
Published on Dec 4, 2015


Surprise By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

Elizabeth left me after 25 years of marriage. Everyone was shocked except for me. She had been more distant and when our last son left for college, she left too. She married a friend from work

Elizabeth was a high maintenance person and I was a bit lost. I didn't really miss her, but she had occupied my time. I was fifty years old and realized that I was well beyond the normal sell by date. I had a good job but didn't make big bucks. I ran into an old high school friend Donnie at the local hardware store. We talked about old times and had a cup of coffee next door.

"Bruce, we used to have some fun, didn't we?" he said. I realized he was taking about the sexual experimentation we had years earlier.

"We sure did," I said.

"Are you still interested?" he asked under his breath. I nodded. It turned out that he had some pals he still played with. He told me he was having a little party that weekend at his hunting camp. I said I might attend.

That night he called me at home. He gave me more details about the party. The party was to be all male and sexual in character. I told him I was not interested. The next day I called him back and told him that on thinking about it, I was interested. Donnie seemed pleased.

On Saturday afternoon, I drove out to his place. It seemed more out of the way than I remembered it. It was also much more over grown. Donny met me at the door and introduced me to the other guests. Tommy Malloy was a town policeman, Johnny Jones was a volunteer firefighter and ran an electrical repair business. I did not know the other men Henry, Jeff and Wally. They were all middle-aged men except for Johnny and Wally.

The party was more sexual than I had thought. The men began to strip. I was uneasy about that, but I stripped too. I was much more uneasy when Tommy began to suck my cock. After a short while, I relaxed. Tommy was beefy gorilla of a man and good sucker; I liked it. We traded places. I did not want to do that, but Tommy had been good and I did not want to insult him.

I was shocked at how much I liked it. Tommy had a nice, thick organ that oozed precum. I remembered that from playing with Donnie as a kid. I did not remember it as being as exciting as Tommy's cock drool. If the first rule of true wisdom is to know oneself, I had badly missed the boat. I enjoyed sucking and hadn't remembered how good it had been. I had thought it was just a passing fancy, not a preview of coming attractions.

Tommy told me he was close and needed to hold back until later in the party. We broke apart, but Wally took his place. Wally was about thirty, tall and beefy. He looked like a football linebacker. He was a real estate broker who played the organ at the Episcopal Church. I realized then that every man at the party was willing and interested.

I had not thought of sex as being a recreational activity. I knew I could do it, but it had been a while. Elizabeth was a good Catholic and had not been into Birth Control. She loved the kids, but in her view, sex was an unavoidable evil. In some ways, I was a necessary evil too. She did not dislike me, but I had been available and met her requirements.

Wally's cock was thicker and much longer than Tommy's was. I remembered that Donnie was a big boy. Wally was bigger and much more demonstrative. Donnie had tended to be the strong silent type. Wally clearly loved it. He too was a good cocksucker and we traded positions several times. He asked if I liked to fuck. I said I did not know.

"Well, you will have a chance to find out later," he said. "I know I'm big. Not everyone can take it."

"Somehow I think I might like that," I said. Where that comment came from I have no idea. I was a bit shocked I had said it. Donnie and Jeff joined us. I had no idea you could enjoy anything so much. They enjoyed it too. It was just men having a good time with no strings and no complications.

I thought I would not know what to do, but I fit in well. I also discovered that whenever I was in doubt, sucking did the trick. I saw Tommy with Jeff and Henry and realized Tommy had the same approach. When the cluster of men broke apart and we talked. I asked how the group had got together.

"Well, Donny is the spark plug," Johnny said, "He likes to play and he has a place. The rest of us have joined in. You have noticed that no one is shy?" I nodded. He continued, "I like that part of our get-togethers." Johnny was a young man and did well in his business.

"How did you find out about this get-together?" I asked.

"Tommy is an old friend of my folks; he is Donny's pal. I did some yard work for him and I was soaked in a downpour. Tommy sent me to the shower to warm up. He showered after me and I saw him naked and one thing led to another," he said. "I hadn't seen a naked older man before and I liked what I saw."

"Did he make a pass at you?" I asked.

"Shit, I made the pass at him!" Johnny said. "I had to work to get him to do more. I think he was afraid he might break me. I wanted to know more and to do more. I thought he was an old guy when I first met them, but I got use to that. He was more experienced than I am, and he had a lot to teach me. He is a good guy."

"Did he teach you a lot about sex?" I asked. Johnny smiled.

"He sure did, but it was more than that. Being gay embarrassed me. Tommy is a man's man. I saw it was okay," he said. "I thought I was the only one. He really likes man sex and that was good for me. I had done a little, but I felt so guilty about it I could not enjoy it. With Tommy, I forgot to be guilty. Coming here was good too. Everyone was ready, willing and able. They were also hot for my bod. I was like a kid in a candy store."

"Did you sample the candy?" I asked.

He laughed again. "I sure did, and I gave away free samples!" he answered. He leaned close to me and whispered, "I like it in the ass and these guys were really helpful. They did not think it was odd and they took their time breaking me in."

As if to emphasize that point, Donny had been making something in the corner of the room. That something turned out to be a sling. A little later, Johnny was in it and the men took turns. He both loved it and was vocal about how much he liked it. The party began to wind down and I went home.

Donnie called me the next morning. "I was hoping you were not suffering from a sexual hangover," he said. "Some people have a problem with parties."

"No problem here," I said. "I had a good time. It was wilder that I guessed. I was also much more comfortable than I would have thought. They were nice guys."

"Some men have trouble getting naked," he said.

"I got used to that quite quickly," I replied. "The fucking was unexpected."

"Were you shocked?" he asked.

"Not exactly shocked, I have never been fucked, so I felt a bit out of it." I replied. "I didn't know the expectations."

"If you want a nice introduction to anal sex, I would be glad to help you out," he said. I laughed. "That is a genuine offer not an invitation to lust," he added. "Do you remember Mr. Collins, the guy who ran the five and dime? He gave me lessons after work one summer. He opened me up nice and slow. I joined the army that fall and the Master Sergeant was not gentle. I appreciated Mr. Collins. When I came home from the army I thanked him."

"He was that good?" I asked.

Donnie nodded. "He shot off in me for the first time when I was back. It was good. I could feel him squirting." I said I thought he was a bit big for a first try. Donnie told me he could find a helper. We talked a little longer and I had to get to work. I called him back that night and told him I might like a few lessons.

A few days later, Donnie called me and asked me over to watch a game and have a few beers. He knew I was not interested in Basketball so I assumed he had other plans. I agreed to come over. When I got to his house, he introduced me to his buddies, Sean and Fergus O'Malley. They were a few years behind me in High School and I remembered them as wrestling stars. Of course, I knew them as remarkably identical twins.

Donnie had a rec room in the basement; I guess you might call it a man cave. We went there.

"I hope you don't mind but I am horny as shit!" Sean said. "I don't want to offend you Bruce, but I think being direct is the best policy. Donnie told us you wanted to get fucked."

"Let's get naked and see what happens," I said. They were already stripping. Sean and Fergus were scrawny, quite hairy men. Both sported long thin snakes. Donnie was beefy and hairy, with a long, thick cock.

"Donnie told us you were new to the scene," Fergus said. "We don't get many new pals, so this is a treat for us. Donnie told us to take it slow and easy." Fergus dropped to his knees and began to suck me. Sean took care of Donnie.

"I figured it was best to be direct and avoid all that confused experimentation," Donnie said. "Sean and Fergus are good sports and lord knows willing." The willing part I soon knew since Fergus was a first rate sucker. It did not seem he was doing much, but whatever he did worked.

As in the party, we knew it was all for fun, not for romance, but there was lots of lust. I relaxed and we got on the bed. Over the next hour he rimmed, and then fingered me, and eventually he eased his cock into my ass. By the time he entered me, I felt he deserved it he had worked so hard. It was painless, but it felt good too. Sean joined in. They had matching cocks so they could switch when one was too close to shooting. I liked the multiple times they re-entered. It became easier each time. Both men shot off.

Donnie came over and worked his thick tool into me.

I had not realized that fucking could be so varied, depending on the man and his cock. Donnie was big, thick and long. The sexual sensations were intense and pleasurable. Donnie surprised me; I had not expected it to be so totally absorbing. It had been good with Sean and Fergus. This was spectacular. Donnie clearly liked the top and was wildly enthusiastic. Neither of us had anticipated the intensity. It was almost embarrassing. We were old friends going at it like dogs in heat.

My cum slicked rectum was shrink-wrapped to Donnie's cock and every movement was pleasurable. His thick tool rubbed my prostate. That was like sexual electric shocks. We fucked for almost ten minutes and then he began to shoot. I could feel him twitch and that pulled my trigger and my balls drained we both climaxed. He pulled out and I felt empty.

Fergus reentered me. "Sorry about this Bruce, but I love a cum filled hole," he said. "You are so juicy and tight. It is fucking drooling from your hole."

I managed to whisper, "It is fine."

We had been at it for a few minutes when Sean entered me before Fergus pulled out. It was exciting for me to have two cocks in my ass, but it was more exciting for them. They loved rubbing their cocks together in the tight confines of my sperm lubricated ass. To say they loved it may understate the case. They got off quickly, flooding my ass with sperm. They pulled out after they climaxed.

The boy had never shared an ass at the same time before. It was a total success for them and for me. They dressed and went home, exhausted and happy.

"How long have you known them?" I asked. "They were nice guys."

"I met them through Tommy. They are always game and enthusiastic," he said. "Sex with them is always steamy, creamy and sticky. I was afraid it might be too much for you. Some men like neater sex with better looking guys," he said. He was fingering my ass hole. "Damn you are open!" he had four finger in me rubbing my prostate. "They liked sharing your hole a lot. Did you notice?" he asked. I nodded.

"You seemed to like it too," I said.

"I sure did," Donnie replied. "I didn't expect to that as much as I did. You liked it too?"

"You caught me off guard; I loved it," I said.

He slid his oversized tool into me again. "Sometimes after really good sex my cock gets cold and needs a warm place to stay, he said. "Are you okay with that?" I nodded. Technically, I was being fucked, but it was so casual, it seemed like a friendly gesture. "I love doing this," he said. I love doing you."

"Are you going to shoot off again?" I asked.

"I'm not much of a romantic person, but sometimes my cock gets inspired," he said. "It is happy now and you know how a happy cock expresses affection." Donnie was just quietly pulsing when I felt him shooting. He moaned. "Damn I love this," he said.

"I love it too," I said.

Three weeks later, he asked to another party. "The twins will be there, do you mind?" he asked. I said that was fine.

"Will it be the same men otherwise?" I asked.

"They will be there with a few others. Do you remember when I said some men like it steamy, creamy and sticky? The new men are nice but like sex a bit wilder," Donnie said. "I have a strong feeling you will like them a lot."

"I don't know if I am the creamy and sticky type," I said.

"Bruce, let me level with you," he said. "Some people think that sex is dirty. It isn't, but I can be messy. You are the first new bottom we have had in years. The men will be enthusiastic, but they won't like it as much as you do. I saw you react to the Twins and me. You are a natural. It took me a while to admit to myself that I liked what I liked. The sex got better when I did that." We talked a little longer and I ended up going to the party.

I knew what to expect at the second party and was more relaxed. There were about twelve people there. Three were new to me, Billy Smith, Troy Demont and Conrad DeVilla. Billy was a good-ol' boy, Troy was an auto mechanic and Conrad owned a restaurant. I may have mentioned the men at the earlier party had not been shy. Billy, Troy and Conrad had no interest in restraint at all. They liked sex and wanted it as soon as possible. They were aggressive wild men, but not quite crazy.

They enjoyed sex and their sense of enjoyment spread to the other men in the group. The wild sex could have been a problem, but they were friendly men, and politely considerate of their playmates' desires.

Billy came over to me. He was a big solid man with white hair and a Kenny Rogers' type beard. "I guess you know this is a playful group?" he said. To emphasize that point he fondled my cock.

I nodded. "You seem to be the friendly type," I said.

"I am really versatile. "I bottom; I top; I will do it sideways or inside out if there is a chance I can get off," he said.

"What chance is there that you will get off?" I asked.

Billy laughed, "Damn good!" he said. I can take your cream or deliver mine to wherever you want it." He laughed again dropping to his knees and swallowing my entire cock. It must have been deep down his throat since his tongue was working the base of my shaft. He pulled off and got up. "Your juices are already flowing! I like that," he said. "My ass is lubricated; take a poke if you feel like it."

"Then you would expect to fuck me," I said. Conrad came over to us. He was an exceptionally hairy Italian; he had overhead the conversation.

"For Billy, a hot fuck is the equivalent of a handshake. He has a good cock for fucking, just the right size," Conrad said, "Mine is an ass stretcher. Not everyone likes it, but I do get some repeat customers. Most of them are here."

"He eats a lot of Italian food. It flavors his cum!" Billy said.

"You are telling our new friend more than he needs to know!" Conrad said. "Why don't you, bend over and open wide?" Billy obeyed Conrad's request. A second later, his cock was buried in Billy's ass.

"Do I still have the knack, Billy?" Conrad asked.

"You sure do!" he replied. "I was smooth as silk. That butt plug of yours works my prostate like no other. " He looked at me. "Conrad is an old pal. He's eventually going to get in your ass. You might as well let him in, it is inevitable."

At that point, Donnie and Wally came over to me. They wanted me to take the seat of honor. The seat of honor turned out to be the sling. It was an informal sex club, but they had an initiation ritual. Against my better judgement, I went to the sling. They strapped me in. I felt totally exposed.

An hour later, every man there had been in my ass and I felt warm and happy. While thy all had a poke, most of them had sucked me and a few had taken a seat on my cock. Fergus sat on my cock facing Sean who was fucking me. Sean shot off and Wally took his place. He went a little crazy, enjoying Sean's special sauce in my ass as he made out with Fergus. Wally was thick and long and his deep thrusts must have forced me further into Fergus's rear. I wondered if Wally was romantically attached to Fergus. My cock was the connection between them and I was feeling a bit romantic. I shot off as Wally popped. Fergus got up and let Wally complete his orgasm in him. Sean was sucking Tommy and apparently liked the taste of cop cum.

I got out of the sling and Troy took my place.

Next: Chapter 2

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