
By Dane Bruebeck

Published on Jul 2, 2004


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Evan's Story

The mind has its own way of being, of reacting, of engaging our own sense of existence. One minute your thoughts are rational, commonplace, and quotidian then out of nowhere new concepts string themselves together and ferociously almost knock you over. And no matter how hard you try to recapture "normal" thought, the psyche will rebel and cruelly implant notions that are alien to the person you are. Rapidly, these alien thoughts take over and your mind becomes a field where a tiny seed flourishes and grows into an overgrown, almost tangible entity.

Evan found himself in such a position. His mind had conjured up wistful, lustful images in his head. The problem wasn't so much the images themselves but rather the main objection to harboring these ideas was the subject they centered around. The subject of these meandering thoughts was none other than Ron. Ron who he had known for the past two and a half years as colleague. Ron of the Friday night beer blasts with the crew from the office. Ron who helped him get over the harsh and bitter break-up with his college girlfriend a few months ago. The Ron who had steadfastly and religiously done the best he could to ensure their friendship was strong and solid.

"Evan, Evan, Hello, did you here what I said?", he was yanked out of his reverie by Ron who waved his hand in front of his face in an effort to capture his attention "I lost you there for a moment buddy. The guys are planning to hit the bars after work. You in?"

It was Friday and the offices at their midtown location were winding down for the day. Ron whose office was located two doors from Evan's was already carrying his leather satchel over his broad back and his tie was hanging loosely over his shirt. Clearly, he was done for the day.

"Um, sorry just thinking about this Toronto Account", Evan lied. He had watched Ron walk to his door from a distance and his mind had taken him to that strange place it seemed to go nowadays anytime he was near Ron. He ran his hand through his inch-long dirty blonde hair and willed his mind to focus and banish the absurd thoughts.

"Hey, I think I'll pass tonight. I'm wiped out and my sister asked me to watch the twins today. You know how it goes..." Evan hoped his pre-planned explanation for turning down the invitation would go unquestioned.

It was a half truth- his sister hadn't asked, he had suggested and she was yet to take him up on his offer. He was avoiding spending time with Ron. Not only because of his minds wonderings lately but also, he felt unable to have fun knowing he was hiding something from his best friend.

"What are you planning to do with them? Take them out to the movies? Those two are a handful. Remember how they totally ruined Mr. A's $3000 suit during the Christmas party? Dude that was hilarious", Ron said, a toothy grin overcoming his usual sharp edged face and giving him a gorgeous boyish softness.

Those were the kinds of smiles Evan feared the most. Those innocent, pure, blissful smiles that made him want to just grab his friend and yell at the top of his lungs "You are unbelievable and I want to just pour myself into you!!"

"Well, have fun with the guys. I'm renting some movies for the little devils and maybe pizza. I know it will be a hard night with those two so I better get going", Evan said folding up his paperwork and standing up from his desk.

"Ok then. See you buddy", Ron said waving his hand and retreating from Evan's door. "Are we still on for tomorrow!?" he shouted walking away.

"Yeah!" Evan shouted back.

Saturday morning arrived sooner than Evan wanted it to. The summer sun broke through his bedroom window and intruded upon his sleep. He had spent a restless night thinking and rethinking the thoughts of Ron that were becoming more and more involved in nature. He had over the past fortnight lost a lot of sleep questioning himself and pondering the issue of this newfound, all-encompassing attraction to his best friend. The first time he began to notice Ron in this different way was about four months ago when Ron had held him as he cried over loosing Kiara. He remembered as he had wept on Ron's hard bodied shoulders, the smell emanating from his best friend had assaulted his nostrils with such strength that he had felt a stirring between his legs. It had disturbed him to no end that out of the unexpected break up with Kiara, the only thing that clung to his mind was the feel of being held in his best friend's arms. Evan got Kiara out off his system pretty quickly but the memory of Ron's arms encircling him on that gloomy Sunday evening remained engraved in his mind.

His thoughts and dreams had evolved. Desire was such a catalyst. Now in his daydreams and in his sleep he saw Ron as his mind's eye pleased. Ron was, to him, a perfect specimen of the human male form. He was just so hot now that he allowed himself to admit it. Ron was about his own height 5'11" with the sweet, tight body of an athlete. His body was well muscled but just enough so he was not overly bulging. He had played lacrosse through high school and college at a competitive level and was also very good at seemingly all racquet sports. Ron exuded the vibe of the quintessential all-American jock but Evan knew him well enough to realize that behind that image was the most unassuming, introspective, intense guy he had ever met.

Ron's hair fascinated Evan. It was dark and had the most rebellious curls. It hung over his forehead and its owner always seemed to be fighting to keep it back but to no avail. Unlike his own short hair, Ron's was a little longer with ringlets that defied gravity. Evan groaned, thinking of that head of hair, those pulpous full almost pink lips, and those dark eyebrows that crowned those green eyes. "Oh god," Evan gasped unable to hold back the rise caused by his thoughts of Ron. Defeated, he glanced at his clock and learned that it was almost 10AM.

"Shit, shit, shit", he mattered jumping out of the bed and heading to the bathroom to get ready.

He and Ron played squash every Saturday at the nearby sports club. I t was one of the things they did together on a regular basis. They were perfect partners. Where Ron was more powerful, Evan was more agile. They were both good at strategizing shots so their games were usually very competitive and exhausting.

Evan hurriedly threw on his polo shirt and shorts and just as he stuck his head under the bed to locate an errant sneaker, he had the doorbell ring.

"Coming!" he called out knowing it was Ron.

"Wake up Sleeping Beauty!" Ron called out jokingly. "You sleep way too much for a guy who. . ."

"Shut up. Let's go", Evan cut him off yanking the door open and fumbling for the keys to lock his door.

Getting into Ron's car they headed for the club. They chattered about this and that particularly catching up on the events of the past night. Evan informing Ron that the twins had not come in after all and Ron letting Evan know that the bar was fun but he had not been feeling like hooking up any of the "pretentious chicks". This news made Evan happy. The last thing he needed to hear was that the guy he longed for was interested in someone other than him. He knew it was irrational to think like that but the mind has a funny way of making illogical conjectures.

Fifteen minutes later, they had arrived at the gym, signed up for their usual court and headed over to start their weekly ritual of I'm-gonna-kick-your-butt-squash session.

"Which court?" Ron asked Evan just to confirm their favorite spot was for their use.

"Number 6C", Evan, who had actually done the signing in, confirmed stretching his hands over his head trying to loosen the muscles there.

Court 6C was at the left end. Whereas the other courts faced the snack bar and pro shop, Court 6C was a later addition and was built into a tight space that allowed it to face nothing but a concrete wall beyond the back glass pane. Ron and Evan both favored this court because it had some privacy from gaping club members who enjoyed a little too much watching the squash matches. Court 6C was to Ron and Evan, a hiatus from the bustle of the crowded facility and the city. In it they could play hard and honestly without being distracted.

They stretched side by side as they always did before entering the court. Evan took the moment to notice the contracting of Ron's hamstrings as he bend over to flex. H e swallowed hard trying to break the gaze he was giving his friend's rock hard ass cheeks and taut broad back.

"Come on you. Let's get this game on the road", Ron said as he stood up and opened the door to the glass cubicle, unaware of Evan's wondering thoughts.

The game was a hard fought battle of will and determination for the two gifted athletes. 30 minutes into the game and they were tied. Ron had won the first set and Evan had recovered and forcefully won the second one. The third set was midway and Ron was up one point. The cubicle was a cacophony of noises: the ball thudding against the front wall; their feet gliding and stamping across the wooden court; their racquets making that swooshing noise that only racquets can make and the players gasping and panting intermittently. It was a good game. Anyone watching would have seen that.

"Ouch!" Evan yelled feeling a muscle pull in his calf. "Shit", he added hopping on one foot as the blazing pain went through his leg.

"I think I pulled a muscle", he said to Ron who was panting and out of breath and reaching out to hold onto his friend.

"Is it your hamstring?" Ron asked as he led Evan to the side wall where he proceeded to help his hurting partner slide to the floor.

"No, it's my calf. This hurts," Evan said wincing at the pain.

"Here, let me massage it out. That should loosen the cramp", Ron explained crouching in front of Evan and reaching for his leg.

With strong hands, Ron proceeded to firmly massage the offending limb while Evan winced and groaned from where he was sitting slumped against the wall.

"Is that better?" Ron asked moving his powerful hands over and over.

"Keep doing that. I think its working. Yeah, that feels better," Evan said in a low voice realizing that Ron was touching him. He reveled in the moment. He lifted his head and looked at the head bent over in front of him intently working on giving him relief from his pain. Ron's curls looked so shinny and tempting. There was something so innocent about those curls. He wanted to reach out and run his hands through that hair then maybe, smell them, rub his nose gently in that mass of unruly hair.

At that moment, Ron lifted his head and Evan knew he had been caught staring. He was sure Ron could see the desire in his eyes. Ron's green eyes locked with Evan's own hazel ones. Evan felt as though a bolt of lightning had just run through his body. They just stayed there, staring into each other's eyes. One second, two seconds, then three seconds with the lightning bolt freezing them in place.

"Um", Ron cleared his throat quickly averting his eyes to the side and letting go of Evans leg.

"Yeah, yeah, it feels much better. Thanks buddy. I must have not stretched so well prior to the game. I mean, isn't stretching supposed to, ah, make someone not get pulls. I mean, that if you stretch you won't pull muscles. So maybe next time I should do better. I mean, with the stretching, you know..." Evan knew he was rambling but somehow he had to escape the strange moment that had just transpired. He wanted to protect himself, protect Evan, and protect their friendship. He wanted to cry out in frustration. Instead he just rambled on.

"I don't think we should play anymore. I mean, let's take it easy on that leg", Ron said with an even voice, already picking up his racquet and the ball and heading towards the little exit door.

"Yeah", Evan said quietly. He knew full well he had been caught.

Ron's Story

Ron knew he had been caught. He shouldn't have let his eyes stare so long into Evan's hazel eyes. He should have known better. The last thing he wanted was to lose Evan's friendship. Working at Cameron and Kuch Funds was only tolerable because of Evan. He hated his job at the overly competitive investment firm. Two years ago he had finally agreed to work in the financial district because due to his father's college friendship with the boss' father he was able to secure a job that would pay his bills and facilitate his city life. He had hated the job from day one. The energy was so competitive and cold. Money ruled the day and whoever secured the most accounts became a star even if they were assholes. The pay was very good and the job repetitive and devoid of any creativity. His passion lay somewhere else.

Ron had always wanted to be a writer. That route had proved difficult. He had graduated from college four years ago and had spent two years trying to earn a living as a writer. It had proved financially impossible. When he joined the firm, he had been at the end of his tether. Now two years later, he was still working there and putting his real dreams aside for a moment longer.

Evan had made it tolerable. From the first day at the job, he had struck up an easy conversation with the ruggedly handsome man. They shared a lot of the same interests and were very similar in temperament. They had also discovered that their birthdays were only 3 days apart. Five months ago, the office had given them a "twin"26th birthday coffee party. This further solidified their bond not so much for themselves, but it made it clear to everyone at work that Ron and Evan had a strong friendship.

"And I almost blew it", Ron thought to himself. Exasperated by the look he had given Evan in the court and by his quick withdrawal from the scene.

"For god's sake, we've had muscle cramps between the two of us before and that never ended play. He is going to know something is wrong", Ron admonished himself.

Ron had never had feelings so strong for anyone in his life. He had dated girls and even believed himself to be in love but nothing compared to this torment over Evan. His parents drove him crazy questioning him about his love life and it drove him up a wall trying to make up excuses about how busy he was with his job and how his dates just did not turn out right. He, however, never lied to himself about the real reason behind his reticence. Slowly but surely, his friendship with Evan had erased all feelings of loneliness. He was the best friend a man could want- always there when Ron needed support, encouragement or even a good time. Last summer, the two of them had gone camping in Arizona together and Ron could not think of time when he had been happier. He had known that summer, during that trip that his feelings for Evan were becoming complicated. Ron was straight for god's sake. Evan was a man. How could he yearn for him?

About four months ago after he had finally admitted that Evan was the object of his affection, he had taken every moment he could to study him. Maybe it was the writer in him, but he observed like a man possessed. The fact that they were exactly the same height turned him on. He dreamt of crushing Evans hard, body against his own similar one. Hard chest to hard chest, chiseled abs to chiseled abs, groin to groin. Ron felt himself salivate as his appetite for Evan grew. He wanted to touch Evan's dark, blondish hair, especially at the nape where the hairs were so short and bristly looking. Oh, and Evan's face! His face was so handsome it often his breath catch when he looked into those hazel eyes, that square jaw with its ever-present five o'clock shadow, and that charming dimple on his chin. He also appreciated Evan's body because it was a testament to his love for sports and the outdoors. He felt his dick get hard and he knew that it was time to stop fantasizing about his perfectly straight friend. His mind was not paying attention though and his dick got harder and harder with thoughts of Evan.

Defeated, he reached for his aching cock and massaged the dripping organ. He knew it would take only a few moments to reach climax because Evan had that effect on him. After a few throaty, gasping moments and his cock widening and stretching to the limit, Ron came whispering and moaning Evan's name.

Before he fell asleep, a happy thought crossed his mind: tomorrow was Monday and he would see Evan again.

Next: Chapter 2

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