Swim Class Speedos

By Danny Johnson

Published on Nov 8, 2020


Story Themes: Best friends, manipulation, domination, straight to gay

Continuation from Part 11:

"Ok. Ok. I believe you. But don't think I'm just gonna forget this. You drank down my load, D. My fuckin' hot, nasty, ball cream just made its way down your throat. That's not somethin' either of us is gonna forget. Wash the rest of my cum off and I'll be in my bedroom."

Matt let go of me and turned, walking out of the shower stall and grabbing his towel on the way. I cleaned the rest of his jizz from my body and did the same. Matt had his towel draped around his neck, hanging down either side of his chest, still naked otherwise. He was standing a few feet in front of his bed, waiting for me. I had wrapped my towel around my waist as I made my way into the room.

"Listen, D. I'm really not sure what to make of that, but it doesn't change our plan. You're still gonna need to help me take care of my speedo problem tomorrow... in the locker room and in the pool. Why don't you get outta here, now. I need some time. I'll see you in the morning when I pick you up."

I pulled my things together, got dressed, and turned for the door. I was embarrassed. I still couldn't believe I just... did that... and now Matt thought I was some kind of queer slut. FUCK. As I grabbed the door handle to head out, Matt spoke. He'd still been standing there, now dry but still naked, watching me while I got dressed.

"Danny. You know what I said before? That you should wank that little stiffy when you got home? That it was ok so you could get some release and take the edge off? Yeah, forget that. If you put your hands on that little prick tonight, after drinking down my sweet fuckin' jock juice... you're a faggot for sure. So go for a run, take a bath, I don't give a shit, whatever you need to do to relax, but DON'T touch your boy-dick. That would be so fuckin' sick right now. Got it?"

I noticed his own long, limp tool was a little plump as I responded.

"Yeah... yeah, man. I got it. I just need... like I just need to get some sleep."

"For sure, D. Get some sleep. Clear your head. You need it. See you tomorrow."

As I made my way home, I wondered what the hell was happening to me, and even worse, what did Matt think of me?

Part 12:

I didn't sleep well that night. My mind was racing while I tossed and turned in bed. I had brushed my teeth twice and gargled with mouthwash when I came home, trying to do what I could to get rid of any lingering taste of teenage cum from my mouth and throat.

I kept thinking about why I didn't just shut my fucking mouth when I should have... why didn't I spit out the cum before I swallowed it right down my throat... why didn't I end up fucking hurling when another dude's cum hit my stomach... what did it say about me that I really didn't hate the taste, if I was being honest... did all cum taste the same, or maybe Matt's tasted better than other guys because of how fit and athletic he is... why was I now thinking about the taste of other guys' cum...

It was a total mind-fuck, and like I said, I didn't sleep much at all. Mostly because of all that crazy shit in my head, but the fact that my own bone was screaming for attention all night was a problem, too. I knew what Matt said made sense. I couldn't get the thought of what we'd done out of my mind, so there's no way I could jerk off. I'd have been jerking off while thinking about swallowing Matt's cum... and that would have been completely gay.

By the time the sun came up, I'd already gotten out of bed and done three sets of squats to focus my mind a bit. Thankfully my soft prick didn't stir as I worked out, bending my knees and moving my ass down and up... focusing on the movement, the form, clenching and releasing my round ass cheeks during the exercise. I did some crunches and push-ups, too, before hopping in the shower and getting ready to start the day.

When Matt pulled up in his truck, I was nervous and for the first time ever felt a little unsure of how my best friend would react when I hopped in his pickup. As I opened the door and stepped up into the cab, he gave me his usual greeting.

"Hey, D."

I felt more at ease right away.

"Morning, Matt!"

I dropped my shorts and boxer briefs, kicking them off as soon as I shut the door. I wanted to beat Matt to his reminder that I'm supposed to be naked other than a shirt when we're in his truck. I propped my leg up and leaned on my right arm against the passenger door so that he'd know I was doing my best to keep my ass in his view.

Matt grinned at me, alternating his eyes from the road to my ass as I got myself set.

"Nice, Danny. Listen, I don't want to beat around the bush here. I thought a lot about what happened yesterday. I'm guessing you did, too."

"Yeah... I, uh, I didn't really sleep too well last night. I just couldn't stop thinking..."

Matt cut me off.

"About the fact that you swallowed my red hot spunk, right? Yeah, of course you couldn't. Like I said yesterday, there's no way either of us will forget about that anytime soon. Like I said, I tried to process this. I figured if we just talk about it, we'll probably both feel better. I'll just start by sayin' you're my bro. There's nothin' that changes that. Not even this. The fact that you drank down my jizz doesn't change the fact that you're my bro, ok?"

"Ok. Thanks for... sayin' that, dude."

"Of course. I mean it. You're my bro no matter what. But, I just gotta ask. Like, if you were caught off guard somehow. Like if you really didn't figure out that by workin' my load outta my fat cock right in front of your wide-open mouth was gonna result in you catchin' that creamy fuckin' cum on your tongue... why did you swallow it? Why didn't you spit it out, or even just fuckin' shut your mouth after the first blast?"

Well, these were some of the same questions I'd asked myself all night, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised Matt would ask me the same things.

"I don't know, dude. I swear. I've been wrestlin' with that all night. I guess I was just like, in shock or whatever. I couldn't react fast enough, and it all happened before I even realized what was goin' on."

Matt sort of nodded his head.

"So, my nut batter basted your tongue and throat, you drank it down, and only after I fed you most of what I had in me, only then you snapped outta it?"

Wow. When he said it like that, it made it sound terrible.

"I mean... I don't know..."

I hung my head, looking down towards the floor of the truck. I didn't know what else to say.

"It's ok, buddy. It's all good. Like I said, you're still my bro. Don't let this get to you too much. There's somethin' else I've been wonderin'. After you swallowed my load, you seemed ok, basically. Like you were upset, but it's not like you got sick or started cryin' or some shit. Seems like it didn't taste too bad, then, huh?"

My head jerked up and I looked at him when he said that.


"This is just more me bein' curious, D. How'd it taste? How'd your bro's ball cream taste?"

He was smiling at me now.

"You're fuckin' with me! Asshole!"

"Totally serious, dude. I've never tasted cum, and of course I never will, but you have. We tell each other everything. So tell me how my cum tasted, buddy."

I noticed his right hand had dropped to the mound in his crotch, where his fingers were sliding slowly back and forth.

"Danny! Eyes up here, bro."

I looked straight at his eyes.

"How'd it taste."

I swallowed hard and open my mouth to answer.

"It... god damn I can't believe we're talking about this... fuck it... it tasted like... kinda salty... somehow kinda sweet too... fuck, I don't know. I can't believe I just said that, shit!"

"Kinda salty, kinda sweet... what else, D. What else did you notice about my jizz yesterday?"

"It was, well, thicker than I expected. I don't know. I don't want to talk about this, Matt."

"Thicker. Hmm... makes sense. I've got this thick dick, so I've got the cum to match. Nice."

We were getting close to the school at this point, which Matt noticed.

"Time to put that juicy ass away, D. Shorts on before we pull into my spot."

We headed into school and went our separate ways. I felt good, generally, about how that ride in with Matt went. I'd been so nervous he wasn't even going to show up. Honestly, my first few classes of the day were a welcome distraction that helped me get my mind off the taste of my best friend's nut milk. I was at my locker after 2nd period when Matt walked up to me.

"Hey, D. How's your day goin', bud?"

"Good. Nothin' much happenin' in these classes lately. Tom was talkin' about another party. His parents are gonna be away again next weekend, so he's tryin' to find a hook-up for a keg. Said he wants to go big this time."

"Nice! Sounds great. Been too long since we had a crack at some beer, let alone the pussy that usually comes with it!"

"I know, right?"

"So listen, Danny. I was thinkin' about what you said this morning about my thick cum, bro."

"Yo! Matt, don't say that shit! Anyone could hear you, man!"

"Dude... there's no one close enough to hear us. Relax, little buddy. Jesus! I didn't realize you'd be so sensitive talkin' about my juicy jizz, buddy."

"I'm not sensitive about anything, Matt. It's just not something I wanna talk about, let alone here in the middle of the hallway. Besides, it feels like all we've talked about in the last few days is cum, cock, and ass, man. It's a little much."

"Dude, we're two teenage studs. Hormones raging. And at least one of us has a tree trunk in his pants that is always tryin' to branch out, bro. What the fuck else would we talk about? We're becoming men, little D. This is what men talk about... cum, getting off, bustin' our fuckin' loads. Don't be such a little bitch about it."

I shook my head and let out a sigh. Sometimes there were just no winning with him.

"Like I was sayin', you said my cum was thicker than you expected. I'm guessin' that means it's thicker than the gooey sperm your little pencil dick shoots out? Is that what you meant?"

"Fuck you, bro!"

I shut my locker and turned away. I walked off down the hall and I heard Matt crackin' up. Such a dick.

By the time swim class rolled around I'd already forgotten about Matt's latest joke at my expense. I walked into the locker room, passed a few of the other guys and realized I got to our little alcove before Matt. I sat on the bench and opened one of the lower lockers. I tossed in my backpack and started changing. I'd just pulled up my speedo and tucked in the extra padding in front when Matt walked in.

"There's my little buddy. I see you remembered the extra pair of socks today, huh?"

He walked up next to me, opened a locker in the top row and started getting ready as I tied my speedo shut. I sat back down on the bench to fold my clothes and get my locker situated. I also pulled out a washcloth I'd grabbed on my way into the locker room, and set it down on the bench. Matt had stripped off his shirt, and was humming a tune as he unbuckled his belt and dropped his jeans. He tossed them into his locker, and pulled out his cherry red speedo, dropping that onto the bench next to me.

"I'm glad you got here first, D. It's easier that you're already set in your suit. It'll save us time when we're done."

He still had on his CK boxer briefs, today in a red and black checker board pattern, and had begun massaging his uncut 9-inch cock through them as he talked to me.

"I'll be hard in like, three seconds buddy. I'm extra horny today, I think because of all of our talk about you swallowing my cum last night."

His bulge was eye level as I was seated on the bench. He'd been holding onto the top of the open locker door with his left hand, while he massaged his rapidly growing member in front of me.

"And... bam! 9 inches of stiff, uncut teenage cock!"

Matt pulled his boxer briefs down as he said that, dropping them to the floor. He brought his right foot up on the bench, standing on his left, while his huge, hard cock bounced in anticipation a few inches from me. I could already smell the scent of his dick and balls... that sweaty, masculine smell.

"Go to town, D. Remember, we don't have time for any games. You need to get me off ASAP so Summers doesn't give us shit about being late again."

I reached up with my right hand and wrapped it around Matt's cock. It felt especially hot today in my hand. I started stroking him quickly, making sure to use my thumb to pay attention to the underside of his head. I somehow noticed he liked that yesterday.

"Balls, too, buddy. Tug on my sack like you did yesterday. Yeah, that's it. Fuck, I could get used to this. Yeah, D. Work my delicious dick. Play with this big bad cock, bro. Make me feel good. Make your buddy feel so good that I don't last five minutes, man."

I did my best. I played with his oversized teenboy meat and gave his full balls the attention he demanded. I tugged on the sack, and rolled his balls around in my palm from time to time. Matt's left hand let go of the locker and rested on my right shoulder, tense from the workout I was giving it from jacking off bro-dick. His right hand had been resting on his own right thigh, but at some point that hand moved to my left shoulder.

"Fuuuuck, D. Come on, faster, buddy. You're makin' your best bud feel sooo good, goin' to town on his fat fuckin' cock, but you gotta make him cum. Make your buddy fuckin' shoot, bro. You need to make your buddy shoot before we get caught. With you focused on my king-sized cobra, there's nobody to stand guard. So fuckin' do it, D. Fuckin' jack my god-damn dick hard, man!"

With Matt's hands on my shoulders, his cock had crept even closer to my face. And I noticed he was so into this jerk-sesh that his hips were starting to thrust back and forth in time with my stroke. His ass was flexing back and forth, pushing his cock through my hand... fucking my hand while I squeezed it tight and kept up my pace. His grip on my shoulders had definitely tightened up, and his arms tensed... his muscles flexing as he fucked my right fist. He was definitely close. I felt his sack tighten around his balls in my left hand, and his huge nuts started to pull up closer to this cock.

"FUCK, yeah, D! Do it! Fuckin' do it! Make me fuckin' shoot, man. Fuckin' work that cock! I'm so fuckin' close now, little D! I'm so close..."

"Let me get the rag, bro."

"Fuck no! You can't let go now, bud. You can't pull those hands away mid-stroke! I'm too close, man. You'll fuckin' give me blue balls and then I'll never shoot, D. Fuckin' keep workin' that giant dick."

"Matt, I gotta catch your fuckin' cum, bro."

"I'll just cream your face, Danny. I'll paint your pretty-boy face white with my thick, creamy cum... oh shit... I'm right fuckin' there..."

"You can't! You can't fuckin' cum on my face when I can't shower - you'll get it in my hair and..."

"Don't fuckin' slow down, D! You're gonna make me lose it, here. I'm either bustin' this fuckin' heavy, hot nut on your face or in your fuckin' mouth - you choose, D. You said it even tasted sweet... I say you just open wide. No clean up... but FUCK... my load... is... comin'... now!"

I barely had time to think. I more just reacted. I kept pulling on his fat fuck-stick as he started flinging his ballcream into my open mouth. Yes... in the few seconds I had to choose, I chose to open up and let him unload his cum on my tongue, spray it down my throat... I was so freaked out about him just hosing down my face and hair.. what choice did I have? What we were doing was risky enough. I just couldn't let him give me a facial and risk missing some of it when I wiped off.

When Matt realized I was drinking down his hot jock cum for the second time, he smiled like a lottery winner and kept his eyes locked on my mouth and watched intently as his cum filled me up.

"Oh yeeeeahh... you fuckin' chose right! Opened that mouth up WIDE for this fuckin' ball cream, huh, you nasty fucker! Uhhh.... drink it all down, slut. Drink down that fuckin' THICK cum, just like you said. A fuckin' THICK creamy load of my babies swimming down your throat... you're just drinkin' it down like some fuckin' faggot in front of a real man, huh? Fuck, bro... you're so fuckin' good to me. Fuckin' great hand job, little buddy. Fuckin' got me off start-to-finish in 5 minutes like a champ. Nice job, Danny. Squeeze out that last bit of jism, bud. Yeah, just squeeze it out of my head and drink down that last drop. Fuckin' sweet, huh?"

I felt Matt release my shoulders, as he leaned back just a bit while I did as instructed and squeezed the last drops of his warm spunk from his cum-tube. I licked it off my thumb and he chuckled, as he pulled away, dropping his right leg to the ground.

"FUUUUuuuck, D."

He bent over and pulled on his speedo as his hard cock already started to deflate. He tucked it inside as he spoke again.

"You just keep surprisin' me, bud. I didn't think for a second you'd take my fresh load in your mouth again... but, hey, I guess you really don't mind it, huh? No time for chit-chat, now buddy. Let's head in. We're just on time."

I swallowed deep and used the washcloth to wipe around my face just in case any of Matt's cum missed my mouth. I stood up and started heading towards the aisle.

"God damn it, D! You're fuckin' boned again! Dude! What the FUCK!"

I didn't even realize but I must've thrown wood while helping Matt take care of his... again...

"SHIT! Oh god... fuck, Matt. I..."

I was mortified. What the hell was I gonna do?

"Get over here, D. Make it fast."

I walked closer to Matt. He untied my speedo and took out the socks, then pushed my suit to my feet as I stood there naked. He reached into his locker and pulled out another speedo. It must have been one of the smaller sizes we bought.

"Here. Pull this one on, quick. Hopefully by the time we get out there your little dicky won't be screamin' for attention anymore, plus, with this size smaller suit, more of your fat ass is showin'. If anyone looks your way, my money says they look at that juicy butt. They won't even notice your tiny hard-on. This is your best bet, Danny. Let's go."

"Wait... I mean, shit I don't want people checkin' out my ass, bro!"

"Dude. What's all our practice been for? Yeah, we planned for you to have more time in that baggy suit, but your peter has a plan of its own, buddy. You've been more and more comfortable naked around me, right? Showin' off that ass? Today's no different. Just pretend it's you and me. Don't worry about people eyein' up that big butt. Just ignore it. Now let's go."

Matt grabbed my arm and we headed toward the pool area. My mind was racing, but I had to trust him. Distracting people with my ass probably would stop anyone from noticing I was hard... though I don't think I even had a chub left by the time we left the locker room. We'd passed a few other guys still getting ready, and one of them definitely noticed the inch or two of my ass that wasn't kept hidden by the waist of my speedo. He hit the other guy in the arm and nodded my way to show his friend what was so amusing.

As we walked over to the bench where the guys were sitting, Matt let go of my arm.

"Relax, D. Just relax and forget about your ass, bro. What have I been sayin'? There's nothin' you can do about it, so better to just get it over with and let people have a look if they want. Hey, you never know. Maybe there's even a freak over there on the girls' bench who will like it? Come on."

As we sat down, I realized I was actually a bit more relaxed than I thought I'd be. I mean, at the moment while sitting here on the bench, by bubble butt was hidden from view, but there was something more than that. Matt was probably right about the "practice" starting to pay off. I'd been going naked in front of him for a while now... the days were starting to add up. Hell, I'd been showering with him, too, in his little basement kingdom he had going. Each time we hung out, and my ass literally hung out in the open, it seemed I was just a little bit more comfortable. It was a little easier to strip naked when we were alone. It was a little easier to relax nude in his chair or in his bed. It was a little more relaxing to shower in that glass box in his bathroom.

I noticed Coach Summers out of the corner of my eye. He was in a speedo again himself, with his open athletic jacket covering his arms and shoulders while his broad chest and cut abs were on display. He was giving some instructions on whatever the fuck we were supposed to be learning today. I glanced over at the girls' bench. Several of them were whispering as they clearly enjoyed the view of their well-built swimming instructor parading around in his tight swimsuit and little else.

He did have a nice body. I mean, if I wasn't best buds with Matt, it might have been the best defined bod I'd seen in person. But Matt... he really was in another league. He was so naturally well built and put all that time and energy into maximizing his physique. His arms, legs, abs, chest... all tanned and covered in that light dusting of hair. And his cock that I'd somehow become so familiar with these days. Long, thick, uncut... seemingly just about always 30 seconds away from being fully hard, I almost-

"Yo, let's go, D. Time to get that fat ass in gear and get this free-style swim done."

Shaken from my wandering thoughts, I got up and Matt and I took our place in line for our time in the water. The class went quickly, and we were soon in the water with our free time at the end of the period. Normally Mr. Social Butterfly, today Matt had no interest in flirting with any of the girls or bullshitting with any of our buds. As soon as we were free, Matt quickly made his way to the far corner of the pool where we ended up the day before.

"Finally! It felt like he was gonna go on and on forever! Jesus! Some of us have shit to do, right little buddy?"

Matt chuckled as he turned his back against the far wall of the pool and spread his arms out on either side, resting on the pool wall.

"This is so fuckin' chill, D. Feel this fuckin' dick, man. It's fuckin' primed and ready to bust! The idea of gettin' off right here in front of all these chicks, and our other bros... man, I'm ready for it!"

"Dude! Keep it the fuck down!"

I whispered at him as aggressively as I could. It's not like he was shouting it for all to hear, but he was talking way too loud for my comfort. I mean god damn - I was about to stroke his cock! Neither of us wanted to tip anyone off.

"Relax, Danny! Don't get your little speedos in a twist. Just focus on this cock and help your buddy with his speedo problem. If you're so worried, you should'a already been on this 9 inch bone, bruh."

I kept looking around while we were talking and it didn't seem like anyone was paying any attention to us. Coach Summers was talking with some students at the other end of the pool, and the rest of our class was just spread out, doin' their own thing. I moved closer to Matt while he was setup against the wall.

"Not like that, fuck-face! What, you're just gonna face me and beat me off? Dude! We gotta be a little more covert than that. Get over here with me. Put your back against the wall here on my left side... yeah, that's it. Now we look like we're just chillin' here together, and you've got access to my thick meat with your right hand, buddy. Yeah. Go for it. Take it out and go to work."

From this angle, we probably did look pretty casual to everyone else. They'd all just think we were hangin' out over here, talking. With his arms on top of the edge of the pool and with me standing here, his left arm was resting behind me. I used my right arm to tug down the front of his speedo underwater, and his heavy boner popped right out. I did what I could to tuck the speedo under his balls. It wasn't really easy to maneuver this way.

I kept looking around the pool. One good thing about this position is that we could see everyone else, so I took another look around the full perimeter of the pool before I grabbed hold of his rock hard teenage cock and started stroking.


Matt moaned quietly as he threw his head back and rested it on the edge of the pool wall.

"Yeah, buddy. You're so god-damned good to me. Holy shit, bro. Fuckin' work that fat cock hard. Work that tool like it's your job, bud. Yeah, D. Just look at us, boy. We're here in fuckin' swim class, chillin' in the pool full of our friends and those fuckin' smokin' hot babes over there and you're playin' with my hard-as-steel cock. You're workin' your best friend's 9-inch cock in front of a room full of people. Yeah, twist it a bit as you go. Yeah, buddy, just like that. Fuckin' perfect, boy. Come on lil' D... faster. Pump this handful of man meat quick and dirty. We don't wanna get caught, right?"

That thought about getting caught snapped me back to reality a bit. I really was focused on the feel and weight of his cock in my hand. On the motion of my stroke under the water. Tryin' to use the water to my advantage a bit... figuring out how to make him feel great, make him shoot while I was workin' his tool underwater. I was now again fully reminded that we could be caught, and fuckin' hell if I wanted anyone to know what the fuck we were doing.

"Dude! What the fuck are you doin', D? Keep goin'!"

Matt snapped at me and I realized I had slowed down as I was paying more attention to the rest of the room. I tightened my grip on Matt's pussy-buster and tried to ignore that feeling of fear in my stomach.

"Yeah... better, D. That's better. Don't worry about these other assholes. Nobody is watchin' us. Nobody realizes what's happening here. Just work your magic like you do in my bedroom... like you do in my shower... like you do in the fuckin' locker room. Just jack me off. Jack my fuckin' hot, heavy cock here in the pool. Make your buddy cum, D. Make me get so hot I have to blast my baby-batter out into the water. No clean-up needed this time. Just make me cum."

I pumped Matt's cock hard and fast. I realized I slid down a bit in the water, so it was just about at my shoulders so I could focus on the speed of my stroke and not worry about the water splashing up. I glanced at Matt's face as I was beating him off and he had a massive grin. He was lovin' the hell outta this, and I was glad to see it. I must have been watching him longer than I thought, because all of a sudden he whispered to me...

"Don't you fuckin' stop now, D. I'll fuckin' beat your ass... keep goin'..."

I was confused, but then Matt started talking more loudly, and I realized we weren't alone in our corner of the pool anymore.

"Hey, coach! Great class today. I really feel like Danny and me here are gettin' pretty good at that stroke... that freestyle."

Matt was all smiles as I turned my head away from him and saw that Coach Summers had walked over to us, now beginning to crouch down near the edge of the pool on the wall that came to join ours in this corner. He was basically facing us.

My hand froze on Matt's dick, but as Coach was starting to respond, Matt turned and glared at me and I remembered what he said. SHIT! FUCK! He wanted me to keep beating him off while the Coach was literally 5 or 6 feet away! What the fuck! God... I nervously started up again...

"Hey boys. Yeah, Matt. I was really pleased with how you both did today. Seemed like you two are gonna be a couple of my best swimmers."

Coach Summers was crouched down, with his open jacket falling against the outsides of his spread knees. I continued working my buddy's cock while my eyes caught sight of the bulge in the coach's own speedo. Fuck if it didn't look like the coach was packing 7 or 8 inches in that suit...

"Yeah, coach. Danny and take our time here really seriously... we want to, ya' know, make the most of it. It can be hard to focus, sometimes, at our age."

I could tell Matt was getting close. I pumped his ready cock for all I was worth.

"I hear you, Matt. I know it can be really hard. You just need to keep at it, and pay attention to what really matters in life. You two will be fine. Swimming can be a really great way to de-stress, too, you know. Sometimes it's important to just let go and burn off that excess energy."

That was it. When the coach talked about how hard it can be, I felts the pulse of Matt's hot jock jizz work its way through his cum-tube and blast out into the water. Matt's left hand came off the wall and gripped my shoulder tightly as his draw dropped open and he tried not to make a sound while he fuckin' blasted that hot teenage cream out into the water while our coach talked about focusing on what matters in life. In this moment, nothing mattered more than Matt shooting his load... for either of us.

"Matt, you ok? I feel like I lost you there for a minute."

Coach Summers did lose Matt to the sensation of a public ejaculation... a sensation enjoyed right in front of a man Matt was convinced was a faggot, and who would love to swallow that load right down his own pussy mouth.

When Matt's 5 blasts of ball juice finished squirting from the head of his wet dick, he eased up his grip on my shoulder, relaxed, and focused his attention back on the coach.

"Sorry, Coach Summers. I did get distracted there for a second. Like you said, I need to focus on what's really important in life. I'll remember that. If it's cool with you Coach, I think I need to hit the head. All of a sudden I gotta take a piss like you wouldn't believe."

As he was talking, Matt dropped his right arm into the water, brushed my hand away from his cock, and tucked his junk back in his speedo. He turned around and hoisted himself up over the wall of the pool and walked over to where the coach was still crouched down.

"See coach, when this bad boy demands attention, I can't fight it. Ya' know?"

Matt grabbed hold of his still oversized, though not quite hard, teen-boy meat while about a foot away from our coach, whose eyes were in perfect line-up with Matt's crotch. With his right hand on his package, Matt patted the coach's right arm with his left hand a few times, then walked past him towards the locker room.

The coach paused for a few seconds. He didn't really move or say anything. I took the opportunity to pull myself over the pool wall to follow Matt and realized when I turned around that the coach must've caught sight of my fat ass as I was coming out of the water. He was looking right at me as I turned, and once my less impressive front was in his line of sight, he seemed to shake himself back to reality and stood up.

"Danny, go ahead. You may as well just hit the showers at this point. Class is just about over."

"Thanks, Coach."

As I passed him, the coach turned, and although I couldn't really see him... I knew he was taking another look at my juicy boy-butt packed tight in the smaller sized speedo Matt put me in for this class. I flushed red on my walk back to the locker room and realized he wasn't the only guy looking my way.

End of part 12.

Message from the author:

I'd love to hear any feedback you have about the story. Email me at dannyj7200@outlook.com. Thanks for those of you who have already sent me a note -- I really appreciate it. I don't have a lot of free time these days, so if you don't hear back from me quickly, that's why. Also, I PROMISE I will continue this story until it's finished. It's just going to be a while between chapters. You'll just have to be patient, and find other material to fuel your fantasies in the meantime.

If you've written anything that plays on the same themes or have favorite stories along these lines, let me know that, too! I'm always on the lookout for something that plays with manipulation, domination, and especially two "straight" friends where one gradually takes control.

This is my only story so far, and it will take me a while to get through.

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Next: Chapter 13

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