
By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Jun 22, 2000



Written By Kevinsangel

Disclaimer: I do not do Not Own NSYNC nor do I imply that one or more members are gay. This story is a piece of fiction so sits backs and enjoy.

If you have comments or suggestions about the story please email me at

Check out some of my fav stories out there. They're worth reading.

Kevin and Justin=>Read if you like emotional overload. It's great and they're finally together. Cheers

Escape Choices Forever Superman Can't Fly =>Great Joey Story btw Fixing the BSB=> I still say Nick and Kev grins Tale of Two Boy Bands=> Put JC AND Kev BACK Whines It's a great story. Xtreme NSYNC Get You Back And many others

Thanks To Billy. It was his site that I found Nifty, Now On to the story.



Chapter 1

"Bahamas!!" Can't you guys believe it!? We're going to the Bahamas!!"

"Justin calm down. We'll be there soon. We just have to finish business in New York and then it's off to the Bahamas for two whole weeks!!" Lance smiled as he leaned back into the couch.

"But's the BAHAMAS! Pretty Girls, cool food, sandy white beaches, pretty girls, sky blue water, pretty girls, awesome music, pretty girls and not to mention the well deserve rest" Joey replied ecstatically.

"And the pretty girls" Justin laughed.

"Oh no...One Joey in a group is enough! We don't need two!!" JC exclaimed in mock horror.

"HEY!!" Joey protested.

"Yeah man..we don't need two Joeys. One is bad enough. I told ya Joe that you're flirtous attitude would rub off on our impressionable Justin" Chris chuckled.

"Bullshit!" Joey cursed not really mad at his friends teasing. "It's a good and influential impression."

"Okay when does Joey's nose grow" Lance grinned.

"That or where's the lighting" JC laughed.

"Hey Joey is a good influence on me" Justin smiled defending Joey. "Besides it'll help me win more hearts that way." He hated to lie to his friends well maybe not lying but at least playing the part of a teen heartthrob. He loved his female fans he really does but he wasn't attracted to them as much as he was to the male fans.

Every time a male fan walks by or is in the audience that's really good looking Justin would do a once over to see if he was date worthy. You see no one knows that Justin Randell Timberlake was gay and no one was ever going to change that.

He thought about telling his friends but was scared that they might reject him. He's been bashed before when he was younger being called 'faggot' or 'fairy-boy'. He never got over that and telling anyone he's gay he was scared it would go back to that. so he kept it to himself which prevented him from finding the right guy.

As much as Justin trusted his friends he was scared. He supposed every gay guy was scared to come out to his family or friends because of rejection. He couldn't handle it if they rejected him or threw him out of the group. It would literally kill him. They were his brothers and their opinions mattered to him.

He found it ironic that most people found Lance to be the gay one of the group based on looks. Truth to be told Lance is one hundred percent straight. Or maybe ninety percent straight and ten- percent bi he didn't know which. But Lance made it clear that he was into women every time they heckled him. Justin smiled to himself. If the public only knew that Lance wasn't the gay member of the group it was Justin. They would be shock to say the least. If they found out he hoped that his friends could survive the war that would be leashed on them just because he was gay.

"Just...Hello..Earth to Justin.." a voice replied.

Justin looked up to see four amused grins staring down at him. "What.."

"Spaced out for a second didn't you Curly" a voice chuckled.

"Oh shut up JC I was thinking" Justin replied.

"Thinkin' about what girls" Lance chuckled.

"HEY lay off. Shesh we all have our own little worlds to go when we want to seriously think. Leave Justin alone" Joey replied in anger.

"Okay this is seriously freaking me out here. One Justin is thinking seriously and two. Joey is defending him. We need that rest and we need it now" Chris replied.

"I am so glad we are getting two whole weeks off. We're already tearing our heads off. This rest will do us some good" Lance replied.

"For sure. Look I'm sorry for teasing ya Justin.." Chris replied.

"It's okay just don't do it again" Justin laughed.

"You know I will" Chris smirked.

"And I will have to beat your ass next time" Justin grinned.

"Try it" Chris edged.

"Whoa enough of the horsing around. We have to talk shop here" JC replied.

"AHHHHH Do you have to be Lance when Lance is sitting over there" Joey grinned as he pointed to the chair.

"Shut up Fatone okay we have work to discuss. Well we all know Chris, JC and I are basically done." Lance stated.

"Well Justin and I have to do TRL on Friday. Then two interviews and a photo shoot. So we should catch up with you on Saturday morning" Joey said looking over the schedule.

"Just how come we have to do it" Justin whined.

"Because we got sick is why" Joey replied with a moan.

"We warned ya not to go to the Water Park when it was cold. Did you listen to us no...You went anyway" JC said with a smug.

"And you both are making it up. We're gonna leave tonight since we've done our jobs" Lance chuckled.

"Sure just rub it in why don't you" Justin said as he stuck out his tonuge.

"But of course while you two have to work we'll be the ones charming the pretty ladies" Chris laughed.

"This sucks" Joey complained.

"Well that's life. Just do the work and then you can play when you get to the Bahmamas we'll save ya some hunnies" Lance laughed.

"Well our plane leaves in an hour. We better get our stuff and head for the airport" JC replied.

"Once on the plane we can tease Joey and Justin all we want" Chris laughed.

"Meeting adjourned" Lance joined in as they went to their rooms as Joey and Justin flicked them off.

All five members of NSYNC were waiting for their pilot to arrive. They were taking a private jet to avoid all the screaming fans.

"Hey you two take care of yourselves okay" Lance replied.

"Well be good" Both Justin and Joey answered.

"No clubbing"


"No groupies"

"Double damn"

"No drinking"

"Are ya trying to kill us already?"

"Limits on video games"

"Uh take all my fun away why don't you"

"Please try not to slack off or act in an immature manner" Lance replied in a stern voice.

"Damn you three have the utmost faith in us don't ya" Joey grinned.

"Just be careful" Chris replied hugging his friends.

"We will" Justin smiled.

"And go to bed early to" JC added.

"Party poopers" Joey replied sticking out his tongue.

"Okay boys we're ready to leave" Their pilot announced.

"Kay" All three echoed.

"We'll see ya in four days" Lance said as they all hugged goodbye.

"Yeah and save those girls for us" Joey smiled as he and Justin watched as the others boarded the plane.

"I'm gonna miss them" Justin sniffed.

"Awe Curly we'll see them in a few days Let's break some rules shall we. Let's go clubbing" Joey grinned as he tossed an arm around Justin's shoulder.

Justin shivered as his grinned. Joey's arm felt good around him. "Yeah...let's go piss off Lance huh."

Both laughed as they headed out of the terminal.

"Good now that the three are gone. Joey and Justin are ours..." a dark voice chuckled.


Whatcha think? First story so please be gentle.

Next: Chapter 2

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