Swimming for the Team

By Graphmuse

Published on Apr 4, 2016


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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For Matej.

Swimming For The Team – chapter 3

Safe and warm.

That's how I felt as I slowly woke up. Laying on my side, my eyes adjusted to the warm sunlight that was now flooding into Robert's bedroom. My sexy teammate Robert's muscular arms wrapped around me as he spooned me from behind.

"It wasn't a dream." I groggily thought to myself as I enjoyed the feeling of waking up in Robert's arms, my cock in its usual state of morning wood. I dared not touch it for fear of easily shooting off. I snuggled back into Robert's warm, smooth, naked body causing him to stir.

"Good morning sexy." I heard Robert whisper into my ear as I felt him start to slowly rub his eight inch morning wood against the crease of my ass. "Did you sleep well?"

"I haven't slept like that in ages." I said contentedly with a long yawn as I pushed back against his gentle humping.

"God you're such an amazing guy Park." Robert cooed as he kissed me behind my ear.


"Sex with you is great. But waking up next to you bro. is amazing." Robert replied happily as he kissed me behind my ear. Thank God Robert couldn't see my beaming face as I listened to him.

"If I just wanted to get off, I have ways of making that happen. I can get off on my own. But waking up next to you, or one of the bros, makes us connected in a special way."

"Yeah...?" Damn, Robert was making me horny as he kept slow humping my butt with his cock.

"As good as the sex was, the reason I had you spend the night was so I could wake up next to you. We are now bound together in a way that just getting off doesn't have. We are part of something bigger that connects us."

"Do you mean that?" I replied quietly, almost afraid Robert was lying to me even though I understood what he was saying.

"I really do Park. With all my heart. Because sex lasts a few minutes, but waking up next to a bro, lasts all day." I closed my eyes as Robert snuggled closer, intertwining his smooth swimmer legs with mine, locking us together as his humping motions started to get firmer.

"That first kiss in the morning – morning breath and all – is better than coffee. It's the kind of feeling that I can't find anywhere else, other than waking up here with a bro in my arms." I didn't say anything, but my cock was now painfully hard from listening to him. Robert was kissing and nuzzling his face behind my ear as he continued to confide his feeling to me.

"Running my hand over your skin, my fingertips gently grazing you." Robert slowly ran the tips of his fingers up and down my bare chest causing a shudder to ripple through my body, his long leaking dick continuing to hump my ass.

"Ooohh rob..." I murmured. My whole body felt on fire. So turned on, so horny as Robert purred into my ear.

"Smelling your hair, before it's washed, when it smells like you – not the shampoo that reminds me of you, but you." Robert ran his fingers down my stomach until finally encircling my hard cock. Softly stroking it.

"Uuungh...gaaaw..." I whimpered out, unable to form words.

"Feeling you....your body....close to me..." Robert was now repeatedly kissing me behind my ear while stroking my cock and thrusting hard against my butt cheeks.

Suddenly my body acted on its own as I arched my back. Changing the angle of my hips as the tip of Robert's leaking cock found, then pushed against the entrance of my boy hole. The urge to feel Robert in me was suddenly overwhelming!

"...and feeling you moan, into my arm, before the world can catch up with us...."

"NNnnnngggh..." I groaned into Robert's arm as his hard teen shaft slipped past my sphincter muscle, sliding steadily into my snug chute as I pushed back, feeling his thickness easily fill me.

"Ooohh fuuuck Park..." Robert moaned as he continued to make one, long, steady, lunge, until his entire length was inside me.

"Oh God yeeessss!" I gasped at the fullness, and the thickness of his cock, and was acutely aware of the sensation of his pubes now mashed against my smooth butt.

"Fuck me Rob! Oh god please fuck me!" I desperately wanted Robert to fuck! He held me tighter in his arms as I felt Robert slowly withdraw his thick cock until only the thick head remained. Robert paused, making me anticipate his thrust.

"Anything for a bro..." I heard Robert groan lustfully in my ear. Then I felt his thickness fill me again! Over, and over! In, and out!

"Uuungh! uuungh! uuungh! uuungh! uuungh!" I was moaning in time with Robert's fucking, his thick rod filling me, pounding me! Bumping over my sweet spot, while I pushed back! Clenching my ass muscles each time he withdrew his invading teen/man cock, trying to grip it. This drove Robert to fuck me harder.

"Fuck bro! Your ass is amazing!"

"UUNGH! UUUNGH! UUUNGH! UUUNGH! UUUNGH!" I could feel my face pouring sweat onto Robert's arm, my fists tightly gripping the sheets as I felt every single nerve in my body singing with pleasure!

"Cody wanted to fuck you....last night..."Robert grunted.

"Whaat?! Oooh fuuuck... UUUNGH! UUUNGH!" Suddenly images of Cody fucking me filled my mind.

"You going to let him?" Robert growled as he fucked me harder.

"Yeee...yeeesssss...I want him....to fuuuck meeee....Codeeeeee...Robbbert!" I was babbling as I now imagined Cody's huge cock was pumping in and out of my boy hole. My boy pussy! Turning my hole into a big wet sloppy mess! Oh god! That did it for me!

"OH SHIT! ROBBB!!!" My cock erupted in Robert's hand, shooting out all over the bed and sheets. My ass clamped down hard on Robert's thrusting cock, pushing him over the edge.

"SHIT TAKE IT PARK!" Robert hissed as he slammed forward, burying his cock as deep as it would go into my boy pussy. Filling my freshman ass with his junior teen seed.

Suddenly the room was quiet. Like it was frozen in time.

I didn't want to move. I wanted the feeling of Rob's throbbing cock lodged in me to last forever. Sadly, Robert did finally withdrew his cock from my stretched out hole but kept me wrapped tightly in his arms.

"Did you like your morning wakeup call bro?"

"Yes...I did..." My body was still shaking, as I tried to catch my breath.

"I'm glad you'll be part of our team Parker. They're a great bunch of guys." Robert said happily.

Then I felt his semen leaking from me and I couldn't help giggle slightly, realizing we were making a dirty mess of his bed. But we didn't care as we laid there quietly cuddling in Robert's soiled bed. Then urge to pee suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks.

"I....I gotta pee," I whimpered to Robert. Then I started laughing at how dumb that sounded. Robert started laughing right along with me.

"Well that makes two of us." Robert chuckled. But right before we moved off the bed Robert rolled me on to my back to face him.

"Thank you for spending the night bro." We shared a moment just gazing into each other's eyes. Then he lowered his head and started to tenderly kiss me, which turned into a hot passionate kiss. Robert pulled back leaving me wanting more.

"OK horny boy. We both need to pee." Robert said smiling at me.

"Shit! I have to pee now!" I said with a sudden panic. My bladder felt like it was about to explode as I hopped off the bed. But just as I stood up I felt how sore my leg muscles were from the huge cramp I had the day before.

"Ah shit! My legs!" I both laughed and grimaced while I hobbled into the bathroom.

"Hope you don't pee all over the floor." Robert laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny." I chimed back sarcastically as I entered Robert's huge bathroom and sat down on the toilet, carefully pushing my cut cock downward as I started to pee like a horse.

"Oh yeeeeah!" I thought to myself as I felt the pressure of my bladder slowly decrease. As my body relaxed it also released Robert's cum from my ass with a few loud farts. Robert walked into the bathroom smiling at me as he headed to the glass enclosed shower and turned on the water. I sat on the toilet a bit longer as I watched Robert adjust the water temperature.

"You almost finished?" Robert said with a smile. "I need to go too."

"Yeah, done." I replied, getting up and flushing the toilet.


"HEY!" I yelped as Robert slapped my ass as he passed me while heading to the toilet.

"Couldn't resist slapping that cute ass of yours." Robert chuckled as he stood in front the toilet, raised the seat and started peeing. I stepped into the glass shower stall and moved under the spray of the hot water. It felt so good to feel the water cascaded over my body, relaxing me. I looked up, letting the spray of the water splash directly on my face. My mind started to wander as I replayed the last twenty four hours.

I felt different, like I was a different person now. I'd never felt accepted, or even comfortable around other boys in the past. But Robert had changed all that, making me feel wanted, and showing me how special sex could be. Plus, I really loved getting fucked by him, and I wanted to experience more.

Now I wanted to know what it would be like to get fucked by Cody. By his huge dick. I wanted to know. I needed to know! Shit, I was getting hard again just thinking about Cody. Just as my cock started to rise up, I felt Robert come up behind me, embracing me in his arms. I purred as I felt him run a hand down my wet slippery body and gently grip my sudden erection in his hand. I couldn't help push my body back against his as he started slowly stroking me.

"Were you thinking about me?" Robert teased as he squeezed my erection.

"Maybe...?" I teased back in reply.

"Were you thinking about Cody?" Robert quipped.

"Maybe...?" I replied slyly.

"Did you have fun sleeping over?" Robert purred as he hugged me tighter in his strong muscular arms.

"Yeah, I had a great time." I acknowledged happily with a smile, thinking about how many times I got fucked by Robert's awesome cock.

"Cool, I think you'll like being part of our team." Robert said as he guided me out of the column of water. "Hand me that purple scrubby over there." I glance over to the purple bath scrub he was pointing to. I grabbed it and handed it to Robert just as he grabbed a bottle of shower gel from a rack of shampoos and bottles mounted on the wall. He applied some gel to the scrubby and started to wash me. Damn it felt good to have Robert doing that. As he soaped my body up, I thought back to what he said earlier this morning.

"But I'm already on the team." I said slightly confused.

"No, not that team. Cody and I think you should be a part of our team."

"What team is that?" Robert stopped cleaning my body and looked directly at me with a serious look.

"It's a group of bros on the swim team like me and Cody that understand each other, look out for each other, help each other out with whatever problems we have." Robert gently brushed my wet hair out of my face, he was gentle and tender with me.

"You guys have....sex?" I said cautiously, like I was betraying something by saying it out loud.

"We have a special relationship, we're a group of bros that make each other feel good. Remember what I said about how we don't like to use labels? Sex is just sex, and we make each other feel good without any hang ups."

"Oh..." I replied quietly as I tried to process what he just told me.

"You'll get the hang of it." Robert said with a smile as he leaned in and kissed me. For some reason, what he just said made my hornier as I kissed him back with a long passionate kiss. He winked at me, then continued to wash my body. I didn't say anything for a bit, still thinking about everything.

"Did you mean what you said this morning?" I asked curiously.

"Mean what?" Robert replied, still concentrating on scrubbing my young body.

"You know, what you said about me waking up in your arms?" Robert stopped and looked at me funny. Like he looked confused by my question.

"Of course I did." Then he smiled warmly at me stepping closer to me with sincere look, caressing the side of my face with his soapy hand. We stared deeply into each other's eyes.

"I consider you my bro now. We shared ourselves with each other, gave each other pleasure." Robert said. "Remember, you're part of our team now." He said reassuringly.

Any hang-ups, insecurities, or fears I had about Robert suddenly melted away. I lunged at Robert and started kissing him hard. I wanted to be a part of him, a part of the group. I wanted to belong.

We kept kissing as Robert guided me back under the spray of the shower, washing all the soap suds off both of us. I could feel Robert getting hard as we started to rub our bodies against each other. I'd never felt so connected to someone before in my life! I also realized I wanted to feel this same feeling with Cody last night. And wondered if I could experience this same feeling with the other guys on their team. Robert sensed my body was now on overload now and pulled back.

"Okay you, I think you've had enough fun for a while." Robert smirked. "Plus I don't wanna wear out that cute ass of yours." He squeezed my butt cheeks then turned and shut off the water.

"What do you mean?" My cock felt so hard begging for attention as I stood there dripping wet.

"Trust me, you don't wanna have a sore hole tomorrow." Robert smiled as he embraced me. Our hard cocks mashing up against each other.

"So you're looking out for me?" I said with a sly grin.

"Maybe." Robert replied smugly. "Let's go get some breakfast horny boy."

"Oh, yeah right, food!" I giggled as I suddenly noticed my stomach growling something fierce. I hadn't thought about food up until that point, my need to get off had overridden any other thoughts up to now. I followed Robert out of the shower stall as he tossed me a towel. I couldn't help myself as I watched Robert dry himself off while I tried to dry myself off. Robert noticed my preoccupation with his body, but he didn't say anything, just shook his head and smiled.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Robert asked me as we headed back into the bedroom.

"Acon and beggs." I replied automatically.

"What?" Robert looked at me confused.

"Oh, sorry. Bacon and eggs." I smiled like a goof. "Its how we say it at home."

"You're so silly." Robert smiled as he started to walk out of his bedroom completely naked.

"Wait! Aren't you putting any clothes on?" I gasped! Robert stopped and turned.

"There's no one else here, just us." Robert smiled and walked out. "Sofia is off this weekend and my parents won't be back until next week." Robert continued as I hesitantly followed him down the hall to the stairs. I know I was used to being in nothing more than a Speedo, but I still felt unsure about walking around Robert's house naked like this. Robert noticed my discomfort and stopped me at the top of the stairs.

"It's alright to be naked Park, it's just your body. There's no need to be ashamed of it. Many cultures are not ashamed of the human body....they see it as natural. Okay?" Robert said with that warm smile of his.

"Yeah..." I smiled back as Robert pulled me into a loving hug. I thought about what Robert just said, and a part of me felt ashamed for feeling embarrassed about being naked. Something a boy would feel, I wanted to feel grown up like Robert. Get over my stupid hang-ups that I had. God I loved being held by him.

"Okay, don't want to get you worked up again." Robert giggled as he felt my cock start to chub up.

"What about you silly." I laughed as I felt his cock start to inflate too. I stepped back and looked down, both our cocks were now filling out, getting hard. I reached out and tried to grab Robert's erection.

"Hey!" Robert laughed as he tried to do the same to me. I quickly moved back, avoiding his grab, and then darted down the stairs laughing with Robert in hot pursuit behind me. I hit the bottom of the stairs and made a fast U-turn to where I thought the kitchen was. But I stopped short as the various entryways gave no hint as to where the kitchen was.

"Gottcha!" Robert yelled as he easily picked me up and swung me over his shoulder and started tickling me. I couldn't stop laughing as he carried me through the house to the kitchen.

"Such a nice butt Parker!" SLAP! Robert slapped my ass hard.

"Hey!" I exclaimed in mock protest. It stung but it just made my cock harder.

"What? You do have a nice butt!" SLAP! SLAP!

"You just like playing with my butt!" I laughed as we kept heading towards the kitchen.


"OW! OW! Hey!" I laughed.

"Such a nice cute little butt Park!" Robert said as he finally let me down off his shoulder. I rubbed my still stinging butt as I grinned at Robert.

"You're hard." I said mischievously as I reached out and gently stroked Robert's hard erection. Robert reached out and started doing the same thing to mine.

"So are you..." I could see lust building in Robert's eyes as we stroked each other's throbbing cocks, causing our bodies to shudder with pleasure. Robert took a deep breath and stepped back letting go of my hard boy cock.

"We'll have time for that later." He said shaking his head with a smile on his face. I was slightly disappointed nothing was going to happen as I let Robert's cock slip from my hand.

"Time for breakfast." Robert smirked as he walked past me over to the fridge, his hard cock bobbing up and down leading the way. Then I realized I was standing in a large modern looking kitchen, with a center island in the middle with stools around it. Because I was thrown over Robert's shoulder, I had no idea where I was in this huge house. I took a seat at the center island and watched Robert put on the cutest red apron, then pulled out a baking tray and placed some bacon on it.

"Sofia taught me how to cook. She's great. She's been there when my parents aren't around." Robert explained as he turned on the oven and pulled out a frying pan and some mixing cups.

"Who's Sofia?"

"She's our housekeeper. She's like a second mother to me." Robert said as he placed the bacon in the oven. "You drink coffee?" Robert asked as he started messing with a black machine on the counter that had the word Keurig on the front.

"I...uh...no, I've never tried it." I said slightly embarrassed to admit.

"I'll start you off with a mocha." Robert said, grabbing two small plastic containers and two coffee cups from the cabinet above him.

"What's a mocha?"

"Its coffee mixed with hot chocolate, you'll love it." He said with smile. I felt content, like it was just the two of us in our own little world as I stared at Robert's perfect ass peeking out from the apron he was wearing, watching him make coffee for the both of us. Robert turned to me holding two cups of coffee as I quickly looked back up at him.

"Hey!? Were you staring at my ass?" Robert said with a sly grin.

"Yes." I grinned.

"You are one horny boy." Robert laughed as he handed me my coffee.

"I'm sorry." For some reason I felt guilty for staring at Robert's ass.

"Don't worry about it Parker." Robert said reassuringly. "I'm just as horny as you are, and so are the other bros in our group."


"Yup, you have nothing to worry about. You'll fit right in." Robert said with a wink. Robert's comment made my cock harden up for some reason.

"Try the coffee."

I took a sip. It didn't taste bad like I thought it would. Tasted like hot chocolate like Robert described. I took a larger sip of the warm brew as Robert and I enjoyed our coffee in silence.

"I love that first sip of coffee in the morning." Robert mused as we enjoyed our coffee for a bit longer, enjoying each other's company in silence.

"Oops, gotta get the eggs ready." Robert moved quickly to the frig grabbing the eggs, then moved over to the stove. As I watched Robert move through the kitchen a thought hit me from earlier this morning. My timing couldn't have been better as I asked him while he took a drink from is coffee.

"Did you mean what you said about Cody wanting to fuck me?"

I thought Robert was going to spit his coffee out all over the stove.

"Wow that was direct." Robert laughed.

"Sorry..." I felt embarrassed again.

"No, it's OK Park." Robert said as he regained his composure.

"Does...does he?" I pressing the question made my face feel warm and flush.

"What do you think Park?" Robert said looking over his shoulder at me.

"I guess so. At least that's what I felt last night." Robert didn't say anything as I continued to think about Cody.

"Why would he be interested in me? I'm just a skinny freshman that doesn't have any friends." I said as I stared at my coffee, the feelings of being unworthy and unattractive creeping into me. I suddenly felt Robert standing next to me as he rubbed my back.

"Hey, Hey....it's OK Parker."

I looked up at Robert, then I realized I had been crying. I quickly wiped the tears off my face.

"Shit, I'm sorry Rob."

"You're an attractive and smart guy Parker. You just don't realize it yet." Robert said as he comforted me by giving me a warm hug. He leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips. "You are a sexy guy Park, and Cody so wanted to jump you last night."


"You have no idea how badly Cody wanted to make love to you, but he didn't want to scare you or push you too fast. Make you regret anything before you were ready for it. Okay?"

"Okay." Wow, what Robert just said put me completely at ease as he gave me one more hug and a kiss then headed back to the stove.

"You're not the first guy who's felt awkward or unsure about himself. I felt like you used to all the time." Robert continued as he prepared the scrambled eggs on the stove. "But having a group of guys to support me like I have on the team has helped me become more confident about myself. And I think you'll learn a lot from them too." I felt Robert was being very honest with me, which I greatly appreciated.

"I think I've learned a lot just by meeting you and Cody." I replied sincerely.

"Thanks bro, I'm glad to hear that." The beeper sounded signaling the bacon was ready. "Bacon's ready." Robert grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the tray of bacon out of the oven, the smell of bacon filling the kitchen. He quickly finished making the scrambled eggs and prepared two plates with scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Not as good as Sofia makes, but I'm sure it will do." Robert laughed as took off the red apron and brought over the two plates of food and sat down at the counter with me. We ate our breakfast together, just us bros. As I ate my egg a thought suddenly hit me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I felt hesitant to ask it.

"Sure bro, you can ask me anything." Robert said between bites of his bacon.

"Who else is part of this group?" I asked curiously.

"Guys on the swim team. Well, most of the guys on the swim team."


"All the varsity guys are part of the group. Cody, Max, James, and Andrej."

"Wow, really?" My imagination started to run wild.

"Me and the other juniors, Ryan and Trevor. And two of the sophomores, John and Matej."

"Wait, both Matej, AND his brother Andrej are part of the group?" My cock got hard with that knowledge.

"Yeah, they really get into it." Robert smiled as he remembered something.

"What about freshman?"

"You're the first freshman."

"Really?" For some reason I felt proud of having that distinction. "So I'm a part of the group?"

"Yeah, if you want to be?" Robert said flippantly with a grin, knowing I desperately wanted to.

"Cool!" I said happily. Robert turned, taking my hands and holding them in his as he looked deep into my eyes.

"But there are rules for the group." Robert said in a more serious tone.

"Oh? Like what?"

"What happens between us bros, stays between us. Don't share it with anyone outside the group. That includes other students or your parents. Especially your parents! If you text about anything, make sure you erase it right away. And above all, don't tell your parents!"

"Well duh." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"I'm serious Park, we could get into a lot of trouble. Do you understand?" Robert said earnestly.

"Yeah, I do. I'd do anything for you guys." I said seriously, dropping my joking tone. Robert leaned in until his face was inches from mine as I felt his hand snake up my leg and wrap around my hardening cock.

"Anything?" Robert said in almost a whisper as he gently stroked my growing erection. I could smell bacon on his breath. I leaned in and rubbed my lips against his.

"Yes..." I squeaked. Then we kissed. Hard! I ran my hand up his smooth leg and gripped his hard eight inches, mimicking his stroking movements. Robert pulled back with a smile on his face releasing my cock.

"Cool, then you can do the dishes."

"What!?" I said laughing. "But you got me all worked up?" I said gesturing to my leaking six inch cock.

"Well we'll take care of that later, but first we need to clean up and have a quick swim." Robert said with a chuckle as he hopped off the stool and took his plate and coffee cup to the sink.

"Totally unfair!" I said in mock protest as I grabbed my dishes and headed to the sink next to Robert. Between the two of us it took no time at all to clean up the kitchen.

"Ready for a swim?" Robert announced as he headed for the door leading outside.

"Uh, don't we need to go upstairs and put our suits on or grab our goggles?"

"Nope, we can go like this, and I have extra pairs of goggles down at the pool house." Robert said as he headed out the door still completely naked. I paused, unsure about all this. I was starting to get used to being naked, but going outside was something I still felt nervous about. Robert popped his hand back in.

"There's no one here. No one is going to see you."

"Okay..." I said still unsure as I followed Robert outside. My eyes had to adjust to the bright sun as we made our way down the path to the pool. The weather was the complete opposite of what it was like yesterday with all the rain. The sky was blue with the sun shining down warming my body. It was a perfect day to be outside naked. I was still mesmerized by Robert's naked body as I watched him walk ahead of me, so perfect.

"Let me grab some goggles." Robert said as he continued walking towards the pool house. I walked up to the edge of the sparkling blue pool and noticed one side of the pool had a 25 meter lap lane built into it, complete with a black swimming line on the bottom. It was so dark and rainy yesterday I failed to notice it.

Robert quickly returned from the pool house with two pairs of mirrored vanquisher goggles. He handed me a pair as he joined me at the edge of the lane.

"Ready for a light warm up?" Robert said with a smile as he put on his goggles.

"Sure." I smiled back as I adjusted my goggles.

"OK, let's start with an easy 4, 3, 2, and 1." Robert suggested.

"OK, after you." I smiled, Robert smiled back and dove in. I quickly dove in after Robert and followed him as we started a nice easy 400 freestyle.

It felt weird swimming naked. I was use to wearing my Speedo, or a drag suit, but the feeling of the water moving freely over my dick was a weird, but freeing feeling.

But the novelty of swimming naked quickly left my mind as we finished up our warm up set and started our main set, which was series of 100 IM's. Butterfly was never my strong stroke, but the interval Robert was swimming at was starting to catch up with me. My poor butterfly stroke was really slowing me down, and wearing me out. About half way through the main set I had to stop and catch my breath as Robert lapped me. Robert did another 50 before he stopped on the wall next to me.

"You okay?" He panted out of breath.

"Yeah, it's just I'm not very good at doing IM's." I said slightly embarrassed.

"You do all the strokes okay."

"My butterfly sucks."

"Oh? Swim a fifty and let me see."

"Okay, but don't laugh." I did a quick 50 up and back.

"Damn that did suck." Robert said sarcastically.

"HEY!" I glared at him as I tried to catch my breath.

"Just kidding! But seriously, your butterfly does need some work. Looks like your timing is slightly off."

"Oh." I said dejectedly.

"You'll probably like this, the one bro who could really help you with your butterfly is Cody." Robert said with a grin. "He showed me how to improve my butterfly technique."

"Really?" My ears perked up.

"Yup, coach said he's the best butterflyer he's seen in a long time. I'm sure you and Cody could find some way to work with each other." Robert said with a devious smile as I felt his hand cup my dick underwater. The combination of Robert's hand feeling me up and the thought of working with Cody started to get me hard.

"I....huh...that be great." I grinned.

"Yeah, I can tell." Robert smiled as he felt my erection grow in his hand.

"Uuugh..." I moaned as Robert gently stroked me underwater.

"We have 45 minutes before we have to think about getting you back home."

"What...what time is it?" I said out of breath.

"It's a bit after 10. Let's lay out and get some sun." Robert said as he kissed the tip of my nose then hopped out of the pool.

"Okay..." I said reeling from Robert's teasing. A shudder went through me as I thought of Cody and me working on my butterfly stroke, or hopefully something more. I hopped out of the pool as Robert headed inside the pool house, he quickly returned carrying two long foam pool mats under one arm and a bottle of Hawaiian Tropic dark tanning oil in his other hand. Being naked and hard around Robert wasn't an issue like I had in the past as I helped him lay the foam mats out side by side on the pool deck.

"Did you want to oil me up first?" Robert grinned, handing me the dark bottle of tanning oil.

"Yeah." I smiled as Robert laid down on the mat. I knelled down next to him and squeezed out a generous trail of oil all over his perfect ass, back, and legs.

Then I started spreading the oil all over Robert's smooth skin, feeling his well-defined muscles under my fingers. My hands moving down his back, lower and lower, until I heard Robert let out a low moan as I started working my hands over his perfect ass. I felt hypnotized as I massaged Robert's amazing butt cheeks. My cock was hard and leaking as I felt up those perfect mounds I had ogled at so much during practice. I continuing down his perfectly shaped legs until I got to his large feet.

"Okay, now the front." Robert said out of breath as he turned himself over, laying on his back, his hard cock flopping over onto his washboard stomach. I took the suntan lotion and dribbled it out all over his chest, abs, hard cock, and down his legs. I quickly returned to smearing the oil all over his perfect body, rubbing my hands all over his chest and abs. The back of my wrists kept brushing the tip of his hardness, causing Robert's pre-cum to leave its mark each time. I moved down to his erection and gentle took hold.

"So good Park..." Robert moaned with closed eyes as I worked my oiled hands up and down his hard erection and down over his smooth shaven balls. I was not quite jacking him off, but just feeling his hardness in my grip. Robert started to breathe harder as I noticed his head starting to swell and turn a deep purple as his balls pulled up tighter. It didn't take long after that before copious amounts of pre-cum started to leak out of the excited teen boy's cock slit. It was really pooling up on his abs.

"Park...move to my legs...I....I don't wanna pop just yet." Robert gasped. I smiled knowing I was having a positive effect on the older teen. I gently laid Robert's throbbing erection on his stomach and continued down his legs. As I finished off his feet Robert sat up on his elbows with a slightly glazed look.

"Your turn Park." Robert said with a deviant grin. I smiled knowing I had gotten Robert all riled up. I laid down on my back on the foam pool mat patiently waiting for Robert to start.

"No, turn over, I want you on your back." I felt slightly confused but quickly turned over and laid on my back, my hard six inch erection lying flat on my tummy. Robert dribbled the oil all over my body like I had done with him and started spreading it all over my body.

"Mmmmmmmmm..." I couldn't help let out a low moan as I watched my now glistening fantasy boy feel me up as he started spreading the oil all over me, work his hands all over my smooth body.

"Uuugh! Mmmmmmm..." I gasped out loud as Robert was now gently stroking my erection, teasing it like I had teased his. I closed my eyes as thoughts of Cody quickly rushed into my mind. I wanted Cody, I wanted to know how big that bulge was I felt last night. I wanted to know if it would fit inside me. Does Cody fuck like Robert? What would it feel like? Would the other guys on this secret team accept me? Maybe fuck me too?

So many hot boys! So many hard cocks! I wanted it all!

"UUUUUUUGH! GAAWD!" My cock suddenly erupted in Robert's hand, shooting a good load all over my oiled up stomach. My body was trembling as I came down from my sudden orgasm.

"Damn Parker! You were all worked up." Robert giggled as he laid my still throbbing cock on my stomach, now working his way down my legs with a mixture of my cum and suntan lotion on is hands. I didn't say anything as I let the last waves of my orgasm wash over me.

"Okay, flip over. Time to do your back horny bro." Robert said with a smirk. I flipped over obediently, laying down on my jizz covered torso. Robert repeated the process of dribbling the tanning oil over my back, ass, and legs. Then I felt Robert's hard eight inches resting perfectly along the crease of my ass as he straddle my legs, leaning over me as he started massaging the oil into my shoulders. Neither of us said anything as Robert worked his hands all over my back and shoulder.

Robert scooted back, his cock leaving my ass as his hands moved further down and started massaging my butt cheeks all over.

"Wow Parker, you have such a beautiful ass." Robert mumbled as I felt him gently knead and caress my butt.

"Uunngh huuughh..." I could only moan out a response as I started to get into Robert's massaging of my butt. My cock was still hard, even after cumming just a few moments earlier. I arched my back, pushing my ass up more for Robert.

"You like that Park?" Robert snarled as I felt him running his lubed thumbs down into the crease of my ass. This only made me arch my ass higher for him. God I felt so horny!

Robert spread my ass cheeks apart and spotted my clenching hole. He ran a thumb over my hole, oiling it up. I then felt him press the tip of his finger against my hole. It didn't take much for Robert's oiled up finger to push past my sphincter muscle. Then I felt my sphincter suddenly dilate, opening up wide for Robert.

"Fuck that's nice Bro." Robert gasped as he stared down into my dark teen boy hole. Then I felt Robert's oiled up fingers enter me, sinking in as far as they could go, holding them there.

"Uuuuunnggghhhh....!" Robert must have had two, maybe three fingers easily buried deep inside me now. I felt him slowly start to piston his fingers in and out of me. My body begin to involuntarily gyrate underneath him, pushing back to meet his probing digits. Damn I wanted his dick in me! I wanted him to fuck me so bad right now!

"You like that bro?" Robert murmured as he kept up his slow fingering of my boy pussy.

"Oh god! F...Fuck me Rob!" I moaned. I felt incredibly delirious as wave after wave of pleasure washed over me. "Please fuck meeee!"

"You want my cock in you bro?" Robert teased as he pushed his fingers in as deep as they would go, making me grunt. I could feel his knuckles pressing against my sphincter.

"Yeeesss! Pleeeease Rob!" I begged, pushing back against his buried fingers.

I felt Robert pull his fingers out of my still wide open hole. He didn't give me much time to think as I felt him quickly press the knob of his hard cock against my gaping asshole, then slowly added pressure until it easily popped in.

"UUUH!" I yelped in surprise as my boy hole suddenly tightened around the ridge of his thick cock head, locking it inside me.

"You want it?" Robert asked.

"Uh huh..." I weakly nodded my head. I was bracing for Robert to slam into me, but he waited.

"You're not very convincing." Robert chuckled, "Reach back and feel how my big cock stretches out your ass-lips bro."

I reached back and touched my fingers to my asshole. It was pulled tighter than the surface of a drum. I wrapped my fingers around his hard shaft just as Robert started teasing my hole by pulling his head out completely, then immediately pushing back in.


Robert's shallow jabs were making his knob rub a sensitive spot inside me. It made me lightheaded as he kept ridge fucking me with the head of his hard cock. It was like he was scratching a deep itch I had only been subconsciously aware of before. If Robert's cock felt like this, what would Cody's huge monster do to me?

"You ready for me bro?" Robert asked softly as he continued to tease me with his cock head, making my entrance burn with lust.

I moaned the only words my fevered brain could form, "Fuck meeeeeee."

"I don't think you mean it."

"Please, fuck me with your fat, hard cock." I groaned louder.

"You wanna be fucked Park?" Robert said breathlessly.

"Fuck me.....like... like Cody would." I can't believe I just said!

"Okay slut!" Robert growled.

I still had my hand wrapped around his hard eight inches when he began his first slow push inward. Robert took his time allowing me to feel his thick teen-age fuck muscle sink into my burning channel. When he hit bottom he shifted his weight forward over me, into a push-up position. I moved my hand out of the way and braced myself, my back now completely arched up to get as much of Robert's thick eight inches into me.

"Ooohhhh gaawd...yeeeah!" I groaned as I felt Robert's hips pushing against my ass. The entire length of his cock now completely inside me.

"Yeah take it bro!" Robert grunted as he immediately started making swift confident strokes with the entire length of his hard dick. Within seconds the sounds of our flesh slapping filled my ears.


With each long-dicked jab, Robert's swollen head and bulging shaft was punching and rubbing across my prostate making me want more.


"You like that bitch?"


"You want Cody to fuck you like this bitch?"

"Yeee..sssss... uugh! UUUGH! UUGH!"

Robert was varying his strokes now. Sometimes he made long savage withdrawals pulling his head completely free of my hole, then pummeling my sore ass lips with his blunt head. Thrusting forward, burying his cock completely inside me, and deep fucking me by only pulling out an inch or two.

"UUGH! UUGH! UUGH! AAGH! GAWD! FUCK! FUCK ME! UUNG!" I was a chorus of grunts and groans keeping time to his non-rhythmic fuck, leaving me panting in anticipation of his next assault. Robert was a boy possessed.

"Can't wait... UNGH... to see the rest of the team... AAAGH... take your ass Parker! FUUCK!" Robert growled as his thrusts began to pick up speed until he was pumping my butt like the piston of a race car at full speed.

"AAAAGHGAAWDYESSSS!" I heard a fuck punctuated growl, and realized it was coming from my mouth as I unloaded spurt after spurt of thick cum onto the pool mat below me. Each eruption caused me to tighten my hole around Robert's pumping cock.

That was all he could take.

"UUUGGGHH FUUUCK!!" Robert collapsed on top of me; his full weight driving his cock to its deepest point in my boy pussy. I felt it expand and convulse shooting thick ropes of cum inside me. Then we both collapsed, rolling onto our sides, Robert's spooning me as his cock stayed lodged inside me. We both drifted off laying in the warm sun next to the pool.

I don't know how long it was before we moved again. It felt like hours. Robert's cock had shriveled inside me and my aching ass lips squeezed it free drawing a gasp from both of us. Robert raised himself up behind me as I turned on my back to gaze up into his wonderful eyes.

"Thanks bro, you've got a really hot little butt there." Robert leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips, which turned into a passionate kiss in no time.

"Thanks Bro." I grinned up at my new mentor. I had never felt so sexually satisfied before in my young life. My ravaged hole hurt so good.

Robert quickly stood up, his body glistened in the warm sun from the suntan lotion "We have about 10 minutes, lets jump in the pool and wash off", as he turned and dove into the pool.

I hopped up and dove in after him. We playfully splashed and chased each other around the pool for a few minutes until Robert grabbed me in a bear hug from behind and kissed the back of my ear.

"Time to get you home Parker." Robert announced as he released me and swam to the edge of the pool.

"Can't we stay a bit longer?" I said in my best fake sad tone.

"You're funny Parker, I promised I'd have you back home at noon." I followed Robert out of the pool and back up the path completely naked. I felt so comfortable now being in the nude. Not that it was much of a stretch since most of the time I was in a Speedo anyway. But being with Robert had made me feel comfortable with my body. Half way up the path I felt Robert's cum start to leak out of my ass and dribble down my leg.

"Rob, I'm starting to leak." I giggled.

"No worries, we'll be up in my room in a minute."

"If I make a mess on the floor it's your fault. Your cock is too big." I laughed.

"You think mine is big, wait `til you see Cody's." Robert laughed as we finally made it to the house and walked inside through one of the large French doors. We entered a huge room I hadn't seen before, it looked like a formal living room. We quickly walked through the room and were at the base of the stairs leading up to the second floor and Robert's bedroom. As we walked up the winding staircase a thought popped into my head.

"Will you say something to Cody for me?"

"About what?"

"You know, him showing me how to do butterfly." I said hesitantly as we walked into Robert's bedroom.

"I can always just give you his phone number." Robert said flatly. I froze in place, shocked by what Robert just said.

"You want... you want me to call him? He...he won't remember know who I am."

Robert looked at me funny. "He knows who you are. Especially after meeting you last night."

"Oh... yeah..." I blushed thinking about how hot it was making out with Cody.

"Get dressed lover boy." Robert smiled at me with a devious grin.

"Gotta clean myself up first." I headed into Robert's huge bathroom and sat on the toilet, emptying out Robert's load. I was amazed my butt hole wasn't as sore as I thought it would be after all the fucking me and Robert had done.

After finishing up on the toilet, I cleaned up the jizz that had run down my legs. By the time I walked back into the bedroom Robert was dressed in shorts and nothing else. Robert looked at me and smiled, grinning at my naked body.

"Damn you are one sexy boy Parker."

I smiled at Robert's comment as I grabbed my shorts off the ground and started putting them on without any underwear. While I was slipping on my shorts I realized something.

"Shit! I haven't checked my phone since before practice on Friday!"

Robert looked up from his smart phone with a mocking look on his face. "A boy like you? NOT checking your phone every five seconds? I don't believe it!"

"Ha! You're funny." I said sarcastically as I opened the side pocket of my backpack and pulled out my iPhone, turning it on.

"God I hope mom hasn't called otherwise I'll be in deep shit." I mumbled to myself as I waited for my phone to boot up.

"Ready?" Robert said grabbing his car keys.

"Just a sec." As I opened my backpack looking for my shirt. "Shit, my shirt is still damp."

"Just go as you are, it's a warm day." Robert said with a smile as he headed for the hallway. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and followed him out of his bedroom and down the hall. My phone dinged signaling that it was now booted up and ready. I logged in and noticed I had received one new text message.

"My Mom texted, wants to know if I'm on my way home." I said slightly resentful as we walked down the grand staircase and out through the front door.

"She's just looking out for you Parker." I heard Robert reply as I texted back I was on my way home.

"Yeah, well...sometimes I feel like she still treats me like a baby."

We climbed into Robert's truck and drove down the long curved driveway to the main gate.

"It sounds like your parents are around more than mine." Robert replied while concentrating on driving. "My parents are always away on business, I consider Sofia more of a mother to me than my actual mother."

"I guess. I hardly see my dad." I said slightly depressed as I watched the huge gates open. "He's like your parents, always away on business." I said bitterly as we drove through the gates and turned onto the street.

"Hey, you've got me and the guys on the team to be there for you." Robert said glancing at me with a knowing smile. What Robert just said felt very comforting to me. I'd never had close friends like Robert before. I'd never felt comfortable with my sexuality, or being around other guys for fear of what they would think of me if they knew I was attracted to them. For the first time I felt normal and not afraid.

I gazed out the window and watched the world zip by. The warm air hitting my face, the air smelling so clean after the storm yesterday. I felt like a totally new person.

"We're here Park." I hadn't even noticed we had just pulled into the driveway of my house. My mom's car wasn't in the driveway.

"So much for your mom being home." Robert chuckled.

"She's probably out shopping or something." I said turning to Robert. We looked into each other's eyes and my cock instantly got hard.

"I...I had a good time..." I said bashfully. Robert didn't say anything, he just smiled.

"Come here..." He whispered leaning in. I leaned in and we started kissing tenderly. My heart was racing as he slowly wrapped his arms around me. I did the same as we really started getting into the kiss. Robert pulled back breathing heavily.

"Damn Park, you are too much." He said breathlessly. I smiled widely knowing Robert had a hard time resisting me. We both reluctantly pulled back knowing we had to stop. Robert regained his composure and pulled his phone out of his shorts pocket. He started texting something, instantly my phone dinged.

"Texted you Cody's phone number. Now get in the house before anything else happens." Robert laughed as I grabbed my backpack and got out of his truck.

"Don't forget your shoes." Robert said as he pushed the passenger seat forward.

"Oh right." I replied with a goofy grin as I grabbed my shoes from behind the seat. I realized I hadn't worn shoes in over a day now. Robert waved as he backed his truck out of the driveway and drove off down the street. I floated back into the house, I don't even remember unlocking the front door as I entered my bedroom.

I quickly undid my shorts, letting them drop to the floor and kicking them into the corner. I then fell back naked onto my bed as I started fiercely stroking my hard cock thinking about the past 24 hours. Remembering how good it felt each time Robert fucked me with that thick eight inch cock of his. I still couldn't believe he fucked me four times, and that I managed to get all of it inside my...what did he call it? Boy pussy?

Then I thought about the hard bulge I felt in Cody's shorts, and how badly I wanted to take it out and see it, taste it with my mouth. Wondering if I could also get his huge cock inside my boy pussy. Suddenly my hole started feeling itchy inside, but this was more like an urge I hadn't felt before. I got up off the bed and headed into the bathroom. Damn I felt so horny!

I sat down on the toilet and reached under me, finding the entrance to my asshole with the tips of my fingers. I followed my urge and pushed two of my fingers into my asshole.

"Uuuuunnnnggghhhh..." I let out a long groan as my fingers easily entered into my warm silky chute. I could feel a mixture of ass juices and left over cum leak out as I started to slowly finger fuck myself.

"Oh fuuuck..." I lost myself in the incredible tingling sensations my fingers were giving me as I remembered how good it felt when Robert was fucking me. Before I knew it I was jamming my two fingers as hard and fast as I could. Suddenly my ass pushed back hard, and an amazing wave of pleasure shot through me.

"UUUUAAAGGHHH! FUUUCK!" Did my ass just orgasm? I looked down and my cock was dripping pre-cum like crazy on the toilet seat. My ass still felt it wanted something more than just my fingers, a desperate need to get fucked by something bigger. My mind quickly thought of the kitchen as I pulled my fingers out of my wet leaking hole and headed downstairs completely naked to the kitchen.

This was the first time I'd walked around the house completely naked since I was a little kid, so this was an added dangerous thrill for me as I entered the kitchen. I opened the cabinets and didn't find anything. Then I opened the fridge, and pulled open the bottom drawer. My eyes went right to a large carrot, but it looked smaller than the thickness of my two fingers. I wanted something bigger! Something that would be as thick and long as Robert, or maybe even Cody! Then I saw it! A nice long and thick cucumber!

"Fuck yeah..." I whispered as I picked it up and inspected it. It was larger than Robert's cock, about nine inches long, and fuck it was thick! It felt as thick as I remembered Cody's cock feeling in his shorts last night! My ass suddenly tingled as I anticipated trying to get it in me. It was cold from being in the fridge, so I quickly ran it under some luke-warm water to make it a bit warmer.

Once the cucumber was ready, I gave my makeshift dildo a light covering of Crisco and bent over right there in the middle of the kitchen. I pushed two fingers into my twitching hole, loosening my entrance. My boy pussy was still well lubed as I worked them around inside me for a few seconds. Then I quickly pulled them out and replaced it with the tip of the large vegetable. I applied pressure and felt the tip start to stretch the entrance to my boy pussy, but I felt resistance. I braced myself against the kitchen counter and pushed the cucumber harder against my boy hole. I tried to relax as I felt the cucumber attempt to stretch me open even more. Suddenly, my hole relaxed as two inches of the thick green veggie slipped inside.

"AAAWWWFUUUCCCKKKK!!!" Pain shot through me as I tried to breath. I held still for a moment as I waited for my hole to adjust. The sharp pain soon changed to a dull burn as I started to slowly twist the cucumber in my ass. The burn turned to a more enjoyable ache as I started pushing the thick cucumber deeper into my boy pussy. Soon I had a few more inches in me.

"Awwwww... fuuuuck.... yeeeeaaahhhh..." The pain was now gone replaced with a full tingling sensation. I started working my natural dildo deeper and deeper into my guts increasing my fucking tempo. The thought I was taking more and more of the thick cucumber easily inside me with each thrust made me even more incredibly horny. I started imagining it was Cody fucking me right there in my own kitchen.

"Fuuck meee Cody..." I whimpered as I fell onto my hands and knees. Lost in the fuck I was imagining I was getting from the hunky Senior. I must have looked like a slut just like Robert mentioned. I was on all fours, my ass arched up in the air as I pumped a huge cucumber in and out of my boy pussy in the middle of the kitchen.

"Fuuuuck it feeelss so good!"

I glanced down underneath my body and noticed my cock was hard as a rock. An unbroken string of pre-cum was leaking down from the tip of my cock and had formed a small pool on the tiled kitchen floor beneath it. Every time I pushed harder, my cock would flex and more pre-cum would ooze out of my cock. Traveling down the unbroken string of pre-cum and into the small wet spot on the floor. I closed my eyes as I kept fucking the large cucumber into me. Wanting it all in me.


"OH SHIT! MOM IS HOME!" I panicked as I heard the garage door suddenly come to life. I quickly tried to stand, holding the cucumber in place. There was no way I had time to clean up the cucumber and put it back, or even throw it away. I quickly wiped up the puddle of pre-cum I'd made with my hand, brushing it off on my leg. I made a quick inspection of the counter tops, making sure nothing was out of place just as the sound of the car pulling in and engine turning off filled my panicked ears. I quickened my escape as I tried to move as fast as I could back up to my room.

"Fuck it's hard to walk with a huge cucumber in my ass." I thought as I wobbled up the stairs, just making it inside my room as I heard my mom enter downstairs from the garage.

"Parker? You home?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I slowly pulled out the thick cucumber, causing me to groan. The slippery veggie slipped out of my hands and landed with a thud on the floor.

"Parker?" I heard my mother walking up the stairs.

"Yeah, in my room." I yelled back trying to sound as normal as possible. I kicked the cucumber under my bed, grabbed my shorts and pulled them on just as my mom opened the door to my bedroom.

"Time to do your chores." She said as she gave me and my room that motherly inspection.

"Okay..." I said slightly out of breath.

"You okay?" She said as she looked at me funny.

"Yeah, was just doing some dry land exercises." I must have looked flushed.

"Did you have fun with the team?"

"Oh yeah. They're a great bunch of guys." I smiled as images of Robert fucking me over and over again filled my mind.

"Well, time to do your chores." Mom said as she gave me one last funny look before closing the door and heading back downstairs.

I collapsed back into my desk chair, still reeling from almost getting caught by mom with a huge cucumber up my butt. Then I noticed the cucumber was partially sticking out from under the bed, still slicked up with Crisco and my ass juices.

I panicked!

"Shit! Did mom see it?" Then I felt a dampness against my ass. I slowly stood up, my shorts sticking to my ass from all the residual ass juices that had built up from my cucumber fucking. I looked down and noticed I had trails of lube and ass juices running down the insides of my legs too. A feeling of dread washed over me at the thought of mom noticing any of this.

"Shit! Fuck!" I whispered to myself. I grabbed a clean pair of underwear and shorts then darted into the bathroom. With the help of a clean washcloth, some soap, and warm water I cleaned up my legs and ass and put on the fresh clothes. I then headed downstairs to start my weekend chores. Mom didn't mention seeing anything to me, so I guess I was safe.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour." Mom announced as I had finished up the last of my chores.

"Okay, gonna crash for a bit."

"Okay honey, I'll let you know when dinner is ready."

I didn't respond as I trudged up the stairs to my room. I felt wiped out from all the sex I had the previous day and then doing chores all afternoon. I closed the door and collapsed back on my bed. I reached over and grabbed my phone and checked for messages. I had gotten two text messages, one from Robert! And another from...CODY!? My cock got instantly hard! I read Cody's message first.

Cody: Hey bro. Got your number from Robert, he mentioned you might need help with your butterfly. I can meet with you after practice on Monday. Let me know if that works for you? Lates

I immediately texted him a reply.

Me: That would be great! Just need to let my mom know. Shouldn't be a problem.

I checked Robert's message.

Robert: Hey Bro, gave Cody your #, I'm sure you don't mind LOL FaceTime me later ;)

My phone chimed with a new message from Cody

"Cody: Cool Bro,

I smiled to myself feeling content knowing I now had both Robert and Cody's attention.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "Dinner's ready!"

I sat up in bed groggy and confused. I looked at the time on my phone, it was now an hour later. Shit! I fell asleep!

"Okay..." I mumbled followed by a long yawn and a stretch. I stumbled downstairs in just my shorts.

"I see you dressed for dinner." Mom said sarcastically.

"I can put a shirt on if you want."

"No, dinner is already on the table." We both sat down at the dinner table and prepared to eat. The dinner was one of our usual dinners, chicken with steamed white rice and vegetables. I didn't realize how hungry I was as I started shoveling the food in my mouth.

"Parker, I asked you a question."

"Uh...what?" I wasn't paying much attention to her, my mind was thinking about Robert and Cody's hard cocks.

"Did you enjoy your time with the guys on the swim team?" It took me a moment to realize what she asked me, mainly because Robert had made up the story about the team gathering at his house. When in fact it was just me and Robert having lots of sex over the past 24 hours.

"Yeah, I had a great time. The guys on the team are cool." I lied happily.

"I'm glad you're finally making friends." Mom said with a smile. "I know you weren't happy at your old school."

"Yeah..." I hadn't realized until now that my feelings towards boys had made me withdraw from my old friends. Afraid of what they would think of me if they knew I was attracted to them, or other boys at the school. Robert had opened a whole new world up for me. Making me feel more comfortable with my sexuality, and not to label myself by who I might find attractive. Showing me life in a whole new light.

"I think being on the team might be a good thing for you." Mom added. "I've never seen you do your chores so happily before." Mom joked.

"Ha ha." I replied sarcastically with a smile. I hated when she was right. I was in a better mood alright, but what she didn't know was that it was because of Robert's huge cock.

"Can I be home a bit late tomorrow?" I blurted out.

"Why?" She said inquisitively.

"One of the guys, his name is Cody, is going to help me with my butterfly after swim practice. He's a senior and the best butterflyer on the team." I think I said it with an air of excitement.

"What time do you plan on being home?" Mom said

"Practice is from 4 to 5:30, and we were going to do the clinic afterward, so probably around 7?"

"Okay, but if you plan on being later text or call me." Mom said in that tone of hers.


We finished dinner and cleaned off the table. Mom went to the living room to watch TV while I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. The thought of me fucking myself with the cucumber in the middle of the kitchen got me hard as I cleaned up. I desperately wanted to use the cucumber on me again when I got back up to my room.

"All finished." I said as I peeked my head around the corner into the living room, concealing my now noticeable hard on in my shorts.

"Okay honey." Mom acknowledging with a wave of her hand, not even bothering to look away from the show she was watching. I quickly made my way back upstairs into my room, locking the door behind me. My heart was beating incredibly fast as I anticipated playing with my cucumber toy. I quickly pushed my shorts down, my hard cock springing free as I stepped out of my shorts and kicked them to the corner. I laid down on my bed and grabbed my Iphone, checking for messages. Sure enough, Robert had left a text saying to FaceTime him when I got a chance. The thought of chatting with Robert got me really horny for some reason as I automatically reached down and started stroking my hard cock. I hit the FaceTime button and waited for Robert to answer. After two rings his face popped up on my phone.

"God he's so damn sexy!" I thought to myself.

"Hey Bro! How you feelin'?" Robert said with that sexy smile of his.

"Tired, still really horny."

"I know the feeling. See?" Robert turned his phone around to show the lower half of his body laid out on his bed. My screen filled with the image of Robert slowly stroking his beautiful eight inch cock.

"Oh nice..." I coed as Robert let the phone linger on the live image of his hand slowly masturbating his long monster. I started jerking off in time with his hand. He turned the phone back around.

"You got me all worked up." Robert chuckled.

"You got me all worked up too you know." I grinned back.

"You jerking off right now too?"

"Well yeah, but... I did something... when I got home."

"Oh? What?" Robert said with a curious grin.

"I... ugh..." I suddenly felt embarrassed and ashamed to admit what I had done.

"You can tell me. We're bros."

"Well, when I got home I... went down to the kitchen and I..." God I felt so embarrassed to admit this.

"Yeah...? And you what?" Robert was now really curious.

"I... got a cucumber out of the fridge..." I took a deep breath. "...and fucked myself with it."

"WHAT!" Robert said with a shocked but happy look.

"I was horny!" I laughed.

"How big was the cucumber?"

"Not sure, I still have it."

"Show me." Robert said with a sly grin. I got off my bed and reached under it, grabbing the still greasy cucumber and holding the nine inch cucumber up for Robert to see.

"Wow, that's a thick one. Did you get all of it in you?"

"Uh...yeah...most of it."

"Think you can get it in you now?" Robert's face changed, as if his lust just kicked up a notch.

"You want to watch me... do it?" I said hesitantly. The idea of letting Robert watch me do something I thought would be unthinkable just a day before was really turning me on.

"Yeah...show me how much you can take bro." Robert said in a more serious lust filled tone. Seeing Robert this horny made me want to please him even more, show him how good I was at taking that giant cucumber up in my ass again.

I grabbed an old bath towel out of the hamper and laid it on the ground in the middle of the room. I then knelt down in the center of the towel, propping my Iphone against a pile of clothes that was directly behind me, giving Robert a nice view of what I was about to do. I took the cucumber, still lubed up from earlier and positioned it under me. Then I slowly lowered myself down, aiming it directly for my boy hole until I felt it press in between my butt cheeks. I let the weight of my body push the tip of the cucumber into my boy pussy.

At first I felt some resistance, but I just closed my eyes and concentrated on relaxing my butt hole. Suddenly I felt the entrance open up, allowing the cucumber to slip up inside me, slowly entering my hole. The feeling was incredible, a mix of pleasure and pain as I felt it start to stretch me wider and wider.

"Fuuuuuck..." I said with a long lust filled groan.

"Yeeeaaaahhh Park, take it all in you." I heard Robert's voice encouraging me on as I let my weight continue to press down, letting more and more of the thick cucumber push up inside me until I was almost sitting normally on the floor. The realization I had most of the nine inch natural dildo up in me made my six inch teen cock throb with excitement.

"Oh god, Robert...I feel so full... uungh."

"Keep pushing Bro, see if you can get all of it in you?"

"I...I don't think I can..." I whimpered. I felt resistance deep inside me, as if there was one last part of my hole deep inside that hadn't relaxed yet.

"Just relax and let it in." Robert cooed. I regained my focus and concentrated on relaxing my insides. As I pushed down I could feel pressure building, then suddenly the muscles deep inside relaxed and my ass bottomed out onto the towel.

"UUUNNNGGHH!! FUCK!" I gasped as I felt the cucumber pushing deeper inside me, deeper than even Robert's cock had been before.

"Yeah, you almost got it all in you Park." I heard Robert cheering behind me as he watched on FaceTime. The pressure felt weird but wonderful as I kept pushing down with all my weight. I grabbed my cock and started fiercely stroking it. I wanted to pop so badly!

"Turn around Park, I wanna watch you stroke off bro." I slowly turned to face my iPhone. The hard part was trying to keep myself pressed down on the huge cucumber lodged up inside me.

"You look so hot bro." Robert had a look of extreme concentration on his face as he stroked off watching me. "Ride it."

I immediately understood what he wanted me to do as I started fucking myself up and down on my new toy. I couldn't believe the sensations it was giving me.

""Annhh! Ahhnnh! It f-feels... mmnh? So warm, an-and deep, and there's so so much, ohmygod there's so much!"

"Yeah, let it in bro."

I was lost in lust now as I started to ride the cucumber, only letting out the last inch or so in and out of me. Suddenly a shock wave of pleasure ripped through my lower body making me slam down hard, making me grind my butt against the floor.

"OH GOD ROB! IT SLIPPED INSIDE!" I panicked as I immediately reached down underneath me, feeling for any signs of the cucumber. The muscles around the entrance to my hole had tighten up, sealing the huge cucumber up inside me! I felt incredibly full as it rearranged my insides. For some reason my cock started leaking pre-cum like crazy.

"Oh fuck Park! You got it all in you! Fucking jerk your load now!" Robert said excitedly. I could tell he was stroking his cock off camera as his image was shaking in time with his heavy breathing.

"But... what if I can't get it out?" I said still slightly scared.

"Just stroke it Bro!" Robert said in a commanding voice.

"Oh god... oh god... oh god... "I immediately started stroking my cock like there was no tomorrow. Fuck it felt so good as the cucumber pressed against that special place behind my balls.

"Yeah feel it bro, feel how full you are!" Robert panted. "It's all inside you bro! UHGH FUUUCK!" I looked at my iPhone to see Robert's face all scrunched up as he blew his load. The thought that Robert just got off on me pushed me over the edge.

"UUUNGH SHIT!!!" I started firing load after load across my bedroom floor, completely missing the towel, and almost hitting my iPhone. I collapsed on my side, trying to catch my breath.

"That was amazing bro." I heard Robert say. I reached over and grabbed my phone, still laying sideways on the floor.

"Thanks Rob." I said with a dazed smile on my face.

"You are one amazing guy Parker. Can't wait for the other bros to meet you."

"How do I get it out of me?" I said still slightly worried.

"Just relax and it will come out naturally." I let my asshole relax and almost immediately I felt my entire insides contract.

"Ohhhh fuuuucckkk!!!" I groaned as I felt the thickness of the cucumber stretch my hole wide open as it retreated out of me. The whole time Robert and I were looking at each other through our iPhone. Robert smiling as he watched my face go through several emotions all at once. The cucumber finally flopped out of me and onto the towel, my hole now a gaping mess wet from my own ass juices.

"Is it out?" Robert asked.

"Yeah..." I said relieved.

"Cool, I'll wish you a good night and chat you later bro."

"Yeah, you too." I said still half dazed. The screen went dark as our chat ended. My mind drifted off to sleep as I thought about Robert, Cody, and the Swim Team.

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Other stories:

Checkmated (Adult-youth) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/checkmated

Watching the Boys (Adult-youth) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/watching-the-boys

The Thirsty Boy (Sci-Fi) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/the-thirsty-boy

The Merger (Sci-Fi) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/the-merger

An Agreement Between Brothers (Incest) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/an-agreement-between-brothers

And in the Bi-sexual section: http://www.nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/my-maddie

Next: Chapter 4

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