
By Dane Bruebeck

Published on Jul 27, 2004


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Symmetry-8 Evan's story

"Baby, are you awake? Evan, Evan...?" he heard Ron whisper directly into his ear and he smiled when he felt Ron kissing the back of his neck and massaging his arm lightly as they lay spooned into each other. Evan in front, Ron in the back. Then, he felt that perfect hard cock dig into his butt crack. What time was it? Didn't they just drift into sleep a short while ago? He opened his eyes and peered into the dark space around him. The alarm clock with the neon green digits said 4:45. His cock had already responded to Ron's voice and was now pointing to a tilted north. Ron whispered on.

"I was dreaming of you and I couldn't sleep anymore...ooohhh"

Evan pushed back causing Ron to moan and then he heard Ron reach to the bedside table while still trying to keep up the penis-to-asshole contact. Evan turned fully on his stomach and raised his pelvis, spreading his legs apart. He felt Ron reach between his ass cheeks and then liberally smear lube into his waiting hole. He moaned and pushed up tighter against Ron's hand.

"Baby, I'm going to enter you," he heard Ron whisper then pull Evan's round globes apart and then he felt the head of that thick cock push against his entrance. Evan knew what to expect, so he relaxed his muscles and eagerly awaited the sweet invasion. This time, Ron drove all the way in with excruciating slowness; one long, steady thrust.

"Oh sweet," Evan cried and then he felt Ron's hand on his shoulder, holding on to it like it was an anchor. The long, deep thrusts begun each time making contact with the newfound pleasure-spot inside Evan's body. Ron thrust in and out with control and purpose, sporadically planting open-mouthed kisses on the back of Evan's neck, playing his lover's pliant body like an instrument. Their breaths were synchronized and they each instinctively knew how to adjust their bodies to facilitate maximum arousal; Ron's cock plunging in tandem with Evan's backward thrusts. It was a slow sweet, dreamlike fuck that went on and on and on.

Their cries rose as their pleasure intensified, filling the room with joyous shouts and moans; the slow, sweet lovemaking rapidly transforming into a vigorous, sweaty romp. Evan held on to the edge of the bed and pushed up onto his knees and Ron's hand moved to the headboard to aid his gregarious thrusts. They slammed into each other; their sturdy athletic bodies allowing them total control and power.

They both knew it was almost over and they strengthened their movements, fucking even harder until the bed rocked. Ron reached over and grabbed Evan's hard leaking cock and slid his hand over it in time with his thrusts. He pushed forward one more time and his body tensed but he kept up his hand's jerking motion on Evan's pole.

"Oh fuuuuuuck........," they yelled in unison as they each released shot after shot of cum. They slumped back onto the bed and a tired sleep overtook their worked out bodies.

Evan stood in his kitchen in front of his fridge staring at it in disbelief. The idea had been to wake up and attempt to fix breakfast before Ron woke up but that was now null and void. Apparently, his milk looked suspicious, his cheese was moldy, the bacon he thought he had had disappeared, and there was only one lone egg in the tray. He couldn't remember the last time he had gone grocery shopping but he still had woken up with hope. Who knew the fridge would be barren of all things edible? The pizza from last night was starting to look really good.

"What time is it?" he heard Ron ask and he turned to find him leaning against the door frame. His curly hair was thoroughly disheveled and he was rubbing his tummy. "I borrowed your boxers," he said yawning and gesturing at the polka-dotted garment that made up the entirety of his outfit. Evan was wearing a similar outfit too, only his boxers had no dots.

"It's almost 1 o'clock," Evan told him reaching over to fill the kettle with water for coffee.

"What's for breakfast? I'm really hungry," Ron said as he walked to the breakfast table trying to comb his hair with his hand. Impossible.

"Really, it's lunch. I have half a box of Raisin Bran, half a box of Cornflakes, a handful of granola and last night's pizza," Evan said motioning to the boxes on the counter. At least he had good coffee.

"And here I thought you loved me," Ron said chuckling and then he walked over, grabbed Evan by the shoulders, span him around and kissed him soundly on the lips. "I'll take the Raisin Bran. Please, tell me you have milk."

"I have milk. It might still be good," Evan said and then pulled the carton out of the fridge and inspected the date. "Ha! It's still good!"

Ron fixed himself some cereal and sat down. Evan smiled when he heard Ron crunch into his cereal. It obviously was not the finest breakfast especially after the superlative night but he knew Ron was okay. They were both not big breakfast people. Evan fixed himself some Cornflakes and joined Ron at the table. The coffee brewed on.

"So, how are you this morning?" Evan asked absorbedly studying the hunky face before him.

"I'm great. I just woke up from the greatest night of my life. You?" Ron said with his patented toothy grin.

"Never felt better. A little um... sore but great," Evan replied honestly. "No, no, it's a good, slight sore. It's like a lingering reminder that last night happened," he added noting the concern on Ron's face. Their eyes met over the table and they both smiled at the memory of their night together.

"So, what's the plan for today? I should go to my place and get a change of clothes or something."

"Maybe later," Evan suggested. Their naked feet met under the table and they started to play footsy. This was as good as it got_ making love all night, waking up to an easy albeit boring breakfast, chilling out in boxers, waiting for the coffee to brew. A perfect day.

"We could just hang out all day" Ron said wrapping his feet around Evan's left ankle.

"Yeah. All day, huh?"

"Yeah. Play squash? It's a little later than our usual time though..." Ron suggested.

"Sounds good but..." Evan replied.

"I know, too much? Maybe we could just stay here and..." Ron said raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah," Evan said already getting turned on by the prospect of devouring Ron's body. They smiled knowingly.

"I'll listen to my messages while the coffee brews; see who's been looking for me while I was gone," Ron said reaching for the phone and punching in the code to his home line.

Ron's story

Among the messages, two were from his mother. The first asking him to join them for dinner on Saturday and the second telling him to be at the restaurant at 8PM. That was how his mum did things; assuming her way was the only way. The last activity on his mind was dinner with his parents. He wanted to spend an easy day with Evan, maybe a repeat performance or two of last night's pleasures, maybe go out for a late lunch since there was clearly no food in this house, anything as long as it involved Evan. He needed to let her know he would not be making it so he dialed his parent's number and waited eagerly.

"Hello Mum," Ron said after she picked up.

"Ronny! You're back. How are you, dear? How was your trip? Did you have fun? Did you get my messages? Tonight, 8 o'clock at Restaurant Montmatre. I hope..." his mum went on in her usual breezy style.

"Mum. I'm fine. The trip was okay. I got your messages and that's why I'm calling," Ron told her knowing already this was going to be a big deal.

"Well, are you coming? I haven't seen you for so long." Less than ten days.

"Yeah, can we like postpone this? I already made other plans," Ron stated.

"What plans? Your father and I were just talking about this. We don't get to see you enough." It was more she talked about it and his dad pretended to listen.

"Evan and I made plans to..." To play out all our sexual fantasies? Think, think, think. Plans to do what? Too late.

"You can do what you have to do but you still have to eat dinner today, right? I could change the reservations. Plus, it's perfect you could bring Evan. Definitely, I haven't seen him in a while. I miss him. Is 7 o'clock better for you boys?" She was unstoppable. Ron knew he was doomed and so he gritted his teeth and gave up. Evan handed him a cup of coffee and he took a sip, enjoying the aroma.

"No, 8 o'clock is fine." He hang up and looked to see Evan rolling his eyes at him and chuckling. This had happened other times; Ron's mum making plans that he somehow never managed to break out off. Evan found it amusing, if not funny as hell.

"I guess this means you have other plans," Evan said shaking his head.

"Apparently, so do you. You are invited for dinner with my lovely parents at 8 o'clock. My mother misses you," Ron stated still not believing what had just happened. Then it suddenly occurred to him that things with Evan were totally different now. They were not simply best friends anymore.

"Is that a good idea?" Evan asked voicing Ron's thoughts.

Was he brave enough? That question kept demanding his attention and so far he had managed to unequivocally answer in the affirmative. Now he wondered. He had shared moments with Evan in the company of his parents before but the circumstances had been different. They were best friends and that had warranted no explanations. Both his parents had liked Evan from the beginning. His mum was charmed by his poise (and perhaps his good looks?) and his dad had enjoyed discussing the stock market with someone who seemed so enthusiastic about a topic he himself knew very little about. How would the dynamic change? Their love would surely make everything more profound, more complex. What if his parents sensed the change?

"Do you think it's a good idea?" Evan asked again.

"It's a great idea," he said not knowing quite what he meant by those words.

"Okay," Evan said. They continued drinking their coffee each lost in their thoughts. They looked up at each other and Ron tried to decipher the messages encoded in Evan's hazel eyes. In those eyes, he read so much. He wanted Evan to see the same thing in his eyes. As if driven by some unknown force, they leaned across the table and their lips met in the middle. It was a kiss like no other they had shared prior to that moment. Evan's soft lips brushed against his so soothingly. He kissed back wishing to transmit the same tenderness. Evan nibbled at his lower lip, biting it gently. They pulled back an inch, just so their noses touched and their eyes held unfalteringly.

"Let's go shower," Evan whispered and Ron nodded, their noses bumping.

They quickly discovered the joys of sharing a shower. The room got steamy as they scrubbed each other down, intending to clean every inch and in the process discovering each crevice and plain on the other's body. It was a long lazy shower punctuated by long kisses, leisurely caresses and whispered words. They stood under the warm jets feeling each other out until the hot water finally ran out. They got out and dried out by the bed.

"Come here," Ron said lying on the bed. Evan dropped his towel, got on the bed and opened his arms to Ron who snuggled into him. They fell asleep; the physical exhaustion, the emotional upheaval brought about by last night and perhaps by the last few months forcing them to surrender to sleep.

Ron could hardly believe it was already 8:15. Well, he had to believe it because that is what the clock on Evan's dashboard claimed as they drove to the restaurant. 8:16, huh? They had slept like logs and not awoken until after 6 o'clock. It had felt great to enjoy the warmth of Evan's naked body next to him and a little startling to find Evan's already open eyes staring intently at him when he woke up. One thing had led to another, a kiss led to more kissing and eventually Evan had given his cock the hottest tongue bathing and sucking of his life. Feeling inspired, Ron had reciprocated in kind. Too wired to fall asleep again they had stayed in bed talking about everything and nothing: Evan's new job, Ron's latest writing, the new infuriatingly silly hit song that they couldn't get out of their heads, the merits of the new squash racket Evan had purchased on Thursday, the cum-on-the-bed issue that came with gay sex, et cetera, et cetera. By the time, they got dressed and drove Ron to his apartment to change into his own clothes, it was already 8PM.

"Could you not drive like a lunatic?!" Ron said after Evan accelerated the third time to catch another light.

"I thought you said we needed to get there fast?" Evan replied not slowing down at all.

"Yeah, I didn't say get us...Shit!" Evan had just swerved a bit too aggressively and passed another car. Ron knew better: he should never have let Evan drive them tonight.

"We're here," Evan announced pulling up in front of the restaurant and grinning as if nothing was wrong. They both rushed out, walked into the French restaurant and after inquiring they were directed to Ron's parent's table.

"Ronny, there you are! Evan, I'm so glad you could make it," his mum said enthusiastically. Ron kissed her on the cheek and Evan shook her hand. They both shook hands with his father who looked happy to see them too. They took their seats Evan next to Ron's dad and Ron next to his mum. The dinner chatter commenced, Ron's mother doing most of the talking about the great things her friends had told her about Restaurant Montmatre and about how authentic she had been told the cuisine was.

"So how are you boys doing? How is work at Cameron and Kuch?" Professor Grant asked after their orders were taken.

"You know how I feel about working there, Dad. Evan just got a promotion though," Ron said proud of his friend's achievement. They wanted to know more so Evan explained the new job to them. It was funny noticing how impressed his parents were about it.

The dinner went well as it usually did. Both his parents shared the latest developments concerning their respective departments at the university. His father was particularly happy with the research he was conducting in conjunction with another university in Belize. The spark in his eye lit up when he shared his passion for his research.

"So, enough about us. What are you guys up to? Evan, didn't you have a girlfriend, what was her name Kerry or was it Kelly?" Ron's mum asked clearly making a segue into her favorite topic.

"Kiara, her name is Kiara. No. We broke up a while ago," Evan said hoping against hope she would just let it drop. Foolish hopes.

"That's too bad. Are you seeing anyone now?" She asked and Ron's eyes met Evan's across the table for a split second. This is exactly why they had both hesitated on coming to the dinner together.

"Actually, yeah," Evan said. He was seeing someone now.

"Oh, good. You see Ron, Evan's always dating. Evan, can you talk to my son about these things? I don't know why he doesn't find somebody nice. So, are you serious about this new person?" she asked her eyes widening with interest.

"I'd say it's serious. It's still very new but we have known each other for a very long time," Evan said calmly. Ron's heart skipped a bit. Did she really want to know? He looked over at Evan. Was that a little smile on his lips? No fucking way! Evan was enjoying this. As if to confirm this, Ron felt Evan kick him lightly under the table.

"That is just the best. Did you hear that Marvin? How long have you been going out?" She asked leaning in to really engage fully in the conversation. She was fishing for major gossip now. His mum was so mushy it sometimes made Ron want to puke.

"Let me see. Let me try and figure this out. Yeah, I think...How long would you say it's been, Ron?" He could not believe Evan's levity over the subject. Evan had always been the joker of the two but this was way beyond funny.

" few days," Ron said throwing Evan a dirty look on the sly.

"It feels so much longer than that. Yeah, perhaps like a week but it's something I have wanted for a lifetime. You know how your heart can just crave so desperately? Well, I finally got what it is I wanted. I now realize it's even better than I ever imagined. Yeah, it's finally happening," Evan said, bedazzling Ron's mum with an innocent smile. She was taken in and her eyes darkened with feeling. So did Ron's but for completely different reasons. Evan's love astounded him.

"That is the sweetest thing ever. You must really love her." She was over-the-fucking- moon hopelessly romantic and Evan seemed to think this was hilarious.

"With everything in my heart," Evan declared stoking the flame. Ron's heart jumped at the public yet secret declaration. He looked at Evan who was facing his mother and felt moved beyond words. This man, sharing dinner with his family, was by far the best thing that ever happened to him in his entire life. He wanted, he wanted, what did he want? This was a strange situation

"So Ronny, how's your writing going?" Ron's dad asked clearly fed up with the mush. This is one topic his dad really cared about. It was he who always pushed him to keep up writing. Professor Grant understood his son's writing because it was similar to how he felt about anthropology: to succeed one had to labor consistently even when the process seemed unrewarding. The process itself was a reward.

Ron shared his latest work with the table. It was a collection of short stories spanning all facets of life but connected by a common theme; abandonment. The ideas had come to him over the past few months and with every new day the stories were shaping up nicely. It was hard to explain the details so he kept his explanations abstract. Their desserts arrived.

"Ronny guess who I bumped into the other day at the yoga center?" his mum said raising her eyebrow at her son.

"Who?" Evan gave him another tiny kick. They both knew where this was going.

"Mrs. Cook. Jen Cook's mother?" she said. Where could he trade his mother and get a new normal one? "Don't give me that look. She just mentioned that Jen was asking about you. You know, you can't blame her now, can you?"

"I told you that things did not work out with us. Will you just drop it?" Ron said fuming inside.

"I just mentioned it. No need to get all pissy about it, honey. It's just..."

"It's just what?" he was pissed now.

"It's just your father and I worry about you. We do not want you to be lonely. Right, Marvin? You never date and you're always writing and...Tell him, Marvin." She noticed Ron's anger and tried to keep calm through it.

"Dear, leave him alone. He's doing fine. Ignore your mother, Ronny," his dad said calmly spooning more sorbet into his mouth.

"You know, I worry..." she started again. This must be the standard punishment for being an only child, Ron thought.

"Enough. I am not lonely. I'm doing great. In fact, I have never been better," Ron said trying to regain his composure. He could feel Evan gazing at him.

"Really, honey? I know how..." she said looking at him with her overly-concerned motherly look.

"If you must know, I met someone," Ron said cutting her off. Enough is fucking enough! He watched his mother's face transform from concern to surprise and then blossom into joy.

"Oh Ronny, that is so good to hear. Why didn't you just tell us? Marvin, isn't that lovely. So, who is it?" She started.

"Why don't you leave it alone, dear? He'll tell us when he's ready. Clearly, he isn't ready to share yet. You don't have to tell her anything, Ronny," his dad said throwing his wife an admonishing glare and then giving a long meaningful look to his son. He smiled at Evan as though to say "someone has to keep it sane".

"Fine, Ronny. Tell us when you're ready. I promise I won't meddle. I won't mention it again," she said her eyes sparkling happily.

Ron smiled and Evan breathed out a sigh of relief. Ron looked at him questioningly. Their eyes held for a second and in that moment a clear message was transmitted.

"Are we ready?" Ron's green eyes asked defiantly. He had never felt readier. His dad's intervention had been totally uncalled-for.

"I'm not sure," Evan's hesitant hazel eyes replied.

Next: Chapter 9

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