Swim Class Speedos

By Danny Johnson

Published on Jul 11, 2021


Story Themes: Best friends, manipulation, domination, straight to gay

Continuation from Part 14:

Matt brought his hands down to my head, and I felt his fingers work their way through my hair and settle in place. Matt guided my head up and down on his cock, at the pace he wanted me to keep.

"There it is... keep it steady... that's the pace I like, D. That's it right there... yeah... I bet you feel those balls pullin' tight, huh? Yeah... it's not gonna take long to get my nut now, faggot. Not gonna take long to give you what you really want. I'm gonna feed you this thick ballcream, just like you want. Feel those nuts, buddy. They got all that hot cream churnin' just for you. Oh god yes, faggot! You're so fuckin' lucky right now. I'm so good to you, fucker. All that playin' around with my cock the last half-hour has me ready to feed you, boy. Right on the fuckin' edge here... Keep goin' - keep suckin' faggot! Keep suckin'... my fuckin'... COCK!"

That was it. That's when my best friend, the fuckin' stud that he was, came down my throat while I fuckin' sucked his 9-inch monster for the first time. I kept goin' while he got his nut right in my mouth.

"FUUUUUCK YEAAAH, you fuckin' faggot! Suckin' that fuckin' cock dry like a total bitch... FUCK, Danny... fuckin' drink down that sweet creamy cum, faggot. Drink it all down. Keep suckin' my cock until you've swallowed every last drop..."

I milked his deflating cock with my mouth and fist, finally letting it slip out when I tasted no more lingering cum.

"Fuck, boy. Wow. I can't believe that just happened. You really just sucked on my king-kong dong and made me bust. You should see your face, Danny. Totally red, and I swear your lips just LOOK like you've been slurpin' on dick. Ok. I need a shower, dude. And you need some time to process what you just did right here. You get dressed and head home. Pack your bag in the morning, and you can head back here for the weekend. We've got some shit to figure out, and trust, you'll have some more of this fat cock to suck."

Matt slid off the bed and I watched his ass flex as he walked into his bathroom. I heard the shower start up as I pulled on my clothes and made my way out the door. I felt like some slut he just had his way with... but then he did tell me I'd be spending the rest of the weekend there, kinda like most weekends. Maybe things would be ok?

Part 15:

I got home and had dinner with my parents. We talked about nothing in particular, though I could barely pay attention to the conversation. I did mention to them that I was planning to head over to Matt's the next day and to spend Saturday night there before coming home sometime on Sunday. It wasn't a problem, of course. It's the way many of my weekends went. Only now, things were different.

Sure, Matt was the same guy I'd grown up with, but things had changed and I didn't even know yet exactly what it all meant. My mind raced, full of random thoughts - what would this weekend be like hanging out? Would Matt start treating me like shit? Would we still be best friends? How did this all really happen? Did I want this all to happen? Do I want it now? Did I... like it? Would he tell anyone? Shit... no he couldn't tell anyone... that would ruin my fuckin' life and he just couldn't do that to me.

Then there were more... graphic thoughts. I'd remember the taste of his pre-cum. The up-close view of his cock. The feel of his head rubbing against my tongue. His hands in my hair. The things he said. Damn... that pre-fuck did taste sweet. And while all that was happening in my mind, while sitting there at the dining room table with my parents, I realized that my prick had been feeding off these random thoughts and was now fully stiff. What the fuck?

"You ok, son? You seem like you're somewhere else tonight," my dad said.

"Oh, yeah. No, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."

"Ok. Well, you know your mother and I are always here if you want to talk about anything."

My parents really were pretty great. Always there for me, let me do my own thing a lot. They trusted me, and I trusted them. Right now, though, talking to them about anything running through my mind was not happening.

"Thanks, Dad. I think I just need to head up and get some sleep. It's just been a long week. I feel like I've been training for the iron man competition."

I made my way up to my room, doing my best to hide the tent I had in the front of my shorts. I think my dad may have caught sight of it out of the corner of his eye as I got up from the table. Oh, well. I closed the door, locked it, and stripped down for bed. The cool sheets felt good on my teen-boy bod, and the pillow even better. Resting on my back, my peckerwood still made itself known, lifting my top sheet the full 5.3 inches of my dicklength away from my body. I had to cum. I felt like at this moment, I just needed to get off and maybe that would clear my mind of these crazy homo thoughts so I could just relax and sleep. Maybe I wouldn't keep thinking about the taste of my bro's jock juice, or the way his uncut fatty felt on my tongue and knocking on the back of my throat.

I grabbed my tablet and started searching for something to watch. I kept clicking around and nothing was really doin' it for me. Video after video, and for whatever reason I just didn't settle in on anything for probably 10 minutes. I lightly teased my dick with my left hand while I continued my search with my right.

Eventually I found something a bit different. It was two young guys, well built, who were on cam talking to two girls online. Amateur flick, for sure. They were talking dirty to these chicks, about how bad they wanted that pussy, what they'd do if they were in the same place, etc. They were just chillin' on the couch, playing with themselves a bit. You could hear the girls talking back to them, egging them on to show more. The guys both got down to their underwear and rubbed their chubby cocks through their tight boxer-briefs.

Eventually they whipped out their cocks - their fuckin' rock hard cocks - while teasing the girls on cam. They waved them around, kept up the dirty talk and stroked a bit out in the open. I don't know what happened then, because my dick was ready to bust. I felt my nuts pull up tight, pushed the tablet away on the bed, flipped over onto my knees and rubbed my dick until I dropped my sticky cum right down on the sheets.

God, I needed that so bad. I dropped back down to the bed, and felt the warm mess I made against my skin, briefly thinking about the fact that Matt would never lay down over his wet spot like I just did. Then, I was out like a light.

I woke up in the morning and checked the clock on my nightstand. 9:50am. I must have slept 12 hours. But, damn, it felt good. That sleep really made me feel rested - like all the stress had been pulled out of my body overnight.

I got up and stretched a bit. I scratched my trimmed pubes, and sort of shook off the caked-on cum from my pre-sleep jerk-off. I started in on my squats and even those felt easier than usual. I must have slept like a rock.

I wasn't in any rush, so I fell back onto my bed and rested my back against my headboard. Thoughts of my Friday evening with Matt started to pour back in, though they didn't exactly scare me the way they did yesterday. I felt like I could be more honest... like I could admit that I didn't exactly hate what was going on. Some part of me really liked making Matt feel good, and I felt like everyone would be totally jealous of the access my best friend has given me to his stud bod.

Still... when he... fingered me... When I said that I was a faggot. When he called me a faggot while I was sucking his double-wide cock... He wasn't joking. And I don't think I was either. He's called me a faggot plenty of times since we hit puberty, but it's always been a joke. Now, though. Now I've stroked his cock, let him spray his thick nut all over me, even down my throat plenty of times... and I've sucked his cock. Plus, he fingered my ass twice. And I came both times.

I... I don't know what to make of it. Faggots aren't real men. And I was good at sports, have dated some hot chicks - ate and fucked their pussies good, too. But, if anyone were to tell me about a dude that's done everything I have these last few weeks, I'd have no doubt he was a total faggot. Suckin' cock, drinkin' cum, strokin' dick, gettin' finger-fucked. Letting another dude empty his heavy nuts on him or in him multiple times a day.

It was then I felt the ache of a stiff prick between my legs. So hard it hurt. Why did thinking about all of this get me so god damned hard? Fuuuck...

I reached for my tablet and when I entered my code to unlock the screen, the scene from last night was still up - paused where I left off. I just hit play and started jerking off hard.

The guys were jacking their dicks... both I now noticed were way bigger than mine. And they were talkin' to these chicks about getting them on their knees and fillin' their mouth up with dick. The one guy got close to the cam and even thumped his heavy meat right on the cam a few times before backing away. Shiiiiit... that got me close.

'knock knock knock'


"I'm still in bed - I'll get up in a bit!" I yelled to the door. I waited a sec and then resumed my morning jerk session. All of a sudden I heard the key in the door and before I could react the door opened.

"Mornin' fucker!" Matt said as he walked in.

"Matt - what the fuck?" I said in response as I pulled a sheet over my almost-ready nut blaster.

"Damn, Danny. What did I just walk in on?"

He put the key back on the door frame above the door and closed the door, relocking it on his way to my bedside.

"Didn't you get my text, man? I said I'd be here at 10 to pick you up so we could hit the diner for breakfast before headin' to the park for a run."

"No, dude. I just woke up not long ago. I did my squats and then... ya know, was tryin' to take care of business before I got in the shower."

"Fuckin' Danny. I don't wanna sit here and watch you finger your little prick, man. Are you almost done?"

He twisted his face around like it was gross to watch me jerk off, even though I've not only been watching him, I've been doin' it for him for weeks.

"Hey - I didn't ask you to come barging into my room mid-wank, man."

"Ok, hurry up and finish so we can get outta here. You don't need to worry about a shower. After our run we'll shower at my place anyway. Just go ahead and squeeze out your sticky boy-jism and we'll go."

"Well can you give me some privacy? Go wait in the truck, bro."

"Hell no. If I do that, god knows how long you'll take playin' with yourself. Shoot it or lose it, boy."

"I mean, I was really close but I don't know how easy it's gonna be to do with you standin' there now."

"Well just put on some porn, Danny. Here... woooah, I see you already had some goin'. And is it just two dudes you're watchin'?"

Fuck. I'd forgotten to pause the porn I had on the tablet and he just picked it up.

"No, man. There's girls. It's straight porn, Matt."

"The fuck it is! You total homo! This is two dudes whackin' off together on a couch. Wow. I thought maybe you'd somehow you'd still be into pussy, but just knowin' that when you have the whole internet of porn to pick from, you choose a video of two bros beatin' off together with not a girl in sight... that seals the deal, D. My best friend is a faggot."

"Dude! Keep it down! I don't want my 'rents to hear you say that!"

Matt started laughing out loud and he dropped my tablet back on the bed.

"Fuck, D. You're worried about your parents hearin' me, but you got no problem playin' with that peanut between your legs while you check out two real bros jackin' off on cam. It's cool man. I get it. But, I'm gettin' hungry, D. Finish jerkin' off or let's go. Here - watch your movie."

"Come on, Matt. My dick isn't even hard anymore. Let's just go."

"Are you sure? You're gonna have total blue balls, buddy. I'm sure you can get hard again. Watch your video. Or do you wanna watch somethin' else? Is that it? You got a real stud standin' right next to your bed, now. Is that what you'd rather watch? Me? You wanna perv on my bod while you work your little nut outta your tiny prick, buddy? Two days ago I'd never have let you do it, bro, because that shit's for faggots. But now... now that we know you ARE a faggot, I don't see the harm. I see you need it, little buddy. You need your big bro to help inspire you, huh. Yeah, you do. Here - just scoot over here with your head near the side of the bed, and you can look right up at me."

I was still for a few seconds... like a deer in headlights. This was new.

"Come on, little buddy. It's ok. I'll help you out. Scoot over."

I felt Matt's hand on my shoulder and slid down onto the bed, flat on my back, and angled myself so my head was close to the edge where Matt was standing. I felt fully exposed - naked, with my little five-incher in my right hand, springing back to life.

Matt stepped even closer to the bed while I looked up at him. He pulled off his tight-fitting black sleeveless tank and set it down on my night stand. Then he dropped his red gym shorts to the ground, and moved closer to my head in his cherry red jockstrap, spreading his legs a bit. As I looked up, his packed jock was a few inches over my face, and I could see past it up to his rippling abs and muscled chest. I noticed his hands were on his hips, then saw his face, smirking down at me.

"Yeah, buddy. That's it. I see that little prick just needed a better view and it stiffened right up. That's it. I'm happy to help out my best friend. Happy to help my faggot best friend when he needs it. You need it right? This is what you need? You need your muscled jock bro to show off for you so you can get that prick hard and finish your wank session? You need my bulging jock hanging over your face so you can breathe in that sweet scent of my cock and balls while you play with your peter? You need to check out my washboard abs and my gorgeous smile, too, huh? Yeah, I know buddy. Matty knows exactly what his little faggot needs. It's ok. Breathe in deep. Breathe in that jock scent."

God... I did need this... my dick was ready to burst... I couldn't help it. He was just so fuckin' hot... and I was in heat. I needed it.

"Go ahead, Danny. You enjoy yourself. You enjoy layin' back and checkin' out your best friend while you get ready for that little batch of jizz to ooze outta your baby-dick, buddy. It's all good. I can tell you're gettin' really hot, D. I can tell those little blueberry balls you got are about ready. You know what would really do the trick. You know what would push you right over the edge, just like yesterday. You know what would make you finally shoot off, right? Yeah, you know. Go ahead. Give yourself what you really want. Go ahead. Your left hand is just wasted right now... put it to work, D. Put that left hand to work while your right hand is tryin' to pull that semen outta your nub. Do it..."

I knew exactly what Matt was suggesting. And I did want it. I brought my left hand up to my mouth, sucked on it while looking up past his sweet jock and looked straight into Matt's eyes as I spread open my legs and pressed my middle finger against my puckered asshole.

"Yeeeeaaah, D. That's it. That's what you were missin'. You can pull that nubbin all day long, but in a few seconds your gonna let that boy-nut flow and we both know it's because your pussy is finally gettin' some attention. Your tight boy-pussy needs some action, too, D. It's screamin' for it. Massage that tight little pussy and empty your little nuts. Go ahead. Let your load out, boy. Give in and let your fag flag fly while you let out your little load in your trimmed pubes, faggot. Now."

Fuck if I didn't moan like a slut, right into Matt's red, snug fitting jock as I pressed my left hand into my asshole and milked my prick with my right. And that prick came. I shot three blasts onto my stomach and the rest leaked out of my boy-dick while my left hand dug deep as I could go, trying to find that spot Matt tapped yesterday. I never found it, but the effect of my finger in my slot was still strong. I don't recharge as fast as Matt does, and since I came last night, I didn't have too much cum pumping. I pulled on my dick until the cum had run dry and pulled my finger outta my ass.

"Yeah, that's it, bud. Finally. Bet that felt great," Matt said.

He stepped back from me and pulled on his shorts and tank while I laid there, a bit dazed.

"Come on, D. You had your fun, now it's time to get outta here. I'm fuckin' hungry. Here..."

Matt began digging around in my drawers, and pulled out a jockstrap, black tank, and green gym shorts. At least he didn't have those onion skin shorts here that he had me run in before. He tossed them at me on the bed.

"Get dressed, bud."

I pulled myself off the bed, and used my top sheet to wipe off the remains of my cumshot. Matt rolled his eyes a bit. I know he would never do something like that, but whatever. I pulled on the jock as Matt watched from behind. He moved closer and I felt his hands adjusting the straps before feeling up my ass directly. Just for a few seconds, then he stepped back as I pulled on my shorts and shirt.

I gathered some things for the night and tossed them in a duffel. It dawned on me that I really wouldn't need much, since I'd probably be naked in Matt's room most of the weekend. We said goodbye to my 'rents on the way out and hopped in Matt's truck.

I pulled down the green gym shorts I had on as soon as we shut the doors, and found myself enjoying the fact that I wasn't totally nude on the passenger side of the bench-style seat in his truck. The ride was pretty uneventful and we were soon at the diner.

We came here a lot, and typically ordered the same meal without bothering with the menu. I always had a western omlette with cheese, home fries and bacon, and Matt's go-to was scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and rye toast. Today felt no different than any other time we'd been here. I kept worrying that what was happening with us would really mess with our friendship. That Matt would treat me different or that we wouldn't even be able to be true friends anymore because of it. Well, he does treat me different at times, that's true, but sitting in the diner and laughin' together made me feel like somehow there was room for both sides of our friendship.

We finished up and he paid the check, which was cool.

"Let's go faggot. Time to hit the park and start our run."

"Come on, man! Why'd you say that?"

"Say what, D?"

We were walking out of the diner now, getting into his truck as this conversation played out.

"You know... you just called me a faggot. Someone could'a heard that, Matt!"

"Oh, please, D. Get over yourself. I've called you a faggot in public plenty of times and you've never cared. Just because it's true now doesn't mean I'm gonna stop sayin' it. That's how dudes talk, bruh. Right? That's how you and I have always talked. I'm not gonna stop usin' words like pussy, cum, and faggot when we're out just because you've decided you like to suck dick. You want things to stay the same between us, right? You still want to be my best bud? Well, this is it. And who gives a shit if someone does hear us. That's never mattered before. And to be honest, little bro, nobody would look at you and think it was true. Nobody would look at you and think you were a cocksucker, or a dicklicker, or a homo, or a faggot, whatever words we happen to throw around, D. You should be thankful for that, buddy."

"Still, man... I'd fuckin' die if someone caught on to what we've been doin'. Well, really to what I've been doin'. Please, man. Please keep it down."

"Listen, Danny. Look at me. I'm not gonna tell anyone what's happening here, ok? I'm not gonna go runnin' my mouth about your cocksuckin' skills or how often you drink my sweet load, D. But, I can't promise you that people won't get curious on their own. I can't promise that no one will ever figure it out. You're my best friend and I want to be real with you. I'll always watch out for you, but you ARE a faggot. You like gettin' your g-spot massaged as much as I like havin' you play with my grade-A meat. There's always gonna be some risk for you, that's just the truth. I don't expect you to be cool with all this overnight, bro. Like I said last night, you're gonna need some time to process everything, but the truth is the truth. That doesn't change just because you don't embrace it yet. Now, drop your shorts and get that fat butt out while we head to the park."

I felt somewhat defeated. I was confused. We had a totally normal breakfast, and now I'm stripping down my shorts again so my bestie can keep his hands and eyes on my butt to help me get more comfortable with things. Oh, and yeah he just called me a faggot like five times. And the fact that it was true... yeah, that didn't help. The ride went pretty quickly.

"We're here, D. Get your shorts back on and we'll head out."

I pulled up my shorts and we both got out of the truck. Matt pulled off his shirt and threw it on the seat, and told me to do the same. We headed out from the lot and started our run. Matt wasn't pushing a crazy pace like he sometimes does, so we settled into a fairly easy jog as we made our way through the park.

The park wasn't crowded, but there were plenty of people out and about. It was a pretty nice day. Jogging shirtless side-by-side with Matt once again brought a sense of normality and routine. It felt good.

Matt kept glancing around at the people we passed, which was typical. He was always checkin' out any hot girls we passed, even the MILFs. Today was no different.

"Fuck, bro. Look at her."

Matt nodded in the direction of a particularly hot looking redhead. Her hair was pulled back and she was dressed in a tight tank and capri-length running shorts, hugging her legs. Looked like she was either starting or finishing up her run, because she was leaning against a tree and stretching out.

"Damn, dude. She is hot," I replied.

"No shit, D. Oh and look at that. She's checkin' me out now."

She was still a little bit ahead of us, but she was looking our way. Now, there's no way Matt could say for sure she was checking him out and not me, but I didn't point that out. He was probably right, anyway. He was better eye candy than me, for sure.

Matt had begun to slow down even more as we approached her.

"D, why don't you run ahead. I'll either catch up in a few or I'll meet you back at the truck."

"Heh, heh. Ok, man. See you."

I kept running ahead while Matt slowed down to a walk and headed in the girl's direction. I was 10 or 15 minutes down the path when I figured things must be going well, because I'd been jogging pretty slowly and Matt was nowhere in sight. The path we took looped back around to where the parking lot was, so eventually I ended up back at the truck. It was at least a half hour since I'd separated from my bud, and he wasn't at the truck when I got back.

I hopped up into the bed of the truck and rested my back against the back of the cab to wait for Matt.

Another 15 minutes or so and he was jogging back from the direction where we started. That meant he never made it to the rest of our loop. Dude looked sweaty, too.

"Hey, D. You have a good run?"

He smiled at me ear-to-ear as he slowed to a walk and unlocked the door to grab his shirt. He wiped his forehead and chest with it before putting it back on. I hopped out of the truck bed and joined him.

"Yeah, man. What happened to you? You end up gettin' that girl's number?"

"Ha ha! I got more than her fuckin' number, little D. Come here."

He put his hand behind my head and pulled me face first into his crotch, as he hooked the front of his shorts and jock down under his balls. I was breathing in his post-workout jock sweat and was overwhelmed by it.

"Breathe in deep, buddy. Yeah. I got more than her number all right. Smell that? Not exactly the same as the last time you got up close and personal with my massive junk, right? You know why... yeah... that's not just me you're smellin'. Fuckin' bitch was aching for my fat cock as soon as I said hello to her. And who was I to say no?"

He started laughing as he held my head tight against his cock and balls, dragging my face around his still wet cunt buster and nuts. I, fuck, I just breathed it all in.

"You shoulda' seen it, boy. Didn't waste any time. She led me over to where there were a few more trees, further off the path and just leaned herself up against one. Told me it was time to help her finish her workout. FUCK it was hot. That pussy was so fuckin' wet, my thick bone just slid right in as she moaned. I head to cover that slut's mouth so we wouldn't get caught. People were walkin' by and I was just poundin' that snatch."

Matt's cock was now about half hard and growing. I started to press my tongue against the underside of his shaft out of instinct, and he suddenly pulled me away.

"Dude - chill out. I didn't tell you to start suckin' me off. You're so fuckin' desperate for this 9 inch salami aren't you, faggot? You'll get plenty of it soon enough, but I don't want you to lick all this wet pussy juice off my cock just yet."

Matt pulled his jock and shorts back over his chubby and I sat back in the seat. My head felt light as Matt told me to pull off my shorts.

"And this time, let me really see that fat ass, boy."

I dropped my shorts and jock and assumed my normal position.

"No, no. I'm sayin' just lay down on your tummy and stick that fat ass in my direction. I'm gonna give you more practice gettin' that ass handled in public as we drive back to my place."

I laid my front down on the seat of the truck, head towards the passenger window, left leg sort of dangling off the seat and bent with my knee on the floor, right leg pulled up between me and the back of the seat. I felt totally exposed to my best buddy, as my round cheeks were pulled apart with my asshole pointed right at him.

"That's better. Fuckin' great, boy. Yeah, look at that juicy fuckin' ass, bud."

Matt pulled out of the lot and hit the road while his right hand was all over my ass. He squeezed it, slapped it, rubbed it, all while driving the truck. I don't know if I really was getting used to it, or what, but it didn't bother me. Oh don't get me wrong, I was nervous as hell that someone would see us even as high as his truck was, but the actual manhandling of my butt didn't really bother me at this point.

It felt like we'd been driving longer than it took to get to his place, but I couldn't really see anything from the position I was in. Matt had continued to talk about that girl from the park while he drove.

"Danny I wish you'd have seen it. It felt so fuckin' great to just pump that tight pussy right there in the park. I don't even know that bitch's name, bro. I just wanted her, and she fuckin' needed this jock dick, D. That tight little cunt felt so good, too. Squeezin' so tight on my thick pole."

When he started talking about her pussy, he shifted his focus from my fat cheeks to my exposed hole. I felt him rub his thumb against my asshole, thump two fingers against it, and finally I heard him spit on his hand before his middle finger pressed inside me.

"Please, Matt. Come on! Please don't - someone is gonna fuckin' see!"

I pleaded my case to him, asking him not to do this here, but made no move to physically stop him. I didn't try to get up, push him away, or even just close my legs.

"Shh... easy, boy. I'm just talkin' about that pussy and I got your pussy starin' me in the face here. Let me just open it up a little bit while we drive. Just let your buddy open up that boy pussy real quick. Aren't you hot thinkin' about me fuckin' that wet snatch out in the open? I'm fuckin' hard as hell. I know you gotta be, too. You're little prick hard? You're little boy-bone stiff against the seat, D?"

God, why did he know me better than I did. Of course I was hard. I was laying against the seat of his truck, with his finger sliding in and out of my hole, and I was hard. It just felt so good...

"Yeah, man. I'm stiff... God, you're just doin' somethin' to me that I can't fight, Matt. What's wrong with me?"

"Nothin's wrong with you, D. You're reactin' the way you should. You've got a finger in your pussy and your boy clit is just tellin' you how much you like it. Any faggot would feel the same. Any faggot would love to get finger fucked by a stud like me. But you're not just any faggot, D. You're my boy. You're my bud and you're god-damned lucky to have a fuckin' hot bro willin' to show you what you really need."

Matt pulled his finger out of my... my pussy... and smacked my ass cheeks a few times.

"We're here, D."

He parked the truck and hopped out before I even got up off the seat. Fuck I practically had to peel my dick off the bench... I'd been leaking pre-cum and it was like glue. I knew Matt would kill me if I left it, so I licked up what I could and used my shirt to wipe it down. I pulled on my jock and shorts, and jumped out of the truck with my shirt in-hand.

Matt was already inside when I stepped into his open doorway and shut the door behind me.

I looked over at him and saw he was already naked, with his throbbing bone bouncing in front of him. He had his hands on his hips and stood waiting for me. I got naked myself and walked over in his direction.

"Ok, D. This time, there's no pretending. I'm not smooth talkin' you into my next blowjob. If you wanna suck this pussy-soaked cock, you're gonna get on your knees in front of me, look me in the eyes, and ask me how I want it."

I felt my legs bend and I was on my knees in front of this alter of teen-jock cock before I could even realized what I was doing. His knob was leaking pre-fuck already, with a drop pooled at the crown of his head. I looked up at him.

"How do you want it, Matt?"

"Want what?"

"Your blowjob?"

"Say it right."

"How do you want your blowjob?"

"Good boy. I want you to spend 10 minutes licking that slut's pussy off my cock. Get it nice and clean. Don't forget the balls. That wet pussy leaked juice all over me."

I did exactly as he said. I started by licking that clear drop of pre-fuck off the head of his cock, and damn if I didn't love the way it tasted.

"That's it. Just lick. Just run your tongue all over my gorgeous cock and heavy balls, boy. Fuck, I just scored some pussy and now I got you doin' clean-up on my post-fuck junk. Yeah, good job, little buddy. Clean that cunt from my cock. How's that second hand pussy, taste, faggot? Tell your bro how that cock you love tastes when it's got a fresh coat of pussy on it?"

"It tastes good, Matt. It's fuckin' great..."

"Yeah, I bet it is. But I bet you can't wait until my curvy cock is nice and clean, huh. You can't wait until the taste of that girl's cunt is gone, and it's just your man's musk that's left. Ain't that right? You just love the taste of my jock sweat... the scent of dick. That's really what you love, ain't it?"

"Yeah... I fuckin' love it."

"You fuckin' love this cock. You love the smell of this package, havin' it fuckin' rub all over your pretty boy face, huh?"

"Yeah, Matt... fuck..."

"I know it. You've licked all that pussy off this jock dick, by now. It's pure cock now. Just the way you like it. Go ahead. Put this fuckpole in your mouth. Show me how a faggot sucks dick. Show your bro how much you really want his fuckin' huge cock showin' you who's boss."

I opened my mouth and felt his fleshy head against my tongue and I was totally done. I dove down on as much of his 9-inch bone as I could manage. The smell and taste just had me in another world. My boy-dick was hard as fuck, and I started stroking it while I sucked Matt's cock. I was on my knees in front of this total stud and all I wanted was to make us both cum.

"That's it. Play with that little boy peter while you suck down a real man's cock, D. You're so fuckin' hot for my manhood, faggot. Just goin' to town on this fuckin' massive wang, huh. And you're in heat, aren't you. So fuckin' horny you feel like you're gonna explode. I bed you're even gettin' a little wet, too, huh? Tell your bro... is your boy pussy gettin' wet back there? Feel it. Feel that pussy between those fuckin' fat cheeks. Feel that pussy buried in that sweet ass. Is it wet for me?"

I slid my hand under my balls and felt my assh-... my pussy. It did feel a little wet. It also felt great when I applied a bit of pressure.

"Yeah... I can see it on your face. That pussy is gettin' wet. You know why? Pussy's wired to get itself nice and slick when a real cock gets close. When a fuckin' hard cock is anywhere close to pussy, that pussy knows it. Fuck... keep suckin' me, pussy. Keep suckin' this god damn cock, faggot. Get at it. Get more of that thick dick down your throat, cocksucker. Really open up and take me in. Let me in that throat while you play with your little dicklet and that tight pussy between your legs. Yeah... you got like 6 inches of this fat fucker in your mouth."

I struggled to take in as much of this huge slab of dick as I could. He wasn't wrong when he said I was in heat. I've never felt like this. Turned on isn't close to describing how hot I was right then. I fuckin' needed his cock, his cum... and I was so close myself.

"Ok, boy. I'm about to give you what you want. This giant fuckstick is about to shoot my second load of the day in your sweet faggot mouth. Fuckin' swallow what I feed you, like you always do. And I want you to let go of your faggot boy clit and just shove that finger right up your aching pussy. You'll get your nut when I'm feeding you mine, and without touchin' that little prick. Yeah boy... here it is.. NOW FAGGOT! Finger that pussy and drink down this fuckin' load!"

I let go of my boy-dick and pressed my middle finger as far inside my pussy as it would go, just as I felt Matt's incredible cock throb in my mouth and start pumping shot after shot of jock juice straight down my throat. I was gulping down his second shot when I ejaculated myself. I can't exactly describe the feeling... my pussy felt so fuckin' good as it squeezed tight on my finger and I felt my cum shoot from my prick.

"Drink it! Drink down that fuckin' hot teen-boy nut. Swallow down every fuckin' drop of my delicious cum you fuckin faggot! Yeah, fuck! I bet that pussy is throbbin' around your finger just like my massive manhood is throbbing in your fuckin' mouth, faggot! Yeah... milk my cock and just relax that pussy. Fuck, that was a hot blowjob, D. You sucked this bro-cock right!"

I drank the last of my best friend's cum as I relaxed back, feeling my own little dick already starting to deflate as I slipped my finger out of my boy pussy. Matt pulled his shaft outta my mouth and used one hand to slap his cock against my cheek while he held my head with his other hand.

"Yeah, boy. You love Matty's fuckin' fat cock inside you, huh? Can't get enough of this huge fucker now that you've had a taste."

I felt his heavy bone smack against my cheeks as I mumbled my reply.

"It's so fuckin' good, Matt. I do love it. It's fuckin' great..."

'knock knock knock'

Matt backed away and pulled on his gym shorts as he headed toward the door. I was so out of it I barely had time to stand as I was calling out to Matt to tell him not to answer the fuckin' door!

"Matt - wait!"

He swaggered over to the door and opened it wide while I was standing there naked. I'd covered my softened prick with both hands just before his dad walked into the room.

"Hey Dad. What's up?"

Mr. Williams was all man, that's for sure. He had Matt pretty young, so he was just barely in his 40's, with dark hair showing a little bit of gray. He worked out almost as much as Matt did, so he was super fit, and knew how to dress to show off his assets. I always noticed his eyes, too. Deep green eyes that seemed to see right past any of our typical teenage bullshit.

Matt stood there, resting on the open door, with his half-hard dong still tenting out his shorts. Since he hadn't slipped on his jock with them, his chub was pretty obvious. I was frozen with my hands covering my now shrunken nubbin, staring at his dad.

"Well, I was just going to ask what you boys had planned for the day. Your mother and I were planning to head to the movies this afternoon, and then maybe go out tonight."

Mr. Williams' eyes looked over me as he spoke, but then he turned back to Matt for his response. He didn't seem too phased by walking into his son's room and finding me naked, with his son popping a tent in his shorts.

"Thanks, Dad. Danny and I have a full night planned. We have a lot of cramming to do, and we're gonna be pretty focused tonight."

"Yeah, I bet school is really picking up now. Were you two... just working out?"

He asked the question, but without any of the expected awkwardness.

"Yeah. We just got back from a jog and were about to take a shower. That's why Danny is buck-ass naked over there. He just couldn't wait to strip down and hose off."

Matt had his trademark smirk when he said that. I was 12 shades of red.

"Good. Glad to see you boys are paying so much attention to staying fit. And glad to hear you make good use of that shower we spent so much money on."

"Oh yeah, Dad. I do. That shower is awesome. Danny why don't you head in and get that water started?"

It took me a second to get out my words.

"Uh, sure. Yeah, you got it, Matt."

I turned, happy to get out of that room and away from the gaze of Matt's dad. I walked into the bathroom and started to warm up the shower while Matt and his Dad finished talking.

Mr. Williams' mouth went dry as he watched me walk out of the room. My naked oversized ass caught his eye right away.

"Yeah, Dad. Danny's got a lotta junk in the trunk, huh?"

"Well, I can't disagree with you there, son. I've never seen... well, I've never seen another guy like him."

"I know... I been tryin' to help him work on it. He's pretty embarrassed by it."

"I don't see any reason for him to be embarrassed."

"Me neither. But, like I said, we're workin' through it."

"You're a good friend to him, Matt. Ok, I'm gonna head out. By the way, son, just make sure it's not your mother knocking on the door next time. I've been in plenty of locker rooms and nothin' really phases me, but it's pretty clear you don't have anything on under those shorts, and well, Danny... let's just say your mother wouldn't have reacted the same way I did. Ok?"

"Oh sure, Dad. Sorry 'bout that. I'm just used to havin' dudes around and didn't think twice before I opened that door. I probably need to do less thinkin' with this head here."

Matt grabbed his bulge and laughed. Mr. Williams laughed along with him.

"Well, at your age, son, that's not easy. I still do lot of thinkin' with this guy."

Mr. Williams grabbed himself in the same way, before he headed out. Matt shut and locked the door behind him, and kicked off his shorts as he headed into the bathroom, where I was already starting to shower off the sweat from our workout.

End of part 15.

Message from the author:

I'd love to hear any feedback you have about the story. Email me at dannyj7200@outlook.com. Thanks for those of you who have already sent me a note -- I really appreciate it. I don't have a lot of free time these days, so if you don't hear back from me quickly, that's why. Also, I PROMISE I will continue this story until it's finished. It's just going to be a while between chapters. You'll just have to be patient, and find other material to fuel your fantasies in the meantime.

If you've written anything that plays on the same themes or have favorite stories along these lines, let me know that, too! I'm always on the lookout for something that plays with manipulation, domination, and especially two "straight" friends where one gradually takes control.

This is my only story so far, and it will take me a while to get through.

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Next: Chapter 16

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