Swimming for the Team

By Graphmuse

Published on Feb 21, 2018


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. IT'S FICTION!

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Please understand this is a work of fiction. The actions described in the story are not real or encouraged or condoned in real life. It's just a story kids.

For Matej.

Swimming for The Team – Chapter 5

I felt like a boy on fire as I kept trying to hungrily kiss Cody. But he easily deflected my attempts as the larger teen kept washing the sex juices off my ass and legs. Cody then knelt to wash my calves, making my cock level with his head. I immediately started rubbing my hard cock all over his face. Cody looked up at me with a look I'd never seen before. He reached up and firmly grabbed my cock gripping it hard. He then stood up not letting go. It ached so good! I bit my lower lip as I held back from moaning.

"You want me to fuck you again slut?" Cody growled, his piercing eyes going right through me. I suddenly felt my cock pulse in his hand! I felt so scared, but also excited! I felt... Yes... I wanted to feel him fuck me again! Feel him inside me! Fucking me with his big cock!

"Yes...." I choked out, almost too afraid to say it as I looked deeply into his eyes. Cody tugged on my cock, whipping me around until I was facing away from him. He pulled me back into his wet muscular body, holding me from behind as he ran his hands all over my wet body. I immediately felt his huge cock nestle inside the crease of my ass. His hard 9-inch upper class cock was poised and ready to fuck! Ready to fuck me!

"I can't hear you Park." Cody groaned as I felt his bulbous cock head press firmly against the entrance to my horny teen asshole.

"Uuuuuuughh...yyessss... fuck me Cody..." I whispered breathlessly. Then I felt him pushing into me, stretching me wide open as the tip of his huge cock slowly sank in.

"Fuck me againNNNNN!!!" I gasped as Cody's girth easily slipped inside me once again! My sore hole forced open as Cody thrust the rest of his 9-inch shaft deep inside me. Cody didn't give me time to adjust as he started fucking me hard.


"You like my cock? You like me fucking you Park?" Cody grunted, his butterfly timing not missing a beat.

"Fuck me Cody!!!" I grunted as I braced myself against the tiled shower room wall, arching my ass up like a bitch in heat as Cody fucked me like a wild animal.


I couldn't speak! My ass felt so good! I started pushing back as his hips slapped hard against my ass. His entire 9-inch cock pounding the deepest parts of my boy hole, pushing my ass closer and closer to orgasm.




I felt dizzy as Cody kept fucking me with long fast thrusts. His entire 9-inch cock thrusting in and out of my smaller teen body at a blinding pace. He was using me, using me like I wanted him to use me! I wanted him to want me! Then I imagined the whole team doing this to me! All the guys fucking me hard!


"FUUUCK BREEDING YOUR HOLE PARK!!!" Cody's voice echoed through the shower room as he made one last final thrust into me, pushing me hard against the shower wall, jamming his hips hard against my ass as he fully impaled me on his pulsing 9-inch spear.

"Take my seed Park!" I could feel his cock twitching inside me as his balls empty their second load deep inside me. We stayed locked like that under the spray of the shower for a few minutes, both too tired to move, but also enjoying our moment of being joined.

Cody finally pulled his deflating cock out of my loose teen ass. I felt Cody's plum sized cock head finally popped free from my hole, releasing a huge glob of cum down the insides of my wet legs. I awkwardly turned towards Cody, my legs still wobbly from the incredible second fuck I just received from my hunky team mate.

I leaned in and tenderly kissed Cody. He smiled pulling back from my kiss, "We... we really should get going."

"You sure?" I smiled deviously as I gently rubbed my still hard, 14-year-old cock against his body. Cody reached over and turned the water off on both shower heads.

"What have I created?" Cody chuckled as he started tickling me. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he was too strong.

"AAAH!!! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!" I laughed uncontrollably as Cody kept tickling me under my arm pits.

"Okay, I'll stop, just remember who's top..." He said mockingly. Cody then lifted me up and carried me out of the shower room over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

I still felt a bit wobbly as we toweled off and got dressed back into our street clothes.

"You look very pleased with yourself." Cody smirked as he slipped his shorts on over his perfect ass. I looked at Cody, confused.

"You've been grinning like a Cheshire Cat the whole time." Cody laughed putting his t shirt on.

"I have?" I felt myself blushing as I pulled my shorts on over my still semi hard cock. I followed Cody's lead and didn't bother putting any underwear on.

"Yeah." Cody smirked as he slipped his feet into his flip flops.

"Uh, I..." I suddenly felt tongue tied. Cody gently pulled me into his arms and kissed me tenderly. Fuck! I felt myself melt into him!

"You're a great guy Park, I'm glad we got to know each other better." Cody whispered as we kissed again, only this time it was a mutual tender kiss. "Plus, I think you'll make a great butterflyer." I felt like I was floating.

We stuffed our wet suits and towels in our backpacks and started to head out of the locker room. As we passed coach's office we noticed the lights were still on. Cody went up and gently knocked on the door.

"Yes? Come in." I heard Coach VanHorne say from inside. We both walked into the office. Coach was sitting at his desk doing paperwork.

"We're finished out here. I think Parker here will be a great addition to the relay team." I just stood there with a dumb smirk on my face hoping Coach didn't notice my still chubbed up cock in my shorts.

"Cool, that's good to know." Coach said as he gave me a wink. "You boys have a good night." As I turned to leave, but noticed a pair of pink Speedos laying on the ground next to Coach VanHorne's desk. Weren't those Sean's?

"Thanks Coach." Cody replied as he guided me out of the office and closed the door behind us. As we made our way out of the locker room my mind was racing. Had Sean been in there? Was he still in there?

Then another thought hit me. If Coach had been there the whole time, did he see us fuck? Just as we exited the locker room I swear I heard someone moan, but it didn't sound like the coach.

As we got outside I choked out, "I didn't know Coach wore a pink Speedo?" My mouth had gone dry for some reason.

Cody just smirked, "No, Sean is the only one daring enough to wear a pink Speedo." I didn't ask further, but my mind was racing. Was Sean really in there? Was Coach doing stuff with some of the boys on the team? I did find the Coach sexy as fuck. For an old guy his body was still tight as fuck! I mean he was 32, old enough to be my dad. Shit! My cock was getting hard again as I thought what it would feel like to have him fuck me!

"Jason tells me you live over on over on Beechdale Road?" Cody asked as we walked across the campus back to the parking lot. I guess I was too wrapped up in my thoughts as he bumped me with his elbow, "Earth to Parker?"

"Huh? What?" I stammered, trying not to look silly.

"You live on Beechdale?" Cody asked again, "On the other side of Roland Avenue?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah." My head was still spinning after all that had happened today. Then I realized what Cody was asking me. "Wait, why?"

"I was going to give you a ride home."

"But I rode my bike to school?"

"So? I have a jeep with a bike rack."

"Oh." We continued walking across the empty school campus in silence. I felt my heart start to beat faster, my cock chubbing up once again as I realized I was now part of Robert and Cody's group, their crew.

"You okay?" Cody finally asked.

I glanced at Cody, smiling warmly back at me. "Uh, yeah." God, he was beautiful! I was still in awe of him. I suddenly felt brave.

"So, you're going to take me home?" I grinned mischievously at the tall blonde Senior next to me.

"Yeah." Cody smirked, "Does that bother you?"

"Nope, not at all." I smiled. Cody put his arm around me as we walked the final distance alone to the bike rack. I unlocked my bike and walked over to Cody's jeep. As Cody secured my bike on the bike rack attached to the back of his jeep I sent my mom a text, telling her that Cody was driving me home. Mom quickly texted back, "OK"

As we drove out of the parking lot my phone started buzzing. I looked at the phone, it was Robert calling. I answered and put it on speaker mode.

"Hi Robert!" I said loudly over the noise of the jeep.

"Hey sexy, you in the jeep with Cody?"

"Yup, he's right here."

"Sup Bro." Cody chimed in.

"How did the Fly clinic go? Learn anything?"

"I learned a few things." I said, right before both Cody and I started laughing.

"I bet you did." Robert laughed.

"Yeah, he's a good guy." Cody said smiling at me as he reached over and stroked my thigh. The way Cody smiled at me made my cock fully harden up.

"You think Park will fit in with the guys?" Robert asked Cody.

"Yeah, I think so." Cody grinned as he ran his hand up over the prominent bulge in my shorts, giving my now aching cock a squeeze.

My heart was racing, and I wasn't thinking right when I suddenly blurted out, "He was a good fit in me." I suddenly realized what I just said as I looked at Cody with a shocked expression. There was a brief pause before all three of us started laughing.

Cody kept rubbing my erection as he kept driving, "Yeah, we had an extra-long shower after the clinic." Cody added.

"I be you did." Robert laughed, "Jealous I wasn't there to help."

"Call me when you get home Cody. Gotta go. Lates guys."

"Bye." Cody and I chimed in at the same time as Robert hung up. Cody suddenly asked me another question, but this one I wasn't expecting.

"What do you think of Blaine?" Cody kept gently squeezing and stroking my hardon through my shorts. I started thinking about Blaine. I felt myself sink lower in the front seat, my legs opening wider to allow Cody better access.

"I... ugh... He's... nice." I groaned in a faraway tone as Cody kept feeling me up.

"You like him?" Cody smiled curiously.

"Yeah..." I smiled back with a goofy grin.

Cody just smiled back, "Cool."

Before I knew it, we were pulling into the driveway of my house. "Here we are." Cody announced. He never took his hand off my erection as Cody turned to me and leaned in, kissing me long and hard. Fuck! He was amazing as our tongues fought with each other. Cody broke off our kiss and got out of the jeep. It was then I realized I was sporting a huge boner in my shorts. How was I going to hide this from my mom? I hoped out of the jeep and pulled my school pullover out of my school backpack, then tied it around my waist, hiding my obvious bulge.

Cody wheeled my bike from the back of the jeep as I pulled out my house keys and hit the button on the garage door remote. The huge metal door came to life as it loudly started to open revealing my mom's car was parked inside. Just as the door finished opening we stepped inside. Right on cue my mom popped her head out of the door leading inside.

"Hi honey!" My mom said in her usual perky voice, stepping out into the garage.

"Hi Mom, this is Cody. He's a senior, and on the team." Mom reached out and shook Cody's hand as I took the bike and parked it in the corner.

"Hello, nice to meet you Mrs. Fleming." Cody smiled warmly.

"Thank you for bringing my son home, how did the Fly clinic go?" She was starting to sound like Robert.

"He's showing some real promise. Mrs. Fleming. He's a natural." Cody said with a grin as he looked at me. I just blushed and smiled shyly as Cody showered me with praise, although I picked up on his double meaning. Thankfully my mom didn't suspect anything.

"That's good to hear. Thanks again for bringing him home."

"No problem, Mrs. Fleming. See you at school Park." Cody waved, then turned and walked back to his jeep. I wanted to kiss him goodbye, but I knew that wasn't in the cards.

Mom turned and looked at me, "Park?"

"Yeah, they call me that sometimes." Shit! Was I blushing? Mom shook her head and went inside, pressing the button closing the garage door. Just as Cody started backing out we made eye contact. He winked and smiled at me before the garage door cut off our view of each other. Just that gesture alone made me weak in the knees. I quickly followed mom inside, lugging my two backpacks over my shoulder.

As I got inside the house mom started babbling from the kitchen, "He's such a sweat boy. Glad you have friends like that."

"Yeah, he's great, showed me a lot of stuff today during the clinic." I said as I dropped my bags at the base of the stairs. If mom only knew what he had showed me. I shuffled into the kitchen as mom flipped open a pizza box.

My eyes lit up, "Pizza! I'm so hungry." I grabbed a plate and piled three slices of peperoni pizza on it, then sat at the kitchen counter stuffing my face.

Mom rolled her eyes. "Swimmers, always hungry."

"Mwaat?" I said a mouth full of peperoni pizza. Damn, I was starting to sound like Jason.

Mom shook her head, "Just don't forget to breath. Then get ready for bed soon." She disappeared back into the living room to watch TV. I texted Blaine as I worked on my pizza.

Me: Hey Blaine, just got home

Blaine quickly texted back.

Blaine: Hi Parker, how did the clinic go?

Me: Good, U want to Facetime?

Blaine: Yeah, NP

Me: Cool, give me a few, still eating

Blaine: Okay :)

I quickly ate a few more slices of pizza then grabbed my backpacks and headed up to my room. I suddenly felt the need to shit as I ducked into my bathroom. But what came out wasn't shit, but rather the loads that Cody had pumped into me. For some reason, I reached under me and inspected my puffy wet ass lips. I hesitantly slipped one, then two of my fingers up into my wet loosened hole. My insides felt so sensitive as I slowly finger fucked myself.

"Oh fuck... wish I still had that cucumber." I moaned to myself as I thought back to how Cody's thick 8 inches felt inside me. No wonder the other guys gave knowing looks when they heard I was getting a one on one clinic from "The Shark". How many of the other guys on the team have had one on ones with Cody? My mind then shifted to Robert, and how good it felt to have him fuck me. Then Blaine flashed in my head as I started thinking about him. How I wanted to show him how good it could feel.

"Oh crap, I need to FaceTime him." I thought to myself as I removed my fingers and quickly tidied up in the bathroom. I slipped on a pair of sweat pants, grabbed my phone and flopped on my bed. I sent Blaine's number a FaceTime request and waited for a response. It rang a few times before Blaine's face popped up on my phone. His face looked flush.

"Hey Parker." Blaine smiled. He was laying back on his bed like me, and was shirtless, I secretly hoped he was naked.

"Just got home."

"How was Cody?"

"He was good, showed me some new tricks with butterfly." I hoped I didn't blush as I said that.

"He's such a great swimmer. You think he could show me how to do butterfly?"

"I don't see why not? You just need to ask him."

Blaine's face suddenly changed, "I... I don't think I could do that."

"Why not?"

"I... I'd be too intimidated."

"It's just Cody, it's not like he's going to bit you or anything?"

Blaine bit his lower lip as if he was resisting to say something. "Can I tell you something?"


"But you promise you can't tell anyone else!" Blaine said in a serious tone.

"Yeah, I promise."

Blaine paused, deciding if he should reveal his secret, "Well... I..." Was he blushing? "I have a huge crush on him."

I smirked at his big reveal, "Well duh, who doesn't?" I laughed.

"But what if he finds out I'm gay?"

I almost blurted out Cody had fucked me twice in the showers, but I held that back. "Don't worry Blaine, he's not like that. He's really cool and won't judge you. Just ask him if he can help you with your technique."

Blaine kept blushing as he kept stammering, "I was also worried... you'd be jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?" Now I was really curious where this was going.

"Me and Cody together doing stuff? I know you like him."

"Cody and I are friends, but I... like you too." I sheepishly grinned, Shit! I could feel myself blushing!

Blaine smiled, "You mean that?" I moved my free hand down into my sweat pants, gripping my hardening cock as I looked at this amazing boy on my phone.

"Uh, Yeah."

"Can I tell you something?" Blaine said with a sheepish grin.

"Yeah." This boy had me hard now.

"Before you called, I... I was thinking about you." I noticed Blaine's body shift slightly.

"Really?" I whispered as I started to slowly stroke my cock in my sweat pants.

"Yeah..." Blaine said in a far-off tone.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Are you stroking yourself right now?"

Blaine's face went full on red as he slowly nodded yes.

"So am I." I hit the reverse button on the phone, the image of my hand inside my sweatpants showed on Blaine's screen. Blaine's eyes got wide as I slipped my 6-inch cock out of my sweats, revealing it to Blaine.

"So hot." I heard Blaine mumble. Blaine fumbled with his phone and hit the reverse button showing he was completely naked on his bed. His long smooth legs stretched out on his bed as he stroked his hard 5-inch teen cock. I noticed it was already leaking considerably.

"I wish I was there with you right now to help you with that." I groaned as I stroked my cock harder.

"Oh Park, I fucking love you guys. So hot!" Blaine whimpered as he increased his stroking.

"Cum for me Blaine." I groaned again as I started stroking in time with him.

"UUGH! FUCK! GONNA... UUUGH!" Blaine's legs twitched as he immediately started shooting cum all over his smooth flat stomach, the sight of him doing that sent me over the edge as I started cumming as well. I tried to keep the phone steady as wave after wave of pleasure shot through me. Finally, we both switched back to face view. Blaine had a look of pure bliss on his face.

"That was amazing." Blaine cooed.

"You're so sexy Blaine." I shot back, smiling wide.



"I better go, I need to clean up and go to bed. See you tomorrow." Blaine smiled as he signed off.

"See ya." I smiled back as the screen went dark.

"Wow! I just stroked off with Blaine!" I thought as I licked the cum off my hand pretending it was Blaine's cum.

Being on the swim team was really making me quite the horn dog. My mind was racing a million miles a minute with so many thoughts flooding my mind. What would sex be like with Blaine? Would he eventually be my boyfriend? What about the other guys on the team? Would I still be able to have sex with Robert and Cody? Would Blaine mind sharing me? Or maybe Blaine and I could share ourselves with the other guys on the team? I wanted to know what sex was like with the other guys, but I also wanted Blaine. I suddenly let out a huge yawn, as my body finally signaled it was ready for sleep.

"I guess I'll have to wait and see." I said to myself as I started my nightly ritual of cleaning up before going to sleep. By the time I crawled into bed I was feeling the effects of the day. I was too tired to even put on clothes as I slipped in between the sheets naked. I was starting to like the feel of sleeping in the nude.

As sleep overtook me, visions of Robert and Cody fucking me with their huge cocks filled my mind. Then, the vision morphed into me and Blaine getting fucked side by side as they fucked us. Me watching Blaine take all of Cody's thick 9 inches as Robert plowed my ass with his hard 8 inches. Then it was the two of us taking on the entire team! I fell asleep with my cock throbbing in my hand as me and Blaine took cock after cock from our fellow teammates, filling us with their teen seed. What a wonderful way to fall asleep.


The next day started out normal, with my phone waking me up followed by my mom banging on my door telling me I was going to be late for school. I dashed out of bed with my usual morning wood leading the way, then quickly stroked one out in the shower while thinking about Blaine, Robert, and Cody. The only difference this time was me getting off on watching the two older Seniors spit roast Blaine. That made me pop right away.

I then got dressed, ran downstairs, and quickly ate some breakfast in record time as I barely acknowledging my mom. Then hoped on my bike and headed to school, excited to see Blaine again, especially after our hot chat last night. Unfortunately, I wouldn't see him until Assembly.

The bike ride to school felt like it took forever as I dodged and weaved through the streets. Actually, I arrived early, locking up my bike and heading into the main building. I did my usual routine of putting away my books while getting the stuff I needed for Algebra II class. As I closed the door to my locker, I came face to face with Blaine. He was standing there shyly smiling at me.

"Hi Parker." I think he started blushing.

"Hi Blaine." My throat went dry as I whispered my next sentence to him, "Thanks for chatting with me last night."

"I... I liked it too." He smiled shyly while looking down, then I saw his eyes get really wide. I looked down and noticed I was showing a bulge in the front of my slacks. Damn, when did I get hard? I didn't even feel it! Then I noticed Blaine was starting to show a bulge in the front of his slacks as well. We stood there smiling at each other. I wanted to reach out and rub his bulge, kiss him, run my fingers through his hair, smell him, do dirty things to him. Right there! In the hallway of the school!

"Hey guys!" Jason's voice snapped us out of our moment. We both jumped, as we suddenly fumbled to regain a normal composure.

"Hey! Hi! What's going on?" I babbled, as I covered my erection with my books. Blaine did the same with his books.

Jason smirked deviously, "Did I... interrupt something?"

"Yeah, I mean, no... just... getting some books." I stammered. I didn't sound convincing at all as I had already closed my locker. Blaine didn't say a word, he just stood there with a stunned look on his face.

"Okay...?" Jason said with a grin as he looked at me and Blaine. There was an awkward pause between the three of us before Jason finally said something.

"So... what class do you have Blaine?"

"I... uh, English..." Blaine smiled weakly.

"Cool. Park and I have math next." Jason replied with a grin. He didn't seem phased by our moment.

I made eye contact with Blaine and smiled, he smiled meekly back, "See you at Assembly?"

"Yeah, see you there."

Blaine turned and walked away keeping his books over his crotch. Jason started talking about something math related as we headed in the other direction. I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. I was more concerned trying to walk while keeping my books covering my noticeable bulge.

We finally made it to the classroom and sat down. I was trying to think of anything that would make my dick go down, but nothing was working. My dick just wouldn't go soft! As class started I finally gave in. I leaned back in my chair, lowered my hand under the desk and laid the palm of my hand over my bulging erection. Then I started to lightly rub it over the length of my sensitive bulge.

God that felt sooooo good! I tried not to moan as I kept gently rubbed my hard cock through my pants. Jason noticed my actions and just smiled before returning his attention to the teacher's lesson. I think he liked that I was hard as I noticed Jason adjusting a noticeable bulge in his pants. My erection was making him hard?!

Jason slumped back in his chair, mimicking my position, but not looking at me. He then put his hand under his desk and slowly started rubbing his own erection through the front of his pants just like I was! I felt my heart start to race and my face flush as he started groping and rubbing his bulge. The blonde haired, blue eyed boy glanced at me and smirked as we both started to rub in time with each other. I wanted to whip my cock out right there and stroke it out with him so bad!

Jason suddenly stopped rubbing his now prominent bulge and pulled his dress shirt out of his slacks, covering his showing erection. He then raised his hand to ask the teacher a question. I quickly pulled my dress shirt out of my pants, just so the other students couldn't see my arching bulge.

"Yes, Jason, what is it?" The teacher asked as he paused his lesson.

"I need to use the restroom. Parker can accompany me." Jason stated confidently. The teacher reached down and pulled a pre-written hall pass off the top of his desk and extended it to Jason. He hopped out of his desk and grabbed the small piece of paper from the teacher as I followed quickly behind him.

As we left the classroom, the teacher barked, "Tuck in your shirts gentlemen." We pretended to do so as we left the classroom.

"I can't believe you did that?" I whispered to Jason as we walked down the hallway to the restroom. Jason didn't say anything as we walked into the restroom. He stood in front of one of the urinals, and quickly unzipped his pants, pulling his painfully hard looking, 5 and half inch cock out of his tan slacks. I felt hypnotized as I watched Jason gently pull the foreskin back, revealing his wet and leaking purple cock head from its sheath.

"We don't have much time." Jason gasped as he looked at me with a hungry look. I quickly stood next to him at the next urinal and pulled out my hard, cut cock. We watched each other stroke our throbbing cocks, which were both now leaking profusely. It was strange, but extremely hot to watch Jason stroke his uncut dick.

I had never thought about Jason sexually before. I'd seen his cock briefly in the locker room when we changed during swim practice, but I'd never seen it hard like this. He truly had a beautiful cock. Jason suddenly stopped stroking his cock and reached over, pushing my hand off my erection, then began stroking me.

"Oh fuck..." I moaned under my breath.

"Stroke me Parker. Help me out, bro." Jason choked out.

I hesitated, "Are... are you sure?" Jason grabbed my hand with his free hand and placed it on his cock.

Jason replied, "What are teammates for? We help each other out when we need help." I looked up at Jason as we made eye contact. I suddenly felt a connection between us, a bond. It wasn't the same like with Blaine, but it was certainly hot! It was pure lust, and it felt so good to share it with my fellow swim team mate. I started to gently stroke him.

"Fuuuck yeah, bro..." Jason moaned as I leaned my head against his. I could hear Jason's labored breathing as we worked each other closer to orgasm.

Jason started mumbling, "So fucking nice bro. I know your attracted to Blaine. He's so hot! I'd love to have him give me the look he gave you today. You're really hot too..." I suddenly felt Jason turn his head and lick the side of my face. I turned my head, surprised by his action, but in doing so his mouth met with mine. He immediately smothered my mouth with his, thrusting his tongue into my mouth! Fuck! Before I knew it, we were kissing! And kissing good!

"MMMMMMMPPPPHHHH!!!" Jason groaned into my mouth as I felt his cock throb in my hand. Then I felt his hot cum start to coat my hand as we kept kissing! I felt Jason quickly take his hand and catch some of his cum in his hand, getting it wet, then continued to stroke my cock. Only this time his hand was lubed with his own cum as he stroked me off. That pushed me over the edge as I started cumming hard, moaning into his mouth as I shot my load into the urinal. We both stood there at the urinals leaning against each other as we caught our breaths recovering from our mutual orgasm. Thankfully, no one came into the restroom during all this.

Jason finally broke the silence as he waddled over to the sink, "We better get cleaned up and head back." He washed his hands then wiped his deflating cock clean with some paper towels. I did the same as I cleaned Jason's cum off my cock then washed my hands. Just as we were tucking in our shirts, some older students came in to use the restroom. Jason and I headed out back to class in silence. I knew I liked what had happened between me and Jason, but I wondered what it meant for our relationship? Jason picked up on my stilted silence.

"Hey Park, you okay?"

"Yeah, more than okay." I grinned.

"Okay, just checking. I know you have feelings for Blaine. Remember its just sex between friends. We're just helping each other out."

"Yeah, I know." I smiled back.

"Remember our motto."

"What motto?" For some reason I couldn't remember what Jason was talking about.

"You remember... Whatever It Takes, No Regrets." Jason said nudging my shoulder. Then it hit me, of course, Robert and Cody told me the same thing.

"Ha, yeah I forgot." I then leaned closer to Jason, "You made me cum so hard I forgot." Jason let out a loud short laugh, then covered his mouth realizing it was too loud as it echoed down the hallway.

"Oops, yeah." We both giggled quietly as we approached our classroom. None of the other students paid attention to us as Jason and I sat back down at our desks. I was just glad I wasn't hard anymore, and also grateful as to how my fellow teammate had helped me out. It truly was a bonding experience for both of us.

Thankfully, the rest of math class was uneventful, and before I knew it, math class was over.

Jason and I walked out of the classroom into the now busy hallway, he gave me a knowing look, "Thanks for helping me out bro." He whispered.

"Anything to help out a teammate." I grinned.

Jason winked, "Glad you're part of the team. See you at Assembly." then disappeared into the crowd of hurrying students. I quickly headed off to English class darting in and around crowds of boys walking in the hallway. I made it to my next class in record time as I quickly sat down, still thinking about what had just transpired between me and Jason.

"What up Park?"

I looked up as Sean and Geoff sat down next to me.

"Hey guys."

"I'm not ready for this class." Geoff yawned.

"You're never ready." Sean sneered.

"But you always are..." Geoff paused with a smirk. "...for anything."

"Boy Scout motto, always be prepared." Sean grinned.

"That's IF you're a Boy Scout... you're more of a boy slut." Geoff scoffed. I noticed Sean blush. Geoff always knew what to say to shut down Sean. Class started as the teacher instructed us to pull out our copies of Lord of the Flies.

Sean suddenly leaned over and whispered. "Hey, Cody is a good fuck, isn't he?"

I shot him a look of shock, my face blushing hard, but I didn't have time to respond as the teacher got our attention. I glanced at Sean, he just smiled back with that cocky smirk of his. Fuck! How did he know? Was he really in the lockers last night? With the coach? It would explain why his pink Speedo was on the floor of coach's office. For some reason my cock hardened up again knowing Sean might have known what happened last night. I hated Sean sometimes, but I also found him sexy as fuck too. And our class covering the Lord of the Flies book wasn't helping my concentration. Talking about nearly naked boys running around on a deserted tropical island. Ugh, not helping!

I sat through the rest of English class trying to pay attention, but I had visions of Sean and the Coach watching me and Cody fuck like wild animals in the showers. My mind wandered as I thought about the Couch fucking Sean hard across the desk in his office, maybe right after Cody and I had left the locker room. The noise we heard was Sean being penetrated hard by the Coach's huge cock.

"Fuck! Stop thinking about this!" I screamed in my head, as I tried to regain control of my thoughts.

Thankfully, English class went by quickly, and was over before I knew it. Sean and Geoff packed up their books as I tried to do the same with a full-on erection straining inside my slacks. Sean noticed my problem, but didn't say anything. He just smiled that devious smile of his as the three of us walked out together on our way to Assembly. I kept my backpack in front of me, hiding my now extremely hard erection as we walked down the hallway to the Alumni Auditorium.

"How was Cody's stroke clinic last night?" Geoff asked casually. Sean didn't say anything, but still had that cocky, knowing smile on his face.

"It was... it was good, he showed me a lot." I stammered back.

"Cool, he's such an amazing swimmer. I bet he'll get picked up by USC or some awesome college team like that." Geoff replied. Sean must not have told him about what he saw last night.

"Yeah, he definitely knows his stuff." I smiled, thinking back to how good his huge cock felt pounding my ass. We had now made it to the auditorium. The students moved in slowly causing the three of us to cram together as we made our way inside. Geoff was in front of me, as I felt Sean to push himself into my backside. I suddenly felt him push his erection against my ass as he reached around and cupped my hardon under my backpack. We were so crowded together no one could see Sean feeling me up.

"I want to fuck you so bad Park." I heard him whisper into my ear as he squeezed and rubbed my cock a few times. Then his hand disappeared as the crowd eased up and we moved into the auditorium proper. My mind was spinning as we sat down in our usual row. I immediately saw Blaine as we smiled at one another. We assumed the same seating arrangement as usual, with Blaine on one side of me and Jason on the other. Geoff, Sean and the others were seated on the other side of Jason. Blaine must have noticed my erection as I moved past him to sit down.

"You're hard..." Blaine whispered to me as I felt his hand gingerly move under my backpack, across the top of my thigh, then rest on top of my erection. I let him know I liked it as I spread my legs wider for him. We looked at each other and grinned as he squeezed my cock.

I leaned over and whispered, "I'm so fucking horny right now its not even funny."

Blaine chuckled under his breath, "Same here." He took my hand and pulled it under his coat he had draped over his lap. I then felt him place it on top of his erection. I looked up as our eyes locked. We stared deeply into each other's eyes as I felt his hot and hard cock in my hand, then we both firmly but gently started squeezing and stroking each other through our dress slacks. At that moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the world.

The Assembly started as we turned our attention to the stage. But neither of us were paying attention to what was going on as he kept rubbing our bulges. Fuck, I wanted to take Blaine's cock right there and suck him dry! We were both in our own little world as we sat there and groped each other during Assembly. I could have cared less what they were talking about. I'd occasionally steal a sideways glance at Blaine, his eyes locking with mine every time as we grinned at each other.

Suddenly, I noticed everyone starting to get up. Shit! Assembly was already over?! We retracted out hands as if we had touched something hot, I looked at Blaine who had a panicked look on his face. Neither one of us wanted to stand up, since both of us had raging hardons.

"Just cover them up with your backpacks." I heard Jason say into my ear. I turned and looked at him. "You two are really hot to watch." He added with a smirk as he adjusted his own erection. Damn, we were so focused on each other, I didn't think about Jason or the other guys noticing. We both took Jason's advice as we both stood up holding our backpacks in front of our crotches and shuffled down the aisle. I suddenly got an idea as we headed out of the auditorium.

"Quick! Follow me!" I whispered to Blaine as I made a mad dash for the main building, ditching our team mates as they headed off to the Dining Hall for lunch. I darted up the stairs to the second floor and pulled Blaine into the classroom I had French class in. I knew the classroom would be empty. As soon as we were in the room and the door closed, I pulled Blaine into me and kissed him hard. I felt him melt into me as he returned my kiss. We couldn't get enough of each other as we kept stroking and kissing passionately. Blaine suddenly pulled back with a panicked look on his face.

"What if someone comes in?" Blaine gasped.

I smiled, "Don't worry, Mr. Agreste has lunch duty."

Blaine paused as he took in the information, I grinned as I slowly leaned in and started to gently kiss Blaine tenderly, this time taking our time. Blaine was a remarkably good kisser as our tongues gently toyed with each other. As our kissing intensified we started frantically pulling our dress shirts out of our pants, then simultaneously ran our hands up inside our shirts.

Oh God it felt so good to finally stroke his body! I'd seen Blaine's body plenty of times during practice, and even rubbed up against him on occasion when we were on the wall. But now it was just the two of us, alone, exploring each other like we always wanted! I unbuttoned his pants and ran my hands down inside his underwear, cupping his smooth balls in one hand and gripping his rock-hard cock in the other. Blaine gasped into my mouth as I tenderly stroked his leaking dick.

Suddenly, Blaine pulled back from out kissing. He had a weird look on his face. A deadly serious, hungry look I'd never seen before. Before I had time to react, he dropped to his knees and quickly opened the front of my dress slacks. He then pulled both my underwear and pants down in one quick yank. My painfully hard cock popping up in front of his face. He inspected it briefly before completely engulfing it in his mouth.

"Oh fuck...." I moaned low as Blaine started to suck me off. I ran my fingers through his brown hair as I watched this amazing, sexy boy suck me off. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my young life. Blaine was surprisingly good as he worked his tongue over my excited glands before going down on my entire six-inch length. I could tell he was still a beginner as he gagged a few times when he tried to do that, but that didn't stop him from trying to take the whole thing. The thought of us getting caught, my new swim team crush working me closer and closer to popping caused me to start feeling that wonderful tingling sensation behind my balls sooner than I thought.

Blaine only made a few passes before I stammered out, "Blaine...! Gonna...! Cum! Pull off...!" as I tried to push Blaine off, but Blaine reached around and gripped my ass tighter, holding me in place.

"Oh Fuck! Blaine!" I gasped, trying not to cry out and attract attention. I gripped his head and shoved my cock deep into his mouth as I started to unload into his mouth. I could hear Blaine gag and choke as my cock erupted down his throat. Blaine recoiled slightly as I released his head, he pulled off my cock as the last few shots landing across Blaine's gasping face.

"Sorry, I... I got carried away..." I gasped out apologetically.

Blaine just smiled up at me as he tried to catch his breath, his face splattered with my cum. "It's alright, I... I liked it." He blushed, as if revealing something he was embarrassed to admit. I was shocked by his reaction, I thought for sure he was going to be mad at me for holding him down on my cock like that. He stood up and kissed me tenderly, his cum covered tongue pushing into my mouth as I tasted myself.

"Two can play that game." I smiled as I backed Blaine up against the wall and knelt in front of him. I pulled his pants and underwear down and inspected his hard, leaking, five-inch, cut teen cock. It wasn't as big as mine, but I loved it all the same! It was the perfect size for this sexy boy. Not too thick with a nice bulbous head. And it was leaking profusely! I leaned forward, licking the substantial drop of precum off his piss slit, my tongue contacting his cock for the first time.

"Oh gawd..." Blaine whispered as a shudder rippled through his body. I teased the length of his cock with my tongue, his cock now throbbing hard as it bobbed up and down with his heartbeat. I easily engulfed his entire cock in one smooth movement, his five inches way easier to take than Cody's or Robert's.

"Oh Park! Oh Gawd! Uuuuuggh..." Blaine was trying not to moan, but he was losing the battle fast as I took him deep. I ran my hands under his balls, rubbing his perineum before slipping them even further back searching for his teen hole.

I felt Blaine squat down a bit, his butt cheeks opening slightly as he helped me find his entrance. I finally found what I sought as my finger slipped over the opening of his ass. I started milking Blaine's cock for all it was worth as I applied pressure against his sphincter. Surprisingly, my finger pushed easily into Blaine's boy hole!

"UUUGH!" Blaine gasped sharply as my finger pressed against his special spot. That did it! I felt Blaine's cock go rock hard in my mouth as he started cumming down my throat! I could feel his sphincter and balls contracting with each shot he took. I didn't gag like Blaine did as I kept my face pressed hard against his crotch, my nose pressed into his sparse pubic hair. I pushed my finger in deeper, his hole clamping down harder on my now fully inserted finger as he emptied his balls into my milking mouth.

"Wait... Stop... Park... I'm too sensitive!" Blaine gasped as he tried to push me off his cock. I didn't let up as I felt him slump against the wall, moaning. I twisted my finger around inside him, his body jerking and flexing on my finger as his cock kept throbbing in my mouth.

"Please... Park... I gotta... I gotta stop..." He pleaded. I finally stopped, releasing his now sensitive member from my mouth as I slowly pulled my finger out of his ass. Blaine slumped to the floor exhausted, he leaned forward and hugged me as he tried to catch his breath. I held the exhausted boy, surprised by how I had affected him. We stayed like that for seemed like hours as we both recovered from our first real experience together. I looked up at the clock on the wall and realized we had been in there for almost half of lunch!

"Shit! We gotta go!" I said to Blaine, snapping him out of my sexual daze.

Blaine just looked up at me with a sheepish grin, "What...?"

"We need to get to the Dining Hall and eat!" I said hastily as I started rapidly getting dressed. Blaine seemed out of it, as if he was floating on a cloud, but he followed my lead as we both got dressed fast.

With less than fifteen minutes left, we both dashed out of Mr. Agreste's classroom and down to the Dining Hall. Thankfully the hallways were empty as we ran to the Dining Hall. We tried to act as casual as possible as we entered, hiding the fact we were out of breath as we headed over to the table where the guys were sitting. Everyone at the table looked up and smiled a shit eating grin as we approached them.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I said with my best innocent face.

"Uh, not much here. What about you?" Jason said with a wide grin. "Where have you two been?"

"Oh, just studying some French." It was so difficult to not smile as I pulled out my lunch.

"Really?" Geoff piped up with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup." I replied innocently. Blaine didn't say a word but his face was beet read. He was blushing hard as he tried to eat his lunch.

"We were just discussing the swim team alumni retreat coming up. It's gonna be out at a former swim team Alum's house out in Cambridge." Jason stated.

"Where's Cambridge?" I asked between bites of my sandwich.

"It's out on the other side of Chesapeake Bay. I guess the house is huge. Like an estate with a boat dock and everything." Jason continued, "I guess the upper-class guys have been there many times."

Suddenly, Sean spoke up, "Hey Blaine, whatever you're using to slick your hair back, you need more of it to get it to hold."

Blaine glanced at me with a panicked look, his face really blushing this time. The other guys didn't say anything but glared at Sean. It was then that I noticed that Blaine still had some of my cum in his hair, and it had slicked back some of his hair by accident. It was unspoken what had happened between me and Blaine, but Sean's remark pointing out what was in Blaine's hair confirmed it.

"What?! I love hair care products." Sean grinned widely.

"No, you're just a dick who likes protein products." Geoff snapped back with an angry glare. Sean glared back at Geoff, but before he could reply the bell rang ending lunch.

"Saved by the bell." I whispered to myself as we all stood up and gathered our bags.

Before we left the Dining Hall, Sean leaned in and whispered to me as I felt him run his hand over my ass, "You can use your hair product on me any time." I looked at him, "Or you can try some of mine." He winked and headed out of the Dining Hall. What was wrong with me? I wasn't fond of Sean, but his gesture did make my cock start to chub up.

I walked up to Blaine and rubbed his back, "You okay?"

Blaine looked up and smiled weakly as we walked out of the Dining Hall together, "Yeah, just embarrassed is all."

"Sean's a dick." I mumbled to Blaine.

"Yeah, I know." Blaine smiled weakly but then added, "But he has such a nice dick." I glanced at Blaine who was now blushing. I had to admit, I did find Sean sexy, and with him rubbing my ass just now I was starting think differently about him. I guess Blaine felt the same way.

"You have math next?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah." Blaine replied in a forlorn tone. I noticed we only had a few minutes before the final bell rang. I glanced around and noticed the hall was almost empty. I grabbed Blaine's hand and quickly pulled him into the Men's restroom. Thankfully it was empty. Blaine looked at me confused.

"We're going to be late for...mmmmppph!" I immediately pounced on Blaine, kissing him hard, shoving my tongue into his. We slumped against the wall as I felt Blaine relax and start kissing back as he wrapped his arms around me. I felt I needed to kiss Blaine to get him out of his funk caused by Sean. For once I was grateful for Sean being an asshole.

"Okay we better go." I gasped as I pulled back from our amazing kiss. We quickly composed ourselves and dashed out of the restroom, running in opposite directions down the hallway to our classes.

"See you in History!" I heard Blaine shout as he dashed out of sight. My goal had succeeded as I bounced to Science class. I felt like I was floating on air knowing I had made Blaine happy. The late bell rang just as I stepped inside the classroom.

"Glad you could join us Mr. Fleming." The Science teacher scoffed.

"Sorry." I replied humbly as I headed to my seat, when in actuality, I felt light as a feather. Class continued as usual, luckily it went by fast. I was way too preoccupied thinking about both Blaine, Sean, and the rest of the swim team. I was surprised by Blaine's comeback about Sean, and the possibility that, even though Sean was a pain, that he did have a weird sexy side that was starting to appeal to me.

My next class was History with Blaine. Blaine instantly smiled at me when we saw each other from across the room. Blaine was finally coming out of his shell, and was totally different from the shy boy I first met at assembly a few days ago.

"What's up sexy." I whispered to Blaine as I sat down in my desk next to him.

Blaine blushed, then whispered back, "Good, now that you're here." Hopefully no one else noticed us beaming at each other through History class. Needless to say, I was hard the whole time. And after a while, I noticed Blaine was too. Class actually went by quickly, both of us distracted by our lusting for each other. As the bell rang me and Blaine quickly gathered our books and headed to Carey Hall to kill time before practice started.

We sat at the desk on the far side of the library facing the main part of the room. We took our books out as if we were studying. As soon as I opened my text book I felt Blaine's hand on top of my thigh, then felt him run his hand up and gently squeeze my growing erection through the front of my slacks. I stifled a moan as he kept rubbing and stroking me into a full blown hardon. I returned the favor as I reached over and squeezed Blaine's hard cock. I watched his eyes get heavy as he let out a low moan.

"Fuck! I wish we could find a nice quiet place. I wanna suck you so bad!" I whispered as we gently rubbed each other's cocks under the desk. We stayed like that for God knows how long until I glanced at my watch.

"Shit, we're going to be late!" I gasped to Blaine. We both had lost track of the time.

"I blame you." Blaine chuckled as we threw our books into our backpacks and dashed off to the pool for practice. As we jogged across campus, I could feel my cock rubbing back and forth inside my underwear, not letting me go soft.

"You still hard?" I panted as we ran up to entrance of the Athletic Center.

"Yeah, I'm still hard." Blaine blushed as we headed inside, still the shy boy showing through.

We headed into the locker room which was unusually empty. We quickly started undressing.

Just as we both peeled off our underwear we suddenly heard, "Hey guys!"

We both jumped, our hard cocks bouncing as we did so. Standing behind us in just a towel was Sean. He looked down and smiled as he took in our erections.

"I think I might need some hair cream." Just as Sean said that he let his towel drop, his fully hard, 6-inch uncut cock bouncing up in front of us. Around the base of his cock was a black rubber like ring. Me and Blaine just stared at our naked teammate, his cock bobbing up and down with his heartbeat.

Sean noticed us staring at his cock, "It's called a cock ring, keeps it nice and hard." he chuckled as he gave it a bit of a shake. Then a serious look came across his face as he stepped closer. Sean then reached out and gently gripped our hard cocks, then started slowly stroking them. I wasn't sure if it was because I was still horny from what had happened between me and Blaine, but I let him keep stroking us. This was the first time I actually checked out Sean. I couldn't keep my eyes off his perfectly sculpted body and throbbing uncut cock as he stroked us off.

"Fuck I want both of you..." He mumbled as he kept stroking our erections. I was in shock! Here was this boy I though we both hated, stroking us like it was a completely normal thing.

Blaine wasn't putting up a fight either, in fact I noticed him start to gingerly reach out to grip Sean's erection. He glanced at me with a guilty look, but I smiled and nodded my approval. For some reason I wasn't jealous, in fact it made me harder seeing Blaine take the initiative. I held my breath as I watched Blaine's hand get closer and closer, until he was just about to grip it.

"You gonna keep molesting them or let them change?" All three of us jumped as Sean and Blaine snatched their hands back as if they had just received an electric shock. We glanced over at the far end of the lockers and noticed Geoff standing there with a shit eating grin and a visible erection showing in his speedo.

"Coach said to hurry up, we're about to have a team meeting out on the deck."

"To be continued." Sean grinned as he hurried off to put his suit on. Blaine and I quickly slipped our suits on, although we both found it difficult stuffing our erections inside our tight suits. We grabbed our goggles, jammed our backpacks into our lockers, and headed out onto the pool deck. Most of the team was already sitting on the bleachers as we got there. Thankfully, no one said anything about our noticeable erections.

As me and Blaine sat down, Geoff leaned over and whispered low enough for only me to hear. "Sean likes you and Blaine." I glanced at Geoff, not sure to believe him. "That's why he bugs you guys so much." Before I could respond, Coach clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention.

"Okay guys, everyone have a seat!" Coach announced. The rest of the stragglers sat down on the bleachers.

"Just wanted to make an announcement. Some of you may know, our annual team alumni retreat will be happening in two weeks."

The upper-class guys, including Cody and Robert, let out whoops and cheers.

The Coach continued. "The older boys know and are familiar with our pre-season ritual, but some of you newer boys don't. Its an event sponsored by a former Alumni from Gilman who was a swimmer when he attended Gilman years ago. He hosts the weekend retreat out at his house in Cambridge. We'll have transportation arranged to bus the entire team out there. It's always a lot of fun, and is a good bonding experience for the whole team. If you have any questions let me know. Now let's hop in the pool. Warm up is on the board."

I couldn't remember if Robert had mentioned this retreat before, but it sounded like fun. As we walked to our lane, Blaine had a worried look on his face.

"I... I don't know if I can go." Blaine said dejectedly.


"My parents probably won't let me. They're very protective of me."

"Maybe Coach can talk to your parents, let you go?"

"Yeah, maybe."

The other Freshman, Sean, Jason, and Geoff were already putting on their goggles and swim caps as we approached. I noticed they were all hard, their erections stretching out across the front of their suits. Robert approached us in his skin tight red Speedo, his cock was also noticeably chubbed up as it fit snugly across the front of his suit.

"Looks like you guys are learning to be a team." He chuckled as he reached out and cupped Jason and Geoff's hardons. Jason gasped at Robert's touch, then smiled, his eyes hidden by his reflective goggles. I glanced around and noticed all the upper-class guys were already in the pool warming up, so they didn't notice our aroused group moment.

"Boys! In the pool! Warm up!" Coach barked from across the pool.

"I think we're already warmed up." Sean smirked before jumping in, followed by Jason and Geoff. I glanced down and noticed Blaine's cock was still hard, in fact I think it had gotten harder watching the scene before us.

"If you need a ride home after practice let me know." Robert smiled then walked away. God, I wanted to kiss him right there.

"You're so lucky." Blaine whispered as he adjusted his erection in his skimpy tight black Speedo before jumping in. I followed Blaine, jumping into the cold water. The shock of the cold water instantly killed my erection, but I didn't mind. I loved being in the water with my teammates, and I couldn't help myself as I tried to catch glimpses of their hot every opportunity I could get. As we finished the warm up set we bunched up in the shallow end of the pool. I felt someone lean into me, his body pressing up against me. I glanced back into Geoff's grinning face.

"You were expecting Blaine, weren't you?" Just as he said that, I felt him grind his hard cock into my Speedo covered ass. How did he stay hard in this cold ass pool? I didn't say anything, but for some reason I pushed back against his humping. Just having him on me was getting me worked up.

"Looks like Sean really wants Blaine's ass..." Geoff whispered into my ear. I looked ahead of me and noticed Sean was doing the same thing Geoff was doing to me. His body pressed up against Blaine's body as Sean made small humping movements against Blaine. I imagined Sean was whispering dirty thoughts into Blaine's ear as he did this. I also noticed Blaine was leaning back into Sean, and Sean had reached around and was groping Blaine's cock underwater. Before I could respond Coach got our attention giving out the first set of the practice.

The rest of the practice went as normal and all of us got a good workout by the time we reached the warm down set. Of course, the upper-class guys finished way before us, being a lot faster than us lower class boys. Being Freshman, and the youngest on the team, we always got out of the pool last. Blaine and I warmed down a bit longer, taking our time to really stretch out after an intense practice. The three other guys had already gotten out of the pool. I stopped on the far wall, Blaine joined me as we rested.

"So, what did Sean say to you?" I asked with a grin. I was dying to know what Sean had said to him.

"He... he said he wanted to taste me." Blaine smiled. I moved closer until I was just inches from his face, I then reached out and rubbed Blaine's bulge.

"Would you let him?" I asked. Even in the cold pool water I felt Blaine's cock stiffen in my hand.

"Would you be mad if I said yes?"

I leaned in, my lips brushing lightly against his, "no..." then I passionately kissed Blaine. He kissed back as our tongues found each other. Fuck I wanted Blaine right there!

Blaine asked again as we paused our kissing. "So, you wouldn't be mad at me if something happened between me and Sean?"

"No, you're my friend and my teammate. Sean is our teammate too. We help each other out. Especially if they're sexy, like Sean."

"Well, all our teammates are sexy." Blaine smiled deviously as I felt his hand on my now hard cock. So much for cold water keeping me from getting hard.

"I guess we'll have to help them all out, won't we?" I gasped as I squeezed Blaine's fully hard erection. I glanced around the pool and noticed we were the only ones there. "We better head in." I kissed Blaine then swam to the other end of the pool and hopped out. Blaine followed as we headed into the locker room.

The locker room was mostly deserted by the time we got to our lockers. Me and Blaine unlocked our lockers, grabbed our towels, and headed into the shower to wash the chlorine off. We were surprised to see Sean and Geoff still in the showers. Both were at the far end of the large tiled room under the spray of the showers.

Both of them were naked with their backs to us, their Speedo suits hanging on shower handles. I got a good look at both of their cut 14-year-old bodies, and it didn't help my throbbing erection go down one bit. Neither one of them noticed us as Blaine and I went to the shower heads adjacent to them and turned on the water. Blaine was at the shower head between me and the two other boys. Sean glanced over and finally noticed us as we peeled off our tight Speedos. Our cocks popping out of our suits like they were spring loaded.

"Hey bros, that was an intense practice." Sean pipped up, I could feel Geoff and Sean watching us as we got naked.

"I hate stroke practices." I quipped back as I let the hot water spray over my body.

"I don't mind." Sean smiled as he turned towards me showing he was stroking his 6-inch cock. Geoff also turned, showing he was doing the same thing with his impressive 6 inches. Under the spray of the shower, Blaine started to unconsciously stroke his cock while watching Sean and Geoff, matching their rhythm. It was like watching sharks move in on their prey as the two teens moved closer to Blaine.

Suddenly I heard Robert's voice echo through the shower room from the lockers. "Hey Parker, if you want a ride home, better hurry up." Shit! This was just getting good!

"Okay!" I shouted back as I hurriedly turned off the shower, grabbed my Speedo, and headed out of the showers.

Just as I was about to exit the showers I blurted out to Blaine, "Text me when you get a chance tonight." But there was no response. I looked back. Sean was on one side of Blaine, and Geoff on the other. Both teens were rubbing his naked wet body all over while kissing him under the spray of the shower. Blaine's eyes were closed, lost in the sensations he was receiving from his two horny teammates.

"Fuck..." I couldn't help gasping out as I watched the scene unfolding in the showers. As I stepped out onto the cold floor of the locker room Robert pulled me aside so I was out of sight. Robert was only wearing a pair of loose board shorts, but I could easily see his hard 8-inch cock tenting out the front. He wasn't ready to leave!

"Let's watch." He whispered into my ear as we both peeked around the corner.

We were just in time to see Sean slowly drop to his knees in front of Blaine, then lean forward and take Blaine's hard 5 inches completely into his mouth. At the same time Geoff also dropped to his knees behind Blaine, pulling Blaine's smooth butt cheeks apart, then pushing his face in, eating out Blaine's boy hole.

Blaine's head tilted back as he let out a low guttural moan. He slumped forward, his ass arching upward as he steadied himself as he assumed the position with both arms against the shower wall.

"I see you brought Blaine out of his shell." Robert moaned into my ear as I felt the tip of his cock nudge against the entrance to my hole.

"Oh god, fuck me..." I whispered to Robert as we kept watching the dirty scene play out in the shower. I suddenly felt Robert push into me in one long smooth thrust. I stifled a loud moan as he did this. Thankfully the noise of the showers covered my moans.

"Oh god fuck meeeee Robert, pleease...." I groaned as low as possible. Robert didn't disappoint as he started making long, slow deliberate thrusts into me with the full length of his 8-inch cock as we watched Geoff and Sean push Blaine to the edge of sexual bliss.

"You... planned this... didn't you?" I gasped between thrusts.

"Yeah... we've been after his ass since the start of school." Robert moaned low into my ear as he kept up his slow fucking pace into me, "You helped us out big-time bro."

Sean kept his face buried in Blaine's crotch as he continued to deep throat Blaine while Geoff attacked Blaine's hole from behind. Blaine couldn't hold out much longer as he started moaning.

"Gonna cum! GONNA CUM! GONNA CUUUU!!!" Blaine didn't finish his sentences as an orgasm ripped through his 14-year-old body. Sean never let Blaine's cock out of his mouth as he swallowed every last drop of Blaine's load. Geoff stood up, holding Blaine who was now a bit wobbly from his orgasm. Sean stood up and sandwiched Blaine between them as Geoff and Sean kissed, sharing Blaine's load.

"Okay, we gotta go." Robert said as he quickly withdrew his cock from my ass.

"You... didn't cum?" I gasped as I felt empty without Robert's shaft or cum in me, I felt slightly cheated.

"To be continued." Robert smiled wickedly. He then gestured for me to follow him. I must have looked ridiculous as I walked bowlegged through the lockers following Robert. I just had his 8-inch cock buried in me, who wouldn't be walking funny after that? We stopped at my locker.

"Throw on some shorts and grab your stuff. Don't want Blaine to know we were watching him." I forgot I was naked. I followed Robert's orders as I threw on my loose basketball shorts, stuffed my wet swim stuff into the wet pouch of my swim bag, then headed out of the building. As we left the locker room we heard the guys exiting the showers. A part of me wanted so badly to talk to Blaine, ask him how it felt. Did he enjoy it? I whipped out my phone and texted him.

Me: Text me when you get a chance. :)

After sending Blaine a text I noticed I had received a text from my mom.

Mom: Will be home late. Call me when you get this message. Love Mom

"You ride your bike again?" Robert asked as we walked across campus barefoot, free balling in just our shorts. Swimmers are like that I guess, we get use to not wearing clothes most of the time.


"You know, I should just give you a ride to school. Cause I'm always lugging your bike home in my jeep." Robert laughed.

"I wouldn't mind." I smiled at him.

"I bet you wouldn't." He laughed.

"I need to call my mom really quick." I said dialing her number.

"Anything wrong?" Robert asked quizzically.

"Nah, just that she's working late and wants me to check in with her." After a few rings mom answered.


"Hi Mom, just checking in."

"Just letting you know I won't be home until real late. The office is working a case and I need to be here. Where are you?"

"I just got out of practice, Robert is going to give me a ride home."

"Oh, that's nice of him. I left some money on the kitchen counter so you can order a pizza, I know you're usually hungry after practice. And if Robert wants to stay for pizza he can."

"Okay thanks Mom. I love you."

"I love you too honey." Then she hung up.

"Well? What did she say?"

"She's working late and left some money for me to order pizza, and said you can stay if you want?"

"You are inviting me over for pizza?" Robert grinned deviously. The look he was giving me made my cock go instantly hard.

"Depends on if we can continue what we were doing?" I snapped back with my own dirty undertones.

"I guess I'll have to come over then?" By this point we were both hard and tenting out our shorts. Thank God no one was around to see us in this state. I unlocked my bike and put it in the back of Robert's jeep. We headed to my house with tented shorts and a need for sausage.

To be continued... ;)

  • Comments: * dark_angel969@runbox.com * Please Donate to Support Nifty and keep it free! * * * * * Other stories: * Checkmated (Adult-youth) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/checkmated * Watching the Boys (Adult-youth) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/watching-the-boys * Thumping Time (Adult-youth) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/thumpingtime * I Want You To Watch (Adult-youth) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/i-want-you-to-watch * Swimming for The Team (Highschool) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/swimmingfortheteam * The Thirsty Boy (Sci-Fi) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/the-thirsty-boy * The Merger (Sci-Fi) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/the-merger * An Agreement Between Brothers (Incest) http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/an-agreement-between-brothers * * And in the Bi-sexual section: http://www.nifty.org/nifty/bisexual/adult-youth/my-maddie

Next: Chapter 6

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