
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 27, 2023



Once I had both my contestants set up, I told them the first task. For starters I only wanted to see if they actually complied with my demands, so I started small.

Keith and Reg were instructed to only wear shorts from now on and no other item of clothing aside from shoes when outside. They would have to prove this by taking a body selfie in a mall, a gym, a grocery store and a busy public place of their choice. They had twenty-four hours for doing so.

Reg complained that he would have to call in sick and I reminded him that he could always fail The Game if he didn't feel up to the task.

Over the course of the day, I got some nice pics from Keith. He was wearing tight jeans shorts in all of them. He had shopped at a mall and a grocery store and bought stuff both times. He was sweaty from jogging in the picture from a park full of kids and their parents. He finished with a message promising to go to the gym first thing in the morning.

Reg was more disappointing. He had chosen brown cargo short, which went below the knee. It was evident that he had gotten in and out of all four places just for the picture without engaging with anything or anyone. But I had to admit, he was fast.

When Keith sent a pic from himself at the gym on the treadmill, I replied, telling him he had followed the task exactly in the way it was intended and advanced into the next round. Reg was told I wasn't happy with his lethargic attempt at winning through technicality, but he had been impressively quick.

Both got ten-thousand dollar on their respective account and the next round began.

This time they had to get nipple rings – using the money from round one if they so chose.

Again Reg was done in record time, but had picked small, thin, plain rings. Keith took his sweet time until the evening when I finally got photographic evidence of his golden rings with little hearts on them.

They got their reward with Keith getting a little extra. Reg got an additional warning. He had to think he was in danger of being eliminated.

I didn't think much would come of it, but by morning he had exchanged his piercings for fancier ones which had spikes running along the underside. It looked much better.

Next I demanded two more piercings, hoping to see some creativity by leaving the choice up to them. Keith got an eyebrow ring and a helix bar. Reg surprised with a septum ring and a dumbbell though the tongue.

I certainly had them following my commands now. Time to take it a little bit further.

Maybe I shouldn't have been surprised. I didn't even have to look for an ID – I knew exactly in whose head I was.

Like his older brothers, Joshua Thomas had a stocky, masculine build, but with his 14 years his muscles had only just begun to grow and his shoulders had yet to broaden up.

And to make matters easier, I was already in the shower. Out of habit, I took a second to make sure his smooth skin would remain that way, except for his pubes which I left unaffected for now.

I dried myself off, towel dried Joshua's hair and slipped into his gray sweatpants. Then I headed out to find Bobby. To my luck the boy was home this evening, in the trio's room.

"Hey Bobby," I said.

He nodded at me.

Leaning against the door frame I smirked with Joshua's pouty lips. "Guess who?"

Bobby looked at me in confusion. "Guess? Fuck off, Josh. I'm still mad at you."

"Is that any way to speak to your Spiritual Liberator?"

His head whipped around and he stared at me, a smile forming. "You're kidding!"

I winked and stepped closer.

"Fuck," he said. "I was wondering if that would happen. Fuck's sake."

"So... what are you mad about at little Joshie?"

"He put Marvin's cum rag in my bed so I'd lay down on it."

"Wow. A bad boy."

"Nah, he's all right. Marvin was the asshole. Josh is just a little bitch sometimes cause he hates being the smallest. By the way, Marvin's kind of stopped being an asshole. Since he jerks off about every two hours, he's turned tame."

"And now? What to do about Joshie?"

Bobby looked me up and down. "Good question. If he was older I'd say give him my treatment. He's not, like, an asshole, so..."

"Hm. He's unusually young for my vict- uh, hosts. Any idea what team he plays for?"

"Can't say. He hasn't given any indications."

I scratched my head. "We could try to figure it out? If we're not going to wreck him like Marvin we might as well mess with him that way a little. We can always tie him up with his face on a friend's ass when I make my second trip."

Bobby chuckled. "Yeah, that was a good one. Marvin's never getting over that. I think those boys aren't allowed to see each other anymore, so he spend all days playing video games between jerk offs."

"Take your pants off."

"What? Why?"

After talking Bobby through my plan and describing my newest power, he was eager to test it. He especially liked the name `glory hole' for it.

So I ended up kneeling in front of him while Bobby was sitting on his bed. With Bobby's tight tee shirt strapped over my head I licked his dick hard. The shirt was covering me so Joshua wouldn't see the face of who he was blowing until I wanted it.

Then I woke him up.

Joshua looked out with all his senses through my glory hole, feeling, tasting, smelling and seeing the erect, glistening dick right in front of him.

After a second of panic at the unfamiliar situation, he got turned on. I had never experienced someone getting horny inside the cocoon that wasn't brought on by my sparks. Usually my victims only felt terror.

It was a nice change. If he had been repulsed I would have flooded his brain with confusion so he'd wake up groggy, thinking it was a nightmare. Now, however, I was not interfering with the sparks' natural flow.

I gave a thumbs up, so Bobby knew things were going well, and he pulled his shirt off. At the sight of his punk-ish, big bro the imprisoned boy trembled with surprise. Then the horniness increased drastically.

With Joshua's small mouth and throat I had trouble taking Bobby in properly but the recipient helped by pushing my head onto his dick. With a lot of gagging and chocking, Joshua got to feel his first blowjob ever given.

Once Bobby shot his load onto my tongue, I closed the glory hole again before swallowing. I wanted Joshie to wake up with the memory of cum taste fresh on his mind.

"Looks like we found another one," I said.

Bobby laughed and leaned back on his bed. "I guess I'll show him the ropes. He'll be a bitch-boy in no time."

I got up from the ground. "Think of something for when I come around the second time, whenever that will be."

"Sure. Just one thing left to do now."


Bobby pointed at my head. Right. Of course.

We walked into the bathroom and the older brother gave his little one a haircut. The mohawk turned out quite well. I would see if the boy could be convinced to keep it that way.

The following day I got serious about The Game.

My contestants received their tasks for the day and an announcement that contestant number 4 had dropped out. I left it to them to interpret this.

After an hour I got the evidence, showing that they had followed my orders to make the shorts truly short. Keith's ended basically below the crotch. If he sat down with the legs pulled up, his dick might hang out. Reg had used a different pair of pants which was probably easier to cut than the cargo ones. His massive thighs seemed to have torn the fabric apart, which was a great effect to go for, if intentional.

By that time my first express package had also arrived, delivering them a bunch of flashy speedos – pink, red, orange, zebra and so forth.

They had to do the mall, groceries, gym and so forth again, but their time I would also demand pictures randomly throughout the day.

If I caught one in anything but the specified attire, they would be "eliminated". To complement the shorts, they had to wear speedos when out and make sure this fact was plainly visible to the outside world.

Keith looked perfectly slutty and faggy with this style. I had nothing to add. Reg, once again, was difficult. He looked ridiculously perverted. No one would believe he had picked this aesthetic for himself. Additionally he was worried about running into anyone he saw. I told him to either own up to it or the threat from the introduction would be carried out. And – to nudge him just a little more – I told him we'd make sure he would be found in The Game's attire.

After this was cleared up, I sent fifteen thousand to each again and gave them a last task for tomorrow. Each had to pick a hair color to dye, but they would have to dye it in the color specified by the contestant with a number one below theirs. Similarly, the guy one above would then have to dye their hair in whatever color they come up with.

Of course they wanted the other contestants to drop out, so they tried to pick the worst ones in hopes of getting rid of the one opponent.

In truth I gave them each other's.

Keith went with the classic pink, which meant Reg would have to wear that bright neon color for the rest of The Game. Reg himself surprised with his creativity which forced Keith to get his mowhawk rainbow colored – each inch along his head a different stripe.

I was in a familiar surrounding again. The house was where Doyle Graham lived – the boy who had made me discover my power over hair and who I had left naked and tied in someone else's home, twice.

However, I was not in his body – I had already been there two times after all. Instead I was in Michael Doyle, his father. The 39 year old, looked pretty much like an older version of his son. Unsurprising.

To be honest, I wasn't too interested in him because Doyle was home. I really wanted to fuck up Doyle some more. The boy had grown out his hair which meant he needed to be punished hard.

When I walked into his room and stunned the boy immediately and dragged his obedient body onto the bed.

First I collected his phone, tablet and wallet. His computer was turned on so I deleted everything on it, as usual. This time he had two external hard drives, one of which was hidden under his bed. Good thing I was so thorough. Then I figured out he had a cloud based backup. It was password protected but he had been logged in when I had entered, so I could delete all that, too.

Refreshing the stun a couple of times was enough to get my next deed done. I pulled him into the bathroom, his body following me like a tired puppy.

I bent him over the sink and worked my hands over the boy's head to give his lush hair a treatment. He ended up with the circle on top, looking nicely stupid.

In the kitchen I found beer and fiddled with it for a while to give the boy a bottle's worth of alcohol. Since I couldn't make him swallow, I ended up forcing it in anally, which would make the blood absorb it faster anyway.

The Grahams had a car.

After undressing Doyle fully, I shoved him into the back and rove around a bit, careful not to let the stun wear off.

It took a while to find a suitable house, but I got a good enough understanding of the city to find my way into the better parts of the suburbs quickly next time.

The evening had progressed into early night as I pulled Doyle from the backseat and towards a door. I force pushed it open and began walking up the stairs.

A couple in their thirties came running toward me screaming when I entered the upper floor, but it was too dark for them to see anything.

Now I had three knocked out people. I turned on the light, led Doyle to the sideboard in the hallway and used the laces of the shoes I had taken from him to tie his thumbs together behind his back – and his right ankle to the sideboard.

He'd have to tear himself loose before he got a chance to run. I looked through the house for guns and when I found none, I knelt down next to the boy and jerked him hard for a while.

Should I make him cum? He wasn't going to be horny at all if I did that. Better to edge him a bit.

Once I was satisfied I left and drove off before the stun wore off in case he managed to get down fast enough to see the car otherwise.

Back home, I went through his stuff again to make sure I wasn't missing anything and maneuvered the father to where he had been when I had taken over. Then I said goodbye. He would probably just feel dazed and horny and jerk off without knowing what his son was going through several dozen blocks away.

The two who played The Game with me had both succeeded. Reg looked silly with pink hair, but his imposing masculinity made it work. He didn't really look gay, he looked more like he was going to beat up anyone who commented on his appearance. It certainly suited him.

By then his coworkers had seen him at some point and he had seen no way out but to claim the whole thing as a deliberate style change.

Keith on the other hand looked pretty cute, although he also kind of looked like he was trying to hard or on his way to pride.

I told them player 10 had dropped out. Then I gave them the next task. One tattoo of choice. It would be judged by how humiliating, how visible and how obvious it was. There were told one person would be eliminated even if everybody took part in this round.

I spent my day texting Bobby, who swooned over Ralph. I also kept contact with Lewis again, who had introduced the idea of anal to his brother, but Tony seemed honestly reluctant. Sucking dick was one thing, but the older boy saw himself as a top only. I also shot Eugene a message. He had met up with Lyle and they had gotten along splendidly. I didn't regret fucking him up as much as I did but I was glad I could help in the end.

When evening came, I got my proof pictures. Keith had two circles with arrows intertwined on his chest – the symbol for gay union. Reg had razor wire drawn around his throat.

Neither were too impressive and I told both they were up for elimination and had one chance left. The first one to get a tramp stamp would be saved from failing the round, provided the mark was big and artful enough.

The next day, before I had even woken up, I got both proof pics in my email. Keith and Reg now had beautifully perverted squiggles above their asses. Good enough for now.

After telling them player number 1 had left us this time and transferring a little bit of money to each, I gave them today's task. They had to jerk off to orgasm in public, with other people visible in the video. Their performance would be evaluated for creativity of location, amount of people around and riskiness of being discovered.

I made clear that simply standing next to the highway in the dark did not count and that any video too badly lit would be discarded.

What a stroke of luck! I found myself inside Lewis. At 15 he was not the youngest I had ever been in, that was still Joshua, but he probably looked the youngest.

Also, Tony was currently sucking my dick. What a great pastime. I let him edge me for as long as I could hold it. Lewis teen body was so full of hormones, I couldn't keep it going indefinitely, but I assumed we went way beyond how long Tony usually had to keep working.

When I had cummed, Tony simply crawled in his bed. I was still wide awake, though.

I had been so nice to Lewis and done so much for the boy. I deserved having a little fun with him.

To make sure I'd stay undisturbed I stunned the sleeping Tony and made my way to the bathroom, remembering exactly where it was. Little Lewis got a haircut, but I made sure it looked good. I wanted him to be able to pass it off as deliberate so he could keep it without parental interference.

Before leaving the house I wrote a message on a sheet of paper, which I took with me. I didn't take anything else with me, though. For a while I walked the streets. There weren't many people around, it was a small town. If someone saw a little kid tied up, they would help for sure, so I had to keep Lewis unseen.

Luckily there was a park not too far away. I waited until I was alone on the road and stripped. Before I had even gotten rid of all clothes I was already hard. Teen hormones worked fast.

With the sheet of paper and Lewis' shoe laces, I found a spot far off the park's main path. Any wandering insomniacs would pass him by none the wiser.

Close to the full moon and with street illumination spilling into the area, I was sure Lewis wouldn't miss my message. It said, "Hello little one. After letting you turn your brother into what he deserves to be, I thought I'd pay you a visit to give you a little taste of what it's like. If you perform to my satisfaction, I will let you tell me what to do with you and Tony on my next visit. All you have to do is get home and shoot me a message before the time is up. I won't tell you what the time limit is, but better to hurry. Remain unseen, or I'll let Tony know the deal is over and he can go back to being an asshole. Love, the magic spirit."

I tied his toes together with the lace connected to a sturdy root. His wrist followed with the other string, tied behind his back. I left the little boy alone to have him wake up with my victims' usual level of buzz and horniness.

Reg sent in his submission from a trip to the beach. He didn't stand out too much with his clothes there, aside from the now pink hair. He jerked off for about thirty seconds before he cummed. There were a lot of people around and I assumed he had been in real danger of being discovered, so I let it slide that he had obviously edged himself earlier to be quick.

A little later came Keith's take on the task. He had chosen the back of a bus stop. Three busses dropped of people and took in waiting ones, so there were a lot of potential witnesses very close to Keith – right on the other side of a thin wall.

The boy was, however, not in any real danger to be seen, since he was perfectly shielded from view unless someone decided to walk around the terminal and look between the bushes there. Then again, I liked that he started out totally flaccid and masturbated for over five minutes. In addition, he stood out greatly with his rainbow hair, so maybe his chance of being seen was bigger than I thought.

Together with sending their victory money, I informed both players that we unfortunately had to say goodbye to contestant number 3, who had not sent in a satisfactory video. Of course I let them both know I wasn't too happy with theirs either – Reg's duration and Keith's hiddenness.

Lewis' message came in an hour after I had left him. Earlier than expected. He didn't quite thank me for the experience, but let me know it had been amazingly exciting and from now on he would masturbate outdoors more often. Then I asked what he wanted me to do when I came back and his idea was just lovely. I would definitely do that.

The next round of The Game started in the evening. I told them the rules, which said "You will have to pick two tattoo designs. There are no limits other than it must be doable in one day. The tattoo idea of each contestant will be added to a pool and two picked at random for each. This means there is a chance you may have to go along with your own idea."

This was necessary in my opinion, or else they would have simply demanded an impossibly bad tattoo like a swastika on the forehead, to force their opponents to drop out. This way, I hoped, they would come up with something bad but doable. I wanted to keep them participating, after all.

What Reg sent in as his ideas told me had was hoping not to be the one how'd get his own designs and banked on getting rid of an opponent. The first was Faggot written on the face, the second was a scribble of a penis on the chest.

By comparison Keith's submissions were fairly tame. The word Fuck across the shoulder blades, and a rainbow flag colored ring around a limb. Somehow I felt like he was hoping to get his own designs.

Each one got one from himself and one form the other. Reg got the Fuck and the penis, Keith got the Faggot and the rainbow ring.

I hoped they were sufficiently scared of me to keep going.

Lucky Joshua, lucky Lewis. Doyle... not so lucky. Time for a lingering then.

Next: Chapter 21

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