
By Dane Bruebeck

Published on Jul 12, 2004


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Ron's Story

Lying on the couch, his limbs intertwined with Evan's felt so right; their bodies fit into each other with such ease it felt as though Evan was an extension of his physique. This closeness was exquisite and Ron wanted to hang on it for as long as he could. He felt Evan breathing beneath him. Ron lifted himself so he could look at Evan squarely. He searched his friend's eyes and was overcome by the messages he found written within them. Their eyes stayed connected and then, unable to resist Ron lowered his lips and gently placed them on Evan's. This time the kiss was soft and tender. Ron hoped that in that kiss, Evan would get what he was feeling. He nudged Evan's lip apart with his tongue and then slowly explored the warmth therein. Evan's tongue met Ron's and they danced against each other, tasting and testing.

Ron felt the pleasure course through his body to his cock, which started to harden again. He had only cum a few minutes before and his body seemed charged up for an encore. It was Evan. What else did he expect? He reluctantly pulled his swollen lips from Evan's.

"Let's go to bed," Ron said knowing full well what he wanted to do next.

Before Evan could answer, the phone's shrill ring broke into their world. They both turned and looked at the phone as if it was alien matter from outer space. Evan reached for it and then pulled his hand back so the machine could pick it up.

"This is Evan. Leave a message after the beep" the machine said and then beeped.

"Evan, are you there? It's Cece. I think Lulu left her blanky at your place last night and I just know she won't go to sleep again without it. I'm on my way over. You should be back by the time I get there. Bye." Evan's sister said her voice as happy and perky as usual oblivious of what she was interrupting.

"Shit," Evan said shaking his head.

"What the hell is a blanky?" Ron asked.

"You don't want to know," Evan said and then continued after Ron raised his brow expectantly, "It's this square snot and pee stained rug Lulu has to hug when she is sleeping or else she won't sleep. It's a kid thing."

"How long does it usually take Cece to get here?" Ron asked hopefully. He knew he wanted the whole night but now he would be more than happy with half an hour.

"About 10 to 15 minutes," Evan replied sadly.

Then suddenly the implications of Cece's arrival dawned on Ron. This would mean he would have to get up from the comfort of Evan's arms. He felt the cum that was squelched between their bodies drip down his abs as he lifted himself up and off Evan's body. Their cum, now mixed together in testament to the indescribably hot release they had shared. He watched Evan pull his hot body off the couch and forced himself not to reach out and grab him.

"I better get dressed. I don't want to have to explain the cum on my crotch to Cece," Ron said regaining his usual easy composure.

"Yeah. She'd die if she knew what just happened," Evan said calmly walking, unabashedly naked towards the bathroom. "I'll get you a towel to wipe off."

Ron watched Evan walk away his eyes unable to resist the manly movement of Evan's taut ass cheeks. If Cece had not called, he would be massaging those mounds in Evan's king sized bed instead of getting dressed. He watched Evan return and was awarded a full frontal view of his best friend's hunky body. His eyes rested on Evan's semi-hard heavy cock and his mouth suddenly dried up.

"Here you go." Evan said placing the soft towel on Ron's outstretched hand. Their hands touched and they both held the contact. Ron brushed his thumb over Evan's hand and watched as his eyes darkened and his lips parted.

"Cece..." Ron heard Evan say and immediately understood and let go.

"Yeah..." he said, disappointment lacing his voice.

"I'll go put on some jeans and t-shirt." Evan said lifting his shirt and pointing to the now buttonless garment. They both chuckled at the memory, shaking their heads in disbelief.

Ron focused his attention on the task at hand-- dressing and looking presentable for Cece's arrival. He tucked in his shirt then proceeded to zip up and redo his belt buckle. He stopped for a moment as he heard Evan moving around in his bedroom and it caused his heart to skip a beat. Then it hit him like a tidal wave; he and Evan had ventured into new territory together and he felt undoubtedly stronger for it. Just like everything they ever set their minds to do, with this too, Ron sensed that they would excel. It felt right and that is why as he stood there, he experienced no panic or fear, just pure unadulterated joy.

Evan's Story

Evan reached for the door and there stood Cece and his two nieces, Lulu and Jay. The two 4 year old girls jumped into his arms with such gusto, Evan almost fell over. They were always so energetic and prone to dramatic displays of affection just like the hugs and endless little kisses they kept planting on Evan's face. The twins could be sweet but Evan also knew they could be a tag team of formidable terror and evil. Spoilt-rotten too.

"Hey Evan. Sorry to crash in like this but you know how Lulu is about her blanky," Cece said reaching up to bestow a kiss on Evan's cheek.

"It's okay. Ron and I were just...hanging out,' Evan said. If only she knew. How would she react?

"Hey Ron." Cece said looking beyond Evan at Ron.

"Ron! Ron! Ron!" The twins exclaimed running over to where Ron was sitting and flinging their bodies on him. Immediately, their wondering hands went into his hair and Evan was glad they were shoving their fingers in it so he didn't have to explain why Ron's hair looked so totally bedraggled.

"Girls! Stop bothering Ron. Ron sorry about that. Lulu, Jay, stop pulling his hair. " Cece admonished in her superior motherly tone. It did not deter the girls at all.

"It's okay. Really, I don't mind." Ron said his eyes filled with mirth. Evan believed him because every time he had met the twins Ron had taken time to play around with them. That is why they liked him so much. Ron could swing them up into his strong arms and spin them until they almost collapsed from the fun of it.

"We ordered pizza on our way here. The girls wanted to have dinner with their Uncle and I couldn't turn them down. Besides, it will give me break not having to clean up after them. I gave Hariet the day off." Cece explained. Evan got along with his older sister swimmingly. She always played the older sibling card, imposing her will, but Evan enjoyed humoring her. Tonight though he wished she hadn't assumed he would be available. He wanted to spend the evening with Ron. They still had not finished what they had started; the gentle kiss was just a precursor to the main course.

"That's cool. Ron you can join us." Evan said trying to look at Ron flatly so his eyes would not betray anything.

"No, I really should go. I have stuff to do." Ron said gently putting the girls away and ducking his head as they continued to grab at him. "Nice seeing you again Cece. The girls are a handful as always. Some things never change."

After kissing the twins and their mother good bye, Ron headed for the door and Evan felt his heart contract with pain. He followed Ron his body beginning to tremble again. His passion for Ron consumed him; he wanted to be with Ron for his every waking moment and this departure was corrupting that wish. It was best anyway that Ron not stay around since this "thing" (was that the official name now?) was too new and they had no idea yet how to deal with "it" in front of others.

"I'll walk you to the car." Evan said and they exited the house and silently walked to where Ron's car was parked.

Ron got in and Evan stood on the side watching him. He was acutely aware that things had changed tremendously yet somehow they felt familiar. Their friendship had development, morphed into something other than what they knew. Evan looked at Ron and he felt old and new feelings rush through him. His eyes studied Ron's strong profile and rested on those pouty, surprisingly soft lips. Ron must have sensed him staring, because he turned his head.

"You have made me so happy," Evan heard the words just stumble out of his own mouth unencumbered. He watched Ron's face blossom into one of those boyish grins, his eyes shinning green.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted this," Ron said his voice coming out in a whisper.

"I want nothing more right now than to kiss you again Ron," Evan said then shoved his hands in his pockets as if to refrain himself from falling through with what he wanted.

"Then kiss me," Ron said not surprising Evan. That was Ron, he did what he wanted when he wanted and nothing ever stopped him. So Evan, momentarily lost in those green eyes, bend over and moved his head halfway through the window and kissed Ron's waiting lips softly. Fuck whoever saw!

"Very nice," Ron declared with a wave of his hand and then started his engine and sped off.

Ron's Story

Ron was upset. Out of all the days in the year, his boss had chosen today to send him away on business. Apparently, the guy who was supposed to go to the conference in Washington called in to say that he could not make it because his wife was due "any minute now". Perhaps, Ron should have said that he would not be available to replace the soon-to-be dad because Evan and he would be needing every minute they had to catch up on the joys of gay sex. It was vital and crucial, you see, that they spend every moment together preferably in bed and naked. Ron was frustrated with his demanding-money- crazed-bullshit-highway-to-yuppiedom job. He headed for his lunch date with Evan pissed off because his flight was leaving at 5:30PM.

They had planned to meet at a small restaurant not far from work. The Avenue Kitchen never attracted a large lunch crowd because it was too quaint for hungry lunchers and more suited for leisurely diners. Ron was deep in thought, still seething with anger when he heard the familiar footsteps approach and turned to see Evan smiling at him. Yeah, he definitely needed more bedtime with this hunk. Unsure of what to do, Ron motioned to the seat opposite him and Evan sat down. Ron felt the tension rise and he knew that at that moment Evan was thinking the same things that he was; about last night, about being naked, about their chests touching, about their cocks cumming. He sighed knowing that none of that was going to happen any time soon due to the upcoming trip to Washington.

"I have bad news and I have worse news" Ron said.

"Hit me with the bad news" Evan said his eyes clouding over.

"The bad news is that I'm going to Washington for the Annual Conference," Ron stated flatly.

"Shit. And the worse news?" Evan asked bracing himself for the worst.

"My flight leaves at 5:30PM today," Ron said letting out an exasperated breath.

"Shit, shit, shit," Evan said beginning to sound as pissed off as Ron did.

Ron was so relieved that Evan got it; that he too understood the urgent need to explore each other. The waiter arrived and took their order. Ron knew what he needed to do even though he would be leaving for two days. They could still explore each other, just not physically.

"How do you feel about this new, um, development?" Ron started.

"To be honest, it isn't new. You've been driving me crazy for a while now." Evan responded obviously willing to expose everything.

"Have you ever done this before? I mean, been with a guy?" Ron wanted to know.

"Never. Never really gave it much thought either. And you?"

"I thought about it. I always wondered in the back of my mind, just curious. You know, being with a woman is so much easier and I guess I never met any guy who made me want to dare to find out more...until now" Ron said feeling an odd sense of relief.

"You changed my reality," Evan confessed.

"So when did you first start thinking of me...of us like that?" Ron asked overcome by the need to know more.

"Well, I can't really tell you the exact moment but it just happened slowly. I guess when I broke up with Kiara, that was a big moment," Evan said.

"You broke up with her over me?" Ron asked his eyes shocked.

"No, no, afterwards. That Sunday night when you came over to help me get through it and you held me. That stuck with me." Evan explained. "And then there were other times. Like when we went camping last summer during those all-night discussions we shared; like when I met your parents and you told them I kept you sane and that you didn't know where you'd be without me...It struck a nerve."

"I remember that. I guess when I said it I already knew. I remember listening to you talk about Kiara when I first met you and I realized much later that it made me jealous. Not of your relationship; I was jealous of her for having you. When she came over to visit before the break up, I would stay up nights angry at you for letting her invade on our friendship and our time together. I was so pissed off at you I almost completed a whole novel that week. I wrote like a man possessed, now that I think about it, to erase thoughts of you and her." Ron confessed knowing that it was all or nothing. He chose all.

"I never thought...really Ron. If it makes you feel better, I haven't thought of anyone other than you since then. I think even since the camping trip." Evan said

"Yeah, the camping trip. We really bonded then. I remember watching you take that jump over the waterfall, the one on the other side of camp, and I was blown away by you. By the power of you and then...then... I got...hard and..." Ron said remembering the entire event.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I knew I was in trouble when I started getting hard every time you were near. It's been a major problem. It still is." Evan said with a sly smile and Ron knew what he meant because he could feel his own pants beginning to tent.

The food arrived and they started to eat, each absorbing the revelations they had uncovered. At one point, Ron's leg brushed against Evan's causing a shiver. He smiled when he felt an answering nudge from his friend's athletic leg. They started slowly and lightly rubbing their legs against each other under the tiny table. The pleasure was centered in Ron's mind and in his cock. He knew he had to have Evan.

"Let's ditch work," he heard Evan say as if reading his thoughts. "I can say something came up and you can say you need to tie up some loose ends before you take the unexpected trip. We can spend the afternoon together."

"And exactly what would we do all afternoon, together and alone?" Ron asked playfully, running both his hands through his hair and leaning back to expose his broad chest enjoying the lusty look Evan was giving him.

"We could go somewhere," Evan replied leaning in over the table "and perhaps, take off these clothes and I could show you what I've been meaning to do to you since last night."

Ron almost cried out in agony as he watched Evan's wet tongue slowly lick his lower lip for a little longer than was warranted. What a tease! He increased the pressure of his calf against Evan and then he slid forward on the chair so that their knees could touch. The temperature had definitely risen.

"That sounds like fun but I must warn you," Ron said leaning in towards Evan so that their noses were almost touching and their breath thickened between them, "If you continue to talk like that, I might be forced to grab you right here and do things that I have never wanted to do to anyone else but you."

"Great. So, let's take the afternoon off," Evan said, this time involuntarily licking his lips leaving them wet and shinny.

"That is by far the best idea you've ever come up with," Ron said, his voice throaty. His cock throbbed in excitement and they both leaned back, their eyes locked into each other; anticipating how thoroughly they were going to weaken each other with pleasure. ________________________________________________________________________

Thanks for all your responses. Seriously. I am totally inspired. Dane.

Next: Chapter 5

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