Swimming with Alex

By Alexander Eleen

Published on Mar 23, 2001


Rick enjoyed taking midnight swims at his university's outdoor club pool. Never before had he ever encountered anyone with the same idea in the 2 years that he had been sneaking away to skinny dip in this secluded pool. When his eye caught site of a fine looking guy reading, wearing just swim trunks on a pool side table, curiosity sparked inside him. He walked into the pool deck area and sat down across from the silent man. His bare chest shown in the moonlight his trunks were dry and covered what looked like to be an enormous cock.

A few seconds went by when the man on the table put down his novel and introduced himself, "Hi, I'm Alex I think I live in the same dorm house as you do."

"Hi, nice to meet you," Rick answered admiring this handsome man in front of him, "My name is Rick. You live in this one right over here?" he said waving his hand in the direction of his dormitory maybe an 1/8 of a mile away but still visible over the tree tops."

"Yah I'm on the 6th floor."

"Cool, I'm on the 7th."

"You come here often?" Alex said standing up and stretching his maybe 6 foot muscular body.

"Umm, yah. Only at night though, I've been sneaking out to skinny for the past couple years I've been here," he said very surprised at his own openness, with this amazing looking man.

"Skinny dipping, eh?" Alex said smiling. Rick stood there a little awkwardly and shrugged, then smiled. Alex stretched once more and with a slow but sudden motion pulled down his pale blue swim shorts to reveal a beautiful partially hard 7 inch dick.. He looked at Rick smiled and dove into the water. Light blue waves splashed around him as he came up for air and to yell, "You coming in or not?!"

Rick was surprised at this offer and smiling took off his t-shirt and jean cutoffs, revealing his own hard package. He looked around quickly and dove into the water where his new friend was swimming laps.

Alex swam over to him, "Skinny dipping is not a bad idea!" he teased and swam around behind him. He placed his nicely developed arms under Ricks' and clasped his hands on the other side of his waist. Rick could feel the head of his dick rub up against his inviting ass. Alex ran kisses up and down Rick's shoulders and neck. Rick grew nice and hard during this and turned around to meet Alex's lips and gazing stare. He could feel his dick brushing up against his new partners and warm shivers shot up his spine.

Locked in each others arms they departed from the water laying on the smooth tile deck of the pool. Alex pulled Rick on top of him. Rick pulled away from Alex's beautiful lips and slowly inched downward towards Alex's throbbing pelvis area. Rick slowly pulled the now 8 inches deeper and deeper into his hot mouth. Alex placed his hand on Rick's shoulder and rubbed lovingly while Rick worked on sucking all the cum out of Alex's body. Rick slowly rubbed his tongue right under the head of Alex's throbbing cock. Using his teeth to gain inches into his mouth, he sucked harder and harder, all the time whisking his tongue around in circles around the swollen head of Alex's dick. The pre cum tasted sweet in his mouth, and he took more of him in now going up and down so his mouth would just be clasped around the head, and then whisk down to smother the whole thing. Not much time went by when the rubbing on his shoulder stopped and Alex was now just holding on to reality, gasping for breath between moans that soared from his gut. He thrust himself deeper into Rick's mouth loving it he held on. But he couldn't contain himself for much longer and after moments a huge load hit the back of Rick's throat. Rick sucked up the abundant warm fluid. He kept his mouth over Alex's slowly softening dick.

Now finally Alex could talk "Wow you can suck some cock!" he said pleased and smiling down on Rick who rested his head on Alex's inner thigh. "I bet you're pretty damn hard after that episode," he said jokingly, "you want anything yourself?" He asked licking his pouty lips, and ruffling his own wet sandy blond hair.

Rick looked up at him and met those dark blue eyes, and he didn't even have to answer him. Alex pulled him up to where he met his lips again. He flipped himself over onto his stomach. "Oh?" Rick said, "you want me to ass fuck you?"

Alex turned his head over his shoulder smiling said, "Go right a head!"

Rick skillfully licked around the edges of Alex's asshole, opening it, and lubricating it a little bit. He hoisted himself up and separated Alex's cheeks, and placing two fingers inside the relaxed hole. He kissed Alex's neck and slowly inserted his throbbing dick into the waiting asshole.

The fucking was amazing; every time Rick slide himself further in Alex raised his whole pelvis to take it in. Alex tightened himself around Rick and released. Rick moaned, pushing himself farther and farther in. Gasping for air Rick pushed and pushed himself right to the point of an orgasm. He held onto Alex tight and shot his load right up into him. He quickly pulled himself out of Alex and rested exhausted on his back. Alex turned over and with the exhausted man's pressure lying on him he hardened up again. Rick looked at him and laughed, "let's save some for next time."

Alex agreed and pushed himself up against Rick meeting his lips for what will be one of the millions of embraces that the two would share.

Next: Chapter 2

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