Swimming for the Team

By Graphmuse

Published on Sep 22, 2021


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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For Matej.

Swimming for The Team – Chapter 7

The afternoon sun glittered off the surface of the water as we drove over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. The height of the tour bus we were riding in made it feel like we were flying over the water. The entire swim team was on the bus as we headed to Cambridge for the big swim team retreat.

It seemed like a big deal for the older guys on the team, as if they knew something fun was going to happen over the next few days. We freshmen didn't know what to expect. For all we knew, it was just going to be a lot of practice, working out, and more practice to get ready for the season, as Coach yelled at us.

I glanced over at Blaine, who was sleeping peacefully against my shoulder. We had grown closer over the last few months, and knew each other's desires and urges. I wouldn't say we were boyfriends, but it was getting there.

Blaine stirred looking up at me with sleepy eyes, "We there yet?"

"No, I just heard one of the juniors say we still have another hour before we get there." I smiled. Blaine slumped down in his seat revealing a nice bulge arching across the front of his shorts.

"I'm so fucking horny right now." He whispered right before he grabbed my hand and placed it on his bulge. I could feel it throbbing in my hand as I gently squeezed it causing Blaine to moan. I leaned over and kissed him, he meditatively shoved his tongue into my mouth. I squeezed his cock harder as our kissing grew more intense.

"Hey! Cool it guys!" A voice blurted out, as we suddenly felt the spray of cold water. We both recoiled and looked across the aisle in the direction the water came from. There was Robert shaking his head as he pointed a yellow squirt gun in our direction.

"Figured this would come in handy, especially with you two." Robert chuckled as he gave one last squirt hitting Blaine.

"HEY! That's cold!" Blaine yelped.

"I know, its ice water." Robert grinned deviously, "No sex you two! Not even kissing or groping! You know Coach's rule."

Two heads popped up from the seats in front of us. It was Geoff and Sean.

"Looks like I won the bet!" Sean grinned deviously at Geoff.

"What bet?" Blaine asked.

"That you two couldn't keep your hands off each other." Sean retorted. Geoff just rolled his eyes as the two heads slowly lowered out of sight.

"I've got my eye on you two." Robert chuckled as he emphasized the squirt gun.

"I'm still horny." Blaine whispered in a low whine as I watched his erection pulse in his shorts.

Unfortunately, the hot sex I had with Bill and Robert in my Mom's kitchen was the last wild sex I was able to have with anyone. In fact it had been so busy that neither me, nor Blaine had any time to do anything together, let alone have any fun with our teammates. It had been a relentless two weeks of nothing but studying and swimming.

Plus, Coach had given us strict orders to abstain from any sexual activity, even masturbating until we attended the swim team retreat. This seemed like a strange request, but Robert and Cody assured us that it was for a good reason.

It became extremely difficult these last few days, especially when we showered after practice. Everyone was always hard! Even bashful Blaine couldn't control his erection, and after a while, even he stopped trying to hide it. In fact, it didn't take very long before we just took it as the new normal. Our modesty was now out the window as we openly watched each other shower.

I got so hard watching all my hunky teammates all wet, hard, and horny, soaping up their toned sexy swimmer bodies, but unable to stroke themselves off as their hard erections bobbed up and down under the spray of the warm water. We all desperately wanted to stroke off right then and there, but we resisted and obeyed Coach's order. Blaine's erection was how everyone on the bus was feeling. The entire team so desperately wanted to cum!

Blaine finally calmed down, put his ear pods in, and started watching something on his phone. I turned my attention to the beautiful scenery passing by. Thirty minutes later we were driving across the Choptank River Bridge into Cambridge. The late afternoon sun reflecting off the water gave the sailboats on the Choptank River an amber glow.

Once off the bridge, the bus made a right turn through the main part of town. This must have been the historic section of Cambridge, with lots of historic looking buildings and brick paved streets. The chatter among my teammates picked up as they commented on various places. The bus continued on out of town, and I really started to wonder where this house was that we were going to. After another 15 minutes of driving through the countryside, the bus very slowly turned and approached a rather large gate. After a pause, the gates slowly opened allowing the bus to proceed in. It still took another five minutes before the bus finally pulled into a circle drive in front of a large, Colonial style house. It looked huge! Even bigger than Robert's house. Standing out front to greet us were Coach, an older looking man, Bill, the big stud delivery pizza guy who fucked me good with his huge cock, and a small blonde headed boy.

"Okay guys, grab your stuff," James bellowed loudly. "Blaine, I said stuff, not your junk!" We all laughed as we stood up and grabbed our backpacks from the overhead compartments. Our clothes and other things were in large bags in the storage compartments below. We all gathered outside the Bus in front of the welcoming group.

"Welcome everyone. I hope you all had a pleasant drive down. It's very generous of Mr. Peterson to host us once again here at the Peterson estate," Coach announced as he gestured to the older man standing next to him. Our older teammates applauded and cheered, so we freshman did the same. The distinguished looking man, dressed in a polo shirt, tan shorts, and penny loafers bowed gracefully with a smile.

"Welcome boys, I recognize most of you from last year, and a few new faces I don't," Mr. Peterson said looking at us freshman, "But I know we'll get to know each other quickly," he said with a wink.

"Thank you for your hospitality Mr. Peterson," Coach nodded. "Of course you remember Trent from last year," Coach smiled as he ruffled the blonde hair of the grinning boy standing next to him. Coach continued as he motioned to Bill, "Trent and Bill, one of our most outstanding recent alumni, are back to help out this weekend. Freshmen, be sure to introduce yourselves to both of them during the cookout, along with the other four alumni you'll see there."

"Hi guys!" The boy named Trent squeaked out excitedly. Two of the upperclassmen standing near him patted his back and ruffled his blonde hair. As Coach had said, obviously the older swimmers recognized and liked the boy.

Then coach's tone got serious, "The purpose of the weekend is getting to know each other better, and bonding... as a team. To prepare us for the upcoming swim season. Now, we all know stuff will happen. Look out for each other. You guys are teammates and friends. Don't pressure someone into something they don't want to do. What happens here, stays here. And remember, whatever it takes, no regrets."

"And don't puke in the pool!" Someone shouted out from back of the crowd which got a laugh from all of us.

Coach continued, "Everyone will be on the third floor of course. And just like the previous gatherings I've grouped the rooming assignments according to year. Grab your bags and head inside. Let's make some memories!"

We all let out a cheer, then grabbed out bags out of the cargo space under the bus. As Blaine was grabbing his bag I heard Trent call out, "Cody!" I turned just in time to see the blonde boy run and jump into Cody's arms as the two embraced. As they hugged I noticed one of Cody's hands run down over the boy's ass, then pressed his fingers into the crease of the boy's ass cheeks. I swore I heard the boy moan into Cody's shoulder as he did this.

"I missed you," Trent said into Cody's shoulder.

"I missed you too little bro." Cody smiled, then noticed me watching and gave me a wink. For some reason my cock instantly started to harden. Had Cody fucked this boy with his huge cock?! I hadn't considered sex with a boy as young as Trent. Did boys that age even have sexual urges? Then I thought back to myself at that age, and yeah, I did have sexual urges back then. But I didn't understand them at the time. I'm sure if I had a hot older jock like Cody to show me I'd be loving it.

Then another thought popped in my head. If Trent was here last year, how many other cocks had this boy taken? My mind flashed an image of Trent on his back, his legs resting on Cody's powerful butterflyer shoulders as that huge 9 inch cock pumped in and out of the boy's stretched open hole. I imagined other naked team members watching and saying encouraging things as the two fuck like wild animals. But how could a boy that small take a cock so big?

Cody slowly lowered Trent to the ground as their hug ended. I was shocked again as Trent's little hand brushed over the obvious bulge in Cody's pants. Cody whispered, "Later!" and Trent giggled softly. Surprisingly, no one else seemed to notice this little moment.

Then I heard Blaine's voice, "Hello? Earth to Parker."

"Uh, yeah...?" I'm sure I had a goofy look on my face.

"Let's go..." Blaine smirked as we started following the rest of the guys inside the house.

"Yeah, right," I replied, still feeling overwhelmed by what I thought I just saw. I held my bag in front of my crotch to hide my half-hard dick.

Blaine noticed my bulge, "Getting excited are we?" I just grinned with a goofy smile. But he didn't know the real reason why I had gotten hard.

The house was truly amazing! The foyer was stunning to say the least. It was lined with huge columns and had white marble floors that lead to a larger room.

As we entered this bigger room I heard Geoff gasp, "WOW! This is impressive!"

In the room was a huge staircase with a fancy banister leading to the upper floors with other doorways on the bottom floor leading off to other parts of the house. Once we reached the second floor landing we turned right to another set of equally impressive stairs leading up to the third floor.

"This place is fuckin' huge!" Sean laughed as we kept going up the stairs to the third floor. Once we reached the third floor landing, Coach started directing us to our rooms.

"Okay, you guys are down this hallway. Just look for the tags on the doors. Get yourselves comfortable, then get into your suits, and meet us out back by the pool for swimming and eating." Coach said as we started down the long, dark wood paneled hallway.

"Damn, how big is this place?" I heard Jason exclaim as we kept walking, looking for our room. "Really fancy," Geoff quietly added.

"This third floor use to be the servants' quarters back in the day," Robert answered, "but the rooms are a lot nicer now."

"Cool," was Jason's reply.

"Seniors are in here!" Viktor chimed happily as all the seniors headed into the first door marked "Seniors".

"Juniors here," Robert noted as he and the rest of the juniors went into the second door. Then it was just us freshmen and sophomores as we continued walking.

"Looks like sophomores are in here." Sergie pointed to the label on the door marked "Sophomores"

"Figures we're the last room," Sean muttered with a bit of snark in his voice as we entered the room marked "Freshmen".

Surprisingly, the room was huge! On one side of the room were three large queen sized beds with end tables and lamps next to each. Opposite of the beds were a desk, some dressers and a rather large chest of drawers. There was only one window on the far side of the room that looked out over the pool. On each of the three queen sized beds were a stack of white towels, probably for taking a shower.

"There's a note here," Jason piped up as he noticed it on the center bed.

"What's it say?" Goeff asked curiously.

"It say's "Welcome to the Peterson estate, Blaine, Geoff, Jason, Parker, and Sean. We hope you enjoy your stay here. All the facilities here at the Estate are available to you. My house is your house. Again, welcome and enjoy your stay. Mr. Peterson."

"Who is this Peterson guy?" Sean asked quizzically, as we claimed our spots around the room by dumping our bags on the different sides of the bed. Blaine, of course, dumped his bag on the same bed as mine. I really liked how we were kind of an unofficial couple. I'm sure he felt the same way.

"He's an alumnus of Gilman. Big donor and all that stuff. I think he was the coach when Coach was on the team," Geoff explained.

"Well aren't you Mister Exposition." Sean laughed, only getting a jeering look from Geoff.

Then Sean blurted out, "Wait, there's no TV?!" Goeff just rolled his eyes, "What do you think this place is? The Hyatt?"

"Well, this Peterson guy has money, so why can't he put a TV in the room?"

Everyone just groaned at Sean's comment.

"I think someone needs food," Geoff snickered.


"Someone's hangry," Jason laughed, with Geoff joining in on the laughter. Sean just glared at the two of them.

"Uh, Guys...," said the usually quiet Jason. We all stopped and looked over at him. He had pulled open the drawer of the nightstand next to his bed and was staring at something he'd discovered there.

"This definitely isn't the Hyatt, or like any hotel I've been in. Instead of a Gideon's Bible...," Jason paused again, as he held up a bottle labeled "T-eam Lube."

"There's one in all the nightstands," Sean snickered as he held up another bottle of the lube.

There was more than one gasp in the room; and then everyone broke into uncontrollable laughter.

Everyone except Blaine, who looked at me and asked, "What's that?" His question only made the laughing harder and louder.

Blaine's face reddened as he continued to looked at me. I wiped the tears from my eyes and said, "I'll tell you later."

Blaine frowned at me, and then changed the focus of our attention. "Hey, what's in here?" he asked as he opened the only other door in the room. We all followed Blaine into a huge bathroom that had a long counter that ran the entire length of one side of the bathroom. It had several sinks and one long mirror above it. The other side had three toilets and a bidet. I thought it was odd that there were no partitions between them. But the most impressive thing was a rather large, glass encased shower in the center of the bathroom. It almost looked like an altar. Each side of the shower had a shower head with a long stainless steel hose attached to it. On the end of each shower hose was a rather phallic looking sprayer nozzle.

Geoff opened the shower door and looked inside, "Wow! You could easily fit all five of us inside."

Then sophomores John and Duncan popped their heads in from the connecting bedroom.

"Impressive, isn't it?" John smiled as he and Duncan walked into the bathroom.

"Yeah, this house is crazy," Jason replied as he watched us looking around the bathroom.

Then Sergie and Matej walked into the bathroom. I noticed Sergie was carrying a pipe loaded with weed. Once inside the bathroom, Sergie fired up the pipe and took a big hit it then handed it off to Matej.

Blaine had a shocked look on his face as he blurted out, "Is it alright if we do that stuff here?"

"It's no problem, there will be more than weed later on." Sergie smiled deviously at Blaine as he gave the bulge in his pants a quick squeeze.

"Wanna hit before we head down?" Matej said with a stoned grin as he offered the pipe to Blaine. I knew Blaine had never smoked weed so I wasn't surprised when he gave Matej a weird look.

"I'll have a hit," I said as I took the pipe from Matej. Blaine watched me in fascination as I pulled a big hit off the pipe.

I handed the pipe back to Matej then quickly pulled Blaine to me and kissed him. I pushed my tongue against his lips and he opened them, as he did this I pushed the hit into his mouth. Blaine's eyes grew wide as he inhaled the hit. I pulled back from the kiss with a devious grin as Blaine slowly released the smoke.

"How was that?" I asked as the weed started to hit me.

"I... I feel funny." Blaine said with a weird grin on his face.

"Did you just break Blaine's weed cherry?" Sean snickered as he took a hit off the pipe.

Blaine looked at me with a goofy grin, "Yeah, he did."

"Did you like it?" I replied.

Blaine smiled, "yeah, can we do it again?"

"Yeah, I'd love to." I replied as Matej handed me a freshly reloaded pipe. Blaine watched with a glazed look as I lit the pipe and took another huge hit off it. I turned to Blaine as we kissed. He opened his mouth and let me push the hit in his lungs. We embraced each other, our hard cocks pressed between us as we kept passing the hit between us. I loved feeling Blaine's body as I ran my hand up and down his back and down to his perfectly shaped ass. For his part, Blaine followed my lead and also ran his hands all over my body. Soon we were gently humping our cocks against our bodies, lost in our moment.

"Hey! Are you breaking Coach's rule?!"

We jumped back from each other like we received an electric shock. Everyone in the bathroom looked over to see Viktor, one of the Seniors, standing in the doorway of the sophomores room scowling at us. He was in his red and blue Speedo and was sporting a nice erection.

"Oh please big brother, we're almost finished." Sergie replied.

"Do you seniors do this too?" Jason asked sheepishly.

"Hell yes," Viktor snickered before he grabbed the weed pipe out of Sergie's hand and took a big hit off it, finishing off the bowl. "Now... (cough) get finished (cough) and get your tight little asses downstairs." Viktor gave the empty pipe back to his brother, then turned and exited the bathroom.

"He totally can't handle his own weed," Sergie laughed as he headed out of the bathroom.

Duncan smiled, "Go put your suits on and we'll head down together," as he and the rest of the sophomores headed back to their room.

"Yup, we'll do the same," I said with a goofy grin.

Back in our room, I opened my bag and dug around for my suit, Blaine did the same. Once we found our suits, we both stripped and looked down at our pulsing cocks. As if we were thinking the same thing, we both reached out and stroked each other. We both looked back up, our eyes locking. God, I wanted to fuck Blaine. Then my mind started wondering how I could get Robert or Bill to fuck me, or Blaine, or both at the same time? I was a little surprised at my eagerness for cock. The weed, plus Coach's abstinence rule, and being around my teammates was definitely making me really horny.

Goeff snapped, "Hey! No touchy!" Blaine's hand recoiled, as if he touched something hot. We both paused and looked at each other, then started laughing as we slipped our suits on. I found it more difficult than usual with my raging hard erection. After a few struggles, I finally got my cock stuffed into my red speedo, but the bulge looked so obscene as it arched across the front, pointing at my left hip.

"You guys, ready?" Sergie said with a goofy grin as he popped his head in from the bathroom. His eyes looked heavy, no doubt they had taken a few more hits off the pipe.

"Yup, we're ready," John said with a grin as he rubbed the nice bulge in his speedo. Then I noticed we were all hard with bulges showing! We followed Sergie through the bathroom into their room, the smell of weed was strong. The sophomore guys all had their suits on and were getting ready to head down.

"Why'd you put the beds together?" Blaine asked with a confused look. I glanced over and notice this too.

"You'll figure it out soon, little Newb," Duncan snickered as he gave the bulge in his speedo a rub. He was our lone ginger on the team with his bright orange hair, and wearing his usual green speedo that fit him like a glove.

I noticed Sergie in his red and blue speedo. And Matej just looked damn sexy in his tight yellow French cut speedo. Hell, all the boys on our team were sexy!

"Okay, who's smoking the weed?" A voice said from the doorway. All of us looked up at a smiling Robert shaking his head in mock disgust. I stood there taking in Robert's sexy body, he was dressed in a skimpy navy blue speedo that nicely showed off his impressive erection. I recalled how hot that cock had felt in my ass.

"Not us, I think it was the monkey," Sean said right before he started giggling. His giggling was infectious as we all started laughing right along with him.

"What monkey?" asked the senior.

"That little hairy one... didn't you see him running out the door? He had a little hat!" giggled Geoff.

Sergie added very seriously, "...and a yellow Speedo! Dude, his eyes were really bloodshot! He's a total stoner. I'd stay away from him."

We were all laughing so hard, we almost fell to the floor.

Robert just rolled his eyes, "Okay you lower-class pot heads, it's time to head down to the pool."

"I totally forgot we were supposed to do that," Jason slurred out, which made us laugh all over again.

"Oh boy..." Robert gasped then clapped his hands loudly getting our attention, then announced loudly, "Okay! Let's go downstairs!"

It must have been a sight to see. A bunch of stoned 14 and 15 year old boys, dressed in nothing but our skimpy speedos with our erections bulging, stumbling down the ornate hallway, giggling and laughing.

"I feel like I'm herding cats," Robert laughed as he guided us downstairs.

Thankfully, no one fell as we wobbled down the stairs. We followed Robert as he made a hard right u-turn onto the second floor landing, and then again as we reached the ground floor.

Following him along a long, ornate, wood-paneled hallway, Robert paused at a doorway into a large room. The room had bookcases built into the walls, and had a rather large desk at the far end.

Mr. Peterson and Coach were talking quietly next to the desk as they sipped something amber from crystal tumblers. They noticed us as we stood half-naked in the doorway.

"Well, the freshmen have finally got it together enough to join their teammates," Coach said as he and Mr. Peterson joined us with their drinks still in hand.

"Let's go join the rest of the team," Coach said, as he took the lead from Robert. We followed him down another paneled hallway. Maybe it was the weed, but I got a definite feeling Mr. Peterson was giving us Freshmen a once over with his eyes.

As we emerged onto a veranda overlooking the pool area, I realized it was early evening. All of us freshmen gasped as we got our first real glimpse of the magnificent pool. It was lavish, huge and rectangular shaped. Its length looked long enough to be regulation size for swimming laps.

On the opposite side of the pool was a large pool house in the same architectural style as the main house. The lights of the pool house magically reflected off the dark surface of the large pool. The front of it was open to the outside, and had a large living room with several couches on one side, gathered around a large fireplace, and a bar and kitchen area on the other side. I could see several older guys moving around inside, setting out the food and tableware. I recognized Bill manning the grill with the boy Trent helping him. The entire team was standing on the deck in front of the pool house waiting for us. Everyone was in their Speedos, including the alumni. I also noticed everyone was hard!

"It's about time you freshies, showed up," One of the upperclassmen kidded as we joined them.

Suddenly Sean shouted, "CANNON BALL!" as he ran and jumped, balled up into the still water. There was a huge splash getting almost everyone standing on the deck wet with the splash.

A series of, "Ah man!" "Sean!" "Really?" erupted from the team. Coach just rolled his eyes and smiled as Sean lifted himself out of the pool, now soaking wet. He looked so sexy with his pink Speedo clinging to his erection and perfect ass.

"You're such a nob," Goeff laughed.

"They're just jealous," Sean grinned as he defiantly slicked back his wet hair, "That water is not to warm! Great pool!"

"Good evening gentlemen," The coach said authoritatively, getting everyone's attention. The older guys naturally got quiet and turned their attention to where coach and Mr. Peterson were standing. We freshmen followed their lead and did the same.

Mr. Peterson stepped forward and addressed us, "Once again, welcome. My home is your home for the next few days. I'm always glad to support the team and my alma mater. It's always a great pleasure to watch you boys come together and bond all weekend as you prepare to kick off a new season. For most of the weekend I'll stay out of your way, Coach and your alumni brother swimmers will play hosts and direct your activities. So, have fun and enjoy."

We all clapped and cheered him as Coach stepped up and raised his hands, quieting us.

"Thank you Mr. Peterson. Now I want to introduce you to this year's alumni," coach said as he gestured to the pool house, "Most of you know Bill, he's a sophomore at John Hopkins, Trent is his little brother." Bill raised his spatula acknowledging his name as Trent waved excitedly next to him.

"And there's Jacob, he's a freshman at Cornell, really good long distance freestyler." A lanky brown haired guy with a nice cut body, and huge bulge waved his hand from the kitchen counter.

"Next is Gunner, a freshman at Colombia. Excellent butterflyer." A huge muscular guy with a crew cut standing next to the outdoor fireplace smiled and flexed his biceps. He was wearing a blue Speedo with a white letter "C" on it.

Gunner quickly shouted, "And I taught Cody everything he knows!" as he grabbed his erection and gave it shake. A few good natured whistles, and chiding followed as Cody shook his head in embarrassment.

"Then we have Cole, a sophomore at Harvard, excellent back stroker." A blonde guy raised his hand from the back. He was dressed in his black team suit. Actually, he looked like the ideal blonde God; his body looked perfectly proportioned and he also had a nice bulge.

"And last but not least is Dylan, a freshmen at Princeton. He's our former record setting breast stroker." A chiseled dark haired guy standing next to Cole raised his hand and smiled. He was also wearing his black team suit.

"They are here to help hone your skills, and answer any questions about life as a college swimmer. Feel free to ask them anything. They're open to any questions you have. Just remember, my rule of abstention is still in effect until we start the main events tomorrow. That especially applies to you upperclassmen!" There was an audible moan and a few good-natured boos.

I heard one of the college guys chuckle, "Glad I'm not in high school anymore."

"Now now, you guys can hold it for one more night. But tonight, enjoy your dinner! Dig in!"

Blaine and I stuck together as we and the rest of the team swarmed the buffet that was set up in the pool house. It was so hot having so much flesh on display as we loaded up our plates. I could feel some of the guys rubbing their hard bulges against me as they reached over me to get a scoop of food. I knew Blaine was receiving the same treatment with his surprised, but pleasant glances at me. There were so many guys moving around filling their plates I couldn't tell who was rubbing up against us. But we were both loving the contact.

At one point I felt a particularly firm bulge pressed against my ass as someone whispered in my ear, "Tomorrow... you and I are going to do some serious bonding, you sexy little fuck!" ...and then just as fast, he was gone. By the time I turned around, I couldn't tell which of the many swimmers surrounding me had just made such a promise.

With our plates filled, Blaine and I walked out onto the pool deck. I noticed someone had turned the pool lights on, and it now glowed with the typical blue of most pools. I also noticed the bottom had three lane stripes just like a competition pool. We joined the rest of the Freshmen who had taken over one area of the deck. The weed we had smoked earlier had given us a crazy appetite as we practically inhaled the food.

My fellow Freshmen went one by one, or in pairs, to get more food. I noticed them getting into conversations with a few of the alumni and would go and sit with them. Before I realized it, it was just Blaine and me sitting by ourselves. I actually didn't mind, I wanted to be alone with him anyway. I reached over and rubbed Blaine's thigh, getting his attention.

"Are you glad you came?"

He looked around and smiled, "Yeah, I am," then looked back at me with a grin, "And I'm glad you're here."

I slowly moved my hand up his thigh, cupping Blaine's erection straining inside his Speedo. He let out a slight gasp as I gently squeezed it. Blaine moved his hand onto my bulge and rubbed it.

"Fuck, I want you so bad right now," I whispered.

"Yeah, me too. But... coach's rule."

There was a long pause, my mind was spinning as I summoned all my courage to say what I had wanted to say for months, "I was wondering... if you wanted... to be... my..."

A voice interrupt me, "You're pretty hot freshies." We both snatched our hands away from each other's noticeable bulges and looked up. Both Gunner and Cody were looking down at us with shit eating grins.

"Yeah, I hated that rule too," Gunner smiled as he reached down and squeezed the obscenely huge bulge in his Speedo.

"So glad I don't have to obey that rule," Gunner smirked as he pulled the front of his Speedo down, causing his erection to easily pop out. Blaine and I stared in awe at the huge, uncut fuck stick now on full display inches from out faces. It looked way bigger than Cody's cock! It had to be at least 10 inches or more! I could see it throbbing up and down as a small drop of pre-cum started to form in his piss slit.

We heard Gunner murmur, "Go ahead, touch it." I was shocked when Blaine hesitantly reached out and touched the shaft. Blaine looked up at Gunner as he ran his fingers over the impressive veined member. I reached out and cupped his impressive, shaved balls, then gripped the base of his cock. Gunner started humping his cock, jerking himself off in our hands. I couldn't tell if anyone else was noticing what we were doing, and frankly I didn't care. Gunner and Cody's bodies were blocking what we were doing.

"Fuck yeah.... two hot Freshies..." Gunner mumbled as he ran his hands through our hair. Then he pushed our heads onto his cock. Blaine and I instantly started to tongue bathed the sides of his manly shaft. Gunner started making sharper humps before he suddenly let out a few low grunts. His cock erupted, shooting several huge gobs of cum across the pool deck.

Gunner firmly grabbed our hair and had us look up at him. He had a dead serious look on his face as he mumbled, "I want you both this weekend."

Fuck yeah! I wanted him too! Feeling him being forceful sent a sexy tingly through my body. He released our hair then petted us like two obedient pets.

Gunner winked at Cody, "Save the rest for later," as he tucked his still hard cock back into his Speedo. Then he walked away, with Cody following like a puppy. I could tell Cody was submissive to Gunner, he never said a word during our entire encounter with his former teammate.

"I'm not sure how much more I can take of this," I mumbled to Blaine as I rubbed my painfully hard erection trapped inside my Speedo.

"It... was so... big," Blaine gulped as he rubbed his bulge.

"Think you could take it?"

Blaine looked at me and smirked, "It would be fun trying."

A few loud claps were heard as Coach made an announcement, "Okay! It's time for bed! Everyone, remember my rule is in effect until tomorrow!" Audible groans of protest erupted from everyone.

"You'll survive!" Coach laughed, "Now everyone, upstairs!" Everyone reluctantly headed inside. The alumni guys stayed by the pool, watching us like fresh meat. Blaine and I were last to head in. Just as I was about to enter the mansion, I turned and looked back at the pool area. The alumni guys started pulling their Speedos off. Their cocks all hard as they jumping into the pool. Then I noticed 10 year old Trent do the same! He was hard as well! The deck was littered with Speedos as splashing and moans started to emanate from the pool.

"You'll get plenty of that tomorrow, Parker," I heard Coach's voice say. I turned and looked at Coach. I think I blushed as he grinned at me, giving my ass a lite smack. I nodded, and quickly caught up with Blaine and the rest of the team heading up the stairs.

Once back in our room, Sean was the first to grumble, "Coach is such a tease," as he pushed his Speedo off, releasing his hard uncut cock. It was drooling like crazy!

"Geoff snickered, "I'm sure you'll get lots of attention tomorrow," as he peeled his suit off. His cock was just as hard.

"So... what's going to happen tomorrow?" Jason asked as he hesitantly took his Speedo off.

"Tomorrow's the shaving party," Sean replied.

"Shaving? Like, all of it?!" Jason gasped.

"Yup, you're whole body. Well, except the hair on your head," Sean chuckled.

Blaine and I stared at each other as we pushed our Speedos down at the same time. We both smiled as we stood naked in front of each other. I whispered, "God, I want you so bad right now!"

"Me too," Blaine murmured as he gave his shaft a few light strokes.

Sean announced, "Damn, it's going to be hard sharing a bed like this!" as he shook his hips, smacking his hard cock back and forth.

"You're getting a bed all to yourself you horny pervert," Goeff firmly stated.

"What?! You don't trust me?"

"No, I don't!" Goeff laughed as the two headed into the bathroom to brush their teeth.

"I'm sharing a bed with Geoff?" Jason gulped as his cock twitched.

"Will you be able to control yourself?" I asked.

"Yes!" Jason grinned, "Will you?"

Blaine and I looked at each other and grinned, "Maybe..."

"Why don't you two finally say you're a couple?" Jason snickered before he headed into the bathroom with his toiletry bag.

I looked at Blaine. He just smiled and grabbed his stuff. I did the same and followed him, watching his perfectly round ass as we went into the bathroom.

Blaine chuckled without looking back, "I know you're staring at my ass."

"It's so perfect, how can I not." I responded.

We joined the rest of the guys and got our bathroom tasks out of the way, then returned to the bedroom. Once everyone was ready, Goeff turned off the lights as we all got into bed still naked. True to his word, Goeff and Jason got into the same bed, leaving Sean by himself in the middle bed. Blaine and I crawled into our bed. We snuggled up, our hard cocks rubbing against each other as we lightly kissed in the dark.

I asked in a whisper, "Is Jason right?"

"You know that answer," Blaine whispered as he kissed my lips.

"I want to break Coach's rule so bad right now."

"Me too..." Blaine gasped.

"You two, go to sleep!" I heard Geoff bark.

Everyone in the room started laughing. It was so nice being next to the boy I had a huge crush on. I'm sure Blaine felt the same. As I started to fall asleep, I wondered how crazy tomorrow was going to be. Only time would tell.

To be continued... ;)

  • Comments: * dark_angel969@runbox.com * Please Donate to Support Nifty! Keep it free! * * * * * Other stories: * Checkmated (Adult-youth) * Watching the Boys (Adult-youth) * Thumping Time (Adult-youth) * I Want You To Watch (Adult-youth) * Hot Summer Daze (Adult-youth) * Incestsemilla (Incest) * Squeezing the Periphery (Adult-youth) * The Thirsty Boy (Sci-Fi) * The Merger (Sci-Fi) * An Agreement Between Brothers (Incest) * * And in the Bi-sexual section: My Maddie

Next: Chapter 8

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