Swimming for the Team

By Graphmuse

Published on Dec 11, 2016


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. IT'S FICTION!

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For Matej.

Swimming For The Team – Chapter 4

The Butterfly Effect.

The sun was shining brightly through my bedroom window as I woke up Sunday morning. I grabbed my smart phone and looked at the time.

Shit! It's already noon! I stumbled out of bed and quickly headed for my private bathroom in my room. Half way to the bathroom I realized I was still naked, my cock sporting a nice morning wood. I must have fallen asleep naked last night.

As I stood in front of the toilet, I tried to think of anything that would make my morning erection go away, so I could pee. No matter what I tried my cock wouldn't soften up. I finally decided to take a shower and stroke it out just to get it to go down.

The water felt good as I stood under the spray of the shower, my hands stroking my cock and balls as I slowly worked my teen cock to orgasm. My mind quickly wandered back to Robert's house, seeing him naked and hard, remembering how it felt as he fucked me. I moved my hand behind me and in between my ass cheeks, exploring my puffy ass lips with my fingertips. Surprisingly, I wasn't too sore from everything I had done from the last day or two as I gently pushed a finger past my entrance.

"Oh fuck!" I groaned as I slid another finger in. Before I knew it I had three fingers inside me. Fuck I wanted something more! The cucumber!

I dashed into my bedroom, water dripping everywhere, trying to grab the cucumber and get back to the bathroom without making too much of a mess. Once I found it under the bed, I ran back to the shower hopping in carrying the cucumber. I closed my eyes imagining Cody walking in to my bathroom, grinning at me as he entered the shower with me.

I could feel his arms pull me into a passionate kiss and hug, before breaking off and roughly turning me to the wall. He used his thick nine-inch cock to tease my hole, before sliding in to me slowly. In no time he was buried half-way inside me, before he pushed the rest of his beautiful cock in.

"Ooooh fuck... oooh fuck... oooh fuck..." I panted as I got control of my breath, before I was ready to begin fucking myself with the vegetable. Memories of my and Rob's fuck morphed into images of Cody. I couldn't believe my fantasy enabled me to shove the cucumber so easily inside me. I fucked myself rapidly, picturing Cody holding me against the shower wall as he pounded me hard and fast.

"Ooooh God fuck meeee Cody!!!" I moaned out loud begging Cody to take my ass and make him his. My mom would have had a coronary if she had walked into my bathroom at that moment. Her precious, INNOCENT son, fucking himself in the ass with one of her cucumbers, while begging out loud for an unknown boy to fuck me. I couldn't believe how close I was to blowing.

I imagined Cody's hips slapping against my ass, his hard cock making my insides feel so good as I started repeatedly ramming the cucumber deep inside me. Suddenly, my ass contracted hard around the cucumber, my prostate tingling as the feelings coming from my ass started to overwhelm me. I made one final jab and held the cucumber in place.

"OOOOHHGWWWAAAAAAGH!!!" My cock suddenly erupted, shooting glob after glob of thick jizz all over the shower floor as I experienced another hands free ejaculation. My legs felt wobbly as I slowly sunk to my knees, the spray of the shower cascading down on me as I tried to catch my breath. I sat down on the cucumber and slowly milked the rest of the cum out of me. I loved the feeling of being full, and I wanted Cody fuck me so bad now.

Damn I still felt horny as I slowly raised myself up, letting the large vegetable slide out of me. I washed myself off, cleaning up around my sloppy, loose hole. I picked up the cucumber and washed it off, its usefulness over as it was starting to go soft from all the use I'd been giving it. I finished drying off and headed back into the bedroom, collapsing naked back onto the bed.

I stared at the ceiling, trying to sort out all these new feelings I was having for my team mates. My life felt like it had taken a turn in the weirdest, most exciting way. Memories of Robert's cock fucking me were still running fresh through my mind. The ache in my ass, felt so good from the fuck I just imagined Cody given me in the shower. I reached over and grabbed my phone and texted Cody.

"Hi, how R U? :) Mom said it's ok to meet up after practice." My cock twitched thinking about the tall and hunky Cody correcting my form. That hard bulge I felt in his shorts still haunted my mind, as I hit the send button.

I laid the phone down and slowly ran my hands down my body, past my still hard cock, spreading my legs wide as I continued down past my perineum until they were rubbing the tender entrance to my asshole. I played with my sensitive hole, as I thought about what it would be like to have Cody push his thick cock into me.

What had come over me? All I could think about was getting fucked by Cody! I felt like I had fallen under a magic spell, that I didn't want to break free of. I started to push my fingers in.

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! "Parker, you up?" Shit! It was Mom!

"Yeah, I just got out of the shower." I quickly blurted out as I jumped off the bed and threw on a pair of shorts as Mom opened the door.

"Well don't spend the whole day playing with yourself." Mom laughed.

"MOM!" I said embarrassed. "I wasn't playing with myself." I grumbled, trying to deflect her accusations.

"Uh huh... go get some breakfast, I mean lunch, and do your Sunday chores."

"Yes Mom." I replied still embarrassed from what she said.

"...and don't forget to do your homework young man." She added as she continued down the hall. Walking down the stairs I noticed my dick was still semi-hard and very prominent in my shorts. I felt my face blush a second time knowing my Mom probably saw that I was hard. Not that she probably hadn't seen me hard before, but it was still embarrassing knowing I was showing and had not realized it. I texted Robert as I poured myself a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.

"Hi Rob, just woke up. LOL You and the cucumber tired me out. ;)" I sent the text and ate my bowl of cereal waiting for a response.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I again did my chores and finished off my homework in record time, while constantly checking my phone to see if I'd gotten a response from either Robert or Cody, but sadly nothing.

At one-point Mom headed out to the store to go grocery shopping. I quickly grabbed the wilted cucumber from my bedroom and took it down to the kitchen, chopped it up, and disposed of it down the garbage disposal. I wished I had another one to have fun with.

Later, I helped mom fix dinner. We had decided on Tacos. Dad was missing in action of course, out of town again on business. As I was heading downstairs to the kitchen my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen, it was a reply from Cody!

"Hey Bro! Can't wait to help you out. Rob says Hi! See you at practice. ;)"

My dick instantly swelled as I read Cody's message, thankfully I had underwear on to keep it down and unnoticeable. I bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen like a kid.

"Hi Mom!" I said happily. Mom looked at me funny, like I was from another planet.

"Hi, who are you, and what have you done with my brooding teenage son?" She replied mockingly.

"Ha! Funny Mom." I smirked.

"Okay happy boy, start chopping."

"No problem!" I said cheerfully. Mom just rolled her eyes. While I chopped tomatoes for the tacos, I started humming the song Robert played in his truck as he drove me home on Friday. The One Direction song LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG. I think Mom noticed.

"You're in a good mood." Mom piped up.

"Uh? What?"

"You seem...distracted? You in love?" Mom joked.

"What?! No!... of course not!" I said just a bit too defensively.

"Okay, just checking." Mom smirked as she gave me that Mom look. I just glared at her briefly then went back to chopping.

"So, who is she?" Mom said half joking a moment later, but also with an air of curiosity.

"No one Mom." I tried to ignore her.

"Okay, be mysterious." Mom laughed, but then added sarcastically. "But don't get her pregnant."

"Really Mom?" I rolled my eyes at her. "You know I don't have a girlfriend yet." Mom ignored me as she went to the fridge to get the ground beef.

"Can you bring me the lettuce please?" I asked her. Mom rummaged around in the fridge for a few moments.

"Hmmm, I swear I bought a cucumber for a salad?"

I felt my face blush but didn't say anything as she retrieved the ground beef and the head of lettuce.

"Do you remember seeing a cucumber in there?" Mom asked as she gave me the head of lettuce to chop.

"No." I replied flatly trying not to show any reaction to her question.

"I must be losing my mind." She said shaking her head as she moved to the stove to cook the ground beef.

We made more small talk as Mom finished cooking the ground beef while I set the table. We made out tacos and sat down to eat. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started shoveling my first taco in my mouth like a starved animal.

"You should try and chew your food when eating." Mom joked as she watched me wolf down my tacos.

"Sorry." I said with a mouth full of food before swallowing it down. "I didn't realize I was that hungry."

"I know swimmers have a huge appetite, but you should learn how to breath."

"Maybe it's a form of breath control?" I joked. Mom laughed as I started eating like a normal person.

"So you're staying late after school tomorrow?"

"Yeah, kinda looking forward to it." I beamed.

"Is that why you're in such a good mood today?"

"Yeah, I like the guys on my team, they're helping me out quite a bit."

"You said you'll be home by 7 at the latest?"

"Yes, and I'll call or text you if I'm going to be later." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Hey, don't get smart with me young man." Mom snapped in a more serious tone.

"I'll let you know if I'll be later than that." I replied more sincerely.

"Okay." Mom smiled as we continued eating. Once finished, we both cleaned up the table and kitchen.

"Bedtime soon, tomorrow is a school day." Mom said as she headed off to the living room to watch some TV.

"Okay Mom." I headed back upstairs to my room. My dick hardening up fast as I thought about Robert and Cody. Actually, I started thinking about their long hard cocks as they fucked me over and over again.

As soon as I was safely inside my bedroom I quickly pushed down my shorts, my hard cock popping up to full attention as I quickly got naked. I flopped back on the bed while stroking my now fully hard cock thinking about my teammates.

As much as Robert had fucked me over the weekend, my mind still went back to Cody. I couldn't shake the memory of how warm and hard his huge cock felt in my hand. I wanted to see it, taste it, have it in my mouth. Most importantly, I wanted it in my ass. I wanted Cody to fuck me, so good!

"OOOHFUUUCKKK!!!" I didn't realize how wound up I was until I suddenly started cumming shot after shot all over my stomach and chest. I laid their trying to catch my breath from my unexpected orgasm.

"School is not going to be the same." I thought to myself as my breathing returned to normal.

I reached down and grabbed a used t-shirt off the floor, wiping all the cum off my stomach and chest. I checked my phone to make sure the alarm was set, then turned off the lights and went to sleep.


My phone woke me out of a dream I couldn't remember. The details of it fading quickly, but my painfully hard erection wasn't. I usually hated Mondays, but today I was looking forward to it. I stretched and slowly rolled out of bed heading straight for the bathroom. After finally being able to pee, I took a long hot shower.

The thought of seeing Robert and Cody at school kept me hard under the spray of the water. I glanced at the clock on the bathroom wall, I had time. I quickly lubed up my dick with some bath gel and started stroking my morning wood thinking about my two older teammates. It took a few seconds for me to blow my load all over the shower wall.

After recovering I finally got dressed in my slacks, shirt, tie, and dress shoes. The school had a dress code that required us to wear a tie, but it's something I had to do in middle school so it wasn't a big deal for me. I had easily learned to tie a tie in my sleep long ago.

After stuffing my homework into my big backpack, I stuffed my towel, Speedo, and googles in a smaller mesh bag then dashed downstairs. Mom was already up and sitting at the table with her IPad and a cup of coffee reading the news.

"Good morning honey."

"Morning..." I said cheerfully as I made myself a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee.

"Aren't we perky this morning?" Mom replied with a smirk. I ignored her as I quickly ate a bowl of cereal, while downing my coffee with lots of cream and sugar. Drinking coffee was something new I had just started, but I couldn't believe I had lived so long without it.

"Gotta go Mom!" I kissed her on the cheek and ran for the garage with my two backpacks.

"Have a good day." Mom said without looking up from her IPad.

I pressed the button to open the garage door and pegged my pant legs with Velcro straps. Then I slugged the two backpacks onto my back, plugged my earbuds in, mounted my bike, and headed off to school. The bike-ride to school felt different today, I felt freer than I ever had in my life, like something had changed as I listened to song ALL NIGHT by The Vamps.

The usual morning scene greeted me as my fellow classmates made their own mad dashes into Carey Hall. I weaved in and out of the chaos of cars and students, as I headed to the bike rack and locked up my bike. I smiled to myself as the One Direction song LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG started playing on my phone, making me think about Robert and our wild weekend we had together. I caught myself humming to it as I made my way inside the historic building to my locker. After dropping off my swim bag and other books, I finally made it to my first class of the day, Algebra II. I wasn't bad at math, I was actually pretty good at it, I just found it boring most of the time.

"You're in a good mood today." A voice next to me said cheerfully. I glanced over at a smiling, blonde haired boy with stunning blue eyes. The devastatingly cute boy looked familiar, but his name slipped my mind.

"W...w...what?" I smiled back, stuttering nervously, not sure I heard him correctly as I removed my ear buds.

"You're usually all moody and quiet."

"Uh...yeah. Just feeling good this morning." I blushed as I busied myself putting away my phone.

"You have no idea who I am do you?" The boy chuckled. I glanced back at him and studied his face, he did look familiar. God his smile was breathtaking!

"I... uh... no." I replied bashfully.

"We swim together... on the team?" The mystery blonde boy said with a laugh. Then it hit me, he WAS on the team! Why had I not noticed him before? Then I remembered I had noticed him, or rather, I had noticed his amazing ass as I swam behind him. I read somewhere swimmers never recognize fellow swimmers with clothes on, it was so true.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry! I didn't... I wasn't...I'm..." I felt so stupid and tongue tied as I blushed again.

"I'm Jason, Jason Feuerbach." The boy said confidently as he offered his hand to me. We shook hands. His hand felt so soft, but his grip was firm. Shit! He was making me hard!?

"Park... Parker..." I stammered. "Parker Fleming." Why was my mouth so dry suddenly?

"You sure?" Jason joked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I choked out, but still managed to smile.

""Glad to finally meet you Park, you gonna let go of my hand?" Jason smirked.

"Oh, sorry." I blushed again as I let go of his hand. Fuck, I was now fully hard; thank goodness I was sitting down. The final bell rung as everyone settled down in their desks.

Just as the room got quiet, Jason leaned over and whispered, "By the way, you look hot in a Speedo."

"What!?" I glanced at him in shock. Then I realized the entire class was looking at me!

"Yes Mister Fleming?" My math teacher said slightly annoyed.

"Uh, sorry." I replied embarrassed as I tried to sink as low as I could in my chair. A low giggle erupted from my fellow classmates. Thankfully, the teacher quickly moved on and started the day's lesson. Jason glanced at me with an apologetic look and mouthed "Sorry", I blushed and smiled back. Damn, he was fucking sexy!

The rest of class was uneventful until the bell rang. As I was leaving to head to my next class, Jason quickly whispered.

"I like cucumbers too."

I did a classic double take at Jason. He had the sexiest, evil grin on his face as he quickly turned and headed off in the opposite direction down the crowded hallway. I was left standing there with a stunned look on my face.

"Watch it Fleming!" I heard one student shout as other boys pushed past me. I regained my composure and ran to my next class, which was English. Luckily I had made it in time with just a moment to spare before the late bell rang.

"Look at you beating the clock." I heard a voice say to my left. I turned and looked. It was another amazingly sexy boy I had seen before but couldn't place the name. He was tan with dirty blonde hair and the most amazing green eyes.

"Oh..." I grinned, "yeah..." a bit out of breath then quickly looked away. Shit! I couldn't remember his name either.

"I hope you do that at our first meet Parker." Another voice said to my right. I looked over at a stunning dark haired boy, with brown eyes and perfect white skin. I was tongue tied trying to think of something to say.

I was terrible with names. But I was really starting to feel a bit uneasy with not being able to remember the names of my very own team mates. I really did have tunnel vision before meeting Robert, not paying attention to anything around me.

"Sean...?" The dark haired boy said with a chuckle. "We swim together...? In the same lane...?" He said sarcastically.

"Sorry" I gasped, "I'm a bit out of it." hoping that excuse would cover me.

"It's okay." Sean said with a grin, "You probably don't remember Geoff's name either?" I looked back at the boy with the amazing green eyes. He just smiled at me.

"Geoff... and Sean..." I said to each of them.

"Goooood, you learned something today." Sean said with a chuckle. Geoff leaned towards me and whispered loudly. "Don't let it bother you, Sean still can't do breast stroke kick very well."

"I heard that!" Sean snapped.

"It's his legs, they have a hard time bending that way." Geoff added with a laugh.

"I'm not as easy as you are." Sean bantered back.

"Maybe, but being flexible is way better." Geoff snapped back making a mocking face at Sean. I started laughing.

"OKAY CLASS! Settle down..." The teacher commanded. "Take your books out and turn to chapter 2." We all pulled out our copies of Lord of the Flies.

"I want to get into the themes that represent the island." The teacher started. My mind was still lingering on what just happened between me and the two boys sitting on either side of me. I must have been really uptight and shy. Here I was, meeting boys I had been swimming with for a few weeks now, and I just learned their names. I started getting hard thinking about them, trying to remember what they looked like in their Speedos. I quickly refocused my attention back on the class.

Towards the end of class, a small rolled up wad of paper landed on my desk from Sean's direction. I carefully looked over at Sean who was now reclining back in his desk. He glanced at me smiling. At first I didn't know why he was bugging me, but then I noticed movement near his crotch. My cock instantly started chubbing up as I watched the tips of his fingers lightly rub across the top of an impressive bulge arcing across the crotch of his tan slacks. It looked big for a boy his age, straining against the material of his tan slacks. My mouth went instantly dry as Sean and I made eye contact, giving me a wide smile as he continued to slowly caress his impressive bulge with the tips of his fingers.

Suddenly the bell sounded, snapping us out of our mutual moment. The commotion in the classroom gave me and Sean time to adjust our hardons as we packed our backpacks up to head to assembly. I kept my binder out to hide my erection.

"Sean being slutty again?" Geoff joked as we exited the classroom and walked to the Alumni Auditorium for Assembly.

"You jealous?" Sean snapped back.

"No..." Geoff said a bit too defensively.

"You didn't mind over the weekend." Sean said with an evil grin.

"But I wasn't the one getting..." Sean nudged Geoff hard and gave him a shut up!' look. Geoff blushed then smiled. Whatever they were talking about went over my head.

"You guys are weird." I laughed.

"The weirdest." Sean smiled, Geoff just rolled his eyes as we shuffled into the Auditorium with the rest of the student body. Once inside, we headed to the Freshman section of the auditorium and spotted Jason waving us over. I noticed him sitting with a thin, slender boy with straight light brown hair. I think he was also another Freshman on our team.

"Hey bros, what's up?" Jason greeted us.

"What up slacker!" Sean smirked as he fist-bumped Jason.

"I got Blaine to sit with us today." Jason stated proudly as the new boy looked up at the three of us wide eyed, not sure how to react. He had that deer caught in the headlights look.

"Hey Bro, glad you're hanging out with us." Sean said as he held out his fist for a bump. Blaine paused, then hesitantly returned the gesture and bumped his fist with Sean.

"Cool Bro, welcome to the team." Sean said warmly, as he shuffled further down three seats to the other side of Blaine.

"Thanks." Blaine replied quietly. It was the first time I saw Sean being genuinely friendly without trying to make a joke. Geoff followed Sean's lead and fist bumped with Blaine and sat down next to Sean, leaving an empty seat between Geoff and Blaine. I scooted past Jason and Blaine but for some reason I didn't fist bump him, instead I held out my hand for a proper hand shake. I was about to introduce myself when Blaine looked up at me, our eyes locked and POW! I felt a shock go instantly through me as our hands touched. I never felt anything like it before in my young life! I think Blaine felt it too, because I noticed him make the slightest smile, it was so subtle, but I picked up on it and I smiled back like a goofball.

"See Blaine, they don't bite." Jason said to Blaine as I kept holding Blaine's hand.

"You going to let go of his hand? Or propose?" Sean snarked causing us to pop out of our moment.

"Ha ha, very funny!" I said defensively as I let go of Blaine's hand and quickly sat down feeling embarrassed. Assembly started just as I sat down. Then I heard a soft voice to my left whisper in my ear.

"You never said your name." I looked over at the boy sitting next to me.

"Parker." I said smiling as we made eye contact again. Damn, I was getting hard staring into his beautiful brown eyes.

He smiled back and in a soft voice said "I'm Blaine." We just sat their smiling at each other. For some reason my mind went blank, I couldn't think of anything to say, and I think neither could he. God I wanted to kiss him right there. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Welcome students..." The voice of the Dean of Students finally got our attention as I turned my attention to the man on stage. The Assembly went by fast, I had no clue what it was about. Sometimes it was interesting, but most of the time it put me to sleep. But this time I was thinking the amazing boy sitting next to me. I felt horny and confused, my heart racing a thousand miles an hour over a boy I'd just barely spoken to.

After Assembly, the four of us headed to the dining hall and sat down at one of the circular tables. Sean, Jason, and Geoff got up and headed off to the lunch line to buy their lunches. I pulled out my Navy colored lunch box covered with sharks all over it. My Mom thought it would be cool since I was a swimmer. I noticed Blaine had pulled out the exact same lunch box as mine, except his was red with pink swirls like the Van Gogh painting Starry Night.

"You bring your own lunch?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah" Blaine smiled, "I like your box." he then blushed as he picked up on its double meaning. I smiled as I moved over a seat and sat next to him.

"No worries, I like your box too." I suddenly felt brave as I let my leg rest gently against his. He didn't pull back. We smiled at each other then opened our lunch boxes and started eating.

"You're in my History class." Blaine said between bites into his sandwich.

"I am?"

"Yeah, and we've been swimming in the same lane together too." Blaine said flatly. "I didn't think you noticed me."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorta shy most of the time. Keep to myself." I said, feeling bad I'd been ignoring everyone around me.

"Really? You don't seem shy." Blaine said with a smirk as I felt him press his leg back against mine. His action caused me to blush and my dick to chub up.

"Well, I'm learning to be more... open." I smiled.

"You're a way better swimmer than I am." Blaine added.

"I'm still learning." I replied bashfully.

"Maybe you could... teach me." Blaine said in low tone, almost a whisper. I glanced up at Blaine, he had a look in his eyes that just made me want to kiss him right there, in the cafeteria, not caring who saw us.

"Okay you two, break it up." Sean blurted out as he sat down with his tray of food. We both sat up, looking nervous, like we got caught doing something.

"Leave them alone," Geoff piped up, "you're just jealous." He said as he sat down next to Sean with his tray of food. Sean didn't say anything, but gave Geoff a hard glare as Geoff knowingly smiled at the two of us. I was noticing that Geoff knew perfectly what to say to shut Sean down sometimes.

"Damn, I'm starved! A swimmer's life for me." Jason said as he sat down with his tray of food and immediately started eating his food like it was his last meal.

"Don't forget to breath." Geoff laughed as Jason looked up with a mouth full of food.

"Mwaat?" Jason said a mouth full of food. We all started laughing.

"I've heard you sound like that before." Sean laughed, "but it wasn't because of food." Jason swallowed and glared at Sean.

"Same for you, but you choked." Jason snapped back, Geoff started laughing, but neither boy elaborated as they dropped the subject and continued eating. I suddenly felt hands on my shoulders.

"And what are you guys up to?" I looked up and it was Robert, I couldn't help but grin like an idiot as Robert rubbed my shoulders. I also noticed Cody across the table opposite me, standing behind the three boys smiling.

"What up Rob!" Jason said happily.

"Just us Freshman bros hanging out having lunch." Sean replied.

"Cool, good to see you guys hanging out together." Robert smiled happily as I felt Robert gently squeeze my shoulders. Damn, he was making me hard.

"You still good for our stroke clinic after practice?" Cody said to me with a grin.

"Uh... yeah," Robert's squeezing was throwing me off guard. ouldn't miss if for the world." I smiled up at him. But after I said that I noticed Sean, Jason, and Geoff exchange a knowing look between them which I thought was strange.

"Cool." Cody said with a wink.

"Well, you guys enjoy your lunch, see you at practice." Robert said as he and Cody walked away.

"You getting some extra tips from 'The Shark'?" Jason grinned. For some reason, the way Jason said it made my face blush.

"Yeah, gonna help me with my butterfly." I tried to concentrate on eating my lunch, ignoring their weird looks.

"He's good at butterfly." Geoff piped up, "He's good at... everything."

"You'd know." Sean said with a slight hint of venom. Was he jealous?

"He's a great teacher, you'll learn a lot." Jason said sincerely, smiling warmly at me and Blaine. I smiled back at Jason knowing he meant well. I suddenly felt Blaine's leg press against mine. I glanced at him and noticed he had a slight grin on his face.

"It's cool you get to learn from Cody," Blaine said softly, "I'm always too scared to approach him." The other boys couldn't hear his comments.

"Thanks, but my butterfly really sucks."

"So does mine." Blaine chuckled.

"I can mention it to Cody if you like?"

"Oh... I... um... that's okay." Blaine blushed, tongue tied. I didn't press him further, he seemed embarrassed talking about Cody.

The rest of lunch was uneventful, just the usual jabs about school or swimming that we loved to do to provoke each other. As lunch ended Sean, Jason and Geoff headed off to their classes. Blaine and I walked out of the cafeteria together heading to ours.

"What classes do you have for the rest of the day?" Blaine asked

"I've got Science next, then French, fourth period, and History fifth."

"You're in my History class, remember?" Blaine blurted out. I think he might have blushed slightly.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I blushed as we walked in awkward silence. I gently nudged him. "But... I'll pay attention now." Blaine looked at me, our eyes locking again. Fuck, he was so damn cute and sexy! Blaine smiled bashfully as I felt my face get warm. Was I blushing?

RINNNGGGG!!! The sound of the warning bell broke us out of our moment.

"Shit! We're gonna be late! See you in History class!" I blurted as I smiled and held out my fist. He looked at my fist curiously, then smiled, bumping it with his. I then turned and walked fast to the Science building across campus.

"Yeah, see yeah." I heard Blaine say cheerfully. I stopped and looked back, watching his cute ass bounce down the hallway like he was floating on air. Was he skipping?

"What's wrong with me?" I thought. Was I falling for Blaine? What about Robert? Then Cody popped into my head, his huge bulge. Shit, how was I going to handle all this? I just barely made it to the Science building, sitting down as the final bell rang.

"Blaine almost made me late." I thought to myself with a chuckle. The rest of the school day was normal. French and History went well. Blaine sat next to me in History, but thankfully we didn't distract each other, although It felt nice knowing he was there.

RINNNGGGG!!! The sound of the final bell made my heart skip a beat, because it meant I was getting closer to my private butterfly lesson with Cody.

"Thank God, that's over." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, I like the class, but it seemed to drag today." Blaine smiled as he slugged his heavy backpack on. We then walked out of the classroom together and down the hall. We ignored the frantic energy of high school boys darting around, trying to leave. For some reason it felt like just the two of us were the only ones in the world at that moment.

"We have 30 minutes to kill before we have to change." I spoke up, "Did you want to head to the library before practice?"

"Sure." Blaine replied quietly trying not to sound interested, but I could tell he was. He still had that painfully cute smile on his face.

"Cool. Let me grab my swim bag." We headed to my locker and picked up my mesh bag with all my swimming stuff in it.

"You need to grab your stuff?" I asked looking at Blaine, God he was so damn sexy.

"No, I have all my stuff in my backpack." He said with a smile as he gestured to the humungous backpack he had on. The thing was almost as big as him.

"Carrying that backpack around is almost a workout in itself." I chuckled, "Ever get tired of carrying it around?" I asked as we walked to the library.

"Nah, I can handle it." He replied with a smirk. I loved how the light shined off his hair, the way his handsome face smiled, his amazing ass that... looked so tight and fuckable..."

"Earth to Parker..." Blaine said with a laugh.

"Uh... What?!"

"You kinda spaced out there for a minute." Blaine said with a grin.

"Oh, I... sorry. I... I got distracted." I stuttered. I felt my face blush as I realized where my mind went. What was coming over me? Thankfully, we arrived at the library and I quickly walked over to the nearest table and sat down to hide the full blown erection I now had. Blaine sat next to me as we took out our binders with our homework in it. We were sitting quietly for a few minutes when Blaine reached into his backpack and pulled out a paperback book.

"I've been... reading... this." Blaine whispered handing me the book with a choke in his voice, as if revealing a dirty secret. The title on the cover read The Coming Storm. I'd never heard of it as I read the back. It talked about a teen character named Noah who is gay and has an illicit relationship with a teacher. My breath caught and my heart started beating harder as I read it. I looked up at Blaine who had a desperate, worried look on his face. I realized Blaine just revealed to me he might be gay. I had been known to be slow to pick up on things in the past, but this realization hit me instantly.

"Looks like a good book." I smiled at him warmly, "Something I might want to read." I pressed my leg against his, he pressed back as our legs gently rubbed against each other just like in the dining hall. Blaine's face relaxed, as he returned my knowing smile.

"I... I love this book." Blaine said quietly as he shuffled next to me, entwining his leg with mine. I locked eyes with Blaine as my cock went instantly hard as I realized Blaine was just as interested in me as I was with him.

"I do too." I blurted out, not thinking about what I was saying as I stared into his beautiful brown eyes.

"You read it already?" Blaine replied coyly.

"Uhh...I...umm...no..." I blushed, realizing I had gotten completely distracted. Neither one of us said anything as we stared at each other, our legs still intertwined, rubbing and stroking against each other. My heart was beating so hard I was sure Blaine could hear it. I had the same urge I had in the Dining hall. To lean in and kiss Blaine right there, in the library, not caring who saw us. I looked at my phone and noticed it was 20 minutes before practice was about to start. Where did the time go?

"We... we should probably get to the pool." I said breathlessly with a grin.

"Okay." Blaine smiled as we untangled our legs and stood up. I glanced down and noticed my 6-inch dick was making an impressive bulge across the front of my tan slacks. I looked at Blaine's crotch and he too also had a nice 5-inch-long hardon showing in the front of his pants. We looked up at each other and smiled as we gathered out stuff. I pulled my dress shirt out of my pants, the bottom of the shirt conveniently hiding the front of my pants, and my noticeable bulge. Blaine did the same as we left the Library.

"S'up Bros?!" I heard Robert's voice from behind before he bounced in between us, embracing both me and Blaine on either side of him. "How's it going?" He beamed as we walked together.

"Not much, just heading to the pool." I replied trying to act innocent.

"I see...been studying...hard?"" Robert asked as he grinned at me. I felt Robert let his hand drop and cup my ass, then squeezed it. "Don't let Parker teach you any bad habits Blaine." He said with a wink to Blaine.

Damn him, he wasn't helping me any as I tried to ignore him and think of dead puppies, as we walked out of Carey Hall towards Finley center and the pool.

"I'll... I'll try not to," Blaine stuttered nervously, then paused, as if thinking for a response, "but... not gonna make any promises." I looked at Blaine, who grinned at me shyly. I was surprised he replied with such a snappy comeback. He was coming out of his shell around me. Robert noticed it too as he smiled approvingly at Blaine, then turned and looked at me with a devious grin.

"Better watch out Park." Robert winked as he moved his hand up my side until I felt it move around and under my arm. Then he tweaked my right nipple through my shirt. I stifled a moan, as he really gave it a tight long pinch.

"You looking forward to Cody's butterfly lesson after practice?" Robert grinned as he kept up his gently pinching of my nipple.

"I... yeah... looking forward to it." I choked out as he kept pinching my nipple, keeping my cock rock hard, as I thought about what might happen between me and Cody. Maybe finding out what his huge cock looked like, maybe even getting him to fuck me silly with it.

"He's the best butterflyer on the team. He'll work you hard and fast." Robert said with a wink. "Maybe teach you some new tricks." I felt myself blush as I picked up on his double meaning.

Just as we reached the doors to Finney Hall we bumped into two other members on the swim team, Viktor and Sergie. They were the only brothers on the team. Viktor was 17 and a Senior, his brother Sergie was 15 and a Sophomore. Viktor was a lanky 6 feet tall, with a well-defined body with medium length dark brown hair. His brother Sergie looked like a cuter younger version of Viktor.

"Hey bros, what's up?" Viktor greeted us cheerfully, although a bit surprised.

"Was going to ask you the same thing?" Robert chuckled. It was then I noticed both of them looked flushed and sweaty, their clothes a bit dishevel, like they had been running or something.

"We were... just getting some dry land training in," Viktor replied with a sheepish grin, "You know, working up our endurance."

"Endurance is important isn't it Sergie?" Robert smirked at the younger Sophomore.

"With you guys, yeah." Sergie grinned with a knowing smile.

"Have you formally met Parker and Blaine?" Robert said, introducing us to the insanely sexy hot brothers.

"No, not formally." Viktor smiled as we shook hands with him and his brother.

"I hear good things about you Park, and you too Blaine. Good up and coming swimmers."

"Yeah, but not as good as you guys yet." I piped up, feeling more comfortable speaking with the upperclassman. Viktor had an easy going feeling about him, approachable. Not what I was expecting.

"Nah, its just takes lots of practice." Sergie said confidently.

"Speaking of practice, we better get inside and change before the coach busts our asses." Robert spoke up as he looked at the time on his phone.

"Wouldn't want that to happen." Viktor laughed sarcastically, Robert and Sergie also laughed at Viktor's comment. Blaine and I looked at each other confused as we all walked into the locker room, the joke going over both our heads.

As we entered the locker room most of the guys were already there in various states of change. Robert and Viktor headed off to a row of lockers to the left as Sergie went to the right. I spotted Sean, Jason, and Geoff right in front of us getting ready to change. Blaine and I quickly got to our lockers and started undressing.

"About time you two showed up. Hope you didn't do anything... regretful, hanging with the Demidov bros." Sean sneered sarcastically.

"You jealous?" Geoff laughed. Sean glared at Geoff but didn't say anything as he started to unbutton his dress shirt. I'd forgotten how hard I was as my dick tented out my boxers as soon as I pulled off my slacks. I glanced at Blaine who noticed my embarrassment. I then noticed Blaine also had tented out his boxers. We both looked at each other and blushed as we tried to cover up our noticeable erections while pushing down our boxers. I think seeing Blaine's hard 5-inch cock for the first time made me harder. Sean noticed our embarrassment.

"Don't need to hide it." As he slipped his underwear down his slim sexy legs then stood up, shaking his fully hard 6-inch cock back and forth for all to see. My mouth went dry at the sight of Sean's beautiful uncut teen cock as he unconsciously gave his cock a tug, causing it to stiffen up even more. John and Geoff just rolled their eyes.

"McAllister! Put that away! Or do you want to be taken off the relay team?!" A booming voice came from behind us. Sean stood at attention as he tried to cover up his erection. Coach Brad was standing at the end of the lockers glaring at Sean. Coach Brad was in his thirties, 6' 2" and towered over everyone on the team, even Cody. He reminded me of a Nordic God with his perfectly sculpted body, shoulder length blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes. He always wore loose dark blue warm up pants and a red USC swimming hoodie. I always scanned his crotch to get an idea of how big his cock was, but never could tell.

"Ha Ha! You got busted!" Jason laughed as he tightened the strings on his shiny navy blue Speedo. His bulge highlighted nicely in the tight confines of the stretchable material. Geoff was locking up his locker, his green Speedo already on with his goggles tucked into the waist of his tight suit.

"Damn Sean, you have no shame." Geoff laughed, as him and Jason walked out to the pool with a few of the older guys.

"You have five minutes, gentleman." Coach Brad announced to the locker room as he headed to his office. I finished pulling on my red Speedo and stuffed all my school stuff in the locker.

"I know you like it." Sean said under his breath to Blaine and I. Blaine couldn't help not watch Sean slip his signature pink Speedo up his legs, then stuff his hard dick inside his snug swim suit. Showing off the obscene bulge to me and Blaine.

"Leave Blaine alone." I spoke up as I locked my locker. Blaine didn't say anything, as he quickly slipped his black Speedo on trying to ignore Sean.

"I was just joking. Sheeesh." Sean rolled his eyes, as he finished rearranging his erection, then headed out to the pool. He suddenly stopped, causing me and Blaine to look up to see the Coach standing in front of Sean with that same angry look from before.

"See me after practice young man!" Coach growled as he gave Sean a hard slap on the ass. Sean hurried his pace to the pool rubbing his butt.

"Sorry guys, he can be a problem." Coach said with a wink, "By the way, good to see you taking the initiative to improve your butterfly stroke. Cody is the best to learn from." Coach smiled warmly. I think I almost fainted. I know I felt myself blush from his compliment.

"Thanks Coach." I beamed.

"Sure thing, just keeping an eye on my up and coming boys." The man/God smiled, then turned and headed towards the pool. I turned and looked at Blaine who was still staring at Coach Brad, hypnotized.

"Your eyeballs are drooling." I grinned. Blaine snapped out of his stare and looked at me, then we both started giggling like two girls from Bryn Mawr as Blaine locked his locker then headed out to the pool. As I walked behind Blaine I noticed his Speedo was cut lower than what was normally worn on the team. Usually we wear suits that are one or two sizes smaller to cut down on drag, but his Speedo was cut so low and tight his ass cheeks were almost popping out. I think it was called a Solar Speedo. God his ass looked beautiful. Two perfect round orbs squeezed tight inside the slick black material. I wanted to reach out and run my hands all over his perfect ass. I tried to think of something else, anything else to not think about Blaine's perfect ass as we walked out on the pool deck.

One the best perks about our school is that it has a beautiful, indoor, six-lane short course pool. Always kept on the cold side, which I preferred. Warm pools are so hard to swim in. Most of the team was already in the pool doing the warm up set. I noticed Robert and Cody talking with Viktor as they got ready to jump in. Robert was wearing his sexy red Speedo, Cody had on a swirl patterned pink and white Speedo, and Victor had on a red and blue Speedo. All with nice bulges in the front. I adjusted my semi-hard cock and walked towards them with Blaine in tow.

"Hey." I said quietly to Robert.

"Hey bro, you ready for Cody?" Robert said enthusiastically. My eyes went right to the huge bulge in Cody's pink patterned Speedo, I caught myself and looked up at Cody, my face blushing with embarrassment.

"Uh... yeah." I smiled goofily.

"Cool." Robert smirked, trying not to laugh.

"Can't wait to show you some stuff Parker." Cody said adjusting his bulge with a grin. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, his mirrored goggles were hiding his eyes.

"He's one of the best." Viktor added, "The Freshman learned a lot from Cody last year. Now they're bad-ass Sophomores."

"They were quick learners." Cody chuckled "Just like you, and hopefully Blaine." Cody grinned at us as he adjusted his bulge again. I noticed it starting to grow sideways across the front of his suit, obscenely stretching the material.

"Anyway, need to start practice." Cody and Victor turned and jumped into the fastest lane with the other Juniors and Seniors. I noticed Blaine blushing, his bulge arching to the right inside his black suit. He quickly walked over to the far right lane where the Freshman were at, put on his goggles and jumped in. Robert was about to jump in, but I grabbed his arm.

"Robert wait." I said.

"What's up?"

"You don't mind if... what if something... you know... happens... between me and Cody?"

Robert looked at me thoughtfully, "Remember what I said when something happened' between us at my house the first time?"

"Uh... yeah."

"What did I say?"

I thought for a second, thinking back to what Robert said to me in the pool house that rainy afternoon. "Whatever It Takes, No Regrets?"

"Right, if something happens between you and Cody, go with it. Its just sex between bros. We look out for one another and are always there when one of us needs something. My feelings won't change for you." Robert explained, "We support each other to the best of our ability and we freely share ourselves and whatever we have because we are a family, a team that sticks together." Robert smiled warmly at me as what he said sunk in.

"So... I'm part of the team?"

"More than you know." Robert grinned.

"Okay you two! Enough chit chat! Get in the pool now!" Coach Brad's voice boomed over the sounds of water splashing. We both jumped, breaking us out of our moment.

"Yes Sir." Robert replied obediently, as he turned and quickly jumped into the fast lane.

Coach Brad looked at me with a grin. "Sometimes you have to keep a tight leash on them. Hop in and warm up Park." The hunky man said as he gently slapped my ass as I walked away. For some reason his gentle slap made my cock swell in my tight red Speedo. I walked over to the Freshman lane in a daze and jumped in between flip turning bodies.

"OH GOD!" I gasped as my body hit the cold water, clearing my mind and making my cock instantly deflate as I tried to adjust.

"Let's go Park, you're blocking the wall." Sean said as he maneuvered around me and pushed off the wall. I took a deep breath and started swimming behind Sean, trying to warm up. It didn't take long to adjust to the water temperature as I got further into the warm up set.

The rest of practice went as usual. It was a freestyle workout, lots of broken 200's with some strokes mixed in for the warm up set. The main set was a ladder on a killer interval. I did find myself loosing count of my laps during the main set, distracted by Blaine's hot ass crammed into that tight black Speedo ahead of me. By the time we finished the main set everyone in the lane was feeling pretty wiped, all five of us gasping for air after we'd finished.

"Okay boys, 400 cool down and that will be it for today." Coach Brad said wrapping up practice, "Don't forget to put away your kick boards and pull buoys."

We started our warm down with me and Blaine picking up the rear. After cool down was finished, all five of us just lingered in the pool cooling down. The cold water not a factor anymore. The rest of the team was already hopping out of the pool and heading to the locker room.

"You still up for it, Bro?" I heard Cody's voice from above me.

I looked up as Cody stood smiling looking down on us from the pool deck. He looked like a dripping wet Greek God, like one of those sculptures I saw in my history book. My eyes going directly to his impressive cock again, it straining against his tight pink patterned Speedo, and he wasn't even hard!

"Yeah." I gasped looking up at him, not sure if my tired brain was going to be able to handle this. The look in his eyes made my cock start to harden inside the tight confines of my skimpy Speedo, even with the cold water. Thank God I was still in the pool.

"Cool, let's move down to Lane 1 and we'll start." Cody said as he walked away. I glanced back at my lane mates, I hope they didn't notice me blushing.

"Someone's gonna get luuuuuckyyyyy." Jason said under his breath as he brushed past me, hopping out of the pool. Geoff and Sean didn't say anything, but they too had huge shit eating grins on their faces as they moved past me and quickly climbed out of the pool. Blaine stayed in the lane and looked a bit clueless as to what was going on.

"Wanna hit me up later tonight, so we can chat?" Blaine said moving to the side of the pool to jump out.

"Yeah, that would be great." I smiled. Thank God, Blaine couldn't see the prominent bulge I now had in my suit. I watched my new friend hop out of the pool, my horny mind studying every detail of his wet body as he walked away. His black Speedo clinging to his ass like a second skin as he walked to the locker room. Damn, he had a nice ass!

"Hey, daydreamer." Cody's voice boomed, breaking me out of my stare. I looked over at lane 1, Cody was now standing waist high waiting for me there.

"You finished drooling?" Cody laughed. I glanced back to see if Blaine had noticed Cody's offhand comment. He hadn't, thank God, as everyone had now disappeared into the locker room.

"Yeah." I replied sheepishly as I dove under the lane ropes and swam underwater to where Cody was.

"I saw you checking out Blaine's ass." Cody smiled, I felt my face blushing at his comment. "Don't worry about it, I think he has a hot ass too." Cody leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. I was waiting for more, but Cody kept it completely business.

"Okay, let's see you do a 50 up and back. Want to see what your technique looks like."

I adjusted my cock in my tight suit and took off doing my best version of what I thought was the butterfly stroke. I'd never felt so self-conscious of myself as I did at this moment. One of the hottest guys on my team was watching me swim. My mind immediately flashed back to Robert's bedroom, and what I had felt in Cody's shorts that night, and how we had shot gunned and kissed. Damn it! I thought it was impossible to get hard while swimming, until now! Before I knew it the 50 was over.

"Okay, your pull looks good but it looks like you're having timing and body position problems." Cody said with a thoughtful expression, "Also your follow through is sloppy."

"Think of your body position and don't force your arms and shoulders forward." Cody said as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Just drop your chest when you move forward and let your arms go forward naturally, feel the rhythm of your body." Cody then ran his hands down the sides of my body, holding on to my hips. "Your core should feel like a wave. The kick should feel like a compliment of your arm movements, coming from your hips and whipping out of your feet. Let me show you." Cody did a quick 50 up and back, doing it slower to emphasize the movement.

"Remember what I said and try it again." Cody said encouragingly. I tried to remember what he was said about my body position, and felt myself moving slight better through the water. Not forcing it.

"Bro, that was really good." Cody said with a smile as he embraced me. I could feel that huge cock in his Speedo pressed against my own hard erection as he slowly ran his hands down over my ass. "Now, relax your hips as you do it, pretend your fucking Blaine." Cody said with a grin as he ground his crotch against my ass. "Just kidding, try it." He grinned.

"You're not making it easy," I joked.

"If it was easy it wouldn't be practice." He chuckled. I did another 50, keeping in mind what Cody had told me. It started to feel more natural, or at least not as much of a struggle as it did previously. Trying to do this after a long workout was starting to make me breath hard.

"You're doing great Park." Cody said as he hugged me from behind. "Now try to breath every other stroke, breathing slows you down." Cody said in my ear as he reached around and gave my erection a gentle squeeze.

Yeeahhhh..." Was all I could moan out, determined to show Cody I could do it. I swam another 50 fly and found myself badly gasping for air as I finished the lap while trying the new breathing technique. Cody rubbed my back to comfort me as I tried to catch my breath.

"The more you practice butterfly, the better your technique and endurance will get, and the faster you'll go." Cody said reassuringly as I felt him run his hands up and down my back.

"That was... intense." I gasped as I stood up and collapsed back into Cody's perfectly sculpted body as I waited for my lungs to finally stop burning. Cody embraced me from behind again and started running his hands all over me.

"Don't worry, you'll get better at it little bro." Cody whispered into my ear. I suddenly felt Cody's bulge rub against my ass as he gripped my hard erection. I couldn't resist pushing my ass back.

"I think we've covered everything today. Let's hit the showers." Cody whispered into my ear as he massaged my rock hard cock inside my skimpy red swim suit.

"Uh huh..." I moaned in agreement. We detached ourselves from each other and hopped out of the pool. I looked down and noticed my Speedo was clinging obscenely to my erection like a second skin. I glanced over at Cody's crotch and almost fainted. His erection was HUGE! It had to have been 9-inches or longer, and damn, it looked thick as fuck! The pattern on his pink Speedo was obscenely stretched out over the huge flesh tube snaking across to his hip. I felt my asshole twitch as I thought about the possibility of that huge piece of meat pushing inside me. Cody saw what I was looking at and just smiled as we walked together across the empty pool deck.

The locker room was quiet as we entered it. Everyone had already showered, changed, and left. It was just me and Cody alone. I swallowed hard at the possibilities of what was about to happen.

"Gonna grab my shower stuff, get the water going." Cody said as he stopped at his locker and opened it. I continued on into the shower room which was a big tiled room with shower heads all along the walls every few feet. I turned on two of the shower heads in the back corner, stepping under the spray as the water warmed up.

Cody entered the shower room carrying three different sized bottles. One was a large green bottle of body wash, the other was a smaller black bottle, and a third smaller brown glass bottle. He placed them all next to the wall then stood up and untied the knot on his Speedo, he then stepped forward and embraced me.

"You did well today." Cody said in a soothing tone as I watched him reach down and pull on the strings of my red Speedo, loosening it. My heart was beating so fast as I looked up at him, our eyes locking. He then leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. I felt like putty in his hands as I pushed my tongue into his mouth, our tongues meeting then dueling as I felt him push his hands down into the back of my Speedo, massaging my ass.

"Mmmmmpphhhh!" I felt the tip of one of Cody's fingers rub across the entrance of my asshole. I pushed back on his finger as he kept rubbing it over my quivering hole. Then I felt Cody's finger slowly push past my entrance and sink deep into me!

"MMMMMMPPPHHHH!!!" I groaned into Cody's mouth as he started to finger fuck me with long slow probing strokes. I ran my hands inside his Speedos, pulling out his huge 9-inch cock. It slipped out of my hands as I freed it from its skimpy confines, causing the huge flesh tube to flop against my stomach.

"ooh fuck Park..." Cody gasped into my mouth as I stroked his cock while I frantically pushed his suit down. Cody followed suit, as he pulled my Speedo down with his free hand as he continued to finger fuck me. We stayed lip locked through all this. I felt my Speedo pool around my feet as I stepped out of them and kicked them away. We were both finally naked!

I pressed my Freshman body against Cody's perfectly sculpted Senior body, our smooth wet skin rubbing against each other under the spray of the warm water as we continued to make out. I could feel Cody grinding his impressive cock against my stomach. Fuck he was big! Way bigger than both Ryan and the cucumber!

"MMMMMMMMMPPPHHHH!!!" I groaned again into Cody's mouth as I felt him add a second finger, stretching my hole wider, making my hole burn so good! I was like his bitch in heat as I pushed back on his probing fingers, my hole relaxing to let his fingers in. I thought back to what Robert said before practice, not to worry and enjoy the sex for what it was. Just sex. Sex between bros, helping each other out. I wanted to please Cody so bad, to be accepted by him, to be a part of their team! I pulled back from our kissing.

"Fuck me Cody..." I pleaded as I stared into his eyes. Cody had a look of pure lust on his face that I'd never seen before. It scared me, but also excited me at the same time.

"Oh Park, I'm gonna fuck you so good..." Cody partly gasped and growled. He pulled his fingers out of my ass, then quickly positioned me so I was braced against the wall, like he was about to frisk me. He quickly reached down and grabbed the medium sized black bottle and squirted out a generous amount of the clear liquid onto his hand and applied the liquid over the entire length of his cock.

"Just lubing us up." Cody winked as he pushed two fingers deep into my loosened upturned ass.

"Oooohhhh gaaawd!" I moaned at the sensation of his fingers slipping inside me easily.

"Such a hot ass..." Cody groaned to himself as I felt him twist his fingers around inside me, loosening my hole up even more.

"Ooooohhhhh Codyyyy!" I moaned out louder as I felt him push a third lubed finger inside me, stretching my hole wider. Fuck it also felt so good! Especially when his knuckles rubbed over my prostate. I found myself pushing back, wanting more of the sensations his fingers were giving me. I felt so horny! I wanted Cody so bad!

"You ready?" I heard Cody say as I felt him move into position behind me. I looked back over my shoulder and saw his hard 9-inch cock, veins bulging out, the bulbous purple cock head ready to enter me. The moment I'd been waiting for since I woke up this morning was now here. A part of me was slightly scared his huge cock was going to rip me apart, but I didn't care! I wanted Cody to fuck me! I wanted that huge cock of his inside me! I pushed back on his fingers again as my lust took over my body.


"Yes what?" Cody said with a smile and a twist of his fingers.

"Yeeessss... pleeease fuck me!" I whimpered. My teen voice cracking as I said it.

Cody didn't say anything, he just smiled as I felt him quickly remove his three fingers, then felt him nudge that huge cock head of his against the entrance of my hole.

"Uuugh God!" I gasped as I felt the tip of Cody's cock start to stretch the opening of my hole wider and wider.

""OOOOOOOOWWFUUUUCK!" I yelled out, flinching as I tried to move away from Cody, but he held me firmly in place as he pressed me against the shower wall.

"UUUUGGGHHHH!" The crown of Cody's monstrous cock head popped past the entrance of my hole, followed by a few inches of his thick shaft, stretching my hole wider than it had ever been before.

"You can take it Park." Cody cooed as he firmly held onto my hips, making slow hunches with his hips as he worked his hard shaft deeper into me. "Just breath... ride the pain... just like swimming."

"I'm... I'm trying...!" I whimpered. My ass felt like it was on fire! It felt like Cody was ripping me apart! I started to wonder if my lust had gotten me in over my head. His cock was way bigger than Robert's cock! Suddenly Cody stopped, reached down without removing his cock and grabbed the smallest bottle he brought off the tile floor.

"Sniff this, it will help." Cody said as he held the open brown bottle in front of my face. I didn't question Cody as I inhaled deeply. Whatever it was smelled awful as the vapors went right up my nose and into my head, making me feel dizzy. Then a warm sensation rushed over me as I felt my ass muscles suddenly relax.

"Yeah, that's it Park... get into the zone." Cody groaned as I felt his cock suddenly sink deeper into me. The pain I was feeling in my ass suddenly faded away as a familiar sensation replaced it. The same wonderful sensations I was feeling when Robert fucked me at his house.

"Oooooh fuuuuck..." I gasped as Cody started to make little fucking motions, working his lubed up cock even deeper into me.

"Be a part of us Parker..." Cody groaned as I closed my eyes and gave in to the sensations Cody's cock was giving me. "Be a part of our team..." Then my lust kicked in. At that moment I wanted to do whatever it took to be part of Cody's team.

"Fuuuuckyeeeeeeeessss..." Suddenly slipped from my mouth. "Whatever it takes..." I couldn't help myself as I started pushing back. I wanted to be a part of them so badly, a part of their crew!

"Yeeeah... soooo tight Parker!" Cody moaned as he sped up his thrusts. I could feel his cock going in deeper and deeper with each thrust. I suddenly felt myself pushing back harder, my wet body wanting more. Suddenly I felt his hips slapping against my bare ass.

"Oh Fuck..." UUNGH! "Park..." UUNGH! "You got it..." UUNGH! "It's all in you..." Cody said triumphantly between grunts as he started long dicking me with his full 9-inches.

"UUUGH! Fuuuck me Cody..." I moaned as I grabbed the small, weird smelling bottle out of Cody's hand and inhaled deeply a second time. I suddenly felt like I was floating on air. "UUUGH! GAWD! FUCK MEEEE!" I whimpered as I tried to push back, meeting every forward thrust he made as we wildly fucked each other. Lust was now in full control of both of us.

"UUUGH! Fuck yeah! No regrets Park!" Cody grunted as he started fucking me hard and deep. His cock slamming into my prostate, like a sledgehammer with each inward thrust. All I could hear was the two of us grunting and groaning mixed in with the sounds of the shower and our flesh slapping.

"FUCK MEEE!" SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! "UUUGH FUCK PARKER!" SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! "UUUUUGGGHHHGAAAWWDDD!!!" I suddenly felt a tingle start behind my balls, then shoot throughout my body as an orgasm rocked me! I glanced down and watched my cock shoot out gobs of cum all over the wet shower floor. I hadn't even touched my myself!

"Fuck yeah Parker! Keep cumming for me!" Cody moaned as he reached around and started stroking my sensitive cock, milking it. My mind was spinning as Cody kept fucking me, so good with his monster meat, his perfect swimmer's body making me feel so good. He was owning me! Making me his! Claiming me for the team!

"Such a nice ass!" Cody mumbled to himself, "I wanted you since the first day I saw you at tryouts." Cody kept up his frantic pace as he fucked me hard and deep, pinning me against the tile wall. I felt him press his body against mine, lifting me up, holding me in his arms as his athletic body made sharp upward thrusts into me. I felt skewered on his 9-inch cock, his cock buried so deep inside me.

"UUUGH! FUCK MEEEE! OH GOD FUUUCK ME!" I felt out of control, my body was tingling all over as Cody had me on my tip toes, fucking up into me. I could feel another orgasm building as Cody's thick meat pounded my overstimulated prostate.

"So close... gonna cum..." Cody grunted into my ear as his thrusts became shorter and deeper. Just the thought of Cody cumming inside me pushed me over the edge as I felt my balls start to contract for a second time.

"Cum in me!" I gasped.

"You want my load Park?" Cody responded breathlessly.


"FUCK YEAH! GONNA CUM DEEP IN YOUR ASS!" Cody growled as he started pounding my ass without mercy.

SLOP! SLOP! SLOP! SLOP! SLURP! SLURP! SLURP! The wet sloppy sounds of Cody's huge cock working my loose hole filled my ears.

"UUUUGGGHHHH FUUUUCK YEEEESSSSS!!!! CUM IN MEEEEEEE!!!!!" I moaned like a bitch in heat from the fucking Cody's 9-inch cock was giving my insides, his shaft pounding my prostate hard. I suddenly felt myself cumming again, my cock unloading a second hands free load against the tiled wall. My ass contracted hard around Cody's thrusting cock.

"FUCK! YOUR ASS! SOOO TIGHT!" Cody growled as he pushed hard & deep one last time. I could feel his body shaking as he unloaded his young seed deep into my ass. Suddenly our bodies became still. Our mutual orgasms subsiding.

Cody finally spoke up. "No regrets?"

I looked back at him with a satisfied grin. "Whatever it takes."

Cody lowered me down and slowly pulled his 9-inch cock out of my ass. I felt strangely empty now that Cody was not in me. I reached behind me and felt my hole.

"It's so open." I said to myself as I fingered my sore leaking hole which was agape from the recent fucking Cody just gave me.

"Don't worry Park, it will close up." Cody said reassuringly.

I turned and looked at what was inside me. Cody's huge cock was still hard and bulging, coated with a combination of his cum and my ass juices. I noticed there was a black band around the base of his cock.

"What's that?"

"It's called a cock ring, keeps me hard." Cody grinned, "It also kept me from cumming too soon."

"Oh." I said still in a daze as I held his long cock in my hands. Cody gasped as my hands ran over his oversensitive shaft. Cody gently removed my hands as a shudder rippled through his body.

"You have such a hot ass Parker. Welcome to our Crew." Cody cooed as he pulled me into an embrace, kissing me as he guided us under the spray of the shower.

"Whatever It Takes, No Regrets." I thought to myself as we kissed long in hard under the spray of the locker room showers. Cody's cum leaking down the insides of my legs. My thoughts went right to Blaine, and how I hoped he would be into this too. Only time will tell.

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Other stories:

Checkmated (Adult-youth) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/checkmated

Watching the Boys (Adult-youth) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/watching-the-boys

The Thirsty Boy (Sci-Fi) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/the-thirsty-boy

The Merger (Sci-Fi) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/the-merger

An Agreement Between Brothers (Incest) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/an-agreement-between-brothers

Incestsemilla (Incest) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/incestsemillia

And in the Bi-sexual section: http://www.nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/my-maddie

Next: Chapter 5

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