Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Mar 18, 2023


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+++ Story Recap: Miguel finds himself in the body of a teenage white boy named Colton whose guardian/lover is an older muscle-daddy, mixed-race man he knows as Mr. Takada. Miguel uncovered that Colton wasn't the innocent he seemed. He also learned that being a kept boy is preferable to his old life and opened his body to new experiences. He still doesn't know what caused him to enter Colt's body. Will Colton's indiscretions come back to bite him?

{Tabula Colton}

~By Emri~

[Ch.3- The Boy is Owned]

"This is home," Mr. Takada said as he pulled off the small residential street up to a thick wall of greenery as a solid steel gate slid across the driveway. The gate parted to show a small cul-de-sac driveway lined with five small, modern, three-level, steel and white stucco homes. The high wall of Italian Cypress trees that lined the property blocked the outside view except for a small peak at the hills.

"This place is crazy security!" I said as the he paused the car for the steel gate to slide closed behind us.

"Ours is that one. I picked the back corner for the safety of my boy. This first one here belongs to an FBI agent, you know him as Mr. Dawson. He helped rescue you and bring you here," Mr. Takada pointed to the first house on the right. "Our" house was in the very back and pushed off a little. He glided towards it slowly. A younger guy, early 20's muscled blonde all-American, came out of one of the houses wearing a small pair of shorts. He waved to Mr. Takada as the car rolled past.

"That's Brent. He's one of the newer boys. His dads are Kevin and Daniel, Mr. Jung and Mr. Choi as you know them... or would know them if you remembered anything," Mr. Takada laughed.

"He has two dads?" I asked. I wondered how my ass would handle two of them.

"Yes. not every daddy has a sexual relationship with his boy. Some are just boys who need a strong father, or two. Brent's getting his life together. It looks like he's doing his chores. He's on lawn duty this month," Mr. Takada explained.

"Is he... you know," I asked.

"He was straight when he got here... but very submissive. His dads had him break up with his girlfriend. He's in med school and needs to focus. He came in thinking he could have two older gay men pay for his life. He's learned he has to earn things just like everyone else. He's turned into a very respectful boy." Mr. Takada pulled into the driveway of our little three-story.

"Are there any guys my age?" I asked when he put the car in park.

"No, and you wouldn't be here either if it hadn't been necessary. I wanted to wait until you were 18, but life doesn't always work out that way," he noted. We started to get out, but he put his hand on my leg to tell me to stay. He came around and opened my door to help me out, not that I needed it. I was still bruised and my arm was in a cast, but I was starting to feel better.

"I got you in trouble?" I asked.

"No... I'm the main investor in this community so I'm the majority vote here. I made a killing off an app I sold and put most of it into this. I get a nice bit of rent each month. We share community decisions, especially when it comes to new members. The other men weren't in favor of bringing you here, but I was set. I couldn't walk away when you needed me. You're my boy," Mr. Takada said as he held the door open for me.

"Who lives in that first house across from the FBI dude?" I looked around the quiet little court and pointed to the house near the gate.

"That one is a rental for... vacations. A lot of men from out of town or out of country have sons they want to vacation with. Our community is unique, plus it's in the middle of Beverly Hills. We have a long list of reservations from daddies who can't live openly with their sons, some are even married with families of their own. They come here to escape, role-play. Some even want to build something like this in their own countries. Right now there's an older Congressman from Idaho there with his 25 year old "assistant." They've been pretty quiet." Mr. Takada smirked.

"Woah! Someone famous?" I asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Let's get you inside. Donovan is making a special lunch for you and he's cleaned the house from top to bottom from the painters." Mr. Takada got our bags and guided me towards the door.

"Who's Donovan?" I asked just as the door popped open and a dark, athletic muscle-jock peeked out at us. He looked a few years older than Colton and was questionably of Latino or Asian descent.

"Colt! You don't look so bad," he said with an Australian accent. Mr. Takada re-introduced us and gave him a kiss on the cheek before warning Donovan not to hug me too hard. He didn't listen. He came and lifted me off the ground with a tight hug that pushed the air out of my lungs.

"Donovan's going to stay with us for a little to help you get back on track." Mr. Takada guided me inside. The door opened to a completely open first floor. It was bounded by windows on all side like a glass box. The large living room had a big L-shaped couch with a big high table in the dining area and a sweeping modern kitchen with steel and bright lights. Something was cooking and smelled really good.

"Let's go put our stuff down and then we'll eat," Mr. Takada said and nudged me towards an open stairway that led up into the ceiling. We climbed the stairs to the second floor that held an open office and a guest bedroom where Donovan had set up.

"This is fucking lit," I remarked. Everything looked straight out of the future and had a uniquely masculine style to it. There was a huge tv setup in a small alcove with every gaming system I drooled over but was never allowed by my girlfriend to buy. There was a cozy couch in front of it that would be perfect for game time.

"Wait till you see the top floor!" Mr. Takada beamed. He led me up another set of stairs that led to two doors.

"This one is your room," he said and opened the door to a blue-painted room with stars on the ceiling It was the quintessential boys bedroom. It had a twin bed with a dark blue comforter splattered with silver stars, a glass-top desk with a top of the line computer, and framed autographed pictures of different sports celebrities on the walls.

"Holy fuck! You have a picture of you with Trav Allen! He's a four-time world champ!" I shrieked like a twelve year old as I rushed over to it.

"He's a friend," Mr. Takada shrugged. I flopped down on the bed and felt it adjust to my frame like a warm hug.

"This feels incredible!" I was in heaven.

"It's set up to put you to sleep." Mr. Takada said and pulled the blinds closed so the room went pitch black. He turned on a small blue glowing silo on the bedside table. He touched a button on it and it started playing soothing ocean sounds as the dim blue light filled the room. He came and sat next to me on the bed and rubbed my chest until I yawned.

"I love it! But... I don't sleep with you?" I asked. The past two nights sleeping in his arms had been the best rest of my life. I wasn't sure I wanted to give that up.

"Of course you do, but every boy needs a space of his own. I have my office. This is where you come to study or think or nap. You can always come here and have privacy when you need it. No one else is allowed in here except for you and me... and the painters. I like the darker blue they did and the stars look pretty cool," he pointed to the ceiling where a faint line of blue stars glowed softly.

"It's incredible! But... I like falling asleep with you," I said.

"We've slept in here a few times. It's a small bed, but some nights you need to be held that tightly," Mr. Takada said. He laid down next to me and pulled me on top of him.

"This house is so bad-ass! It makes my place look like a dump!" I exclaimed. His smile faded.

"I kind of like this amnesia. You were so excited the first time you saw it and now you get that all over again," he laughed.

"Yeah... it's really great," I joked half-heartedly. Thinking about it soured the mood.

"You still don't remember any of this? You still think you're Miguel?" he asked as I propped myself up on his chest and looked down at him.

"Yeah... It's what I feel. I mean all of this is like one crazy learning thing after another! I mean you like touch me and my cock explodes. You hold me and I feel this warmth right down to my core. You do this thing with your tongue on my ear that send this deep shiver through me... It's... everything is so different and things I never imagined my body could feel." I said and leaned down to kiss him. Our lips wrestled then I pulled back.

"I know my way around a boy," he smiled.

"It's fucking incredible dude... but I need to know what happened to me. I need to know what happened to my girlfriend. Maybe they weren't real, but they feel so real to me!" I said.

"Baby I don't know what happened. Maybe it's a movie you saw or one of those cop shows you like! Maybe you read an article about this guy! I don't know! But I know my boy. I know this perfect little body and this beautiful heart and kind soul. I know my boy. I know you," Mr. Takada said with a heavy sadness. He wanted so much for Colton to come back. He deserved his boy.

I sighed and chewed on my lip while I tried to think of something. I laid my head down against his chest and his arms wrapped around me. He kissed my hair and rubbed my back while one hand slid down to my ass.

"I'm sorry, daddy. I wish it made sense," I whispered against his chest.

"I know, baby. It's not your fault. It's not your fault," he assured.


Donovan made us grilled turkey sandwiches and soup for lunch. We ate at the high wooden table and the two of them traded stories over my head to try and jog my memory. I learned that Donovan had been Mr. Takada's boy before me. They'd split up a few months before he'd met me. Donovan was in college and wanted to move into the dorms. They still had a daddy-son connection, but it wasn't like what we had. He stayed in the guest room whenever he slept over and sometimes brought his boyfriend.

"He's been a good brother to you and tutors you in math," Mr. Takada said.

"I hate math," I said.

"Seriously! Last time you threatened me with violence!" Donovan laughed.

"My baby's a fighter," Mr. Takada ruffed my hair.

"Justin's coming over soon to bring Colt his homework for the week," Donovan said.

"Justin is Donovan's boy. He's in some of your classes and he keeps an eye on you at school," Mr. Takada explained.

"So... you have a boy of your own?" I asked with confusion.

"He's 18, but not the best student. I'm working on him," Donovan explained.

"So that makes you a daddy now like Mr. Takada?" I was getting more curious about this situation. It was a world I'd never thought existed.

"Well... Daddy in training, maybe," Donovan started and looked at Mr. Takada for guidance. "He was there for me when I needed a lot of direction, and he'll always be a father to me. But I became more interested in learning how to be like him and motivate others. He showed me how to be disciplined and go after my goals. Hopefully I'll be as successful as he is someday."

"You'll do well. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some emails that desperately need my attention. Why don't you show Colt some of the video games he likes while I work?" Mr. Takada said.

"Sure, let me clean up from lunch before I kick his ass in War Zen," Donovan laughed.

Mr. Takada kissed me and disappeared up the stairs while Donovan cleared the dishes from lunch. I offered to help, but he said I wasn't supposed to lift a finger until I recovered. He cleaned up quickly then we went up and played games for a few hours.

I was just getting the hang of shooting the attackers while watching out for Donovan's sabotage. We were supposed to be on the same team, but he seemed intent on helping me die. I had to keep finding medicine kits to heal myself before my character bled out. I was getting better at finding the kits than staying alive.

"Justin's at the gate," Mr. Takada's voice surprised me from behind. His hands came down on my shoulders while Donovan jumped up to head down to the front door.

"Colt! Buddy!" A guy said when Mr. Takada and I headed down. He was a tall, lanky dude; all arms and legs, with floppy brown hair and a boyish face. He had on a basketball uniform marked with the bronco mascot for South Beverly High School. He came and gave me a hug, crushing me like Donovan had done. Colton was fragile.

"Hey man," I said when he put me down. He pointed over to a stack of books on a long narrow table that ran along the back of the couch.

"I brought your stuff. Your locker is tricky. There's a chem test in the stack. It was pretty rough so I brought you the answers," he laughed.

"Oh wow thanks!" I said. I had zero memory of anything I'd learned in high school chemistry.

"No way, take them back," Mr. Takada directed. "My boy needs to learn."

"Oh, of course. Sorry sir," he said and reached into the pile to pull back a paper. He crumpled it and my dreams of an easy A went with them.

"I don't know any of this stuff," I lamented when I looked at the stack of books.

"You'll learn. We'll all help you," Mr. Takada said.

"Yeah! I can do that!" Justin chimed with excitement.

"We're all Team Colton!" Donovan assured.

"I already finished high school... Eight years ago," I whined and looked up at Mr. Takada as he rubbed my shoulders.

"Good, then you'll do well!" He said without pity.

"Well the chores are all done so we're off to the movies!" Donovan said.

"Bloodsport Hell-Trek 3! This one's supposed to be the bloodiest!" Justin cheered.

"Woah! I forgot that came out today! I've been dying to see it! Can I go with you?" I perked up. The first and second in the series were so lit!

"A horror film for you? Not a chance! Besides, we have homework to start on," Mr. Takada said.

"I can't do homework. I'm injured. That's like the one perk of being hurt." I tried to sound pitiful.

"We'll take it slow on the homework, but I don't allow movies like that. We'll have a nice evening together when we're finished. I promise." Mr. Takada's lips came to rest on my neck then he kissed his way up to my ear. My body eased at his touch and the movie dreams went away.

"Uh huh," I mumbled weakly. His hands went to my sides and he pressed his muscled frame against my back.

"I put a dinner together for you in the fridge. It's the glass dish. Just pop it in the oven for 45 minutes at 375," Donovan interrupted. I nodded distractedly as Mr. Takada nibbled on my ear.

"Have fun, boys," Mr. Takada tore his lips away and bid them farewell. He wrapped his arms across my chest and rested his chin on my shoulder. He grabbed my good arm and raised it to wave goodbye to them.

They left and we settled in on the couch to read a chapter on the Napoleonic Wars. Mr. Takada put on the reading glasses that gave him that extra hot daddy look. He pulled me into his lap and propped a foot up on the coffee table while we spread the book in my lap. He steadied the book with his right hand while his left rubbed up and down between my stomach and chest.

"Napoleon rose to power in 1799 just after the French revolution," he started while idly rubbing my sensitive chest.

"Uh huh," I mumbled and eased back into his arms. My body was waking up at his touch and there was a french revolution rising in my shorts.

"Oh, right! I forgot," he said and eased me off his lap. He put me beside him and stretched an arm around me while he continued. We read through the chapter then worked on the questions. It was so boring, but I had his full attention. Something about that made Colton... and me happy.

"I'm getting so sleepy," I did a fake yawn. "We should go lie down." I rubbed his thigh.

"No, no. We'll end up wasting the whole evening if we do that. Let's go put dinner in the oven then get back to work," he said and pushed my hand off his leg.

"But... I'm injured. You said I need more rest," I flashed Colton's green eyes at him and tried to look pitiful. It was kind of fun being an adored boy. My girlfriend just demanded things of me. It was different with Mr. Takada. He was always ready to shower me with affection.

"Do you think that being a Daddy is always about plugging your hole? I have to make the hard decisions for both of us sometimes. We need to keep up with your schoolwork." He furrowed his brows and looked serious.

"My decision is feeling really hard... Please, daddy?" I said and put his hand on my bulge. He gave it a squeeze, but was unmoved.

"Now. Colton. Kitchen. Oven. Studies." He growled to show he wasn't playing around. He stood up and reached for my hand. I took it and went to put the dinner in the oven.

"Ok, let's get on that Chemistry quiz," Mr. Takada said when I came back. He had the book open and a sharpened pencil at the ready. It wasn't as hard as I thought. I'd had a good chem teacher at the community college and I remembered the little stories he told us to help us remember things.

"Dr. Coffee was his name. He always yelled at the Arab students who were smoking outside the classroom," I laughed. I told him it was the class where I'd met Diana, my girlfriend. She tutored me and made me like being there. I was going on and on with my story when I suddenly noticed he was looking at me with shock.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You really have this guy in your head, don't you?" He looked at me like I was an alien.

"I do... but like I also feel Colton... It's almost as if we're in here together," I confessed.

"I'm so sorry, baby." He put his hands to my cheeks and held my face. I nodded. He kissed me.

We worked on the quiz until the buzzer went off for the food. We unwrapped the foil to find grilled chicken and vegetables in this lemon pepper sauce. It was light and we worked together at the table while we ate. He had a glass of wine and poured me fruit juice in a wine glass.

We finished the quiz and he told me to clean up the kitchen while he went to make a few phone calls. He put on some dance music for me to work while he went up to his office. I cleaned everything and put it away then went back to my stack of books. I did three simple algebra problems and then started to feel sleepy for real. I laid down on the couch and waited for Mr. Takada to come back and help.

I woke up against a warm chest with arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist. He was carrying me up the stairs quietly. I inhaled his cologne and the sweat from his day that made my stomach flutter. I took another sniff and my lips instinctively touched his skin. I traced my tongue up his neck as he balanced me in his arms.

"Looks like it's bedtime for you," he said as he made his way to the second floor stairs to head up to the bedroom.

"I'm pretty heavy. You can put me down," I laughed with a yawn.

"I can carry my boy just fine," he noted and kissed my hair. I couldn't remember the last time someone had carried me like that.

I was used to being the carrier, the bulky guy, the man. I'd been the one to lug the groceries, or turn off the lights and lock up while Diana went to bed. I'd been the one to take a punch while taking down a suspect and then go on with my day like it was nothing. Cops are supposed to be made of steel. I'd been the guy people called to run into their disasters or chase down their monsters. It sucked. This didn't. I was starting to get what Colton saw in this, what it felt like to just be a boy. I snuggled into his warmth and just let go.

"I didn't finish the math problems. I'm sorry, daddy," I told him though Colton was in my brain screaming for me to shut up.

"It's ok, boy. I didn't tell you to start on that. We have another day before you go back to school," he said as he lumbered up to the third floor with me. He pressed me against the doorframe while he fumbled with the handle. It opened to a dark room.

He turned on a switch and the room lit up. It was straight out of a magazine. One entire wall was made up of glass which probably had a view during the day. At night it just reflected back a sprawling white bed covered in a fluffy comforter and big pillows with a huge painting of black and white lines splayed out in every direction from a small red circle, a huge wood-framed mirror the size of a garage door that leaned against one wall, and a black leather couch in the corner. The floor was a dark black-stained wood that spanned the length of the expansive room.

"Holy shit this is beautiful!" I said from over his shoulder. "Where do you even find a mirror that big? It could fall over and crush us!"

"It's bolted down, love," he laughed. "I forgot you haven't been in here since your accident."

"What's this?" I asked as he set me down. Along the wall by the door there was a series of identical picture frames in a straight line from door to wall. They were empty except for the first three which had pictures of Colton and Mr. Takada. I walked away from him to get a closer look.

The first one had Colton with a bruise on his cheek and a small, healing cut over his eye. The second had them at the beach, and the third had them dressed up at what looked like a wedding. The rest were all empty.

"It's a project you're working on. You wanted us to get a picture for every month we're together until we fill up the whole wall," Mr. Takada said.

"You've only been with him three months?" I asked.

"Three months since I rescued him... rescued you from Utah and brought y... my boy home," he said. There he was again trying to piece me together with Colton before deciding to use the pronoun `my boy.' He knew. He knew on some level I was telling the truth.

"That's a cool idea, really romantic," I noted, ignoring his misstep.

"My boy can be romantic when he wants," Mr. Takada's voice appeared behind me and his hands slid around my waist to rub my stomach.

"Sounds like he wasn't always very nice to you... or grateful for what you gave him," I said before I could think about the weight of the words.

"Sometimes, but things are better now." His lips landed on my neck and his hands rubbed up under my shirt, sending chills through me.

"I thought..." I gasped as his warmth spread through me. "I thought we had to focus."

"My boy did well with his studies. So now he gets his reward. You want that, baby?" he asked.

"Yes please," I whined as my fingers clawed at his button-up shirt. I tore at them as his lips landed on mine and wrestled them into the submission the rest of my body felt for him.

His hands slid down to my ass as I pulled his shirt open to feel his hard muscled pecs heaving for air. His body was also so warm, but with the excitement it pulsed with heat. He pulled me against him and lifted me off the ground to carry me over to the bed, our bed. He pushed me off of him and tossed me against the fluffy down comforter. He stood over me looking ravenous as he made quick-work of the open shirt and tossed it across the room. He opened his pants and let them fall to the floor then stepped out of them and lunged towards the bed as I crawled backwards to the safety of the pillows.

"No way. My boy begs for me then crawls away?" He sneered. He grabbed my legs and easily flipped me over so I was on my stomach. I hugged the pillows and looked back at him with a whimper as he crawled up and over me. He straddled me on the bed and looked down at his prey with hunger.

"Are you going to fuck me?" I asked and looked up at him as I bit my lip.

"You want that, baby? You can't even remember what it feels like to have me shoved up that tight little hole, can you?" he asked. His hands slid up the sides of my shirt as he pushed it up my back. He leaned down and kissed up the center of my back as he pushed it up my arms and over my cast.

"I can't remember it, but Colton does. He needs it so badly. He's clawing in me to get at it," I admitted. His lips kissed up to the back of my neck and he ground his bulge against my ass.

"Y tu, Miguel?" he asked me in Spanish, asking if I needed it too. In truth, I did.

"Si, papi [yes, daddy]" I told him. "Chingame por favor."

"What does that mean?" he asked, showing his limited Spanish.

"It means, fuck me, please," I told him.

"Colton doesn't know any Spanish... he's taking Japanese." Mr. Takada froze. He turned me over to face him and studied me again with an intense stare like he could see behind my eyes.

"I can't say that in Japanese," I laughed playfully and pet his chest.

"Must have been something you heard a friend say," he reasoned.

"Es posible pero espanol es mi idioma natal," I rambled on in Spanish explaining that it was my first language. I stopped when he shook his head in frustration. It wasn't adding up.

"Fuck! Baby!" He raised up off me and sat back on his heels with a heavy bulge straining his boxer briefs. He raised his arms and put his hands on his head, pushing back his black hair. He took a deep breath and puzzled through the conundrum.

"I upset you," I said and reached for him.

"I wish I knew how to help you figure this out. I love you so fucking much that it tears me up. What can I do? What will help my boy?" He looked down at me with frustration.

"Tonight you can fuck me. Tomorrow we can figure something out. But my hole is going to go on strike if I don't get it soon. Please, dude... daddy. Please fuck me." I looked up at him with pleading eyes. He forced a smile and nodded. His raging cock hadn't gone down.

He leaned down and kissed me again then reached over and fumbled with the side table. I looked over to see him pull open the drawer then grab a remote. He aimed it at the ceiling and hit a button. The bedroom windows filled with white as a screen inside them slid down.

"That's so bad ass dude!" I sat up and watched.

"Just because the community knows what we do in this room doesn't mean they get to watch it," he laughed. He tossed the remote back in the drawer and something caught my eye.

"What's that?" I asked. He laughed and pulled out this black rubber pipe.

"It's your puppy tail! You only used it once. It wasn't very comfortable. You looked pretty hot with it in though!" He wagged it at my face.

"The fuck?" I asked with wide eyes as I looked it over. It had a plug end that went inside me and a floppy tail end that seemed to move of its own accord.

"This end goes in your hole and the other sticks out like a tail. You were bouncing around on the bed panting and whining when I got home. You had on a little collar and black painted nose with a black ears headband. Wait! I have a video!* He said with a weird giggle.

He reached for his phone and scrolled around until he found it. He showed me a video of Colton bare ass naked with a leather collar and a black wagging tail coming out of his ass. The boy was on all fours on the bed wiggling his tail and panting with his tongue out.

"That's my good boy. That's my sweet puppy," Mr. Takada praised as he pet Colton's head and scratched under his cheek.

"That's some freaky shit!" I laughed in embarrassment as the video played.

"You looked so fucking adorable. It's what I get for leaving him with a laptop and credit card!" He laughed. The video took a dirtier turn as the camera panned down to show Mr. Takada pushing down his pants and freeing that perfect, thick cock. Colton made some more excited whining noises and his lips dove onto it. Mr. Takada stopped the playback and looked over excitedly.

"He didn't ask for permission," I noted when he stopped the video.

"What?" Mr. Takada asked, half distracted.

"You told me a boy needs to beg for it and earn it. He bought things without permission. He took your cock without asking." My cop juices were flaring up. Colton had spent money without asking and also went for his cock without asking.

"Oh... well... yeah. Colton was a difficult boy to discipline at first. I got a little lazy with it, but you're learning now. Right boy? You seem so much more eager to learn since the accident," He started with an uneasy tone but then switched to that low growling daddy voice that aimed to put me in my place. Maybe it was nothing, but my investigator instincts red-flagged it.

He looked at me and something in his eyes told me he needed assurance. He puts his hands on my chest and my body quickly melted to his will. My asshole twitched to remind me what I needed. I wrestled with it for a minute then nodded and eyed him hungrily.

"Yes, daddy. I'm your boy. Please fuck me. I did my studies like you told me," I begged. His body relaxed at my obedience. He lunged for me and pinned me back against the bed.

"That's right, boy. You did as you were told and now you get what you want. Tell daddy what you want," he said and pulled at my shorts and briefs. He slid them down my legs and off. He turned me on my side and looked at my bruise to see it was doing ok. He pushed me back down.

"I want you to play with my boy hole," I told him the obvious.

"Whose boy hole is it?" he asked as if correcting me.

"It's yours, daddy. You own it. Show me what it was made for. Own your boy," I was getting into this filthy talk stuff. It was pretty fucking hot. My cock flopped over my stomach; hard, leaking, and pointing straight north. He nodded to show I was right.

"That's right. This is mine and I don't want you playing with it. A boy shouldn't fiddle with a man's work. You got that? I know you touch it sometimes and try to make it feel good, but you could get hurt down there. It's daddy work, you get that?" he asked. He spread my legs and gave my hole a hard tap with his fingers. I winced and pulled back as he hit it roughly.

"Yes sir. I won't do it again," I gasped as a small shock of pain rippled through my hole.

"I know you won't, boy. You're my good boy now. You know your place," he sad and kissed his way down my stomach. He licked the tip of my cock and made it bounce.

He lapped at the precum that leaked out and then brought his tongue to my lips. I sucked it in eagerly. Colton's cum tasted different than mine had. He kissed his way down my chest again, this time faster and rougher, giving a bite to each of my nipples. I yelped in protest.

"Whiny baby," he noted and raised up off of me then rolled over onto his back. "Come take your pacifier to settle you down," He slid down his boxer briefs and his big floppy cock popped out.

"Fuck yeah," I said and hopped up. I crawled over on my knees and gripped his cock. I dove on it, letting it stretch my lips and slide over my tongue. His thick flesh tasted so good as it filled my mouth. I swallowed the drop of precum that it left on my tongue. I bobbed on his cock and wiggled my ass near his head. He pulled my legs over and then lifted one and pulled me to straddle his chest. I slurped on his cock and he pulled my ass back towards his face.

"Fuck, that pink hole is winking at me. Wait! I have an idea!" He said excitedly. He sat up and pushed me down on his cock. He reached for the side table and grabbed his phone. He hit something on it and I looked up to see a screen coming down from the ceiling near the window. It rolled down and then glowed to life.

"Look, Colton. It's you," he said and the screen roared to life with a picture of me from behind. He was videoing us with his phone and somehow sending it to the screen. I remembered he was a super tech guy. The picture showed my legs spread to either side of his chest with my asshole winking at the camera. He put a hand on my cheek and rubbed his thumb over my hole to show me.

"That's weird," I laughed. Was my body really that pale and small? I'd only looked at myself once when I was in my old body as Miguel. I was a curious teenager and used the bathroom mirror to see a dark ring around my asshole. It wasn't something I'd really played with. Colton's skin was so white and his asshole had a pink ring. He had no body hair down there.

"So pink and pretty. You ever see a pussy this nice? It's so tight too. I haven't fucked you good in almost a week," Mr. Takada lamented.

"Does it feel like when you fuck a girl?" I asked, but then added. "I guess you wouldn't know that."

"I've fucked a few girls in my day," he said defensively. "It just feels different. A boyhole like yours just grips the cock so tight and feels incredible. Then there's the added part of watching you lose control and beg for it, the things a proper daddy cock can do to the boy he loves, the hole he owns. It makes it that much better."

"It looks so weird," I noted as he moved the camera out to show more of how I looked from behind. He brushed his finger down my perineum the pet my nuts. He put his hand around them and gave them a squeeze then pulled them away from me until I cried out.

"Whiny boy, get back to that pacifier," he said and let go of my balls. He reached for the back of my head and pushed me down on his cock. I kept my eyes on the screen though as his hand returned. He gripped my cock and pulled at it like he was milking a cow. My body quivered at his touch. He kept a grip on my hair until he was satisfied I was going to stay there.

"Let's get back to the western american boyhole in its native habitat," his voice said in a british narrator accent as his hand returned to caress my ass. He reached to his side and opened the drawer again then brought back a small bottle of lube.

"Without proper care and feeding the western american boyhole, or WAB as we call it in the anthro-pornography field, can become agitated and disoriented. This WAB has gone nearly a week without a proper meal and it's clearly in distress," he continued his narration then popped the bottle open with his teeth.

"You must give it small doses of lube before inserting its dinner," he noted and drizzled a stream of clear lube over my hole. I watched and felt as it contracted and twitched in anticipation. I felt Colton inside me and we both jumped up and high-fived in my head. It was so close to happening. Mr. Takada set the bottle down on the table.

"When sufficiently hydrated, the WAB is eager to begin its meal." He slid in two fingers and squished the lube into my hole. He immediately found the spot that made me jerk and twist with fireworks. I pulled off his cock and let out a loud whine of pleasure.

"Quiet on the set! I can't work like this!" He yelled at me as I watched his abs shake with laughter.

"Sorry, daddy," I whispered and went back to bobbing on his monster. His fingers continued to work inside me back and forth across my prostate as my cock drooled a long line of precum onto his chest.

"Care must be taken when feeding as the WAB has a tendency to quickly stimulate the boycock to an early finish. A gifted feeder knows to keep his WAB right on the edge but include little spurts of pain both to stretch it open and remind the boy who is in charge. If a WAB loses proper respect for its owner, it must be quickly disciplined and brought back in line," he said as his fingers began to spread my hole. Just like his narrator voice promised, I felt flashes of happy and then quick jolts of pain as he stretched me open.

"Mmmmmm," I moaned with his cock stuffing my throat as he started to ram the fingers in and out of me. My cock was steady streaming pre-juice into a little pool between his pecs. I kept my eyes on the screen to see him pry me open and ready me for a proper breeding.

"When the WAB is sufficiently opened, it is time for the main course," Mr. Takada announced. I felt a little surge of fear run through me as I slurped his fat brown cock. I'd wanted it, begged for it even, but I didn't know how it would actually feel in there.

"You want that, boy? You ready for daddy to stuff you?" he asked. The playfulness of his narrator voice devolved into that low daddy growl that made my cock jump.

"Yes, daddy, please," Colton begged from inside me before I could think about it.

"Look at that pretty hole, so needy for daddy's meat," he said and gave my ass a hard smack. I looked up at the screen to see his red handprint and my twitchy wet hole dripping with lube.

"You see what I meant about how it grips?" he asked and slid a finger back in. My hole grabbed for it, needing its massage on my special spot.

"Yes, daddy," I nodded as I felt myself suck his finger in.

"Oh that's it boy. That's what it does to my cock... feels so fucking good," he praised. I wiggled my ass as he fingered it then took it out to give my ass another spank.

"That's enough. Now flip over on your back. I like to see those green eyes plead with me as I fuck what's mine," he barked. He gave my ass another smack when I didn't move fast enough. I scrambled to flip over and watched myself upside down on the screen as my legs instinctively went up. I drew my knees into my chest and secured them behind my arms to present my hole.

"For someone who's supposed to be a hard-bodied straight cop, you sure seem to know how to assume position pretty quickly!" he laughed. He got up on his knees and poured more lube over my hole then collected what dripped down and used it to fist his fat shaft. He set the phone down on the pillow at an angle where it showed us on the screen. I watched as he hovered over me, that huge pole bouncing with his movements.

"Fuck me, daddy. Own that hole," Colton made my lips beg. I reached down to grip my cock, but he swatted my hand away.

"Hands off, boy. You were right. I've been too permissive with you. I'll make you cum when I'm ready. No need to hurry it along. You never could last when I get in there and pound," he said as he put his cock to my hole. He pushed in the tip and it slowly slid in. I immediately felt weak.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" I breathed as I felt my asshole stretch open for him.

"Easy, baby. Breathe and relax. I know what I'm doing. Daddy knows his boy," he said in a soothing voice. He leaned down and kissed me as I whined. It hurt like fuck but he just kept pressing.

"I don't... Oh fuck... It hurts," I said and my eyes started to water as my mouth gaped in agony.

"It's ok boy. Just needed to pop it in. Relax and it'll feel good in a minute," he whispered. His teeth went to nibble on my ear and his lips massaged the lobe. It tickled a little and the alternate sensation on my other end made me want to laugh but also cry.

"Hoooo," I mumbled as he pushed in deeper.

"There we go. Feel that on your little g-spot? Feel daddy touching it?" he asked. I nodded and whimpered as I started to feel an electric surge pulse out from my ass. He shoved in a little more and my muscles jerked uncontrollably as my cock stood up at attention.

"Ohhhh fuck that's... fuck yeah," My lips curled into a smile and his mouth returned to mine as a wave of warm pleasure spread over me.

"There we go. Open for daddy. Take your medicine. See how much better you feel with it?" he bit my chin and lipped his way up my jaw. My body felt like one raw nerve ending pulsing with ecstasy. I wrapped my arms around his back and held onto him tightly as my cock jumped against his furry abs.

"Fuck, daddy. Fuck yeah. Fuck me please," I whimpered and begged for him to do his job.

"That's my little bottom boy. Take daddy's cock," he groaned. He started to shove into me deeper then pull back. My squishy lubed hole gripped him and sucked him in. I needed more.

"See how good that feels? No need to worry, baby. Daddy's got you," he assured. His hands slid around my back and we held onto each other like our plane was going down. He started to fuck me in a slow, steady rhythm. That muscle cock pounded my happy spot and my cock was continuously on the edge.

I felt so close to cumming and I wasn't even touching myself. It just felt that good. I tried to think of something else. I threw my head back so I wasn't staring into his hypnotic eyes, but then I just saw the screen that showed us fucking from his phone camera.

"I'm so close. I can't stop it," I whined.

"I know, baby. It's ok. Just go with it." he laughed. He started to pound my hole with force and shove in deeper. My body alternated between feelings. It hurt like fuck and then purred like fire. I wanted it to stop but then wanted it even rougher. My eyes screwed up and he went blurry as waves of euphoria shot through me. My abs jerked and tensed as my chest rose and fell on the bed.

"Oh! So! Fucking! Close! Daddy!" I screamed. He was pile-driving my ass and plunging my hole with his snake. It hit deep inside me and my cock started to fire off.

"Can't! Stop! Sir!" I gasped for air as he fucked the cum out of me. My body shook and we rocked together as my knees hit against his shoulders. He looked down at me with a satisfied grin that told me he was in complete control. He knew what he did to me, knew what only he could make me feel. I melted in his arms into a weak and mumbling puddle of bliss.

"Ahh! Fuck! Fuck!" I let out a string of incoherent whining. I begged him to stop, begged him to go harder. I felt my cock throb and pulse as it shot out every ounce of boy juice I had.

"That's it baby. Cum for daddy. That pussy is clamped tight on my cock. Feels so good," he praised as he did push-ups over me. His muscles dripped sweat over me as he watched me thrash and whimper at what he made my body feel.

"So good, baby boy. I love you, Colton. I love you so fucking much," he admitted. His lips came down to kiss mine before I could think about what to say back. I calmed from my orgasm but still felt the hot buzz as his cock invaded me.

"Mmmm," I moaned on his lips as his tongue slipped through mine. He pounded me hard and then pushed in deep and I felt his cock erupt as a deep growl emanated from his chest.

"Ahhh fuck," he cursed as his lips tore from mine and he started to pump his seed inside me.

"Fuck!" he groaned and rammed deep inside me. His chest jerked and his eyes squinted at me as his mouth gaped and he bared his teeth at me. He looked half werewolf as he seeded me. I felt his warm thick champion seed burrow deep inside me as he buried his cock in my hole.

"Thats! My! Boy!" He screamed through gritted teeth. His thick muscles flexed over me. I felt so vulnerable in his arms with his cock spasming in my hole. He had his arms around me and his body pressing me into the bed as he filled me with his seed.

"That's so fucking hot," I smiled and looked up at him. "That feel so... wow!" My cock was still hard and up for another round but he collapsed on top of me and mumbled something against my neck. He breathed heavy and I felt his heartbeat pounding against my chest as he pressed me into the mattress.

"Daddy?" I asked as his breathing slowed.

"Yeah baby?" he answered without looking up. His head rested beside mine and he nuzzled his nose into my neck. I hugged his hulking frame and felt so safe underneath him.

"I love you too." I don't know why I said it. I'd just met this dude three days ago and I wasn't even ready to feel that for a guy. But he'd just given me the most incredible fuck of my life and everything inside me knew he was a superior to me. I felt so small in his hold, so protected and warm. I'd never felt that with a guy. Fuck, I'd never felt that with anyone. Everything in me craved his touch, his caress, his approval. It was like I'd joined a cult. I'd do whatever he told me. I'd stand on the corner naked if he told me to. I needed him.

"You do?" he said and raised up from me. He looked at me curiously. I nodded with sincerity.

"I do," I answered and searched his face for approval. His hardlined lips turned up into a smile.

"You do," he said and kissed my nose.


We took a quick bath. I missed showers, but with my arm in a cast he thought this would be safer. As we were brushing our teeth, his phone rang. He guided me to the closet and pointed to a dresser that was mine as he dashed off naked to answer it. I found underwear in the top drawer, I think that's the universal place for it. Colton had an assortment of trashy briefs. I pulled out one that was this string of pink mesh with a pouch in the front to stuff his junk. I laughed and tossed it aside.

At the back I found a pair of kid's superhero underoos. I hadn't worn those since I was young. I tried them on and they were a little snug, but they fit. I thought Mr. Takada would get a laugh out of seeing me in them and they did cover me. The next drawer had all kinds of socks. Colton liked variety. In the third one I found shirts and I felt around for one comfortable enough to sleep in. I pulled a green one from the back that looked like a summer camp Colton must have gone to. I put it on.

I padded back out to the bedroom where he was pacing back and forth talking about some deal he was working on. His soft cock dangled between his thighs and swung lazily as he walked. I smiled to myself with a weird pride that I had its seed deep inside me.

"Ok I'll email it in the morning. I'm glad we could make this work!" Mr. Takada said happily then hung up. He turned to me with a smile, but it quickly vanished.

"Where did you find that shirt?" he asked as he came towards me. "I thought I'd gotten rid of it."

"It was in the drawer, at the back... Am I not supposed to wear it?" I asked.

"It's from the camp your parents sent you to when they found out you were gay. It's a horrible place where they tried to straighten you out. You tried to go along with it to make them happy, but... Well one night a counselor tried to force himself on you and you fought back," he sighed.

"That's fucked up!" I said and put my hand on my chest to feel the camp logo.

"The guy was twice your size. You bit him and he pummeled you. The other campers rushed in and pulled him off you before he could do too much damage. You borrowed a cellphone from the ambulance driver and called me. I flew up there and found you at the hospital with your mom. She was more worried about what to do with you. You couldn't go home, your father wouldn't allow it, but you had nowhere else to go. She didn't want you in another treatment place, and your father wouldn't pay for an apartment for you." He brought me over to the bed and sat me down next to him.

"What an asshole." I shook my head. I couldn't believe parents could do that, but I was also getting distracted watching his thick cock lay against his thigh. He really needed clothes on for a serious conversation. He put his arm around me and pulled me against his side.

"It's complicated. Your dad is pretty high up in the church and aiming to go higher. Your mom wouldn't even press charges against the camp. I listened to her and tried to sympathize with how much of an inconvenience you presented for her because I knew she was headed towards letting me take you home, giving you a better life. When I offered to bring you to California she seemed relieved. She left and then brought back your birth certificate and other records. She even offered me money for your care. I stayed with you in the hospital that night and then they released you and I brought you here," he finished.

"You rescued me. It's what daddies do," I echoed what he'd told me the other day. He nodded and kissed me.

"A week after you got here I got a letter from their attorney in Salt Lake. They granted me full guardian rights and asked to only be contacted in extreme emergency. They did send a little letter wishing you well and saying they loved you. Your father promised you'd be reunited in heaven." He shrugged.

"That sucks, man. My parents were totally different. I mean they didn't have to deal with one of us being gay and all, but I know they'd be cool with it. They worked so hard to scratch out a life here. My papa would die before he let one of us go like that. They went back to Mexico to retire... I usually send them a hundred bucks each month. They gave us everything they had, it's the least I could do." I shook my head. I couldn't imagine parents like Colton's.

"I shouldn't upset you like that before bedtime. Let's get some rest," he said. He pulled back the covers and I got in. He turned off the lights and slid in next to me without putting any clothes on. His chiseled, bare frame pulsed with heat as he wrapped himself around me and held me until the dreams came.


When the dreams came I found myself back in Miguel's body and back in the car on the day the accident happened. I was heading straight for Colton and he was staring straight at me with this crazy smile and his arms raised up like he was casting a spell. I felt like he was bringing me into him and when the car hit him I went through an absent windshield and dove straight into his mouth then into darkness.

I felt this sense of falling and then I was Colton but I was in front of Mr. Takada and he was screaming at me that I killed his boy. We were in a courtroom full of handsome older Asian and White businessmen who were all so angry at me. I put my hands up defensively and he grabbed me by the neck and was holding me up while he pummeled me.

I kept apologizing and crying. I tried to fight back but I was too slow and he just kept hitting me. I felt so guilty for what I'd done and I just kept saying I was sorry and trying to fend him off.

I woke up struggling in his arms. I pushed off him and sat up. I was sweating and hot. I peeled off my t-shirt and rubbed my face and hair. Mr. Takada sat up quickly and pulled me against him.

"No! No!" I gasped and pushed him away then crawled off the bed. I felt my heart pounding and I tried to suck in air but I felt like my lungs were stuck together with glue and wouldn't take any in. I sank to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest as I gasped helplessly.

"Fuck! Asthma!" Mr. Takada rolled over and quickly pulled at the bedside table drawer. He grabbed something out of it and shook it. He jumped up and ran over to squat down in front of me. He put an inhaler to my lips and squeezed it to force air into me.

"Breathe it in, baby boy. It's ok. Daddy's here," he assured and rubbed my back with one hand as he kept the inhaler jammed in my mouth with the other. He gave it another pump and I started to suck the medicine in.

"That's my boy. Daddy's got you. It's ok. I'm here. I'm here," he said in that low, authoritative tone. He sat down on the floor and brought me over into his lap. He put his lips into the nape of my neck and rubbed my chest as the air returned to my lungs. I gasped and coughed like a sick puppy while he held me tightly and kissed up my neck.

"I had a horrible dream," I said and told him about it as tears sprang from my eyes. I couldn't stop it I wiped my hands over my eyes but it wouldn't stop. I wasn't a cryer. Colton was scared.

"It's not your fault. That wasn't you, baby. It was a bad dream. I shouldn't have told you about the camp and your family. It upset you and caused a nightmare," he assured.

"I never cry, fuck. This body sucks sometimes," I sniffled and tried to laugh.

"It's not your fault," he repeated.

"I killed your boy. I killed Colton. I didn't mean to but I did... I must have. Now I'm stuck making up for it in his body for who knows how long and..." I rambled on between tears.

"No, baby. You didn't do that," he said and hugged me tight.

"I did. You have to believe me! I hurt him. What if he's out there in my body scared and looking for you? What if he's dead and no one even knows?" I tried to reason with him.

"It didn't happen! This has gone on long enough! There was no Miguel! You even saw the police report for yourself. It was some lady. You think Colton is in some old lady's body? There was no Miguel! That never happened and you know it! You have to stop this." He started to get upset, but he still held me knowing I needed him.

"I don't know! I don't know how this happened or how it works or if it's even possible, but we have to find out and help him," I pleaded.

"No! No more of this. I should have stopped it sooner. You're making yourself sick. We've never even used that inhaler. It was just something your mom said you used occasionally growing up so I bought one. You're making yourself sick with this stuff. You got hurt really bad and you're still recovering. You'll get better, just give it time and go easy on yourself. All I know is the boy I love is here in my arms and I'll do whatever it takes to keep him safe, even from himself. Daddy's here, Colt. Everything is going to be ok," he assured. I was out of things to say. He didn't want to hear it.

He rocked me against his chest and held me tightly. He was pushing back. He didn't believe me after all. He thought Colton was delusional, a side effect from the accident. He was getting tired of entertaining it.

I needed answers and Mr. Takada wasn't going to help me with them. He had his boy's body and it seemed like I was behaving better than Colton had. He had his boy needing him and clinging to his chest. What reason did he have to go poking around on "Colton's delusions?" I needed to find it out for myself.


Thanks for reading. Let me know if you'd like another chapter and any comments. My Stories:

Next: Chapter 4

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