
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 30, 2023



This time the decision was really tough. Technically they had both passed, I had to admit.

Keith now carried a thick rainbow flag ring around his left calf – that one looked as intended. Since I still hadn't allowed anything beside mini-shorts and speedos, he showed the tattoo off wherever he went.

But the one that was supposed to say Faggot on his face? It ran from his ear down his neck, so it barely counted as correctly placed and more to the point it was in futuristically stylized letters. No one would even know what it said without examining it in detail.

In contrast, the Fuck on Reg's back was huge and legible despite the fancy lettering. He was permanently cussing out anyone behind him. On the other hand, his attempt to hide the penis within tribal-tattoo-like squiggles across his left shoulder, biceps and chest was not too welcome.

Successes and failures on both sides. I sent only a little bit of money to show they had almost paid the price of refusal. I let them know we were now one man less – contestant 2 had tragically failed to fulfill the task.

To make up for the mere-technical win, they got an offer to get back into my good graces or they would be up for elimination soon. I demanded from each one to get eyeliner tattooed on. It could be subtle – so it would look like deliberately applied make-up – but it had to be clearly visible.

Afterwards, I simply told them their current outfits would be expanded with something to arrive as an express shipment tomorrow and that they had to do the usual – mall, gym, public place – with their new attire. In addition they had to visit a cinema, a restaurant and a bar or club. Naturally, I required evidence.

With my next switch, I landed in a school again, but this time I was an adult. Ross Glover was a 25 year old teacher, on his way to his next class. I held my goodie bag. Perfect.

Surrounded by students roaming the halls, I checked to surrounding in case I had been here before. How many schools had I visited so far?

Then I spotted someone familiar. Eugene Park was taking books from his locker. He had a nicely tall and narrow mohawk. I walked around a bit more, because I knew someone else had to be here – although it was possible he had dropped out of school.

As it turned out Mateo Gonzales was still an active student. His bushy palm tree looked adorably stupid. He was rushing to the bathroom. Presumably he jerked of during every break. How he could still focus in school work was beyond me.

Those two boys would be the only ones who'd understand what happened with Mister Glover. To make sure of that, I first had to implement my trademark.

The bell started the next class and I headed to the bathroom. Mateo jumped out, apologized for almost bumping into me and was on his way. What a polite young man he had become. All those orgasms probably worked like a miracle cure on his mood.

I took my time getting to know the area and hiding my presents. Once I had prepped Ross Glover's phone, I followed my usual routine. He had a hot body, a bit short but with cut abs and a broad chest.

The school consisted of three unconnected buildings. This time I started on a roof – it was the left wing.

Ross was ready, with a thin, blond mohawk, hairless beside the pubic match to his head hair, oiled up, wearing a cock ring and a ball stretcher.

There was a simple way to make my victims complacent and I would use it here as well.

A downpipe next to the wall was my mirror. I opened a glory hole. Ross was already dazed and horny, but now he shook with terror as he woke up naked, not in control of his body.

"Hello Ross," I said and grinned at my reflection. "Let's play a little game. I'll give you back control over your body, but I'll stay in contact over your phone to tell you the rules."

I looked down on myself, already rock hard in the cock ring. "If you win my game, nothing will happen. If you lose, I'll make sure everyone sees you like this. Oh, and if you think you can just refuse to play or outsmart me..."

With lazy steps I walked over to the roof's edge and looked down. Four floors. I moved one foot forward. Ross went mad with panic.

"Don't worry, it's just to show you one possible outcome. I'm sure you'll do well." I stepped back from the edge. "Now, shall we begin? I'll send you texts. You just have to speak for me to hear you. I'm in your head right now so if you try any tricks I will know, don't forget that."

I picked up the last item I had brought up on the roof – a lubed up butt plug. With spread legs and ass pushed out, I shoved the plug in and let Ross feel the stretching. Going by what I had found on his phone he was perfectly straight, which made this experience certainly a new one for the teacher.

Once I was all the way in, I closed the glory hole and shot a few more sparks his way just to make sure he had absolutely no possibility of going limp.

Facing the downpipe again, I switched out, lingering.

My first message arrived.

"What the fuck?" he mumbled, the daze taking full effect.

<Do you see the copper surface in front of you?>

He looked at the pipe. "Huh? Sure..."

The teacher was still high, but I hadn't increased the confounding sparks beyond the normal rate so this was going to fall to a manageable level within a few minutes.

Finally, the urgency of his situation registered. The teacher looked around, then down on himself, then began to masturbate. "Okay okay, just don't... just take it easy, please..."

So far, so good. I set a timer for one minute. Once the time was over I wrote again.

<Stop. More rules. You are never allowed to stand still. When you are not walking and have no other task to do, you have to run on the spot.>

Ross began to jog on the spot, his hard dick slapping up, down, left and right, settling into a rotating motion.

The teacher jogged to the door, slipped off the handle several times, eventually managed to get into the staircase and tumbled down.

Before I could give the next command, the idiot dropped his phone and watched it shatter to pieces as it hit step after step on its way to the bottom.

Well, fuck. That lingering was a loss.

Continuing to watch through his eyes, I saw Ross stand around dumbly without doing anything. He probably had trouble thinking through the haze of confusion.

Finally he seemed to grasp his situation and rushed down the stairs and out of school. When he jogged off the premise, his hands covering his crotch, I tuned out. I'd have to find a way to punish him brutally for denying me a round of fun and wasting my lingering – not to mention all the preparations I had made.

My two contestants had fulfilled my requests. Reg looked rather strange with a sharp black line along his eyelids, while Keith's feminine looks went well with it.

They had gotten the packages I had ordered for them. It was simple stuff – a thick metal chain collar, held together by a heavy lock, plus a cock ring. The latter was going to be fairly easy to spot since they had to stay in mini-shorts with their underwear showing.

I got some quality pictures from Keith, who had visited the required places and shown off his body properly. He wrote me he had great trouble not getting hard all the time, so he had decided to simply let it happen and ignore the many, many stares. As long as he stayed in a particular part of town, he shouldn't run into much trouble.

On the other hand, Reg was less enthused. It was pretty clear that the massive man had stepped into the requisite locations and back out as soon as he had a picture. He hadn't even been in the cinema – only the lobby.

Reg got a scolding, Keith got some money. I informed them that player number 6 had not sent in his evidence on time and was unfortunately no longer participating. For the final task they were – I told them – randomly assigned into teams. The pairs would be 7 with 9 and 5 with 8. More instructions would follow.

Over the next two days I began to feel the pull the accompanied the aftermath of a lingering. I organized the preparations for The Game's last task but also didn't neglect my other contacts – one of which was particularly important for my immediate plans.

Having gone to sleep in the middle of the day, I caught Ross Glover just as he was about to walk into a classroom. I took a swift turn and went the other way, pulling out his phone. I texted my ally, with whom I had arranged things the day before.

Then I walked leisurely to the front entrance. Five minutes later, Eugene showed up.

"H-hey... Mister Glover?"

"Oh no, boy. It's really me. He's asleep in here," I said and pointed at my head.

"Wow. Holy fuck. I can't believe you're back."

"You better believe it. You agreed to help me."

"Right..." Eugene hesitated. "They think I'm off to the nurse's office so I guess I'll skip class now. Are you sure Mister Glover deserves it? He's always been really nice."

"Oh believe me, I wouldn't be here if he didn't need the lesson. He's basically the teacher version of Mateo. You kids are lucky he doesn't let it out on you."

"Wow, okay. I had no idea. I'll get the stuff you sent."

"Nice hairstyle, by the way," I said as the boy turned.

"Oh," he looked back at me with a grin. "Seems to have kept the spirits off. I was wondering why Mister Glover suddenly had a mohawk, too, but I chalked it up to coincidence."

Once the boy was out of sight, I stripped completely and shoved the clothes into a nook where Ross wouldn't see them when he woke up – which would not be for some time.

Eugene returned with a bag from his locker, stopped in his tracks at the sight of the naked, hunky teacher, recovered after a second and unpacked his bag with a huge smile.

It wasn't much, just a cock ring, a ball stretcher and a blindfold. I put them all one, but let the blindfold stay around my neck. The last thing I got was a small bottle Eugene had gotten me from the cafeteria.

"Oh, I see," I said. "Sprite. You remembered."

Eugene flinched. "I thought it was a ...nice callback? That day was the most fucked up day of my life. I guess the first time was worse because I had never gone through anything like it, but at least I got the banana out with only some pain. The bottle really fucking burned my ass for days."

"Hehe, what an evil spirit that was, huh? Good thing he's back in containment."

"Yeah? That's great to hear."

It was hard not to laugh out loud. I got a little bottle of lube, held it in the same hand as the bottle and we parted ways.

With Eugene out of sight, I jerked myself hard. Then I wandered through the halls. It was quite exhilarating to walk through a school naked and slowly masturbating, especially since I was in a teacher's body.

Back when I had fucked up Eugene I had picked the cafeteria and the football field – both times letting a great deal of students watch. This time I considered them secondary, although they would still play a role.

Ross made his way to the door of the teacher's lounge and began lubing up the bottle. He was bigger than Eugene, but not really any less tight. I wondered if he had kept the butt plug and my other gear but I assumed not. He didn't seem like the type. I was at least glad he hadn't had the time to get a haircut.

Shoving the bottle into his ass was an aggravatingly slow process. I did think of a way to make it more fun, though.

Poking a glory hole, I let Ross see and feel what it was like to anally penetrate himself where his colleagues were bound to find him.

He hadn't gotten enough confounding sparks yet to be loopy, so the terror and panic was thorough and icy. A beautiful way to show him the error of his ways.

"Well well well, Ross," I said with his voice. "Since you ruined my game, I'll ruin you a bit, too. Enjoy the ride, my friend."

Once the bottle was most of the way in and not in danger of slipping out anymore, I closed the glory hole. Now I only had to wait. The intense anal stimulation had it hard to stay focused but I had enough practice to keep edging even under those circumstances.

Finally, the door opened and an elderly lady came out. She saw me – I didn't look at her – and she screamed. When she tumbled back into the office space, I turned away and casually walked off. Several teachers stormed out of the room when I had reached the stairs.

They all got to see Ross' gorgeous, muscled backside with the bottle's neck sticking out of his ass. The anal intrusion forced me to waddle with my legs weirdly spread.

No one called after me. They probably had no idea what to shout. Disappointingly they weren't even following.

I turned around, opened the glory hole again, and raised my middle fingers. "Hey fuckers," Ross' voice called against his will, "Let's see how many kids I can fuck the virginity out of before you catch me."

Now they followed. I walked up the stairs, watched them catch up and stunned them one by one. Ross' own mind was back to sleep.

Walking along the upper floor corridor I tried to remember where I had left my presents for the game I never got to play. On the back of a heater, I found a pair of handcuffs. I'd use them later.

Where to head now?

Like once before, the answer came in the form of a poster. Right now, there was a basketball game against a rival school happening in the gym hall.

Having a final target in mind, I opened the doors to every classroom along the way. Under the shocked gasps, surprised screams and – most importantly – uninhibited teen laughter, I jumped into classrooms and humped the air. Sometimes I winked at the teachers, sometimes I shouted about fucking everything that moved, sometimes I danced with my ass to them to show off the bottle.

As was to be expected, the adults were horrified, but the teens were greatly entertained for the most part. I had hoped they would use the disruption to skip class and race after me, which many did. Their utterly surprised teachers didn't bother to keep order.

Whenever I felt like I was getting a particularly good reaction, I allowed Ross a glance through the glory hole before shutting it right back up.

By then, most of the people from the lounge had recovered and were coming after me as well. Under the eyes of a great deal of people and plenty of cameras, I rushed towards the gym. By that point the chaos was self-perpetuating with more and more classes joining my march.

The bottle in my ass felt huge and made pain spread into my guts, my abs, my inner thighs and my lower back. I had a hunch that the lube was fully absorbed as I could clearly feel the dry plastic rubbing my insides.

Finally, I arrived at the gym. I stormed in and ran onto the field. Once I had made it all the way across all eyes were on me. I quickly snapped the handcuff onto the basket's post and my right ankle into the other cuff.

Then I dropped to my knees, pulled the blindfold on and started jerking like mad. I let Ross feel what was happening through the glory hole but without visual information he didn't know what the sounds indicated.

He'd have to find out for himself where he was. I came close to orgasm. On a whim I pulled bit on the bottle. It hurt like hell. I quickly unscrewed the cap to let sticky fluid run all over my legs.

"Fuck yeah!" I shouted. "If I can't fuck anymore virgin teen boy asses, I can at least fuck my own ass!"

Then I came. It was an amazingly strong orgasm. Lucky Ross would wake up with the effect of his naturally accumulated dose of sparks and get to be honey all over again.

I said my final goodbye to him, whispering. "So, Ross, my buddy. I hope you had fun because I'll leave you to clean up this mess. Sure you don't mind, huh? Also, I certainly hope I could give you a good lesson, teach. Bye."

Lewis was at home. I had told him I was most likely to switch into him today so he had faked a fever. He had also commanded Tony to find an excuse to stay home.

I reached under the bed and grabbed the items I had told Lewis to prepare. Then I snuck across the hallway into Tony's room.

Before the older brother could say a word, I stunned him. Now I could get to work.

Lewis' body was small, slender and boyish for a fifteen year old but luckily Tony was also quite the twink so he wasn't all that heavy.

I undressed the older and turned him on his stomach. Then I tied his arms and legs to the bed posts. I quickly lubed up his asshole, not caring too much if it was well spread, and stripped Lewis as well.

Now, the deal had been to tie Tony up and then leave to let Lewis do the rest, but I kind of didn't feel like going away just yet.

With both twink brothers on Tony's bed, I tied Lewis' legs to Tony's, so they were on top of each other. Naturally I was already hard, so it was a matter of seconds to shove teen dick into teen ass. I made sure Lewis was getting basically no confounding sparks but a good dose of horniness, so he wouldn't go limp even right after orgasm.

Humping Tony's delicious but unresponsive body for a while, I reached over and tied Lewis' wrists together under his brother's throat, to allow him a good grip on his shoulders if he wanted to fuck hard.

I didn't think they would be able to untie themselves easily. As far as I had been told, their parents were home. I wondered what they would think. Well, that wasn't my concern. If they came up to see what all the noise was about and found that the bedpost-scratching-on-floorboards sound was caused by their sons dong some BDSM fucking... Well, not my problem.

Biting Tony's neck, I cummed, shooting Lewis' load into Tony's ass. Clearly the younger one had been fantasizing about the anal fuck for the whole day because the amount of jizz was unreal. I let it drop from Tony's hole to their legs and rubbed it all over their legs and the old one's back with Lewis' dick.

Then I shoved the still hard dick back in and said goodbye.

Reg and Keith are starting to look pretty neat, right? Too bad Ross messed up. It could have been a fun game, if maybe a bit too much like the ones before. Lewis might not be happy he wasn't the one taking his brother's virginity but he won't have the mind to care when he wakes up horny and already in Tony's hole.

Next: Chapter 22

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