
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 6, 2023



It was pretty clear that I was losing my ability. Maybe I had already lost it entirely, but most nights I still caught flashes of other minds. I never managed to stay.

More worryingly, I had developed cognitive issues. Sometimes my memory failed me on banal tasks. On occasion I couldn't command my arms and legs properly. What was happening to me?

It was a great relief when I rushed through the darkness between switches once again in the following night. This time I tried my hardest to keep going, to find a new host.

Everything shivered around me and moved away in ripples, as if the darkness was water and I a stone cast into it. The connection to my own body that had always been there, wavered. I was deeply scared.

Then I landed in someone's mind, his own soul being shoved into the cocoon.

Wait, I had already been to this one twice.

I found myself in Ed Horton – the roommate of my first victim. He and Jimmy were both at their dorm, working on their computers. They both had tied their silly hairstyle into something like a pony tail.

Then the boy's mind broke.

An onslaught of memories assaulted me. The information of his last ten or so lessons flooded my consciousness. I couldn't fend it off and I couldn't make it stop. I left Ed's head. The boy had now lost everything from those lessons, and I realized he was studying for a test on exactly that subject.

Within the last second I spent in his head I looked at his calendar on the wall. Despite the confusing horror I was going through, I grinned internally. The test was later today. Ed was royally fucked.

The next victim was Jack Singleton – the businessman I had flown to Haiti. Before doing anything else, I tried my best to stabilize his cocoon and hoped it would keep everything inside it from falling apart.

This seemed to work. I had to find the right spots to push and pull but Jack remained unbroken.

Now I saw he was still in Haiti but at a motel. I searched the place. There were plane tickets for tomorrow. He was also wearing a plain, cheap suit. Somehow he had – after all this time – found a way back onto his feet.

When was I ever going to get that chance again?

Flooding his mind with both types of sparks, I left with his possessions. Just like last time with Jack, I knocked out a driver and took the car for myself.

During the drive, I realized I wasn't feeling the line back to my own body anymore. Had I been cut off? What did this mean for my switching? Was I just trapped in limbo?

When I was far from civilization, I left the car behind and walked. During the jog I lost all of Jack's stuff, including the tickets and the passport.

Once I was naked and certain that his mind was not going to swallow any more sparks, I left him in the middle of nowhere. He'd be too busy jerking off to even realize his situation for the next few hours. In fact, he'd be jerking off six to eight times a day from now till forever.

Conveniently Erik West was already in the shower. I began by holding his mind together the second it started forming cracks. Then I flooded it with sparks.

Once out of the shower I looked at the mirror. The former lingering victim had grown his hair back out of course. I grabbed the glass in which the toothbrushes stood. Using it I gave him the circle on top of his head that he deserved, but this time I was much more careful as I worked along the back of his head, leaving a mohawk-trail from the circle backward.

Tracing letters on the back of your head is no simple task but I think I did it well. The word FAGGOT was plainly visible, written into hair as permanent bald spots. Maybe he wouldn't even see it before someone else did.

I jerked off with three fingers up his hole to make sure his future horniness always came with a desire to have his ass filled. After a while I figured he was now permanently going to have to jerk off about three or four times a day, so I cummed up his abs, and left it at that...

...and I found myself inside Kevin Bell – the boy who I had made suck off his dad. Once I was sure I was keeping his mind together properly, I went into the bathroom. The parents were both in the living room but I stunned them as I walked by.

The 15 year old boy looked like last time – pretty but unmaintained. He had almost shoulder long hair. I gave him the top circle and smoothened his skin, since he was from before I had discovered the hair removal ability. Like usual, I left him a dick mohawk.

There was no point in putting any clothes back on so I didn't.

Already flooding his mind with sparks, I walked up to the front door. It was just as barred and locked as last time, so I used force push to smash open a window instead.

Once I had grabbed his possessions, I left the house. Walking along the road naked, I saw that the neighborhood was probably indeed a bad one as I had assumed but only by virtue of being poor, by no means a war zone.

As luck would have it, there was a piercing studio just down the road.

Shoving Kevin's phone and laptop into a trash container, I figured out my next step. No point in bothering with transactions. I had been through enough of these procedures.

I force pushed my way into the studio. There was no alarm. I was ready to stun any appearing owners but I was alone. Just perfect.

It took me some fiddling but I was sufficiently familiar with the equipment to give Kevin a pair of nipple rings and a tongue stud. After some consideration I added a ring on the taint.

Since I was probably not going to get another such opportunity I tattooed him as well. Kevin got a dick drawn on his forehead – nicely large since I had space to work with as he now lacked most of his hair.

Before he was on his permanent four times a day, I still had about ten minutes to go so I grabbed a pen from the store owner's desk and ran out. Then I jogged along the road, my dick getting rock hard. While I was at that, I also fingered his ass – might as well use the sparks to make him crave anal, fucked up as he already was.

People certainly stared and many of them hollered. It was a great feeling to be back in action but I wasn't done yet.

When I felt like the amount of sparks was roughly where I wanted it to be and didn't care to stick around any longer, I scribbled on Kevin's forearm, hidden in a side alley.

The message was, "If you change your appearance I will come back and destroy you. Especially if you cover or alter your head. Fuck you. – Your Enchainer."

I dropped the pen and walked out into the open, jerking off furiously. The onlookers kept their distance but I saw a whole lot of phone cameras document the scene. After only a few seconds I cummed and made sure to shoot it all up onto the little boy. Then I left...

...and switched into Doyle Graham of all people. He had kept the hair and added a few piercings – eyebrow rings, ear studs, lip rings, a septum ring and nipple dumbbells.

After undressing him I took a felt pen and wrote upside down on his abs so he would be able to see it when he looked down on himself.

My message for Doyle was, "Seems like you found a way to fight me. Almost kept me out, but your hair is not long enough yet my any means. Let's make our last time together fun."

Since the boy had thought he was rid of me, he had replaced all his stuff and done a decent job at filling it with data. Again I got rid of everything stored in the cloud, grabbed his phone, walled, keys and notebook and brought them outside where I trashed it all.

Then I returned to grab all his clothes and got rid of those, too. I came by the fridge and found beer. Well, I wasn't going to go out with anything less than a bang, so I downed three of them. During all that I gave him an extra dose of confusion but kept the horniness on the organically accumulating dose.

Doyle would wake up buzzed and high as if he had tried to transcend his firm ass straight into nirvana.

I left his house in the only clothes he still owned and tried to find a suitable target for the finale. We had been to houses, a mall and not much else.

Once I came across a fast food chain restaurant I figured it wasn't going to get better than this, especially because it was full of high schoolers who had apparently just come from school and were having their dinner here.

Doyle's body was piloted past a recently abandoned table to grab an empty coke bottle. Then I casually wandered into the washroom where I undressed him and stuffed all his clothes out the window. The only thing I kept were his shoelaces. Why didn't this stupid boy learn to wear shoes without easily misused features?

It took me a long time to shove the bottle up his ass with only foamy soap as lube. Once that was done and I could feel the burning rise through his guts and seep into his thick thighs, I tied his toes to one lace each and knotted them together.

This left me with a string from one toe to the other but way longer than he could spread his legs.

I walked out into the restaurant and laid down. Then I pulled the string over my head, thus forcing Doyle into a jackknife position, but with bent knees. Under the horrified screams of patrons and wait-staff I jerked off.

As Doyle's cum sprayed across his torso, I said goodbye...

...and made a reappearance in the head of Lyle Hopper. The punk was currently getting fucked doggy style. Good boy. I made sure the mohawk was still there and left before his mind could shatter. I switched away...

...and into Eugene Park. As it turned out he was the one doing the fucking. I looked down on Lyle, touched my head to see if Eugene had kept the haircut as well and left the boys to their own devices...

...arriving behind the eyes of Luis Clark. It had been so long I almost didn't recognize him. The well-built office worker was in a cubicle again. Just his luck.

Last I'd seen the tall, blue eyed beau, he had been dangling on car battery weighted strings. How could I top that in a short time?

First I made sure his mind stayed intact. I couldn't hold it together as successfully as the others at first so I swallowed a bunch of useless memories and facts like his home address. Wait, did that mean he wouldn't know where he lived and would have to find some way to figure it out? That was kind of hilarious.

Leaving the work place behind, I used his phone to find out if I could buy anything useful nearby. How long did I have left? More to the point, how long had I been switching? I was probably nearing the end of a normal switch episode but I felt nothing pulling me back. I had no connection to my old body.

Was I going to remain an incorporeal specter forever? Well, if so I might as well fuck some people up along the way.

In the office tower's lobby bathroom, I gave Luis the top head circle. I kind of regretted leaving my previous victims totally smooth since I couldn't give Luis a dick mohawk now but what was done was done.

I went shopping, using Luis' money for the task. It was simply faster – well, faster and crueler.

For now I assumed I had infinite time to spend with Luis so I didn't bother to hurry. During my trip I arranged for a simple nipple ringing and a tattoo session to get the words RAPE MY ASS on the back of his head, matched in style by a quick tramp stamp.

Sticking to the theme of extreme pain and car batteries, I went back into the office building's underground parking lot once my purchases were complete.

Naturally I had to get rid of his clothes first, leaving the naked man with only his tie around his neck.

The first item from my shopping trip was a butt plug, which I followed up with a tight ball stretcher. The complicated part was to break into cars and get their batteries again but I had brought equipment. My starter cable clamps would serve me well again.

One battery I tied to Luis' balls right away. Then I tied his knees together but his toes to a small spreader bar. I had to stand quite uncomfortably already but this was nothing yet.

After snapping a metal collar onto my neck I tied it to another battery behind myself. I had two more batteries left of which I tied each to ankle cuffs so Luis would find it difficult to drag his feed along.

Rope around his crotch got tied to the ball stretcher to keep it in place and I prepared two loops at the ends of the rope where his hands would go.

This was the moment when I jerked off and within half a minute Luis was caked with his cum. Then I added the clamps – not just to his nipples but also collarbone region, side abs, inner thighs, taint, ribs and wherever else the skin was thin. One on the tongue was so uncomfortable I wasn't sure I could handle it without losing my grip on his cocoon.

As a last gift, I added a shock collar above the metal one and turned it to max level. Then I tied my wrists into the loops beside my package.

He got the regular amount of sparks so he would feel overwhelmingly horny but not in a way that made him lose control. He would also wake up high but fall on a manageable level after a few minutes, which gave him ample time to understand his situation and struggle against the weights.

I said goodbye to Luis...

...and popped up inside Bobby's head. Immediately I made sure his mind stayed intact. He was behind the stage at the club, getting ready to perform. It had been so very long since I had seen him in real life. I missed him dearly. The texts were not enough. Would I ever see him again, now that I was probably a ghost without a body to go back to?

I couldn't stay. As much as it pained me to leave beautiful, lovely, fun, sexy Bobby Thomas behind, I didn't want to wait until his cocoon developed fractures.

For maybe the last time, I said goodbye to Bobby...

...and landed inside Kevin Bell.


Apparently the boy had somehow made it home – almost. He was about to climb in through a window to his room. That sneaky bastard had manipulated the lock so he could leave and enter whenever he wanted. He was certainly clever enough to get away from his parents once in a while.

On the other hand, he was not clever enough to follow orders. He was wearing a baseball cap and too big shorts. Where had he even gotten those? From one of the bystanders?

Well, I had to make sure he understood that his actions had consequences. The writing on his forearm was illegible. He had to have smudged it.

Clearly he had not taken my threat seriously and I really hated that. No, I wouldn't leave a message this time. I'd speak to him.

After dropping the cap and shorts, I returned to the streets and kept walking the way I had taken before.

The door to the studio was still wide open and no one had shown up so far. I used the place again to write FAGGOT onto Kevin's neck. Then I added a huge I LOVE FAT DICKS across his chest. The slender, pale twink looked utterly ruined.

I kept wandering until I found a bridge with traffic passing underneath.

No one else was there and if they had been I would just have stunned them.

Giving Kevin a glory hole was harder than ever before because his mind destabilized right away so I had to strain myself mentally to keep it all together.

"Hello Kevin," I said. His psyche fell into a frenzy. Losing control of your body and hearing your own voice address yourself had to be quite disturbing.

"I could just jump off this bridge, you know? Since you seem unable or unwilling to follow simplest orders, I'm not sure there is any need to keep you around."

Putting one leg up onto the railing I said, "Maybe we can part on good terms though, don't you think? Promise me you will never hide your hair or tattoos."

There was no way to know what he wanted to say because he was not in control of speech, but I got the impression he was thoroughly submissive.

"Good boy, keep it up. Make sure the style stays. Or else!"

I sent him back to sleep, quite exhausted from the effort it had taken me. Now I clearly deserved an orgasm. While I jerked him off, I fingered my ass again. While I didn't add more sparks than the naturally occurring amount, I still assumed it would make him crave anal even more.

Then I said my perhaps final goodbye to Kevin and sprayed him with his second dose of cum before switching...

...right into Marvin.

The Thomas' middle child was in his room. Bobby wasn't there, still at the club. Should I go there?

Noticing Marvin had grown his hair out made me reconsider. I was going a bit against my pattern but the brothers would match, which I figured made a nice picture.

In the bathroom I gave him a permanent mohawk, about as broad as Bobby's, so they kind of looked like not-too-similar twins when next to each other.

Not knowing how else to punish him, I just left...

...and entered pain.

It was an absurdly intense pain in quantity and quality. All sorts of bodily terror was being inflicted at once. Through tears I realized where I was.

Luis hadn't made it very far. His hands were around his hard dick. He probably jerked off because – aside from being horny – it was his only distraction from the pain. Since I could not focus for a second, his mind disintegrated slowly, fractures in the cocoon widening every second and new ones appearing. I left...

...and entered a boy. Who was that again? I had been in his head a long time ago.

For a moment I just enjoyed the lack of pain and pushed and pulled on the boy's mind to keep it stable. Only after finding his ID I remembered.

It was the 16 year old Caleb Chambers who I had helped to great fame with a little video. He hadn't kept the haircut as was to be expected after all that time. I had been in the mood to reward someone again. Too bad for him.

I laid down on his bed and scrolled through his social media, trying to decide how to make things worse for him.

Going with the timeless classic approach I gave him a permanent top circle and a dick mohawk. It had been a while but I found something I could use as body oil so that was a must.

Shining beautifully I returned to Caleb's bedroom and set up the camera. It took a long time to spread myself sufficiently but eventually I could take in the top of his bedpost.

To start the game, I turned on the camera and made a little show of sitting down on the post even though the size still made it uncomfortable. I acted as if that was no big deal and crossed my legs as if it was easy for me to sit that way.

"Hello there," I said to the camera. "I'm Caleb Chambers and I'd like to tell you something about me. Really the most important thing to know is that I love dicks. I love sucking them, kissing them, stroking them, riding them – yes, most of all riding them. As far as I'm concerned any moment without my asshole filled is a moment wasted."

Already getting hard on my own I helped along and began to masturbate. "Licking and rimming assholes is a close second, of course, but I kind of feel like having my oral and anal cunts abused is what really fulfills my purpose in life."

Now I began riding the bedpost and added soft moans between my sentences. "There's the usual, too, naturally. I mean, licking sweaty feet, worshipping armpits, just generally adoring men with my tongue, fingers and ass crack is my preferred way to spend the day."

Riding faster I breathed more loudly and jerked off faster. "Now... if you'll excuse me for a second... I'm just going to spray myself with cum like the little sperm-hungry faggot I am."

Jizz shooting up and dropping onto Caleb made me smile with joy which I used to give the camera a genuine grin. I pulled myself off the post and shivered strongly as the slurping sound accompanied my departure.

"I hope you got to know me a little better, now. Maybe I'll see you one day and get the honor of sucking or riding your dick. I'm on offer for low prices anytime."

With a wink and a smirk I finished the message. After sending it to my own account, I deleted the evidence off Caleb's phone. Then I wrote an email from my account with the video attached, telling the boy it would be released and he'd have to live through the situation all over again – unless he kept his style with the hair grown out and made sure people knew it was a haircut he had chosen because he liked it.

Not bothering to clear the shimmering boy off his oil, I left...

...and entered Ralph Love.

He was working out at home with his shirt off. I stared at the mirror. I wanted him. I wanted to be everything he was. I wanted to make Bobby happy. If I couldn't have Bobby I'd have to find a way to make Ralph do it on my behalf.

So trapped in my own musings, that I forgot my situation, I let Ralph's cocoon rupture.

Memories came flooding me. I got to learn about his life, his habits, his routines, his passions... I had to stop it, even though I didn't want to. I listened and looked for far longer than I had with anyone else, probably making many precious memories of his my own.

I got up and stripped. Last time I had neglected to alter him in any way and I still didn't want to do much, but I removed his body hair as far as there was any, sparing his upper crotch area so he could still style that however he wanted. I didn't touch the head hair, only got rid of his light scruff.

There wasn't anything I could do, was there? I couldn't force him to fall in love with Bobby no matter how much the boy deserved it.

I felt toward the cocoon to see if there was anything – anything at all – I had missed that I could still do.

The object looked a little different now, not quite like the key for Ralph's keyhole anymore. I had taken a lot.

Then I noticed I had changed, too. After being exposed to the "Ralph-sparks" for so long, my own mind had changed shape. I was taking on a new shape. I was becoming the key!

I squeezed Ralph's mind dry.

Greedily I drank in all his memories, all his essence, and felt myself shift and change. While the boy's original psyche faded, I slid into the natural spot that connected his body to his mind.

After five minutes of being assaulted by a lifetime of memories, I was done. I now was Ralph Love.

The pull was gone. Everything was gone. I tried to force push a pen and it didn't move the slightest bit. I was no longer a dreamer, occupying Ralph Love's head – I was the rightful mind of this body now.

With all the knowledge I had absorbed I could easily pass for him – and who would suspect any odd behavior to come from a specter taking over?

The longer I was Ralph the better I would become at being him. I already was him, sure, but I still had to reconcile my mind with the pieces I had adopted from his.

Well, I was back to being a high school sophomore then, it seemed. Luckily I'd have an older boyfriend to help me out until I had found my way back into being a student.

It was late but I didn't want to wait.

I called Bobby.

Ralph's parents didn't think much of our relationship either way until I bought us a mansion in the neighborhood and they understood we were serious. I had to make a lot of stuff up to explain where the money came from and greatly underplay everything involved, but eventually Bobby and I moved in together.

Bobby had graduated. Not with the best grades, but he wasn't exactly looking for a position in upper management.

We spend our days fucking, weight lifting and fucking again. Over time this morphed into sickeningly sweet couple activities like cooking together, taking portraits to hang above the mantelpiece and slow dancing.

Although, we did occasionally host orgies, so the old times weren't gone.

Little Joshua Thomas was turning into quite a cock whore and whenever we had him over he ended up discovering a new kink. Acting as the "liberator" once again, I told Eugene and Lyle to contact us, so we ended up having them over occasionally. They were both one year above me – seniors now – so I used them for tutoring. In return they got to use our dungeon. One of our dungeons, I should say – it was a big house.

Keith McCoy – younger player of The Game – had started a promising career in porn and I made a point of owning every DVD. Not really any more surprising was the other new porn star on the horizon – muscle monster Damon Pena. I hoped they would one day have a scene together, although that might be more funny than sexy with the little twink topping.

My contact to Tuan Bain aka "Master Bain" was limited so far, but once I had an excuse to involve him into our group I'd stop contacting him as "Liberator". He hadn't responded to my anonymous invitation to our last orgy. Maybe I'd just have to arrange running into him and let my looks do the talking.

There were a lot of art pieces on our walls, but not because we were such connoisseurs. It just so happened that Jimmy Hunter and Ed Horton produced stuff that looked good enough to hang up. The two had no idea who their biggest fan was, they just liked the income. I, conversely, liked the constant call back to my time with them.

Only one other pairing existed with which I stayed in contact. All my other victims lived their lives without my influence and probably didn't miss me much.

Said paring was Tony and Lewis. The Moore brothers – having undergone a bit of a growth spurt – were developing well. Lewis turned out to be more straight than gay. Maybe he'd stay bi, maybe he'd find a girl and settle down. For now he liked to watch Tony suffer in our dungeon where we hosted him whenever the older brother felt lonely.

To be honest, I sometimes missed the ability to fuck people up brutally and punish them for no good reason. But I could also appreciate being surrounded by friends – especially fuckable friends. Ralph and Bobby Love were having a domestic life together, and trading the switch powers for that had been worth it in THE END.

It's finally over. It was hard to tie it all together in some fashion. The vanilla, cutesy ending was kind of necessary to accomplish that, although it is far from typical for me. I hope you got to see your favorite one last time. If not, just imagine them getting fucked up by somebody else. I mean... Someone's gotta get those powers now, right?

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