Swapping Siblings

By Beverly Mertrix

Published on Mar 5, 1998



Swapping Siblings

by Sissipus

"Mmm. Good morning, lover." Purring like a kitten, April slipped a warm arm across my naked chest.

"Hey, stop that." Damn, her touch was like sandpaper. Reluctant to wake, I rolled over awkwardly and tried to get back to sleep. Instead, I bolted upwards in pain, throwing the covers right off the bed.

"Jeez." Wiping the auburn bangs from her eyes, she scowled. "Somebody sure got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

"What the hell did your wash those sheets in?" I asked, grumpier than usual. As a rule, I loathed mornings, but lately they'd been especially bad. I wasn't sleeping well; was becoming more distracted and irritable by the day; and just didn't feel right.

"What did I wash them in?" Slipping into her robe, April said "This is your apartment, remember? I didn't wash anything."

As miserable as I felt, I still knew enough to apologize. Regardless of the circumstances, I had no right to snap at her. "Sorry, babe. They just feel so rough and scratchy." Uncomfortable talking about it, I admitted sheepishly "It actually . . . hurts."

"Felt fine to me," she shrugged. Smiling again, she helped me out of the bed. "Now, give me a kiss, Mr. Grumpy."

Grimacing, I allowed her to pull me close, only to push her away before our lips could even touch. "Shit. Your robe's as bad as those sheets." Shivering, I self-consciously began rubbing my tender chest.

Suddenly, April's eyes widened in astonishment. Giggling, she leaned down and asked "It's your chest that's bothering you, right?"

"Ah, yeah." Actually, now that she mentioned it, the rest of me felt fine. It was only my chest that seemed so raw and sensitive. "Ouch!"

"Sorry." Pulling her finger away from where she had poked my left nipple, April asked "Have you looked at yourself lately?" Turning me around to face the light, she joked "You could almost fill an a-cup with those babies."

"What?" Pushing past her, I ran straight for the bathroom. Slapping at the lightswitch, I stared at my reflection, horrified. My chest was definitely swollen, but nothing like my nipples. Gently touching the tip of my finger to one, I yelped in pain and jerked back my hand. Swollen and sensitive, they were nearly a quarter-inch long!

"Don't look so devastated," my girlfriend told me, joining me in the bathroom. "So you're putting on a little weight." Kissing the back of my neck, she promised "You can work it back off."

"Yeah, sure." I wanted to believe that's all it was, but had a nagging suspicion that there was more. Putting on weight simply could not account for how swollen and raw my chest was - not to mention the problems I hadn't told her about. Worried, I brushed myself lightly, shocked to see a couple of my chest hairs fall away. I didn't want to upset April, but I was really worried. The strange feelings; the trouble sleeping; and now this - what if they were all symptoms of something more serious?

"Come on, Dave. Let's get some breakfast." Laughing, she added "Low-fat for you!"

Forcing myself to at least smile, I turned off the light and followed her into the kitchen.

"Dave!" Peeking over the wall of my cubicle, Tim asked "How's it going?"

Shit. I was having a hard enough time concentrating already, and now I had to deal with this. Tim was the kind of guy who got on everybody's nerves, but whose ego kept him from realizing it. "Actually," I told him, "I'm kinda busy. Gotta get this report done before the meeting."

Tapping incessantly on the top of the divider, he said "Gotta go to the can too, eh?"

"What?" Looking up from the screen, I spun around in my chair to meet his grinning, gap-toothed face.

"Well," he laughed, "Either you gotta go, or your panties are too tight."

Following his gaze, I was shocked to find that I was sitting with my legs crossed at the thighs - like a woman. Quickly uncrossing them, I lied "You know, I was so caught up in the report, I forgot about even having to go." Hoping I didn't look as embarrassed as I felt, I stood up and joked "Thanks for reminding me."

"Hey, no problem." Slapping me on the back as I emerged from my cubicle, Tim assured me "That's what friends are for."

Hoping he wouldn't follow, I hurried to the men's room. Fortunately, there was nobody else in there. Heading straight for the sink, I turned on the cold water and began splashing my face. "What is going on with you?" I asked my reflection. A couple days had passed since the problems began with my chest, but things were only getting worse. I was now waking up three or four times a night, either with the chills or the sweats; my mind seemed to be in a fog, making it nearly impossible to concentrate; and this wasn't the first time I'd caught myself exhibiting strange body language.

"You gotta see a doctor about this," I sighed. Only problem was, what would I tell him? As I pondered that, I heard the bathroom door creak open behind me. Afraid it might be Tim, I hurried over to the line of urinals.

Fortunately, it was just one of the guys from sales. Nodding a polite hello, he stepped up to the urinal next to me. Relieved, I looked down to zip myself up, only to find my gaze drawn to my neighbour. I was breaking the first rule of the men's room - and I knew it - but was unable to stop myself. His cock wasn't anything special - maybe even a little smaller than mine - but it stirred something strange within me.

Licking my lips, I imagined myself dropping to my knees and wrapping my lips around that magnificent organ. Feeling feverish, I saw myself taking him into my mouth, working him to an erection with my tongue. Obsessed, I pictured myself swallowing his tool, taking him as deep as he would let me. I could almost feel him growing inside me, filling me with his meat as his cockhead slowly pushed its way past my tonsils. Next he'd begin to swell, his warm cock throbbing inside me, and then-

"Hey, do you mind?"

The salesman's angry rebuke seemed to break whatever spell had possessed me. Jerking my head back up, I paled, disgusted at what I had been thinking. Shit, I'd never had a homosexual thought in my life. What was wrong with me? "S-sorry," I told him, "Just not feeling well." Leaning against the wall, I hoped he'd mistake my lusty stare for the distracted gaze of someone trying not to be sick.

"Well, you got the wrong toilet if you're gonna puke." He looked like he wanted to believe me, but still wasn't sure. Not bothering to wash his hands, he rushed out the door, leaving me alone.

"That's it," I told myself, "You're gonna go make an appointment with the doctor right now." Splashing some more cold water onto my face, I raced back to my cubicle and all-but dove for the phone.

"Come onnn, David. Fuck meeee." Thrusting herself up towards me, April moaned in anticipation. "Shove that big prick inside me and fuck my brains out."

I wanted to - man, did I want to - but I couldn't. Maybe it was part of my illness, or maybe it was just worrying about the doctor, but I couldn't get an erection. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make myself feel even a twitch down there. Dammit, it made no sense - I had never had a problem getting it up before. Hell, my gorgeous girlfriend was lying beneath me, naked and sweaty, and begging for me to do her. Why couldn't I?

"Ohh, David, don't tease meee!" Pouting, she began squeezing and massaging her breasts. "Fuck me, you cruel stud. Give me what I need. Please!"

"I've got a better idea," I offered, thinking quickly. No matter what, I had to keep her from thinking anything was wrong. Lying down beside her, I kissed her and said "I'm gonna lick you from one end to the other." Trailing my tongue up from her lips, over her cute little nose, and between her brilliant blue eyes, I whispered "All the way from the tip of your head to the tip of your toes."

"Mmm, I think I'd like that." Sighing softly, she asked "Why now?" With a smile, she quickly added "Not that I'm complaining!"

"No reason." Nibbling her ear, I whispered "Just want to show how much I really love you." Please, I silently begged, don't ask any more. I'd never been one for foreplay, and this was decidedly out of the ordinary for me. Improvising all the way, I just hoped I could make her feel so good she wouldn't care about why I was doing it.

"Oooohhhh, yesss."

Good, it was working. As I moved onto her breasts, I found myself lingering about her hard, tiny nipples. A generous c-cup, April breasts were the strangest I had ever seen. They were a creamy white that refused to tan, with the tiniest little nipples surrounded by areolas nearly three inches across. I'd never taken much interest in them before, but found myself incredibly drawn to them now.

"Eeeeiiii! God, I love it when you bite me like that." Lacing her fingers in my hair, she held me close to her warm, soft globes.

"Hhhmmm." Smiling, I moved sideways to worship her other breast. She felt so fantastic beneath me, I would have been content to suckle all night long. I don't know what had come over me, but I was really enjoying this.

"E-en-enough," she panted a little while later. Pushing me away, she reminded me "That tongue of yours still has a long way to travel, mister."

Chuckling softly, I licked my way down her torso, stopping only briefly to nuzzle her bellybutton. After that, I teasingly trailed across the very edge of her bush and then down her legs. Long, sleek, and firm, they were what had first drawn me to her. However, despite that fact, it had been a long time since I'd last paid them any attention. Determined to make up for that, I bestowed loving kisses upon her thighs, around her knees, and down her powerful calves. Finally, I licked my way around each foot, teasing her with my light, tickling touch. One by one, I sucked her tiny toes into my mouth, my tongue gliding smoothly across each plum-painted nail. Again, I had never thought much about her feet, but was happy to do anything that might make her feel good.

"Oooh, that tickles soooo good." Rubbing my cheek with her other foot, she urged "Go for the prize, Davey-boy. Fuck me with your tongue. Kiss my cunt. Suck on my clit and make me explode!"

I was usually the aggressor, but found myself meaning it when I told her "Your wish is my command." Gently spreading her legs, I slowly crawled between them, enjoying the anticipation. I could smell the musky aroma of her sex and it was drawing me like a bee to honey. With a grin, I planted a wet, sloppy kiss on her glistening lips, amazed at how good she tasted. Driven on by her soft squeals of delight, I alternated between fucking her with my tongue and sucking on her clit. When she finally climaxed a half- hour later, we both collapsed in exhaustion.

"What came over you tonight?" she asked a while later.

Sighing, I crawled under the covers next to her, confused by the whole experience. I had acted with a skill I shouldn't have possessed, and enjoyed something I had never had much interest in before. "Does it matter?" I asked, terrified that it did.

"Mmm, guess not." Wrapping her arms around me, April kissed me softly and was quickly asleep. I possessed no such luck, and lay there for a good hour, worrying about what was happening to me. What's more, I was beginning to doubt the doctor would be able to do any good.

"Well, don't see anything wrong so far, David." Adjusting his glasses, the doctor asked "Any problems with sex drive? Impotence? Anything like that?"

"Well . . ." I'd tried to tell him as little as I thought necessary, but my fear prevented me from holding too much back. I needed answers, and couldn't let a little embarrassment stand in my way. "Just lately," I admitted, "I've had a hard time getting it up. I want to do it - it's not like I've lost interest - I just can't."

"Yes, I see." Nodding, he pulled on a pair of latex gloves and asked me bend over the table. "You're a little young for anything as serious as prostate cancer, but it never hurts to be careful. Let's take a look." The snap of the gloves echoing ominously, he leaned over and parted my green hospital gown.

Swallowing, I closed my eyes and waited for him to get it over with. I'd been afraid this might be necessary, but was more afraid of missing some clue to my sickness. "Hey!" I jumped as his finger penetrated the tight brown ring of my anus, the lubricant colder than it had any right to be. However, as he started probing around inside, I began to feel a pleasant warmth down there. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before, and I wasn't sure what to think.

Suddenly, I had a vision of the doctor adding a few more fingers, preparing me for the real penetration. With each finger would come an instant of pain, giving way to a gradually more intense pleasure. Breathing a little heavier, I imagined his fingers giving way to his stiff prick. Holding onto my ass cheeks, he would plunge deep into my hole, performing an intimate probe of my insides. Sweating, I felt myself growing hard against the table as he found my prostate, his massaging fingers easily mistaken for the swollen head of his cock. It felt so good, so right, I was on the verge of crying out when-

"I see nothing wrong there, either." The moment his finger slipped from my ass, I snapped back to reality. Disturbed as much by my real feelings as the imagined ones, I shook my head in despair.

"You're sure?"

"As sure as I can be." Returning to his desk, the doctor advised "For now, try another detergent or perhaps a different material in your shirts. The size difference is mostly illusion, and your tenderness is probably just be an allergic reaction. As for your sleeplessness and sexual difficulties, I'm inclined to attribute them to stress."

"Stress?" It seemed so simple, I wanted to believe. If that's all it was, there'd be no need to worry. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring myself to accept it as the answer. Slipping out of the gown, I stared at the wet spot in front. Shit - having his fingers up my ass had actually made me cum! I wanted to be relived that everything down there still worked, but the circumstances of my orgasm frightened me.

"I think so," the doctor continued, oblivious to my new concern. Handing me a prescription for a mild sedative, he promised to call me as soon as he received the results of my other tests. Thanking him for his help, I headed for home, no more reassured than I had been an hour ago.

"Dave." Even with a weary smile on her face, my sister was a sight for sore eyes. "This is a surprise."

"Hi." Feeling rotten, I asked "Can I come in, sis? I . . . really need somebody to talk to."

Concerned, she invited me in and ran to put on a pot of coffee. She looked almost as bad as I felt, but I was feeling too sorry for myself to notice. Joining me on the couch, she handed me a steaming mug and asked "What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's April." Feeling dangerously close to tears, I blurted out "She left me, Sarah." Sniffling, I said "She just up and walked out."

"Ohh, David." Laying a comforting arm across my shoulder, she asked "What happened? Did you guys have a fight?"

"No," I replied, shaking my head, "Nothing like that." Sure I had come to the right person, I explained. "I've been feeling really weird the past couple weeks, and I guess I hadn't been hiding it as well as I thought. April became convinced I was either gay, having an affair, or both and stormed out."

Suddenly, I felt my sister tense beside me. "How have you been feeling?" she asked, a note of hesitation in her voice. "Please, David, tell me what's wrong. It . . . it could be important."

I was reluctant, but there was nobody else I could turn to. Sarah and I had always been best friends, sharing our secrets, our problems, our everything. When I lost my virginity, she was the first person I told, and when she missed a period in grade eleven, I had been the one to go with her for the pregnancy test. Holding her hand, I told her the whole story, even my perverse daytime fantasies about other men.

"Oh my god." Slapping one hand over her mouth, she gasped "Please, not you too!"

Now I was really frightened. Concern for my sister taking precedence over my own problems, I asked "What do you mean?"

Sniffling, she began playing with the lace hem of her skirt as she explained. It turned out she had been suffering the same kind of problems, only in reverse. Whereas my chest had become swollen and sensitive, she swore she had lost almost a full cup size; I seemed to have become impotent, while her clit had grown to nearly twice its size; the doctor's finger fuck had felt great, but her pussy seemed to have lost all feeling; finally, while I had become more submissive and gentle, she was turning more aggressive and demanding.

"David, I'm scared." Sobbing she threw her arms around my neck, her hold almost painful in its intensity. "What if we're both really sick? It'd be some kind of genetic thing, wouldn't it? Something they couldn't cure!"

"Shh, shh." Gently stroking her head, I tried my best to console her. "I'm scared too, but we can't afford to be. We have to -"

"What? What is it?" Scared by my sudden halt, she demanded "Tell me, David."

"Ah, Sarah?" Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I asked "Do you die your hair?"

"No." Shaking her head, she scowled "You know as well as anybody that it's always been red. Remember calling me freckle- face all those years?"

She was right - and I was really worried. This was one symptom stress could never explain. "Come here." Pulling her off the couch, I led her over to the mirror. "Blonde roots," I told her. "Blonde, like me."

"My god!" Grabbing my head, she gasped. "David. Y-you have red roots."

"Shit. Something is definitely wrong here, sis."

"But what?" Frantic, she began pacing up and down the hall. Suddenly, she stopped. "Wait a minute. Have you been having any strange dreams lately?"

Trying to think, I waved her off. "You know I never remember my dreams."

"Try, dammit! I think it's important."

Sighing, I closed my eyes and concentrated. "Actually," I smiled, "I do remember one dream. Just the other night, out of the blue, I had a dream about Krissie." Our neighbour for almost six years, I hadn't thought about her since highschool.

"David, I dreamed about her too." Frightened, Sarah asked "Do you remember anything more?"

Try as I might, nothing would come. The fact that I remembered even dreaming was unusual enough. "Nope. Sorry."

"I can't remember details," she revealed, "But I'm not myself in the dream." Frustrated, she began pacing again. "I can't explain it, but I just feel wrong."

That was exactly how I had been feeling lately. "I think I know what you mean." Struck by an idea, I grabbed the phone book and looked up our old neighbour. It was insane, but I was desperate." Damn, I just hope she hasn't gotten married or something."

Joining me on the couch, my sister asked "Do you really think she can help?"

I shrugged. "No idea, sis, but it's too much to be a coincidence."

We found Krissie's number, but all we got was her machine. Telling her we just wanted to get together and talk over old times, we left a message. Neither of us knew what a girl we hadn't seen since highschool could do, but we had to try. Whatever was wrong though, I insisted upon spending the night. Now that I knew Sarah shared my strange affliction, I was more worried for her than for myself. Always the protective brother, I wanted to be nearby in case she should need me. Too exhausted and worried to argue, she set me up on the couch and then headed off to bed.

"Uhhh. Ohhhh." Half-asleep, I swore I could hear moaning and groaning coming from beside me. Too bad the couch could only fit one person. "Ahhhh. Mmmmmm. Argghhhh!"

That last one finally forced me awake. There was no way that was my imagination. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I rolled over to find myself in my sister's bed. As if that weren't surprise enough, there were two strangers fucking beside me. I couldn't see much of the guy, but the woman certainly wasn't Sarah. Six feet tall, with long black hair cascading down a voluptuous body, she was stunning - but a total stranger.

"What the hell's going on?" Scared that they had done something to my sister, I demanded "Who the fuck are you?"

"Oh, good morning." Riding the cock of her lover, the woman looked down at me and smiled. "I didn't mean to neglect you, dear." Reaching behind her, she produced a thick, eight-inch, black dildo. "Here, this should hold you till I'm done."

"Mmmm, thanks." Taking the dildo from her, I buried it in my pussy and sighed in delight. It felt so good, so right, like nothing I had ever felt before. Turning it upside down, I was able to brush my clit with the latex balls while the shaft pistoned in and out of my gaping hole. I couldn't explain it, but it was like I suddenly felt complete. However, there was this nagging little voice in the back of my head, insisting something was wrong. Distracted by the pleasure, it took a while for it to finally hit me.

"Oh shit!" Whipping the dildo out of my pussy, I stared at the glistening surface in horror. Slowly turning my hand, I dropped the dildo in surprise as my long, painted fingernails came into view. Swiftly pulling my white, cotton nightie back down to cover myself, I cried "What's happening here?"

Just then, the guy turned to face me, grinning from ear to ear. "Just lie back and enjoy," a deep, naggingly familiar voice said. "There'll be plenty of time for explanations later, bro."

I was staring at myself. That was MY body the mysterious woman was fucking herself with! Of course, that could only mean one thing. Whatever had been happening to Sarah and I had run its course. Through some bizarre transformation, I now had her body and she had mine! "How can you be so calm?" I demanded, as angry as I was frightened.

"Shh." Leaning down, the stranger kissed me, her tongue sneaking in to duel lovingly with mine. Breaking away, she suggested "Listen to your sister. Just enjoy yourself."

Suddenly, all my worries and concerns were gone. Sarah was enjoying herself, this mysterious woman was enjoying herself, and they wanted me to enjoy myself. Who was I to argue? Laughing, I reached up to fondle the woman's ample breasts while I shoved the dildo back where it belonged. It was right, it was good, and I was loving it.

It was several hours later before we reluctantly dragged ourselves out of bed. Naked and sweaty, we gathered around the kitchen table to discuss what had happened. The first revelation - and one which I should have already guessed - was that our stranger was none other than Krissie.

Sipping her morning coffee, she asked "You guys never thought you'd see me again, did you?"

I shook my head, marvelling at the feel of my long red tresses as they caressed my cheeks. "No."

Sarah echoed my thoughts, adding "But we're glad you can back."

When Krissie smiled, I felt all warm and tingly inside. What it meant, I had no idea, but I liked it. "I've wanted both of you for a long time," she admitted. "Ever since we were in highschool together."

Watching as a milky dollop of cum escaped her pussy to slide down her leg, I sighed softly. Some day - soon - I too would enjoy that erotic sensation. "Why didn't you say anything?" I asked, hurt. "We could have been happy together."

"No," she replied, "I would have just ended up alienating my two best friends. Sarah," she said, "You were no lesbian. You would have been disgusted by my advances. And David," she said, turning to me, "You always thought of me as the bratty girl from next door. We could have never been lovers."

Sarah slammed a fist down on the table in frustration. "Damn, how could we have been so stupid? Look at all the years we've lost."

"Maybe," I said, taking her hand, "But that doesn't matter. All that matters is that she came back for us." I knew what that strange feeling was now. I was in love! Now that I knew what it felt like, I realized I had never really loved anyone else. Only Krissie could make me feel this way. The fact that everything was happening so quickly didn't bother me in the least.

Krissie grinned, as if nothing we had to say could ever surprise. "Yes, everything's all right now. You see, thanks to me, you have both been blessed." Her eyes sparkling with glee, she added "Blessed with the gift of true bisexuality. Your desires are now dictated by not only your minds - your memories - but your new bodies as well."

"How?" Sarah asked, sounding as confused as I felt. It wasn't that I didn't appreciate the gift, I just didn't understand it.

Krissie laughed, reaching out to take hold of our hands. "Let's just say I always get what I want. And what I want," she grinned, "More than anything, is the two of you."

I looked to my sister and smiled, no longer seeing anything unusual in her. The fact that she was wearing my body didn't bother me in the slightest. Her voice, now a deep baritone, seemed as natural as my own high falsetto. From the way she smiled back, I knew she was thinking the same thing. Whatever our nearly-forgotten neighbour had done to us, we had no regrets.

"I love you," I sighed, my gaze bouncing back and forth between the two. "Both of you - with all my heart."

My sister nodded. "Mmm, same here."

Delighted, Krissie was positively beaming. Leaning across the table to kiss us both, she laughed "Why, of course you do, my darlings."

"Ooooh, Davey!" Moaning in delight, Krissie squeezed tighter. "You're incredible . . . a . . . a natural."

Trapped in the pleasant vice of her thighs, I smiled into her pussy, unwilling to stop for even a moment. She had been riding my face for the past half hour, climaxing twice and flooding me with her sweet juices. Her first orgasm had even carried the creamy taint of my own cum, deposited there by my loving sister. The odd circumstances of the whole encounter only served to make it that much more erotic.

Tilting my head back, I extended my tongue, folding up the sides to embrace her beautiful clit. Using a trick she had taught me earlier in the day, I slowly and gently stroked that hard little nubbin. Before long, she was on her way to another climax, her shivers of pleasure spreading to envelop my body as well. It seemed the better I could make her feel, the more intense my pleasure became.

"S-s-s-top, please, hold off," Panting, Krissie reluctantly lifted herself off of my face, her legs slick with our combined sweat. "One more like that, and I swear I'll pass out."

"Don't worry," I promised her, "I'd still be there when you woke up." Licking her juices from my lips, I giggled, overcome with the strength of my love for this woman.

"Hey, you've hogged her for long enough," Sarah complained from beside us. "It's my turn to show her how much she means to us."

"I appreciate that," our raven-haired temptress sighed, "But I really need a break." Leaning back against the headboard, she suggested "Why don't the two of you get to know one another a bit better."

Surprised, I asked "You mean . . ."

My sister was quick to follow "Wouldn't that be . . ."

"My dears, you've been given a gift," she told us. "It's only natural that you share it." Taking our hands, she pressed them together and smiled. "Remember, we're just one big, happy family now. We're lovers first, and everything else second." A mischievous glint in her eye, she asked "Besides, haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to feel yourself? To taste yourself? To fuck yourself?"

Now that she explained it, it all made perfect sense. How could we have ever doubted her? "Make love to me, Sarah," I whispered. "Please, fuck me. Make me feel like a woman!"

She laughed as she threw one muscular leg over my body. "You don't have to ask twice, bro." Stroking her cock, she asked "Do you want it fast, or slow? Nice and easy? Or hard and rough?"

Closing my eyes in anticipation, I sighed. "Whatever makes you happiest."

A second later, I experienced the most incredible sensation of my entire life. For the first delicious time, I felt the presence of a man inside me. Her cock plunged into my hole, my wet pussy eagerly sucking her as deep as she could go. I could feel every inch of flesh, every vein, as she slipped across my moist, inflamed pussy lips. It was so intense, so exciting, I came right then and there.

"Uhhhh, uhhhh, uuhuhuhuhuh, ohhhhhhhh, Sarahhhhhh!" Grabbing fistfuls of sheets in my hands, I bucked and writhed like a woman possessed. God, it should be illegal for anything to feel so good!

Grimacing, she scolded me "Damn, bro. Give me a little warning. Shit, the way you clamped down on me, I almost came myself."

"B-b-but I want you to," I hissed, slowly coming back down. "I want to feel your seed inside me." Pouting - like April used to do - I begged "Please? Pretty please?"

"Oh, you will," she smiled "But not . . . just . . . yet." Forcing my legs father apart, she leaned forward and began nuzzling my breasts. Her oral caresses were rougher, and more forceful than Krissie's, but no less pleasant. It was as if tiny jolts of electricity were bouncing back and forth between my nipples and my clit, and I never wanted it to stop.

As I lay there, filled with the warm firmness of my sister's throbbing cock, I heard Krissie curse softly. Afraid we had displeased her, I asked "Did we do something wrong?" Tears welling in my eyes, I said "We're sorry."

"No, my sweet, you've done everything right." Taking my face in her hands, she pressed her full lips to mine and kissed me. Slowly and sensuously, we kissed and sucked and licked at the other's mouth. Our tongues were like tiny cocks, plunging between our lips, tasting a lover. Finally, breaking away, she explained "I just got so hot watching you two, I had to join in."

"Mmm, please," Sarah invited.

Laughing, Krissie had me slide further down the bed until my legs were dangling over the edge. Climbing atop me, she told my sister "Let's try something different. While I eat your brother's hot little twat, I want you to fuck the two of us." Licking Sarah's cock as it slowly withdrew from my pussy, she suggested "A couple strokes deep into my pussy, and then a few deep into Davey's mouth. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

Before she could answer, I squealed "Oh, yes! Please, let's do it!"

"Hell, with two beautiful women begging for my meat, how could I say no?" Taking Krissie's hole first, she asked "Who gets the special treat at the end?"

I wanted it so bad, I could already almost taste it. However, I would never think of denying my dark-haired goddess the pleasure. If she wanted it, I would be happy to let her have it. Besides, I could always suck it out of her later! Again!

Already lapping at my pussy, Krissie said "When you're ready to cum, just let it go." Slowly working a finger inside me, she added "Don't worry about choosing one of us over the other."

That meant I still had a chance! Thrilled, I watched, spellbound, as Sarah's cock slid out of Krissie's pussy, covered with all our juices. "Open up," she cooed, "Open wide for Mr. Happy." Like she had to ask! The instant her cock touched my lips, I knew I had to have her all. No matter what happened, I had to feel her semen spurting inside me, painting my teeth and gums and tongue. Ovalling my lips around her shaft, I eagerly accepted her oral penetration, overjoyed to find she tasted as incredible as she felt. I was in the wrong position to deepthroat her, but the sensation of her purple, swollen cockhead bouncing off the back of my mouth was pure bliss.

After a couple more strokes, she returned to our neighbour's pussy, allowing me to concentrate on Krissie's talented tongue. She had this technique where she would take a fold of my labia between her lips and gently bat at it with just the tip of her tongue. Every few seconds, she would release the tender flesh, only to move down slightly and repeat the process. It was so fantastic, I only regretted that Sarah had never allowed herself to feel such love.

"Unnh, not long now," Sarah warned. Taking her back into my mouth, I formed a tight seal around her pulsating organ and began sucking for all I was worth. Breathing through my nose, I hollowed out my cheeks and began flicking her piss-slit with my tongue. I could already taste her salty precum, which seemed to act like the most potent of aphrodisiacs. Vaguely recalling my strange daydream in the men's room at work, I realized the reality was infinitely better than the fantasy.

"Ohh, Sarah," I complained as she returned to fucking the succulent hole above me. "Please come back. I feel so empty without you."

"Don't worry, bro." Grunting with exertion, she assured me "I won't be gone long." Just then, she tensed, her jaw thrust out in a pose I remembered only too well. Licking my lips, I only hoped she could hold off long enough to return to my hungry mouth.

"Shit . . . fuck . . . hereitcomes!" From the way Krissie squealed and buried her face hard into my pussy, I knew the first spurt had exploded inside her. Fortunately, Sarah was pulling out as it happened, and I had a front row seat for the magnificent show. Popping free, the hard, swollen organ directed a second shot at the lips of the pussy above me in the most erotic display I had ever been fortunate to witness. The creamy white arc splashed against Krissie's pink flesh, making my mouth water with desire. Opening my mouth as wide as I could, I watched Sarah push herself down to fill me with the remainder of her seed.

"Eat it!" she groaned. "Suck that slimy sperm from my dick!"

As the first hot, white jet splattered against the roof of my mouth, I climaxed myself, showering Krissie with a sudden spray of pussy juice. Experiencing pure ecstasy at both ends, I clamped my lips around Sarah spewing organ, determined not to miss a drop. Her cum had a sharp taste to it, not at all like the nutty flavour I had heard about, and was the consistency of runny, lumpy pudding. Not that I'm complaining! For me, it was sweet ambrosia, eclipsed only by the juices of my other true love.

"Mmm, unnnn, ngghhhh," Sucking and swallowing with feverish intensity, I wondered idly how something so simple could feel so fantastic! If you've never had someone you love explode in your mouth, there is no way to explain how it feels. This had to be what nature had invented lips for!

Eventually, it was over, and her softening cock shrank from my reach as Krissie's weary face disengaged itself from between my legs. Covered with my juices and our sweat, she smiled and shared a wet, sloppy kiss with me. Licking a few remaining dollops of cum from my lips, she then did the same for Sarah. Happy, exhausted and content, we all collapsed onto the bed, sharing an awkward, but loving, three-way embrace.

"Please, Krissie, don't ever leave us," I whispered a while later. "Stay with us forever."

"Gotta agree with my bro on that," Sarah said. "Stay with us. Live with us. Let's be a family, just like you said."

Touched, Krissie smiled, tears running down her cheeks. "You guys really mean that, don't you?" she gasped.

"Of course," Sarah said.

Hurt, I asked "How could you ever doubt how deeply we care for you?"

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she just sat there and stared at the two of us. How were we to know that those final sentiments had truly been ours, expressed from the bottom of our hearts? There was no way we could know that she had released us from her mysterious control, leaving us free to choose to accept her. Not that it would have made any difference. "Oh, I love you guys," she gushed. "I was so afraid you'd hate me for what I did to you."

It took only a brief instant to replay the past in my head, the memories only strengthening my devotion. Sarah and I could never understand what Krissie had done, or how, but none of that mattered. If there was ever an instance where the end justified the means, this was it. "We could never hate you," I sobbed back, meaning every word, every tear of joy.

"Never," Sarah echoed, her voice cracking slightly with emotion. "All we can ever do is try to thank you for making our love possible."

Snuggling in between us, Krissie wrapped an arm about each of us. "You'll never regret this," she said, sealing her promise with a kiss.

Kissing her back, Sarah and I smiled, then lovingly kissed one another.

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