Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Apr 16, 2011


TO THE READER: This story includes sexual activity between males. If You are not allowed to read such fiction because of your age or the laws of the place you live. Please stop reading now.

Surprise Guest

Chapter Twelve: Feeling back to Normal

The next morning was to be a busy one, so as the sun began to shine onto their bed, all three men stirred. Jean rolled over to face Bob, and to give him a kiss. Ralph rolled over to face Bob also, and gave him a kiss. Both men began to caress Bob, who begged off, saying, "Sorry, fellas, but I've got a full bladder that needs emptying. Much more of that caressing and Ill be so stiff I won't be able to empty my bladder at all."

Bob rose out of bed and went to the bathroom. Ralph moved over to Jean, put his arms around him and kissed him. Pulling him very close, Ralph said, "I love you, and I'm proud of you. Here you barely knew Bob, and you wanted to help him, and you've become a true friend to him. And, that's saying nothing about what you have done for me, to me, and with me, which reminds me, when do you think we could get some time together in bed for some play?"

Jean chuckled, then said, "I've missed our time together also. We can still have that if we include Bob in our play. He may not be up for much yet, but we can figure out ways to include him. Maybe he would just like to lay back, let me suck him, and let you enter him. Let's just play it by ear."

As Bob returned to the bedroom, Jean got up, went into the kitchen, and started the coffee pot. Ralph pulled back the covers and indicated Bob ought to climb back into bed. When he did so, Ralph spooned behind him, put his arms around Bob, and pulled him back so his back was against Ralph's furry chest. Bob sighed and was quiet.

Ralph's penis began to swell. Bob felt it swell against his buttocks, and put it between them and against his hole. Ralph was sending out lots of precum, which coated Bob's hole. Soon Ralph's cock began to push against the sphincter, causing it to open, and his cock slid into Bob's ass. Bob just lay there, softly breathing and making a humming sound. Ralph assumed that meant Bob was enjoying it, so he kept pushing in until his groin was against Bob's buttocks. He waited until Bob relaxed a bit, then began to thrust slowly in and out. When Bob reached behind and pulled Ralph quickly towards himself, Ralph began to speed up.

Ralph reached over Bob's arm and seized his cock. He began to slide his hand up and down while pistoning him from the rear. Ralph felt Bob's cock become very hard and resist being pulled down. He was 100% hard! No more than seconds later, Ralph felt Bob's sphincter tighten on his cock, and Bob's cock began to shoot out a healthy load onto Ralph's hand. Ralph couldn't hold off any more, he shot his load, a big one, into Bob.

Neither said a word for at least a minute, then Bob said, "Thank you. I needed that. It's been quite a while since I've been fucked, and, after Roy's death, I didn't feel worth much. His parents really lowered the boom on me, and I didn't feel worthy to be loved. You and Jean have reached out, shared your love with me, and I'm beginning to feel worthy of your love."

Just then, Jean came into the room with two mugs of coffee, saw that they were still mated together, and suggested, "When you two fellas feel like some breakfast, just let me know. I have some work to do in the kitchen." He left quietly.

"That's the man I love, a real gentleman," Ralph said. "He didn't complain about being left out of the play, or that we are still laying here in the afterglow while he gets to work. He just went on being the sweet man I love."

"Maybe we'd better get cleaned up. I believe your cock is starting to pull out of my ass, and soon that big load of cum will pour out onto the sheets. Then Jean won't be so pleased."

They went into the bathroom, Bob pausing to sit on the toilet to drain out some of Ralph's big load. Ralph turned on the water in the shower, and said, "You know. I want to tell Jean to put a big water heater in the master bath, so we can take long showers without worrying about the hot water running out." He adjusted the water temperature, beckoned Bob to enter the shower, then got in himself. Each took turns standing under the shower head to get soaked, then Ralph grabbed the soap and started to wash Bob's back, giving special attention to his buttocks and the hole he had just caressed with his cock.

Bob took the soap from Ralph's hand and began to wash Ralph's furry chest, then moved slowly down to his cock, giving it special attention also.

When Ralph turned around, Bob began to wash his back, and gave Ralph's ass and hole special attention. Ralph gave a big sigh and said, "You don't have to work so fast. My hole would enjoy a little more attention." Bob honored his request, then finished washing his back and legs. Ralph washed Bob's chest and legs. They both stepped out of the shower, grabbed towels, and started to dry each other.

Jean came into the bathroom, greeting them with, "No more of that, or you'll be back in bed rutting like a couple of goats. Breakfast is ready." Chastened, they finished drying themselves off, took their coffee mugs, then went to the kitchen. Jean had fixed a big breakfast: platters of bacon, scrambled eggs and toast. He threw out their cold coffee and poured them hot mugs. Each man dished up his own plate and began to eat.

After he had eaten about half his breakfast, Ralph looked to Jean and said, "I know you're due back at the vineyard by 9 a.m. Could I be any help there?" Looking to Bob, he asked, "What's on your schedule for today?"

Jean answered first, "I could use some help at the vineyard and the house. You could help me clean up the vineyard, or you could clean up the house. Probably, the house should come first, so when Carlos comes back, and when he brings the architect, we can all move easily, and not have to push our way through the dust."

"I don't know anything about a vineyard, but I could certainly learn, if you can use me," replied Bob.

They agreed to go together to the vineyard, taking both trucks in case there were some errands to be run.

After breakfast and putting the dishes in the dishwasher, Bob drove his truck and Jean rode with Ralph. "Lover, I think you helped Bob a lot. He accepted your love making, seemed more like his usual self at breakfast, and his willingness to help out at the vineyard shows he's trying to get on with his life. We need to give him time to slip back into his grief mode if he wants."

When they arrived at the vineyard, Sean and Juan were waiting in the vineyard. They had brought extra tools, enough for both Jean and Bob. Juan and Sean hugged both Jean and Ralph. Then Jean introduced Juan and Sean to Bob. They greeted him warmly, having both seen him when he presented a program on protecting farms and vineyards from vandals. They both hugged him together.

Jean, ever the task master, said, "Enough of this bodily contact. The neighbors will think we're having an orgy."

Sean laughed and said, "Your neighbors are either gay or old, almost blind and hard of hearing. The gay ones will probably want to be invited to use the hot tub, as your uncle used to invite them. This was the center of gay social activity in the North Salinas Valley. All you had to do was declare a holiday, and Jean's uncle would invite everybody for a party. The hot tub was the center of activity, but there were tables and chairs near it. Jean, I guess they were stored in the garage and burned up in the fire."

"Then I need to tell the insurance agent about them. When we're done today, let's make a list of what's missing, then we'll see about your wages for the work you did after my uncle died. I need to keep everything straight....I mean, `gaily correct.'" Everyone laughed.

While Ralph was cleaning the living room he left the front door of the house open to get some fresh air. He heard a car pull up the driveway, then a car door slam and footsteps up to the front porch. Then a voice, "I say, is anyone home?" The English accent was strong.

Ralph came to the front door and greeted the visitor. "Hello. I'm Ralph. May I ask who you are?"

The man smiled and said, "I'm your neighbor Clarence Woodburn. I live up the road about 100 yards, in the white house with the blue shutters. I came to greet my new neighbors."

Ralph smiled and said, "I'm not the owner, though I hope to live here when the construction is done. Jean Roualt is the new owner, the nephew of the senior Jean Roualt who lived here."

"I remember young Jean. His uncle introduced me many years ago. Then I understood young Jean moved to Washington State. I saw him occasionally over the years, but didn't get to talk to him and learn what his plans were. I'm sorry he didn't move here before his uncle died. You know, his uncle would have had a big "Welcome home" party, and invited all the neighbors."

"A party sounds like a good idea when we move in. You'll have to help us with the guest list. I don't believe Jean will know all of his uncle's friends, particularly those who have only lived nearby for a few years. Jean taught some summers, and barely got time to come visit his uncle those years."

"Where is young Jean now?"

Ralph slapped his forehead and replied, "Jean's out in the vineyard, come along with me and we'll find him. He's working with Juan and Sean, whom you may know."

"Certainly I know them, they are neighbors of mine also." As they walked toward the vineyard, Clarence spoke softly, "Sean had quite a reputation around here until he got together with Juan. At some of Jean's uncle's parties, I heard that Sean sucked everybody's cock at least once, and presented his rear for almost everybody who wanted to enter. I understand he's changed."

"Well, he's hard at work by now. He and Juan are working with Jean in the vineyard. Our guest, Bob is working with them. Let's go find them."

As soon as Clarence saw Bob, he greeted him, "Bob, it's good to see you, particularly out of uniform. I haven't seen you or Roy for several months. How is he?"

At first, Bob ducked like he had been hit in the stomach, then he stood up and replied, "Roy died in a car accident a few days ago. I guess his parents didn't tell the Salinas newspaper to print an obituary."

"I'm sorry, Bob, I didn't know. Please forgive me. Is there anything I can do?"

"Thanks, Clarence. No. I've given up my apartment, and I'm staying with Ralph and Jean in the village for a while. They have been very kind. I don't know what would have become of me if they hadn't taken me in."

"I'm sure you would have handled it well, knowing you," Ralph interjected.

"That's kind of you to say that, Ralph, but what you have done for me has helped me through the worst time of my life. My family is all gone now, but you and Jean have given me a new family, for which I'll be eternally grateful."

"Okay, everybody. Time to get to work," said Juan. The vineyard crew turned back to their work, while Ralph took Clarence aside and asked him to tell him about Jean's uncle's social life.

Clarence thought a bit, then replied, "Jean senior was a very friendly, outgoing man. He looked so much like Jean junior when I first met them that they could have been brothers, though there was a substantial age difference.

"He liked to entertain, and was always looking for a reason to have a party and invite his many friends. There were usually big tables with food that everybody brought to share, soft drinks and his special home-made wine, plus coffee in a big urn. He didn't want anyone to leave feeling the least bit tipsy.

"There was always a big gathering in the hot tub. He left the sliding glass door open part ways for anyone who wanted to use the bathroom, and the door to his bedroom was open for anyone who wanted to use the bed for a bit of play. That's where Sean used to hold court.

"I must say Sean had quite a following, which is a tribute to a bottom. He often would suck one man's cock while another man fucked him. And, he didn't just get fucked by one man, he was willing to take on all who wanted to fuck him, or to let him suck a cock.

"I don't know when it started, but Juan or someone else used to bring a guitar, and when he struck up a tune, the guests would sing. I can remember standing bare-ass naked, holding a glass of wine, my arm around someone's waist, and singing my heart out.

"Yes, those were great parties. Say, do you think you two would like to host such a party as a tribute to Jean senior? I know, there was a big funeral at church, but a party was what he should be remembered with."

"I don't know. This is Jean's house, junior, I mean. It's up to him to decide, but, yes, it sounds like a great idea to me. Let's let him have time to fix up the house, then see what he's up to."

"I'm supposed to be cleaning house, so you've got to excuse me. Thanks for telling me about Jean senior." Ralph extended his hand to Clarence to shake, they shook, and Clarence smiled and left Ralph to his work.

At noon, Ralph had accomplished a lot, so he went to see what Jean's plans were about lunch.

Jean and his crew were just finishing up for the day. He offered to take Sean and Juan to Denny's for lunch, but they begged off, having made plans to go into Salinas.

Ralph, Jean and Bob got into their trucks and headed to lunch at Denny's.

The author is deeply indebted to Ursuspulosis, who kindly edits, making suggestions invaluable to the author.

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Next: Chapter 14

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