
By Dane Bruebeck

Published on Jul 6, 2004


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Symmetry-2 Evan's Story

After the telling moment in the squash court, Evan spent the large part of the day at work cooped up in his office. He hated being this way. He had always prided himself for being a confident and straightforward kind of guy. Wouldn't everyone laugh if they knew that hunky Evan Shaw was hiding in his office? It was already 4:30PM and he had succeeded in avoiding Ron. Sure, the two friends had said hello to each other in the morning but during their mid-morning coffee break, Ron had not shown up so Evan had been saved the embarrassment of a meeting. Then at lunch time, he made excuses to the guys about having to finish up a project because he knew Ron would also be at the usual sandwich shop.

Avoidance was the best principle according to Evan. How was he supposed to deal with this situation? He obviously could not say to Ron "Hey, I figure you should know this, lately, I find myself getting hard anytime I am within two feet of you. This thing just hit me from left field. You know how it is." It was just inconceivable. No sane human being could be so honest. Brutal honesty had its dangers- it could lead to violence, pain, shame, isolation, ridicule, the list was endless. However, he had caught glimpses of Ron around the office floor. As usual, Ron looked rambunctious and hearty as ever. Obviously he was not suffering the same affliction as Evan was.

Questions that plagued him repeatedly rushed through his mind as he sat behind his desk. Did this mean he was gay? Was he bi? Was he still straight? Did it matter? How come he had never been so attracted to other men before? Evan admitted to himself that he had always found the male body intriguing. He had enjoyed hitting on women and ogling at their breasts and had done his fair share of admiring their unthreatening features but at the back of his mind he had always thought their bodies a bit excessive. Over the years, when he had caught himself noticing the minimalist bodies of his male counterparts in college or at the gym, he rationalized that he was just appreciating good form. He was secure enough in his manhood to notice good looks on guys, he always told himself.

That is why this craziness over Ron scared the hell out of him. Evan knew he did not notice Ron with the same detachment as he had other men. Ron was a different story. Evan wanted to look at him, touch him, hold Ron's body into his own and receive pleasure from it.

He heard a familiar knock and lifted his head to see his best friend's head peering through the door. Evan felt the back of his ears and nape heat up intensely. The effect of his lusty day dreams and now the subject of those very scandalous dreams materializing in the flesh threw him off for a moment. Ron must have noticed.

"Is now a bad time? Coz I can come by later," Ron said.

"No, no, come in. Just trying to catch up with stuff." Evan said.

"So, is everything all right? I haven't seen you around today," Ron ventured taking the empty seat on the opposite side of Ron's office table.

"Man, too much work. Mr. A stuck me with those quarterly reports again. The guy has some kind of evil ploy to kill me with work," Evan answered trying as much as he could to ignore the sexy and careless way Ron pushed the chair back as he sat and stretched his legs all the way out in front of him.

"Dude, that guy just loves you. Maybe he is test driving you for a promotion. Anyway, nice to see you. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me," Ron said averting his eyes.

"No way, buddy. Never. So, how did dinner go with your folks last night?" Evan inquired.

"Well, my mum is still sulking over the fact that I never called Jen back for a second date." Ron stated a funny look taking over his face.

They looked across the table at each other and they both burst out laughing. The "Jen story" never failed to rouse bone-cracking laughter out of them. Jen Cook was this tall, gorgeous brunette whom Ron had been forced to meet by his mum a month ago. Apparently, Jen's and Ron's mother had met at the yoga center and shared the frustration of their single and unattached single children. Ron' mother had twisted Ron's hand until he agreed to go on a date with "the sweet girl" (his mum's words).

The date had been disaster. Jen had showed up 30 minutes late looking sweet, innocent and as pretty as Ron had expected. They had shared a conversationless dinner at some trendy restaurant downtown. After dinner, Ron had stupidly suggested that they get a couple of drinks at the restaurant's downstairs bar and there, the night had taken a turn for the worse. After the first strong drink, Ron noted that his date seemed to relax a bit. Then, Jen proceeded to guzzle up drink after drink, after drink. She got louder and rowdier the more she drank and when Ron suggested that it was time to leave; she had stomped off to the bathroom clumsily. The lounge was getting busier and people had started to dance in the little crowded space. Ron looked around for his date and was surprised to find Jen gyrating her lithe body on the bar with a throng of drunken men cheering her.

"Hey, Morty isn't that Shania from "Titties Palace" on Riverbank?" he heard a guy ask behind him pointing at Ron's now almost topless date.

"Yeah, that's her all right. I could pick out her face and that body anywhere." he heard Morty reply and he had seen the two guys hurry to watch the spectacle.

The strange turn of events was further heightened when he heard the bartender call for security to throw out the stripper because "this was not a fucking strip club"! Ron was shocked. His mum had set him up on a date with an alcoholic stripper.

"Did you tell her why you will not be calling Jen?" Evan asked still laughing.

"I actually thought about it. Next time, I swear I'll just say," Ron cleared his throat, attempted a serious face and stood up from his chair dramatically. "Mum, I will not be calling Miss Cook because we somehow did not click. Let's see, she is stripper at a place called "Titties", plus she has a little drinking problem, plus I am not sure what her name is, Jen or Shania."

"Dude, I can just see your mum's face." Evan said shaking his head and still reeling with laughter. He had also stood up from the desk and he proceeded to put his hand on Ron's shoulder in an effort to make him stop making him crack up so hard.

Slowly, they stopped laughing and their eyes watched each others open grins. Evan noticed Ron's eyes look intently into his own and he could not and most importantly, did not want to drag his eyes from his friend's green orbs. Evan's hand on his best friend's shoulder was not helping either. Evan felt as if he was attached to a live wire and the current was running through him over and over again. Ron's brow furrowed as he stared into Evan's eyes questioningly. Evan transmitted back the answer he hoped Ron was looking for and he felt himself pulled into the breath-taking heat of his friends embrace. The room was filled with an impervious tension and Evan was aware of nothing but their hastened breathing and the rise and fall of Ron's chest against his own. Now there was nothing between them and their eyes held in the heated space between.

Unable to resist, Evan pulled Ron's hard body even tighter against his own and moved his hand onto the back of Ron's neck in an effort to pull him into his own body. Evan almost died when his hardening cock crushed against another similarly hard object. Closing his eyes tightly in an effort to contain his urge to scream out his pleasure, Evan heard himself groan inwardly. The heat emanating from Ron's tented pants filled Evan with lust and he pushed even closer in an effort to press his hard, erect tool tighter against Ron's. Nothing had prepared him for this eventuality. It was better than he had imagined. The closeness was exhilarating.

"Evan..." he heard Ron whisper his name in a husky whisper. "Evan. . . I think . . . someone might. . ."

Immediately, reality hit Evan. They were in his office, in broad day light where anyone could walk in at any moment. It must have dawned on Ron too because they pulled away from their hot embrace at exactly the same time.

"I don't..." Evan started. He was flustered, he was shocked, and his cock was as hard as it had ever been in his whole 26 years.

"Maybe, I. . ." Ron attempted running his hands through his hair and looking upwards as if the answers were scribbled on the ceiling.

"Ron . . .I have no idea. . ." Evan wanted to say he had no idea what had happened but that was a lie. He knew full well what had happened: they had shared a moment, a deeply erotic moment and he wanted more of such.

"Ssshhhh, don't say anything. Not now. We should talk." Ron said sounding firm and confident.

"Yes," Evan replied feigning composure. If Ron was man enough to handle this thing, Evan knew he had to do the same.

"Well, I better get back to work." Ron stated as he turned around and walked out of the office.

Ron's story

Ron sat on the couch in his apartment staring at his phone. He had left his office promptly at 6 o'clock and drove to his apartment as if it was an oasis and he a dying man. The blatantly sexually charged embrace in Evan's office had left him in a state of utter confusion. On the one hand, he feared the ramifications that might befall him for such improper actions; on the other hand, he was overwhelmed by the aroused state of his being. His cock still twitched and jumped at the thought of Evan. On the drive home, with images of Evan in his mind, his cock had leaked profusely and incessantly. In fact, as soon as he had entered the privacy of his apartment, he had been forced to pull down his work pants and massage his painfully erect member. The memory of the embrace with Evan fueled his passion causing him to moan and groan loudly. He came with Evan's name bursting forth from the core of his being. He had remained slumped on the sofa still wearing his oxford shirt and tie and with his dress pants around his ankles quaking from the frenzied orgasm.

Now, one hour later, showered and dressed in his jeans and t-shirt, Ron sat looking at the phone and contemplating his next move. He knew for a fact that he had to call his best friend. He just had no idea what he would say to the voice on the other side of the line. Taking a deep breath, he picked up his phone and dialed Evan's number.

"Hey. Evan?" Ron said as soon as the phone was picked up on the other side.

"Ron?" Evan asked.

"I just wanted to call. You know, to see how things are going with you." Ron said cursing himself inwardly for the lousy beginning.

"Ah. . . well, I'm fine. How about you?" Evan asked in a rather quiet voice.

"Well, I'm fine. Just getting ready to have dinner." Ron responded again admonishing himself for the senseless banter. The line was silent and Ron could feel the tension rise.

"The twins are coming over for dinner. They should be here any minute." Evan said.

"That's cool." Ron said.

"Yeah. Um..." Evan said after a long empty pause.

"So. . .um.." Ron tried to pull the words out but he was speechless.

"Well, I guess I'll see you at work tomorrow," Evan said after a seemingly long pause.

"Yeah...I guess so. Wait!" Ron said sensing that Evan was going to hang up. "Evan, about what happened in your office... I've been thinking about that." In fact, Ron had thought of nothing else but the power of Evan's touch.

"You too huh?" Evan said with relief in his voice.

"Evan, what happened in your office?" Ron asked in a low hushed tone.

"Well, we were laughing so hard one minute and the next...the next we're in each other's arms and...." Evan replied slowly as if he was replaying the encounter as he spoke.

Ron felt his cock get hard at the breathlessness and softness of Evan's voice. The phone against his ear felt hot and heavy in his hand. He closed his eyes and forced himself to remain calm.

" wasn't a normal from before... and I felt you against me..." Evan continued unaware of the escalating desire brought about by his husky voice.

"Evan...I have to see you. We have to talk about this. Not over the phone though. Come over?" Ron knew he had to stop this conversation before he was forced to pull his cock out and jerk it like crazy. Evan was above all else his dearest friend and their friendship deserved utmost care.

"Cece is bringing the twins any minute now. It's too late to beg off." Evan said his voice regaining its normal tone. "Ron, I agree, we do need to talk. I don't want us to ruin what we have but maybe there is more . . . I don't know what this means."

"Before you hang up, I have one question." Ron asked. He needed to find out for the sake of his sanity. "Evan, did you like what we did?" There, he had asked and he held his breath waiting for the answer from the other end. And it came to him, exactly as he wanted it.


Next: Chapter 3

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