Surprise Guest

By Dastardlyd

Published on Mar 1, 2011


From the author to the readers:

This story includes male to male sex in some chapters. If it is illegal for you to readthis because of age or what laws govern your reading material, please do not read this story.

You will note that the characters ask each other before having unprotected sex. It is unwise to have unprotected sex if you can not trust your partner. These characters did trust one another.

Surprise Guest

Chapter Six

After the proper siesta and some lovemaking, Jean proposed to Ralph that they try one more interesting restaurant in the city, an Asian restaurant. Ralph said nothing, so Jean asked Ralph, "You do like Asian food, don't you?"

Ralph admitted he had only been to a Chinese restaurant in the city, and it wasn't very good.

Jean asked, "Do you mind spicy food, like Mexican?"

Again, Ralph paused, then answered, "I didn't grow up with spicy foods, and Louise used very few Spices. I like Mexican food if it's not all jalapeño peppers."

"Fine, we'll try a favorite Thai restaurant, but we'll stick to a fairly mild degree of heat." And they did. Ralph started out gingerly moving food on his plate with his fork, asking what particular things were. Jean explained that most of the items he saw on his plate were Oriental vegetables, with a few bits of chicken. Ralph sampled the Pad Thai, pronounced it delicious, and polished off his dinner.

Leaving the restaurant, Ralph said, "I didn't realize Salinas had so many new restaurants. I always thought you had to go to Monterey or Carmel for food as good as the Thai restaurant."

Jean laughed and began to sing, "Everything's up to date in Salinas City. They've gone about as `fur' as they can go." Then he spoke, "It wasn't this good when I began to visit my uncle, but things have changed. Maybe it was the soldiers coming back from Asia to Ft Ord, or maybe it was just that the whole country is exposed to more food from overseas."

They drove back silently, reflecting on their meal and how their lives were changing, Ralph being exposed to new foods and Jean's fine cooking, and, of course, Jean's lovemaking, and Jean reveling in Ralph's hugs and kisses and lovemaking.

The trip to Ralph's home was uneventful. They started to get ready for bed when the door bell rang. Ralph put his pants back on and went, bare chested, to the front door. Deputy Bob White was waiting on the porch. Ralph invited him in.

Deputy White asked if Mr. Roualt was at home. He also looked at Ralph's bare, furry chest, then looked at Ralph's eyes. Ralph paused for a moment, then said, "Oh, you want Jean. Yes, he's home. I'll get him." He left the room, calling for Jean. In a few moments, Jean came, slipping into a shirt. Deputy White looked briefly at Jean's masculine bare, hairless chest, then gazed intently into Jean's eyes.

"What can I do for you, Deputy White?"

"Please call me Bob. This is not official business. I just want some advice. I knew your uncle, and he was respected in the gay community. I heard him talk about relationships, and I hope that you have some knowledge or experience."

"Sure," Jean spoke, and led him to the sofa. "Please sit down. Would you like something to drink?"

"Thanks, but no thanks," Bob replied as they sat down fairly close. Bob's arm just naturally moved to hug Jean to him. "You see, I'm partnered with a man several years younger than I am. I'm content to stay at home, watch television, invite friends to dinner and spend the evening over drinks. He wants to go out every night.

"Lately, he's been coming in very late. Sometimes just before I have to get up to go to work. I don't know where he's been, or who he's been with. He looks pretty rough, having had too much to drink. I'm worried about him. He's young, and he may be involved in risky conduct."

"Has he ever used drugs?" Jean asked.

"He told me he smoked a little pot when he was in school, but has stayed clean since we met."

"Has anything started to disappear around the home, such as nicknacks? Do you know if any money has been disappearing from your wallet, or checks missing from your check book? Are you aware of any strange purchases with your credit cards?"

"Come to think of it, I have noticed my wallet has been a bit lighter lately. I thought I just wasn't aware of the purchases I had made, and the money I'd spent. Roy has a credit card that I pay, and his bills seem to be getting bigger. I didn't really think about it till now."

"So, what are you going to do about the situation?"

"I guess I'd better talk to Roy, and tell him what concerns me. I have to be careful. He can stop talking, just stay silent, and then I can't discuss anything at all."

"As you tell me the situation, Bob, it appears it ought to be dealt with right now. The sooner the better."

Bob rose from the couch, shook Jean's hand, brought him into a hug and said, "Thanks for your help, Mr. Roualt."

"Please call me Jean. I want to help if I can, in any way. You know the phone number, and you can stop by almost any time. Well, I think it might be wise to call first. You never know where I may be, or what we're doing." A grin lit up Jean's face as he hugged Bob, then led him to the door.

Jean went into the bedroom to prepare for bed. Ralph asked, "What was all that about?"

Jean explained that Bob White was concerned about his relationship with Roy. "I'll bet I know Roy. His name is Roy Snow. Come to think of it, I've seen him with Bob White. Roy was one of my students when I was Principal. A very good-looking, bright kid, but he couldn't settle down, do his homework, or pay attention in class. I believe he graduated, but just by the skin of his teeth. I don't know what he has done since he finished school."

Jean and Ralph were, by then, both nude, and slipped into bed, to cuddle and caress while sleep overtook them.

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Next: Chapter 7

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