Swim Team Whore

By moc.loa@8930nitsuJ

Published on Mar 5, 2003


The following story contains graphic sexual scenes between young males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

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Positive comments are always welcome and you can e-mail them to Justin0398@aol.com

Swim Team Whore By Justin Davis

Chapter Three

Sadly, over the next months things just got worse and more complicated for Tommy. It wasn't long before Tommy had to service the whole freshman swim team on a regular basis. Probably the most humiliating experience for Tommy was when he, a senior, had had to stay behind, after the swim coach had left, and gang-bang all nine of the freshman in the back locker room, cum oozing from his sore hole and the taste of cum thick in his mouth after he had done so.

Twenty-one guys now knew, the entire Boy's Swim Team plus Moose, and all of them were horny all the time, and all of them wanted their cock sucked or stuck up his butt in order to fuck him.

So, as Tommy showered off after he had again stayed late after practice one day, he sighed as he heard a pair of bare feet padding along the tile, on their way to the showers. Naturally, he wondered which of the swim team guys he was going to have to suck or fuck this time.

"Coach!" Tommy exclaimed, as Coach Davis walked butt-naked into the shower room and turned the handles to cut on the showerhead.

"I thought you had gone," Tommy added, averting his eyes, considering he had never seen his forty-year-old coach in anything but his sweats.

"You and I need to talk Black." Coach Davis said, as he lathered himself up.

"Yes sir!" Tommy replied, and continued to lather the soap over his body.

"I have learned the best way to talk to a guy is standing there naked. So, rinse yourself off and come here." Coach Davis said.

"Yes sir." Tommy replied, and rinsed the soap off of himself and turned the handles to cut the shower off about the same time as the coach did the same.

Tommy turned, and Coach Davis was standing there, his hands on his hips, water dripping from his body. Needless to say, Tommy was surprised at what he saw.

Coach Davis' shoulders were much broader than he had thought. His torso narrowed downward to his waist, and a small trail of hair led downward toward well-trimmed pubes that had a slightly more than five-inch flaccid cock protruding from them.

"Come stand here!" The coach said, pointing at a spot directly in from of him.

Tommy did as he was told.

"Now, get a good look. I am naked as the day as I was born, and so are you. Right?"

"Yes sir!"

"What do you see Black?"

"Uh, I see someone who uh, is in excellent condition for your age." Tommy replied.

"Now let me tell you what I see." Coach Davis replied.

"I see a guy who is gay. Who has gotten himself into a hell of a mess, and don't think I haven't figured it out," he continued.

"Am I right?" Coach Davis added.

"Yes sir!" Tommy replied, and hung his head.

"Well, Black, as I see it you have become the whore of the swim team." Coach Davis said, and Tommy cringed at the words and hung his head.

"Look Black, Tommy, I am gonna get you out of this. But, you got some real decisions to make about your life kiddo. I know, I had to make them myself." Coach Davis then said.

Tommy looked up at the coach and into his eyes, and he knew.

"Yes, I am gay Tommy." Coach Davis then replied.

"But, I mean, I never-----"

"Being gay is not all about sucking cock and taking it up your ass Tommy. There is more to it than that."

"But I-------"

"Look, leave it to me. You be absent tomorrow from swim practice."

"But coach the meet next week. The meet---I--."

"It will all go on as planned. You just let me handle it. I know the right chains to pull."

"Yes sir!"

"And for God's sakes Black. You can take your hands away from covering your cock. I have see that damn thing since you were in 9th grade."

"Uh, I'm sorry."

"Well, you ought to be. Hell, Tommy you're a good looking kid and smart to boot. You got nothing to be ashamed of."

"Thank you sir!"

"Now get your fucking ass outta here before I fall down on my knees and do something I wish I hadn't done." Coach Davis said, and raised his hand as if to strike Tommy on his wet and naked butt, prompting Tommy to hastily exit the showers.

"Now I want all you assholes to listen up." Coach Davis said the next day, the Boy's Swim team assembled before him in the locker room.

"Rumor has it you guys have been having a little extra activity on the side," he added, prompting all the boys to giggle and snicker.

"Well, let me tell you fellas that is gonna stop as of today. If any one of you goes near Tommy Black again, except in practice and the meets, I will have your ass on a plate." Coach Davis said sternly, promoting all the boy's mouths to drop open that Coach Davis even had an idea.

"Now it is like this "dudes," as you guys like to say. I got connections, connections you wouldn't believe. You wanna get busted with dope in your locker? Try me. You wanna get busted with sexual assault? Just try me. Tell your parents? I will deny I ever said anything. Which one of you is anyone gonna believe when you are busted for dope and gay porn in your locker or in your book bag?" Coach Davis said.

"Now I warn you, fuck with me, one word from any of you guys, one peep about anything other than swimming, and I will fry your fucking ass to hell and back. Oh, and by the way, Derek, you can forget about that full scholarship USC. You are fucked dude since you started all this!" And with that, Coach Davis turned and walked back toward his office.

Tommy stirred awake, then, snuggled up to Derek's naked body, rousing him from his sleep.

"Oh shit! Not again!" Derek said sleepily.

"No. We have the meet this morning. I just want to be close." Tommy replied, and got closer, kissing Derek on the right nipple, then placing his head on his chest.

Derek snuggled closer himself, then put his arms around Tommy, and pulled him in tight, causing a big sigh from Tommy.

"I really really love you Derek." Tommy then said.

"I know." Derek replied, and moved his head a little, nestling it more onto Tommy's chest.

They lay there quietly for a moment, then Derek spoke.

"I know what you are going to ask. You always do." Derek said.

"What?" Tommy replied, and then leaned over and licked Derek's left nipple, and looked up at him.

"Oh shit! Don't do that!" Derek said, prompting Tommy to snicker.

"You are gonna ask me if Coach Davis is gonna be there today. You know he always is. He hasn't missed an opportunity to be there since we started the qualifying meets for the Olympics. You know that."

"I will loose today if you want me to." Tommy said, looking up at his lover.

"You do, and I will walk out on you you asshole. You have the third best Freestyle time in the country."

"Yeah I know. But, you have the fourth." Tommy replied.



"Tell me again."

"Tell you what?"

"You know."

"Geez! I have told you a thousand times."


"Oh, man, okay!"

"I always knew I wanted you. I guess I was just afraid to admit it. I used to look at your long legs in the showers and dream of how they would feel and look wrapped around me. I didn't let you know, I couldn't let you know, how much you turned me on." Derek said, prompting Tommy to wriggle himself even closer.

"I guess it was when I ran into Coach Davis' office in a panic about loosing my scholarship, and he sat me down and talked to me, that I realized that I had had it wrong all along. I realized I had fucked my chances up and yours too. All because I was afraid to admit I was gay and wanted your ass so bad I could taste it." Derek said, prompting Tommy to move in even tighter.

"Yeah, I know about that." Tommy said, causing Derek to chuckle and move his head down and kiss Tommy on the forehead.

"I love you Derek." Tommy said, looking up into Derek's blue eyes.

"I know, and I love you too." Derek replied and leaned his head further down and kissed Tommy on the lips.

It would be hard to say whether the love shared by Tommy and Derek had anything to do with the fact that they both qualified for the Olympic Team that year or not, bringing great notoriety to the Yale swim team in the process.

However, what can be said with certainty, is that every time Tommy's legs rap around him and pull him even more inside him, Derek is in a heaven that he never imagined possible and Tommy is right there with him.

The End

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