
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 25, 2023



The last guy on my list was Mateo Gonzales. It had been long enough for his family to complete the move to a different area.

He was in his underwear, but surprisingly not jerking off. He was semi hard, so I rubbed his dick to a full erection and started forcing sparks into his mind.

With nothing else to do, I checked his social media, seeing as he was right at his computer.

Apparently he had somehow managed to become the top dog of his new school, by using all the testosterone in his system to intimidate and brag his way up the jock social ladder.

In all his latest pics he wore snapbacks, which hid his hairstyle, making it look as if his head was shaved, at least at the sides.

As it happened, he was making fun of the school fag in a chat with his bros. I knew who they were talking about – Eugene Park, who apparently was now at the same school, two classes higher.

Eugene's fame had followed him, it seemed. Mateo's apparently had not. How was I going to fix that?

I installed a hook up app on Mateo's phone. Scrolling through the options I received a nice surprise. Eugene was on the app, looking for casual contacts – and he was nearby.

The school fag and his bully lived on the same street. I didn't know how my powers managed to keep finding new connections between my previous victims, but I was glad for it.

In nothing but basketball shorts and sneakers, I headed out to find Eugene's house, by tracking how the distance in the app changed while I moved along the road.

A minute later, I knocked at Eugene's door. I was going to tell him a variation on the truth.

The boy opened up for me. It was still fairly early in the morning and he seemed sleepy. I saw the slender, gorgeous boy for the first time in quite a while. His hair had grown back to normal, but I didn't have a way of easily changing that now.

"Hello Eugene," I said. The two years older boy stared at his fifteen year old bully with wide eyes.

"Don't worry," I continued, "It's not Mateo you're talking to."

Now I had confused him enough to let me keep explaining. "You see, some time ago you were possessed by a creature – let's call it a demon – who used you for his personal amusement. The banana, the bottle, the selfies. That was all the demon."

"W-what? How do you know- Fuck, he ruined my life!"

"I wouldn't be so sure. It made you come out, right? And you can't say you're anywhere near as shy as you might have been before."


"The demon was supposed to help people, but some of our kind have a horribly perverted sense of right and wrong. I'm here to make things better for you."

"H-how? Say I believe all this and you're really some fairy godmother in this assholes body, what can save me? Do you know what the call me? The school fag! How can I go on like that?"

"Would you like it if the kids knew you as the guy who dominated Mateo Gonzales?"

"That... well. I guess he'd be the new laughing stock then. But how?"

"You and I are going to make a little movie."


"Let me come in first. I'll show you a clip of what Mateo could do when he was being handled by Master Bain."

I let Mateo's mind wake up the second I was about to take Eugene's dick in my mouth. The bully got to experience the taste from the first moment on.

Not looking up meant Mateo didn't even know whose pubes were tickling his nose as I slobbered and gagged myself to give a good show.

"Choke on my meat, dumb faggot," Eugene said and I let Mateo see who he was serving and that he was being filmed.

The younger boy's mind freaked out. He was mentally clawing at the walls of his prison. Even without sound I knew he was screaming his mind's lungs out.

With a slurping noise, I pulled away. "Master Park, I love your dick so much. I want to serve you forever and be your slave in every possible way."

"Oh really?" Eugene said, fully enjoying the opportunity. "And why should I let you do that?"

Rubbing Mateo's face on the wet dick, I replied, "I know I'm just an ugly, stupid, worthless bag of muscles and good for nothing but showing off my fuckable body and boy-whore skills, but I promise I'll do anything to satisfy you, Master Park."

Eugene leaned back on his bed and spread his legs. He pushed the camera forward to film the area between his legs.

With a display of greedy impatience, I pressed my tongue on his asshole and smiled for the camera. Lapping up and down I got to hear more verbal abuse, calling Mateo out for his uselessness as anything but a mouth and an ass.

The trapped mind inside my current head trembled with cold rage and terror.

"Please, Master Park," I said, still rubbing myself on his asshole. "Let me feel your beautiful dick in my bitchhole. I swear I'll get you off in no time."

"What makes you so confident?" Eugene asked in a surprisingly sex voice.

"I practiced a lot. I fist myself a dozen times a day. It makes me cum so fast, especially when I imagine it is you, Master Park, who gets pleasure from my performance."

"Hm, not convinced."

Rising from my position, I kept looking at the camera more than the boy behind it. At the mention of the true statement of Mateo fisting himself daily, the boy's mind had gone into shock. Now he was back to shaking as he realized what was to follow.

I stood in the middle of Eugene's room and posed, flexing all of Mateo's teen muscles with a rock hard dick.

"See, Master Park? I'm clearly only good to service dicks – and I love your dick in particular. It's the most delicious thing I can imagine. I love your dick almost as much as I love you, Master. Please, let me fulfill my one and only purpose in life and help you to orgasm. I will derive infinite pleasure from knowing I have given you the fucking you deserve."

"Alright, slave. You get it up the ass. Get ready."

Grabbing the lube, Eugene made space on his bed for me. I joined him and went into doggy style position. He lubed up two fingers and filmed my ass getting fingered open. Since Mateo had probably already jerked off today, the hole was already stretched well.

After half a minute, Eugene pushed in. He placed the phone to keep filing from a steady angle and grabbed my hips with both hands.

"This'll be the fuck of your life, slave."

"Thank you so much, Master Park. I love you more than anything."

We stayed in doggy style the whole five minutes and got continuously louder until we were basically yelling on top of our lungs for no reason other than to give a good show.

"Fuuuuuck," Eugene made and I knew he was unloading before I could feel it.

Little Mateo in his prison had gone quite but when the cum filled his hole, hot and sticky, he came back trembling.

Once Eugene had gotten a good shot of cum flowing out of my ass, he turned the camera off.

"Wow, this was one great ride."

"Yes, Eugene, it was. Now, I hope you'll share the video widely. I'll say goodbye to you and then to Mateo." I closed the glory hole to send Mateo back into slumber.

"One more thing," I said as I got dressed. "Get a mohawk. A narrow one, preferably with the rest shaved."

"But that's the haircut the demon gave me!"

"Exactly. As long as you stay marked that way, he will see you as dealt with and not come back for another round."

"Oh, okay."

Quickly, I stunned the boy, took his phone and sent myself the video. I also memorized his contact data.

When the stun wore off, I told Eugene there might be a little more to follow but not to worry about it too much. He started to upload the file before I was even gone.

Once back at Mateo's place, I opened a glory hole for him, as I stood in front of his mirror.

"Here's the deal, Mateo, my boy. If you keep treating gay boys with anything but utmost respect I will have to come back to keep teaching you lessons. Do you want that? If not, maybe you should tweak your behavior a little. Also, you covered up your hair. I remember telling you to keep the style, no? You will leave your hair in a palm tree without covering it and maintain it this way. That's not a suggestion, that's a factual statement. You may dye it in any color you like, but not alter the shape. Until never, or perhaps next time. It's up to you."

I sent him back to sleep again because I had one more thing to do.

At home I first sent Ken a quarter million from one of my accounts. It was pocket change to me at this point. I had invested my stolen riches in all sorts of revenue streams.

Then I shot Eugene an anonymous message.

"Hello Eugene, or should I call you Master Park now? Here's the number of a boy who has also met one of our kind and gotten away lightly. You may share some coming interests. He is not aware of as many specifics about the nature of these events and I'd prefer it stays that way. We usually don't speak to our clients directly."

Then I wrote a message to a different boy.

"Hello Lyle! Your Spiritual Liberator speaking here. How's it going? I sent your number to a boy just your age who has had a similar experience to yours. Maybe you two can find a few common interests. He may or may not contact you soon."

Eugene wrote back, telling me he was going to give the boy a call. I left the anonymous number active for one more day, but Lyle didn't message me before deactivation. The final sign came from Eugene who let me know he was happy to have met Lyle Hopper and they were on the path to becoming buddies.

It seemed I was picking favorites. Once a boy or man impressed me or completed a test, I helped him quite often – for some definition of helping. Not all the time, of course. To man like Jack Singleton and boys like Isaac Bowman I was simply cruel for fun. But in general I seemed like what Eugene had called me – a fairy godmother.

One day later I accessed footage from the three cameras I had hidden in Mateo's room – again. I simply had to conduct research on the boy.

Mateo spent the whole day masturbating, and used the dildo I had donated him before I had left for good. Two days later I came to understand the permanent effects of my doing.

My hopes were fulfilled. When I had overwhelmed his mind with sparks the second time, the effect had been cumulative. He was jerking off twenty to thirty times a day. His life consisted of nothing else. I'm not sure how he managed but he went back to school. He certainly didn't have the energy to bully kids.

After all those punishments I felt like being nice to my next batch of victims – or should I say contestants? Since I had an absurd amount of money at my disposal I could make some poor shmucks compete for my amusement and pay them. Part of me wondered if Cruz Main had ever been convicted of anything, but maybe it was more fun not knowing.

With a special package, I switched into a new mind. The 18 year old boy was called Keith McCoy and his face made him destined to be a model. His sharp, small features let him look strong and boyishly charming. He had a slender body, slightly on the tall side.

The best part was, he lived in a tiny apartment – not with his parents, so I assumed he would have an easy time going along with my "requests".

First I had to strip and give his body hair the usual treatment plus dick mohawk as an extension of his faint treasure trail.

I figured out his address and looked up his number, email and bank data. After committing all that to memory, I placed my prewritten paper – in a fancy red folder – on his desk. It all looked totally official.

The content was, "Dear contestant #7, you have been selected for participation in The Game. Over the course of the next few days you will receive messages with tasks. Should you succeed, you are eligible for cash prices of up to a million dollar. Should you fail, you will be eliminated. Do we mean `eliminated from the competition' or worse? You may not wish to try and find out. The first message will arrive shortly to confirm your participation. Declining this opportunity will be regarded as failure. Good luck and have fun."

Once I was sure, there was nothing else to do, I walked into the bathroom naked and woke Keith up. Additionally I blocked his mind off from confounding sparks, letting him think crystal clear.

His mind panicked as he realized he was not in control of his body. I grinned at his reflection with Keith's own gorgeous smile and grabbed the razor I had brought. I took my time giving his a well-shaped mohawk made from his long, shaggy hair. It went well with his slim face.

All the way through, Keith grew more anxious. His immediate panic had given way to confused dread.

"Hello Keith McCoy," I said. His sharp spike of fear was enough to make me go hard with his pretty dick, which he of course felt happen.

"Our preparations are almost complete. You may wonder what you are being prepared for. Please refer to the submitted document once this stage is finished."

Then I walked leisurely to his window. He was on the fifth floor. I opened the window solely, letting him be confused and weirded out.

The second I placed my foot on the windowsill Keith understood what was happening and went almost insane with panic. He tried to break his cocoon, but lacked anything resembling mental hands to claw at the walls.

I leaned out and rose halfway out the window, looking down on the road as if considering where to land. A glory hole right to doom.

After a good minute of this, I dropped back in, closed the window and walked over to his desk. Keith's panic subsided.

"Now contestant Keith, I hope you understand what this game entails. Until we meet again."

I switched out, knowing that he would immediately see the document. Furthermore it was clear his first course of action would be to jerk off because he was already hard and I hadn't stopped the trickle of horniness sparks like I had with the other kind.

Only one day later I found my next victim. This one was pretty much the opposite of pretty boy Keith.

Reginald Reg' Foster was a 29 year old builder. He was like a blow up version of Damon Pena. Well, there were differences aside from height. Reg was not only taller and buffer but also had a thicker core from doing work instead of work-outs'.

While he lacked Damon's vascularity, he had similarly comical proportions. Wherever I looked on his body was endless thick muscle.

Reg was fairly hairy, so I fixed that right away, then placed the document. The only difference was that his name would be contestant #9.

Jerking the huge guy hard, I looked through his stuff to get all information I needed. Going by what was around the place, there was a girlfriend in the picture but she wasn't here right now and that was all that mattered.

He had short hair but it would form a proper mohawk just fine. I pulled the same trick, waking him up before shaving his head, talking to him, stepping halfway out the window – he was on the third floor – and vanishing when he was in front of the document.

Both contestants responded positively to my initial message. Well, at least they promised to take part in The Game. Keith was nicely submissive and begged to tell him if there was anything to give him an edge. Reg threw insults and demanded to know what was going on, but a gentle reminder of what was possible if he refused shut him up.

That was quite a lot of loose ends tied up. Mateo will be busy from now on. It is also the start of something new.

Next: Chapter 20

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