Surprise Date, TG Story

By Joyce Devries

Published on May 18, 2001




A date with a Man Secretly Set Up By My Spouse.

By Joyce Devries,

March 2000

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will never forget, a date secretly set up by my spouse and one I will never forget. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, but this was my interesting adventure of all.

To set this story up, my spouse and I have been married for 10 years, that is the ceremony when I was in a Wedding dress and she in the tux. We have been girlfriends for over 13 and have done everything together as girls from time to time. She has always know my strong desire to be the perfect woman when we go out together and has commented many times, "if you wear a skirt that short, I better get used to the attention", and knew my love for teasing the boys. One thing is that even though I have had many dates with men in the past, they were all behind her back, they were disguised as "parties" and such. However in December of 1999, that was all about to change.

I had been emailing John, for over a year or so, he lived in a nearby town and was a huge TV admirer and we chatted back and forth via email, and ICQ and we got to know each other really well. John was 43, a very successful businessman and was recently divorced, we had always chatted about our desire to have a "dream date" together, but my with life changing on the home front, that possibility was getting bleaker and bleaker.

He sent me several pictures and was very handsome, sort of looked like John Seleck, and most of all, like me was a non-smoker!. Around November of 1999, my spouse got her own personal email account on the PC at home, and from time to time I would send her an email about this and that. In December 1999 something happened that I will describe a little later that made the event in March to come about.

My spouse and I got together as girlfriends when we could, which was about once a month or so, when we had the house to ourselves. On those occasions, I would always insist that we get all dressed up, you know, little black dress, fancy jewelry, special makeup/perfume and of course high heels, enjoying the evening dining by candlelight. On occasion, my spouse and I would get all dressed up and head to a fancy restaurant and enjoy a romantic evening out on a Saturday night (my ultimate favorite times, but something was missing).

One Saturday in March was no different, we had the house to ourselves and we decided to do what we always did and pick out each others outfits for the evening. Typically this would involve either one of us going into each others closets, pulling out the special dress and heels for the evening and leaving makeup and lingerie to each others discretion. However, this evening started out a little different, for one, my spouse wanted to have us ready by 5pm, we normally got together a couple hours later. Also, instead of leaving my dress out in my special room, she sent me an email, and this is a direct copy of what it said:

My Dear Joyce,

Sorry I was not able to find the dress I want you to wear this evening, but I want you in your short, off the shoulder, hunter green velvet dress, you know, the one with the scalloped top?. Also, your 4 1/2" black patent pumps, I could not find those as well. Oh yes, and the sparkly green necklace and matching earrings and bracelet.

I know we normally don't do this, but wear your black lace bustier with it, the one with the garters attached, as well as the matching black lace panties and ultra sheer black stockings.

Take your time with your makeup, I want to see if you can outdo me this evening, and wear lots of Obsession perfume.

The email struck me as odd, but was excited that she was taking such an interest in my appearance, especially the lingerie, which she normally does not. So the big day arrived and I grabbed all of the things together to make my look perfect. Then headed to my spouses special room and grabbed a little black lace over satin dress, and her 4" black patent heels and some sparkly earrings and necklace, I left it out on the bed for her.

It was 3:30pm and we started getting ready, myself in my special room and my spouse in hers, the next time we would meet, we would be both dressed to the nines. I was really excited when I grabbed the fist piece of lingerie, which actually was my rubber vagina and put my "clit" well back and out of the way, leaving me with a realistic looking vagina. This one was one that I got as a "Christmas present" for myself and had a special pocket that allowed for penetration, which I used dildos to play with allot, it was and still is very stimulating.

Next was my favorite black lacy bustier, after slipping that on, I carefully slid on each stocking, they were 10 denier and very easy to snag and cause a run, but I managed to snap the 4 garters in place without any problems. Next my matching black lace panties and as I stared at myself in the mirror I couldn't believe how well the rubber vagina made my crotch look, pretty and feminine. I slipped into a satin makeup coat and headed to the mirror to put on my makeup.

Makeup application for this evening was going to be special as my spouse had challenged me to do better than her. Firstly, my eyeliner was thick, but not too thick, just right for the low light conditions of candlelight. Next, my eyeshadow, I decided on a mauve colour, and it was perfect, my blush was a little darker than daytime wear but not that dark, mascara was applied thick and heavy. My lipstick however, was a deep reddish/pink, it screamed passionate, but at the same time was a little subdued.

I finished my look off with all of the jewelry my spouse had talked about, a very pretty and elegant sparkly necklace, a matching bracelet and earrings. I put on a gold anklet on my right foot and then took my Obsession perfume and doused my body in it, from my wrists, to my neck, to my pussy, to my earlobes, just as my spouse had asked.

Now it was time for the dress, and I grabbed it off the hanger and successfully managed to get the zipper and snap done up. I looked at myself in the mirror and to say I was pleased was an understatement. I thought "this is best I have looked in years", and even so, I have not even got my heels on yet!. I checked the clock and noted that I had 20 minutes to finish up, and the only thing I had remaining was my nails to do.

I sat down and carefully applied nail polish that matched my lipstick and with my nails grown nice and long, they looked perfect. I then slipped into my heels and waited for the customary knock on the door for my spouse to tell me it was time to get together for our evening. Eventually I heard movement upstairs and knew that she was getting ready to come and get me from my special room to start the evening. I waited to hear the click of her heels on the floor upstairs, but time passed and it was after 5, and I still did not hear them. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door to my special room and my spouse call my name saying it was time.

When I opened the door, my spouse was standing there in a sweatshirt and sweatpants, I was stunned, she was not wearing the dress I left out, and why was she not ready?. I expected her to tell me that she was sick or something, but she just smiled, grabbed my hand and lead me to the family room and she sat on the couch. I was speechless and did not know what to say. She then said, "my Joyce you have outdone yourself this evening, turn around and let me see your complete look", which I did and then she asked me to sit down beside her. She grabbed both my hands and what seemed like a rehearsed speech, told me something like this:

"Joyce, you accidentally sent me an email a few months ago, so I took the liberty of setting something up you might like".

She squeezed my hands and just smiled, I asked what she was talking about and why she was not dressed up, and all she did was smile back at me. We must have stared at each other for about 2 minutes and suddenly there was a knock at the outside downstairs door, I was startled when it happened, but my spouse just squeezed my hands harder and said, "I believe that is for you". I had no clue what was going on and was frozen, she looked at me deep in the eyes and said, "go on girl, you don't want to keep your date waiting at the door".

I was floored, and for a second had no clue what she was talking about, she then helped me up and pushed me towards the door. I walked to the door and opened it and there he was, John, dressed in a black suit, blue tie and he looked fantastic, I was in awe and barely heard him introduce himself, or telling me how good I looked. I invited him in and he handed me a dozen red roses, I must have turned 18 shades of red. I grabbed the flowers and he came close and gave me a peck on the cheek and whispered in my ear, that he had waited for this moment for a long time. Suddenly it donned on me, MY SPOUSE HAD SET ME UP WITH JOHN!. He gently grabbed my left hand and produced a beautiful corsage and slid it on my wrist. I was still awe struck and was just beginning to realize what was going on when my spouse came to the door with my black fake faux coat and my patent clutch purse. She then said, "what beautiful flowers Joyce, and a lovely corsage, I hope you 'thanked' John properly for those". I looked back at her with confusion on my face and she just smiled and made a "kissing" motion with her lips. I looked back and John and he was smiling as well. I thought, "what the heck" and leaned over to John and gave him a light kiss on the lips and thanked him.

John grabbed the coat from my spouse and as she handed me the purse, and grabbed the roses, whispered in my ear, "Have fun this evening Joyce, don't worry about what time to come home". John then slipped my coat over my shoulders and said that it was time to go and that we have to leave or we would be late. As John took my hand, and we started out the door, my spouse chimed, "have fun this evening kids". John then was the perfect gentleman and opened the passenger door of his car and I slid in, and what a car it was, a brand new BMW with all leather interior. We pulled out of the driveway and I asked him where we were going, and all he would say is it was a surprise. As he drove he reached over and we held hands. John went on to explain that I had accidentally copied my spouse on an email back in December of 1999 and that she contacted him directly and the two of them set the whole thing up. I just smiled and knew the whole evening was going to be special. We both agreed that this was the date of a lifetime for the both of us, and the fact that my spouse had set it up, made it even more special for me. I opened my clutch purse as John drove and noticed my spouse had packed my lipstick, some blush, Obsession perfume, a comb and $20.

John and I made idle chat as he drove, but he still could not tell me where we were going. John was driving us East towards the city of Toronto and pulled off the highway and started heading North on a street that I was familiar with. With the both of us all dressed up, I tried to think of establishments that we would be suited for the way were dressed and I could not think of any. Then I saw it, the sign for Stage West, and started hoping and praying this is were our evening date was going to be, as I love that place so much.

A bit of background on Stage West, it is a dinner theatre with a hotel attached to it. The theatre is spectacular, the ambiance is perfectly romantic and my spouse and I have been there several times as girlfriends, dressed to the nines. The theatre features booths and tables in a tiered environment, so that you can dine and enjoy the show, dinner is a buffet. Most people get dressed up for the Saturday night performance, some go all out and others not so much, so pretty well anything goes, except for jeans. Typically my spouse and I would buy a package that includes the dinner, the hotel room and then breakfast the next morning.

My prayers were answered, John pulled into the parking lot of the theatre and dropped me off at the front entrance and went and parked the car. As he came back, I gave him a bug hug and a deep kiss on the lips thanking him. We got some stares, but I did not care, I was so happy I was on cloud nine!. John took my hand and we had to walk through the theatre portion to the hotel portion to check my coat and pick up our tickets. I smiled as we walked along the marble floor, with my heels clicking, passing all of the other women dressed up for the evening. John slipped my coat off my shoulders and checked it in for me, as well, he picked up the tickets, then grabbed my hand and we were off to the theatre!.

The hostess lead us to our table, which John had arranged as a large booth with just the two of us. As we slid in, John gave me a long kiss and told me that my spouse knew how much I liked these booths, and she was right. Our waitress came by for drink orders and I ordered a white wine and John a beer. She told us whenever we were ready for the buffet just to go up. John waited while I converted by clutch purse to a normal purse by pulling out the strap and we were off. I lead the way, and after loading up our plates were back at the table, enjoying the ambiance and dinner. It was really nice having the whole booth to ourselves. John was really impressed with the whole atmosphere and how he could never have imagined how it looked when he spoke with my spouse about it. I wondered to myself how much John and my spouse talked and started to get a little jealous, but managed to forget about it and I started people watching. I certainly was not the only woman in the theatre to get all dressed up, I saw several women with some lovely and sexy outfits on, and a couple with heels just as high as mine!.

The announcement came that the show was going to be starting in 10 minutes. So I converted my purse back to a clutch, gave John a kiss and told him that I would be back after I "freshened up". I made my way to the large washroom on the main floor and waited in a long line with other formally dressed ladies for a stall. I did my business and when I came out joined another lineup inside the washroom for the vanity table. When an opening appeared, I took my spot and applied a little more blush, a fresh coat of lipstick and fluffed my hair. As got back to the table, John noted that he thought I looked even more beautiful than before and I gave him a kiss and thanked him.

The lights dimmed and the show started and John snuggled up to me and put his arm around me and rested my head on his shoulder. He caressed my bare shoulder and whispered in my ear how "delicious" I smelled, and each time he did I gave him a light kiss on the lips. About halfway through the first part of the play, John's hands began to wandered and I found him caressing my thigh, and that is when he discovered that I was wearing stockings and not pantyhose. I knew he discovered them when his fingers lingered on the snaps from the outside of my dress. He then whispered in my ear how hot that was making him, and at that time I slowly lowered my hand and very gently caressed the front of his pants and found out his cock was straining against his pants. I was so turned on by the fact he was hard over me, that I felt like going down and doing what he and I had talked about for over a year and pleasing him as his female date. Since we were in the middle of a theatre, that was not going to happen, but I thought about later and how far I was willing to go, or more importantly, how far my spouse was thinking I would go, or wanted me to.

The lights came on at intermission and I again excused myself and joined a huge lineup of women needed to use the washroom. As I was standing in line, the woman from behind me tapped me on the shoulder and quietly told me that the guy I was with was a "hunk", I told her "I know", we talked for a little bit as we waited, "were we married?, how the evening was?, etc". When my time finally came to go to the stall I was smiling very much. I did the usual routine at the vanity table, and soon joined John at the table, who also had gone to the washroom but of course was back long before me. I had forgotten to freshen my perfume and grabbed it out of my purse and dabbed my wrists with it. John only commented again how "delicious" I smelt, and proceeded to blow in my ear gently after he made the comment.

The second part of the show went by in a blur, John continued caressing my legs and garters and enjoying them, I kept making sure his maleness was straining against his pants, still wondering if I was going to be able to properly take care of it. Eventually the lights came on and the show was over, John paid the drinks bill and we waited for most of the crowd to file out, and eventually John took my hand and we headed towards the coat check for my coat. John as the gentleman he always was, slipped the coat over my shoulders and grabbed my hand and we headed for the exit to the theatre. John told me that he had found a parking spot not that far away and that we could easily walk to it. I followed his lead and we walked a short distance to his car. As we walked I reminisced about the evening and how I did not want it to end, and more importantly how hot and horny John was.

We got to John's car and instead of walking me around to the passenger side, we stopped at the back of the car and John took me in his arms and gave a very long and passionate kiss, our tongues danced and he was grabbing at my velvet covered rear. He finally broke the kiss and asked me, "Joyce do you want this evening to end?". I of course told him no, and he simply pressed a button on the remote for his car and the trunk opened. He smiled and motioned for me to look inside, and in there was a familiar looking travel bag, THE BAG WAS MY SPOUSES!. I looked back at him in shock, and he was still smiling saying nothing, we stood there for about a minute then he grabbed the bag, closed the trunk, kissed me gently, and took my hand and said, "what my Princess wants, my Princess gets".

I really had no clue what was going on, but he lead me gently by hand back to the theatre entrance and then we walked through to the hotel portion. All the time he said nothing, even when I asked him were we going, he just kept smiling back at me. When we got to the main lobby of the hotel and were standing in the crowd waiting for elevators, it donned on me that John had a room and we were going back to it!. When I realized that, I squeezed his hand and smiled back at him. John's room was on the 6th floor, and the elevator was crowded, so just holding hands was all we could do, I really wanted to kiss him bad at that point. We got off the elevator and John lead me to the door of his room, he opened the door and said, "now the evening really begins". I walked in and a second or two after John shut the door he turned around and we kissed deep and passionately for what seemed like 5 minutes. He caressed my velvet backside and I found the straining in the front of his pants. After we broke our kiss, he said, "I will prepare the champagne, while you have a look in the bag".

I forgot all about the bag and went to near the door and picked up the bag and set it on the counter of the bathroom. When I opened it, it was full of clothes, my clothes!, and I recognized my spouses makeup bag, and a brown envelope that said, "Joyce, open me now". I opened the bag, and first was floored as it contained about 6 condoms and a note. This is exactly what the note read:

Dear Sweet Joyce,

It is probably around 11 or 11:30pm right now, and I hope you have had a wonderful time at the show. We have known each other for 13 years, and I think it is time that you really experience what it is like on the "other side". Be safe, do what comes naturally to any woman. You left the house this evening as my little girl, tomorrow morning, I anticipate I will be getting home a woman. Enjoy the rest of the evening and see you in the morning, or maybe the afternoon?, whatever you two lovebirds want to do is fine with me.


I left the bag in the washroom, but was still not believing what I was reading. I met John in the main part of the hotel room, and he handed me a glass full of champagne and proposed the following toast, "To Joyce, soon to be a woman". We sipped on our champagne and I then sat on the couch and John joined me, this time our kissing was very, very passionate and it continued on for quite some time. Eventually, neither one of us could hold back any longer, and I started undressing John, first his coat, then is tie, then his shirt and all the while we were passionately kissing. John was naked from the waist up and we broke our kiss and I slid down the couch and kneeled back on my heels and very slowly started removing his pants. First was his belt, I undid it very slowly, all the while teasing his rock hard member straining against his pants, then finally the snap to his pants and then I slid them off ever so slowly. John was then sitting in front of me in just his underwear and a large tent before me. I reached over to the table were my clutch purse was and grabbed it and applied a thick coat of lipstick while still kneeling on the ground. John was just smiling down at me and lifted his bum off the couch as I slowly slid down his underwear.

When I pulled them down, what was staring at me was the largest cock I personally had ever seen and not in a porno!. It was not that is was long, maybe 8 inches, but thick!, the large throbbing purple head was massive. I looked up at John with surprised written all over my face, "told you it was big", was what John said to me. Big or not, I started licking the head and enjoying all of the pre-cum that was there, and all the while John was groaning and enjoying the licking. As I licked the head, I used my hands to massage his full and very large balls. I licked and played with the massive head of John's cock and then finally started licking up and down the shaft, John was really enjoying this. I then decided to really concentrate on the head of his cock with my lips and managed to get my lips around it and slowly started pumping up and down, I could only take him about half way without gagging. I must have sucked on John for about 10 minutes when I started to taste pre-cum oozing more and more from this cock. It was then that John stopped me, he told me that the first time he came, he wanted to be inside me, not a blow job.

I stood up and looked at John, he was panting and his cock looked bigger than ever with smears of my lipstick all over it. John composed himself and stood up, naked and kissed me and said, "looks like someone is overdressed", referring to the fact I still was completely dressed. John then reached over and grabbed a pink box and handed it to be and told me, "this might be more appropriate", and motioned me to the washroom. I thought it might be lingerie and proceed to the washroom and opened the box. I was right it was a beautiful black peignoir set, a long and silky satin/lace gown and a matching chiffon robe. I slipped out of my dress and into the lingerie, leaving my heels, and all of the other lingerie on and went back into the bedroom.

John was naked on the bed, slowly caressing his still hard cock. I got on the bed and picked up were I had left off and used my lips to make sure John was nice and hard and then it happened. John pulled me off his cock and laid me back on the bed. He pulled down my gown so that my breasts were exposed and sucked and licked my nipples till they were nice and hard. He then continued down to the tops of my stockings and licked there, I was now getting very aroused. I lifted my bum off the bed as John pulled my panties down and off. He was very impressed with my vagina and inserted a finger to make sure he had someplace to put his cock. John asked me if I was ready, and I said, "yes my love". He grabbed some lubrication and applied it to my vagina and then before I knew it, he was "in" me. He quickly commented about how tight and wonderful it felt, and myself could feel his sex rubbing against mine and it was actually quite nice rather than the dildos I was using in the past. It was strange and erotic, watching John thrust in and out, every once in a while pausing to lick my nipples or give me a long and deep kiss, at times I felt I was simply "along for the ride". John certainly was enjoying himself and was pumping for about 15 minutes when I suddenly felt is cock pulsate over and over and John's grunting told me that he had just cum "inside" me. After he had finished, he collapsed on top of me and gave me a long and lingering "thank you" kiss.

I told John that I had to "clean up", and that I did!, as I got up off the bed his cum was oozing out of rubber vagina and I just made it to the bathroom before I made a mess on the floor. I did my best to clean out my vagina, I still felt a little oozing out down my leg, as I walked back to the bedroom. I adjusted my lipstick in the living room and then joined John in bed for more action. Typical male, he was sound asleep after getting off, I turned off all of the lights and made sure the door was locked and joined him in bed, I quickly fell asleep on the other side of the bed, even though John was snoring loudly.

I awoke around 8am, and John was still sleeping soundly. I slipped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom and the bag my spouse had packed for me was still there. I slipped out of all of my lingerie and then into the shower and had a nice long one, and made sure I was 100% squeaky clean. Once out of the shower, slipped into my rubber vagina and then decided to check the bag and see what my spouse had packed for me, other than the condoms and the note. I pulled out the makeup bag, and hoped that some of the colours she uses would work on me and then looked around the bag to see what else my spouse had packed for me. Underneath the makeup bag was a brand new pair of sheer nude nylons in my size, an old regular bra of my spouses, that was a little bigger than my 36B breasts, and then my regular purse and two outfits. One was a blue shirtdress that was actually hers, very figure flattering and short. The other was a favorite comfortable wool knit white turtleneck, and a short black leather miniskirt. I pulled both of those out of the bag in the bottom found my "work" 3" kid black heels, and a zip lock bag with long dangly gold earrings. I decided to go with the sweater and the leather mini.

I slipped into the same black lace panties as the evening before, as she had not packed me any panties, the nude pantyhose and the bra that actually fit quite comfortably. I then decided to get dressed completely before putting on my makeup, including my heels. The combination of the skirt, heels and the sweater looked great together. I opened her makeup bag and found that the only thing that I was not happy about was her eyeshadow, but at this point, I had no choice. As I applied my makeup, I made sure to tone everything down, as we were simply going for breakfast and then home. The eyeshadow was a bit odd with my skin colour, but the lipstick was definitely not going to work, so I had to rely on the darker more formal lipstick that was in my clutch purse already. Once done, the look was ok, but I was not happy about how deep and red my lips were, but really had no choice. My spouses makeup bag had Halston's perfume in it and applied a healthy dose all over my body. I cleaned up the bathroom and headed to the bedroom to see if John was awake yet.

As I walked into the bedroom, John was more than awake, he was lying naked on the bed stroking a what looked like a rock solid cock, on the screen of the TV was some hard core porn. He complimented me on how wonderful I looked and that I smelled great as well. I just smiled and asked if he needed a "hand" with anything?, he smiled back and made a motion to his rock hard cock. I slipped into the bed with him and we embraced in a long and passionate kiss, and my hands found their way down to his cock and I gently stroked it as we made out. We finally broke our kiss and I started licking and sucking all the way down his body till I got to his hard member. I looked up at him and asked him what he wanted, and he just smiled and pointed to the TV screen, which was showing a close up of a woman giving a blow job.

I smiled back and opened my lips very wide and took his gigantic purple mushroom head into my mouth and started licking and sucking the pre-cum that had formed. John's groaning and such continued as he placed a hand on my head, I starting moving up and down, licking and sucking, hoping that he would eventually cum. His cock grew and grew and was stretching my mouth wider and wider. Just like the night before I could taste the salty pre-cum oozing out and then he stopped me. He wanted to make love to me again, as I was so tight and last night was so wonderful. I was a little disappointed, and he could see that in my face, but told me, "don't worry Joyce I will make it up to you later". I got off the bed, removed my heels and carefully removed my pantyhose and panties and laid back on the bed. I hiked my black leather skirt up around my waist and John lubricated my pussy and had a big smile on his face as he slowly "entered" me and brought his lips to mine for a long kiss.

Th sensations were the same as the night before, John was thrusting in and out of me and I could feel his sex next to mine and I watched the expression in his face, he certainly was enjoying making love to me. It was about 15 minutes later, I felt John's cock pulsating and by the look on this face and the grunting, I knew he blew his load in my pussy. Again he collapsed on top of me and gave me a long kiss, and this time I knew I had to get up quickly to clean up before I made a mess. He pulled out his cock and I quickly ran to the washroom, but not before a large amount of his cum was streaming down my legs, thank god I was not wearing stockings or hose. I got everything cleaned up and my vagina semi-dry and opened the door to the bathroom to find John there, naked, waiting to get in, "my you girls take forever" was his comment. I gave him a quick kiss and squeezed his now limp cock and told him to hurry and get dressed for breakfast.

While John showered and dressed for breakfast, I put my panties, pantyhose and heels back on and cleaned up the room and packed everything up. I was just finishing adjusting my lipstick, bent over to use a small mirror, when John came out, dressed in a casual pair of beige pants, a nice blue sweater. He noted how cute my ass was in the short leather skirt, and I basically told him, "don't even think about it". He just smiled and walked towards me and gave me another long kiss, I lowered my hand to his crotch and told him he was already getting excited and we have not even had breakfast. He pushed my hand harder to his crotch and told me that was my "breakfast dessert", I just smiled and gave him another kiss and then went and got my purse from the bathroom and the two of us were off for the breakfast buffet.

We got to the breakfast buffet and were seated and both went up and got our breakfast, I came back to the table first, and the waitress that came to offer us tea and coffee was the same that served us in the theater the night before. I sat down and she had a big smile on her face and bent over to me and quietly asked, "you are 'glowing' this morning, hope you had a great time after the show?". I smiled back at her and told her, "we are probably going for a late checkout, so it is not over yet". About that time John came back to the table and she took is order for a cup of tea and smiled back at me as she walked away.

After breakfast, John took me by the hand back to the room, remembering to put the "do not disturb" sign out on the door. As soon as the door was closed, proceeded to kiss me long and hard and lead me to the edge of the bed where he sat me down, still kissing me. I knew what he wanted and proceeded to caress the front of his pants were a large bulge existed. I looked at John and could see absolute lust in his eyes and quickly undid his pants and slid them to the floor and eventually I was kneeling before him. I slid his pants down and then off, his underwear had the familiar bulge making his underwear look like a tent. I looked up at John, who was smiling down at me, all he said was "dessert sweetie". I took the cue and pulled his underwear down and slid them down and then off his feet. His huge cock was sitting inches from my lips as I knelt before him, and I quickly took the head and starting teasing it with my lips. It was already wet with pre-cum and I licked it all up. I then opened my lips as wide as they could go and took as much of his cock and started pumping up and down, I wanted so badly to get him off. It took about 20 minutes of licking and suck, playing with his balls, but finally John started groaning and grabbing my hair and I felt pre-cum oozing from the tip of his cock, then about 2 minutes later he cried out my name, and he blew. Man did he blow, he must have orgasmed for a good 40 seconds, gush after gush, all big and strong, I swallowed as best I could, but never lost any, just had to wait till he stopped to swallow the last couple of loads.

I remained on my knees as John got control of himself and then when he started to do up his pants, I got up, went to the bathroom and fixed my lipstick. As I left the bathroom I was greeted by John and he handed me a glass of champagne and orange juice and offered a toast, "to Joyce the best lay and blow job around". We toasted and had lots of little kisses and then cleaned up the remainder of the room and John carried my dress and bag to the car while I held his hand all the way.

As we drove home, I noticed it was 11:30am, not quite afternoon, but close, we held hands all the way home. As we pulled into the driveway it was really sad that the date had to end, but hoped in the future, more would come, one more would, but sadly no others did.

John and I spent 10 minutes saying goodbye, a kiss that was unlike any others that we had, it was passionate and long and our tongues danced and danced. Finally it had to end, I grabbed my dress and my bag and left the car, watching John backup and leave the driveway. I definitely had a tear in my eye as I saw him go.

When I entered the house I found my spouse sitting on the couch of the living room reading a book, and after putting down my bag and hanging up my dress I approached her. She looked at me and for some strange reason, said the same thing as the waitress at the restaurant this morning, "my someone is glowing". She had a wide smile on her face and I have the same on mine as I stood before her. She then said, "I see you chose the leather skirt, very nice, so tell me are you still my little girl?". I smiled even wider back at her and she just looked back at me and said, "so how many condoms are left?". I told her none were used, and she got quite upset (she thought I had unprotected anal sex). I knew what she was thinking and told her that I had on a special rubber vagina and that is why I did not need them. She was really surprised and asked me to explain it, I did and she explained that one day maybe she would take advantage of it.

She calmed down and simply asked, "so how many times?", I told her twice and once orally. She put her book down and came and gave me a long kiss, and then pulled back and said, "mmmm, you must have sucked him off recently, and by the way, welcome to being a woman".

She simply sat back down and kept on reading, while I turned away and went and put my things away and cleaned up. It definitely was the adventure of a lifetime.

If you liked this true life adventure, let me know, maybe one day it might be you?

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