Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Apr 21, 2008


Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy..........

Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy......

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 8:

By J.J

"Jesse honey the phone is for you!" my mom yelled up the stairs.

I quickly jumped off the computer and ran over to the other side of my room to get the phone.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey!" Zac said happily

"Oh my gosh hey! how are you?" I asked

"I am doing great, keeping busy, you know" he said

"Yeah I know" I said laughing a little bit

"So what are you doing today?" he asked me

"Nothing really just chilling out at home I guess" I said

"That sounds interesting, so you aren't really interested in doing the business anymore?" he asked me

"Not really, why whats the scoop now?" I asked

"Well not to over excite you but have you been listening to the radio lately?" he asked me

"Thats one thing I try to avoid Zac" I said

"Well just listen" he said

"Isn't that crazy" he said putting the phone back to his ear

"Holy shit man! I am number one?" I asked

"Well you did hear it didn't you? Apparently it has been a duke out between Britney, Madonna & Justin, and you." he said

"Thats insane" I said

"Hey guess what Jess" he said

"What?" I asked

"I love you" he said

"Oh bitch please, I love you more" I said to him

"I don't know about that one" he said

"Oh come on sarcasm isn't a foreign language to me" I said laughing

"I know, but I really do miss you" he said

"I know, just another week!" I said excitedly

"I can't wait to see you again" he said

"I know I miss you so much, oh how is Jessie?" I asked

"He's retarded as usual" Zac said

"I heard that!" I heard Jessie yell in the background

"Anyways, I really wish I could see you for my birthday" I said

"I know, gosh you are seventeen tomorrow" he said

"Ugh don't remind me" I said

"Whatever wait until your twenty" he said

"Its not so bad, I will be legal here" I said

"I know, and thats when we are going to really party up there" Zac said

"I wish you could come up here that would be nice" I said

"Well I can, but its usually just for work" he said

"Anyways, you know what, as much as I would love to talk to you, I actually have to go" I said

"Why?" Zac asked

"I need some publicity" I said

"I thought you said you were done with the business" Zac said

"Well, there are somethings I am not willing to give up" I said

"Okay well, I love you and I will talk to you later then" he said

"I love you too, tell Jessie I said bye" I said

"He says by Jessie" Zac said

"Bye'' I heard Jessie say in the background

"Okay babe, I will talk to you later'' he said

"Okay love you" I said

"Love you too'' he said

"Okay bye" I said

"Bye" he said and hung up

I walked back over to the dresser and put the phone back on the reciever to charge. Then I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a sweater and threw it on top over my t-shirt. I has almost been three weeks since I last seen Zac. In person at least. We talk on a daily basis over the phone and have cam to cam chats over the net. I will never forget when I had to leave. I hated my mom so much that day. When I was in the hospital and Zac broke the news to me I had to leave the next day. I didn't even really get to see him since I was escorted to the airport. Oh yeah we balled our eyes out when I left, but it wasn't so bad, since we knew we would see each other again.

Anyways I went downstairs and my mom had just finished cleaning up from lunch.

"Hey mom" I said walking over to the fridge grabbing a water

"Hi son, where are you going?" she asked me

"I am going to head out for a bit" I said

"Wait" she said as I began to walk towards the door.

"Whats up?" I asked turning around

"I am really sorry" she said

"Mom, please don't bring that up'' I said

"I know honey, its just. I was told that you were doing okay, and I never even really talked to you. I feel horrible" she said

"Well its my fault too. I could have phoned you" I said

"True, but we need to talk about something seriously" she said

"Oh no here we go" I said sarcastically

"No, its not that bad" she said

"Okay I am listening" I said

"Now look. I know you have talent, and I know you have and can go far. I don't want to hold you back honey" she said

"Well thanks mom, you could have told me that sooner'' I said

"Honey" she started

"No, you know what, save it mom. As of now I am done talking to you and when it comes to me you need to leave me alone'' I said

"Your sixteen years old!'' she yelled "What do you want me to do!"she yelled

"I want you to fuck off!" I yelled back at her

"What did you just say to me?" she asked shocked

''You heard me!" I yelled "I was doing fine and I had to leave what I love because of you!" I yelled

"You were in a hospital for christ's sake!" she yelled

"Over something so minor!" I yelled

"You know what if thats the way you feel then fine. Move back to California'' she said calmly

"Oh please, save your act for the judge" I said to her making her look back up at me "Thats what your good at" I said

"Don't talk to me like that!'' she yelled as I walked towards the door

"I just did" I said walking out and slamming the door behind me

I got out of my driveway more pissed then ever and when I rounded the corner on to the sidewalk I bumped into Chelsea who was apparently on her way to my house.

"Hey where are you going in such a hurry?" she asked smiling

"I don't know, somewhere" I said

"Whoa wait whats wrong?" she asked

"Nothing, its just my mom is being a bitch" I said

"Oh I see I see. Well why don't we hang out together then?" she asked

"Sure, where do you wanna go?" I asked

"Uhm I don't know Mr.celebrity, where can you go?" she asked sarcastically

"Anywhere. I don't care if anyone sees me" I said

"Oh you will when you get bombarded" she said

"By what?" I asked

"Crazed teenage girl fans" she said

"Yeah as if" I said

"So hows Zac?" she asked

"I don't want to talk about it" I said

"Oh come on everyday since you have been back he is all you talk about" she said

"I know, I am just dissappointed that I had to leave'' I said

"Well, then do something about it?" she said

"Like what?" I asked

"I don't know.....lets see maybe move there?" she said

"What? Thats crazy how am I supposed to do that?" I asked

"Well you are of legal age to make your own decisions, and technically in both countries you are old enough to move out on your own" she said

"True" I said

"And just think, when you are on your own you can make your own decisions, and do what you want to do" she said

"Yeah other then going out to clubs" I said

"Well that can wait" she said

"So do you really think I should do it?" I asked

"Why not. Just go for it man. Your mom will survive, your going to grow up sooner or later" she said

"You know are absolutely right sighs Chelsea, for some creepy reason you always tend to benefit me" I said

"That's what friends are for" she laughed "Now if only I could get you to return the favour" she said

"Oh please, I'd do anything for you" I said

Just then my phone rang. I signalled Chelsea I'd be a second.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey how are you doing?" Justin asked

"I am fine, but what do you want?" I asked

"Well I need you to shoot your music video. Your song has had more then enough exposure and is doing really good" he said

"Well last time I seen you I ended up in the hospital and got deported so I am not too keen on seeing you again" I said

"Oh come on" he said

"Yeah okay whatever" I said

"So good then, meet me at the studio in about two hours and then we can shoot the video from there" he said

"Wait. You are here?" I asked

"Uh yeah, I do have to do some business up here ya know" he said

"Uhm, fine but I am bringing my friend along" I said looking at Chelsea who was smiling from ear to ear.

"That's fine, so I will see you in about two hours then" he said

"Fine" I said

"Alright see you then" he said

"Yeah okay bye" I said hanging up.

I was a little bit shocked to say the least. Knowing that Justin was here and basically I am going back to where everything started. But what really had me thinking was Zac. I missed him so much to where words couldn't describe. The scary part was, I was actually thinking about taking Chelsea's advice. Screw living at home, and screw having to be controlled when I can do what I want to do and be with the one that I love.

"Dude it's alright don't worry about it, you will see him eventually" Jessie said to an irritated Zac

"Yeah I know but tomorrow is his birthday and I won't even be able to see him"

"So its not the end of the world" Jessie said

"I know, but still. I feel horrible not being there'' Zac said

"You really care about him don't you" Jessie said

"Of course I do. If anything I would ask him to move in with me and live here'' Zac said sparking Jessies attention.

"Really now?" Jessie asked

"Yeah really, I mean he is of age and he can choose if he wants too" Zac said

"Hhhm I see I see" Jessie said

"What are you up to?" Zac asked suspiciously

"Oh nothing, just a little shocked thats all" Jessie said

"Why is that shocking? that makes perfect sense to me" Zac said

"No, your right. I know what you mean" Jessie said

"Hell, I'd even move up there" Zac said

"Wait, okay no. Not happening. Your life and your career is down here, and guaranteed if you move up there then you can say bye bye to what you have done here" Jessie said

"Your right. Its just so difficult wanting to be with someone who lives in another country and is so close, yet so far away" Zac said

"Gotta love civil wars" Jessie said

"Oh and as for that Justin!" Zac yelled a little bit "If I ever get my hands on that prick I will be sure to give him a piece of my mind"

"That was random, but I highly agree" Jessie said

"It's too bad J. doesn't pull the whole cry me a river thing on him through is music" Zac said

"That is a really good idea'' Jessie said

"What is?" Zac asked not really realizing he was ranting

"Don't you get it? Jess can do it. I mean come on, the kid has got an amazing voice so it's not like he can't get signed to another record company. When you talk to him again tell him to pull a Kelly Clarkson and fire his manager" Jessie said

"Your right, Jess thinks he needs Justin to get through, but really Justin has all the control and Jess' potential hasn't even gotten out there yet" Zac said

"Exactly" Jessie said

"Well I will tell him when I call him later'' Zac said

"Why not call him now?" Jessie asked

''Good idea'' Zac said

He went over and grabbed his cellphone off the end table and dialed J's number. It rang a couple of times but he answered.

"Hello?" he answered

"Hey you" Zac said

"Oh hey baby how's it going?" he asked

"Oh good, listen can we talk?" Zac asked

"Uhm I would love to right now but" There was a loud noise in the background

"What was that?" Zac asked

"Actually I was about to tell you" he said a little louder "I am shooting my music video right now"

"Oh really, so you are still hard at work then?" Zac asked

"Yeah, and actually you caught me on my break" he said

"Okay so how is that going then?" Zac asked

"It's actually going great, there are some really good idea's but I can't tell you anything, its going to be a suprise" he said

"Oh really now" Zac said

"Yeah really, trust me you will like it" he said "Oh and my friend Chelsea says hi"

"Okay cool tell her I said hi" Zac said

"He's says hi Chelsea!!!!" he yelled over to his friend

"So I have also been thinking" Zac said

"Oh thats a first" he said jokingly

"Hey come on now" Zac said

"I was just messing with you, but whats up?" he asked

"Well I was hoping you would consider" Zac started

"Oh hold on one second" he said and then started yelling in the background "Shit, I gotta go, Justin need's me on set right now because we are shooting the next clip for the video" he said

"Your with Justin?" Zac asked

"Yeah I know. I am not too thrilled about it, but he is just here setting up the music video" he said

"Well tell him I said I hate him" Zac said

"Oh I already did, but it's okay because as soon as I am done here then I am going home" he said

"Okay well I will talk to you later then" Zac said

"Yeah for sure, I love you babes, I gotta go" he said and hung up before Zac could say he loved him back

Zac at this point was really starting to get annoyed. He couldn't be with J, but it was Justin who was up there in Canada with him shooting his music video. Justin just had to snake his way into everything. It didn't matter though because Zac had his mind made up and he was going to see J.J one way or another.

"Wow, you did so awesome" Chelsea said

"Thanks but man, doing so many takes was getting frustrating" I said

"Yeah I could see that" she said

"So, now that the video is done shall we go over and watch it?" I asked

"Sure thing"

We went over next to Justin and the screen director who were going over the raw material of the music video.

"Can we watch?" I asked

"Yeah its good, all of the digital effects are finish now" Justin said

The director started it back from the beginning.

It started out dark with a spotlight that came on just over my mouth and filmed the opening notes to the song. Then when the main beat had started The camera did a falling zoom from above down to my backside with me standing in front of an old brick wall. Then when the camera was level with my backside I turned my head to the side and began to sing. After the first verse the camera had rotated around to my front side. Just before the beat could start for the chorus the camera did a close up to my face and I closed my eyes, hence 'sweet dreams'.

Then it faded in from dark and I was on this really cool big shiny black rectangle and on the ground surrounding it there was a liquid that was flowing. It was really black paint though. Then from behind me the extra came up. She was a gorgeous brunette girl and her name was Vicky. Anyways she slowly came up from behind the rectangle (seeming like she came out of it) and I sat up from lying down and she touched my shoulder and my clothes had seemingly melted off into the rectangle and all that was left where black boxers. Then she began to lower back down behind the rectangle and I grabbed her hand as I was seemingly pulled into the oddity.

When inside I had opened my eyes into another sceneario. The thing that I actually was suprised about was that my lip syncing for the video was perfect. Anyways so in this flash in the dream I am on top of the hood of a black viper, (It was the director's) and still in the boxers with the car surrounded by fire. The camera was looking down at me on the hood and I reached my arms out and grabbed on to the sides of the car. Just after I did that a small glob of black from the car came up and fell down on top of my foot. As I was lip syncing I was tossing side to side and the glob has began to form into a tribal vine tattoo that was growing onto my body.

The camera then had close ups of the growing tattoo forming along my body in short flashes. It was intwining around my limbs and when it had hit my chest it had made a heart with thorns on it. The camera did a close zoom up to the heart and the screen went black. Then the camera faded back in from black to me infront of the brick wall. Nearing the end of the song I finished singing and then I shook my head as if I had a nightmare then the camera did a zoom out to me infront of the wall. The the black glob had come back in from all corners of the wall, with the beat still going, and pooled on the wall right behind me and then (Vicky's) arms cam out from the pool and pulled me back in.

All that was left was the wall and this pool of black that began to suck itself into the center and before absorbing into the wall it formed ''J.J'' on the wall as the music faded out. Then it was sucked into the wall and the screen went black.

"Wow" Chelsea said

"That was so freaking cool" I said

"Well you did a good job and I think this video is going to be a hit" the Director named Sam said

"It wasn't the longest video in the world but it isn't the longest song either" Justin said

"You gave Janet a run for her money, I so loved that better then feedback" Chelsea said

"Okay well since we are done, can I get outta here?" I asked

"Not so fast" Justin said "You need to go and do an interview and drop off the tape after the final touches are perfected"

"Where am I dropping this off?" I asked

"Down at Much Music" Justin said

"Sweet!" Chelsea said

"How long is it going to take until it is done?" I asked

"Gimme about twenty minutes" Sam said

"Okay cool, then we can head up there" I said

"Sounds good" Chelsea said giving me a high five.

"Hey" Jessie said as Zac walked back into his place

"Hey man" Zac said

"So whats going on then?" Jessie asked

"Well I went and spoke to my rep and he said I don't have the time to book a flight to Toronto" Zac said

''Interviews right?" Jessie asked

"Yeah man, one after the other" Zac said

"Shitty" Jessie said

"Extremely" Zac said

"Well I think everything will work out just fine tomorrow" Jessie said a little suspiciously

''What did you do?" Zac asked

"Nothing man, no worries" Jessie said

"You are so up to something, but oh well, I guess I will find out. It's good to be home though and out of those damn hotels" Zac said

"You can say that again" Jessie said

"We where in those places way too long, and your's actually kinda sucked'' Zac said

"Yeah I know whats up with that? I mean you get the big fancy place, and we get your above average roadside place" Jessie said

"Thats because I am prettier then you" Zac said jokingly

"Yeah okay there" Jessie said

Just then Zac's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" he answered

"Hey babe! I know you don't have it on your regular t.v but go to Much Music's website and check out my video premier'' J. said

"Okay" Zac said "Where are you now?" he asked

"I am here at Much Music, but its a commercial break and I gotta go" J. said

"Okay I will check it out" Zac said

"Okay, love you" J. said

"Love you too" Zac said and J. hung up.

"Dude what was that?" Jessie asked

"Hurry come with me" Zac said getting up and running over to his computer sitting down in the chair

"Whats going on?" Jessie asked

"It's J. his video premiere is online right now" Zac said typing in the website quickly and cranking up the speakers

The music started and so did the video, right on time.

"Sweet" Zac said watching the opening of the video

"This is really, good and its top quality" Jessie said

"I know eh......whoa that black thing is cool" Zac said

"Dude see the chick coming out of it?" Jessie asked

"Yeah man thats insane" Zac said

"Holy shit man! His clothes are melting off" Jessie said

At that point in time Zac had a little problem. Seeing J, especially in a music video getting naked........well you do the math.

"This is amazing" Jessie said

"I know" was all Zac could muster out

"Dude, that car is sick!" Jessie said

''Whoa man check out the tattoo growing on him" Zac said a minute later.

"This is sick man, this guy rocks!" Jessie said

After about another minute of them pointing out what they were seeing, and Zac's 'excitment' the video came to an end and they went back on to Much On Demand.

"That was hot" Jessie said

"Welcome back to Much on Demand. I am your host Leah Miller and you just seen the world premiere of Sweet Dreams by Jesse Jordan" Leah said

'crowd applaudes crazily'

"So Jesse" She said to me look over from the stool she was sitting on "Why Sweet Dreams?''

"Uhm.." I started

"I mean the 80's version was a hit, and Marilyn Manson covered it and now it's pretty much your turn" She said

"Yeah I know. I have always loved the song, and it is before my time, but at the same time it's timeless'' I said

"Very true, well might I say that the video was smoking hot" She said

'Crowd starts screaming'

''So how are things going for you now?" She asked me

"Well, I wasn't too sure if I wanted to stay in the business, but then I smacked myself thinking 'what are you and idiot'" I laughed

"Well its a good thing you stuck around. You got your start here at the Hardrock Cafe and since then have moved on to make a single and even performed for Christina Aguilera on her tribute" she said

I laughed a bit as the crowd was clapping

"Now how do you get all of this done?'' she asked

"Well, uhm I got connections" I said laughing

"I mean you don't even need them because listen to your voice!" she said loudly over the crowd clapping and talking

"I guess your right, but no, uhm Justin is my boss" I said

"Justin Timberlake" she added

'crowd roars'

"Right, and I mean he sets up all of these events for me to do, and really it can get difficult but I am loving it" I said

"Good, well speaking of connections" she said

"Uh oh" I said

"How did you end up making friends with Zac Efron? Because so many ladies want to know" she said

'crowd applauds again'

"Uhm well, we did the tribute for Christina Aguilera and ever since then he has just been one of my best friends" I said

"Well I consider you a very lucky guy, but thats okay because you are like Canada's version of Zac Efron" Leah said

'girls screaming'

"Gosh, I feel so honored" I said a little sarcastically

"Okay so now I want to talk about your album" Leah said

"Okay" I said

"When can we expect it to hit the shelves?" she asked

"It should be out within two weeks" I said

'crowd applauds'

"Great, and what kind of material can we all expect, or can you give us a preview?" she asked

"Well there is a bunch of stuff on it. I shouldn't have called it stuff, but I wanted to try almost every genre" I said

"Can we expect anything controversial?" Leah asked

"I would say so but I am no pre-madonna" I said laughing a little bit.

"Well good, keep a strong head on your shoulders right" she said

"Thats right" I said

"Okay so now I have been dying to ask you this" she said

"Whats that?" I asked

"Who is your favourite Much Music VJ?" she said smiling

"Well thats a given" I said

"That means me right?" she asked

"Chyeah!" I said "When I turn watch Much I always say that you better be on" I said

"Aww that is so cute" she said

"Now don't get me wrong, I like the others too, but you just take the cake" I said

"Your too much" she said "Well you guys I have added one more to my celebrity friends list" she said looking over at the crowd

"Well anyways guys we have run out of time and we have to get going" Leah said

"Thank you for having me on the show" I said looking into the camera

''Gosh well thank you for stopping by" She said

"No prob" I said

"Okay so guys if you missed the video premiere then you can check us out online and as of now Much On Demand is over" Leah said

"Thanks Canada, your watching Much" I said again as Leah gave me a high five.

"And we are off" The set director said

The cameras rotated away and the main power lights shut down.

"That was really good'' Leah said

"Thanks, that was pretty much my first interview" I said

"Well you did great" she said

Then I took a couple of minutes to talk with the audience and sign a couple of autographs, which really made me feel wierd. I gave high fives and a couple of hugs to the audience and they worked their way out of the set. Chelsea was their with the audience but she told me she would meet me back at my house since she wanted to do some shopping before she went home, and obviously I aint just gonna walk into a busy mall. So now it was just me and Leah for a little one on one interview.

"Okay so obviously there are some things that shouldn't be discussed on air" She said

"What? I thought you guys were all about the facts and the dirt" I said jokingly

"I know but is it alright if I ask you some questions?" Leah said

"As long as they aren't used against me then I am cool, and if you are at least going to put me on Video on Trial, please crack some good jokes" I said

"Alright deal" she said as we both took some seats back on the stools.

"Okay shoot" I said when I was comfortable sitting

"Okay I almost brought it up but I managed to hold it back. But I know some things are portrayed in the wrong way but when I seen the tabloid with you and Zac on it, well it just made we wonder" she said

"Uhm well I was actually feeling really sick, and too be honest its because I was drinking" I said

"Oh such a rebel" she said

"I know, but I am no Lohan" I said jokingly

"Well thats good" she said

" don't know me and Zac are just friends thats all" I said

"Hey you don't have to answer anything you don't want too. I would just like to get some more background for my research for interviewing either you or him" she said

''And I totally trust you" I said

"Alright so, the rumors aren't true then?" she asked

"About me and Zac? No not at all" I said

"Okee dokee, uhm lets see, what made you sing dirrty at the tribute?" she asked

"Actually it wasn't my idea, it was Christina's. I guess it was in order to break the kiddie genre and be taken somewhat seriously. I mean the song Hurt was for obvious reasons, that how I got discovered, but with Dirrty I felt I wouldn't be on every teeny bopper magazine" I said

"And you don't think its setting a bad example?" she asked

"No not at all. I feel that my music is more grown up and matured. God I don't want to be seen as some sort of sex symbol. I just want to try different things and do what will benefit me in my future" I said

"Good answer" she said

"Well I guess I can be a role model but not for specific crowds. Plus to me the fact of actually being able to sing is right up there, and that was just an expression, not a belief" I said

"I knew I should have asked that during the show" she said

"Haha yeah it would have been a good thing" I said

"Well I think that does it for now, uhm make sure you come back again" She said

"Alright well it was nice meeting you and thanks a bunch" I said getting off the stool and giving her a hug

"You too" she said as we hugged for a second

"Alright I will talk to ya later" I said putting on my shades and walking out.

The interview was good and fun and I thought of it as a nice way to get some promotion and clear the air about unnecessary crap. But most importantly I was just stoked about tomorrow. It was my birthday and I had something extremely special planned, and right on que my cellphone rang

"Hey so we are still good for tomorrow?" I asked

"You bet your ass we are"

"Good" I said hanging up

Zac woke up the next morning feeling extra drowzy. He got up out of bed in nothing but his boxers and went into his kitchen and put the coffee on. Then he went over to his computer and watched the video's of J's interview and music video. He missed him so much and today was his birthday which made Zac feel horrible. Just as he grabbed his phone to call him it began to ring.

"Hello?" he answered

"Hey Zac whats new man?" Jessie asked

"Nothing man just got up" he said

"I see I see. Listen anyways I am on my way over so you better be ready to answer the door in about two minutes" Jessie said

"God you came over yesterday man, since when are we roommates?" Zac asked laughing a bit

"A roommate does sound nice doesn't it?" Jessie asked

"Yeah it does actually. I get kinda lonely living here all alone" Zac said

"Okay I am almost at your door go and get some clothes on" Jessie said

"How'd you know I didn't have clothes on?" Zac asked

"Because thats just you. Now hurry" Jessie said

"Okay okay" Zac said grabbing some shorts off the couch and throwing them on and then a ripped t-shirt

"Alright you ready?" Jessie asked

"Yeah I am ready" Zac said walking over to open the door. But before he did he checked the peephole and there was Jessie on his cellphone staring back into it

"Open up man" Jessie said as Zac undid a couple of locks.

Zac hung up his phone and managed to get his door unlocked and he opened it without looking up.

"So what new today..........." Zac said and then looking up "Oh my God!" he yelled


So what did you think? I know the last chapter was a little off but I just could keep Zac and J.J apart for that long.

If you have comments let me know

Thanks for reading and stay tuned

Next: Chapter 9

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