Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Jan 28, 2011


Surprise Guest

Chapter One

Ralph Johansen sat at the counter of Mary's Coffee Shop, reading his morning paper, which was spread out beside his coffee cup and the last of his breakfast. He was reading the ball scores when he heard a quavering voice ask, "I-i-is t-t-this s-s-seat taken?"

Ralph looked up, and saw a person beside him. He began to collect his newspaper, turned and said to the man beside him, "Sorry, I didn't mean to take up so much space."

The man sat down beside Ralph, who was aware the man was shaking, and his clothing was soaked. Ralph asked him, "Do you want some coffee?" The man nodded. Ralph called to the waitress, "Helen, this man needs some coffee quick."

The waitress came with a pot of coffee, turned a cup upright in the saucer in front of the man, and poured him coffee. The man tried to pick it up, but he was shaking so hard that it splashed on him, the newspaper, and Ralph. He immediately apologized to Ralph.

Ralph could see that the man was in trouble, shaking, unable to speak clearly. Ralph stood up, offered his hand to the man and said, "You had better get out of those wet clothes before you get pneumonia. Where is your car?"

The man began to shiver again and said, "At Gomez's Garage. `Walked here."

"You walked a mile in the rain? Where are you staying?" Ralph asked.'

"I don't know," the man replied.

"Come with me, "Ralph said. "I live just around the corner. You can get dry there. I think you need to get warm soon. A hot shower will do it."

Ralph took the man's arm and started towards the door, remembering to put down a $10.00 bill for Helen. The rain was coming down hard as they walked out the door. Ralph wanted to walk rapidly, but the man was barely moving, then his legs seemed to give way, and he began to fall. Ralph picked up the man in his arms and started to run to his own house.

Ralph was over six-feet four inches, so it was an easy load for this white-haired, big strapping Swedish-American, former college football player. In two minutes they were out of the rain, in Ralph's comfortable house, Ralph carrying the man into his bedroom.

The man was unable to undress himself, so Ralph stripped him, led him into the bathroom, and held him up as he adjusted the water temperature in the shower. Ralph realized the man could not stand by himself, so he removed his own clothes, then carried the man into the large shower.

There was plenty of room for both of them in the shower. Ralph had ordered the contractor who built this house to make the shower big enough for Ralph and his wife to shower at the same time. Louise was never able to use that shower with him because she became ill before they moved into their dream house. She had suffered a long, painful bout with cancer before her death.

Ralph gently turned the man in the shower spray, getting him wet with warm water. Looking at the man's grease-covered hands, he decided to wash him. Ralph had never washed anyone else. Louise had never borne any children. Her apparent pregnancy was, in fact, a large tumor that required her female organs to be removed. Ralph had never bathed a baby, a child, or another man, for that matter, but as the old saying goes, "There's always a first time for everything."

The man was slender, dark-haired, with some gray creeping in. His skin was pale. Ralph didn't notice the color of his eyes, but he did notice the man's hands had slender, long fingers. As he washed them, Ralph wondered why the man's hands, penis and testicles were smudged with grease.

When the man was washed, and seemed to be warm, Ralph turned off the water, dried the man thoroughly, then himself. He walked, half-carried the man to Ralph's big bed, turned back the covers, lay the man on the bed, and covered him up.

The man tried to thank Ralph, but he was still shivering. He managed to say, "I'm so cold." Ralph didn't have any more covers to put on the bed, or pajamas, for he always slept nude, and his size would have been too big for the man anyway. Ralph decided to get into bed, cuddle up to the man, and let his own body heat warm the man. Louise always said his body produced more heat than their furnace.

Ralph lay there, arms wrapped around the man, his chest against the man's back, his legs wrapped around the man's legs, and began to think about this man and what had happened to him. His car must have broken down, he looked under the hood and got greasy, then he had to leave his car at Gomez's Garage. Then, there isn't any other place in the village to get coffee now that it has been bypassed by the freeway. That's why he had walked in the rain to Mary's coffee Shop.

Ralph was glad that his body was warming the man's body. Ralph was also aware that his own penis was growing and getting hard. Lying against a mans body was a new sensation for Ralph, and he liked it. He did feel ashamed, and he tried to pull back from the man's body, but the man moved back, following Ralph's penis , and managing to put it against the man's buttocks.

Ralph stayed where he was, kept holding the man close in his arms, and remembered how he liked to hold Louise in his arms before they fell asleep each night. He hadn't realized that a man's body, a short man's body, could be so nice to cuddle.

When Ralph was aware that the man was sleeping peacefully, and his body temperature seemed normal, Ralph quietly got out of bed, gathered up the man's clothes and took them to the laundry room. He was going to dry them, but a quick investigation showed there was grease by the zipper of the man's pants, and the man's briefs also had grease. The man must have gotten grease on his hands trying to fix the car, then rubbed it on his clothing when he emptied his bladder.

After Ralph started the load in the washer, he went into the kitchen to get some canned soup ready for the man when he awoke. The man was the first guest to sleep in the house, and would be the first to eat a meal.

Ralph returned to the bedroom and placed the washed and dried clothes over a chair in the bedroom as the man began to awaken. He was confused and asked where he was. Ralph told him that he had taken the man home to get dried out, then put him to bed to rest. Ralph offered the man soup, which the man rapidly accepted, saying that he had not had anything to eat since noon yesterday.

Ralph led the way into the kitchen. Both men were nude, but it caused no problem. The man noticed that Ralph had a nice, big flaccid cock, probably six inches in length, with average thickness. Ralph's chest was furry, as were his arms and legs. His back had almost no hair.

Over soup and bread eaten at the kitchen table, the man explained that he had left Washington State three days before. He had been a teacher, had just retired, and was coming to live in his late uncle's house, now his house. He had sold his own condo furnished in Washington. The day before he left, he learned that the uncle's house had burned down.

His car was old, and not a good choice for a long trip, but it was a big SUV that could haul all his remaining possessions after he had placed most of his books and a few pieces of furniture in storage until he knew where he would settle.

He took a chance, and took a back road that used to lead into town. The SUV had broken down a few miles down the road, where the bridge leading to town had collapsed. He had tried to fix the car, but really couldn't see anything in the dark. He had tried to walk to town in the dark. He couldn't see that the bridge was gone. Fortunately, he fell into a pothole, rather than the river, then walked back to his SUV, where he spent the night shivering and hoping someone would come by.

Around 5 a.m. a woman had found him. She promised to send a tow truck, which arrived two hours later. His SUV was towed to Gomez's Garage, where he learned they couldn't look at it for three days. Today is Friday, the beginning of the Fourth of July 3-day weekend. They told him where he could get breakfast, at Mary's Coffee Shop. And that's how he managed to come spill coffee on Ralph.

The man introduce himself, Jean Pierre Roualt. Ralph introduced himself, held his hand out to Jean, and offered a place to say for the weekend. He suddenly remembered that Gomez's Garage would probably close at noon for the long weekend, and if John wanted anything out of SUV before Tuesday, they would have to collect it before noon. Ralph offered to drive his big pickup to haul whatever Jean wanted. Jean immediately accepted the offer.

They both dressed and went to Ralph's garage,where Ralph's big covered pickup was waiting. In ten minutes they were at the garage. In another twenty minutes they had loaded all Jean's possessions and were headed back to Ralph's house.

The rain began to come down in torrents just as the pickup pulled into Ralph's garage. Ralph suggested the few boxes of books Jean had brought could stay in the garage, but the clothing and personal items should be brought into the bedroom. Two big closets were empty. They had once held Louise's clothing. The third close, Ralph's closet wasn't near filled.

When all the clothing was put away, Ralph suggested they have a fire in the living room fireplace, and he would make a pot of coffee. Jean offered to get the fire started while Ralph made coffee. When Ralph returned to the living room, the fire was burning well. He put the coffee tray on the coffee table in front of the love seat, facing the fire. Jean poured them both coffee, then moved close to Ralph, and Ralph found his arm just naturally circled Jean's shoulders. They relaxed, drank their coffee and began to enjoy their new friendship.

If you have any comments or questions, please write the author at

Next: Chapter 2

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