Surreal Uprising

By J.J

Published on Jun 3, 2008


Disclaimer: Yeah a Disclaimer, I know they suck but its the rules. First of all if you are under the legal age or viewing illegal content according to your country's laws than I suggest you do not read the next sentence of this disclaimer let alone the story. I do not know the sexualities of any of the celebrities mentioned and it is pure coinsidence to any recognition of anyone that may resemble any character. This story is purely fictional and contains sexual content and some coarse language. If you do not prefer same sex relationships or anything else that has to do with homosexuality then I suggest you don't read this story. So if you qualify or are brave enough to read this and not get caught then sit back, relax, and enjoy....

Author's Tid-bit: This story involves a relationship between a teenaged boy and an adult. There will be sexual content and some imaginary nudity but this story is definately not pornographic (sorry to spoil that). Feedback is always welcome but junk will be ignored. I do respond to most of the readers but if you don't hear from me then that means I am swamped with comments or ideas....This story is my own and copywrited by me and any purgery will be dealt with accordingly.....Oh screw the rest just enjoy.....

The Surreal Uprising Chapter 9:

By J.J

"Oh my God! Your here!" Zac yelled dropping his phone on the ground infront of me

"Yup, I sure am" I said as I clutched him tightly giving him a tight hug

"I missed you soo much" he said to me

"I missed you too" I said as I gave him a kiss

"Whoa guys, come on. I am right here" Jessie said irritated

"Sorry" I said letting go of Zac

"It's okay, lets just go inside" Jessie said grabbing a couple of my bags as me and Zac grabbed the rest

We walked in through the big front doors of Zac's townhouse and all I had to say was "wow". His house was gorgeous. In the entrance there was the curved staircase that went to the upstairs and I mean just the entrance alone way huge. The floors were made of tile and I could see there was alot of intriging wood fixtures that surrounded his walls. Basically felt like I was in an episode of cribs......

"Nice house" I said kinda quietly

"I know, eh. Zac's mommy and daddy really know how to pimp a place out" Jessie said putting his hand on my shoulder

"Don't listen to Jessie, its just a place to live, thats all" Zac said smiling at me

"Yeah if your the frickin queen on England" I said laughing a bit

"Oh pssh, what matters is that your here now" Zac said as he walked towards me and grabbed me into a hot passionate kiss

"Ahh come on man" Jessie said walking off into another room

"Good, now that hes gone" Zac said

"Huh, what?'' I asked slightly out of breathe

"I get to do this" he said pushing me back and pinning me against the wall as he attacked me with kisses.

I felt him grab my leg, and lift it up a big on the side of his waist. Then as my hands roamed his back pulling him tightly towards me he began to do thrusts and it knocked a vase off the table next to us, making it fall with a loud shatter.

"Don't worry about it'' he said as he kissed my neck

"Your sure?" I asked panting

"Postive" he said giving me a small bite.

Just as he went to come back up and kiss me we heard someone banging on the front door and the doorbell was going. Zac let go of me quickly and fixed himself as I did to myself.

"Who is that?" I asked quietly

"My parents'' Zac said sounding panicked

"Shit, shit" I said

"What?" he asked sounding even more panicked

"You have a couple of.............'' I was cut off

"Zac honey, how are..........oh my goodness you broke a vase" whom I presume his mother was said.

"I know I was just about to clean it up" Zac said acting really cool and collected

"What happened?" His dad asked coming into the door

"Oh I was bringing in bags and I knocked the table" Zac said

"Bags?" his mom asked kind of making me feel invisible.

"Yeah they are............'' Zac was cut off

"Jesse Jordan right?" his dad asked extending his hand

"Yes, that is correct" I said shaking his hand firmly

"Its very nice to meet you" Zac's mom said

"Thanks alot guys" I said

"So are you staying here long?" Zac's dad asked

"Uhm, well" I started

"Yeah he is, actually today we decided that we are going to be roomates or something rather" Zac said

"Yeah thats right" I said kind of nervously

"Well thats great to hear" Zac's mom said

"Yeah no kidding, poor Zac living here all alone" His dad said making me laugh a little bit and making Zac blush uncontrollably

"But anyways son" his mom started and stopped with a gasp "What are those?" she asked pointing to his neck

"Whats what?" he asked kinda shocked and panicking a bit

"Oh honey those are hickies" his dad said laughing

'Shit we are dead!' I thought to myself

"HIckies?!" his mom asked

"Yeah, I can explain everything......" Zac started

"No need too son" his dad said

"No need?" He and I asked kind of at the same time

''Well yeah I mean come on you are both young guys and god knows how many ladies each of you can" Zac's dad was cut off

"I swear to God if you guys are still........" Jessie said but stopped as he rounded the corner

'Shit so dead!!!!' I thought

"Not finished cleaning the vase, then I might as well help" Jessie said covering his near outting slip

"Oh don't worry about it Jessie" Zac's mom said going over and giving him a kiss on the cheek "You never said you were visiting" she said

"I didn't even know you guys were here" Jessie said

"Thats just our charm.........sneaking up like this" His mom said

"Well mom, dad. Thats good and all but how about we uhm go and talk in the kitchen" Zac said

"The kitchen?" his dad asked

"Yeah sure why not?" he said not knowing what else to say

"Yeah then me and Jessie will clean this mess up" I said

"Okay then" his mom said supsiciously following Zac and his father into the kitchen

I literally let out a huge breath of relief.

"Man that was close" I said quietly

"What happened?" Jessie asked

"Well we know....mackin, then the vase fell and thats when his parents barged up to the door" I said

"Shit dude" Jessie said

"I know, and then his mom seen his hickies, and you didn't help coming around the corner and nearly outting us both" I said laughing a bit

"You gave him hickies!" Jessie said a little loud as I punched him

"Would you shut the fuck up" I whispered

"Opps, my bad" he said smiling a bit

"Why are you smiling?" I asked as we scooped up the rest of the vase

"Because I don't think his parents would really freak or anything. They seem cool" Jessie said

"Yeah and thats when you tell them and they go pyschotic and kill you and dice you up and put you in the deep freezer" I said with the most serious face I could make

"Your sick, you know that right" he said to me

"Yeah I know, but hey it could happen" I said smiling

"No it can't, you just fucked" he said

"Yeah okay, whatever" I said throwing the broken vase in the garbage

"I wonder what they are talking about?" Jessie asked

"Me too, but I am not going to just go and listen in on them" I said

"Oh come on Zac is your boyfriend" Jessie said

"No he........"

"Wait, you guys aren't dating?" Jessie asked

"No, he never asked me and I never asked him" I said

"Man, you guys are behind in the game" Jessie said

"Okay your right, but can we not talk about this right now?" I asked

"Touchy subject?" he asked

"No, his parents are here numbskull" I said

"Oh shit, yeah I keep forgetting" he said

"Yeah yeah sure you do" I said as my cellphone rang.

I checked the number and it didn't look familiar so I moved my bags over by the staircase quickly and ran out the front with the phone.

"Hello?" I answered as I stepped outside

"So where are you?" Justin asked me sounding kind of angry

"Oh around" I said

"Yeah, while I am up here in Toronto you decided to move your ass back down there" he said

"How did you know?" I asked sarcastically

"Funny.....I talked to your mom and she filled me in on the whole scoop" Justin said

"Wow thats a shocker" I said

"Well its your loss and by the way your mother told me to warm you" Justin said

"Please, I don't need any of her advice" I said

"Alright but don't think you can come crawling back to me and label when your father gets a hold of you" Justin said

"Fuck you! What do you know about my father?!" I asked angrily

"Oh just the fact that his little boy is now famous and he just wants a piece of the action" Justin said

"Your a fucking asshole!" I yelled

"Yeah and you and me are through" Justin said

"Thank fucking God!" I said hanging up

I walked back into the house and walked right passed Jessie without saying anything. Then I grabbed my bags and hauled them upstairs and put them on a bed in what looked like a spare bedroom. I figured I would have known what Zac's room would have looked like, being used and all, but I decided to wait until his parents were gone so we could figure out the sleeping situation.

On the other hand though I was furious. I couldn't believe that Justin even had the nerve to mention my father to me but he really made me think. What if he was right? What if my father was looking for me? I knew one way or another this would probably happen and I needed to tell Zac the truth on how I just easily moved down here and did it all within a day. Thats when the devil knocked on the door and saved me from making the trip downstairs.

"Hey, you okay?" Zac asked

"Yeah I am fine" I said

"Jessie told me you where yelling and you seemed really mad" Zac said closing the door and sitting on the bed next to me

"I know. Well Justin phoned me and told me I am done with him and the label. He terminated it" I said

"Isn't that a good thing?" Zac asked confused

"Yes it is and all. But Zac.....I need to tell you something" I said

"Anything you need to tell me you can. I am here for you and you know that" he said

"I know, okay so heres the deal. Have you wondered how it was so easy for me just to move down here?" I asked

"Come to think about it, yes I do wonder. I mean with all that deported drama before when you left" he said

"Well I have some skeletons in my closet that I never really got to talk to you about'' I said

"Are you okay? Are you in trouble or something?" he asked really concerned

"I am fine but there might be trouble" I said

"What kind of trouble?" he asked

"My father" I said

"And whats wrong with your father?" he asked

"Well I never really got to talk much about him, nor do I want to but he lives here" I said

"Your dad is American?" he asked

"Yeah and my mom is Canadian. I have duel citizenship and technically the law states that I am a minor and he has to right to see me" I said

"You don't think he will come looking for you do you?" he asked

"I don't know. I mean Justin said that he talked to my mom and she warned me that he was looking for me, and Justin didn't make it any better by saying all he wants is a piece of the action now that I have a name for myself" I said

"Well I don't really know what to do but I know what to say" Zac said smiling

"And what would that be?" I asked letting a small smile escape from me

"Don't worry about him, and honestly there is nothing he can really do to take you away" Zac said

"How do you know that?" I asked

"Because, although you are a minor you are also over the age of sixteen and by law, at least here, sixteen is the age when a child can become an independant and can live on their own, and well now you have the house and the roomate to prove it" he said

"How did you know all of that?" I asked

"Because I might only be twenty but I know that law. Come on J, what kid with money doesn't want to live on thier own? I sure as hell did and thats why I moved out and got this big old townhouse" he said embracing me in a hug

"Okay so I will listen to you" I said

"Darn right you will" he said pinching me a little bit

"Ow you jerk don't pinch me" I said punching him hard in the arm

"Ouch okay, point proven, no pinching. So instead I owe you sixteen slaps" he said

"What?" I asked confused

"Happy Birthday silly" he said hugging me

"Oh right! I nearly forgot" I said

"How do you nearly forget your birthday?" Zac asked laughing

"Oh thats just one of my charms" I said

"But anyways I have to go with my parents quickly to a meeting" Zac said

"Okay" I said

"Alright well make yourself at home, well this is your home I guess, and uhm yeah you will be cool to chill here for a bit?" he asked

"Yeah I will be fine. I am going to make some calls to some different labels" I said

"Alright sounds good" Zac said

"Okay so have a good meeting and I will talk to you later" I said giving him a kiss

"Oh yeah for sure" he said a little seductively

"Yeah keep your pants on, I will talk to you later" I said as he got up from the bed.

"Alright and move your stuff into my room, what did you think? Your going to sleep alone?" he asked

"Well I was planning on it, you know like a real roomate" I said sarcastically

"Your funny" he said giving me a kiss "I lo.........I will see you later" he said

"Alright bye" Zac said leaving the room

When Zac left I seen him stepping out and getting into his parent's Jaguar and driving off. I turned around and grabbed my bags off from the bed and carried them over into Zac's room. His room was pretty funky and all but it defineatley needed a few changes if I was going to be staying in it. The thing that made me laugh the most was a picture of Zac on his dresser that was autographed to himself and was signed to "sexy stud". He really was high on himself but it wasn't as bad as alot of people thought. But then again it was a good thing because nobody likes a slob who doesn't take care of themselves.

So anyways, me being the curious cat that I was, I decided to snoop through his room and see what kind of stuff he really liked. I didn't really find much other then his clothes. The guy didn't even have porn or anything and that was kind of suprising to me because I though for sure that he would. So with no succession I decided to snoop through his room some more. I came up to his bed and I was so happy to see that he had a nice picture frame that held about twelve pictures and all of them where me sitting on his night table.

One really made me laugh though because it was a shot from the paprazzi incident at the gas station. It was the first and only picture of me and Zac together. He was looking in his rearview as I was looking at him trying to back up. It was too cute. Then curiosity got the best of me and I went into the night table. There were a couple pieces of paper and some other little things but I came to a shock when I got to the bottom of the drawer. There was a picture of him and some other guy and he was kissing the boy and his mom and dad where in the background.

It was kind of confusing but I looked at the back of the picture and there was some writing on it. It was kind of sloppy but I could make it out.

"Dear Zac.

I am so sorry things had to come to an end like this.

But I hope you will always remember the good times we had

and the love we shared.

I am sad that I have to go but I am sure you will find someone

to hold dear to your heart in the future.

I love you with all my heart

Don't be sad......please have a good happy life

Love always


At first I wanted to be mad but then it kind of dawned on me. Zac didn't seem like the type to be a two timer, and plus the way that this Brandon wrote his letter makes it seem like something has happened to him. But either way they were together at one point in time and Zac's parents also knew about it. So why was he hiding it from me that his parents know about him? Maybe its because we aren't officially dating yet. But I knew for sure I had to keep quiet on this one so I put the picture back in the drawer where I found it and closed it.

Then I left Zac's room and explored the rest of his huge house. It was a gorgeous place and it made my moms house look like a cardboard box. Then I came across a noise in the back of the house and it was coming from the backyard. When I came up to the door I could see that there was a dog house out there and I could hear a dog whinning.

So I opened to door quietly and stepped out on to the back patio.

"Hello" I said

Then a fairly big dog came out of the dog house. Well actually he poked his head out and he was whinning. I didn't really want to get too close but when I seen that he came out and was wagging his tail frantically I just couldn't resist. So I walked over and stuck my hand out for him to sniff me and know that I was no threat to him. The he started whinning some more and I could see that he wanted to play. So I looked on his collar and the tag said Bruno. Appropriate name for a brute like him. Then without using proper judgement I undid his leash and he took off like a jet and did a big jump right into the swimming pool.

He must have been hot or something, well yeah it was really hot in California and it wasn't something I was use to in Toronto. So I ran over to the poll and started calling Bruno and he came right out of the pool after I called him. When he got out he was shaking all of the water off of him and then he came running over and jumped on me and took me down like I was nothing. I thought I was getting attacked for a second there but he ended up licking the face off of me.

"Come on Bruno lets go and get you some water" I said as he followed me into the house.

I walked into the kitchen and he followed behind me like a shadow. Then I reached into the fridge and grabbed one of the many bottles of water and dumped it into a doggy dish. He must have been thirsty because he downed that water like it was nothing. So after about a couple of minutes of not knowing what to do with Bruno I decided to dig through Zac's cupboards. There was all kinds of food but there wasn't really anything that suited a meal for a dog. Thats when I found the doggie biscuits under the counter. I gave Bruno a couple of them but then I had an idea.

"Sit Bruno" I said

He sat

"Okay now roll over" I said

He rolled over

"Shake a paw?" I said

He stuck his paw out and I shook it

"Now play dead" I said

And sure enough he did. He rolled over on his back and his back leg was twitching.

"Good boy" I said handing him another doggie biscuit, then I put the box back under the counter. "Now lets see what kind of dog you are"

I walked over to the computer and went on google trying to find a picture that matched Bruno. There wasn't much luck though until I typed in the pattern of which his fur was. It was dark with orange like stripes on it and he had little ears and a long short haired tail.

'Bingo' I thought as I got some results.

"So you are an American pit bull huh? Smart dog" I said patting him on the head.

"Come on Bruno lets go and watch some t.v" I said as he followed me into the living room.

A couple of hours passed by when Zac came home. He had went and bought J.J a really amazing gift for his birthday and he hid it in his garage. Then he got out of the car and took the keys from his father.

"You think he will like it?" Zac asked

"Oh please what young guy wouldn't?" his dad asked

"True, okay well thank you dad" Zac said

"No problem son, and oh Zac!'' his dad said

"Yeah dad?" he asked turning around

"I like this one........And just be careful okay because the whole celebrity relationship thing usually never works" his dad said

"I know dad, thank you" he said turning back around and walking into his house.

When he got inside he smelt a very distinct and familiar smell but he couldn't recognize it. Then he also noticed that his house was very clean, I mean the floors where sparkling and everything was put in it's proper place. He decided he was going to sneek up on J.J but he just couldn't find him anywhere. He searched upstairs and there was no luck, but he noticed that his room was really clean and that all of his clothes were neatly folded and put away. Then a thought hit him.

Zac ran over to his night table and opened the drawer to find the picture of Brandon right where he left it. Ever since Brandon left his life pretty much crumpled away. He was very hurt and it took some time for him to open up, but in all reality he realized he found the one he wanted to be with now, and that was J.J.

So then Zac decided to check the one of many rooms in his house that he bypassed to find J.J. He walked down the stairs quietly and went to sneek up on J.J in the living room when he realized that J.J wasn't alone. Bruno was on the couch with him and they were both fixated in a movie that was on the t.v.

Bruno was the dog that him and Brandon bought together and raised from a young puppy. He was very friendly in a sense to people he knew, but oftenly Zac had to restrain him because Bruno was known as the meanist dog in the neigbhorhood to strangers and almost attacked two people. But when he seen that he was sitting with J.J and lying on his lap he had a flash back to when Brandon and Bruno did the exact same thing. Bruno wouldn't even do that with Zac so he was in amazement, but thats when J.J realized that Zac was there and turned around to look at him.

"Hey............are you okay?" I asked

"Oh........uh yeah I am fine. I see you met Bruno" Zac said

"You never told me you had a dog" I said smiling at him as Bruno just looked up and laid back down on my lap.

"I actually forgot" Zac said

"And I thought forgetting your birthday was bad....but your best friend...." I said jokingly

"Its just so amazing" Zac said

"What is?" I asked slightly confused.

"Just the way he is sitting with you.....I haven't seen him like that for a long time" he said

"Well we were buddies from the get go. He was thirsty so I gave him a bottle of water.....and oh, when I let him off the leash he immediately jumped in the pool to cool off. It was so funny. Then we came into the house and I gave him some biscuits, but he had to do tricks for them and he did everyone.......Then I made supper and me and Bruno have chilled ever since" I finished

"Did you say he did tricks?'' Zac asked

"Yeah, he uhm sat, rolled over, shook a paw, and even played dead while his leg was twitching" I said laughing quietly but I seen that Zac looked a little hurt.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Oh nothing, its okay really. He just never does stuff like that with me" he said

"Because you neglect him in his dog house. So anyways how was your meeting?" I asked

"Oh it was good........really good.......but uhm you should come with me for a second" Zac said reaching his hand out

"What where are we going?" I asked

"Just come here. I have a suprise" He said helping me off the couch with Bruno in toe.

"Okay" I said

"Now close your eyes" Zac said

"Okay then" I said while Zac put his hands over my eyes and led me somewhere.

I could tell that we must have went into the entrance of the house and the hallway because we headed in that direction. I felt him lightly guiding me left and right and finally we came to a stop. Then he took a hand off and opened a door and I could feel a little cool breeze come in and hit me. Then he guided me down a small flight of stairs and stood me somewhere.

It was obviously dark because there was no sense of light what so ever. Then Zac let me go and told me to wait there for a second. I could hear him running away from me and he turned on a light switch because with my eyes closed in the dark I could tell a light was turned on.

"Okay open them!" Zac yelled

I opened my eyes and next to a black landrover there was something covered in tarps with a red bow on top of it.

"Did you get me a kitchen set or something?" I asked

"Just take the tarps off" he said giving me a kiss

I walked over and took off one tarp, and then another but then the object underneath began to take shape. I got excited and just pulled the last tarp off very quickly. And underneath the tarp there was a black Pontiac Solstice and an envelope in the windshield wiper.

"You got me a car!!!!!!!!" I yelled running back and hugging him nearly dragging him to the ground.

"Not just any car" Zac said

"I know, its a 2008 Pontiac Solstice GXP. Two hundred and Fourty horsepower turbo charged four cylinder. And oh look thank god you got an automatic" I said

"Say who what now?" he said in a loss

"I love this car" I said

"That was so hot" he said

"What was?" I asked

"Well you know when a guy who has a girlfriend and she knows about cars.....well yeah" he said

"Haha well, I have always loved them" I said

"Once again......very hot" he said

"Jee thanks" I said

"No problem" he said

"And wow Zac! Oh my god! Custom rims? Red racing stripes?" I asked

"I went all out..........Happy Birthday!" he said

"Oh thank you soooo much!" I yelled giving him another hug and making Bruno bark.

"Come here Bruno" I said making him run over to me.

I walked over to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door and Bruno jumped in and sat in the seat as I went around and sat in the driver seat. Zac was finding all of this funny as he laughed pretty hard.

"Man Bruno, its too bad its a two seater. I guess Zac lucks out" I said laughing as Bruno barked "Just you and me Bruno and a nice hill side drive" I said

That made Zac stop laughing thought. He zoned out when he was looking at me and he was looking like he wanted to cry. I called his name a couple of times but he never answered me. Thats when I got out of the car and went up and hugged him.

"Don't ever leave me'' he said beginning to cry in my shoulder.

"I wont leave you.....What are you talking about?" I asked

"I just.....I couldn't live with myself. This was a bad idea'' he said beginning to shake.

"Well tell me about it" I said sitting him down on a chair and I sat next to him

"I....I......." he said crying like I have never seen him cry before.

"Zac honey whats wrong?" I asked

"It was about a year ago" he said

"What was?" I asked

"I have something I need to tell you" he said

"You can tell me anything you know that" I said hugging him tightly

"A year ago I was dating somebody and his name was Brandon" he said beginning to cry even more

"Shh....shh.....Its okay" I said rubbing his back "What happened?" I asked

"Well he was proud that he bought his first car, and and him brought Bruno home togther. And what you said with Bruno in the car about a hillside drive was the last thing I ever heard from Brandon" he said crying more

"Its don't need to tell me anymore if you don't want to" I said comforting him the best I could

"He was hit by and on coming car and he suffered for a day in the hospital before he died" Zac said

"Aww Zac I am so sorry" I said trying not to cry as I comforted him

"I just got really scared when I seen you in the car and you said it" Zac said

"Nothing will happen to me ever. I promise you that okay" I said

"Okay" he said looking down

"No, look at me" I said holding his chin up to me "I will never ever leave you and I will do my best to never let anything happen to me. I know your the one I want to be with and I will be here for you every second" I said giving him a kiss

"I love you so much" he said resting his head on my shoulder

When he said those words I kind of froze. Bad enough that we weren't even dating, but the point was I didn't know if I could say it back. Deep down inside me a part wanted to scream it but my brain was telling me other wise. I hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear.....

"I love you too"


So what did you think of this chapter? Well let me know. I want to hear the hole scoop people.

Comments, Questions, & Feedback are always welcome.

So stay tuned for the next chapter of the Surreal Uprising....


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