
By Dane Bruebeck

Published on Aug 1, 2004


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Symmetry-9 Evan's Story

Evan sat staring out of his new office window on a sunny Thursday. A window that faced almost nothing but still it was a window. One day he'd have a grand vista perhaps overlooking the park, perhaps even a corner office. He rocked on his new chair, trying to find the sweetest spot. Life was great: He had a great career and a devastatingly handsome, caring man. And what a week they had shared! His breath caught as he remembered. Finally, he understood what all the love propaganda was about. And to think he ever doubted love, the kind that songs were written about, existed. He and Ron were living proof.

After the Saturday dinner with Ron's parents, Evan had driven back to Ron's with the express intention of dropping him off and with the agreement that they would spend Sunday together. The goodbye kiss in the confines of the car was meant to be brief but when Ron had moved his succulent lips and gently nibbled Evan's ear, that plan had evaporated.

"Come with me," Ron had whispered in the midst of his expert ministrations and Evan had nodded his consent. They had exited the car and urgently run up to Ron's apartment, anxious to rediscover each other. They never made it to the bedroom but Ron had a big couch which they used to their utmost satisfaction. Evan recalled how good it had felt when Ron's cock massaged his eager prostate, their hands interlaced over the chair's arm. It had been a raw and powerful bout of lovemaking that could only be achieved by two virile men. They had ended up sleeping into half of Sunday.

They had ordered lunch from the nearby Chinese restaurant and eaten it on Ron's bed. Chinese food had a whole new connotation to Evan now. It meant laughing over Ron's sillier theories, licking spilled sauce from his taut stomach and sitting legs intertwined on an unmade bed. Evan had finally left Ron's apartment at dawn that Monday morning and only because he had needed to get dressed for work.

The week had rolled on in the same fervent manner. They could not get enough of each other. It was getting a little out of hand. Ron smiled as he remembered the gym incident on Tuesday. They had decided to go work out as they always did, expecting everything to go smoothly. The mirror-lined weight room had been mildly busy as it usually was. Halfway through their work out, Evan's eyes had caught Ron's in the mirror and that had been the beginning of their demise. The sight of Ron's hot body clad in a sweaty old tee shirt and mesh shorts had undone any restraint Evan had. His cock had hardened so quickly he had been forced to drop his weights and sit down on the side before anyone detected his condition. When Ron joined him two seconds later, Evan had understood exactly why. They had laughed about it all the way home. The phone rang startling Evan out of his thoughts.

"There is a Cece Langston to see you," the office assistant on the other side of the line announced.

"Send her in," he announced smiling at the faux-authoritative sound of his voice. Cece had called to alert him of her arrival. She needed to discuss some stuff, she had said. Now he saw the door open and in walked his sister walk.

"Nice office. I like it. Those blinds are horrid though. We should change them," she said reaching over to kiss his cheek. They sat down and caught up. The twins were doing great and quickly becoming addicted to "Jurassic Park" which they now watched twice a day everyday, thanks to their nanny Harriet. And her husband Edmund? That was why she had stopped by to talk to Evan.

"I told you how Edmund was trying to get elected to the committee, the community development initiative committee? Well, the opposition is really trying to block him now. The claws are out. You will not believe what they're printing in the news. They will not stop creating scandal around him. They're now alleging that he is not appropriate for the committee because of his background. I told you how his mum was indicted for embezzling and his dad had fishy connections with those Las Vegas strip clubs. Well, now it's all out. They're coming after me too. They wrote up some stuff about dad and his numerous wives. They're claiming that Edmund's background is too unstable for a role in a family-oriented committee. Evan, they're trying to destroy us," she had said all this without blinking; twisting the handkerchief she was holding into nervous knots. Her always-calm eyes now looked distraught as they stared at Evan as if he was her refuge.

"Cece, Cece, it can't be that bad. Come on..."

"You don't know these people, Evan. All this just because my husband has high aspirations for his political life. They're ruthless. They won't quit."

"It will blow over. Cece, you've been through worse stuff with Edmund. You're both so strong," Evan attempted to soothe his sister.

"Nothing like this. And what if they find out about mum? That artist guy, her lover, isn't he like 24?"

"21. He is 21," Evan said sadly.

"Shit, shit, shit. Can it get worse than that? Our family is so screwed up. This is going to ruin Edmund, his senate dreams, everything," Cece said in a defeated tone.

This new development scared him. He loved his sister. For goodness sake, they had overcome so much together. They had been each other's rock growing up. Her current predicament filled him with anger. How could anyone suggest that her husband was unworthy just because of what their parents did? What about the fact that Edmund worked tirelessly for his region? Politics really sucked. No news there.

"It's politics. It will blow over. These things always do. Just because your families are not perfect doesn't mean he cannot lead. Look how far he has come already. Your family is wonderful; the one that consist of you and Edmund and the twins. That is what counts," he said reaching out to hold her hand.

"And you. You're a part of it too," she said getting up and hugging Evan close to her. "I am so proud of you."

Then it hit him: He couldn't tell Cece about his relationship with Ron. It was clearly not a good idea, under the circumstances. She was crushed already; this would just devastate her further. The last thing he wanted to do was cause problems for her and her family. She clearly was in dire need of some semblance of normalcy. Letting her know that he was in love with his best friend was not the most normal of state of affairs. He and Ron had discussed the importance of sharing with family. He knew Ron was planning on talking to his dad after work just as he had pledged to talk to Cece when she came by. Now though, things with Cece were different. It was out his hands, surely Ron would understand, wouldn't he?

Ron Story

It was strange but when Ron thought of sharing his love for Evan, the first person that came to mind was his father. Definitely. Something about the way his father had looked at him at their last dinner when his mum attacked about his love life made him think it would be okay. It was his dad who always shielded him when his mum pelted him with demands about his social life. His dad had never aggravated him with questions about women. Never. Even when he dated briefly and his mum had gone crazy with joy, his dad was always subdued. It was as if, by some innate knowledge, his father respected his solitude, believed in his choices and loved him quietly despite them. That is why he had decided to talk to his dad. Now he waited in his dad's large book-lined office feeling completely at peace with his decision.

He remembered how he had always enjoyed visiting his dad's office when he was little. Sometimes, his mum would drop him off, if she had a class and they couldn't find a babysitter. Those times spent on the floor of his dad's office stuck with him. Professor Grant would sit behind his desk lost in his studies and Ron would watch him intently. His dad would occasionally lift his head and look at his son over his glasses, Ron would wave and his dad would smile and go back to his books. At five, six and seven years of age, Ron learned the importance of books and the world they held within their covers. His dad had bestowed upon him that understanding. He recalled sitting surrounded by those colossal shelves, overrun with books and how exciting it had been walking around trying to read the well-crafted letters on their spines. His dad would sometimes pull out a book that had many pictures and Ron would turn its pages enchanted by the incomprehensible stories within.

"Ronny. There you are. How are you?" his dad walked in holding a bundle of books, laid them on the table and reached out to shake his son's hand. Professor Grant was not a hugger.

"I'm fine. I hope you're not too busy. Do you have another class?" Ron said

"I have a workshop with the PhD students later. So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Typical: No unnecessary hesitations. Some things never changed. Ron liked that about his father.

"I mentioned at dinner I met someone," Ron wasn't going to beat about the bush either.

"Yes, I remember," his dad sat on his leather chair and clasped his hands in front of him.

"Well, I wanted to tell you about it. I mean, before I tell mum. You know how she gets. I figured you're saner about these things." He wasn't going to wimp out either.

"I understand. This must be really important."

"It is. It's about Evan and me," Ron said staring straight into his father's eyes. He braced himself for the upcoming reaction.

"I know."

"You know? How? When?" Ron said taken aback by his dad's simple reply.

"No, you tell me about it."

"Well, Evan and I are together. I love him, he loves me. I had to tell someone." The wheels in Ron's head were turning. One and one and one was not making three. How could his dad know?

"I know."

"And I am telling you because I have to. It's the biggest thing in my life, this feeling. I do not want to keep you out of this. It means too much to me," Ron said feeling a calmness wash over him.

"I know."

"I have to do this. I knew you would not lose your mind. You have never lost your mind with me. I am not scared." The unrehearsed words unleashed themselves from his mind without restraint.

"I know."

Enough already. He had to find out. "How did you know?"

"At dinner. You two kept on stealing glances at each other. I never saw that look in your eyes before. Ronny, I can recognize all the looks that leave your eyes. Your eyes have always been so open. The looks you gave Evan, I have never seen those before except from your mother. She used to have that same look when we first fell in love," his dad said with the same exact composure he had when he discussed Ron's writing. Ron wanted to cry.

"Are you okay with this?" Ron asked already knowing the answer but needing hear it anyway.

"Yes. Really, if you think about it, it has very little to do with me and everything to do with you and Evan. Son, are you okay with it?"


They both got engrossed in their thoughts. Ron was amazed but not shocked by his dad's tranquil reaction. All those subtle moments shared with his dad all through his life passed across his mind. Those wordless conversations, those knowing long looks, those afternoons spent reading quietly side by side, all those had been preordained. They had all been leading up to this moment, this sublime moment of unwavering trust.

"What about mum?"

"I don't know. You'll tell her when you're ready." Ron left his father's office convinced that he was the luckiest son alive and he rushed to share the news with Evan.

He pulled up at Evan's place at 7:30 that evening and got out of his car, eager to reunite with him. Traffic from the university has been a bitch but he hadn't cared. He was just way too happy. This was the perfect beginning for him and Evan. Before his hand even hit the door, it was pulled open. Ron felt himself quake at the never-ending marvel of Evan gazing at him, looking fucking hot in a black tee shirt and cargo pants. He must have stood there gaping like an idiot for too long because Evan reached for him and literally yanked him in. They stood beyond the door, both smiling, happy to see each other after so long (12 hours is forever in love-time).


"I'm so...."

They both started together. Fuck words. They reached for each other and kissed like they had not seen each other for decades. Their hands searching each other's bodies, their tongue drinking eagerly and their lips fused intensely. They finally broke apart but stayed in each other's arms.

"I told my father about us," Ron stated his green eyes dancing.

"Really? How did he react?" Evan asked moving his hand over Ron's spine.

"Like I hoped he would. He's cool with it."

"Wow, he is so evolved. Lucky you"

"Get this; he said he already knew."


"Well, apparently at dinner I kept looking at you with a look he never saw before. He says he knows all my looks and that one was off the charts somehow. I have one smart father," Ron declared grinning as he caressed the back of Evan's neck with his thumb.

"You have one extraordinarily perceptive father. You two have such unusual bond. I have always admired that. Does your mum know?"

"Not yet. Can we talk about his later? I am a little distracted." Ron moved his head closer and kissed Evan's neck, inhaling his unique scent. Evan moaned and increased the pressure of his hand on Ron's back. Ron acknowledged the stirring in his pants by pushing even tighter into Evan's embrace. They stayed like that, tightly pressed together, their hearts beating into each other's chests. Evan's hand traveled to Ron's tight ass cheek and cupped it, attempting to draw him even closer as Ron's tongue licked his neck. Evan started a slow walk backwards, leading their awakening bodies to his bedroom. This was the hottest slow dance ever. No music, just their shuffling feet and their soft moans.

The back of Evan's knees hit the bed halting their movement and he sat down unable to stop in time, Ron standing before him. Ron took a step back, finally relinquishing his hold on Evan. Ron's eyes never left Evan's as he reached up and started to undo his shirt buttons one at a time. Evan's eyes flickered every time a button came undone and when the oxford shirt fell on the floor his lips parted. Evan was enjoying this and Ron smiled, then mischievously reached for his buckle and undid it in one forceful tag. When Evan spread his legs a little wider, Ron knew his impromptu strip tease was working. Encouraged, he pulled his zip down slowly and then pulled down his dress pants slowly, his eyes never leaving Evan. He knew that his own cock was stretched to the limit and it filled him with a sense of pride to stand there clad only in his boxers, staring down at his best friend. He kicked the pants, shoes and socks off his body and then reached for his boxers, stretching his long torso out and then bending over to push them down over his very erect penis. He tagged them off and stood there gloriously naked and throbbing with desire.

"You stun me," Evan whispered.

"Good," Ron mouthed back.

Evan smiled at him roguishly and then lay back on the bed, pushing himself up to the middle. He pulled of his shirt in one swift move and Ron grunted at that hot chest and those delectable nipples became exposed. Shirtless now, he reached for his cargo pants and pushed his zipper down, just as slowly as Ron had done. Ron's cock twitched. It took all the will power he had not to dive on the bed and just rip those pants away but he held back, enjoying the deliberate seduction before him. Evan lifted his hips and hooked his thumbs in the hem and started to push them down. He looked so athletic and hot doing that. Ron gasped when Evan's lustrous pubic hair came into view. No underwear. Fuck. Then the hard, smooth cock and the hefty hanging balls were revealed and Ron's mouth went dry. The cargo pants were tossed to the side and the two just glared at each other, their hunger for each other increasing their heartbeats.

"You stir me up so completely," Ron whispered. He moved forward and fell over the bed into Evan's naked body.


"Evan..." They cried out each other's names as their bodies touched.

The next moments passed in frenzy. Both of them hungry for the taste of each other, they finally settled side by side, upside down from each other. They lay on their sides; their legs spread open, so that their mouths could reach each other's dripping, stiff cock. It was hot and heady, their hips thrusting in unison into each other's mouths, their heads bobbing up and down hungrily, slowing down and speeding up in perfect time. They both wanted this maddening sweetness to last an eternity, so they took their time luxuriating in the intensity, drowning in the feelings until it became too much and they came deep in each other's mouth, yelling out their satisfaction. They recoiled and lay back on opposite sides, breathing heavily and laughing uncontrollably.

"Hey, there," Evan said still chuckling.

"Hey," Ron said and then burst out laughing again.

"Come over here," Evan said lazily as the laughter petered out.

"No, you come over here," Ron replied.

"I can't. You knocked me out," Evan said.

"I can't move either. No energy left," Ron said back.

"Try," Evan pleaded.

"You try," Ron said kicking Evan lightly on the shoulder.

"Come here," Evan pleaded again.

"No way. You sucked out all my energy," Ron said. Then they started laughing anew.

"Lift your hand," Evan said lifting his own and then looking up as Ron's arm came into view. "Rock, paper, scissors, okay?"

"Okay," Ron said, preparing to partake in the ultimate decision-making technique.

"One, two, go. Rock, paper, scissors. Shit, you win," Evan said sadly and then turned around, groaning as he moved his exhausted body, until they were face to face again.

"Hey," Ron whispered his eyes intensely staring into Evan's.

"Hey," Evan whispered back. They stayed like that, savoring the feelings.

"I'm so glad your dad reacted so well," Evan said.

"Yeah. Honestly though, I expected no less from him. I know him. I feel" Yeah, that is exactly how Ron felt. "At least we have my dad's support. How about Cece? Weren't you going to tell her?"

"I can't," Evan said averting his eyes.

"What do you mean you can't? I thought it's what you wanted," Ron said leaning back to look Evan squarely in the face.

"I can't. They're having problems with the press," Evan said and went on to explain the whole saga about Edmund's ongoing political turmoil.

"How does that affect this?" Ron asked.

"Ron, it's too much. Cece's going through a lot and this will just make her more susceptible to attack. Clearly, you see it?"

"I don't see how us being in love affects Edmund's career. She does not have to print it in the news. I thought we agreed that our love deserved to go beyond these walls. It was your idea to begin with," Ron said rubbing his forehead.

"I know, I know but she's not going to be able to handle it right now. Everything's a mess for them. Our parents and Edmund's parents have screwed everything up really bad. Something has to remain normal for her," Evan said looking at the ceiling.

"Normal? So I guess this is abnormal to you?" Ron said gesturing at the two of them.

"Don't..." Evan started and stopped.

"Then what?"

"It's just that I know now is a bad time. She just can't handle it," Evan said firmly.

"Tell me, Evan. Who can't handle it? Cece or you?"

Next: Chapter 10

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