
By Dane Bruebeck

Published on Jul 9, 2004


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Evan's Story

The last thing Evan wanted to do was talk. Evan looked up at the door for the umpteenth time and there was still no sign of Ron. It was Tuesday and they had agreed to meet at the midtown bar after work. It was already 6:15PM and now seated in the back end of the bar Evan was wondering what was keeping Ron. The office had been clearing out when he had left and he had expected Ron to be right behind him.

Evan glanced at the door again, looked at his wrist watch and willed himself to be patient. He had only arrived some ten minutes ago but it felt like he had been waiting for this moment to arrive all his life; the sacred moment when he could come clean to his best friend and lay down his truth. Yesterday's events had been unexpected. They had given him hope. After all, Ron had done his fair share of contributing to the situation. Ron had pulled him into the embrace, Ron's penis had hardened at the contact and his breath had speeded up just as Evan's had. Hope.

Evan lifted his eyes to the entrance one more time and told himself to relax. Ron had said twice they needed to talk-in the office and then on the phone. Evan felt no desire to talk but if that was Ron's wish then, it would be done. That was Ron- analytical to a fault. Everything had to measured, weighed and studied patiently. Evan had always admired Ron for his qualitative and quantitative skills but today he cared less; these were different circumstances. He had spent an impossible night dreaming of Ron. All he wanted to do was mingle his body with Ron's manly being until the agony and pleasure of it all transformed all his pent-up fantasies into reality. Before yesterday, his dreams had been wishful imaginings but last night's had been different. Last night, Evan's thoughts had contained subtle inflows of reality and he had been extremely turned on. He had spent the whole night tossing and turning. Twice he had been forced to take matters in his own hands. The first time he reached for his demanding cock was when he remembered the solidity of Ron's chest against his own. The second time he pulled at his member was at the memory of Ron's dark curly hair brushing against his fingertips during their heated embrace.

Evan lifted his eyes and there was Ron walking in through the door. Ron's entrance threw Evan into state of excitement but he forced himself to hold it in. How could this man whom Evan had first met as a friend suddenly transform into such a primal mass of sensuality? How had he managed to monopolize everything? Evan wondered waving his hand at his friend. Ron looked so fucking masculine as he sauntered over casually tagging his striped silk tie to loosen it and then reaching over to undo the top button of his shirt. Evan had seen Ron perform this ritual after work before but today he saw it as an erotic strip tease. The last thing Evan wanted to do was talk. He wanted to rip those annoying clothes off his best friend's body and do what his dreams had created every night for the past few months.

Ron's Story

The last thing Ron wanted to do was talk. He swallowed hard as he walked towards Evan in the midtown bar. He was blown away by what he saw. Evan's face seemed to be shinning in the dimly lit room accentuating his rugged square jaws, his perfect nose and that dimple on his chin. He felt as though he was falling into an abyss and it was thrilling. The fact was that he had never in his life been so drawn to anyone as he was to Evan. He had confirmed this to himself in the wee hours of the morning after he had masturbated his steely pole to yet another desperate release. All he wanted to do as he approached the table was grab Evan by his broad shoulders, pull him up to his feet and then shove his tongue into his mouth until Evan understood the extent of his unprecedented desire for him. What would Evan do if Ron just showed him right there and then what his body longed for? Ron reached Evan's table, pulled back the chair on the opposite side of the small table and sat down. It was time for talk.

"I'm sorry I'm a little late. Sam, the accountant guy, needed the D and B files so I had to get them out for him," Ron explained keeping his eyes fixed on an imaginary dot above Evan's head. He knew how Evan's hazel eyes affected him and he needed desperately to keep his wits about him.

"You wanted us to talk," Evan said also averting his eyes.

A group of about seven men walked in through the door laughing and hooting about something amusing. The bar was the watering hole for the white color crowd who plied their trade in the vicinity. Ron knew it would only get louder and it would end up being impossible to engage in any meaningful conversation.

"It's getting loud in here already. Definitely not a good thing," Ron said looking around as the large group chose the table right next to theirs. "We could go some place quieter? There is a spot two blocks up"

"You want to come to my place? It's more private and I have some beers. It's near." Evan stated.

"Sure. I mean, we could do that," Ron answered quickly.

"Unless you'd rather go somewhere else." Evan said

"No, your place. We could talk there. Figure out ..." Ron stated. Figure out what?

"It makes sense... " Evan said already getting up and heading for the door with Ron in tow. They walked towards their cars side by side.

"I don't want to mess things up. Our friendship. Perhaps, it's a phase or something. Like a glitch. . ." Ron said after a brief silence.

"Yeah, and then what if we screw up everything..." Evan continued as they each approached their respective cars.

"Yeah, we should talk. Definitely," Ron concluded turning off this alarm and clicking the door open. "I'll follow you!"

Evan's story

Evan felt his hands tremble as he fumbled with the keys to his apartment. His body was so jittery and excited he couldn't help himself. He could feel Ron standing right behind him on the stoop and it was doing nothing to calm his nerves. After the third try, the lock clicked and they were in. As habit dictated, Evan walked in, dropped his tie on the couch and headed straight to the closet to put away his shoulder bag. It was a large one-bedroom apartment and he had trained himself to put things back in their place to avoid excess clutter. He closed the closet door and turned around and saw Ron still standing at the entrance watching him intently. He opened his mouth to say something but the words "Come in" failed to exit his mouth. His breath caught in his chest as he stood mesmerized by the raw maleness of his best friend. Ron looked so strong and gorgeous standing there and Evan could feel his cock, which had been slowly rising since 6 o'clock, start to swell to its limit.

Evan felt his mouth go dry and his chest rise and fall. He tried again to use some words but he only succeeded in making a breathy "Ah..." Then he witnessed Ron's eyes travel south to the bulge of his pants.

"Oh fuck," he heard Ron curse then the door loudly bang shut and before he knew it he was moving forward and Ron was moving towards him and then they were crushed in each others strong arms. There mouths met immediately- open and wet with lust. Evan's tongue made an incensed foray into Ron's mouth and was met by an equally hungry counterpart. Ron's hot breath coupled with those strong, pulpous lips made Evan moan as the intensity took over. Evan's hands were pulling Ron's shirt out off his pants and he started to rapidly unbutton it with shaky hands. Then Ron's shirt was coming off to expose that tight expanse of skin. Evan felt his own shirt being unbuttoned as he kept his mouth fused on Ron's. He heard Ron give a frustrated sigh as one of the buttons refused to come undone. Evan pulled his lips off Ron in an effort to help but their fumbling hands just kept bumping into each other over the tiny button.

"Let me do it," Ron said with a grunt then grabbed the shirt at Evan's chest with his strong hands and proceeded to rip it apart causing the buttons to pop.

"Fuck!" Evan cried out at his best friend's desperate actions. Their naked torsos touched for the first time and they grunted simultaneously when their nipples brushed.

"Oh, my god. I knew you'd feel this good...," Evan whispered raking his hands all over Ron's body. They kissed again, hands rubbing over every square millimeter of naked body they could find. This was heaven and it was hotter than hell.

Ron reached for his friend's taut ass cheeks and squeezed causing a loud moan from Evan. Then he reached for the front of his pants, undid the belt and zip and pushed the pants together with the boxers down. Evan reached down and did the same for Ron. They used their feet to try and rid themselves off the bulky garments and gave up in surrender to the dizzying passion. They continued their heated kiss naked except for their underwear and pants still pooled around their shoes. Their hard cocks slapped against each other causing them both to moan loudly.

"Oh!" they exclaimed simultaneously.

The pleasure of that contact was overwhelming and Evan felt his knees buckle. He fell back and landed on the couch pulling Ron to him and they both frantically toed off their pants and shoes. Their lips were still stuck together, their starving tongues darting in an out of each other's hot mouths. Their thick cocks were leaking profusely allowing them to slide exquisitely as they ground their crotches into each other. Evan grabbed Ron's hard ass cheeks and pulled Ron's body tighter into his own. They kept up their crazed grinding for a few agonizingly long minutes, one hot hard cock gliding over the other, punctuating it with raw, open mouthed kisses and hungry cries of total abandon.

Ron closed his eyes tightly and threw his head back overcome by the sweet friction going on below. Evan watched him clench his teeth as he kept up the hungry caresses and humping, sliding motions. Their lust came forth so ferociously and took over their bodies leaving nothing but frenzied passion and animal instinct.

"Oh...fuck...this're so," Ron punctuating every wet forward thrust with a throaty word.

"Don't stop....don't ever stop...," Evan cried. This pleasure had moved way beyond the expectations of his dreams.

"Evan, Evan, Evan..." Ron repeated over and over in a throaty whisper his glazed green eyes holding onto Evan's hazel ones.

"Fuck! Ron, Ron...Oh god...Ron" Evan moaned over Ron's passionate cries of pleasure. He felt that familiar tingle and he knew he was going to cum. The magnitude of his impending orgasm was extreme.

"Baby, baby, you're gonna make me cum like this. You're gonna make me... Oh, baby......aaaaarrrghhhhh," Ron yelled and stiffened looking straight down at Evan who was also bellowing thickly in the throes of his own orgasm.

"I'm . . . ffffuuuuuuck!" Evan felt his cock spasm and the cum shoot out of his member with such force he feared he might loose consciousness. The sight of a similarly affected Ron was intoxicatingly erotic. Ron's eyes were his anchor and he hang on as he rode the longest, most powerful orgasm of his life.

Exhausted, they lay in each other's arms breathing ruggedly and running their hands over each other's sweat-coated chests; just slowly moving their hands in an attempt to calm their pounding hearts. Ron had his head on Evan's shoulder and his hair was luxuriously touching the side of Evan's face. They were both still rocked and overwhelmed by the intensity of the act they had shared.

"Wow. That was . . . wow...I can't even...," Ron attempted dreamily when his breathing started to return to normal. He lifted his head so he could look into Evan's eyes. Their eyes met in a fulfilled, twinkling dance.

"I know, I know . . . I never thought, I never expected such ...such....," Evan added in his own equally lulled voice as he held Ron's open gaze for a while.

"So much for talking things through," Ron said with a smirk completely oblivious of the copious wetness between them.

"Yeah," Evan said quietly reaching up to tenderly push the hair back from Ron's sweaty forehead. His emotions were running amok, threatening and soothing in turn. He closed his eyes and tightened his hold on Ron.

About the next installment: I am torn between keeping this story short and simple or giving it more depth and breadth. Please let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 4

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