
By Dane Bruebeck

Published on Jul 20, 2004


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Symmetry-6 Evan's Story

"Sorry to keep you waiting Evan. I had to oversee an international buy," the always upbeat Mr. A (everyone called him Mr. A since Mr. Allutareri was a mouthful) said hastily walking into the conference room and pulling up a chair across from Evan.

"No problem. I know how it gets on Fridays," Evan said.

"Well then, let's cut to chase. It's almost 4PM and I need to get back and finish the transaction before the market closes. There is no call for formalities anyway. We've known each other for a while now," his boss said clasping his hands in his usual fashion. "As you know, we've been expanding our Global Debt Capital Market Division. We've been getting more and more foreign clients who want to access the US dollar debt market. It's a rapidly growing sector at Cameron and Kuch Funds." Mr. A explained.

"Yeah, Michelle was telling me about it. That's great," Evan said.

"Well, we were discussing a new position at our last management meeting and your name came up severally. How you would you feel about working in Global Debt as a Senior Associate? You have the skills we need plus, you know how we operate," Mr. A said with a smile on his face.

"Great. I would be honored, sir." Evan replied trying as hard as he could not to throw his arms around the rotund man. He held his excitement inside and took the extended hand offered to him. After a brief discussion about the job requirements and the hefty pay raise associated with it, Mr.A excused himself and returned to his duties.

Evan walked back to his office a permanent smile plastered on his face. This is what he wanted. He loved working at the investment firm. He enjoyed the adrenaline, the spirit and the unpredictability of the job. The fast paced environment excited him and he loved being a part of it. Now, with this promotion, he had a chance to further his passion. Two years ago he had landed the job at Cameron and Kuch without really knowing what to expect. He knew he had a natural prowess for the job as soon as he had started working at the firm. To an outsider the job might have seemed devoid of excitement and prone to monotony, but Evan knew better. It was as creative and challenging as one wished it to be. It was about taking risks and creating opportunity where none seemed to exist before. He smiled, happy about the promotion.

Ron on the other hand, barely tolerated the job. This Evan knew and understood. In fact, this was their only major differing point. For Ron, working at Cameron and Kuch was just a way to earn a decent living until his writing took off, for Evan, this was his career, his road to success. What would Ron say about the promotion? Evan knew for sure he would tease him and taunt him about his "lust for green", as he always called it. But he also knew, Ron would be delighted for him. It was 3:45PM and he picked up his phone to share the good news.

"Please leave a message after the tone," Ron's cellular phone picked and stated.

"Hey Ron. It's Evan. Good news. I got the Global Debt Associate job. Ha ha ha, I know, I know. And please,no "lust for green" jokes," he almost hang up but then decided to add a gentle "I miss you."

Evan dialed Cece's number with a big smile on his face. Even the simple, nondescript act of leaving Ron a message had made his heart sing.


"Hey Cece. I have good news," Evan enthused.

"What did you get a promotion or something?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. You are now talking to Senior Associate of Global Debt Capital."

"Is that like a good thing?"

Evan laughed, Cece was totally clueless when it came to his job, "Yeah, it's a great thing. We could celebrate tonight. You can even take me to one of your overpriced restaurants."

"I can't Edmund and I have a gala to attend tonight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, laugh all you want. I happen to look spectacular in a fancy gown and slippers," Cece said.

"That's what a girl gets when she chooses to marry a politician. Cece, did I not tell you,on more than one occasion, to wait for that hot Hawaiian surfer-musician-astronaut you always wanted. But no, you had to marry the politician," Evan said with unmistakable laughter in his voice.

"Yeah, well. You say politician like it's a dirty word. Plus Edmund is different; he is not a politician, he is 'servant of the people'. Stop laughing!" Cece said with mock exasperation.

"Fine. I'll just celebrate my good news alone," Evan said putting on a sad voice.

"Quit whining. I bet you and Ron can come up with some fun way to have a blast," she said.

Evan almost choked. If only she knew how huge an understatement she had made. "Fun" was not half of it; he and Ron could come up with hot, mind-altering, exceptionally pleasurable ways to have a blast or two. "Blast" was a good word though, he had to admit. Yeah, "blast" as in explosion, detonation, big bang. He said his goodbyes and hang up before his mind went totally into the gutter.

Evan contemplated calling Cece back and telling her about everything. That he, Mr."Popular/Hearthrob", from their high school days was involved in a "thing" with Ron. He and Cece had always been close. Perhaps, their closeness was inspired by their parent's bitter divorce while they were in high school. They had never found out the exact details that tore their parents' marriage asunder but they had overheard careless words. Another woman had been involved, other women? To be honest, Evan was not shocked by his father's alleged infidelity; he was a wealthy self-made man and prone to overindulging himself. Mr. Robert Shaw was a classic breed of nouveau riche; hard working and acquiring all the superfluous adult toys that went with the life. Expensive cars, large homes, exclusive club memberships, whatever it took to make his mark, he got. Evan's mum was the classic nouveau riche wife- beautiful, elegant, and having just enough personality so that she always remained under the shadow of her husband.

The divorce had broken up the family in irreparable ways. His father now lived in California with a 24 year old beauty who acted innocent but was obviously as calculating as could be. She was to be the fourth Mrs. Robert Shaw. His mother shared her Paris penthouse (paid for by a generous divorce settlement) with a Moroccan artist named Mahmoud. The divorce had turned a gentile southern woman into a wild eccentric. Evan spoke with his parents more frequently than he would have liked. His dad was always businesslike and still driven by his ambitions, constantly insisting that Evan give up his life and move west to learn more about the automotive industry. His mum played at being motherly and failed miserably- she was too wrapped up in her life having just discovered herself to really be nurturing. He and Cece had witnessed their family come undone together and it had made their relationship stronger. So when he thought of sharing his new discovery to anyone, he thought of Cece.

Ron's Story

"So you must work out all the time." the sexy-as-hell brunette said to Ron as they sat eating at the Washington hotel restaurant. Ron had chosen to join the table because it had an empty chair but somehow the young woman seating next to him had thought he was there to flirt. Who could blame her? Every male in the room kept staring at her lustfully. She was hot and she knew it. Her business suit accentuated her small round ass and her voluptuous breasts perfectly. Apparently, the bombshell had chosen her prime target and it was Ron.

"Not all the time," Ron said to her curtly. This five minute conversation was evolving faster than he wanted.

"You must be one of those people who just are hot naturally," he could not believe she said that. He dug into his food and gave a small smile.

"Thanks for the complement." What he really wanted to do was stand up and say to all the goo-goo eyed men: "Could someone please take this sex kitten out of my hair? She does not turn me on at all. I happen to have an insatiable hunger for the hottest man I have ever met and I just want to be done with this fucking conference so I can get back to him!"

"Maybe we can have a nightcap in my room later this evening," she said totally unaware of Ron's reluctance to partake in the conversation. Perhaps, no one ever turned her down before.

"Actually, I'm involved with someone right now." That would surely work.

"Lucky girl. I'm sure she'll understand if you play around. She can't expect to have you all to herself," she continued, her beguiling eyes taking on a super-seductive look.

"I don't think so." Maybe a few years back he would have jumped at the opportunity to be with her. I mean, she was begging for it in a not-so subtle manner. Which guy could turn her down?

"No one has to know but you and me," she said the "me" with her dainty hands placed on her buxom breasts. "I'll sure as hell will never tell her and I know you won't"

"I don't think it's a good idea," Ron was accustomed to having to let down simpering females but before the reasons had been different.

"She must be something."

"Yeah," Ron almost said "yeah, she is" but he caught himself before the lie slipped out. It would have been insulting to Evan and himself, to the integrity of their friendship and mostly, it would have signified that he was not proud of them together. This woman whom he was sure he would never meet again was not going to make him alter his sense of decency just so that her expectations were satisfied. No way in hell!

"And just so you know, it's not "she" it's "he". It's, he's a guy," Ron said easily wiping his lips with a napkin, and then revealing his teeth in a "gotcha" smile.

"I should have guessed when you did not stare at my breasts," she replied, totally unperturbed by his revelation. Her face instantly lost the bedroom look she had been wearing and she relaxed. Without the whole sexpot facade she seemed actually much more laid back and fresh. She picked at her food some more and then studied him for a few seconds.

"By the way, my name's Cindy. Sorry for that little episode. You are pretty hot though, definitely a cut above the rest. I swear I would never have pegged you for the gay guy. Not that there's anything wrong with that but you know what I mean," she said giving him a sincere smile. She had said 'gay' and Ron found himself a little surprised by the allegation. That is what being gay encompassed; the act of being involved romantically, sexually with another of your own gender. Like this thing with Evan. It was an intriguing thought and he needed to think it through.

"Nice to meet you Cindy. I'm Ron." They laughed at the absurdity of the situation.

"So, what's he like? This guy you're involved with. He must be pretty hot." Apparently looks ruled this woman's life.

"Yeah," Ron said picturing Evan's chiseled features. "But it's way more than that." He knew his face gave away the depth of feeling he had for Evan.

"Wow. I can tell you really like him"

"Yeah. He is the most down-to-earth guy I ever met. Plus, he is so honest and smart and he is competitive and good at everything he sets his heart out to do. And he totally gets me even with all my idiosyncrasies. I could go on forever about him," Ron said happiness surging through him. It felt great to talk about Evan to someone else.

"He sounds perfect," Cindy said encouragingly.

"I don't know about perfect but he's a great guy. Don't get me wrong, he has his kooky points. Like he is a bit of a workaholic although I seem to be the only one who thinks that and he can get a tad bit too competitive at times. He's like a natural athlete and the funniest part is he doesn't watch football or baseball or any of that at all. Not even like the Superbowl. Oh, oh and he can't cook at all. He couldn't boil an egg if his life depended on it. And he is without a doubt the worst driver I have ever seen. Every highway is like a Nascar Track to him. One time we were driving on the...but enough about him," Ron realized that he was monopolizing the conversation and he stopped his animated chatter.

Oh, but it felt so refreshing to be able to share this newfound connection with others. He wanted to scream out at the top of his lungs every single attribute that Evan possessed until the whole entire universe understood the depth of their closeness. This obsession was new to Ron and he wanted to indulge in it, just lose himself completely in the thrill of it. However, it was only fair that he steer the conversation to other topics for the rest of the meal and he did so half-heartedly.

Evan's Story

It was already half past midnight and Evan lay on his couch, absentmindedly watching some really nonsensical on television, wondering what he would say to Cece and dreaming of Ron's eminent arrival. Ron would be here any moment now. Thoughts of Ron won over and he closed his eyes remembering how it had felt to roll around naked in bed with him. Sex with Ron was an otherworldly experience. He had always enjoyed having sex with past girlfriends and he had imagined that what they had shared was as good as it got. Then Ron had proved to him that his past experiences had been nothing but weak imitations of intimacy. With Ron, the feelings were all-encompassing. When he came, it did not only stem from the root of his cock, it started from the very core of his body and mind and permeated every cell; like a full body orgasm. He was so horny and he ached pleasantly with the torture of it.

His hand reached for his cock and he rubbed it over his sweat pants. He imagined Ron's hand on it and he felt the aching organ twitch. Feeling deliriously turned on, he stood up and pulled off his sweat pants and sat back down wearing only his blue- checkered boxers and his favorite snug-fitting white tee shirt. He reached between the opening of his boxers and pulled out his very hard, cut cock. It was dripping already and he used his palm to smear the wetness over the tip.

"Ron..." the name of his desire slipped out of his gaping mouth. He willed himself to stop touching his cock because Ron was on his way. He wanted to go for the maximum pleasure and that was found only in Ron's arms. So, Evan sat back and let the images of what he and Ron would do, had done run through his mind.

Ron's Story

It was a long way past midnight and Ron stared out the rolled down car window inhaling the night air. A few more miles and he would be where he wanted, no, needed to be_ Evan's apartment. The flight had been dull and his anxiety just made things worse. Now he wished Mr. Lipinsky would drive faster. His heart thundered crazily and he could feel his body vibrate lightly with longing. Usually, the Washington Conference fatigued his body so that all he wanted to do when he returned was fall asleep. Today was different; he felt the anticipation ride through his veins and filter through to his mind and his cock. He was stiff, his mouth felt dry and his heart kept missing a beat. This was torture- the kind that could only be relieved by Evan.

"You still live next to Covington Plaza, right?" Mr. Lipinsky asked breaking into his lustful thoughts.

"Yeah, but drop me off at Evan Shaw's apartment. It's on South End. You know it right?" Ron directed. Yeah, he was off to Evan's and he cared less what Mr. Lipinsky thought.

"Yeah, I know where that is."

Ten minutes later, the black sedan pulled up at Evan's building. Ron's watch said 1:08AM and his cock was agonizingly erect.

Next: Chapter 7

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