Surprise Reemergence

By John Nail

Published on Oct 17, 2009


I hope you enjoy this fictional story and I would love to hear from you transgender ladies and see if you can relate to this and you can email me at

I came home from work and went to the mailbox and went through the mail and I saw a letter from someone I haven't heard from in a long time.

It read:

My Dearest Friend,

I thought I would write to you and thank you for being a friend when I didn't have many friends. My life has taken me through quiet abit of twist and turns and I finally excepted who I am while in college. As you know I was taunted and called sissy and other deplorable names in school and you came in my defense. I was wondering if I could see you and you can call me at the number that I have enclosed in the letter. If after I come and you don't except me as at least a friend I will understand.

Your dearest friend,

Jamie "

I saw the number and decided to call and talk to him which I would find in our visit would be her.

On the third ring I recognized the voice of Jamie the boy I went to school with still had that same feminine tone.

I said," Jamie, this is John I just read your letter. How are you doing?"

He excitedly said," John, John I have been thinking about you so much. Somebody gave me your address and he didn't know your number. Like I said in the letter my life has taken a bunch of twist and turns and I finally settled on who I really am. Now I don't want to get further into it until I see you."

I said," Fair enough so what are you doing?"

He/she said," I am in accounting."

I said," Well I am not surprised you have always been good with figures."

She said," I have vacation coming soon in the next few days as a matter of fact. I was wondering if I could see you than."

I said,:" Sure that sounds good to me."

She said," You still live in Cody?"

I said," Yes I do I do home repair work."

She said," Good, I will arrange my vacation and fly into Cody."

I said," Great I will pick you up."

We said bye and hung up the phone wondering if he/she changed and if so how much.

Here I was 38 years old and have been noticing an occasional grey hair and have been wearing glasses with corrective lenses now for 3 years. I am living in a house I bought that has been requiring alot of renovation work but my pickup is sitting in the connecting garage. I have been living here for 5 years and last year it has just now became livable last year.

I sat down in the recliner I bought at a garage sale which is a really good recliner with a beer and reclined back just far enough to prop my feet up. I turned on the T.V. but I didn't really focus what is on even though I have cable.

I haven't heard from Jamie for at least 10 years and I just read a letter from him/her and talked to him/her on the phone and she said she really wanted to see me she was almost desperate.

I had unconsciously brought the cordless phone with me and I decided to call my best friend.

I said," Hey man this is John can you come over to my place?"

Randy said," Sire man what is up?"

I said," I will tell you when you get here."

He said," Sure do you have a beer?"

I said," Yeah I do in the fridge."

He said," Fair enough I will be there in about 5 minutes."

We hung up the phone and I reread the letter about 2 or 3 times and than Randy poked his head into the door.

He said," You still decent?"

I laughed and said," Grab a beer and come here."

He reached into the refrigerator and grabbed a Budweiser and sat down on the couch.

He asked," OK I do appreciate the beer but what is the real reason why you called?"

I handed him the letter and said," I think it is easier showing you instead of telling you."

He read it for about a minute and than said," Is this the same Jamie we went to school with?"

I said," Yep."

He said," How long has it been since we have heard from him?"

I said," What has it been what 15 years?"

He said," Sounds about right."

I said," I talked to him on the phone and I said he could come up for a visit. He says he is an accountant. He says he can arrange the vacation within a few days and get his ticket up to Cody."

Randy said," Well, I do know he was kind of feminine acting and looking but I thought he was cool."

I said," That is right he was with you and me one night messing around."

He said," I would love to see him because it has been a long time."

We talked for awhile and he said," You know that roofing job won't wait I better go back home."

I said," Yeah, I need to get up also."

He got up and headed to the door and said," I am kind of intrigued what kind of changes there might have been since we last saw him."

He went out the door and I closed the door behind him and shook my head.

I looked at my watch and saw it was 10:00 and I headed to my bedroom and I stripped down to my underwear and climbed into bed.

I fell asleep thinking about what kind of changes and what he meant about the twist and turns he talked about life in his letter.

Next: Chapter 2

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