Supporting our Troops

By Mark Wolf

Published on Jul 24, 2007



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Disclaimer: The following story contains graphic sexual language and actions between adult gay males. If material of this nature offends you,PLEASE do not read any further. Note that you must be of legal age, where you live, to read this story. This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real people or events is purely coincidental.

Supporting Our Troops - 01

As Trevor drove down the freeway towards his hotel, his stomach let out a growl reminding him how long it had been since breakfast. Problems at the airport and a mix up at the car rental agency had added two hours to his overall trip. It was now getting on to 4:30pm and he decided to swing into a drive through before registering at the hotel.

He saw the familiar blue sign on the side of the freeway indicating a parade of junk food places at the next exit. Trevor's mustang convertible turned down a busy street with every well-know fast food place lining each side of the thoroughfare. A giant red and yellow Wendy's sign seemed to be the place to douse his hunger pains and he pulled into the fairly empty parking lot.

The mustang rental he picked up was Trevor's extra splurge for this trip. The company was paying for everything, while he attended the development conference. They even provided a substantial cash advance, so meal and incidentals receipts would not have to be turned in later. Trevor decided that a sportier car would make his drive to the boring conference less agony. So he paid the extra cost for his long two week stay.

As Trevor walked into the restaurant, he was set back by a room full of young, hot military men. It quickly dawned on him that the military base he passed on the freeway was just a short distance away. In fact his hotel was surrounded by two large facilities, one Army and the other Marine. Walking over to one of the few open tables with his super-sized meal. Before he could set his tray down, a young camouflaged Marine sat down at the table. "Sorry" Trevor said continuing to walk by. "Hey, I have no problem sharing the table" the young Marine said brandishing a bright smile. "Thanks" Trevor replied setting his meal across from his new companion. "My name is Rob" the Marine said extending a hand. Trevor shook it noticing the strong firm grip the guy had. "I'm Trevor." "So Trev, what brings you to Tennessee?" Trevor took a sip of his soda before saying "I'm attending the Application Developers Conference over at the Radisson. "Oh a computer geek, huh?" "Yeah" Trevor said turning red from embarrassment and a little anxiety.

Rob looked up from his fries saying "Hey, don't sweat it. You definitely don't look like a geek. Except for maybe the hair, I'd think you were one of us" Rob said pointing to the rest of the room. Trevor assumed that was a compliment but didn't say anything in case it wasn't. To keep the conversation going, Rob asked "So, Trevor. Got any plans for tonight?" Trevor blurted out "No" before really thinking over the question. "Some buddies of mine are heading to a local watering hole in a couple hours. You're welcome to hang with us, if you'd like. I'm sure we local boys could show you a goodtime."

Rob winked at the end of his statement ensuring Trevor knew he was being hit on. He mulled the idea over in his head for a few moments. They guy was hot and no doubt his buddies wouldn't be disappointing either. In truth, his love life had been a little dry the last few weeks and the thought of Rob fucking him all night had his dick screaming hard. But his other head sought a little reason. He didn't know anything about the guy and several marines could easily beat the shit out of him. Yet, Rob seemed to be a genuinely nice guy and he was one of our finest servicing our country. How could an all-American boy like Trevor say no?

"That sounds like it would be fun" Trevor finally said sucking seductively on his milkshake straw. Rob watched as Trevor's tongue skillfully played with the thick drops of chocolate that slid down the length of plastic. He smiled wickedly saying "Oh yeah, we're going to have a great time."

The two finished their meal passing pleasantries between each other with a fair share of sexual innuendos. With a loud slurp, Rob drained his soda and stood up. It was the first time Trevor had a good look at this handsome Marine's body. He was tall, standing at least six and half feet. His broad shoulders and bulging chest was even more impressive now that he was standing. The tight cotton shirt left nothing to the imagination. Rob's muscular torso was setting on a narrow waist that hinted at a similar physique under those bagging pants.

Rob reached for his tray, asking "Hey Trev. You got a pen?" Trevor nodded pulling out his PDA. Rob shook his head. "Geek!" Trevor smiled knowing he was just kidding. "The place is called Gun Shot. It's about two miles from the base on Baxter Ave. There's a neon tank flashing in the window. You can't miss it." Trevor was writing every word. His hand shaking with the thought of a bar full of hunky marines. "Now, don't wimp out on me" Rob said in a commanding voice. "I don't want to go hunt down your ass." Trevor set his PDA down snapping a salute. "Yes sir! But you still might have to hunt my ass down, sir!" "And bag it" Rob said grabbing his crotch to give Trevor a brief glimpse at his package.

The marine's cock expanded in front of Trevor's eyes snaking its way down his camouflaged leg. Trevor licked his lips as Rob picked up his tray chuckling. As Rob walked out the door, two other marines who had been sitting at a nearby table followed him. The group walked over to an extended pickup laughing and slapping each others butts before climbing into the rig. Trevor assumed these were going to be the buddies for tonight's activities. He really wished he didn't have to be at the conference at 8:00am in the morning. He would prefer to make this a long night.

Trevor finished his meal driving directly to the hotel. He checked in, showed, and primped excited about the upcoming evening. He decided to wear jeans tonight instead of his usual cargo pants. The black Diesel jeans were a little small leaving nothing to the imagination. He wanted to make sure his respectable package and perfectly round bubblebutt was displayed for the whole bar to enjoy. A coordinating white muscle shirt completed the "fuck-me" outfit.

As Trevor pulled the tight cotton over his head, the fabric strained itself over his well-defined muscular form. With his shirt finally tucked into his waist, the 23 year old assessed the final product in the full-length mirror. Trevor was a mere 5'8", but it simply accentuated his boyish cuteness that guys seemed to crave. His short blond hair was the only follicles on his body expect for a close trimmed patch above his cock. The rest of his tight compact muscular form was baby smooth. A feature that seemed to draw in a lot of "daddies" from the crowd which Trevor usually preferred anyway.

Trevor turned, slapping his ass in the mirror before heading out the door. The drive down to the bar was short. He got out of the car hearing the rowdiness from within the tavern walls. Apprehension filled his mind, keeping him from moving towards the entrance. Just as his hand reached back to open the car door, it his halted by Rob's big paw. "Chickening out Trev?" Trevor turned saying "Almost" as he nodded towards the loudness of the bar. "Ah, don't worry about those guys. They maybe loud, but their a good group." Rob's words seemed to calm Trevor's fears. The marine's hand moved up to Trevor's shoulders pushing him in the direction of the Gun Shot. "Come on, I want to introduce you to some friends of mine."

The two walked into the bar with Rob's hand occasionally groping Trevor's firm round butt cheek. Trevor smiled to himself knowing how much Rob wanted his ass and the power that gave him over his new marine buddy. They walked over to the counter with Rob yelling at the bartender "Hey Gary. Two cold ones." The hunky barkeep brought over to bottles of beer. Something Trevor would normally shy away from because of the carbs, but tonight who cared. "Hey Rob. See you caught a nice one tonight." Rob smiled back at the bartender before turning to Trevor. "Here's to ya." The marine tipped his bottle back chugging down half the golden brew. Trevor followed Rob's lead only drinking a third of what the marine had swallowed.

"Come on Trev, let me introduce you to some buddies of mine." Trevor was led to a small table in the back corner. As they drew near, Trevor recognized the two marines from Wendys. "Guys, this is Trevor. The hot stud I told you about at lunch. Trevor this is Brad."

A young man, just eighteen, stood from the table to shake Trevor's hand. He was beyond cute with a only a hint of blond hair peaking through his shaved head. His eyes were a seductive ocean blue that seemed to draw Trevor's gaze deeper and deeper into them. As he was becoming lost in Brad's sole, Rob broke in continuing "And this is Big Jim." Opposite Brad, a large man rose slowly from his chair. He was closer to Rob's age early to mid-twenties. The marine was much more massive then the other two with bulging muscles which made him look more like a statue of granite than human. A huge tree branch extended towards Trevor followed by a low masculine voice saying "Hey Trevor. Nice to meet you."

Trevor shook Jim's hand looking the behemoth up and down before saying "I can see why they call you Big Jim." Jim tightened his grip of Trevor's hand pulling the guy closer to him. "That's not why they call me Big Jim." Trevor blushed at the reference causing a snicker from Brad and a hearty slap on the back from Rob. "Sit down, sit down" Rob said easing Trevor into a chair between Brad and Big Jim.

"So Trevor, what brings you to Tennessee?" Jim asked. "Trevor took a large swig of his beer before saying "I'm here for a developers conference." Brad laughed saying "Another computer geek, where do you find these guys Rob." Jim gave his buddy a stern look causing Brad to instantly become quiet. "Don't worry about him Trevor. He hasn't learned much in manners. Fucker barely got himself out of high school." "Hey!" bellowed Brad in defense. Trevor decided to ease things a bit saying "Don't worry Brad, I almost didn't make it out myself. I had to take summer classes so I could graduate and go on to college." Brad straightened up feeling a little more superior than a minute ago.

"So, Brad. How long have you been in the marines?" "About eight months now" the young man said proudly. Rob grabbed Brad's chin shaking his head back and forth while saying "Still we behind the ears, but they guy show promise." Brad pulled away faking rage. Rob rubbed the boy's head bringing a smile to the young marine's face.

The group talked through three more beers. The marines proudly describing their combat experiences and prowess with all types of weapons. Trevor spoke of his domestic adventures such as white water rafting, extreme biking, rock climbing and hang gliding. Though not the same as combat experience, it helped him feel like he established himself among the ranks of men. During their conversation, Big Jim asked abruptly "So, where are you staying Trevor?" "I'm over at the Radisson" he replied understanding Jim's growing impatiens. "Well, let get going boy" Jim said standing looking around at the others to do the same. Rob leaned over to Trevor saying "We just want to get to know you better." Trevor grew a big smile across his face, "I'm looking forward to it."

The group walked outside. Rob got into Trevor's mustang telling Big Jim to follow them in the pickup. On the way to the hotel, Rob spoke to Trevor in a sincere voice "We'll only do what your comfortable doing. We can get a little rough, but its in our nature. So just let us know if things ever cross the line." Rob's words were almost fatherly and instead of instilling fear in the twenty three year old, he felt a great sense of assurance.

The men reached Trevor's room falling through the door like a rowdy football team. Brad fell onto the large king size bed as Jim pulled a bottle of JD from his pants. He took a long drink before Brad leapt from the bed to grab the bottle from Jim's hand. The eighteen year old marine swallowed as much as he could before choking on the spirits. "Pansy ass!" Jim said grabbing the bottle back.

Rob pinned Trevor to the wall saying "I've been waiting all day to do this." Trevor watched Rob's rugged face close in on his. Their eyes drilling deep into each other soles before their lips finally touched. The sensation sent tingles throughout Trevor's whole body. He opened his mouth allowing Rob to invade one of his favorite erotic zones. Trevor surrendered completely to Rob's masterful tongue, letting him explore every inch of his oral cavity.

Their mouths intertwined as the passion seemed to grow out of their control. Trevor's arms encircled the large marine pulling his combat ready body tightly into his own. Eventually, Trevor opened his eyes as his overwhelming ecstasy slowly came under control. He forced his gaze away from his master soldier, looking over at Jim and Brad now stripped naked by the bed. The young marine lay spread eagle on the bed with Big Jim's head buried between the boy's legs. Brad's tight tone chest was heaving up and down in young unbridled lust. The guy could barely speak, but managed "Oh yeah, Jim. Suck me big guy, fuck!" between labored breaths. Jim raised his head from Brad's dick to replenish his air. It afforded Trevor a chance to view the nice seven inches of uncut cock between Brad's legs. Perfect size for the rest of Brad's all-American boy look that he portrayed so well. Jim's large red tongue lathered Brad's balls prompting his hands to Jim's head urging him to go further down. Jim took the hint, lifting Brad's legs high in the air. A firm round butt came into Trevor's view forcing a twinge of jealousy. The young pink pucker begged for Jim's satisfying tongue to assault it. Trevor's view was quickly obstructed as Jim's head dove between Brad's muscular cheeks diving his tongue deep into the boy's waiting fuck hole.

Trevor needed more actions as well. His hands moved to Rob's front rapidly unbuttoning the marine's pants.

As the greens fell to the floor, his fingers felt the heat of Rob's exposed manflesh. Trevor slid to his knees seeing the object of his desire up close. It was an impressive piece of meat, worthy of a combat marine. Well over eight inches of thick uncut cock stood proudly in front of his waiting mouth. Precum glistened over the massive head, pooling at the edge of his heavy foreskin which strained to contain the dark red glands. Trevor extended his tongue lightly lapping at the increasing flow of sweetness.

Rob groaned his appreciation saying "Fucking hell, boy." Trevor tried to restrain his himself but his hunger for Rob's massive organ quickly consumed him. His mouth opened, as if on instinct, allowing his lips to slid further and further down. Rob's cock was only a third way down Trevor's warm soft throat and even with the guy's obvious expertise, struggled as the thickness of Rob's massive organ continued to grow. Trevor pushed himself beyond his comfort zone, his lips straining over the fucking huge width of Rob's massive shaft.

Finally, his nose was buried in Rob's musky dark pubs.

Trevor inhaled deeply as the manly smell worked better than any aphrodisiac ever created. Trevor's tongue began to work of Rob's huge fuck stick licking up, down and around the soft underside. "Oh fuck, Trevor. I just knew you would be one helluvea cocksucker. Shit man, that fells so damn good." Trevor knew his one true talent was sucking dick. But even he was surprised at his agility sucking on Rob's beer can cock. In a few short moments, Rob's hands grabbed Trevor's head holding him tightly as he began forcefully fucking the young man's mouth. "Oh fuck, yeah. Swallow my fucking cock, Trev. Oh Jesus, you sure know how to please a man's dick."

Trevor relished being used by this powerful hunk of marine. The feeling of Rob's hard throbbing cock sliding in and out of his mouth drowned out everything else around him. He was in pure ecstasy wishing Rob's throat fucking would go on forever shoving more and more cock down his gullet. Trevor was so focused on sucking the marine's manhood, he didn't even notice the expert rim job Big Jim was giving him. The large marine managed to pants Trevor during his blowjob and raise his perfect round bubblebutt high in the air. Jim's big tongue drill deep into Trevor's tight hot hole forcing him to moan uncontrollably around Rob's impaled monster.

As the big guy's tongue massaged the inside of Trevor's fuck hole, the young computer geek seemed to lose all sense of reality. His senses were overwhelmed by the intensity of the two marine hunks who were using him for their own carnal pleasures. Just when Trevor thought he couldn't endure much more, the youngest marine slid underneath the cluster of men devouring Trevor's hard aching seven inches. This final sexual assault on his over sensitive body proved to be too much. His cock erupted like a seething volcano pouring hot molten cum into Brad's unsuspecting mouth. The young marine gulped as quickly as he could but Trevor's load was too much for anyone to handle. White salty liquid oozed from the corners of Brad's mouth coating Trevor's hard throbbing member between rapid swallows. Trevor amazed even himself, as his cock continued to pump and pump his manseed with no signs of slowing down. Brad purred between Trevor's legs content to suck like a newborn calf on a never-ending flow of the sweet and salty flavor.

The force of Trevor's orgasm made him suck even harder on Rob's thrusting member. He desperately wanted to taste the same sweet reward that Brad was enjoying from him. His extra efforts did not go unnoticed as Rob could feel the pressure building around his hard stiff organ, knowing his young fag wanted a mouthful badly. He thrust his dick hard into Trevor's mouth speeding himself to one of his most powerful climaxes.

Soon, he buried his long hard shaft down Trevor's throat exploding from deep within his balls to drench the young man with marine salt. Trevor melted into erotic bliss as the first shoot of Rob's pent up manseed splashed against the soft velvet skin of his throat. "Fucking, mother cocksucker!" was all Trevor could catch of Rob's ranting as he came hard down his gullet.

Trevor moaned his appreciation swallowing hard around Rob's dick forcing even more intensity around the marine's orgasm. "Ah, fuck! Ah, fuck!" was all he could say as his balls tried desperately to supply the flow of cum his orgasm seemed to require. Eventually, the flood of cream dwindled to a few precious drops as his massive cock continued to pump like a fire hose. Trevor sucked greedily, as if Rob's staff contained the essence of life itself. The huge head had expanded beyond his throat cutting off any chance of getting renewed air. Even when Rob released Trevor's head, the young man kept sucking down Rob's dick willing to pass out than lose the marine's massive weapon.

Eventually, Rob pulled his softening cock from Trevor's disappointed face. The sensations becoming too much for his member after such an intense orgasm. "Don't worry my little fag buddy. We have all night and you'll get your fill. I guarantee it!" As Rob's words were still ringing in Trevor's ears, his body was lifted effortlessly into the air by the powerful body of Big Jim. The muscle bound marine carried him to the bed like a small child from a sandbox. On the way, Brad happily stripped off Trevor's remaining clothes. The computer geek was naked as the day he as born, but with a body any man would lust after. The youngest marine ran his boyish hand over the smooth hairless skin. "Feels nice man. Feels real fucking nice" Brad said kissing Trevor full on the lips.

As Big Jim laid Trevor face up on the bed, he backed away allowing himself to gaze on the man's defined smooth body. Trevor to the opportunity to fully scan over Jim's massive body. His muscles seemed to grow one on top of another, explaining Jim's unbelievable strength and size. With his eyes trailing downward, Trevor past Jim's hard muscular belly to what could only be described as a tree hanging between his legs. Jim's cock was the largest Trevor had ever seen. It was easily a foot long and as massive as Trevor's forearm. He extended a tentative hand with his eyes bleeding for Jim to let him touch it. Jim chuckled seeing the look of desperation.

"All you faggots look like you died and gone to heaven when you see my meat." Jim lifted his monster cock with a big hand placing it gently into Trevor's eagerly awaiting fingers. He grasped the mighty organ amazed at the heat generated by its skin. His hand glided up and down the log like shaft trying to pull the well stretched foreskin back over the massive mushroom head. There was no way Trevor could even get the head of Jim's cock in his disappointed mouth. So without saying a word, Trevor raised his legs high in the air offering his hot tight hole to Jim's massive python.

Jim chuckled again yelling over to Brad "Bitchboy, lube me up!" Brad jumped over to Jim replacing Trevor's hand with his slobbering tongue. The dutiful marine followed Jim to the end of the bed continuing to apply thick wet saliva to his higher ranking buddy.

"Don't forget to get that sweet hole of Trevor's" Jim said turning Brad's head towards Trevor's exposed muscular ass. "Oh yeah!" Brad said enthusiastically spreading the two round orbs to lick Trevor's tight pink hole. After a few minutes of well performed rimming, the young marine was pulled back onto the floor by Jim's strong hand. "That's good enough" he said moving up to Trevor's butt saying "Don't worry faggot. I'll go nice and slow."

An evil grin stretched across Big Jim making Trevor a little nervous. But the cockwhore wanted that big dick so bad, he didn't care if the muscle bound marine raped him. Jim grabbed Trevor's thighs pulling him easily to the end of the bed. He lifted the young man's legs to his shoulders allowing his heals to hook over the broad expanse of layered muscle. Jim's large strong hands grabbed and squeezed Trevor's irresistible bubblebutt cooing like a love struck high school girl. "Fucking nice ass, faggot. This is going to be a helluvea great fuck."

Jim grabbed his huge cock placing the massive head at the seemly tiny entrance to Trevor's fuck hole. He pushed hard forcing the giant purple head into Trevor's tight pink pussy. "Holy Fuck!" yelled Trevor as his hands came up to push away Big Jim's chest. Jim stood motionless allowing Trevor to adjust to the shock and pain of his massive snake. It would be pain the young man would endure for quite a while as he continued his impalement. "Hey, bitchboy" Jim yelled at Brad. "Help this faggot take his mind off the pain of my fucking cock."

Brad pulled himself off the floor quickly climbing up on the bed. The hot blond stood on his knees over Trevor's pain streaked face. His young white cock hung suspended above Trevor's lips swaying seductively back and forth. Trevor's hand reached up pulling the stiff cut cock down to his open mouth. As Trevor's soft moist lips enclosed around Brad's hard dick, the young marine let out a sigh of erotic pleasure. Neither Jim or Rob would ever suck dick and it was a rare treat to have his own six inches in a warm wet mouth. The experience was all the sweeter as Trevor's cocksucking expertise brought Brad to new ecstasy.

Having a young hot eighteen year old dick pursed between Trevor's lips did much to elevate the anxiety of having his ass torn wide-open. With Brad's dick firmly planted down Trevor's sucking throat, Jim shoved his monster cock ever deeper into the man's tight fuck shute. Trevor's face winced in pain as he groaned around Brad's steel hard rod. As Jim slid inch after inch of cock deep into Trevor's gut, the young computer geek sucked harder and harder on the already panting eighteen year old. With only half of Big Jim's cock shoved up Trevor's ass, Brad exploded hot young boy cream into Trevor's skillful mouth.

Trevor played with Brad, swirling his hot cum around the young marine's shaft before gulping and sucking hard on the eighteen year old's tool. Even though Brad dropped a good sized load down Trevor's throat, the young marine's cock remained steel hard as only a teenage cock can. With Trevor's last gulp of Brad's sweet young cream, he felt his smooth soft butt cheek make contact with Big Jim's inner thigh.

The giant tree branch Jim called his `dick' was finally buried deep into Trevor's bowels. The intense heat off the monster staff seemed to reach far into his belly as Jim began a slow well rehearsed fuck. The big hulk would pulled a few inches of his foot long from Trevor's tight hole and gently slide back in again. This was Jim's way of loosening his luck few bottoms before beginning his normal hard ride. Trevor felt full like never before. He thought he could easily stay joined like this forever perfectly content to keep Big Jim deep inside.

Rob had been looking on in anticipation determined not to be left out of the action. The older marine climbed onto the bed pushing Brad forward. The youngest marine fell into Trevor's crotch just inches away from the ever increasing thrusting of Jim's huge piston. Before he could yell his objection back at Rob, Trevor aimed his hard seven inches at Brad's soft moist lips. Any objections the young marine would have made fled his mind. The eighteen year old engulfed Trevor's smooth cut shaft with whimpering moans of submissive satisfaction.

With Brad occupied, Rob could now concentrate on his true objective. Placed perfectly before him were two white mounds of hard flesh that often provided him and Jim late night relief. Rob buried his face in Brad's smooth hairless crack lathering up the boy's well used hole. Brad slithered around Trevor's hard cock squirming under the tongue assult of his hole. With Rob lifting Brad's ass up in the air to get at the boy's pucker, Trevor took the opportunity to suck down the eighteen year old's hard member. Brad moaned like a small puppy letting Jim's thrusts shove Trevor's hard dick down his throat while his cock enjoyed another skillful blowjob.

Jim's initial slow, gentle fuck had now become the hard, rough assault the marine preferred. As he lunged his monster deep into Trevor's gut, he also jerked the guy's head violently forcing Brad's modest dick fully down Trevor's throat. The group seemed to use Jim's powerful lust to everyone's mutual advantage.

To complete the team orgy, Rob pulled himself upright slipping his hard eight inches into the hot tight hole of the younger marine. The smooth experienced ass stretched easily, very familiar with this particular drill. The well know intruder slid effortlessly to the root causing Rob to gasp out "Yeah, now that's more like it."

Rob began fucking Brad with hard with hard steady strokes matching his pace, as best he could, with Jim's powerful thrusts. Brad's butt pounding shoved the young marine's dick even deeper down Trevor's throat. Even though the boy's dick wasn't long enough to provoke any gag Trevor, it was deep enough to force that extra thick saliva usually reserved for more meaty jobs. The thickness coated Trevor's throat ensuring a long forceful cocksucking.

The four buff muscular bodies were a sight even Chi Chi would drool over. The incredible hulk, Big Jim, was slamming his giant redwood in and out of Trevor so hard, the bed rebounded about a foot from the wall. Rob was enjoying the added difficulties of his ride like trying to stay on a bucking bronco while still pounding Brad's firm round bubblebutt.

These boy's were getting a ride their dicks would not soon forget. Jim's dick thrust so far up Trevor's ass he could almost taste the big guy from inside. Lucky for Trevor, he already had a sweet tasting boy cock filling his mouth. And to ensure Brad's cock stayed hard, the young marine sucked Trevor's seven inches in time with Big Jim's ram rodding.

The four went at it for over an hour, all of them lost in their group ecstasy. Big Jim was the first to break. He shoved his cock so hard into Trevor's ass, the remaining three had to grab onto the wall or each other from being thrown apart. He yelled in a strong low voice "Fuck!!!" as a torrent of hot seasoned soldier cum flooded Trevor's insides. Brad reached around to milk Jim's oversized balls, making sure Trevor received every last drop of Big Jim's manseed.

In typical marine fashion, Rob synchronized with his buddy, blowing a good sized load into Brad's tight fuck hole. "Oorah!" yelled Rob as his cock pumped hot cum into Brad's ass like a well-trained machine. Eventually, the two older marines were spent and dismounted their respective fuck buddies. The younger men continued sucking each other moving themselves into a comfortable 69ing position. "Ah, to be twenty again" Rob said slapping Brad's dripping ass.

Jim and Rob sat at the room's small table swapping drinks from the JD bottle. "Look at them two faggots" Jim said. "You got to admire their obsession with dick." "Yeah, but you know. It sure serves us well enough" Rob replied taking another swallow before handing the bottle over to Jim. Jim laughed "Yeah, it would be pretty dry days with bitch boy around." The busted out laughing, seeming very pleased with themselves, along with being very satisfied.

After another fifteen minutes, Brad couldn't hold out any longer. His dick exploded down Trevor's throat. It was the second time Trevor got to taste the eighteen year old's seed and it seemed even sweeter this time. Not wanting to disappoint his colleague, Trevor let loose his own pent up load, filling Brad's mouth to overflowing. The young marine choked, causing Rob to yelled out "Hey, that's not like the cocksucker we've being training day after day."

Brad sucked Trevor dry before raising his head saying "Will, if you old men would give a guy a decent load once in a while, you might see me choke more often." Trevor started laughing spitting out Brad's now soft member in the process. The two rolled to their sides still laughing aloud. Trevor turned himself around so he could kiss the young marine passionately. Brad moaned softly, not used to tenderness during these fuck sessions.

The two older marines stood up leaning against the wall. "You two nelly boys have one more job to do" Jim said waving his growing cock form side to side. "The computer boy hasn't had a taste of my meat yet." Trevor smiled at Brad who understood his desire like only a fellow cocksucker could. "Go ahead" Brad said.

"Why else would I put up with his shit."

Trevor laughed as he slithered off the bed coming to his knees in front of Big Jim's monster wood. "OK, Trevor. Let's see if you can out do bitch boy cocksucking." As if excepting the challenge, Trevor swallowed Jim's dick stretching his lips over the massive head and down the huge shaft. The thick saliva produced while sucking on Brad, was still prevalent helping Trevor push Jim's mighty python down his throat. After a five minute battle, Trevor's nose finally brushed against Jim's thick black bush. His foot long sausage was stuffed deep down Trevor's tightly stretched throat. His muscles constricted around Jim's shaft causing the big marine to moan loud and uncontrollably.

"Jesus Christ!" Jim yelled in astonishment. "This faggot actually deep throated my fucking cock!" "He is one helluvea cock hound" Rob said stroking Trevor's hair like a faithful Labrador. "I told you he fucking knew what he was doing." Rob looked over at the bed "Hey, bitch boy. Come over here and learn something."

The young marine slid off the bed taking a drink from the bottle of JD. "I've never heard any complaints before" he said in a definite tone. Rob eased off, "Fuck no, boy. You are a fucking great suck. One of the best in my book, but you've got a great teacher here to get even better." Rob grabbed his semi-hard dick waving at the boy, "And I've got something here for you to practice on."

Brad smiled knowing he couldn't resist his buddy's cock even if he wanted to. The eighteen year old marine scrambled to his knees looking over at Trevor who gave him a friendly wink. Brad swallowed six inches of Rob's cock holding the older marine's hips as he tried valiantly to push more down his throat. He could never get more than six inches of any cock.

Trevor pulled his mouth from Big Jim, eliciting a "Wha the fuck?" from the big guy. Trevor turned to Brad saying "When you get to your limit, try swallowing, like his cock was unattached and you could actually eat it." Rob interjected quickly saying "Hey, no eating." Trevor laughed and Brad giggled with Rob's shaft still throbbing in his warm mouth. The young marine had new determiniation in his eyes as he gave the suggestion an honest try. To his surprise, and Rob's amazement, the thick eight inches slide all the way down his throat. After several more practice swallows, Brad was bobbing up and down the full length of Rob's hard manhood. "Holy shit! The bitch boy is fucking deep throating my dick" Rob said nudging Jim in the side with his elbow. "Yeah, yeah. That's fucking great. I'm happy for you." Jim looked down at Trevor asking "Can you get back to servicing me now?"

Trevor gave a mock salute before downing Jim's neglected meat. Jim shook his head. "Fucking faggots. I didn't know I was going on a training mission." Jim's frustration quickly melted away as Trevor's cocksucking expertise brought Jim's monster cock to the edge of climax. The sensations of a warm mouth fully engulfing his cock was something Jim had never been privileged to before. He cooed like a dove extending his olive branch to cocksuckers everywhere. "Oh yeah, faggot. Suck my big fuckstick. Oh baby, your mouth is so fucking sweet. Damn, what a suckjob!"

Trevor knew Jim was getting close, fast. His hand reached up for Jim's egg sized balls, rolling them with his fingers enjoying the sheer weight of those gigantic nuggets. Jim's cock grew even larger, if that was even possible, trapping the massive trunk down Trevor's throat. The big guy's hand held Trevor's head firmly against his muscled body as he exploded one hellevua load into the computer geek's gullet. "Holy fucking shit!" Jim screamed out. Trevor continued playing with Jim's oversized balls increasing the big man's organism until the hunky marine's cock was shooting nothing but blanks.

Trevor sucked hard, grabbing the big marine's chiseled ass holding him tight against his mouth and buried down his throat. Jim was panting able to breath as his oversensitive cock kept throbbing and throbbing trying to continue its climax. `Enough, please enough!" Jim squeaked out between labored breadths. Just when Jim was on the verge of passing out, Trevor released his hold on the flexing mounds of flesh allowing Jim's thick swollen member to slip from his mouth.

Jim collapsed to his knees falling back against the wall. "Holy fuck, you can really fucking suck!" The large marine leaned forward grabbing Trevor hugging the young man like a beloved teddy bear. Trevor enjoyed the moment, inhaling Jim's sweat covered body while obsessively stroking the man's soft heavy manhood. Jim's hand slid down Trevor's back lightly massaging it as he headed south to Trevor's firm round cheeks. The big marine groped the perfect round globes while Trevor did the same to Jim's cock.

"Jesus, you fucking faggots can never get enough cock" Jim said lightly fingering Trevor's pink pucker. "And you butt fuckers can't seem to keep your hands off my ass" Trevor responded laughing. Jim broke out laughing as well slapping Trevor's butt before releasing his hold. `True enough, faggot. True enough. But for now, why don't you help bitch boy finish off Rob. It's getting late and we need to get back."

Trevor looked over impressed how easily Brad was now sucking down all of Rob's thick uncut eight inches. His skillfulness was keeping Rob right on the edge but not letting him climax. Trevor maneuvered himself between the wall and Rob's muscular ass. He playfully nibbled at the hard tanned globes before spreading the solid cheeks wide. The dark brown pucker had never been licked before and as Trevor's tongue flicked over the virgin bud, Rob let out a thankful moan rather than an objection.

Encouraged, Trevor dove his tongue deep into the brown hole forcing an "Oh, shit!" from Rob's panting lips. The older marine brought his hands up to Brad's head ready to face fuck his marine buddy like so many times before. But Trevor pulled his arms down making him spread his ass cheeks so Trevor could get in and work his magic.

The session continued several more minutes until Rob's whole body climaxed under the dual assault. The marine could only manage a loud grunt as any breath he had was needed to keep him from passing out from exertion. Rob passed more energy through this organism then even a twelve mile run with his unit. As Brad sucked the remaining drops from Rob's well spent rod, the older marine slid down the wall, landing on the floor next to his well satisfied buddy.

Jim's hand came up to Rob's shoulder saying "Well, we're tapped for the night." Rob laughed nodding his head replying "For the week!"

Brad leaned over to Trevor saying quietly "Thanks" before kissing his new teacher. The thank you kiss quickly grew to a passionate exchange between the two.

Rob slowly rose to his feet saying "Well, Jim. I think it's time to take our old, well satisfied, military cocks back to base." Jim followed his buddy's lead. "Yeah, my balls have been well-drained for one night." Brad broke his kiss with Trevor saying "OK, OK. I'm getting up."

As the eighteen year old started to rise from the floor, Big Jim pushed him back down. He turned to Rob saying "Hey Sarg, isn't bitch boy due for a day pass?"

Rob smiled back "Why Corporal, I believe your right. Bitch Boy, you're on leave as of 6pm this evening. Enjoy your 24 hour pass." Rob's hand mussed up the young man's blond hair "Play nice." Brad smiled, saluting before saying "Yes sir." Rob snapped a quick salute back before the eighteen year old dove back down onto Trevor's waiting cock. "I'll enjoy his leave too, sir!" Trevor said saluting the dressing marines.

With their boots finally tied, Rob stood up noting Brad and Trevor had moved onto the bed in a typical 69 position. He reached over slapping Trevor's perfect bubblebutt saying "Make sure you get private bitch boy back by 6pm." Trevor pulled himself off the eighteen year old cock long enough to say "You can count on me, sir." Rob laughed pushing Jim out the hotel room door. "There's nothing like fucking faggots, man" Jim said chuckling softly. Both Brad and Trevor waving Good-bye, releasing one another from their sucking mouths.

With his marine buddies gone, Brad seemed more relaxed. While holding Trevor's dick, he said "This is nice. I never get a chance to be with someone besides Sarg and Jim." Trevor let the young marine's hard dick slip between his lips. Neither of them were interested in getting off. They were simply enjoying the feeling of a cock in their mouths as only true cocksuckers can. "I'm glad you could stay" Trevor said turning around to be face-to-face with his new companion. Looking into Trevor's dark blue eyes, he asked "How did you learn to suck dick like that?" "How did you? I saw Rob's cock buried in your face." Brad smiled at the complement before adding "But Big Jim. His cock is thirteen inches. I've measured it several times. And the fuckers is as big around as my arm. I could never down him like you!"

Trevor sat up with Brad following. "The only way to deep throat a monster like that is desire and practice. I know you have the chance to practice. You lucky fucker." Brad turned red. "You just need to channel your desire and it will happen." Brad nodded silently still unsure. Finally he said "Why is such a prize dick attached to such an asshole!" Trevor laughed patting Brad's head. "Nothing worth having comes to us easily, occupational hazard my friend." The two laughed before laying down on the bed. Exhaustion soon overwhelmed them both and they were soon asleep with Brad spooning up against Trevor's muscular butt.


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