Sweet Roommate

By Davy Jones

Published on Mar 29, 2002



Part 4: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

I went off to Chem Lab with a song in my heart. Since our afternoon schedules didn't line up, I wouldn't see Bob again until nearly time for dinner, but that didn't mean I couldn't think about him all afternoon. As it happened, Matt was my lab partner, and he immediately noticed both that I was unusually cheerful and that I was more than a little distracted.

"I've never seen anyone happier to be fucking up in Chem Lab!" He laughed. "You'd have been real sorry if I hadn't got you to stop that burette before you ruined our sample."

"Sorry. I guess my mind is elsewhere." Fortunately, he hadn't noticed that I had an erection that kept coming and going. My dick had had a lot of exercise in the past 24 hours - not beyond the limits of what you can do at 18, but certainly pushing those limits a bit - and if not for that exercise, I'd have been rock hard through the whole lab.

"I'd look for it on the Planet Mongo." Another one of his high-pitched laughs, complete with a shake of the head. "Promise me you won't blow us up when we work with Benzene next week."

"Well, I spent a lot of time in Chem Lab in High School, and I swear I never blew anyone up in there." Now if he'd asked if I'd ever simply blown anyone in Chem Lab . . . I grinned again.

"I still can't believe how happy you seem." He shook his head again.

"Hey, you're the one who keeps laughing like a hyena."

Somehow we got all three samples analyzed, and despite his annoyance with me today, Matt was actually grateful for my help, since he'd had no real experience with lab work and even simple questions on the worksheets they kept making us hand in often confused him. I really should have placed out of this class, but the only authority the professor would accept was your own lab books from your own work, and it had never occurred to me to bring such things. As it was, it would be an easy A for me - again, provided I didn't get us blown up.

Swim practice calmed me down a lot. The Institute wasn't much good at any competitive athletics, so the practices tended to be less intense than almost any college athletic program anywhere else. Even so the coach expected more from us than my high school coaches had, so by the time I got back to the dorm, I was dead tired. I was pleasantly anticipating seeing Bob, but definitely not sexually excited now.

He wasn't in the room when I got there, so I sprawled out on the bed to rest a bit in the hour or so before dinner. The late afternoon sun just came through our window, and the cool breeze that occasionally wafted through the window felt very nice, with the sort of clean, dry smell that Southern California air can have when the smog isn't too bad. I closed my eyes for a moment.

"Davy. Wake up. We've got to go down for dinner."

I opened my eyes. "What?" I looked at the clock and realized I'd slept almost an hour.

Bob smiled tenderly at me. "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you up, but I knew you had to eat. I waited as long as I could, but we really have to go down now."

I scrambled off the bed and we hurried down to the dining room. Matt and Walt had thoughtfully saved places for us - next to each other this time, not across, so no footsie at this meal anyway.

"Davy was a complete space cadet in Chem Lab today," Matt announced. "I thought he was going to blow us up."

"I don't think there's ever been a titration explosion, Matt."

He laughed again. "I'm surprised you didn't drown in the pool from forgetting what you were supposed to breathe."

"Lucky for me I don't have to think when to breathe. My body knows exactly what to do and when to do it."

Bob grinned like a lunatic at that. "I guess that's a handy thing to learn." I wasn't sure if I could get through another meal living this dangerously. I choked on my drink.

Everyone burst out laughing, and Bob pounded me on the back a bit - not that that did much good, of course.

"Maybe your body isn't as smart as you think it is," Walt offered.

"No, it's just rejecting the food - it's smarter than we are," Bob returned.

"I just swallowed the wrong way," I gasped out.

Another grin from Bob. "I wouldn't think you'd need practice swallowing,"

Picking up a forkful of mystery meat, "Well, practice does make perfect." I guessed I could play this game too. At least a little.

"How much did you guys swim, Davy? You smell very strongly of chlorine." Bob leaned over and sniffed my neck ostentatiously.

"About 4,000 yards. That's pretty typical, actually." I stopped myself just before I asked why he'd never noticed this before. Then I swatted him away in mock annoyance as it became clear he planned to use this excuse to keep sniffing at me in public!

Some general murmuring about how that was over 2 miles and how could anyone swim that far, followed by some discussion about some of the classes and some of the homework.

Following dinner, as a group, we four descended on the house library, a favorite place to study, and began working through the homework. In math, I had an edge because I'd had much of it in High School, but we were all about equally at sea in Physics. Bob was probably the least studious of the bunch, and part way through I felt his bare foot rub against my ankle under the table again. I tried to keep focused on the work, but he managed to get it up into the sleeve of my shorts and almost touching my erection - which was now nicely recovered from workouts of all kinds. Somehow we got through the assignments and made our way back to our room as quickly as possible.

"You're crazy, do you know that?" I closed and locked the door.

He grinned again. "I think you like me when I'm crazy." He took a pillow and got on his knees.

I pulled off his shirt. He lifted his arms cooperatively. "Stand back up. I have different ideas this evening." He obeyed, and I undid his pants and pulled pants and shorts to his knees. I palmed his cock and balls and fingered his erection a little. He sighed. "Sit on the bed now." He sat, and I pulled off his pants and underwear, stripping him naked. As an afterthought, I turned out our light. I didn't think anyone from across the way could see us, but I didn't want to take a chance.

I undid my pants, pulled out my cock, stepped between his legs, and pulled his mouth down onto me. He began sucking eagerly. As he sucked me, I pulled off my shirt and tossed it onto the floor. Then I dropped my own pants and kicked them off so we were both naked.

"Lie back on the bed." He complied. I got the Vaseline from the medicine cabinet and climbed between his legs.

"I was wondering when you were going to do this again."

I started rubbing it into his asshole. "Does this feel okay?"

"It feels wonderful. I've been fantasizing about this all day."

He relaxed fairly quickly and my finger slid easily in and out of him. "I thought you were fantasizing about sucking me off forever this morning."

"That too." He wiggled a little around my finger.

I lubed my cock, pressed it against his hole, and started to enter him. "Let me know if I hurt you, okay?"

"I really want you inside me, you know."

"I know, but I still don't want to hurt you. Let's just take our time, okay?" It felt so wonderful as I slowly felt myself sliding up his chute. But knowing he really wanted it was the biggest turn-on of all. Feeling I was doing it for him, not just to him, made it seem different from most other guys I'd done this with.

With minimal trouble, I got it all the way into him, and once I was fully inside him, I leaned over him and kissed him. He kissed me back and we swapped tongues for a while as I let him get more used to feeling me in him. He'd lost his erection when I entered him, but I massaged his little dick while I was kissing him and it returned to full erection easily enough.

Continuing to tongue him, I started fucking him -- slow and easy at first, then settling into long, deep, steady strokes. I kept kissing him for a while, but after a bit, I rested my head next to his as I kept pounding his butt. As he loosened up, I could take strokes where I almost pulled out of him on the upstroke, which stimulated my dick a lot more. Stimulated him too, and he started to whisper "Yeah, oh YEAH" every time I pulled almost out and then shoved back in.

I'd still come a lot recently, so this took more time than I expected it to, and I started worrying about him - a sure recipe to end up not cumming. Then the thought crossed my mind that - right now, anyway - he really did belong to me; his whole purpose in life was to be fucked by me, and it didn't matter how long I took or anything else. Not as nice as my earlier thoughts, but somehow this thought alone took me up to the point of no return, and a few seconds later I was spilling my sperm into his ass with a shuddering sigh.

Huffing and puffing by now, I lay on top of him, still up inside him, feeling his arms around me. "That was amazing" he whispered in my ear. I could feel that he was still hard, so it obviously hadn't been a bad experience for him.

I raised myself up, took some more lube, and started fingering his cock. I sort of feared his reaction once he came, but I kind of felt obligated; also I felt more than a little guilty about my thoughts just before I'd cum, and now I was feeling very tender, protective, and solicitous of him. He'd cum a few times himself that day, but it still didn't take long for him to shoot, even if the quantity wasn't what it had been earlier.

"Get it out of me."

I rested my hands on his shoulders and slowly slid my softening cock out of his ass. "Listen, Bob."

"I don't want to talk about it." I felt him trying to twist away from me, but I held him in place. "Let me go!"

"Shhh. If you make a lot of noise people will come looking." Bob struggled more quietly, but although he was taller than me, I was far stronger, and while I wasn't a wrestler like Walt, I easily held him in place, sliding my legs up over his and giving him no room to wriggle away at all. "You're not going to push me away this time."

"Please let me go," this time I heard tears in his voice, and those tears did what mere strength could not; I let him go, climbed up off of him out of the bed onto the floor, and he promptly rolled onto his stomach, and sobbed quietly into his pillow. I tried to comfort him with an arm on his back, but he pushed me away. So I crouched there naked on the concrete floor, not quite sure what to do for him. I waited while he cried himself out.

"Are you okay? Won't you let me help you through this?"

"Get away from me," a sniffle, then, a bit softer, "leave me alone."

Discouraged, and not knowing what else to do, I made my way back to my bed and climbed in. In the darkness, I heard him start to cry again. I felt miserable, and did not sleep well that night.

When morning came and the alarm sounded, he was already gone. Our Friday schedules didn't mesh very well, so I didn't see him before lunch, but I was cautiously optimistic that he'd be ready to see me, and although I wondered if maybe we should cool it for at least a little while, I found myself fantasizing about him before the end of my last class, so I looked for him eagerly at lunch, but he was nowhere to be found.

Now I was starting to worry a bit, so I asked Walt if he'd seen Bob, and he confirmed he'd been in their History class that morning.

"Did he seem okay? He took off real early this morning, and I haven't seen him all day."

"Yeah, he seemed fine. Is something the matter?"

"Um, we had an argument last night - something stupid - I'm just worried he's pissed at me or something."

Walt regarded me curiously for just a second. "Well," he said, "he didn't say anything about it to me."

I finished my classes, did my workout in the pool, and hurried back to the room, where I bumped into Bob's father. Now as I mentioned, Bob's family lived in California, so he could spend the occasional weekend with them, and I'd met his parents a couple of times now, but he hadn't mentioned anything about going home this weekend.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson. I wasn't expecting to see you here."

"I wasn't expecting to be here, actually. Bob surprised us this morning and said he just felt like a weekend at home."

I felt a kind of sick feeling, but tried to cover it up. "I guess the food must have been unusually bad this week," and smiled. He smiled back.

"I think he just wanted his laundry done." He indicated a bag at his feet. "He's already in the car, so it's good I bumped into you then."

"Yeah, I guess I'd have worried if he disappeared and never came back. Of course, I'd have a single to myself until the Institute figured it out."

He laughed out loud at that. "If he disappears, and you don't know where he went, feel free to call us any time." He clapped me on the shoulder and headed down the stairs. Well, it didn't seem as if Bob had told him anything terribly bad, but I still felt very uneasy about this.

The weekend seemed to take forever. I must have jerked off a dozen times before his folks brought him back late on Sunday night. As usual, his mother fussed over me and asked questions about my family in Tennessee - and found some occasion to remark on how delightful she thought my accent was. As usual, I managed to give my best Southern Gentleman impression for her.

Bob stayed quiet until they left, then told me that he'd been thinking a lot and had decided he didn't want to be a homosexual.

I didn't argue with him directly - heck, I'd been there myself - and although I wasn't happy to hear it, I wasn't entirely surprised.

"I don't want to make you unhappy Bob." He just looked at me. "I think we have something pretty good, though."

"No, it's not good. I get upset every time I think about it."

"Even when you jerk off?" I hazarded a grin.

"I've decided to quit doing that." My eyes must have opened so wide, he quickly added, "I think it's a contributing factor."

Now if his folks were Southern Baptists like mine, that wouldn't have seemed so crazy, but I knew for a fact he'd never seen the inside of a church or cracked a Bible in his life, so where this was coming from I didn't have a clue. However, I seriously doubted this resolve - either one - would last very long, so I just mumbled something about being hurt he hadn't even wanted to tell me he was going, and he half apologized for that.

As we got ready for bed, I tried (just once) to pat him on the shoulder in an affectionate way, and he jerked away. THAT hurt. Once the lights were out, I realized I was horny, and didn't like any of my options.

"I realize this is going to be painful for me in several ways, Bob."

"How so?"

"Well, right now I'm so hard I'm almost in pain."

"So jerk off. I know you know how." No humor in this though.

"Right here?"

"It won't bother me. As long as you stay in your bed."

Huh. What the Hell, I pulled down my sheet, whacked off into a tissue, and tossed it on the floor. None of this attracted any comment from him, so I simply fell uneasily asleep.

--To be continued.

Next: Chapter 5

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