Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Mar 13, 2023


Story Recap: Waking up from being hit by a car, Miguel finds himself in the body of a teenage white boy named Colton whose guardian/lover is an older muscle-daddy, mixed-race (Asian-black-white) man he only knows as Mr. Takada. The police report shows that Miguel Montes never existed and now he's figuring out life as a gay teen, but more secrets are uncovered...

{Tabula Colton} [Ch.2- The Boy Who Was] ~By Emri~

"Yes, I'll be there shortly. I just have to get Colton situated. I'll be there right away," Mr. Takada said as he juggled his cell phone with one hand and the buttons of his white shirt with the other. He had on a pure white suit with pants, shoes, socks, shirt, tie, the whole works. He looked like he was headed to some strange religious ceremony. He eyed me with frustration as he finished his phone call.

"You hardly touched your breakfast. Still not feeling any better?" he asked as he came to sit beside me on the bed. I was sitting up against the pillows with my knees drawn into my chest.

"I just can't believe it. How do I have this guy's memories in my head? If he never existed... It means I'm Colton... I'm... I'm gay," I said and looked at him with desperate eyes.

"Is that so bad?" Mr. Takada asked as he tied his white leather shoes.

"I just... I don't feel gay. I feel like me but trapped in this kid's body and... all I can think about is you inside me... but I don't feel gay," I admitted and put my head between my knees.

"What does gay feel like? You're my perfect boy, growing and handsome. You're pretty accomplished on your skateboard. You like video games and theme parks just like any other seventeen year old boy. You're pretty rough and tumble when we're out on the hiking trails or off-road biking. You've learned some bad-ass tricks on your board too. Is it so bad that you happen to drool over my cock? Does that define your whole existence?" he laughed.

"I guess not... I was just so sure I was Miguel. I don't know who I am," I told him. There wasn't a point to arguing with him. I drooled over every inch of him. I couldn't control it.

"We'll talk about it when I get back. All you need to know right now is you're my boy and you'll stay put in the hotel until I return or that ass will meet my hand when I get back. My boy will behave today. Are we understood?" he asked with a sudden seriousness.

"Yes, sir... daddy... Mr. Takada," I fumbled through nicknames trying them out. His lips turned up into a smile.

"So damned cute. I left some money in your wallet, but don't wander outside. You can get lunch sent up or go down to the cafe and charge it to the room. Your phone is dead, but you can contact me on your tablet if you need me. I hate leaving you here, but it's business," he said as he stuffed his wallet and phone into his pocket.

"Thank you. I'll stay," I said and stared down at my toes with a sigh.

"I love you, baby boy." He lifted my chin off my knees and kissed my forehead then my lips. He took a tablet off the side table and tossed it next to me on the bed. Then he left.

I watched some morning news, but there was nothing about my accident on it. Los Angeles is a big city and unless you're famous or dead, you have little shot at making headlines. I picked up the tablet and opened it. It had a passcode on it and of course I didn't know it. I found a little circle on the back though and it picked up my fingerprint instantly. The tablet opened to a picture of Mr. Takada holding Colton on what looked like a boat. They both looked so happy.

Colton had a pretty standard setup. There were some skateboarding apps, a few apps for watching shows popular with teenagers, and some social networking apps. I opened a few, but all of them were logged out. I opened the games too and none of them had been played. It seemed pretty strange, almost like he had gotten this tablet but never set anything up. I'd never met anyone who logged out of every app on their tablet or phone. Something wasn't right and it triggered my police instincts.

The main contact in messages was just "Daddy." I opened it to find one short exchange dated from last Friday. It was just a short exchange with Colton begging to go out while Mr. Takada was at work and being told no. Colton backed down and they'd ended with a series of "I love you" back and forth. There were just a few pictures on the tablet too, mostly of them together in bed from the waist up. It was mild stuff.

I decided to get in a workout since I didn't know how long I was going to be here. I'd patrolled this hotel a few times for private security and I remembered it had a pretty good gym. I found a jockstrap in Colton's bag... my bag. It was yellow with "slutboy" printed on the waistband. This kid was out of control. I put it on and pulled up blue running shorts to cover the band. I put on a white tank top that was a little tricky with my arm in a cast. I'd have to be careful with the workout.

As I was putting on my gym shoes, I remembered the plastic bag with Colton's belongings from the accident. There was a phone in there. The screen was smashed, but I had done a little tech work on a case and remembered how to hook it up to a computer. This hotel had a business center and I could use the charging cable to link into a computer. I was digging for anything I could find about Colton's history. If I really was him, there should be some things to trigger memories. I had time to kill and I was desperate to make the pieces of the puzzle fit together in my head. Miguel might not have been real, but he was alive and well in my head. Something had to make sense here.

Down in the business center I found a few newer computers. There was a younger Chinese guy in a business suit working on some graphs, but the other computer was free. I sat next to him and asked if he knew anything about the phone. He nodded with a big smile and looked me over with interested eyes. He had a heavy accent as he tried to explain it to me, but he nodded happily when I handed him the phone and cable.

"What look for?" he asked. I told him I wasn't sure.

"We start pictures, Ok?" he asked and I nodded.

As the pictures loaded, I instantly regretted it. The first one was Colton at the beach in a white speedo. He was sitting in the sand with Mr. Takada behind him in blue trunks rubbing lotion on his shoulders.

"This is?" he asked and pointed. I wasn't sure how to explain that.

I ended up not having to explain it because after a few more pictures of Colton splashing around in the water there was a big picture of Colton's face stuffed with a giant hard cock.

"Oh!" he said as a blush swept over his tan cheeks. His eyes lit up as more pornography loaded on the screen. His right hand went to his lap and he gave his bulge a squeeze as his arm came to rest on the back of my chair as he leaned into me.

"Holy... close it," I whispered fiercely and looked around to make sure we were alone. He paused for a second as two more pictures loaded including one with me bent over on a bed and spreading my cheeks. He closed the picture viewer and looked at me with hunger. I felt my stomach twist, but strangely I also felt the familiar urge from the night before with Mr. Takada.

"I'm so sorry... That's not why I asked for your help," I tried desperately to explain.

"I come here to business each month. I meet many boy like you. Not to worry," he said and put his hand on my shoulder. He offered a warm smile. His face was handsome, young and sharp with prominent cheekbones and full pink lips. Colton was ready to pounce on him.

"I'm not like that! Really!" I pulled myself away from his touch. I felt Colton scream inside me to slide over to his lap and satisfy his bulge. I fought the urge with everything I had. I needed to focus here.

"I have room very nice," he urged. His right hand came across and touched my stomach. He pushed my tank top up until he saw my nipples. He flicked his finger back and forth over it and I let out a little gasp. Colton was ready to play.

"Seriously, I'm not into..." I moaned. I started to say I wasn't gay, but I'd obviously come at him with evidence to the contrary. I realized what this looked like. I'd approached him and showed him porn of myself. He thought I was looking for a hookup.

"Oh yes! Right!" He suddenly pulled back and went for his wallet. "You wish for money first. Is no problem." He smiled and pulled a few hundreds from his wallet. I started to reach for them but pulled my hand back. He put his arm around me again and my cock sprang up in my shorts.

"We have nice time, yes?" he urged and pushed the money towards me. Colton pushed me towards his chest. I struggled to push away. I felt a needy twitch in my hole. Colton wanted to get seeded by the businessman. He didn't even care that Mr. Takada could more than take care of his needs.

"No, really. I'm not like that," I protested.

"No?" he asked with confusion. With my shirt pushed up, my shorts had slid down and he pointed at the yellow "Slutboy" waistband of my jockstrap. He slid his finger into the band and pulled it back. He smiled and looked down as my erection surfaced. I slid my good hand down and pulled him off me. The jockstrap snapped back against my cock like a punch. The tip just drooled out a drop of precum. I pushed it back inside the jock and slid away from him.

"What about the messages?" I refocused him on the computer screen with the phone contents. After the pictures we'd seen, I wasn't sure the messages would be better but I had to find out. I thought about my own cell phone. I'd shot lots of little films with me and Diana. She always protested, but I liked to watch myself plowing her.

"Messages, yes," he said and refocused. He put the money back into his pocket and cleared his throat. I looked down at his lap and saw a big tent in his dress pants. I unconsciously licked my lips, bringing another smile from him. I had to get Colton under control. The boy was always horny.

"Very popular boy. You have only one contact in messages, but many others in hidden messenger app," he said when a long list of conversations popped up. I looked at the names. There was a Liam, a Jack, twenty other guy names. Colton appeared not to know any women.

"What's the regular message?" I asked. He opened the first one. It was a contact named "Daddy." It had to be Mr. Takada.

The conversation was quite different from the generic loving exchange I saw on the tablet. Their last exchange was two days ago and they argued about a trip Colton wanted to go on with friends. Mr. Takada kept telling him no and reminding him that he was the daddy here.

"You're not my real dad. If I want to go to Santa Barbara with friends then I will. It's not fair," Colton had written. Mr. Takada was pretty upset by Colton's rudeness.

"I'm the only daddy you have and I said no. I can take you surfing in a few weeks like we planned, unless your attitude doesn't change," he retorted.

It went on like that until Mr Takada said his answer was final and he stopped responding. Colton kept whining then made some vague threat about leaving, as if he had somewhere to go. Mr. Takada assured him that he would be missed dearly and then Colton sent a bunch of messages back-tracking and apologizing. Colton was a mess.

It just didn't add up though. Colton's body seemed to crave the strong, handsome older man. But then again, from what I'd felt, Colton seemed to crave any good looking man. He was ready to jump at any good-looking guy who paid him attention. Colt was a slut.

I kept reading the messages, and Colton got whinier. He wanted clothes, shoes, a new board. He said he needed to fit in with his crowd. Mr. Takada was so fatherly with him. He reminded Colton that he wasn't doing his chores or keeping up with his school work. He told him he'd have to earn things if he wanted them. Colton was a brat.

Then there were sweet messages. Colton begged him to come home from work and play with him. Mr. Takada said he had responsibilities and needed to provide for them, but he always said he'd rush home as soon as he could. Colton needed a lot of reassuring and attention and Mr. Takada seemed more than eager to give it to him. Colton was a daddy's boy.

"Room 412. Be back at 8:00 if you want," the Chinese guy next to me interrupted my reading. He had packed up his work bag and exited out of the computer. I checked the time to see that I'd been sitting there for well over an hour.

"Wait, where are the hidden messages?" I asked.

"This window. There's a code, but I pass it. Simple security if you know what look for," he smiled smugly to impress me.

"Thanks for your help, bro. Sorry bout the... well," I said. He gave me a wink and left.

The messages with the other contacts were much worse. From what I gathered Colton had never stopped daddy shopping. He'd contacted five different guys and he definitely had a type. Their back and forth pictures showed a line-up of well-dressed, successful looking older men. All of them were Asian except for one Russian.

Some were married and claimed to be straight, but they still sent pictures of themselves jerking off and doing things. Other pictures and videos showed every inch of Colton's body. They got pretty gross with the back and forth stuff. From what I could tell, Colton had never actually met up with these guys, just exchanged pics and videos.

The longest was between Colton and a handsome, married investor from Malaysia named Jai Sayed. He appeared to be a mix of Asian and Middle Eastern features with pointed eyes and a strong nose that added a uniquely chiseled look to his face. His family was back in Asia. He visited LA for business and he kept pressuring Colton to meet up. Colt acted like he was going to and then there was an angry exchange when he didn't show.

For whatever reason he never went through with meeting up with the guys. Mr. Takada seemed to be his only one, but he sure got off on these older guys falling all over him. Colton wasn't the nice sweet boy Mr. Takada had told me about. Colton was a dick.

Thinking about Mr. Takada made me realize I'd been sitting there for the better part of the morning. I didn't want him to find me here looking through this stuff. I closed out of the program, deleted all the photos on the computer, emptied the trash, and headed back upstairs.


"Baby, You awake?" Mr. Takada said as he kissed my forehead. I'd pretended to be napping, but as soon as I laid down my body felt the exhaustion from the previous day's injuries. I felt his lips on my face, and blinked up at him with a yawn. He stared down at me with tender eyes and I felt a sharp pain of guilt. How could he be so in love with this boy after all the shit Colton had put him through? Did he really not know about the men Colton was engaging?

I sat up and his lips came towards mine. He pushed back my hair and then put his hand to my forehead like he was checking for a fever. He had the sleeves rolled up on his white suit. He sat next to me on the bed and moved my casted arm to rest on a pillow.

"Where did you go dressed like that?" I asked and added a yawn. He looked like a muscular docent at a fancy spiritual retreat. I hadn't thought much about it earlier.

"Business event for the East Asian men's group. I get a lot of clients from there," he said as he reached down to untie his shoes. "How's my sweet boy? Feeling better?"

"I'm ok, just worn out and achy. What kind of business do you do?" I realized I hadn't asked a lot of questions about him. Maybe it would help me understand what had happened between him and Colton. My detective mode was fully turned on. Things weren't adding up.

"Right now I put investors together for large-scale drug development projects. There's a ton of new cash coming in from China and Malaysia and I'm working on some exciting new stuff. Before that I was an app developer, mostly health and fitness. I sold off the majority of those to bigger firms, but I still get the royalties and returns on stocks." he said.

"None of that sounds familiar," I shook my head.

"It wouldn't... Colton never really cared about that stuff," he laughed and rubbed my stomach. That sounded funny. He'd said they'd been together for a few months and lived in the same house. Wouldn't Colton have known what he did for a living?

I watched Mr. Takada get up and change out of his clothes. He put on a pair of shorts and t-shirt then helped me change out of my unused gym clothes. He made me keep on the jockstrap after admiring my ass for a few minutes.

"Put this on, it's chilly. This one is your favorite," he said and handed me a light blue and white hoodie with pointed fox ears on the hood. He zipped me up and put up the hood to show me in the mirror. Colton's innocent green eyes beneath the pointy fox ears made him look like a kid.

We walked down to Sunset for lunch at a buffet. Mr. Takada insisted that I load up since I'd pretty much skipped breakfast. I looked around with my plate and picked out some things I liked while he went in the other direction.

I headed back to the table and was just about to bite into a piece of sushi when he came running over and smacked it out of my hand. The crab roll went flying over to the next table which thankfully was empty. The restaurant went silent and we were now the main attraction.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself? You didn't eat any of that, did you?" he yelled. He dropped his plate on the table snatched my mine away. He handed it to a passing waiter. I looked at him dumbfounded. He sighed as if suddenly remembering my situation.

"Shellfish... killer allergy... you no eat! You're allergic to half the things on the plate!" he snarled with condescension like he was explaining something to a total idiot. His cheeks glowed red with anger and his chest heaved with adrenaline.

"I didn't know... I like seafood. I've eaten it all my life," I said and felt like a scolded child.

"I know, baby. It's ok... I have to remember to watch you more carefully. Here, eat my chicken. I'll go fix us a second plate." He sighed. He pushed his plate towards me and went back to the buffet. I grabbed a fork and started to tear into the chicken and rice he'd brought as my body finally felt hungry.

"Sometimes I forget what you're going through. You really are like a new person," he sighed when he came back with a plate full of food. He sat down across from me and lined the plates up side by side so we could share.

"Am I totally different? His body feels so weird to me. I haven't been this small since Junior High. Do I act like Colton at all?" I asked. I certainly didn't feel like the boy, but I felt him inside of me; his wants and desires.

"In some ways..." he laughed. "The funny thing is that even though you think you're this older latino cop straight guy, you actually are a lot more of the side of Colton I love best."

"How's that?" I probed. I noticed he'd called me "you" and differentiated from "Colton."

"Colton came from a very small world in Utah and adjusting to life in LA has been difficult. He quickly found how many men eyed him here and clamored for his attention. It was overwhelming for him. I tried to keep a tight leash on him and protect him. It became easier just keeping him at home," Mr. Takada explained. I noted that again he referred to Colton as "he."

"Sounds like it was hard for him," I said.

"It was at first, but we figured it out. He's happier when I keep a tight lid on his world. He was more quiet and easy-going when it was just the two of us alone and he had clear orders to follow. A boy can get corrupted so quickly here. It's taken discipline and patience to keep him focused, but it's worth it to see him blossom. You remind me of the quieter, sweeter side of him," Mr. Takada continued.

"The guys around here can be sharks," I agreed. Mr. Takada nodded.

"You didn't even notice the three guys that have been looking you over since we sat down. Colton would have been fidgety about it. He never got used to being beautiful since he left Utah where he was just a skinny weird kid," Mr. Takada chuckled as he shoved a forkful of chicken into his mouth.

"And you didn't even notice the hot chick who's been checking you out on your left. If I was me I would have already gotten her number. But I doubt she's into a teenage white kid," I joked.

"You are kind of a scrawny runt. You're lucky I took pity on you," Mr. Takada laughed warmly. He reached over and put his hand over mine. I felt a surge of lust spread through me at his touch. It got me thinking about the messages and pictures I'd seen on Colton's phone. Did Mr. Takada know just how much Colton was enjoying their attention?

"So these other guys... What did you do when Colton went for their attention?" I asked before I could stop myself. When you're questioning a suspect, sometimes it's ok to push, but generally it's better to just let them lead. I knew I was being impulsive and stupid to blurt that out. I regretted it when I saw his smile fade.

"I never let that happen... Enough conversation. Eat your lunch," he ordered and closed off to me. His voice was harsh and cold. I'd gone too far. Maybe he did know what Colton was up to. That had to hurt. I nodded and picked at the food. We finished our plates quietly.

We headed back to the hotel room and he held my hand each time we crossed a street. When we got back to the room, he worked on his laptop while I put in headphones and played a game on the tablet. He was quiet while he worked, only talking when he made phone calls or telling me I needed to nap. I kept watching him, waiting for his attention, but he was focused on his work. Colton craved his touch and I was beginning to like it too.

I was getting so horny watching him. He's a handsome guy and works hard on his body. Every time he stretched in his chair and flexed those muscles, I felt my cock chub up. When he put on a pair of glasses to study something on his screen, I felt a smile spread over my lips. I couldn't concentrate on the stupid tablet game and I ended up letting the gnome die while I thought back to how Mr. Takada had worked my hole.

I got up and went into the bathroom as if I had to pee. I undid my shorts and let them fall to the floor. My cock was stirring in the yellow jockstrap and I rubbed it as I watched myself in the mirror. I had on a white t-shirt, a blue hoodie, and the yellow jock. I padded back out to the room without the shorts on. He glanced over at me then did a double-take and smiled.

"I wish I could. I have to finish this for a client," he said as if reading my thoughts. I nodded with disappointment and went back to stretch out on the bed. He kept looking back and forth between me and the laptop screen. I was starting to feel tired, maybe from the injuries the day before. I was getting cranky too and remembered he'd told me Colton always got on edge when he hadn't been fucked in awhile. It felt like pressure in my neck building to a headache. I needed sex and a nap.

I tried to act like I wasn't watching him. I went back to my game and tried to stretch out in a hot pose. I was on my side and had one leg propped up so he could get a look at my hole. The cool breeze in the room hit it and my body shivered. I was thoughtlessly propped up on my casted arm and when my body jerked, it made me suddenly aware of the pain. I yelped and rolled over.

"Oh, you're pain meds are wearing off! That was probably the first real meal you've had in two days. Bring me the pills from the counter," Mr. Takada said. I got off the bed and limped over to the bar near the door where they sat on top of the pharmacy bag. I held my arm with one hand and used the fingers from my bad arm to grip the bottle as I helplessly limped over to him.

"Come to daddy," he soothed and brought me down into his lap on the rolling desk chair. My bare ass against his shorts brought his cock to attention. As much as my arm hurt, my ass wiggled happily on his bulge while he opened the bottle and got out a pill. He gave it to me with a chug of his water bottle and then eased me back against his chest.

"There's my boy, breathe deeply," he urged and his hands began to work massaging me. He hit these pressure points on my shoulders that my whole body relax into his arms.

"Oh fuck that feels good. Where did you learn to do that?" I moaned as he hit the right spots.

"In college, I took a course on Chien'mak for healing. It's most powerful when delivered by the one who holds your heart. You melted so easily the first time I tried it on you," he said.

"They didn't offer anything like that when I was in college," I mumbled as his fingers made the pain disappear. I closed my eyes and felt my muscles open up at his touch.

"You haven't even finished high school," he laughed.

"Did too!" I countered. "I did two years at Van Nuys college before I got into the Sheriff's program." He chuckled at that.

"My baby the Sheriff? I can't picture Colton running down perps," Mr. Takada laughed.

"I've caught my fair share. I only had one that really kicked my ass. He snatched a cell phone from a group of guys having brunch at a sidewalk cafe. I was off duty. I chased him three blocks before I pinned him in an alley. We were pretty evenly matched, but he must have been on something. I got a couple of good hits in before he banged my head against the wall and laid me out. When I came to I had the phone, but the guy was long gone. The group of gay guys were huddled over me taking care of me until the paramedics got there. I learned to use my head before charging after with no backup," I shook my head.

"You really do have the memories from this... Miguel guy. At least your body remembers what Colton likes," he laughed.

"It's crazy! I've never been into guys, but when I look at you my body just goes into this needy, hornball mode. It's like I just beg for you to touch me, and when you do...' I trailed off.

"I see that... Your body remembers who its daddy is,' he said matter-of-factly as his voice dropped into that deep daddy octave that sent a chill through Colton... through me. He rubbed a hand down to my yellow jock with "Slutboy" printed on the waistband and gave my bulge a squeeze.

"You look incredible in your new jock. Did you wear it just for me, little slutboy?" Mr. Takada asked as his fingers pulled at the waistband.

"I was going to hit the gym... then I got tired," I whispered, afraid to admit what I was doing with Colton's phone and the Chinese guy.

"You need your rest. Your body went through a lot of trauma, almost as bad as the night I rescued you and brought you to live with me," he said like I should remember that.

"You rescued me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, another piece of the puzzle.

"I'll tell you about it later. It's not a pleasant story and right now my boy needs to get to bed," he said. He nudged me to turn around on his lap so I could face him. He helped me take off the hoodie, easing it over my cast. He put his hands under my t-shirt and rubbed up my stomach as he slowly slid it off. His tongue swiped across his lips as his handsome brown eyes took me in. I felt so open, but so safe in his lap.

"You keep rescuing me," I yawned as he gently raised my arms to slide my shirt off. He paused with the shirt around my elbows and raised an eyebrow at my statement.

"The hospital, you found me. You came for me." I felt the shirt slide off my fingertips and I leaned my bare chest forward into his protective hold. My arms fell over his shoulders and his hands slid down to cup my ass. I felt his lips on my neck as I rested my head on his shoulder.

He lifted me up and got out of the chair. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me over to the bed. He sat down and laid back against the pillows, balancing me on his lap. I looked down to see him slide off his shoes and the prop his feet up on the bed.

"I'll always come for you. I'll always keep you safe. It's what daddies do." Mr. Takada's lips made little kisses up my neck zeroing in on my ticklish spots until I laughed and tried to squirm away from him. He held me tightly though, waiting for me to beg him.

"That's not keeping me safe!" I laughed and struggled in his hold until he let me go. I raised up from his chest. He stopped and stared up at me as his smile faded to a hard straight line. I bit my lip and felt my heart pounding. I needed him inside me. He raised a hand and put it to my cheek. His thumb swiped over my lips and I sucked it in.

"You're mine, Colt. You're my boy, and I'll always rescue you. You know that?" he asked as I slurped on his thumb. I nodded. I'd never sucked a dude's fingers before. I'd gotten my girlfriend's toes a few times, it turned her on. Something about it pacified me. Any part of him inside me put my body at ease, cleared my head.

"I think it's time to help you remember something else Colton craves," he said and pushed me off his chest. I rolled over onto my back and looked at him with curiosity. He sat up and peeled off his shirt.

"Colton likes to...?" I started to ask, but I trailed off as my eyes followed down to his bulge. He got off the bed and stretched for me, showing off those hard pecs and chiseled abs. I'd almost looked that good in my old body one summer when I got serious about the gym. Now in Colton's body I felt so small next to him. I wondered if this was how my girl felt when I held her.

"Of course," Mr. Takada smiled as he unzipped his shorts. He let them fall to the ground unveiling his thick brown monster. I'd had a pretty sizeable cock when I was Miguel, but his was thicker and evenly shaped from the base with a healthy bush of black pubes to the dark tip. I felt Colton inside me urging me to lunge for it.

"Fuck," I whispered to myself. He came towards me, stepping out of his shorts, and knelt on the bed. It looked bigger as it came towards my face and I parted my lips instinctively.

"You want this? You want daddy inside you?" he growled.

I nodded as I looked up at him. He walked over on his knees until the meat was dangling over my face. I brought my head up and stuck out my tongue to lap at the tip, but then pulled back.

"Tell me what you need, boy. Beg for what only daddy can give you," he instructed.

"Please, daddy." I felt a strange and familiar whining come out of my lips. Colton wanted me to beg. I looked up at him with shame. I was begging to suck a guy's cock.

"Baby," Mr. Takada sat back on his heels and put his hand to my cheek. "It's ok. You're safe with me." he assured then asked, "What are you afraid of?"

"I've never done that before," I admitted like it was something to hide.

"You're worried you won't be good at it? I'll teach you," he laughed.

"No... it's not that... it's just," I started but then felt lost for words.

"You're worried you'll like it or even love it? Guess what, you will!" he laughed again but then got serious. "You are who you are and love who you love. Would you rather there was a girl here?"

I thought about that as he laid down next to me and brought me over into his chest. He wrapped his muscled arms around me and a surge of warmth spread through me.

"Would you rather be sucking on a nice pair of tits and fingering a tight little hole right now?" His hand slid down my back and his finger poked inside my ass. My hole lit up and a gasp escaped my lips. I slid my hand down his abs and pushed my fingers into his pubes.

"Hmm? Does that sound nice, baby? A warm, wet pussy begging to be fucked?" He growled. His lips touched my forehead and my skin prickled in goosebumps. His finger poked inside my hole and he quickly found that spot that made my cock drool precum.

"Is that what my slutboy wants?" he asked, again referring to the brand of my yellow jock.

"No... daddy," I hissed and my lips puckered on his nipple. His finger strummed my prostate and my cock leaked a steady stream of precum inside the jock. I rubbed it against his side, humping his abs in time to his finger inside me.

"Are you sure? Maybe we can find you a nice lady to take care of your need. You can drill her like a real man, not this gay shit, right? You don't want to be daddy's little slutboy anymore?" he asked. His finger worked my hole and had me arching my back and pushing against it to get more. My body felt electric at his touch, and something about his deep, growling voice had my cock on edge.

"Fuck yeah, bro. That's what you want, bro? Let's go find you a nice hot pussy. Then you can show me what a real man you are. Fuck yeah," he breathed as his his lips kissed under my face. He kissed his way down my cheek then nibbled on my ear. It turned out to be another super sensitive spot. This Colton kid was one big nerve ending. Everywhere Mr. Takada touched lit up and begged for more.

"Uhhhh," I whined as his finger worked inside me. My cock was trapped in the jock but I rubbed it against his thigh and whimpered for more. He had me so close to firing off. My hand slid down to his cock and I unconsciously began to stroke it.

"Don't grab a cock dude, that's gay," he warned me with a laugh, but Colton inside me wouldn't let it go. I gripped it and pumped the hefty shaft. It felt like a real man's cock in my hand.

"You want that? Yeah? Tell daddy what you need. Tell him what a begging little slutboy you are. Tell him the truth," Mr. Takada went back to his daddy growl. My eyelids fluttered as a million electric pulses shot through me. My jock was soaked with precum and was right on the edge.

"I need you inside my hole. I need daddy to own his slutboy. Make me yours, sir," I begged. I wasn't sure where the words came from. Colton was breaking through.

"More," he growled.

"I need a real man to show me what my little hole can do. Please daddy," I whined.

"I don't know, boy. Are you done with that straight stuff? Are you ready to open up to me and let daddy take care of his boy's needs?" he asked. He slipped his finger out of my ass and I felt the magic suddenly die. I was gasping for air and felt suddenly cold.

"Yes daddy, please fuck me. I'm ready." I heard myself beg. I needed it. I felt a flood of emotions break inside me. Admitting it, saying it out loud felt like the chains around me had broken. I was here, in his arms. I was safe with him.

"Show me," he said. He brought the finger from my ass up to my lips. I slurped it in and he quickly added a second. He rubbed his fingers over my tongue and then pulled them back. He shoved them inside my hole and I felt my body light up again.

"Fuck," I hissed. The two fingers went right for my spot and my cock jumped in the jockstrap. My stomach muscles pulled in tightly and my body shook as my cock filled the jock with cream. It soaked through the fabric and spurted out over his thigh.

"You're my little gay boy who needs a real man to fuck his hole," he stated in a low whisper as he bit against my ear.

"Fuuuuuck yes dadddddy," I whined as my body tensed and shook under his arm. He rammed the fingers in and out of my hole as my cock gave up its contents. I gasped for air and bit into his nipple.

"Yeah good boy," he praised as he finger-fucked me furiously. "That's daddy's good little slutboy. Cum for me. Shoot that baby load. Tell daddy who owns that hole."

"Yes oh fuck yes daddy. You feel so good in there. It's yours," I cried as my body convulsed against his chest. I shot out the last spurt and it drooled through the jock fabric. I collapsed against his chest. His fingers slowed down inside me. I pumped his cock lazily. He still hadn't finished.

"That's my boy. You feel better? All that cranky gone?" Mr. Takada teased lightly as he stroked my back. I nodded, feeling sleepy and spent in his arms.

"Yes daddy. Thank you," I yawned.

"Good, my turn," he said and his hand slid up to the back of my head. He gripped my hair in his fingers and pushed my lips down towards his cock. Before I could protest, the thick head of it pushed past my lips and salty precum spread over my tastebuds.

"MMM," I tried to protest, but he just shoved it through. I didn't know much about giving head. I knew what I didn't like. I didn't like when my girl just licked at it. I wanted to fuck her mouth but she'd whine if I got too far. I knew I didn't like when her teeth got in the way. I pulled them back, but his was pretty thick. It stretched my lips.

"That's it baby. Take your bottle. Suck that milk so you'll grow big and strong," he urged, completely unmoved by my protests. I flopped over onto my stomach as he held my head on his cock. I wiggled down to lie between his legs. I looked up at him with pleading, wide eyes.

"Oh fuck that feels so good. You like when a real man fucks that boy hole? You like tasting a big cock in your tight little throat? You want " His words hit me right in the chest. This morning when I'd drooled over the Chinese tech guy's bulge... or later when I'd licked my lips watching Mr. Takada stretch...last night when I'd seen him come out from the shower and admired his towering muscled figure. Colton needed a real man, and now I did too.

"Mmmm," I mouthed around his cock as it stuffed my mouth and poked back against my gag reflex. I sucked it like a pacifier and let myself feel it. I swallowed the precum as it spread over my tongue and rolled down my throat. I could feel it sliding down deep inside me, filling me with his seed. I let Colton enjoy himself on it and soon Mr. Takada's hands let go of my hair as I bobbed up and down on his thick, meaty tool.

"Yeah boy? You needed a real man's cock in your throat?" he asked and put his fingers in my hair again. He pulled me off of his cock and a long line of spit dripped down my chin. I looked at him with desperation, he held me half an inch away from his throbbing monster.

"Yes, daddy. Please let me suck it." I begged.

"Was your cock this big when you were Miguel? You think he could ever satisfy his love like this with what you had? You think you ever really pleased her like I do with you?" he asked. I shook my head. I'd always been proud of what I had, but nothing like this.

"No sir. It wasn't like this one," I admitted. It wasn't just the size, but the power he held over me. He knew I craved his body, begged to please him. He knew it was more than just a cock. It was something that bonded the boy to him. Colton wasn't just sucking him. He was pleasing the man who worked hard to take care of his body, his heart, his world. I'd never felt anything like it and I needed more. I stuck out my tongue and lapped at the tip, but he just pulled me farther from it.

"You take what's given, boy. Daddy knows what you need," he scolded. He held me just above his cock until I looked up into his eyes in defeat.

"I need it... please," I begged. He relented and pushed me back down on his thick tool.

"There you go. That's my good baby. Suck daddy's cock. Take it back into your throat," he said. He lifted up off the bed and started to fuck my lips. I gagged and sputtered when he hit my throat but I kept going as my eyes watered.

"Look at me. Let me see those pretty green eyes," he instructed. I looked up and our eyes locked as he stuffed me with his cock.

"There's my baby. My boy looks so good with his throat stuffed. I can see it right there," he said and reached a hand down to grip my throat. My casted arm rested on the bed beside him, but my good hand slid up his stomach. He reached for it and our fingers interlocked as he rammed his cock into my throat and massaged it with his fingers.

"Good boy, yeah swallow daddy's cock. Fuck I'm so close. Are you ready for daddy's load? Ready to take your medicine?" He growled. For the first time since I'd met him, I watched him lose control. His eyes screwed up and his lips curled as he bared his teeth.

"Oh fuck, Colt. Fuck. Fuck," he growled from deep in his chest as his cock started to fire off down my throat. I gagged and flailed as he filled me with his seed. I couldn't breathe. His cum filled my throat and backed up into my nostrils. My eyes were watering and some of it leaked out of my nose. I was desperate and drowning in the seed I'd begged for. He piston-fucked my throat as his hand gripped my hair. It should have hurt. I should have felt the panic, but deep inside me Colton came alive as Mr. Takada's juice found its way into every part of me.

"Best. Slutboy. Ever," he praised, punctuating his words by slamming his cock in me. I was a heaving gasping mess as I tried to swallow his seed as quickly as he could pump it. It overwhelmed my senses and then for some reason I felt my own cock fire off again.

"Uhhhh," I wailed as he pulled my lips off his cock. My body jerked and spasmed as my cock filled my cum-stained jock all over again.

"Oh I'm cumming!" I yelled and Mr. Takada hooked his hands under my armpits to pull me up to his chest as my body flailed and cum spit out of the crusted jock.

"Fuuuuck," I whined as he held me against his chest. His lips found mine and his tongue slid into my cum coated mouth. His tongue pushed around the cum and sent it back to my throat. I swallowed on him, slurping his tongue clean of every ounce of seed.

He rolled me over onto my back and pinned me back against the mattress with his weight. He kissed me deeply as we recovered. His hot, sweaty maze of muscles descended on me and crushed me into the mattress.

"That's my good boy," he smiled as he pulled off of me. He raised off of me and sat back on his heels, straddling my frame.

"This jock is going to need a deep cleaning," he laughed as he gave my bulge a rewarding pat. He lifted me up and helped me off the bed.

"Here, take it off. We can't send it to laundry like that," he frowned. I slid it down and stepped out of it. I held it up in my palm. The pouch was soaked with two hot loads of my spunk. Some of it was starting to dry.

"What do I do with it?" I asked. He thought for a second then took it and put it to my lips. The stench of my salty cum hit my nose. It didn't smell as good as his had when it stuffed my nose.

"Open," he said. I turned my face and shook my head.

"That's gross," I said and started to protest. I shouldn't have opened my mouth though. He quickly shoved it in pouch-first and the globs of cum rubbed into my taste buds.

"Suck it clean. You know better than to tell me no," he barked and kept his hand over my mouth. His tone said he wasn't playing around. I started to suck it and swallow the loads of cum I'd given up. He kept his hand over my mouth for a minute then let go when he was satisfied that I was complying with his orders.

"That's my boy. Suck it clean while I order us a nice dinner then it's off to bed for you," he said. I turned the jock over and over in my mouth, sucking the cum out of the fibers and tasting my day's worth of sweat and a little piss. It was a menagerie of gross, but his tone told me it wasn't up for discussion. Colton was obedient.

He sent me off to the bathroom while he ordered some dinner from room service. We took a long, hot bath together and shared a steak and a tray of raw vegetables while we watched some dumb comedy show on his ipad set up on the ledge of the tub. He washed me, helped me into pajamas, and sent me off to bed while he got back to finishing his work for the day.

I fell asleep with my cheek on the pillow watching him bang out some numbers on his laptop in just a small pair of gym shorts. I had a permanent smile on my face and my body felt so relaxed from his touch. I thought about what I'd be doing if I was Miguel right then. I'd be worried about finding a new job and trying to keep my girlfriend happy and bills paid and probably have an upcoming court date from hitting the kid on the skateboard. I tried to think of one thing Colton had to worry about. I couldn't. This really wasn't so bad.


I wasn't sure how late it was when I woke up. I rubbed my eyes in the dimly lit room and heard voices. I saw Mr. Takada sitting at the table having a drink with some guy who had his back to me. They were talking in a low voice and Mr. Takada was showing him some papers.

"You woke up! I tried to keep it quiet. We just needed to review some papers," he said and looked over at me in the bed as I sat up. The stranger looked over at me too and something about his face looked familiar. He was a brawny Asian guy, maybe 30-something with spiky black hair and a handsome face. He had on a t-shirt and shorts that hugged his muscular frame while Mr. Takada just had on the gym shorts he'd worn when he put me to bed. The Colton in me had a momentary fantasy of pleasing both of them together.

"Colt, this is Mr. Sayed. He's heading out on a late flight tonight and wanted to wrap up some deals," Mr. Takada said. Mr. Sayed eyed me with a familiar smile.

All of a sudden it hit me how I knew him. He'd exchanged messages and dirty pics with Colton. I remembered him from the phone files. I felt my heart race wondering if he was here to spill the details to Mr. Takada. I raised a hand to offer a wave and hoped he didn't recognize me.

"He brought you your new phone! I'd asked him to get it for you since they're not available in the US yet. I was going to replace your phone before it got smashed in the accident. I was going to give it to you when you woke up in the morning," Mr. Takada said excitedly.

He came over with a box and sat next to me on the bed. Mr. Sayed followed him and sat on my other side. I was wearing a long-sleeved thermal top pulled over my cast and the comforter was covering my lower half. Sitting between the two older men had me ready for more action. My cock stirred in my pajama pants.

"It'll be perfect for you." He opened the box and pulled out what looked like a midget version of my smartphone. He handed it to me. It was white and the whole front was a screen. It glowed to life and my name appeared.

"I had them program it for you so it's ready to go," Mr. Sayed said.

"All it does is talk and text!" Mr. Takada said excitedly.

"Why does it only do that?" I asked.

"So you don't get distracted with all that social media and game junk that's been affecting your studies. Everything is controlled from my phone so I can see where you are and send you apps if you need them," he explained.

"Send me apps?" I asked.

"Yes, like if you need a car to pick you up, he can send you the rideshare. Or if you're lost, he can send a map to guide you home. If you need to buy something, he can send you the bank card. It's a very smart phone," Mr. Sayed explained.

"This will be perfect. No distractions for you. All you need is basic communication with me and safety. You said you wanted to get your grades up and this is a good start. From now on my boy will have less to think about, just chores and school," Mr. Takada said and smiled like this was the greatest idea ever. I felt his hand slide under the covers and touch my thigh. My cock jumped.

"It's really the best thing for him," Mr. Sayed agreed. He put his hand on my head and rubbed my hair like I was his son.

"Well? What do you say to Mr. Sayed?" Mr. Takada said.

"Oh... um thank you, sir," I said and looked over at him. His eyes studied me like he was trying to recognize me. Maybe he didn't remember me after all. Was that possible?

"And he still hasn't recovered any of his memories?" Mr. Sayed asked and eyed me suspiciously.

"None. The doctor says they may come back in little spurts or in a flood," Mr. Takada explained.

"So sad. Poor boy probably feels lost and hopeless," Mr. Sayed offered.

"This new Colton is starting to grow on me though. He's much more obedient, respectful, and quiet," Mr. Takada laughed and kissed my cheek.

"That's a nice change. I had a boy I kept in Singapore for some years. I couldn't be there full time with him and guide him in his growth. I got too busy with business and when we talked he just asked for things he wanted or demanded a bigger allowance. We grew apart and I sent him off to business school. He's doing well and working in finance. He has a boy of his own now," Mr. Sayed said as he stroked my hair.

"I worry about that with Colton. He needs a great deal of guidance, and it's so easy to let him get off track. If I'd kept a better eye on him he wouldn't have wandered off and gotten hit by a car. This accident made me realize what he means to me," Mr. Takada said.

I thought back to the texts between him and Colton where the kid was constantly whining and asking for things. I also thought about the exchanges Colton had with Mr. Sayed and the other men on his old phone. Maybe Mr. Takada did know and thought it was his own fault for not being there when Colton needed him. I felt a pain of guilt even though I'd done nothing wrong here.

"Almost losing someone makes you really find out what they mean to you. I realized the boy I had wasn't what I wanted. You realized that he was all you ever wanted," Mr. Sayed agreed.

They both stared at me thoughtfully. It was pretty awkward. My eyes darted between the men and then I yawned.

"Well I'd better be off to the airport. I left some other gifts for you both. Thank you for helping me with the transactions. I hope your boy is better soon," Mr. Sayed said and stood up. Mr. Takada showed him out as I disappeared back under the covers.

I laid there listening to Mr. Takada exchange goodbyes with him and then turn off the lights and pad over to the bed. He got in next to me and pulled me in under his arm.

"Tomorrow we're heading home," Mr. Takada said with a yawn of his own.

"Home. I can't remember anything about it," I said.

"Well you'll see it tomorrow. Everyone misses you," Mr. Takada said.

"Everyone? We live with other people?" I asked.

"Oh yeah. We bought an old run-down house on a property and tore it out to build our own little community. We built a little court of townhomes with a high wall around them, a place to keep our boys safe. You love it. I even built a little skate ramp for you in the back," Mr. Takada said with another yawn. He rubbed the back of my head as I listened to his heartbeat.

It sounded like tomorrow was going to be another adventure in discovering Colton. I fell asleep under his hold. Colton was going home.

-- Thank you for reading. Comments appreciated. Let me know if you'd like another chapter or if I should go back to my other stories:

My Stories:

Next: Chapter 3

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