Dean.

"He's gone."

My knees buckled and I fell with Timothy in my arms. Dean came up to my side, placing his fingers on Timothy's throat.

"Sammy there is no heartbeat."

"I lost him."

I stayed there for a few hours, before Bobby and Dean came up and told me that they needed to bury Timothy. The lights in the room got bright and from nothing appeared Castiel. We all looked at him as he looked down at the slumped form on the floor.

"I know you are in pain, but this was a genius plan by Timothy. He was brave, what he did, sacrificing himself for the sake of the world."

This filled me with fury,

"Fuck the world, I want him back. I've given everything for this fucking hell hole and this is how your God rewards me."

Dean spoke, "Sammy calm down."

"No I won't, unless we figure out a way to bring him back, I'm done with all this shit."

Castiel looked into my eyes, "You need to bury him."

This set me off and I lunged at Castiel, punching him in the face. It felt like hitting stone. I could feel my knuckles scream.

"You can't hurt me Sam. Do what I said. There is a plot already drug in the backyard"

At that moment he was gone. I looked over at Dean and Bobby who seemed scared for me. Dean went to pick up the body.

"No I'll carry him out, alone."

"Okay" Dean said, voice a little shaken. I bent down and grabbed the still beautiful form and carried him outside. There was a deep hole in the ground and a head stone, marking the grave. It read, Here Lies The Body of Timothy, Brave Beyond Words. I carried him down and gently put him in the hole.

The first scoop of dirt was the worst. It took me a good hour before it was completely covered. My eyes were filled with tears when I went into Bobby's place. They had a large amount of information of the table, trying to figure out how to retrieve a soul from Hell. I went upstairs and laid down, smelling the blankets which still smelt like him. Crying oneself to sleep hurts the body and heart, but that's what happened. Sometime in the middle of the night I was awoke by the sound of Timothy's scream.

"Timothy, where are you."

There was nothing, the previous events flooded their way into my mind. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, turning the light on. On the desk was his sketchbook. As I reached for it I felt the loneliness settle in. I went through the images, and finally reached his last one, it was the contract that he signed. His exchange for the souls of the Winchesters stared at me.

***The time was flying by, everyday I lost a little more faith. Dean and I tried to find different demons who might know, but got nothing. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into sad months. Bobby and Dean were straining themselves and after the sixth month, I'd lost all hope. A half a year gone and nothing. I'd come to the realization that Timothy was gone and never coming back. Every night I looked over his book, nothing, just a reminder or a great person sacrificed. I sat the book back down and began packing up my stuff, I was finished.

After packing my bag, I went out the back door and headed down the street. I'd been walking for a few minutes when the was a unexpected gust of wind. I turned to see Castiel,

"What the hell do you want?"

"I've come on behalf of the Lord, we ask you not to leave Sam Winchester."

"I told you what was going to happen, we haven't gotten close to finding him. Timothy is gone. And I'm tired of fighting."

"What if I told you that he's not gone."

"I'd call you a liar, and a cruel son of a bitch."

Castiel was a little stunned at my comment. "He's been saved, go back to Bobby's and see for yourself."

Me eyes narrowed, "I warn you angel, if you're trying to prevent me from going and decide to be like your brother and pick up the habit of lying, I will find a way to kill you."

"First of all I don't lie and second of all meat, Lucifer is not my brother."

I turned from him and began to find my way back to Bobby's. I went around back and couldn't believe what I saw. At first it looked like a wounded animal, but as I got closer I realized that it was Timothy, covered in dirt, but trying to move out of the hole. I ran up to him and pulled him out of the pit.

"No no no....don't hurt me. Lucifer stop, it kills me to see you as Sam."

"Timothy it's me, Sam."

There was a moment where I saw a spark of joy, but it soon vanished as he passed out.

***(Timothy's POV)

Time in Hell works differently, a month on Earth is roughly 10 years in Hell. I'd been, cut, torn, ripped, slashed and skinned in ways that I can't even begin to explain. My punishment came to an end when I was laying on a table in front of Lucifer who continued to pose as Sam. He was removing my skin in jagged pieces and showing them to me, before he consumed them. Lucifer had left the room when there was suddenly a bright light and in front of me appeared Castiel.

"Timothy we need to leave, we haven't much time."

He grabbed my hand, pulling me free of my bonds and carried me over his shoulder. We past through dark corridors, past broken and beaten figures. There was a point where my skin began to sizzle and as I cried out in pain, I felt Castiel take flight. I awoke alone, cold, and compressed. When I opened my mouth to speak, it was filled with dirt. I was buried alive.

I'm not sure how long it took me to dig my way out, but when I broke through the top I felt the air on my hands, arms, and face. I breathed in deep and continued to pull myself up, using the soil as a stepping stone. I'd briefly past out, but when I came to I heard his voice. This was just another painful game by Lucifer. He went to pick me up and I was pretrifiyed,

"No no no....don't hurt me. Lucifer stop, it kills me to see you as Sam."

"Timothy it's me, Sam."

That was my last memory until I awoke to the sound of laughter down stairs. I got off the bed and found myself in Bobby's house. "Why Lucifer, stop this." I said to myself. Nothing I did changed the situation. I stood up and saw that I was clean and in a fresh set of clothes. I went to the bathroom, to the mirror and stared at the reflection. I stood there for a while talking to myself,

"Why is this still going on? Why can't they just destroy me? The cutting, the breaking me apart, asking me to help, asking me to become the victimizer. All the rejection, all the no's that I said, the beatings that I received."

This was tearing me apart inside, the torture. Nobody was ever coming to get me. I was finished, but then I thought back to why I did this in the first place, to save the Winchesters. As I turned the light off, found my way out of the bedroom and down the stairs, the laughing was getting closer, I could swear that I heard Bobby talking to Sam, joking with him. When I turned the corner to face them, there was Castiel, Dean, Bobby and finally Sam. I glared at Sam as I felt the resentment building inside me.

"Why are you doing this, why can't you stop pretending to be Sam. He's a good man, stop already.", my voiced echoed, shocking the other figures.

Sam hesitated and motioned with his hand for me to stop,

"Timothy it's me, it's your Sam."

Castiel came up to me and touched my head. There was a light and I finally got a vision of what happened. Castiel grabbed a hold of me and pulled me from the pits of Hell. He put my soul into my decomposed corpse and brought me back to life. When he released my head the torrents of tears fell down as I dropped to the floor.

"Nobody's coming for me."

Castiel gently spoke, "Timothy what you saw was real, I pulled you from Hell. I saved your soul, it just took me a while to pinpoint your location, they kept moving you. Hell is a labyrinth of doors and rooms. We are on Earth and you prevented the coming of Lucifer, your plan worked."

"I hear you Castiel, but I can't bring myself to believe you. Sixty years down there, sixty years of loneliness, of broken bones, sliced skin, and burnt flesh."

Castiel looked at me as I spoke with an expression of sadness, "Timothy you've seen what most will never be able to understand, but the four of us believe and understand you."

"Every time Lucifer came to me he would be disguised as Sam. He knew this would hurt me. He wanted to make sure I was not only broken physically, but mentally as well."

Sam came up to me, but abruptly stopped when he saw the fear in my eyes. I quickly back away and hid behind Castiel,

"Please don't hurt me anymore, please."

Castiel turned and embraced me,

"Timothy we are really here, you are safe."

Sam spoke with a little hesitation, "How can I prove myself to you?"

As he said this an idea entered into my mind. I came from behind Castiel and made my way to face Sam. He looked the same, smelt the same, dressed the same, but there was something that even Lucifer couldn't trick me into believing.

"Can you guys give me and Sam a moment alone please?"

The three looked at each other and briefly hesitated, but decided to grant my request. After Sam and I were alone, I looked deep into his eyes, trying to see any hint of deceit. There was nothing but the warmth I originally fell for.

"Kiss me Sam."


"The only thing that Lucifer couldn't get right is your kiss. Kiss me if you want me to believe you."


He closed the space between us and brushed his thumb over my cheek, leaning forward at the same time. He placed his feathery kiss upon my lips and and then pulled me into him. It startled me, but as he released his hold, the after taste of mint brought happiness to my heart.

"It's you. it's really you."

"Yes Timothy, it's me, you're safe."

A sigh of relief, "you found me."

As the three men came back into the room, immediately I let go of Sam and grasped onto Castiel, I hugged him as tightly as I could, and kissed him on the cheek. I felt the angel wrap his arms around me, completing the embrace. The tears fell to my cheeks,

"Thank you for pulling me free. Thank you Castiel."

"You are most welcome, like I said I only wish I could've found you sooner."

"Better late than never."

After we let go Bobby spoke,

"Kid you played one hell of a dangerous game."

Dean looked a little confused,

"I want to know how does this prevent the apocolypse?"

I answered, "The deal I made was for the Winchesters, this includes you both and your father. This prevents the first seal from being broken, at least for now. I'd never be dumb enough to assume that Lucifer won't find another way out."

The four smiled, Sam stood next to me, "brilliant and beautiful."

Bobby and Dean both said together, "Oh God, here we go."

I turned to Castiel,

"We need to destroy Lilith, she will be the only one who can take me back to hell."

Castiel looked stern, "I agree, she's too dangerous to be left alone."

"Do you know where she's at?"

"The same shitty bar." Dean chimed in.

"Let's go and get this over with."

"Are you sure? We could hold off for a few days." said a concerned Bobby.

"No, I want this settled."

***Castiel nodded and brought Sam, Dean and I to the bar. Dean, Castiel and Sam lead, while I followed, but remained hidden. It was a few nerve wracking moments before I could hear her voice,

"My my my, the Winchester boys and the Archangel Castiel, I'm honored. How's it feel to have your souls boys? What about you Sam, how does it feel knowing where your love toy is? I saw him a few weeks back, broken on the rack, screaming out in pain for you to help him, for you to save him."

"Can it demon.", said Dean.

Sam took a few breaths before he composed himself enough to answer. "You know Lilith, where you're going, you'll never leave, but before you go I want to show you something."

That was my cue, I took a deep breath and made my way next to Sam. The look on her face was priceless.

"How the hell did you escape?"

"Doesn't matter. What does matter is that you failed your father. And you lost my soul."

"How did I fail, we got you, plus we still are going to break the first seal. John Winchester will die and his soul will be ours."

"Now you see, right there. You need to review the contract again."

As I said this, with a wave of her hand, the contract appeared. She was smug, "What, it says you exchange your soul for Sam and Deans."

"No it doesn't, it says I traded my soul for the Winchesters. Dean, Sam what is your fathers last name?" I asked sarcastically.

"Winchester." they said with a smile.

I looked at the now livid Lilith, "I win, you lose."

Her eyes went all white, "I will kill you for this seer."

" won't, not this time."

Sam and Dean pulled out there guns and wounded her. I watched as Dean pulled out his knife and plunged it deep in her chest. Castiel went to her ear and after whispering a spell, she screamed and a large light pulled itself from her body and exploded.

I walked outside and took a deep breath. My head began to ring as a vision came to me. It showed Lilith taking my place on the wrack. I shook my head and waited for the pain to dissipate. Sam reached out and placed his hand on my shoulder, while Dean did the same to the opposite side. I gave both brothers a understanding nod. Castiel came from behind me,

"Heaven and I thank you Timothy for your courage. I will leave you guys, but you should know that you are still needed."

"You're welcome Castiel."

He came up and placed his hand on my chest and brought all of us back to Bobby's.

"Before you leave, can I ask you for a favor?"

He looked at me strangely, "anything."

"Is it possible to give Bobby his legs back?"

"I don't see that being a problem."


In a rush of air he was gone.

"That was pretty nice of you kid", said Dean.

"He deserves it. I wanted to ask Castiel to give you a pretty young thing, with legs for days, but didn't want to push my luck."

The laughter from both Sam and Dean was priceless. I found myself smiling as he patted me on the back,

"Hey you gave me, my bother, and our father our souls with no strings attached. In my book kid anything you ever want or need, just ask."

"Alright, can I call you my brother?"

His eyes slightly widened, "You died for us, that's what family is. You are my brother."

He started to get chocked up, soon after he playfully punched me in my arm before walking in the house. The door closed as I turned to face Sam who seemed a little on edge.

"So where does this leave us?"

"I love you Sam Winchester, with all my heart. I have no regrets."

He let out a breath, "I love you too Timothy, and I thank you for what you did. I can never repay you."

"Yes you can."

He looked perplexed, "how."

"Love me forever, hold me and be mine."


Our embrace caused one of the most intense sensations. There was a light headed feeling that filled me with warmth. I smelt his neck and ear, which I began to gently nibble on. The moan that followed made me chuckle. Sam tightened his embrace,

"Are you sure you want to be doing this?"

"It's been sixty years/six months whatever, that's too long to be away from you. I've had my fare share of pain, now all I want is pleasure."

"I agree, it has been too long.

Sam and I ran in the house to see Dean helping Bobby out of his wheel chair. He had tears in his eyes and after a few minutes he found his footing and was standing tall, holding onto his table.

"Dean told me what you did. Thank you Timothy, thank you for giving me my legs back."

"Not a problem."

"Dean is going to get me walking, give me that cane behind the door would you Dean."

Dean did as he was asked and followed behind Bobby as he made his way towards the outside. He turned and smiled, face full of joy.

"Come on Dean lets go outside. Umm you two going to be okay alone."

"Yeah we'll be fine." I felt my face get warm, I was blushing.

"Ah they're going to get re-acquainted."said Dean with a shit eating grin.

After Bobby and Dean closed the door Sam and I flew up the stairs, into the bedroom, pulling off our clothes. I gave his belt a good tug, it made a slapping sound as it came out of the loops. He pulled my shirt off as I tore his open, popping off a few buttons in the process. He slid off his pants as I let my shorts fall to the floor. We got into bed together, feeling each others bodies. I put my hands behind me head and felt Sam get on top of me running his hands down my sides, licking down my neck.

"Gawd I missed you." said Sam in heavy breaths. He kept whispering "I love you" as he kissed my face.

"Is this real."

He lifted up, "You know it's real." Sam planted a kiss on my lips, which went from gentle, to a little stronger. I could taste his tongue, the mix of his saliva with mine, the minty flavor, the heat from his body on mine made me whimper.

"Am I yours Sam?"

"Yes, you are mine, and I am yours...only yours."

"Good, that's all I needed to hear."

I placed my arms around his back, kissing him, licking up his cheek. I could feel his hard member resting against my stomach, and as I turned my body to the side he stopped me.

"I want to see your face as I enter you."

He lifted up and placed one of my legs on each side of him. As he pulled me closer to him my anus felt like it was salivating, excited for what was to come. He licked his hand and applied the spit to his prick. It wasn't long before he placed the head of his dick at my entrance.

"Are you ready?"

"Mmhmm." I moaned out.

He gently pushed into me, allowing the head to pop. It didn't take him to long before he was completely in me. He leaned down and began kissing me while thrusting in and out at the same time. As he hit my prostate I yelled out,

"Oh gawd."

He kept thrusting into me, with each pass I would inhale his tongue. It felt amazing, this was my Sam. He kept grunting like a beast. This wasn't Lucifer, this was what I missed, what I needed. I breathed in his scent, his sweat mixed with mine. He lifted back up, continuing to fuck me, placing his hands on my chest. I reached over and grabbed a hold of one and brought it to my mouth, sucking on his thumb.

"That's it, keep going."

"I'm close Timothy, I it comes."

He thrust into me one last time and shot his load for all it was worth. I felt like I was being filled with water. He came so much it began leaking out of me. As he pulled out of me he sank to his knees and inhaled my cock. This startled me, in a good way,

"Fuck Sam, I...I"

I couldn't bring myself to form a sentence as the firework sensations were going off. He kept pumping me, using his hand along with his mouth. The pressure was building, I was a volcano ready to erupt. He used his other hand to finger my wet hole. It wasn't long before ot felt as if I was floating,

"I'm cumming Sam."

That was all I managed to say as a river of cum flew out of me. Sam made slurping noises as he drank my nectar down. My head fell back against the pillows and Sam came from between my legs and laid down next to me. His hand was still wet with his cum that he'd pulled from my anus. I brought it to my lips and licked it clean. After I cleared his hand of any evidence I let it fall to my neck. I nuzzled close to him, resting my head on his chest.

I awoke some time later alone in bed. Was it all a dream, was I still in Hell. I called out his name, "Sam....Sam where are you?'

There was panic in my voice, but as I saw him quickly round the corner of the bathroom, still naked I slightly relaxed.

"What's wrong? I'm here."

"I thought it was all a dream. I thought I was still in..."

He hushed me with his finger as he climbed back in bed and held me tight.

"No you're with me in Bobby's house, in bed. You're safe."

I felt my heart begin to beat at a normal pace. Before I past out again I whispered I love you to Sam, who I thought was already asleep.

"I love you too Timothy."

The next morning I woke up still resting my head on Sam. When I lifted up, Sam awoke,

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

"I did. You?'

"With you next to me, of course."

I smirked at his compliment and went to get up. After finding a fresh pair of underwear, I went to slide them up when I heard a wolf whistle.

"Mmm sexy."

"Well thank you."

He pulled back the covers and walked up to me, I couldn't help myself from watching his ball bounce as he walked. He looked down at where I was staring.

"See something you like?'

"Like is an understatement."

We went to go get dressed, as he past me I lightly slapped him on the ass.

"Ooo." said Sam as I found a shirt to put on.

We both emerged from the bedroom, me leading the way, Sam massaging my ass as I walked down the stairs. Dean and Bobby were in the kitchen, Dean sitting, Bobby standing.

"Good morning you guys."

"Good morning to you too. I'm surprised to see you walking normal. We could hear you outside, down the road yesterday."

I instantly felt my face get hot.

"See Booby I knew you'd get him to blush."

We all began to laugh, it was a great feeling. San had his hand on my back, giving me support. I realized at that moment Sam and I were going to be together for a very long time.

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