
By Dane Bruebeck

Published on Jul 16, 2004


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Symmetry-5 Evan's story

Evan stood in Ron's apartment smiling in disbelief. This was Ron's idea; to spend the afternoon in his apartment because apparently, it was only fair that his space got its "christening". He had not wanted to argue with such logic so he had accepted the keys to his friend's apartment with the agreement that Ron join him as soon as he could clear out of work. Evan had decided to call in and let his boss know that he would not be returning for the afternoon session because of a pre-scheduled doctor's appointment. It was an obvious lie but nothing was going to stop him from seeing this afternoon through. So after the devastatingly seductive lunch, he had driven his car to Ron's place while Ron returned to the office to request an early release and receive final instructions about his trip to Washington. Any minute now, Ron would walk in through that door and they would be in each other's arms.

Evan was familiar with the layout of Ron's apartment having been there on many occasions and so, he walked straight to the bedroom anxious to be in that room where so much would happen. He stood next to Ron's roughly made bed and was overcome by the overpowering smell that assailed his nostrils. The scent was pure Ron, clean and musky, and Evan intoxicated by it, felt his cock swell considerably. He walked over to Ron's study desk on the opposite end of the room and a feeling of utter contentment rose within him. This desk was Ron's sanctuary and he knew the extent to which Ron relished spending time on it, putting to paper the contents of his soul. He knew how completely writing absorbed his friend. Ron wrote constantly keeping perpetual vigilance over his greatest ambition even amidst the demands of a hectic job. The space was overwrought with notes and books, some opened and others piled up haphazardly, a half empty coffee mug was now the paperweight to what looked like a bundle of printed paper. Post-it stickers covered a large portion of the computer keyboard and Evan smiled trying to imagine Ron searching for the letters on the messy keyboard.

"What's so funny?" he heard a familiar voice and lifted his head to see Ron walking towards him without his tie and the buttons of his untucked shirt already undone and his belt hanging loose, the top button of his pants undone.

"This mess. How do you find anything?" Evan said his eyes fixed on the exposed skin of Ron's torso now less than a foot in front of him. Urged by a desire he couldn't contain, Evan reached forward and placed his hand on the flawless, lightly tan skin and then he reached for a rosy nipple, caressing it with his thumb. He heard Ron's sharp intake of air and felt encouraged. He moved forward until they were touching, then moved his other hand and brought it right between Ron's legs to the hard object there. Ron moaned and Evan massaged the hefty bulge that lay in his grasp. He used his other hand to push the shirt off Ron's shoulder and it fell after he shook it off. Still keeping up the cock massage, Evan moved his head sideways and gently nibbled Ron's neck.

"Oh baby..." he heard Ron cry out and then continue to grunt audibly. He let go of the prize in his hand and proceeded to unzip Ron's pants and then he reached in to capture the hot, thick, already leaking prize. The feel of that pulsing hard cock in his hand infused Evan with a sense of absolute wonder. His lips continued their path towards Ron's clenched jaw and the intriguing Adam's apple on Ron's throat. Feeling bold and turned on beyond his wildest imagination, Evan brought his head down to Ron's chest, licking the hot skin and then finally capturing an erect nipple in his mouth.

"Sweet....ooohhh" Ron panted out as Evan lightly bit into the nubby tip and continued to chew on it till the room was filled with Ron's moans and cries. And then he moved to the other nipple to repeat the arousing act. He continued down onto that lightly haired trail and that chiseled stomach until he was on his knees. He looked up and was astounded to see the look of utter pleasure on Ron's face gazing down at him. He brought both hands up and placed them on Ron's pecs and then used his thumb and index finger to caress those hard nipples. His mouth continued south searching out its target, his heart beating erratically. He took a moment to stare at the perfect long, pillar of cut man-flesh before him, clear fluid oozing from its tip and running down its side onto the mass of dark curly pubic hair. The smell was sharp and overpoweringly male. It was gorgeous and Evan leaned forward and flicked his tongue to capture the beady droplet in his mouth.

"Oh, fuck, baby ..." Ron moaned pushing his body forward to increase the contact. Evan opened his mouth and let the thick, long organ in. His mouth filled with saliva and he moved his head forward in an attempt to take in as much of the hard, musky cock as he could. Although he had never done this before, he felt ready and up to the task; he had practiced over and over in his mind and after all, it wasn't rocket science. He felt Ron tag at his shoulder and he reluctantly stopped caressing the slightly salty pole with his tongue.

"Why are you still dressed?" Ron asked sweat shimmering on his torso, his pecs glistening with Evan's spit.

"I don't..." Evan attempted his mind foggy with desire.

"Come here," Ron said and Evan rose so that they were eye to eye. "Take your clothes off," Ron whispered already reaching forward to help.

Feeling suddenly constrained by the material, Evan yanked his clothes off and then, when fully naked, he pressed his body against Ron's and felt shivers overtake him. They threw their arms around each other and their lips met gently and then with increasing passion until they fell over on the bed seeking to get as close as possible. Ron tore his mouth off Evan's and started planting hungry kisses down Evan's torso. Evan suddenly felt, a warm wetness encircle his cock and he moaned from the intense pleasure. His cock had never experienced such pure bliss as it did with Ron's sweet mouth around it. He felt Ron encircle the base with his hand, then proceed to lick and bob his head up and down on his dripping organ.

"Babe, babe, come here. I need you too," Evan said grabbing at Ron's curly hair. He was glad when Ron swung around over him and he immediately lifted his head to receive Ron's leaking cock in his waiting mouth. The feeling was so deeply exquisite; Evan felt his whole body quake. The sensation of Ron's mouth on his cock was unbelievable and he grunted as he sucked on the thick cock above him. He would push up and he would feel Ron push down until a perfect primal rhythm was set as their bodies slowly rocked towards orgasm. A continuum of nerves and nerve-endings bursting with intensity. The room was quiet for a while save for their hungry moans and groans and the slurpy sounds of their ravenous mouths and cocks. When Evan felt Ron's thrusts shorten and quicken, he knew the moment of release was near and he increased his tempo too. It was unspoken, but Evan understood when Ron tightened the hold on his thighs, that they would go all the way to the end as they were.

Evan felt the tingle travel through his body and he increased his muffled groans and kept up hungrily sucking Ron's amazingly hot cock. Ron's pelvis thrust hard and he felt the warm cum shoot, once, twice and thrice, and then completely flood his waiting mouth. Determined, Evan took in the hot, creamy load swallowing every drop. It was a part of Ron and it tasted exactly as he had imagined it would-- like his own only better. The tingle in his own body intensified and he felt his cock swell one more time in Ron's warm mouth as a mind-numbing orgasm took over every pore of his being. Nothing in his life compared to the feeling; it was hardcore pleasure. Ron fell over exhausted, his leg falling over Evan's chest.

"I swear, I think I died," Ron said panting.

"I know I died," he said his hand lazily caressing the calf on his chest. They stayed in silence each one trying to "resurrect". Evan felt utterly drained of all energy. Finally, Ron took his leg off Evan's chest and swung his body around until they were lying facing each other.

"You have cum on your lip," Ron said as if it was the most normal thing to say. He must have realized it because he looked at Evan with that smile and they both started laughing; too exhausted to do so loudly. Evan reached up and wiped off the cum with his finger and then looking at Ron mischievously, stuck his tongue out and licked the creamy drop.

"This is some good stuff," Evan said.

"Now we know." They laughed on.

"That was fucking awesome," Evan said reaching to plant his lips on Ron's. He had never done the 69 before and had always doubted all the hype he heard about it. Now he was a believer. They continued to lay there for a while each lost in their own thoughts; their foreheads almost touching, their sweaty bodies pressed close together, their long, muscular legs piled up on top of each other. The minutes ticked on in silence.

"You know what? I think 69 should be reserved for same-sex situations only," Ron announced out of nowhere. Evan looked at him questioningly, knowing that an in-depth analysis to the random theory was coming up.

"Well, the way I see it 6 and 9 are identical inverted versions of each other, they are exactly the same only upside down." Ron explained a serious look taking over his face. "Two guys can 69, two women can 69, a guy and a woman cannot 69. You see it right." Ron explained.

"Kinda. So what should a guy and a girl call it?" Evan asked. This is how they shared and he was glad that sex was not going to change that side of their relationship.

"How about "Simultaneous Oral" or something like that? They can't legitimately call it 69. They should pick other numbers," Ron continued totally engrossed in his hypothesis.

"Like maybe 89 or 59," Evan added seriously giving it some thought. "Hey, how about a totally flat-chested woman and a guy? They can 69, right?"

"Only if she's wearing a strap-on dildo," Ron responded as if it was a fact that he had read in a medical journal.

Evan reached for Ron's hair and let his hands run slowly through it. He had never before experienced such calm and contentment after sex. Usually, even with Kiara, he would feel a need to separate in an effort to regain himself but that feeling was absent with Ron. He closed his eyes and succumbed to a dreamless sleep.

Ron's story

It was almost 4PM and Ron knew he needed to be up, get ready. How the fuck is someone supposed to extricate themselves from the most wonderful place they have ever been? Ron wondered placing his hand on Evan's back in an attempt to pull him even closer into his body. Watching Evan sleep was an unexpected source of happiness. He had watched Evan's eyes close, then his breath even out, and finally he had watched his face transform from manly and edgy to boyish and completely peaceful. That was some 20 minutes ago and he still had not tired of watching. He felt so damn lucky. A few months ago the odds had seemed clearly stacked against him but, now things were different; he had somehow achieved his longed for dream. He wanted to shout from the rooftops, scream out his heart's contentment but he had started to suspect that would be foolhardy.

What would his parents say? They were both professors at the local university, his mum taught English Literature and his dad chaired the Anthropology Department. They were as laid back and open-minded as could be. However, that didn't stop his mother from starting every sentence with phrases like "When Ronny finds the right girl...," or "I have to stay fit for my grandkids...," or the worst "Ronny, I met this girl, I think you'll like her...". His dad was different, always too wrapped up in his research, his nose stuck in the latest journal. Professor Grant had always been a busy man as far as Ron could remember. Engaged in everything academia could offer and possessing little energy to spend time with his only son. They both loved him as best as they knew how, that he never doubted.

Now he wondered how they would react if at the next dinner, he announced that he had found someone who inspired him to explore all the deep emotions that lay within his being. And that particular someone was none other that Evan Shaw, whom they had met on one or two occasions. His thoughts were getting involved and he needed to get up. Slowly, so that he would not wake up Evan, he untangled himself from his friend's warm body and slid off the bed. The bedside clock blinked 4:16 and he knew he was running late. After a quick shower, he packed his bag, ignoring that nagging feeling that he was forgetting something important. Oh well, he would buy it later if he needed it. He threw on his jeans and white shirt and he was all set.

"Evan....," he whispered into his friend's sleeping ear. Evan's eyes fluttered open and Ron felt his jaw clench as if he had received a sucker punch. The sight of Evan's awakening hazel eyes was heart wrenching.

"Are you leaving already?" Evan asked rubbing his eyes unaware of how amazingly hot he looked lying there naked.

"I have to leave now. It's already 4:30 the company car should be here soon," Ron said. He wanted nothing else than to return to that bed and experience the infinite pleasure of Evan's touch.

"You can stay if you want. I'll leave my spare keys on the table." Ron continued then placed his knee on the bed and bend over Evan so their lips crushed into each other gently. It had a maddeningly exquisite effect on Ron and he felt his body succumb to their contact. He opened his mouth and let Evan's tongue in, surprised when the electricity from the tip of his tongue traveled straight to the tip of his penis. Who put that connection there? He felt Evan pull back and he groaned.

"Yeah, we better stop." Ron stood up his eyes running over Evan's naked body. Then he heard the front door buzz and he knew his ride to the airport was here. He felt his whole body sag with disappointment but he picked up his bag, wallet and keys and headed out of the room.

The conference in Washington was a real pain in the ass. The large meeting rooms were each overflowing with navy-suit wearing aggressive fresh out of grad school MBAs, self-starters, corporate bigwigs and everyone in between. Ron was expected to do some serious networking for their firm and he had shaken more hands than, he suspected, Mother Theresa ever did. He went through the meet-and-greets on cruise control. A firm handshake, a toothless smile and then the captivating spin on what investment products Cameron and Kuch Funds was offering. Ron knew his efforts were working when he kept reaching for his palm pilot to set up meetings with potential clients. When he wasn't working, Ron's mind zeroed in on the subject of his latest obsession -Evan.

He now sat in his hotel room mentally and physically drained but eagerly punching in Evan's number on his phone. He listened to the familiar tone and then Evan's voice.


"Hey Evan. It's Ron," he started, his heart beating like crazy.

"Hey. How is everything?" Evan asked.

"Well, same old same old. The place is jam packed with the usual crowd. Same drill. Buy, buy, and sell, sell. You know how it goes. I have to set up some more..."

"I miss you," Ron heard the words whispered through the line and they landed on his ears heavily. How could such simple words threaten to turn him inside out? He believed in words and the power they possessed but he had never imagined the extent to which they could rock his world.

"I know, me too. Not that I miss me. I mean, I miss you too" he said knowing he had never been good at letting out the emotional stuff. Evan somehow always just laid it out there as if it was the easiest thing to do. "I was going to call you yesterday but we got held up at those dinner meetings. Then today was hectic and all I could think about is you."

"I know, I know. I want to be with you so bad, it feels like my whole body will explode," Evan said and Ron felt the heat rise behind his ears.

"It's this...this...craving... Fuck, I would never have guessed a person could feel so lost...almost like," Ron sought eloquence but that was all he managed.

"Overcome?" Evan said emphasizing the last syllable "I've cum over and over to your hunky body but I still have not overcum. I am a firm believer that one can never ever overcum."

"Very funny. So, I take it I make you cum even when I'm all the way over here? Even when I'm so far I can't stroke your hot smooth cock or suck it hard in my mouth?" Ron asked lowering his voice and letting the words roll slowly.

"Yeah, even then. Did you know that if I close my eyes, I swear I can smell you, your thick pole? It drives me crazy." Evan countered also taking on a husky tone.

"Fuck. I want you!" Ron grunted feeling his whole body scream in frustration.

"What time are you getting in?"

"Late Friday night, technically Saturday morning," Ron replied.

"Oh," Ron heard the disappointment in Evan's voice.

"I must see you as soon as I get there," Ron said quickly.

"You could come straight to my place," Evan said clearly not caring how desperate he sounded. They were both desperate, damnit! Ron had been doing a lot of thinking lately, about this "thing" they had and largely about the astonishingly strong chemistry they shared. Nobody had ever made his body feel so good. Nobody. And he wanted more.

"No, wait for me at my place. I don't want Mr. Lipinsky wondering why he has to drive me to your place at 2AM," Ron said realizing that this was the first time he had made a choice because of what others might think if they knew. Why did he care what old Mr.Lipinsky thought?

"No, forget it. I'll come over to your place. It's easier for both of us," Ron said firmly. He did not want Evan to have to drive over to his empty apartment at night and then have to wait for god knows how long, just so some driver would not get suspicious. Life was too short and he was never one to cower from it.

"Ok" He heard and knew Evan understood.

"Great," Ron said feeling satisfied with his decision and sensing that this "thing" with Evan was going to demand a lot of courage. He was brave, wasn't he?

Next: Chapter 6

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